TABLET The A Heartwarming Story AJC Official to Highlight Jewish

June 2012
Volume 48, Issue 11
A Heartwarming Story
Rabbi Deborah Bodin Cohen, Har Shalom’s Director
of Congregational Learning, relates the following
story that displays the true meaning of “tikkun olam.”
ach year, Kitah Gimel (Third Grade Class) at Har Shalom
raises money for Save a Child’s Heart, an organization that
brings to Israel needy children from around the world who
have life-threatening heart problems. In Israel, the children’s
heart surgery and other medical needs are met at no cost to
their families.
It takes $10,000 to cover the costs of one child. A number
of years ago, Har Shalom raised funds for one child, and
sponsored the life-saving surgery of a five-year-old Ethiopian
girl nicknamed “Little Beti.”
This year, with penny, dime, quarter, and dollar donations,
Har Shalom did it again! Based on the donations from several
years of classes, Har Shalom Religious School students raised
the money to sponsor Andrei Gabriel, an eight-year-old boy
from Romania who was treated in Israel last December.
Born at full term and normal birth weight, Andrei Gabriel
was diagnosed with congenital heart disease at the age of seven
months. He was screened by Dr. Akiva Tamir, Head of Pediatric
Cardiology at Wolfson Medical Center, during a Save a Child’s
Heart Medical Mission to Romania, and was deemed a candidate
for life-saving cardiac surgery.
Andrei Gabriel lives in the
countryside, three hundred miles from
Bucharest. His mother is a homemaker
and his father is a construction worker.
Andrei Gabriel has an older sister who
is 10 years old.
On December 19, 2011, Andrei
Gabriel underwent complete surgical
repair in Israel. After a short recuperation period in the Israeli
hospital, Andrei Gabriel returned with more energy to the Save
a Child’s Heart House. He was much more open and social as
you can tell by his huge smile. Yashar koach to our Kitah Gimel
students this year, and in all the previous years, whose generous
donations helped to save Andrei Gabriel’s life.
Andrei Gabriel
Join us for this year’s
Texas Hold’em Tournament,
scheduled for Sunday evening,
June 10, at 7:00 pm.
See page 11 for details.
Sivan/Tammuz 5772
AJC Official to Highlight Jewish
Relations with Latino Community in
the Americas
tephanie Guiloff, Associate Director of the American
Jewish Committee’s Latino and Latin America Institute,
will be the guest speaker at the Har Shalom Daytimers Forum
on Wednesday, June 13, at 12:30 pm. Guiloff will present an
“Update on Latin America, Israel, and the Latin American Jewish
Created in 2005, the Institute seeks to further Jewish relations
with the Latino communities in the United States and Latin
America, as well as secure support for Israel.
Guiloff is a native of Santiago, Chile. Prior to joining the
AJC, she served as Chief of Information, Mexican-American
Television Network, Azteca America, where she supervised
the content of two national daily newscasts. Our speaker has
freelanced for Reuters TV and The Washington Post online, among
other media outlets. Guiloff received an MA from Northwestern
University Medill School of Journalism.
* * *
The June Daytimers Forum concludes the spring 2012 speaker
series. The forums will resume in September with another year
of distinguished guests addressing a wide range of timely issues.
The programs are held monthly, September through June, from
12-2 pm, and are free and open to all. Refreshments are always
Other activities resuming in the fall will include the Daytimers
Jewish Film Festival, theater parties, and the “Great Reads Club.”
Sisterhood of Har Shalom
Volunteer Appreciation Supper
June 6, 2012 ~ 17 Sivan 5772
6:30 pm
Stempler Social Hall
Join in honoring
Selma Miller
Eshet Hayil
(Woman of Valor)
For her years of service to
Sisterhood, Har Shalom, and the
Jewish community
Special Guest:
Anna El-Eini
RSVP please by June 3
If you’ve helped Sisterhood carry out any of its programs or
projects this year, please come spend the evening with all the
other women and men who make it possible for us to do all
we do all year long. • 301-299-7087
an inclusive, accessible congregation affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
Author of Beating Heart, a novel
of a profound and vivid journey
into the neighborhoods that lie
close to the White House, but
are shut out from the American
Rabbi Adam J. Raskin, 301-299-7087 ext. 1; Email:
A Lesson From the Sages: It Is Never Too Late to Learn
uring the late spring and early
summer, it is traditional to
recall the remarkable life of one of
Judaism’s greatest sages, leaders,
and ultimately martyrs, Rabbi
Akiva ben Yosef. Rabbi Akiva
lived in the 2nd Century C.E. in
the aftermath of Rome’s merciless
destruction of the Temple and exile
of the Jewish people from their holy
city of Jerusalem. Rabbi Akiva, the
Talmud reports, had thousands of
Rabbi Adam J. Raskin students, and they joined him in
backing the military commander
Bar Kochba in his attempt to overthrow Roman occupation.
During the Omer period, between Pesah and Shavuot, it
is understood that his students suffered mightily for their
association with Bar Kochba and his revolutionaries.
A lesser known biographical detail about Rabbi Akiva
involves his humble origins. He was a simple shepherd,
long before becoming a renowned sage or leader. In fact,
he was reportedly illiterate well into adulthood! One day
while tending his sheep, he noticed a hole that had bored
through a rock as a result of constantly dripping water. As he
examined this phenomenon, it occurred to him that if water
could penetrate such a hard substance over the years, then
even he could learn Torah if he dedicated time and effort
to it. With the support of his beloved wife Rachel, he fully
devoted himself to Torah study, beginning with learning the
Aleph-Bet at age 40!
I relate the story of Rabbi Akiva to you as a way to
encourage you to participate in Har Shalom’s Adult B’nai
Mitzvah program which will return this year, just after the fall
hagim/holidays. This class will go through the academic year
2012-2013, and will be a comprehensive study of Judaism’s
timeless beliefs, practices, and values. I will do the majority
of the teaching, and I know that Hazzan Ozur Bass, Rabbi
Cohen, and others will be delighted to make appearances
throughout the year as well. Of course this will culminate
in a celebration during Shabbat services, when the class will
have the opportunity to participate, read, and reflect on their
learning. Rabbi Akiva’s life story should inspire all of us to
see that it is never too late to start (or continue) learning.
The Adult B’nai Mitzvah program has been a catalyst for
Jewish renewal and activism in the lives of many in the Har
Shalom community and beyond. I look forward to teaching
and learning with you. Please look out for more information
closer to the holidays, about registration, dates, and times.
I hope this coming year is one of renewed Jewish learning
for all of us!
B’virkat kayitz na’im: With blessings for a wonderful
Rabbi Adam J. Raskin
The Newsletter for Congregation Har Shalom
Executive Director
Director of
Congregational Learning
Early Childhood Director
Youth Director
Rabbi Emeritus
Cantor Emeritus
Founding Rabbi
Adam J. Raskin
Ozur Bass
Vice Presidents
Deborah Bodin Cohen
Julie Ashin
S. Cahan
Financial Secretary
Calvin K. Chizever
Gordon, z”l
Copyright ©2012 by Congregation Har Shalom
11510 Falls Road
Potomac, Maryland 20854-2297
301-299-7087 fax 301-299-2247
Jeff Ashin
Larry Center
Wes Kaplow
Miriam Mishkin
David Silver
Jeff Rubin
Michael Baron
Ken Paretzky
Cindy Fishman
Barbara Kaplowitz
Sandy Schonfeld
Sorell Schwartz
Submissions to the TABLET are welcome. Please email to
Deadline for each issue is FOUR WEEKS prior to publication date.
The TABLET USPS 002-534 is published monthly, except bi-monthly July/
August for $20.00 per year, or free with your membership dues, by Congregation
Har Shalom, 11510 Falls Road, Potomac, Maryland 20854. Periodicals postage paid
at Rockville, Maryland. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the TABLET,
Congregation Har Shalom, 11510 Falls Road, Potomac, Maryland 20854.
Next Year in Jerusalem!
Plan on joining Rabbi Raskin
on an unforgettable
Israel adventure
in August 2013.
Details coming soon.
Emergency Contact Notice
In case of illness, death, or any other family
emergency, please contact Rabbi Raskin at
Early childhood education
Early Childhood Center: 301-299-7087, ext. 235 • Email: • Liran Laor, Director
Healthy Children Eat Nutritious Food and Stay Active!
arly childhood is a critical period
for adopting healthy life habits
that include nutritious eating and
physical activity. Intervention during
these years has the potential to alter the
risk for obesity and chronic diseases
in childhood and throughout the life
Recent statistics show that 2030% of American children between
the ages of two and five are overweight
Liran Laor
and obese. To promote children’s
health, First Lady Michelle Obama
partnered with several organizations, and instituted new
nutrition guidelines and tips to support healthier physical
activity and nutrition practices for children. I would like to
share a few:
For more tips, visit
And keep in mind…
Encourage one to two hours of physical activity for your
children everyday, including outside, unstructured play.
Limit screen time for children ages two and older, with
no screen time for children under two years.
Provide access to water during meals and throughout the
day, and don’t serve sugar-sweetened drinks. For children ages
two and older, serve low-fat (1%) or non-fat milk, and no
more than one four- to six-ounce serving of 100% juice per
day (that’s no more than one juice box a day).
Have a wonderful summer!
Liran Laor
New Religious School Offerings –
Coming This Fall!
• Add more vegetables to your day.
• Focus on fruits instead of desserts.
• Replace your grains with whole grains.
• Be a healthy role model for your child.
• Eat fish twice a week.
• Enjoy your food but eat less.
***Shabbat School—9:30 am-noon
on Shabbat mornings—for grades K-2
(Of course, these grades
will also be offered on Sundays.)
table of contents
***Pre-School Sundays program for four-year-olds
Art Gallery...........................................................5
Contact Rabbi Debbie Cohen,
301-299-7087, ext. 229, or,
for more information.
B’nai Mitzvah.......................................................7
Calendar.......................................................... 6-7
Clergy Thoughts..................................................2
Congregational Learning.....................................1
Donations.................................................... 14-15
ECEC...................................................... 3 and 12
Family News........................................................5
Gemilut Hasadim.................................................7
House Tour.........................................................4
Men’s Club.................................................. 11-13
Religious School..................................................3
“Shabbat Under the Stars”.................................16
Sisterhood.............................................. 1, 3, 8-10
Minyan and Mimosas—
June 28, 7:45 pm
ome for evening minyan on Thursday, June 28, at
7:45 pm, and stay afterwards to
chat with others over an icy Mimosa
(with or without champagne).
Come on your own. Come with
friends. Everyone is wanted and
welcome. Organized by Sisterhood,
and scheduled for the fourth Thursday
of each month, a different cocktail is
featured each time. Coming up:
July 26, Margaritas; August 23, Mai Tais.
Thank you to Aliza and Julian Josephson for sponsoring
this month’s Minyan and Mimosas. If you’d like to sponsor
an M&M, please email
Potomac Spring house tour
House Tour: 301-299-7087, ext. 336 • Email: • Joan Levenson and Jack Markowitz, Chairmen
Thanks to our House Tour Volunteers
Chairmen Jack Markowitz and Joan Levenson express their
appreciation to this year’s volunteers.
he members listed below worked on the many tasks that were
necessary to make the 2012 Potomac Spring House Tour a
successful fundraiser for the congregation. This work included
locating and screening Tour houses; creating and maintaining the
Tour website; contacting potential business advertisers; organizing
Greeters; finding raffle prizes; selling raffle and Tour tickets;
contacting potential donors; writing, editing, and designing the
Guidebook; taking House Tour pictures; creating a YouTube
video; procuring and circulating House Tour signs; marketing to
the media; procuring and organizing the Tour tote bag; and many
more tasks, large and small. A special acknowledgment goes to
Laverne Markowitz for organizing the Dessert Reception and to
Robert and Joni Lucas-Shapiro for serving as Reception hosts.
Judy Abrams
Jeff Ashin
Brad Balfour
Ellen Balfour
Marv Becker
Rachel Becker
Judy Bernstein
Seena Bulmash
Mickey Burstein
Leah Cohen
Ronni Cristol
Draga Dubick
Nancy Eisner
Joan Forest
Marv Friedman
David Frome
Larry Goldkind
Valerie Gordon
Barton Groh
Sheila Hahn
Keith Hartman
Donald Hurwitz
Barbara Kaplowitz
Joe Katz
Loretta Kotzin
Joan Levenson
Paul Lewis
Joyce Lipman
Diane Lurye
Jack Markowitz
Laverne Markowitz
Miriam Mishkin
Don Moldover
Sheila Moldover
Judy Morenoff
Joy Paul
Yetta Plotnick
Sari Raskin
Owen Ritter
Susan Rosenstock
Debbie Schapiro
Paulette Schofer
Sandy Schonfeld
Sorell Schwartz
Joni Lucas-Shapiro
Herb Stone
Leonard Tow
Michelle Tow
Mady Vermut
Susan Wachtel
Thanks to the more than 130 members who served as
Greeters at the houses. Space limitations preclude mentioning all
of the Greeters in the TABLET, but we appreciate their services
and will be acknowledging them on the Har Shalom website.
Special thanks go to the office staff—Joanna Rubin, Sherri Finkel,
Eileen Hilnbrand, and Irina Laskin, for their crucial support.
Finally, last but certainly not least, our sincere thanks to Rabbi
and Sari Raskin for their efforts to be there when we needed
them. Todah rabah to all who helped make this year’s House
Tour a wonderful success.
With Appreciation to This Year’s
House Tour Donors
hanks to those listed below for their financial support
of the 2012 Potomac Spring House Tour. We deeply
appreciate your generous donations.
Pace Setter ($1000)
Joy and Ron Paul
Benefactor ($500)
Rachel and Joe Katz
Joan Levenson
Rabbi Adam and Sari Raskin
Patron ($150)
Harriette and Martin Adler
Mikki and Jeff Ashin
Rachel and Marvin Becker
Rabbi Debbie and David
Carol Farris and Judd Kessler
Sara and Larry Goldkind
Sheila and Gary Hahn
Jeri Hall and Ted Goldberg
Jackie and Len Haynes
Alissa and Eric Horvitz
Melissa and Donald Hurwitz
Amy and Wes Kaplow
Marjorie Klein and
David Doar
Andrea and Paul Lewis
Laverne and Jack Markowitz
Laurie and Randy May
Miriam and Gary Mishkin
Eileen Penner and David Ritter
Hanna Lee and
Ronald Pomerantz
Margie and Owen Ritter
Joyce and Philip Schneider
Joni Lucas-Shapiro and
Robert Shapiro
Alyse and Steve Steinborn
Tamara and Daniel Stern
Michelle and Leonard Tow
Sponsor ($100)
Ellen and Arden Baker
Hazzan Henrique and
Rabbi Janet Ozur Bass
Jodi and David Chen
Joan Forest
Francine and Bernard Lubran
Judy Morenoff
Elaine and Stanford Steppa
Liz Stoff and Larry Center
Laurie and Robert Sunshine
Susan Wachtel and Richard
Contributor ($50)
Vic Cohen
Frances (Faye) Feder
Kathy and David Frome
Valerie and Stuart Gordon
Toby and Matthew Holtzman
Dottie Kulik
Shelley and Stew Remer
Irene and Jeff Rosenbloom
Harriet and Bob Shub
Jodi and Peter Susser
Phyllis and Al Weltz
In the May 2012 TABLET, on page 19, some of the text was missing
regarding the House Tour ads on pages 19-21. The text should have said that these ads
are from the 2011 House Tour Guide Book, and congregants planning work on their homes
are encouraged to consider using those businesses that advertised with us.
Watch future issues of the TABLET for ads from the 2012 House Tour Guide Book.
family news
art Gallery
Mazal tov to:
Toby B. Holtzman on the 50th anniversary of her Bat
Ellen & Steve Cades on the birth of their granddaughter,
Sadie Ann Rodman, on April 2. The proud parents are
Deborah Honey Cades & Shenan Rodman.
ECEC parents Melissa & Monty Oppenheim on the birth
of their third son, Benjamin, on April 4.
Matt & Julie Farber on the birth of their son, Ethan Lucas,
on April 8.
Barbara & Barry Korb on the birth of their grandson, Asher
James. The proud parents are Deborah & Michael Maizner.
Mona & Andrew Tavss on the auf ruf and upcoming
marriage of their daughter, Amanda, to Daniel Klueger.
Lauren Vogel, daughter of Randi & Ken Vogel, on her
graduation from Northeastern University in Boston, Mass.,
with a BSN degree in Nursing.
Philip Vogel, nephew of Randi & Ken Vogel, who serves
as a paratrooper in the IDF, on being named “Outstanding
Soldier” for his unit.
Condolences to:
The family of Robert Morris on his passing.
Barbara Angres on the passing of her father, Arnold
Sherry Browner on the passing of her father, Abe Mandel.
Dr. Lowell Satler on the passing of his father, Leonard Satler.
Helen Stolker on the passing of her mother, Fany Swita.
Linda Isen on the passing of her father, Henry Zetlin.
Carolyn Tebo and Tammi Cortez on the passing of their
mother and grandmother, Florence Berger.
Eileen Hilnbrand on the passing of her sister-in-law’s
brother, Jerry Josen.
Wendy Reiter on the passing of her mother, Jacqueline
Heather Udell on the passing of her father, David Drazin.
The TABLET is in color online each
month. Go to,
click on “What’s Happening,” and go
to “TABLET Online.”
The current issue and earlier issues
are available to download.
Art Gallery: 301-299-7087, ext. 310 • Email: • Fran Abrams, Chairman
“Far Away, Close to Home”
Continues Through June 25 at
Gallery Har Shalom
Away, Close to Home” will be on display
“ Farthrough
Monday, June 25. Don’t miss this
opportunity to purchase beautiful photos and ceramics for
your home or office and benefit Har Shalom at the same
The show includes photographs depicting scenes from
Israel and from the D.C. area by Neil Willens and the team
of Susan Maldon Stregack and Rollin Fraser. Although
Israel is far away, it is nonetheless very close to home for the
Jewish community. And even closer for members of Har
Shalom is our sanctuary, designed by award-winning architect
and artist Michael Poness. In his role as artist, Michael brings
his widely-exhibited ceramic vessels to our Gallery showcases.
• Neil Willens believes that photographers seek to insert
something of themselves into their work, a captured thought
or memory, a statement, or some personal connection that
will endure. All work on exhibit at Har Shalom was created
through digital photography, enhanced through the use of
paper and editing.
• Susan Maldon Stregack and Rollin Fraser are
partners in marriage and in their photographic explorations.
Their images of Israel were captured on film, then scanned,
and converted to black and white. The other images were
captured digitally and converted to black and white.
• For his pottery, Michael Poness draws on many sources
ranging from the obscure, such as ancient war machines, to
the familiar, such as the paintings of Jasper Johns. His sources
look outside the discipline of pottery. Vessels typically begin
as wheel-thrown forms that are then altered to produce nontraditional works of art.
Gallery Har Shalom is located on the walls and in the glass
showcases between the Burke Sanctuary and the Stempler
Social Hall. As you travel the hallway, be sure to stop and
look at the beautiful work on display. Remember that all work
is for sale. Purchase forms can be found in the wall pockets.
When you are ready to consider a purchase, you can now
review your favorites online at Click on
“What’s Happening,” and then scroll down and click on “Har
Shalom Art Gallery.” You can see the work of the artists and
the prices of their work. Purchases can be made by visiting
or calling the office at 301-299-7087. Remember that a
percentage of all sales benefits Har Shalom.
june 2012 calendar
9:00 AM
Shaharit 6:45 AM
Shaharit 7:45 PM
9:00 AM
Religious School Classes-Last Sunday 11:00 AM ECEC Picture Art 8:00 PM
9:15 AM Men’s Club Speakers Series and Brunch 7:45 PM
12:30 PM
USY Banquet and Mystery Bus Ride
1:00 PM
Community-Wide Israel Celebration at
Rockville Town Center
7:45 PM
9:00 AM
10:00 AM
Hevra Kadisha Brunch
11:00 AM
Kadima Mystery Limo Ride
7:00 PM Men’s Club Texas Hold’em Tournament
7:45 PM
Darfur Vigil at Embassy of Sudan
6:45 AM
7:45 PM
9:00 AM
7:45 PM
7:45 PM
9:00 AM
1:30 PM
7:45 PM
6:45 AM
10:00 AM
Ma’ariv 6:30 PM Sisterhood Volunteer
Budget Meeting
8:00 PM Men’s Club Board
Shaharit 7:45 PM
2012-Open House
6:45 AM
Shaharit 7:45 PM
7:45 PM
8:00 PM Congregation Board
page 6
6:45 AM
7:30 AM
5:30 PM
7:45 PM
12:00 PM Daytimers Forum
Ma’ariv 7:45 PM
Ma’ariv 6:45 AM
7:45 PM
Shaharit 7:45 PM
Rosh Hodesh Tammuz
Rosh Hodesh Tam
7:45 PM
Ma’ariv 6:45 AM
8:00 PM
World Jewry 7:45 PM
Ma’ariv 7:45 PM
6:45 AM
7:45 PM
7:45 PM Minyan and
celebrating becoming
b’nai mitzvah in June
6:30 PM
8:11 PM
Kabbalat Shabbat
9:30 AM
Candle Lighting
Membership Shabbat
and Volunteer Appreciation
Installation of Board Officers
Parasha: Naso
7:55 PM
Minha, Torah Study, Ma’ariv
Josh Meisegeier
Son of
Debra & David
Musical Kabbalat
Shaharit 6:00 PM
9:30 AM
Shabbat “Shabbat
C ClassesBar Mitzvah: Joshua Meisegeier
Under the Stars”
Last Day
Parasha: B’ha-alot’kha
EC Siyum 6:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat
8:00 PM
Minha, Torah Study, Ma’ariv
Ma’ariv 7:15 PM Congregation Dinner
8:15 PM
Candle Lighting
6:30 PM
8:18 PM
Kabbalat Shabbat
Candle Lighting
gemilut hasadim
9:30 AM
Bar Mitzvah: Matthew Ost
Parasha: Korah
8:05 PM
Minha, Torah Study, Ma’ariv
Gemilut Hasadim: 301-299-7087, ext. 314 • Email: • Hilary Weiss, Chairman
Household Supplies to Be Collected
in June
Shaharit 9:00 AM Art Gallery Jul.-Aug. 9:30 AM
Show Opens
d Mimosas 6:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat 8:05 PM
8:21 PM
Candle Lighting
Matthew Ost
Son of
Kara Forest & Alan Ost
Kabbalat Shabbat 9:30 AM
Candle Lighting
B’not Mitzvah: Nicole Hyman
& Rachel Hyman
Parasha: Sh’lah L’kha
10:30 AM
Gan Shabbat
8:05 PM
Minha, Torah Study, Ma’ariv
6:30 PM
8:20 PM
Nicole & Rachel Hyman
Daughters of
Gail & Eric Hyman
uring the month of June, we will be collecting
household cleaning supplies, and new and used
household supplies. These items will be donated to Stepping
Stones Shelter, and to Heart and Homes for Youth.
Parasha: Hukkat
Minha, Torah Study, Ma’ariv
page 7
Sisterhood: 301-299-7087, ext. 410 • Email: • Yvonne Paretzky, President
Oh, What a Year!
t’s hard to believe it has been a year already. The first year of
my term as president has been a blast. I’ve said it before, but
it’s worth repeating: Har Shalom has the best crew anywhere of
women leading, following, contributing time, ideas, enthusiasm,
and talent!
Since last June, we’ve changed our by-laws to open our doors
to all women who support the goals of Sisterhood and Judaism;
initiated a monthly minyan event (Minyan & Martinis) that
has increased the number of evening minyan participants while
building community; shared our tikkun olam projects— cooking
for Stepping Stones; crocheting for Project Linus; volunteering
for Montgomery County Volunteer Center Martin Luther King,
Jr., Day of Service; and protesting the ongoing atrocities in
Sudan— with Har Shalom members and the community at large.
We’ve helped families and congregants celebrate Shabbat
and s’mahot with beautiful, healthy, and delicious kiddushim. The
number of givers and receivers of Mishloah Manot has surpassed
all previous years. The number of women participating on a
regular basis in our monthly Book Club has increased and the
quality of the discussion has flourished. We’ve worked with the
Religious School, ECEC, and Adult Education to provide not
only the expected gifts and scholarships, but the unexpected:
accompanying our Kesher kids on a trip to Philadelphia with our
Rabbi and Director of Congregational Learning; leading cooking
classes focused on holidays and special diets; and throwing our
first Vashti’s Banquet.
Our bowling team is out every week fostering friendships
and ties that bind. Countless phone calls, meals, and visits have
been made to the sick by our Bikkur Holim committee. The
2012 Sisterhood Shabbat was awe-inspiring—not only because
of its record-breaking length!—but because it showed just how
strong and deep our bench of knowledge is, with thanks to our
articulate, passionate, artistic, and dedicated members. Once
again, we exceeded our Torah Fund goal, helping to educate
the women and men who will be our Jewish leaders, scholars,
clergy, and educators. And we’ve donated thousands of dollars
to Har Shalom.
And although many are looking forward to summer rest and
relaxation, Sisterhood’s worker bees are hard at work planning
for the coming year. Our Education Committee is rolling out
a project that will create tallitot for the women of the Jewish
community in Uganda. We’re already lined up to participate in the
County’s MLK Day of Service on January 21, 2013. Sisterhood
Shabbat is on the calendar for March 2, 2013 (it’s not too early
to step up to participate in one of the myriad opportunities). So
you want to be on the stage? Look for information about classes
taught by experienced and credentialed theater people.
Next December (Sunday through Wednesday,
December 2-5, 2012), Women’s League for Conservative
Judaism will hold its biennial convention in Las Vegas, Nevada.
(For more information, see page 9.) If you’ve been to other
Women’s League conventions, you know how wonderful it is to
learn, pray, laugh, meet, and share with your sisters from across
the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Israel. If you haven’t
had this experience, plan to come. We’re working on ways to
subsidize the cost for as many of our members as possible. In the
meantime, check out airfares online or contact Wendy Epstein
(Sisterhood Financial Secretary and travel agent extraordinaire!)
As satisfying as this first year has been, with a little help (a
lot, actually) from my sisters (and quite a few brothers) we can
look forward to an even greater 2012-2013!
Yvonne Paretzky, Sisterhood President
Sisterhood Officers, Directors, and Members of the Board 2012-2013
he Nominating Committee, chaired by Faith Adler, is pleased to present the following slate of the Board of Directors for
Yvonne Paretzky, President Laurie Freed, Corresponding Secretary
Wendy Epstein, Financial Secretary
Phyllis Coburn, Treasurer
Ruth Newburger, VP Catering
Alyse Steinborn, VP Education
Sheila Hahn, VP Membership
Marjorie Klein, VP Tikkun Olam
Ellen Bresnick, VP Torah Fund
Cheryl Rod, Immediate Past President
Toby Holtzman, Parliamentarian
Susan Grant
Rachel Katz
Hedda Kenton
Jan Shapiro
Margery Swerdlow
Janet Ozur Bass
Elizabeth Cahan
Selma Miller
Sandy Myers
Sari Raskin
Rita Wertlieb
Sisterhood: 301-299-7087, ext. 410 • Email: • Yvonne Paretzky, President
Z’havah Looks Back at An
Outstanding Year
Terrific Selections on Tap for Next
Year’s Book Club
’havah Sisterhood’s year has come to a close. Thank you
to all the terrific volunteers who stepped up to make
programs happen. We would like to thank you and recognize
you for your generous spirit: Stephanie Knauer for chairing
the “Reading, Screening, and Eating” movie nights out; Amy
and Mitch Smith, and Faith and Jeff Adler, for hosting the
“Dessert Nights Out;” Sheila Hahn for co-chairing the Laurie
Strongin presentation; Robin Stutman and Judith Popkin
for chairing “Day of Pampering;” and those women—you
know who you are—whose ears I bent for advice and counsel!
Thank you again for another wonderful year of making
Z’havah Sisterhood so successful. Have any ideas you
want to share? Please contact Susan Grant, Z’havah
chairperson, at the e-mail address or phone number at
he line-up for next year’s Book Club
looks amazing! The list includes novels,
histories, and memoirs about people and
politics from all over the world. Plan to join
this ever-growing group of readers over
a brown-bag lunch for conversation and
education every month from September
through May. You don’t even have to read the book to join
the sessions.
For several years, Phyllis Weltz has been our tireless
leader—organizing, reminding, communicating, and
attending our monthly book club meetings. While she’ll
continue to be a reader, she has passed the baton to Marie
Kramer. If you see Phyllis or Marie, be sure to let them know
their time and effort are appreciated!
Want to get a jump on next year’s line-up? Here are the
Book Club selections for 2012-2013. Get reading!
Women’s League
• September 5—In the Garden of Beasts, by Erik Larson;
facilitator: Marie Kramer
• October 3—The Prime Ministers, by Yehuda Avner;
facilitator: Blanche Abel
Four Days
That Can Change
Your Life!
• November 7—The Aquariums of Pyongyang: Ten Years in the
North Korean Gulag, by Chol-hwan Kang & Pierre Rigoulot;
facilitator: Marsha Schwartz
Sunday-Wednesday, December 2-5, 2012
JW Marriott Resort & Spa Las Vegas
Full-time delegates (not including hotel):
Early Bird (up to September 28): $935
Early Bird for First Time Delegates
(up to September 28): $835
After September 28: $1000
Part-time delegates (not including hotel):
Three consecutive meals: $340
Six consecutive meals: $680
Hotel: $200 for all three nights, double occupancy
Registration now open!
• December 5—When a Crocodile Eats the Sun: A Memoir of
Africa, by Peter Godwin; facilitator: Roberta Lasken
• January 2, 2013—The Submission, by Amy Waldman;
facilitator: Carol Leibowitz
• February 6, 2013—The Glass Room, by Simon Mawer;
facilitator: Linda Slan
• March 6, 2013—Defending Jacob: A Novel, by William
Landay; facilitator: Lynnette Spira
• April 3, 2013—One More River, by Mary Glickman;
facilitator: Ellen Kaner Bresnick
• May 1, 2013—The Memory Palace: A Memoir, by Mira
Bartók; facilitator: Ellen Cades
• June 5, 2013—Luncheon, time and place to be
Questions? Contact Marie Kramer at
Sisterhood: 301-299-7087, ext. 410 • Email: • Yvonne Paretzky, President
Judaica Shop Open Until Mid-June
he Judaica Shop is open Tuesday, Friday, and
Sunday mornings through June 15. After that time,
the shop is open by appointment.
Come in and check out the selection
of simply beautiful items just perfect
for your home or as gifts. You can
shop online anytime by going to the
Sisterhood web page (HarShalom.
org/organizations/sisterhood.asp), and
clicking on “Judaica Shop.”
Remember, if your child or
grandchild is going to be a Har Shalom
Bar or Bat Mitzvah and you want to give him or her a tallit,
we have a wonderful selection. In addition, if your child’s
Bar or Bat Mitzvah service will be held at Har Shalom, you’ll
receive a members-only 13% discount off the marked price
of any of the shop’s tallitot that you purchase for your young
one’s big day. This offer applies only to tallitot purchased
from the shop, not for online purchases.
Our shop volunteers are essential and appreciated! Thank
you to this year’s volunteers: Ellen Bravman, Phyllis Coburn,
Leah Cohen, Ronni Cristol, Wendy Epstein, Lois Forester,
Joan Gorman, Linda Isen, Karen Katz, Eva Miller, Yvonne
Paretzky, Hannah Lee Pomerantz, Cheryl Rod, Honey Rosen,
Jan Shapiro, Harriet Shub, and Marsha Schwartz.
We’re looking for Judaica Shop volunteers for next year.
If you have a couple of hours once a month or even once
every two or three months, please contact Margo Fonoroff
Please join us
Kiddush Volunteers Needed
isterhood needs volunteers in the kitchen to help with
Kiddush. If you would like to assist occasionally, please
contact our volunteer coordinator at
Opportunities to help are open to both men and women.
2210 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W.
(3 blocks from Dupont Circle Metro)
Sunday, June 16, 2012
1:30 to 2:30 PM
Sisterhood Tikkun Olam Committee; Marjorie Klein, Chair
and World Jewry Committee; Hal Freed, Chair
men’s club
Men’s Club: 301-299-7087, ext. 411 • Email: • Joe Kromash, President
Washington Jewish Week Editor
Featured at June Sunday Speakers
Series and Brunch
Stimulating Speakers and Spirited
Spring Golf Outing Offered This
n Sunday, June 4, beginning at 9:15 am, the
Men’s Club will present the June Sunday Speakers
Series and Brunch, featuring Phil Jacobs, editor of the
Washington Jewish Week. Our speaker has devoted his life
to journalism and the Jewish community. He has said that
he never wanted to cover Bubbie and Zaidy at the Gefilte
Fish Ball.
antastic speakers at our Sunday Speaker Series and
Brunch sessions, a Chinese dinner with Rabbi Raskin, a
golf outing, a movie with the Boyz Club, working with the
Religious School students to pack yellow Holocaust memorial
candles, making sure that your child or grandchild applied
for the Youth Leadership Award—these are just some of the
activities that Men’s Club organized this year. There is truly
something for everyone. All you need to do is to participate
in any event of interest—your involvement will enhance your
entire Har Shalom experience.
Phil Jacobs is well known for his role as the investigative
journalist who exposed a century of silence surrounding the
abuse of Baltimore area children by rabbis, teachers, and
others. His efforts gave rise to the acclaimed documentary
“Standing Silent.” In addition to his revelations about this
tragic situation, Jacobs has also served the Jewish community
with the love and integrity that comes from his deeply Jewish
Please join us on June 4 for this final Sunday Speakers
Series and Brunch before the summer break. Our presentations
will begin again in September. Watch for details about the
first fall program in the July/August TABLET.
Texas Hold’em Tournament Set for
June 10
f you are looking for an exciting and fun way to spend
a warm Sunday evening in June, you are welcome to
join in the “Har Shalom
Men’s Club Annual
Texas Hold’em Poker
To u r n a m e n t . ” T h e
Tournament will begin
promptly at 7:00 pm
on Sunday, June 10, at
Har Shalom. This year,
we are looking forward
to an even bigger turnout
than we had last year. There will be prizes for the top three
winners. The cost to play is only $25.00, with the option
to re-buy one time if you’d like. Food and beverages will be
provided. Please sign up early so that the Men’s Club can
make appropriate accommodations. If you cannot sign up in
advance, walk-ins are most definitely welcomed.
The May Sunday Speakers Series and Brunch featured
MIT economics professor and CNN commentator Simon
Johnson. Professor Johnson has a talent for actually making
complex economic issues understandable to the rest of us,
and he demonstrated that talent at the program on May
6. Previously, Dr. Johnson was Chief Economist for the
International Monetary Fund. He has published and spoken
widely on the causes of the world economic crisis, the
economic problems of the U.S. and the Euro zone, and other
matters of current interest on the world economic scene. His book, 13 Bankers: The Wall Street Takeover and the Next
Financial Meltdown, published in 2010, was followed by a new
book published only a few days before the May 6 session. At
the program, a number of people purchased a signed copy
of his new book.
The spring golf outing took place at the Montgomery
County Northwest Golf Course. Five teams of four players
each teed off at the April 27 golf outing. Men’s Club member,
Vic Cohen is active in the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs
(FJMC) Seaboard Region, and invited other Men’s Clubs to
join us on the golf course. The players included people from
Kehilat Shalom and Beth El. Team scores ranged from even
par to 16 over par. Kudos to the foursome of Steve Erd, David
Chen, Eric Oppenheim, and Jon Mantz. Playing scramble,
they had an even par of 72, and have earned bragging rights
for the next six months. The April 27 event featured players
of all skill levels, and we had a great time meeting new people,
kibbitzing before our teams teed off, and on the “19th hole.”
Everybody is looking forward to doing this again in the fall.
The fall outing will be on a Friday, probably in late October.
Watch for details.
Early childhood
men’s club
Men’s Club: 301-299-7087, ext. 411 • Email: • Joe Kromash, President
Seaboard Prepares for Annual
Retreat, June 29-July 1
he Seaboard Region of the Federation of Jewish
Men’s Clubs (FJMC) will hold its 6th Biennial
Retreat at the Pearlstone Retreat Center in Reisterstown,
Maryland, June 29-July 1. The theme for this year’s retreat is
“Gentlemen, Recharge Your Engines: Building Community,
Ruach, and Relationships.” The retreat is open to all members
of Men’s Clubs and is a must for Club leaders. Rabbi
David Abramson, chaplain at the Hebrew Home of Greater
Washington, who has 25 years of pulpit experience, will be
our Scholar-in-Residence. The retreat will include interactive
learning sessions on subjects of import to younger and older
Jewish men in today’s world. Sports and recreational activities,
including swimming, hiking, frisbee, and volleyball, will give
all of us a chance to be active.
On Saturday night, we’ll enjoy Havdalah and a bonfire,
music, craft brews, scotch tasting, and karaoke. The retreat
provides a great opportunity to meet and network with
other dedicated Men’s Club members from around the
region. Although the cost is over $200, Seaboard region is
picking most of the tab, so the cost to members is only
$72 per person, double occupancy. Payment is due by
June 1. See the banner at the top of the Seaboard website at for further details and the application form.
For more information, contact Hal Freed or the Men’s Club
at the phone number or email address at the top of this page.
Seaboard Region Plans Israel Trip
for Fall 2013
he Seaboard Region is considering hosting a thirteen-day
trip to Israel in October/November 2013. This trip
will address our interests in Israel as Conservative Jews. The
trip is open to anyone, including first-time or repeat visitors
to Israel, so you can bring family, friends, and relatives. While
the fall travel dates won’t be good for kids in school, the trip
will be an opportunity for members of Men’s Club to bond
and have a great time.
If there is strong interest in such a trip, Seaboard Region
will proceed with planning. The estimated cost, at this time,
is approximately $4500 per person, including airfare, fourstar hotels, food, guides, and most meals. Note that these are
estimated costs, and depending on the number of participants,
final arrangements, and air travel charges, the trip costs may
change. See details and a tentative itinerary by clicking the
Israel Trip banner at the top of the Seaboard website at Indicate your interest in joining us on
this trip by emailing
Early Childhood Center: 301-299-7087, ext. 235 •
Email: • Liran Laor, Director
Truck Day!
On Monday, May 21, the ECEC sponsored Truck Day.
Congregant Craig Ginsburg, whose daughter Lucy is in the
Turtles Class, was the organizer of this exciting, memorable
day. See the photo below, and read Craig’s description:
ruck Day was an event sponsored by the Har Shalom Early
Childhood Education Center. I organized the event and got
all the volunteers and called all the community contributors to
get them to bring out their trucks and other interesting vehicles.
We had several parents who brought vehicles, including one
who brought a Toyota Tundra and one who brought two
ATVs (including a tent to cover them since it was raining).
We also had a bobcat, a Hummer
H1, a Peapod by Giant truck,
a Pepco bucket truck, a minibus from the Jewish Council
for the Aging, a fire engine,
a flatbed trailer, a large dualie
pickup truck, a shredding truck
from Larry Etman (member) at
Clean Cut Shredding, and an
ice cream truck. The kids and
teachers really enjoyed the ice
cream truck, as we were able to
treat all of them to something
from the truck before they went
back to their classrooms. We
had several trucks that didn’t show up, either because
of the weather or because they were otherwise occupied
(including a police cruiser, an ambulance, a postal truck,
and a classic exotic car from Fleming’s Ultimate Garage).
The shredding did take place, and it was a huge success!
In addition to the massive numbers of boxes that
Har Shalom itself had in storage that needed to be
shredded, there were 25-30 people from the Har Shalom
community, who mostly brought multiple boxes for
destruction, so there was lots of shredding for the kids to
be able to see on the video screen on the side of the truck!
I’ve already been asked to run this again next year, so anyone
who would like to volunteer to help out or has a truck or
interesting vehicle to bring can contact me through the Early
Childhood Department at the phone number or email address
at the top of this column.
men’s club
Men’s Club: 301-299-7087, ext. 411 • Email: • Joe Kromash, President
June Five-Minute Health Tip: The
Benefits of Breakfast
e’ve all heard it, and studies continue to back up the
claim that “breakfast is the most important meal of
the day.” Breakfast is an opportunity to start each day with
nutritious energy for your body and mind. It also lays the
foundation for lifelong health benefits.
According to the American Dietetic Association, your
body is still burning calories while you sleep, which is why
you may wake up feeling hungry. After eight to twelve hours
without a meal or snack, you need to break your fast by literally
waking up your stomach. Breakfast is the first chance your
body has to refuel its glucose levels, which is your body’s
main source of energy.
A healthy breakfast not only enhances your concentration
and problem-solving ability, but it also aids in weight loss
and weight management. A breakfast that contains some
protein and some fiber helps to curb your hunger and prevent
overeating later in the day. When you eat a healthy breakfast,
you are more likely to maintain a healthy weight and have
lower cholesterol, which may reduce your risk of heart disease.
In order to get the most health benefits, your breakfast
should include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low or non-fat
dairy, and lean protein. These food groups provide a nutritious
combination of complex carbohydrates, fiber, protein, and a
small amount of fat that can leave you feeling full for hours.
Avoid sugary cereals, syrups, pastries, and white breads. If
you want to have juice, select 100 % juice beverages without
added sugar.
Try to choose one or two options from each of the above
food groups to round out a good breakfast. Some healthy
breakfast choices include:
• Veggie omelet with a bran muffin and a piece of fruit
• Whole-grain English muffin with low-fat cheese, a
scrambled egg, and a slice of tomato
• Smoothie made with one frozen banana, low-fat milk,
and whey or rice protein powder
• Salmon on multi-grain toast with light cream cheese
and a piece of fruit
• Whole-grain cereal with fresh fruit and low-fat milk
• Oatmeal or quinoa flakes with low-fat milk, raisins
and nuts, and a glass of orange juice
• A whole-wheat pita stuffed with sliced hard-cooked
eggs, accompanied by a banana
• Whole-grain bread with almond butter and half of a
grapefruit with cottage cheese.
If you opt to eat cereal with low-fat milk or grab a
handful of cereal to eat dry while on the run, remember that
not all cereals are created equal; read the nutrition label and
ingredient list. A serving size is typically three-quarters of a
cup to one cup. Two key items to evaluate in your choice of
cereals are fiber and sugar. Choose cereals with at least three
grams of fiber per serving, but preferably five grams per
serving or higher. Also try to choose cereals that have 3 grams
or less of sugar per serving. If you are counting calories, pick
cereals with less than 120 calories per serving.
Your morning meal doesn’t have to be time-consuming
to be healthy. Decide what you’ll eat for breakfast the night
before, and if necessary, get up 10 minutes earlier to enjoy it.
Sources: American Dietetic Association, Mayo Clinic, Johns
Hopkins Medicine, LifeWork Strategies EAP, and Washington
and Shady Grove Adventist Hospitals. For medical advice, consult
your physician.
The TABLET is in color online each
month. Go to,
click on “What’s Happening,” and go
to “TABLET Online.”
The current issue and earlier issues
are available to download.
We Gratefully Acknowledge the Following Contributions . . .
Adult Education
In Memory of:
Henry Zetlin, father of Linda
Stewart & Shelley Remer
Leonard Satler, father of Dr.
Lowell Satler
Stewart & Shelley Remer
Pearl Falk, my mother
Joan Levenson
Speedy Recovery to:
Mark Versel
Meryl & Jeff Cohen
Alan B. Levenson
In Memory of:
Alan B. Levenson, husband of
Joan Levenson
Lois Fioretti
Joan Levenson
Charles Schwartz, my
Harolyn Schwartz
Eleanor Mintzer, mother of
James Mintzer
Ellen & Bill Bresnick
Mae Holtzman, mother of
Matthew Holtzman
Ellen & Bill Bresnick
Eric Porter, nephew of Aileen
Morton & Aileen
Arlene Sidman Fund
In Memory of:
Fany Swita, mother of Helen
Michael Goldfinger
Bernie Witt Fund
In Memory of:
Jacqueline Greengarten,
mother of Wendy Reiter
Rena Epstein
Improvement Fund
In Memory of:
Estelle Binder
Al Binder
Speedy Recovery to:
Gail Provizer-Simmons
Rachel & Marvin Becker
Cantor Cal Chizever
ECEC Scholarship
In Honor of:
Marriage of Daniel Feinberg,
son of Gay & Alan Feinberg,
to Rachel Pasternak
Yvonne & Ken Paretzky
In Memory of:
Florence Berger, grandmother
of Tammi Cortez, and mother
of Carolyn Tebo
Jodi & David Chen
Community of
Caring Fund
In Honor of:
85th birthday of Charlotte
Barbara Peschin
Anne & Marty Meth
Bryna Blaine
In Memory of:
Arnold Friedman, father of
Barbara Angres
Barbara & David Cypes
Edward Wolfe, my brother
Dorothy Kulik
Isidore Sandler, father of
Diane, Robin, & Kelly
Jacqueline Greengarten,
mother of Wendy Reiter
Rena Epstein
Leonard Satler, father of Dr.
Lowell Satler
Maureen & Arnie
Mae Holtzman, mother of
Matthew Holtzman
Ronni & Rick Cristol
Rose Yalowitz, mother of
Gerson & Shirley Yalowitz
Abram Blum Library
In Memory of:
Harry Schepartz, father of
Marlyn & Saul Schepartz
Tillie Weinstein, my sisterin-law
Natalie Weinstein
Debbie Karch
Children’s Library
In Honor of:
Bat Mitzvah of Samantha
Klein, granddaughter of
Hilda & Lance Pursner, and
daughter of Vicki & Eric
Owen & Margie Ritter
Birth of Sadie Ann Rodman,
granddaughter of Steve &
Ellen Cades
Carol Witt
In Memory of:
Albert Lyon, my father
Toni Immerman
Debbie Karch
The Karch Family
Esther S. Sherman
Henry Zetlin, father of Linda
Lynn & Jamie Mintzer
Mae Holtzman, mother of
Matthew Holtzman
Jamie & Lynn Mintzer
Martin & Eleanor Mintzer,
my parents
James Mintzer
Doreen Fermaglich
Endowment Fund
In Memory of:
Doreen Elizabeth Fermaglich,
my wife
Joseph Fermaglich
ECEC & Religious
School Special Needs
In Memory of:
Mary Oshinsky, my mother
William Oshinsky
Etz Hayim Humash
In Memory of:
Arthur Webber, father of
Erica, Neil, & Jeff Webber
Erica Webber
General Operating
David Certner
Harvey & Ellen Karch
In Honor of:
50th birthday of Sharon Mayl
Darryl Lynn Lefcoe &
Alan Friedman
Auf ruf & upcoming marriage
of Roger Landsman, son of
Shelah & Sheldon Landsman,
to Lina Maria Jimenez
Diane & Daniel Berinstein
Michael Simmons
Joy & Ron Paul
Birth of Samantha
Reid & Hanna Brooke,
granddaugthers of Carole &
Joe Wolinsky
The Har Shalom Board of
Birth of Sadie Ann Rodman,
granddaughter of Ellen &
Steve Cades
The Har Shalom Board of
Birth of Benjamin
Oppenheim, son of Monty &
Melissa Oppenheim
The Har Shalom Board of
Birth of Ethan Lucas Farber,
son of Matt & Julie Farber
The Har Shalom Board of
Birth of Asher James Maizner,
son of Deborah & Michael
Maizner, and grandson of
Barbara & Barry Korb
The Har Shalom Board of
Auf ruf and upcoming
marriage of Amanda Tavss,
daughter of Mona & Andrew
Tavss, and Daniel Klueger
The Har Shalom Board of
In Memory of:
Aaron May & Philip
Eisenberg, fathers of Randy &
Laurie May
Roberta Lasken & Hal
Abe Mandel, father of Sherry
The Cooper Family
The Har Shalom Board of
Arthur Webber, father of
Erica, Neil, & Jeff Webber
Erica Webber
Clara Carin, mother of Phil
Phil & Bobbie Carin
Edith Cohn, my mother
Roberta Lasken
Florence Berger, grandmother
of Tammi Cortez, and mother
of Carolyn Tebo
Miriam Miskin & family
The Har Shalom Board of
Harry Wolfe, brother of
Isidore & Florence Wolfe
Harvey Hersch
Joy & Ron Paul & Family
Hinda Lapkoff, sister of Dr.
Bernard Harrison
Doris Cohen
José Simon Laufer Bass,
father of Hazzan Henrique
Ozur Bass
Roberta Lasken & Hal
Mae Holtzman, mother of
Matthew Holtzman
Carol & Marcia Witt
Jeff & Mikki Ashin
Judy Abrams
Mark & Judi Canter
Marie Blechman, my mother
Judy Morenoff
Mildred Leach, mother of
Florence & Izzy Wolfe
Sidney Malawer, my husband
Carol Malawer
Leonard Satler, father of Dr.
Lowell Satler
The Har Shalom Board of
Fany Swita, mother of Helen
The Har Shalom Board of
Henry Zetlin, father of Linda
The Har Shalom Board of
Arnold Friedman, father of
Barbara Angres
The Har Shalom Board of
Robert Morris
The Har Shalom Board of
Jacqueline Greengarten,
mother of Wendy Reiter
The Har Shalom Board of
David Drazin, father of
Heather Udell
The Har Shalom Board of
Harvey Forest Fund
In Memory of:
Kay Mannes, my mother
Joan Forest
Michael “Mickey” Weinstein
Joan Forest
Discretionary Fund
In Honor of:
Hazzan Henrique Ozur Bass
Linda Austein
In Memory of:
Doris Satler, my wife
Leonard Satler
Henry Zetlin, father of Linda Isen
The Friedson Family
Jacqueline Greengarten,
mother of Wendy Reiter
Sue & Rob Trachman
José Simon Laufer Bass,
father of Hazzan Henrique
Ozur Bass
Maxine Karr
Natalie Weinstein
Linda Austein
Myron & Mindy Edelman
Lissa & Andy Shorr
Mara & Larry Bier
Sheri Trachman, my mother
Rob Trachman
Hevra Kadisha Fund
In Memory of:
Arthur Webber, father of
Erica, Neil, & Jeff Webber
Erica Webber
David Smith, father of Carole
Carole & Joe Wolinsky
Rose Lapkoff, my mother
Harolyn Schwartz
Sally & Hyman Kosowsky,
our aunt & uncle
Zeevia & Joe Jaffa
Irving J. & Henrietta
Kadish Memorial
Endowment Fund
The Kadish Family
Israel Quest Fund
In Memory of:
Irving Hochberg, stepfather
of Stephen Lustgarten
Steven & Phyllis Solomon
Philip Berson, my brother
Wayne Berson
(continued from
page 14)
In Memory of:
Rabbi Emeritus
Discretionary Fund
In Memory of:
Arthur Swartz, my father
Susan Hookman
Barry George Pincus, my
Sandra Pincus-Rush
Estelle Binder, mother of
Mona & Drew Tavss
Rabbi’s Discretionary
In Honor of:
Rabbi Joshua Cahan on
receiving his doctorate in
Yvonne & Ken Paretzky
Adele Isen, mother of Richard
Richard & Linda Isen
Albert Lyon, my father
Toni Immerman
Cindy Dwork, our mother &
Leslie, Steven, Brad ,&
Lindsey Binder
Harvey Hersch
Marilyn Loesberg
Henry Zetlin, father of Linda
Fred & Naomi Glaser
Leonard Satler, father of Dr.
Lowell Satler
Joy & Ronald Paul
The Friedson Family
Penny Heltzer
Mae Holtzman, mother of
Matthew Holtzman
Joel & Linda Miller
Mary Jane Gold, my wife
Lewis Gold
Molly Greenfield, my mother
Annette Steinborn
In Memory of:
Sonny Abramson, father of
Gary Abramson
Marilyn Loesberg
Siddur Sim Shalom
Steppa Family
Endowment Fund
Torah Dedication
In Memory of:
In Memory of:
In Memory of:
Arthur Webber, father of
Erica, Neil, & Jeff Webber
Erica Webber
Herbert Wisotsky, father of
Philip & Shirley Wisotsky
Louis Brodsky, father of
Elaine & Stanford Steppa
Matilda Salamon,
grandmother of Elaine
Elaine & Stanford Steppa
Cyvie Rottenberg, my mother
Clara Mazel
Youth Activities Fund
In Honor of:
50th anniversary of Ellen
Bresnick’s Bat Mitzvah
The Spector & Tennen
Engagement of Daniel
Schapiro, son of Debbie & Ed
Schapiro, to Jillian Zane
Yvonne & Ken Paretzky
Marcy Versel and the entire Versel family extend their thanks
and appreciation to the hundreds of members of Har Shalom
whose overwhelming, meaningful, and generous expressions of
sympathy—the meals, cards, donations, emails, and calls—helped
to ease the sadness of losing Mark. The congregational outpouring
offered us comfort, and exemplified the strong sense of community
that makes Har Shalom so special.
In an effort to reduce our credit and debit card processing
expenses, all members and non-members will be charged a
2.5% convenience fee for the use of credit and debit cards.
To see the full selection of donation categories, please go
to the Har Shalom website,, and click
on “Donate Now” at the top of the page or call the office
at 301-299-7087.
Serving the Community with a Beautiful, Meaningful Memorial Park, and
Chapel; Caring, Professional Staff, and Convenient, Mid-County Location:
Congregation Har Shalom
11510 Falls Road
Potomac, Maryland 20854
Paid at
rockville, md 20850
June Congregation Shabbat Dinner &
“Shabbat Under the Stars,” Honoring ECEC Families
Friday, June 8
6:00 pm - Musical Kabbalat Shabbat service to be held outdoors
(weather permitting)
6:30 pm - Kabbalat Shabbat service without musical instruments
Following services there will be a Dairy Picnic Dinner.
You can either bring your own Kosher Dairy Dinner or
purchase Dinner through the synagogue.
After Dinner there will be an Ice Cream Sundae Bar for everyone!
Details and registration information are available on the Har Shalom website.
Questions? Call the synagogue office at 301-299-7087, ext. 0.