Go to our Homepage: www.leavenworthchristian.com November 20, 2014 Vol. 66 No 47 Come Home We will be taking our Thanksgiving special offering once again November 24th. Remember, this offering supports 14 colleges and universities and over 23,000 students. God Bless, Kathy Powell, World Outreach In This Issue Pg 2: Lines from Lynn Pg 3: Petitions Pg 4: Announcements Pg 5: More Announcements Pg 6: FCC Info/Birthdays Pg 7: FCC Calendar Lines from Lynn The dinner and meeting yesterday were wonderful. The cold and snow kept some people at home, warm and safe. They were missed by those who shared in worship and fellowship and the annual meeting. Hopefully we will have good weather when we install newly elected officers and begin the new year in earnest. (Of course, this does not prevent our prayers even now for them and us, as together we strengthen our witness to the Christ and demonstrate our love for our neighbor, fulfilling our mission as a church. Ken had devotions for prayer breakfast this morning and he considered some of the next verses after Sunday’s sermon text. I Thessalonians 5.16-18-- Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, and give thanks in all circumstances. Certainly this message fits all of us, especially during this season as we once again turn our thoughts to more than turkey and holidays. We are blessed beyond measure and it would be good if rather than just say, “We sure are lucky” that we ponder again the statement “of whom much is given will much be required.” Surely God is good and has blessed us! Praying God’s blessing upon you this week- Pastor Lynn This past Sunday we were blessed to have some special music. First the Carillons had a special piece and then the Chancel Choir had a special anthem. Both were wonderful. Thank you to the Carillons, the Chancel Choir and Steve and Christy. All your efforts are appreciated. Lois (Carillons also played at 11:00am Worship) 2 Praise for Kosse Miller’s 3rd Birthday. Marji Dickson Praise to God and thanks to the church for all your prayers. I am 100% better. Kathy Ramirez Please continue to pray for Penny’s Dad’s recovery. He continues to gain strength, but still has a way to go before being able to walk independently. Penny Paradies Prayers for Betty Burke and family during this transition period. Pray that God will comfort them. Dea Nicodemus Prayers for Family of Alyssa Hutchens. John & Teresa Groves Prayers for Family of Marty Ochs who passed away last week. Fran Gast Prayers for Danielle’s cousin Karen &husband, Greg Drobish and family at the loss of their baby girl, in Karen’s 5th month of pregnancy. Danielle Shea Pray for those in the hospital Elmer Bailey- Twin Oaks Enid Stinson- Twin Oaks Rehab Maxine Theel- At her niece, Janye’s Pray for our out-of-town Active Duty Personnel Pray for those who are grieving Gary Woodward- October 22nd Seth Kincaid, Dustin Phillips, Jim & Rachael Sullivan Steven Gregg, Keith DeBose, Rose Uy & Ismael Rodriguez, Scott Dickson, Michael Reed, Karen & Segen Himmelheber Christin Collins Ongoing Cares & Concerns Ida Klinger, Evelyn Lowe, Doris Lee Frost, Phyllis Lane, Phyllis Gable, John Bliss, Maxine Theel, Elmer Bailey Marilyn Vance, Barbara Brunk, Noah Kincaid, Rose Marie Theel, Enid Stinson, Betty Burke (please help us update our Active Duty list with members or those in direct relationship with our members) 3 Please remember these children at Christmas. There are wish lists under the Christmas tree in the Narthex. Thanks for your support, Kathy Powell Please bring a covered dish to share. Plan on a good time of fellowship over a Board Game after a great meal! A free will offering will be collected to support the ministry of Trinity House Food Pantry, serving those in need in Leavenworth County. Please pack cookies in disposable containers. Also, please label them with the kind of cookies and if they have nuts/peanut butter. Christmas cookies are preferred but any kind will be appreciated. Thanks in advance for your generosity. 4 4 th November 20 Karen Himmelheber November 22nd Betty Burke November 27th Abigail Logan Gwendelyn Logan Linda Martin November 24th Charlotte Llamas November 28th Doug Hicks November 25th Diane Hall Heather Mathis Marilyn Vance November 29th Brandi Everitt November 26th Chris Dykes December 3rd Johnnie Williams December 2nd Janet Long If you have not turned in your commitment card yet, please do so next Sunday. Thank you, Finance and Stewardship Committee Your Giving for November 16th General $3,336.00 Building 100.00 Backpack Buddies 110.00 Thanksgiving Offering 904.00 Sunday School 12.00 Attendance November 16th Total Total 8:30am Service 11:00am Service Sunday School Visitors $4,462.00 5 58 53 47 1 111 First Christian Calendar November 19th-27th, 2014 Wednesday, November 19th Prayer Group Kitterman Girl Scouts Fellowship CMF Meeting Kitterman 8:15am 5:30pm 6:30pm Thursday, November 20th Carillons Chancel Choir 6:30pm 7:30pm Sunday, November 23rd Thanksgiving Special Offering Worship 8:30am & 11:00am Sunday School 9:45am Onasch/Moore Wedding 3:00pm 4Youth Kitterman 4:00pm Monday, November 24th No Newsletter this week Prayer Breakfast Kitterman 6:30am Wednesday, November 26th Prayer Group Kitterman 8:15am Thursday, November 27th Sunday’s Servers November 23rd 8:30am Service Lay Leader: Marji Dickson Elders: Gary Kenton & Mary Sue Winneke Greeters Main: Ginger Young Narthex: Marji Dickson Servers Kelly Malm*, Ruth Kenton Vic Young & Deedie Thrasher Communion Prep: Ruth Kenton Clean Up: Vic Young 11:00am Service *Captain Elder: Debbie Alvarado Greeters Main: Emily Cates Narthex: Katie Collins Servers: Danielle Shea* Emily Cates & Katie Collins Communion Prep: Vic Young Communion Clean-up: Katie Collins Happy Thanksgiving (Office Closed) No Choirs Fran Gast/Lila Williams Kitterman 8am-4pm Hospital Visitation November 23-29th Cushing: Gary Kenton & Mary Sue Winneke St John: Debbie Alvarado Sunday, November 23rd Ken Harmon (913) 775-1243 The driver listed for Sunday will pick up for both worship services. Call if you need a ride to church. Let the driver know which service you plan to attend. 6 First Christian Calendar Nov 28th-Dec 6th 2014 Friday, November 28th Sunday’s Servers November 30th Office Closed Sunday, November 30th 1st Sunday of Advent Worship 8:30am & 11:00am Sunday School 9:45am Feast followed by Board Games 12:15pm Monday, December 1st Prayer Breakfast Kitterman 6:30am Wednesday, December 3rd Prayer Group Kitterman Elders Meeting Kitterman 8:15am 7:30pm Thursday, December 4th Carillons Chancel Choir 6:30pm 7:30pm Sunday, December 7th 2nd Sunday of Advent Worship Sunday School 8:30am & 11:00am 9:45am Christmas Craft Festival 2:30pm Soup Supper 6:00pm Homebound Communion Group I: Gary Kenton & Fred Kesinger Group II: Kim Mattingly & Sue Harmon 8:30am Service Lay Leader: Erin Sack Elders: Erin & Richard Sack Greeters Main: Gene Allen Narthex: Jon House Servers Wilma Dennis*, Susan Hoins Ruth Kenton & Renee Beard Communion Prep and Clean Up Wilma Dennis *Captain 11:00am Service Elder: Barbara Collins Greeters Main: Jared Collins Narthex: Ann Crum Servers: Joan Brown* Fred Kesinger & Jared Collins Communion Prep: Wilma Dennis Communion Clean-up: Joan Brown Hospital Visitation Nov 30th-Dec 6th Cushing: Erin & Richard Sack St John: Barbara Collins Sunday, November 30th David Bryant (913) 682-7248 The driver listed for Sunday will pick up for both worship services. Call if you need a ride to church. Let the driver know which service you plan to attend. 7 Contact US Telephone Number: (913) 682-3222 Church Office Hours Monday-Friday, 8:30 – 4:00 Church Email: church@leavenworthchristian.com Website: www.leavenworthchristian.com Pastor: pastorlynn@leavenworthchristian.com Pastor Lynn Dickson: 683-3171
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