Document 50263

Volume 1
Paw Post
Read All About It!!!
Bullard-Havens made
the Connecticut Post
Expect to see more women managers
on construction jobs
Olivia Just | February 28, 2014
As women are being urged to “lean in” to
corporate jobs, there’s another challenge for
management-minded ladies: breaking the
proverbial glass ceiling -- with a hammer.
Working out in the field as a construction
manager, Dianna Barrella likes to be the first
one on the job site every morning. She likes
the ever-changing nature of the work, the
variety of people she meets on each project,
the opportunity to work with different teams
of consultants, architects or engineers.
Over the past 16 years she’s spent at Turner
Construction in Shelton -- almost her entire
career -- Barrella has relished her roles,
which have included overseeing jobs like inhouse building projects at UBS in Stamford.
But it took time to get there.
“When I started at Turner, I think I may
have been a little intimidated, being the only
girl out in the field,” Barrella said. “But in
the industry, that has changed. There’s many
more women now. The challenges are pretty
much the same for men and women.”
Construction has traditionally been a
male-dominated business, with the small
percentage of women who do join -- just 8.9
Spring 2014
percent of the industry nationwide, according
to the U.S. Dept. of Labor -- often relegated
to doing clerical or support jobs.
In Connecticut, based on the state’s
demographics, it’s likely the numbers are even
lower, said Jacob Kovel, associate professor
and chair of the department of construction
management at Central Connecticut State
Women in management positions at
construction businesses can often start their
careers with a fight to gain respect.
For MaryJean Rebeiro, president and
CEO of NY-Conn in Danbury, construction
was the business she grew up in, with three
brothers alongside. Navigating a man’s world
as a woman was a matter of course, though
not without its natural challenges.
She now runs NY-Conn, an electrical
construction firm started in 1987, along with
her younger brother, Ross Rebeiro.
“I think getting into this business is about
trying to prove yourself,” Rebeiro said. “It’s
being a female in a male-dominated industry.
I’m challenged by it, I guess. Women don’t
usually go into this field. I think it’s hard for
women to break into it.”
Sophomore Kayla Velez fixes a leaky faucet during
plumbing class at Bullard-Havens
New generation
There are slight indications, however,
that a new generation, if given the right
encouragement, might be gearing up to shift
the dearth of women at the top of the industry.
Trade schools, the traditional feeder
institutions for the construction industry,
are seeing girls who are more willing and
eager to sign up for classes like masonry and
Issue 1
The student population at Bullard-Havens
Regional Vocational Technical School in
Bridgeport is over 50 percent female, and all
students have full access to the same training
in construction skills, said the school’s
principal, Richard Cavallaro. Freshmen have
the opportunity to experience all 13 available
shops in the school and pick their top 3
choices, settling into their permanent shops
by January of their first year. Bullard-Havens
offers five construction-related classes:
carpentry, electrical, plumbing, masonry and
architectural drafting. All of them have seen
fairly well-integrated groups of male and
female students.
“Girls’ attitudes have changed from the
past and they have the confidence that will get
them into college and reach the managerial
level,” Cavallaro said.
Emily Brenner, from Danbury, “fell in
love with building” through her experiences
doing construction work in other countries,
like Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic
and Mexico, while still in high school. She
chose to study construction management at
Central Connecticut State University because
it’s the only college in the state that offers
the major. Now in her second year, Brenner
has already gained firsthand experience as
a construction worker, project manager and
general contractor; while shingling a roof in
Mexico, she received a job offer from one
of her colleagues. But she’s also clear-eyed
about the still-difficult process of being a
woman in construction.
“There are probably plenty of women who
have been turned down for jobs because of
their gender, but are instead given another
reason as to why they were not hired just
to cover up the tracks,” Brenner said.
“Voluntarily and involuntarily women are
stereotyped as being weaker and at times less
intelligent because that is how women have
always been perceived in this world. Women
will get the easier jobs to perform on site and
be told not to do the heavy lifting and to let
the big, strong men do it.”
`Bad rap’
of the best-paid positions in the industry, with
a national median pay of $38.39 per hour
in 2008, as numbers from Bureau of Labor
Statistics indicate.
Female managers are also better qualified
for jobs at construction firms than traditional
perceptions might suggest. Some of the
key skills that are required for construction
management jobs -- dealing with customers,
solving personnel issues- are those at which
women particularly excel, Kovel said.
Lack of encouragement
Sophomore Alba Turcios and Zamarie Rivera work on a jewelry box project during carpentry class at BullardHavens Technical High School in Bridgeport
management has remained stagnant over the
past 10 years, while the ratio of graduatelevel students has skewed increasingly
female, Kovel said. He speculates that
graduate classes are being filled by a
growing number of women who are finding
themselves in the construction industry with
What better way to publicize the many
activities that transpire on a daily basis,
at Bullard Havens, than through a school
newspaper? This publication, you will
quickly notice, has a distinct personality,
just like our school. With each issue,
we hope to capture what is happening
internationally, locally and within our
school. But, not only do we include
news, we welcome poems and drawings.
As you walk throughout the hallways,
it is evident that we have many talented
students. Throughout this issue you will
find instructions on how to submit work
that could be published. (This could be
helpful to build that resume of yours.)
Do you have a question for an
administrator? Submit the question, and
we will try to have it answered by the
next issue.
a different business background and are
seeking additional training.
Still, construction management is not a
popular choice, Kovel said.
“We get a bad rap,” he said. “When
people talk about construction and aren’t in
the industry, the impression they get is that
it’s people laying bricks or running pipes.
That’s not what we do here. Our program is
a management program and a lot of people
don’t understand that.”
When women are excluded from
management-level jobs in construction,
they’re also missing an opportunity to earn
a higher living wage. Women in construction
management make “much more” than in
similar positions in other industries, Kovel
noted. Contrary to the inequality between the
genders in jobs held, the ratio of women’s to
men’s earnings in the industry nationwide
was 92 percent in 2009, the highest ratio in
the country, according the U.S. Bureau of
Labor Statistics. Construction manager is one
So what, if anything, is keeping women
from holding many of these jobs? Much of
it comes down to encouragement, or current
lack of it. Showing women both that these
jobs are available and that success within
them is possible could have an impact, Kovel
Rebeiro’s company has taken a large
percentage of its 49 employees from trade
schools; many have been with NY-Conn
since they were 16 or 17 years old, she
said. Reaching out to girls at a high school
level to pique their interest in a construction
management future could be a first step.
“If they had someone who came in and
spoke during that training period, it might
open the door for them,” Rebeiro said.
For women or men, construction
management as a job choice has shown
potential for advancement. The profession
is expected to grow 26.1 percent by 2018,
according to the state Bureau of Labor
Statistics, and the construction industry
growth rate nationally is projected at 18.5
“I have been told by my professors and
my co-workers in construction that I will do
well in this field because I am a female and
a minority pursuing construction,” Brenner
said. “In the end, I believe it can be easy to
spark one’s interest in construction being a
female, but this does not necessarily mean
that a female will more likely get hired than
a male.”
This is the first issue of many, but we
need photographers, field reporters, and
interviewers to make this paper grow.
Think about joining the Newspaper!!
Keep reading,
Ms. Coyle
Editor: Ms. Jessica Ruskin
NY-Conn Corp. owner and President MaryJean Rebeiro works in her office at the 25-year-old electrical construction
company in Danbury.
Featured Artist
Lenymar Matos
by: Nytasia Capozziello
Nytasia Capozziello: “How does it feel to be
the artist of the month?”
Lenymar Matos: “It feels good to be the
artist of the month, I never expected it, and
I didn’t realize my artwork was that good. It
makes me feel proud of my work.”
N.C. “How long have you been working on
L.M. “I always drew when I was little, I have this
book and I’m very proud of my work I do in it. But
I didn’t start taking it serious until age 16.”
N.C. “What is your favorite art activity?”
L.M. “I like everything, but I really like
coloring and making things mine. I like to be
able to show my creativeness and uniqueness,
and I also like expressing myself through
crafts, so no one can duplicate my work.”
N.C. “Do you consider your artwork talent?”
L.M. “I don’t consider it talent. I just consider
it something I do.”
N.C. “Who is your favorite artist?”
L.M. “I like Vincent Van Gogh.”
N.C. “Do you have anyone who inspires you
to continue art?”
L.M. “My art teacher Ms. Head motivates
me. She helps me show my creativity in art.”
N.C. “Are you planning to continue your art
after high school?”
L.M. “I am planning on continuing but only
as a hobby, nothing professional.”
N.C. “Do you have any advice for other
young artists in the world?”
L.M. “Don’t let what others think of your
work bother you; everyone is different.”
A few facts behind the mask of the artist:
N.C. “What shop are you taking and why are
you taking it?”
L.M. “I am in hairdressing because I can
express my creativity in hair styles.”
N.C. “What is your favorite subject?”
L.M. “My favorite subject is sociology.”
N.C. “What is your favorite art work that you
have created?”
L.M. “My favorite art work that I have
created was Lady and the Tramp portrait.”
Teachers & Students
Are you doing something?
in your shop?
in your classroom?
Do you want to share
with the school?
Send pictures and a description to:
US History class creates
The Great Depression Scrapbook
Join the Newspaper!!
It is a unique club since you do not have
to attend a weekly meeting. We need pictures of school events, art work, school
related articles, and opinions. Please
submit your work and you may see your
work in print!!
All submissions should be sent to:
Have you ever wondered why your great
grandparents saved tin foil, wrapping paper,
or other “useless” items? Chances are they
lived during the Great Depression. The Great
Depression or the Dirty Thirties were a tumultuous time in American history. It was a
time not easily forgotten by those still alive to
tell about it. Beginning with the stock market crash of l929, Americans faced hardships
previously never experienced. The Great Depression was a time of unemployment, homelessness, and hopelessness, leading to a New
Deal and hope!
As a Junior class project, students were
asked to create a scrapbook of that time from
the perspective of a person who lived through
the Great Depression. Students learned how
people lived during the Great Depression,
what the Dust Bowl was and how it affected
people (migration), and how people survived.
The accompanying picture only includes a
few of the many creative scrapbooks. Mr.
Rozarie explained that the students seemed to
enjoy the project and added, “These are some
of the best efforts we have received to date.”
Mrs. Hall’s
Elements and Principles
Art Classes
The students in Mrs. Hall’s Elements
and Principles Art classes created realistic
drawings at end of Quarter two. These
drawings, made of graphite, were created
from observation. Students were assigned
to recreate an animal photo created using a
grid technique; they reproduced the drawing
one square at a time. Each student selected
their own animal from a bank of images, and
a few students chose to find their own animal
drawings. Although some students selected
the same image, they were still able to use a
variety of techniques and styles, making each
drawing unique. These drawings will be on
display outside room 212 through the month
of February.
Sculptural Piece
These pieces of art were made by a
combination of 11th grade Auto, HBC and
12th grade Auto and Graphics students
during their art classes. We discussed things
that are 2-dimensional, like a drawing,
then turning them into a 3-dimensional
sculptural piece. The students had to plan for
two related pictures. A point of interest is
viewing art from the sides, not the front, so
as you walk past, the subject changes, almost
like an optical illusion. They had a choice
of materials –cray-pas, colored pencils,
markers, or paint, or any combination.
I n Yo u r O w n Wo r d s
Upon entering through the Main Entrance,
one cannot help but notice the saying above the doors,
“He Who Hath a Trade, Hath an Estate.”
What does this saying mean to you?
If you know what you are doing with your life, you will have success in the future.
– Damaris Rodriguez and Nicole Vezina both in 9th grade
He who knows what they want, has something going for them.
-Vicki Cordova, Bakery, 11th grade
If you have a trade, you’ll always have that trade as a back-up plan.
-Lataijah Garret, Electrical, 12th grade and Sadazjah Miles, Graphics, 12th grade
Written From the Heart
A Poet Lost in Revolving Thoughts
Time spins mindlessly and thoughts revolve in like a train through my mind from place to place,
topic to topic. The world might see my expression and smiles even hear my laughs and giggles, but not
see what truly hurts. They don’t see the scars their making. They don’t see the drama their burning in
the innocent’s skin. I smile because I deserve to. I’m cuddly because I show love that way.
I see the world like a glass either it’s half full or half empty. And lately it’s been half empty but I try
my best to see it half full because no person makes you become a negative person.
My circle of friends gets smaller every day, but I do my best to make those in it special. I’m
determined and dedicated to the people who deserve it and even to the people that don’t. I thank
that train for dropping senseless thoughts in my mind because those thoughts helped me figure out
who’s really there for me.
Colorful Exterior
I see the guy buried in tears. Colorful tears. I see rainbows on the outside and lightning and thunder on the inside.
I feel deep anger within his tight hugs, but I also feel the love he has for me. I broke so many chains to get to where
I am and I’m not backing down ever. The rain stopped and I saw a rainbow. I chased that rainbow till the end till it
disappeared and all I saw was you. That day I realized you were worth more than a pot of gold. Your beauty in many
colors, you’re worth more than diamonds. I see you one day crying and I ask what’s wrong and it just starts raining
again. I want to fix all the scars they’ve given you. Show you love that no one else can because I understand you better
than lightning and hail. I’ll be the sun and you’ll be my rainbow and clouds because with us together, smiling will
never go extinct. All I want to say is don’t rain anymore and shine your colors because you’re special to me. <3
Snowflakes of Joy
This winter things will change for better or for worse. Snowflakes will fall and cover us like a
blanket. I don’t know what to expect but to be covered by you. You came unexpectedly silent
without a single warning. You give me the chills and goose bumps with every tiny flake. You surprised
me with your graceful swaying in the winds and for some reason I find you everywhere, maybe it just
was meant to be. Maybe it was meant for us to be snowflakes and sway with each other, holding each
other till we landed because I won’t let you go even if I’m slipping. The wind can blow us but it can’t
keep us apart because nothing is strong enough to do that. So until then I’m going to enjoy swaying in
the wind with you…
~ Anonymous
Artwork by:
Emmanuel Vargas-Morales
Shop Talk
Early Care &Education
Ece is always doing something to enhance
student learning . For example,many of our
eligible juniors and seniors are participating
in student internships. Instead of coming
to school a few days out the cycle they are
working in a preschool classroom in the
community. My 10th grade students are
learning about shaken baby syndrome,and we
are planning on showing this video to some
of the other students at BHT and showing
the families who participate in our preschool
classroom. In addition, my 10th grade
students just created their own Facebook
page so we may add posts, blog and show
pictures of what we are doing.
Tina Weiner
Sustainable Architecture
Here are a few pictures of our students
working on various projects in shop and on
production. We are currently working on
several jobs; 2 finished basements, 1 addition,
1 deck over a garage, and an enclosed
walkway attaching a garage to the house.
Even though one-quarter of 2014 has already
passed, remember these stories from 2013?
1. The Pentagon is eliminating its ban on women in combat.
2. Manti Te’O was conned.
3. Two year old is cured of HIV.
4. A baby monkey was brought to Germany by Justin Bieber.
5. Pope Francis from Argentina.
6. Royal baby Prince George Alexander Louis of Cambridge.
7. George Zimmerman was found not guilty.
8. First Miss America of Indian descent.
9. Government shutdown!
10. Reopen the government!
11. Twitter is worth about $25 billion.
12. The death of Nelson Mandela – Former President of South Africa
A Warm & Minty Welcome to Graphics
The Graphics Technology sophomores used their talent and creativity
to design gum wrappers. The wrappers were used to welcome the class
of 2017 into the shop. The Sophomores did a wonderful job and the
freshmen enjoyed their minty welcome gift.
My experience with
Skills USA By Závon Billups
Definition - In order to accurately detail
my experience as member of Skills USA, I
must first tell you what exactly Skills USA
is - a partnership of students, teachers, and
industry working together to ensure America
has a skilled workforce. What this means
is that a student, teacher, and the field of
competition all coincide with one another in
a way that benefits America.
The Journey - I made the decision to
become an active member of Skills USA last
school year. I made this decision when I was
informed that the trade events were not the
only competitions I could possibly compete in.
Soon after, I decided to compete in speaking
competitions such as Extemporaneous
Speaking, which means to speak without
preparation. I’ve always prided myself in
honing my speaking ability, and entering in
the competition gave me a chance to do so.
What skills do you have? Think you’re great
at what you do? Join Skills USA and put your
skills to the test!
My Experience - Seeing as it is a new
experience, Skills USA can be a little nerve
wrecking at first. However, you’ll quickly
learn that you’re not so much a little fish in
a big pond, but a fish with plenty of room
to grow. Skills USA will allow you to grow
as an individual as well as further your
knowledge in your skill. You’ll meet many
other competitors just like yourself on the
regional, state, and if you’re lucky enough,
the national level. So, making new friends
won’t be difficult at all. I myself have formed
life long bonds with people I wouldn’t have
otherwise even met.
When competing, it’s important to take
it seriously; after all, it is a competition,
right? While the competition itself can be
taxing to one’s psyche, there is also plenty
of time to mix and mingle which takes away
from any stress. The environment itself
is non-stressful. I remember finishing my
competition then going to the café to eat. I
sat enjoying my delicious Subway sandwich
when other competitors from a variety of
schools came up to me and asked me to join
them at the party. I remember looking at them
with a bewildered face and saying, “Sure”. To
my surprise, there was a full-fledged teenage
party going on in the gym. I saw my peers,
who had nothing but serious looks on their
face earlier, doing the Harlem Shake. Are
you wondering what I did? I joined them!
As you can see, Skills USA is not only an
organization built to benefit America as a
whole, but it is also one big family -- a family
that likes to party! If I could do one thing
over in my life, it would be to participate
in Skills USA my entire high school career.
Unfortunately, I can’t change the past. Now
this year as the reigning Skills USA President
at Bullard-Havens, I look forward to not only
competing in my respective field but to also
watching my peers “Drop that Nae Nae.”
Freshmen Celebrate Pi Day
On March 14th the freshmen Math Instructors hosted a Pi event. Among the 13 activities students experienced, they learned how to measure
the circumference of a circle using string and a ruler, were challenged to find how many words contained “pi”, and played Pi jeopardy. Pi Day is
celebrated annually on March 14th since Pi begins with 3.14. In addition to the many stations, students learned that Pi is a letter (π) in the Greek
alphabet and is irrational, which means Pi is a decimal that goes on forever and never repeats.
3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679 821480865132
Photos by Amy Cimino – more photos on the website