FOR YOUR INFORMATION PRAYER PANEL On-Line Giving Available Verse of the Week For our people who prefer “paperless banking, our church offers online giving services. Tithes and offerings may be paid through computer by going to the church’s website,, and clicking the tab “set up online giving.” Gifts may be given by setting up donations directly from your checking account or by debit or credit cards. Those with i-phones and android smart phones may also download the “Egiving Mobile” app by Stewardship Technology to make giving even more convenient. Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever but delight to show mercy. Micah 7:18 (NIV) App for online Giving Android" users may now download an application that makes using online giving even more convenient. Search for "Egiving Mobile" in the market and down load the app with that name. You will need to set up an online giving account to use the service, but once set up is very convenient to use. Email and MCON Text Alert Ministry Our church works very hard to communicate with our people. We especially rely on texting and email services to get messages to our people on a regular basis. We invite everyone who uses these services to join these services: If you would like to receive text notices. 1.Send a message to 40650 that says “Join MCON” (without quotation marks) (Also, turn of automatic signature if on) 2.You will receive a message back asking you to reply “yes” to confirm. *NOTE: If you are failing to receive our church emails or text alerts please let us know. Daily Devotional The Daily Office. Daily prayers and Bible Readings for the church. Available every Sunday in the foyer on the information table next to sanctuary doors. You may also download the “Youversion Bible App” on your smart phones and tablets by searching “Bible” in your app store or going to in your browser. You will then be able to find our church’s “Daily Office” by going to the “Live” section of the app and search our zip code 47356. Madison Christian Counseling Center Appointments are available here in our facility. For appointments please call 643-6017. Our Next Encounter God Retreat will be January 30-31, 2015 Church Calendar at a Glance Oct. 27 Oct. 26 Oct. 26-29 Oct. 29 Oct. 29 Nov. 5 Nov. 11 Nov. 12 Nov. 12 Nov. 16 Nov. 19 Nov. 22 Nov. 23 Nov. 23 Board Meeting Blood Drive Anderson Zone Revival Trunk or Treat Teen Prayer Breakfast Worship Ensemble Mission Meeting-6:30 Communion Teen Prayer Breakfast Pastor Phil’s Fish Fry Teen Prayer Breakfast Concert with Adam’s Voice, The Nelons & Michael English Thanksgiving Community Service Soul’d Out Prayer Needs Prayer Focus—the Syrian Refugees Please pray for the Syrian refugees. Pray many will come to Jesus, the true source of hope and truth. Pray many will set their hearts on eternity and that through this difficult time of trial and persecution, they will come to know the firm foundation, the all-sufficiency of Jesus Christ. Service Men and Women Sink, Justin—POB 26523-GMF GU 96921 USA (Guam) LCPL Perry, Shawn—back home for now Deeney, Austin & Carissa—PSC 2 Box 11762 APO AE 09012 CPL Sean Bussa, US Army Serving in Ft Campbell, Ky. 101Airborne SPC, Vetor, Sy, 961st EN CO APO, AE 09354 Robby Seward—at TwentyNine Palms AF Base in CA Offerings for Budgeted Funds: Reg. Tithes & Offerings Missions Building Funds TOTAL: Last Week’s Offerings $7220.00 $230.00 $811.00 $8261.00 698 N. 5th Street, Middletown, IN 47356 Phone: 765-354-2327 Fax: 765-354-4980 Church Family Gail Hale radiation treatments Rod Powell-shoulder surgery recovery Jim Bevel-chemo therapy Jeannie Grimm Cheryl Wallen-foot surgery Upcoming Trunk or Treat Pray for a continued spirit of revival in our church October 19, 2014 Extended Family Ray, brother of Pam Poor-serious health concerns Husband of Dwila Ames (friend of Gerri Shewmaker)-very ill Chris Tower’s mom in ICU St. V. Anderson Carla Quire’s brother in law, Jim Mercer surgery recovery Carla Quire’s brother with cellulites Jarrett Vardaman surgery recovery Janet Griggs-Abbott friends mother Lilly health issues and family decisions Martha Smith-(shut-in) living a Stan’s home in Middletown-608 N. 13th-354-2475 Margaret Givens-Bethany Pointe Rehab, 1707 Bethany Rd, Anderson, 46012 (Rm #118) Gerri Lockridge-Heritage House in New Castle Betty Whitteberry-Middletown Nursing & Rehab-Room 101 Jim & Naomi Samples-Elmcroft Assisted Living 1601 N. Morrison, Muncie Judy Sink-Middletown Nursing & Rehab Barb Gibbs-Bethel Point Sympathy Cindy Reynolds & family loss of Jerry Reedy family loss of Dennis Reedy Karen Anderson & family-loss of her dad Jeff Pyles loss of step niece Marc Bullock loss of sister in law Work and Witness Projects Mexico: Juchitan Union Hildago Salina Cruz Chigola Matias Romero Arriaga Ixtapec Ojital Circuelo Chauites Thank you for Praying... ... The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. Psalm 145:18 Welcome Visitors! We are happy to have you worship with us today! Please take a moment to sign our guest register Shut-Ins and Nursing Home Weekly Giving Report Weekly Budgeted Need $10,755.00 Middletown Church of the Nazarene as it is passed this morning. Pastoral Staff Dr. Philip C. Rogers ▪ Senior Pastor ▪ Pastor David Whitteberry ▪ Senior Adults ▪ Pastor Sherry Rogers ▪ Worship Ministries ▪ Pastor Mike Konkle ▪ Pastoral Care ▪ Pastor Danny Barrett ▪ Recovery Ministry ▪ Pastor Christen Sanders ▪ Young Adults ▪ Pastor Travis Barnett ▪ Teen Ministry ▪ Pastor Bekka Rogers ▪ Interim Children’s Ministry ▪ Bruce Sutton ▪ Administrative Assistant ▪ Pam Poor ▪ SDMI Superintendent ▪ 765-639-1187 Robin Sanders ▪ Office Administrator ▪ Church Office Hours: M, T, Th, F 8:00-2:30 (closed Wed.) BIBLE STUDIES & WORSHIP SERVICES CHURCH MINISTRIES CHURCH MINISTRIES Sunday Morning Alabaster Trunks for Our Annual Trunk or Treat Adult Sunday School Our semi-annual Alabaster Offering will be received the rest of this month. Additional alabaster boxes are available at the display in the foyer. The monies received through these special offerings are used to purchase land and buildings for Church of the Nazarene missions around the world. Thank you in advance for your generosity! Every year it is our treat to provide a safe and fun evening for our community. The main attraction is always our people dressed up with their trunks decorated for Halloween. It is our hope that we can have 40 trunks to provide candy for the children of our surrounding community to enjoy. If you are one of those that enjoy dressing up and greeting the kids as they come through the line of trunks please sign-up at the welcome center desk or contact the church office at 354-2327. Classes 9:00 AM Rm. 120 Rm. 121 Rm. 129 Rm. 136 Rm. 141 Rm. 142 Rm. 146 Rm. 228 Fireplace Room Digging Deeper Hard Sayings of the Old Testament Hard Sayings of the Old Testament SonShine Group (special needs) Minor Prophets History of the Church Hard Sayings of the Old Testament The Story Revelation Pastor Phil Rogers Bruce Seward Pastor Dave/Janet Griggs Abbott Bill Lantz/ Pyles/Dan Fountain Matt Wolfe Karen Michael Pam Poor Liz Vores Sharon Smith Teen Sunday School Classes 9:00 AM Rm. 227 Jr. High— 7th and 8th grade Rm. 228 Sr. High—9th-12th grade Sunday Morning Children’s Sunday School Classes 9:00 AM Rm. 105 Rm. 102 Rm 201 Rm 206 Rm 209 Sunday School 9:00 AM Prayer & Hospitality 10:00AM Worship Service- Sanctuary 10:15 AM Nursery 0-18 months Nursery 18-36 months Pre-school K-3rd grade 4th-6th grade Sunday Evening Celebrate Recovery Children’s Church– Small Sanctuary 10:15 AM (Children are invited to go directly to small sanctuary for children’s service. LAST Sunday of every month children will join family in main sanctuary) 5:00-6:00 p.m. 6:00-7:00 p.m. 7:00-8:00 p.m. Anderson Zone Revival Our annual Zone Revival with the Anderson Zone Churches of the Nazarene will kick-off right here at MCON on Sunday evening, October 26th, at 6:00PM. This series of services will take place Sunday through Wednesday of that week at four different churches on the Anderson zone. The evangelist is Jeremiah Bolich, a dynamic, Spirit-filled man of God. Make plans to support this special service by bringing your whole family! Do you have a heart for missions, enjoying fellowship with other women and cooking? We would love for you to join us in making soups and cheese balls to benefit missions. We are hoping to make them on November 10th and 17th to be ready to sell for the holidays. If you have any questions you can contact Tari Worrell at 765-354-4409 or the church office 765-354-2327. what we can do to serve others. We are excited to host Adam’s Voice, The Nelons, and Michael English in concert on Saturday evening, of events that evening, we are looking for approximately 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Young Adult Small Group or 586-322-2622 Wednesday Mid-Week Bible Study –Adults 6:30 p.m. Fireplace Rm The Study Culture Shock with Pastor Mike Konkle Bible Study with Beth Moore-Women 6:30 p.m. 25 people with WARM, SMILING FACES to help by serving as ushers, greeters, product table workers, or parking lot attendants. Helpers should arrive at the church by 4:00PM on that Saturday. If you are willing to help, or would like more information, please contact Pastor Sherry or the church office. 6:30 a.m. Men’s Bible Study & Prayer 9:00 a.m. Women’s Care and Share group 6:00 p.m. Ladies Redeemed Bible Study 7:30 p.m. Open Basketball in Gym Thursday 9:00 a.m. Beth Moore Bible Study Conference Room Still Time To Get Involved “Children of the Day” by Beth Moore Concert Volunteers Monday 4:00 p.m. First Church of the Nazarene, 23rd Street, Anderson for info contact Pastor Dick Sochacki 765-378-6265 Cake’s!!!! On November 11th, 6:30pm we will be having a Mission meeting to discuss Youth Bible Studies Tuesday Plans are underway for constructing a canopy to be used in our upcoming Trunk or Treat. If you are willing to donate PVC pipes, or cash to purchase the pipes, you will be one of our favorite people!! Please get in touch with either Cheryl Farmer (765-635-8574) or Jill Scott (765-425-3906) to make a donation. Everyone that attends our Trunk or Treat looks forward to the Cake Walk and the wonderful cakes that are donated each year. Please see the sign-up at the Trunk or Treat table in the foyer for donating cakes. November 22nd. In order to help facilitate a smooth flow Hispanic Worship Canopy Construction Missions Meeting Weekly Events Jr. High Boys & Girls Sr. High Boys Sr. High Girls In the weeks ahead, don’t forget to pick up extra bags of candy every time you’re at the store. We need LOTS and LOTS of candy for our annual Trunk or Treat. Each year we give out about 50,000 pieces of individually-wrapped candy during this event. Your help is greatly needed in supporting this ministry to our community. Candy donation boxes are located In the foyer. Thank you so much for your generosity!! Making Soups and Cheese Balls for Missions soups, cheese balls, Labor for your neighbor, etc. Any ideas are welcome on Large Group Meeting -Praise and worship, followed by a teaching/lesson, personal testimony or special guest. Open Share Groups -Gender-specific groups are designed to meet various recovery needs and to prepare individuals for Step Study groups. Solid Rock Café Fellowship, Coffee and Snacks We Need LOTS and LOTS of Candy In Honor of Judy Trennepohl Blood Drive Sunday, October 26, 2014 01:00PM-05:00PM Middletown Church of the Nazarene, Fireplace Room Is family life a challenge? Is work driving you crazy? Do you know God has a purpose for your life, but can’t figure out what it is? Know that your circumstances are not coincidental. And God’s timing is impeccable. Join Beth Moore on the Thessalonian shores as she walks you through the truth of each verse of 1 and 2 Thessalonians. In this study, you’ll face crises, afflictions, relationships, doubts, concerns, and fears. Find encouragement for living the Christian life now and hope for when Christ returns. Covers a wide variety of topics, including family, prayer, ministering to others, and prophecies Walks you verse-by-verse through 1 and 2 Thessalonians Study one chapter of Scripture each session 9-session study, 8 sessions of homework Varying levels of participation available Wednesday evening’s, @ 6:30PM and Thursday morning @ 9:00AM. If you have any questions call the church office at 354-2327. CELEBRATE RECOVERY The Tent Every Friday night Young adult ministry meets at 7:00Pm, Middletown Church of Bible Study –4th –6th grade Boys and Girls 6:30 p.m. Friday the Nazarene. Small groups meet every Monday night at Teen Worship Service –7th –12th grade Boys & Girls 6:30 p.m. With Pastor Travis Worship Ensemble With Pastor Sherry 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. The Tent—Young Adult 7:00pm in various locations. Visit our website @ Is a biblical and balanced program that helps us overcome our hurts, hang-ups, and habits. It is based on the actual words of Jesus rather than psychological theory. Twenty years ago, Saddleback Church launched Celebrate Recovery with 43 people. It was designed as a program to help those struggling with hurts, habits and hang-ups by showing them the loving power of Jesus Christ through a recovery process. Celebrate Recovery is now in over 20,000 churches worldwide! Meeting Every Sunday Night right here at the Middletown Church of the Nazarene— 5:00 PM.
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