November 2014 Volume 66 • Number 11 150 McSwain Drive West Columbia, SC 29169 (803) 794-2209 Board of General Superintendents Announces Contingency Action Plan for Nazarene Publishing House SOUTH CAROLINA LEADERSHIP TEAM Dr. Eddie Estep District Superintendent 803-794-2209 Mrs. LaNora Jensen NMI President • 803-568-3939 Dr. Jim Thrower SDMI Chairman • 803-796-0595 Rev. David Snodgrass NYI President • 803-669-9409 Following recent communication about the short-term future of Nazarene Publishing House (NPH), the Board of General Superintendents (BGS) has put in place a "contingency action plan" for addressing resourcing needs of the Church of the Nazarene. This plan is the result of the announced closing of the current NPH business model. Speaking on behalf of the BGS, Dr. David W. Graves, BGS chair, stated, "The situation requires a multitude of skills to wind down the current operation at NPH, fulfill WordAction curriculum commitments to our local churches, and begin to envision a future publishing ministry that clearly emphasizes the biblical teaching of the Church of the Nazarene on the holy life." The general superintendents firmly believe that the long-term publishing goal is to have a sustainable Wesleyan-Holiness voice representing the Church of the Nazarene and its mission to make Christlike disciples in the nations. This immediate plan of action will help fulfill that goal. The following action items were unanimously approved by the BGS: A new NPH Board of Directors was elected and installed, filling three of the vacancies created when the previous NPH board resigned. The new NPH board will manage the business affairs and all required legal corporate obligations of the publishing house for the benefit of the Church of the Nazarene. Mark D. Brown was appointed interim CEO of NPH and will work closely with the NPH board. A crisis management team was named to work simultaneously with the new board to coordinate the closing of NPH, provide resources in the transition, and re-envision NPH for the future. Mrs. LaNora Jensen Treasurer • 803-794-2209 Rev. Alan Pullen Camp Manager • 803-532-3123 (continued on next page) (continued ) According to Dr. David Graves, several months of Sunday School curriculum is already prepared and will be available to the churches. NPH is in the process of shipping the December-January-February curriculum for 2014–2015. "NPH is also accepting orders and working through the details with the intent to ship the March-April-May (2015) curriculum during the month of December (2014)," he added. Inquiries about WordAction materials and about books from Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City can be made by calling NPH customer service toll-free at 1-800-877-0700, Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Central Time. Further announcements about NPH will be made as recommendations and plans are approved. While the members of the Board of General Superintendents believe that strategic planning is essential to accomplish these goals, they also believe that God's blessing and favor will result in an outcome that will meet the needs of the church. They have earnestly sought the wisdom of God throughout this process. The BGS urges Nazarenes worldwide to continue praying for NPH and those leading this transition. DISTRICT November 6-8 TNU Board of Trustees 7-8 TNU Homecoming 7-9 District Ladies' Retreat, Myrtle Beach, SC 11 DAB, 6 p.m., District Office 14-16 NYI Breakaway Retreat, D. Moody Gunter Camp & Retreat Center CALENDAR December 1 District Ministry Team Christmas Dinner, 7 p.m., West Columbia Central 6 Single Adult Christmas Dinner, Sumter First 13 NYI District Bible Quiz Meet (Optional "fun quiz") 24-January 4 District Office Closed 25 Christmas Day 17-21 Church Planting Training, D. Moody Gunter Camp & Retreat Center 22 NYI District Bible Quiz Meet 30 Statistics Due in District Office 28 Statistics Due in District Office Batesburg Alice Parrish, Katrina Rodgers Spartanburg First Montoya Lindsey, Michael Foster, Suzanne Phillips, Jan Miller, Becky Miller Sumter Wise Drive Lourie Coker, Ashley Coker, Ashton Coker, Lourigene Coker, Kellianne Coker Transitions: Rev. John (Sue) Powell (Batesburg) has announced his retirement from pastoral ministry, effective November 30, 2014. Rev. Sean Virden (Rock Hill Trinity youth pastor) has accepted the call to serve as youth pastor at Sumter First. Rev. Brad Bellomy (Columbia First Church Family Ministries Pastor) has accepted the call to serve as lead pastor of San Antonio (TX) New Vision Church of the Nazarene. Rev. Dana Wolfe is serving as interim pastor at Bennettsville First. Dr. Jim Stocks is serving as interim pastor at Fort Mill. Rev. Harry Widener is serving as interim pastor at Greenville First. Columbia First is in the process of calling a pastor. Rev. Ken and Rev. Mary Paynter have announced their resignation from Clemson “The Bridge” and will be moving to Kansas City where Mary will be attending Nazarene Theological Seminary. West Columbia First has called Gabbee Bagby to serve as youth/worship pastor. Congratulations to Pastor Carey Pratt and the Hartsville First church board on a successful six-year pastoral review. Dr. Roy Rogers (Georgia District Superintendent) as he recovers from heart bypass surgery Midge Simpson (Greenville First staff) at the passing of her husband Don (also the father of Diane Higgins) The 2015 camp meeting evangelists will be Rev. Norman Moore and Rev. Billy Huddleston. Dates for camp meeting are June 21-27, 2015. Rev. Glen Link (Greenwood Community pastor) has been appointed to fill a vacancy on the District Board of Ministry. Rev. Ray Moore (Greenville First pastoral staff) has agreed to serve as interim Mission Area Convener in the Upstate. Dr. Jim Bearden (former SC DS) Jean Pratt (Hartsville First pastor's spouse) undergoing treatments for multiple myeloma Pastor John Powell (Batesburg) undergoing treatments for cancer NewStart Church Planters and NewStart Church Sponsors An awakening movement of the Holy Spirit on the South Carolina District Progress toward the 2020 Vision (100 churches) for South Carolina Church Planting Training: November 17-21, 2014, and January 26-30, 2015, at the D. Moody Gunter Camp & Retreat Center, offered in English and Spanish. Mission 2015 (M15): The USA/Canada Region Mid-Quadrennial Conference will take place February 9-11, 2015, in Kansas City, Missouri. The conference theme will be “Honoring the Past, Shaping the Future.” M15 will feature a strong list of plenary speakers, meaningful and unique worship experiences: · 180 workshops on topics ranging from social issues of our day to theological identity issues pertinent to our denomination · mega-lunches from leading speakers on powerful topics · a wide array of resources for your local and district mission · denominational vision casting · fellowship as only Nazarenes know how to do · all bathed in Spirit-infused prayer (continued on next page) (continued) Existing NewStarts: Services are being held at Georgetown, under the direction of Pastor James (Trish) Merritt. Services are being held at Hollywood Trinity Bible Fellowship, under the direction of Pastor Ted (Patty) Hambrick. The Super Bus ministry is now in six locations. Services are being held at Perry Correctional, under the direction of Pastor Gabriel Moreno. Emerging NewStarts: Pastors Bill and Isa Wojtkowski have accepted the call to plant a Hispanic church, Charleston Iglesia del Nazareno, on Johns Island. Pastor Ulises Garcia has accepted the call to plant a Hispanic church in West Columbia (Holland Street). New Ellenton New Life has started a weekly service in Jackson, SC, meeting at the Fire Department, under the direction of Pastor Thom Harvey. Rev. Dana (Mark) Wolfe will be starting the work in Darlington. A NewStart in Richburg is being prayerfully considered by Chester Church and Pastor John Porter. A Hispanic NewStart is being prayerfully considered by Sumter Wise Drive and Pastor Sammy Geddings. A Hispanic NewStart is being prayerfully considered by Batesburg. UPDATE Training for Church Planting Essentials and for Churches Planting Churches will be offered in both English and Spanish, November 17-21, 2014, and January 26-30, 2015, at the D. Moody Gunter Camp & Retreat Center. Scholarships are available for participants. Biker Sunday at Midland Valley Community was a wonderful day of worship, evangelism, and outreach to the community. Total attendance was a new record high: 1173 “Because We Are Thankful” is the theme for this year’s Thanksgiving Offering for the World Evangelism Fund. Resources are available at in English, Spanish, and Korean. International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church Even though America’s religious freedoms are aggressively being chipped away, we are still privileged to have freedoms that individuals in other countries can only dream about. We can be assured they are praying for the situation they are in. The important emphasis on November 9, 2014, is for us, those with freedom of worship, to pray for our brothers and sisters around the world. Fletcher L. Tink, in this year’s missionary book, The Unstoppable Church, acknowledges that about 30,000 Protestants are killed each year. He notes that many die in jail, some starve to death, and others are shot. He states that to date, more than 50 countries have reported cases of martyrdom. Howie Shute, in this year’s missionary book, Underground, tells of an underground church in Africa that had 14 Christians attending. In an attempt to stop Christianity in their community, Muslim men killed 12 of that number. Let us continue to pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world. The writer of Hebrews reminds us to “Keep on loving each other as brothers. Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it. Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering” Hebrews 13: 1-3 (NIV). Rev. Richard Coleman We have two Work & Witness trips planned for 2015. We are returning to Swaziland to continue work at Southern Africa Nazarene University. Please contact your pastor or NMI president for an application. If more information is needed, please call Jimmy Haynes, South Carolina District Work and Witness Coordinator, at 864.419.0473 or by e-mail at In ancient times, a Thank Offering was a type of fellowship offering, as prescribed in Leviticus 3 and Leviticus 7:11-15. Thank offerings were to be given in response to God’s grace or deliverance and were to be given spontaneously and by free will. While Leviticus 23:19 prescribed a thank offering to be given during the Feast of Weeks (Pentecost), they could be given at any other time of the year, as long as they were given with a thankful heart (Leviticus 19:5). Thank offerings were classified as fellowship offerings, recognizing that the giver was at peace, or in fellowship, with God. These gifts were over and above the tithes, first fruits, and sin offerings that were also prescribed. As such, these gifts were always given in response to something that God had done, the result of a heart overflowing with gratitude. Leviticus 3 indicates that several types of gifts were appropriate as fellowship offerings: oxen, sheep, or goats. It appears as though the type of gift was up to the giver, or dependent upon their resources. Regardless of the gift, it was to be without defect. Once the sacrifice was given and the priests had received a portion of the sacrifice, the remainder was a sanctuary feast to be shared by the giver and family or friends. The feast was a celebration of God’s faithfulness and loving deeds. This ancient thank offering has modern-day echoes in many countries: Canada, United States, Germany, and Japan, just to name a few. Often in the fall, these days of thankfulness provide nationally recognized opportunities to reflect upon God’s blessings, to give thanks, and to celebrate together. God has created us to be a thankful people. Traditionally in the Church of the Nazarene, an offering has been received each November to help support the global mission of the church – making Christlike disciples in the nations. As a global church, we invite Nazarenes everywhere to consider God’s blessings upon our lives, our churches, and our missionaries. By emphasizing the ancient tradition of a freewill thank offering, members and friends are given the opportunity to consider how God has blessed us, and how we might give a thank offering of our own, sharing those blessings with others around the world. Giving additional resources toward the World Evangelism Fund (WEF) is one way of giving a thank offering. We give… because we are thankful. (continued on next page) (continued ) On October 11, 2014, 158 children and adults attended the Children’s Mission Fair at the D. Moody Gunter Camp and Retreat Center. The children heard mission stories about Ecuador from missionary Dana Howard. The children enjoyed a fun time of eating, crafts, and games. The eating was especially memorable because it took place in the new dining hall, "Heritage Commons." This was the first use of the new dining hall in serving a meal to any group -so fitting that it was our children learning about missions. Our children brought $1170 for deputation. We collected over 150 boxes of Crisis Care Kits (CCKs) and School Pal-Paks. Congratulations to Rock Hill Trinity with 15 boxes, West Columbia Central with 12 boxes, and Bishopville and Cayce with 10 boxes of CCKs each. JESUS Film teams have reported 68,395,173 evangelistic contacts* from January 1998 through October 2014. Of these contacts, 12,913,361 (18.9% of contacts) have indicated decisions for Christ with 5,456,527 (42.3% of decisions) initial discipleship follow-ups. There have been 46,109 preaching points started. *JESUS Film and other tools Throughout the Psalms the Psalmist tells us that we should “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.” The apostle Paul reminds us in I Thessalonians 5:18 that, as believers, we are to “give thanks in all circumstances.” While Thanksgiving is but a holiday on the calendar for many, for the follower of Christ it is to be much more -- it is to be our lifestyle! God’s desire for us is that we live “thankfully” every day for what it is that He has and is doing in our lives. With that in mind I want to pause and “give thanks” to God for a few things that come to mind: I am thankful for God’s grace and mercy in my life. It was His grace that brought me to new life in Him and it has been His mercy that has attended me ever since. I am thankful for my wife and family who have loved me like Jesus, “unconditionally.” I am truly blessed! I am thankful for God’s call to ministry in my life and the privilege I have of serving Him and the congregation at Central. I am thankful for the many laymen and women that I have known through the years who have faithfully served God and live out a powerful witness for Him. I am thankful to serve as your District SDMI Chairman and to serve with some of the finest Christian leaders I know as your SDMI Council. We are blessed! My list could go on but you get the idea. I encourage you to take some time and put your own list together. You may also find some Sunday School teachers and Small Group Leaders and a whole host of folks coming to your mind that you are “thankful” for. When you do -- “Give thanks!” You are loved and appreciated, Dr. Jim Thrower Nov. 1 – Children’s Bible Quizzing at D. Moody Gunter Camp & Retreat Center Nov. 7-9 - Ladies Retreat (See flyer on following page) Nov. 27 – Happy Thanksgiving Just a reminder to all SDMI chairpersons: It’s not too soon to begin getting your teachers signed up to attend this year’s SDMI Convention and Mid-Year Rally! The goal of the SCNYI Leadership Team is to help equip pastors, youth pastors, youth workers, and parents of our district families with the tools & resources needed to lead this generation into a dynamic life in Christ! ! We have been working hard to establish and streamline our efforts to help make your job of loving on students much easier and more efficient. We are currently in the process of collecting e-mail addresses and phones numbers of all our district youth leaders to try and make our distribution list more effective as we increase communication. If you are not currently on the e-mailing list and would like to be, contact us at and we will be happy to add you to the list. south carolina nazarene youth international Breakaway 2014 ! District Leadership: ! NYI President David Snodgrass ! “Bloom Where You’re Planted” Breakaway Retreat 2014 November 14 -‐ 16 D. Moody Gunter Camp and Retreat Center -‐ Cost: $75 Speaker: Brad Bellomy Worship Leader: Charlee Buitrago (forms available on Facebook or through your local church) Save The Date(s) November 14 - 16 | Breakaway November 22 | District Quiz Meet December 8th | First NYC 15 Payment Due January 23 & 24 | District TNT @ Midland Valley Vice-President Wes Steisslinger ! NYI Secretary Tammie Crandall ! NYI Treasurer Brandie Smith To Receive FREE Twitter Texts from our District NYI Text: 40404 Message: follow @scnyi you can find us at: southcarolinanyi y” ne Jour g zin a Am e h 139 “T m l Psa South Carolina Ladies Retreat November 7-9, 2014 Hilton Myrtle Beach Resort Royale Palms 10000 Beach Club Drive, Myrtle Beach, SC 29572 843-449-5000 Diane Estep - Retreat Speaker Diane has been married to Eddie for 30 years. They have served on the South Carolina District since 2006. They have two grown sons. Josh lives in Columbus, Ohio, and is a Senior Financial Services Technical Lead at Nationwide Insurance Headquarters. Jeff is serving on staff as Minister of Young Adults and Sports Outreach at Midland Valley Community Church in South Carolina. He and his wife, Brittany, were married in June 2013. Diane is the Director of Special Projects for the South Carolina District. She also serves as the event coordinator for district superintendents’ spouses at the USA/Canada District Superintendents Leadership Programs. Diane’s passion is marriages and families. She has led retreats and enrichment classes for several years and finds fulfillment when couples reconnect and recommit to their marriage/family. Her interests include spending time with family, traveling, and Pinterest. Lindsay Huggins - Worship Leader Having grown up in a musical family, Lindsay always knew she wanted to pursue a career in music. She sang in a contemporary vocal ensemble for three years while attending Trevecca Nazarene University. She still has her deep-rooted passion for Country & Southern Gospel and won the National Quartet Convention’s solo talent contest. Lindsay released her debut radio single, “God Whispers,” from her second solo album. The song is a beautiful reminder to recognize God in the everyday things of life. “God Whispers” caught the attention of DJs and listeners across the nation. The moving music video is also available online. Lindsay, her husband Craig, their son Tanner, (and dog Chloe) make their home just outside Nashville, Tennessee. “Praise God from whom all blessings flow . . .” Heritage Commons! We are so excited to announce that Heritage Commons, our brand-new dining facility, is now completed and open for service! This beautiful new addition to the camp will seat 196 in comfortable padded chairs at round tables. It is a beautifully appointed building, with wood-grain floors in the dining rooms, granite countertops, ceramic tile in the serving hall and the restrooms, and a true commercial kitchen. It was down to the wire, but we received our final approval from DHEC on Thursday afternoon just in time to host the NMI Children’s Missions Fair on Saturday. The children were so excited to be the first group to use the new building! The construction of Heritage Commons has taken three long years, and we are deeply indebted to those volunteers who have remained committed to the project to the very end. We say “Thank You” again to everyone who has helped bring this dream to a reality. God bless – Pastor Alan Rev. Alan Pullen, Center Manager D. Moody Gunter Camp & Retreat Center 1420 Nazarene Rd., Batesburg, SC 29006 // // (803) 730-1094 cell DISCIPLESHIP BUDGET PROGRESS rEPORT m i n i s t r i e s Thank you for your faithful stewardship and for the difference you are making across South Carolina and around the world! We are grateful to all of our churches for their support of the World Evangelism Fund, Trevecca Nazarene University, Pensions & Benefits, and the South Carolina District Fair Share. Eddie Estep, District Pastor Church Aiken Ebenezer Ashwood Bamberg Batesburg Beaufort Bennettsville First Bishopville Camden First Cayce Charleston Calvary Charleston First Charleston Sea Is.Intern'l Com. Cherrydale Hispanic Chester Clemson - The Bridge Clover Columbia Abundant Life Columbia Emmanuel Korean Columbia First Columbia Grace Duncan LifeSpring Florence Family Life Fort Mill Georgetown Great Falls Greenville First Greenwood Community Hartsville Calvary Hartsville First Honea Path Genesis Lancaster SonLight Com. Laurens Cornerstone Lexington Shepherd Lugoff Faith Manning NewStart Midland Valley Community Moncks Corner Myrtle Beach New Ellenton New Life Orangeburg First Orangeburg Memorial Pageland Rose Memorial Pelion Rock Hill Celebration Place Rock Hill Emmanuel Rock Hill First Rock Hill Grace Rock Hill Trinity Seneca Simpsonville LifeSpring Spartanburg First Summerville Sumter Calvary Sumter First Sumter Wise Drive Wallace Walterboro First West Columbia Central West Columbia First Winnsboro York TOTAL October Fair Share $0.00 $392.78 $231.10 $152.00 $281.88 $440.88 $430.10 $481.11 $476.10 $0.00 $0.00 $315.01 $0.00 $1,354.00 $50.00 $282.88 $378.18 $65.00 $6,568.91 $245.60 $281.54 $0.00 $1,183.57 $0.00 $107.59 $4,861.44 $678.14 $510.11 $946.00 $0.00 $448.00 $0.00 $993.41 $0.00 $1,309.57 $5,109.00 $0.00 $600.00 $261.05 $0.00 $886.16 $306.00 $583.00 $0.00 $1,054.48 $0.00 $0.00 $1,235.19 $0.00 $100.00 $50.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,354.80 $922.47 $94.53 $330.16 $1,882.66 $1,427.00 $1,474.27 $0.00 $42,135.67 TNU Paid YTD $160.50 $540.15 $452.89 $231.00 $449.31 $509.33 $414.95 $765.77 $544.80 $2,819.00 $424.99 $367.90 $0.00 $1,757.00 $111.05 $493.16 $532.67 $0.00 $6,441.23 $371.54 $767.90 $102.00 $1,679.31 $0.00 $36.35 $5,616.65 $1,996.43 $163.97 $1,324.62 $328.53 $804.00 $0.00 $1,734.03 $0.00 $2,089.90 $7,188.00 $0.00 $900.00 $395.09 $0.00 $635.15 $413.00 $845.79 $0.00 $771.70 $0.00 $610.93 $1,742.58 $0.00 $100.00 $575.00 $1,601.15 $0.00 $3,702.45 $760.00 $198.56 $451.14 $3,445.77 $1,294.00 $2,217.29 $95.72 $61,974.25 WEF Paid YTD $280.88 $0.00 $996.84 $175.00 $1,255.22 $1,069.21 $1,439.32 $2,165.00 $1,777.82 $6,750.00 $1,038.84 $1,930.27 $0.00 $3,861.00 $267.42 $804.24 $1,378.72 $0.00 $14,985.04 $959.74 $1,793.05 $259.00 $4,105.14 $0.00 $88.86 $13,829.67 $4,985.68 $490.37 $3,237.96 $723.37 $1,964.00 $0.00 $6,583.51 $0.00 $5,108.58 $18,592.00 $0.00 $1,500.00 $1,110.32 $0.00 $1,552.61 $0.00 $1,200.00 $0.00 $1,258.65 $0.00 $885.16 $7,885.26 $299.65 $0.00 $515.00 $3,913.89 $0.00 $9,232.08 $2,660.00 $390.98 $795.19 $9,215.02 $4,025.00 $4,976.10 $277.00 $154,587.66 P&B Paid YTD $200.63 $540.15 $452.89 $115.00 $485.50 $352.90 $414.95 $765.77 $673.98 $2,819.00 $424.99 $367.90 $0.00 $1,757.00 $111.05 $357.55 $532.97 $0.00 $6,130.24 $371.54 $658.15 $102.00 $1,570.07 $0.00 $36.35 $5,616.65 $1,996.70 $173.97 $1,324.62 $263.04 $804.00 $0.00 $1,789.03 $0.00 $2,089.90 $7,188.00 $0.00 $600.00 $395.09 $0.00 $635.15 $413.00 $456.22 $0.00 $530.31 $0.00 $266.59 $1,742.58 $115.84 $100.00 $575.00 $1,601.15 $0.00 $3,781.26 $760.00 $165.44 $324.76 $3,769.75 $1,648.00 $2,060.17 $96.00 $60,522.80 SS AM Low Country Mission Area Beaufort Charleston Calvary Charleston First Charleston Sea Is. Intern'l Com. Hollywood Trinity Bible Fellowship Moncks Corner Summerville Walterboro First OCTOBER 2014 22 112 38 67 32 NR 57 17 28 196 42 21 32 NR 106 29 Lower Midlands Mission Area Aiken Ebenezer Bamberg Batesburg Midland Valley Community New Ellenton New Life Orangeburg First Orangeburg Memorial Pelion 27 9 26 426 29 35 91 54 54 21 32 617 40 45 126 110 Midlands Mission Area Cayce Columbia Abundant Life Columbia Emmanuel Korean Columbia First Columbia Grace Lexington Shepherd West Columbia Central West Columbia First Winnsboro 39 23 0 393 15 39 112 164 99 40 32 9 279 33 59 160 190 148 Pee Dee Mission Area Bennettsville First Bishopville Camden First Hartsville Calvary Hartsville First Lugoff Faith Pageland Rose Memorial Wallace 37 11 76 8 71 59 45 29 48 19 76 9 124 62 70 60 Piedmont Mission Area Chester Clover Fort Mill Great Falls Lancaster SonLight Com. Rock Hill Celebration Place Rock Hill Emmanuel Rock Hill First Rock Hill Grace Rock Hill Trinity York 158 31 92 36 32 30 30 108 56 89 16 184 41 105 38 71 62 78 129 96 118 25 Santee Mission Area Ashwood Florence Family Life Georgetown NewStart Manning NewStart Myrtle Beach Sumter Calvary Sumter First Sumter Wise Drive 47 11 3 68 64 135 126 130 73 19 5 174 80 110 260 183 30 NA 18 595 82 0 10 NR 13 85 14 45 4416 74 10 25 429 128 36 15 NR 20 79 77 56 5717 Upstate Mission Area Cherrydale Hispanic Clemson - The Bridge Duncan LifeSpring Greenville First Greenwood Community Honea Path Genesis Laurens Cornerstone Perry Correctional Center Seneca Simpsonville LifeSpring Spartanburg Casa del Alfarero Spartanburg First TOTAL
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