Sneem Community Notice Board Issue 135 14th August 2014 Fortnightly FREE Good Luck to All Rowing Clubs this Weekend This week end sees all roads leading to Waterville f or the All Ireland Coastal Rowing Championships starting on Friday 15th August. There is live streaming of all the f inals on Sunday on www. CRV and check out kerrycoastalrowing f acebook page for updates. We wish all the best to our local clubs Sneem, Templenoe and Caherdaniel. Friday – Starting Time 4pm 1. Open Classic Men 2. Cork Yawl Ladies 3. Heritage Men 4. FISA Singles Ladies 5. Open Classic Ladies 6. Cork Yawl Men 7. Heritage Ladies - Sneem 8. FISA Singles Men Saturday – Starting Time 8am 1. Mixed Veterans – Heat 1 2. Mixed Veterans – Heat 2 3. Senior Mixed – Heat 1 4. Senior Mixed – Heat 2 5. Under 12’s – Heat 1 6. Under 12’s - Heat 2 7. Under 16’s – Heat 1 - Sneem 8. Under 16’s – Heat 2 9. Pre-Veteran Mixed – Heat 1 10. Pre-Veteran Mixed – Heat 2 11. Under 14 Girls – Heat 1 12. Under 14 Girls – Heat 2 13. Under 18 Ladies - Heat 1 - Sneem 14. Under 18 Ladies – Heat 2 15. Masters Ladies – Final 16. Masters Men – Final 17. Pre-Veteran Ladies – Heat 1 18. Pre-Veteran Ladies –Heat 2 19. Pre-Veteran Men – Heat 1 20. Pre-Veteran Men – Heat 2 21. Under 21 Ladies – Heat 1 22. Under 21 Ladies – Heat 2 23. Under 12 Girls – Heat 1 24. Under 12 Girls – Heat 2 25. Under 18’s – Heat 1 26. Under 18’s – Heat 2 27. Under 16 Ladies - Heat 1 - Sneem 28. Under 16 Ladies – Heat 2 29. Veteran Ladies – Heat 1 30. Veteran Ladies – Heat 2 31. Under 14’s – Heat 1 32. Under 14’s – Heat 2 - Sneem 33. Under 14’s – Heat 3 - Sneem 34. Int ermediate Ladies – Heat 1 35. Int ermediate Ladies – Heat 2 36. Junior Ladies – Heat 1 37. Junior Ladies – Heat 2 38. Int ermediate – Heat 1 39. Int ermediate – Heat 2 - Sneem 40. Seine Boats - Sneem Sunday (All Finals) – Starting 8am 1. Veteran Men 2. Veteran Ladies 3. Under 12’s 4. Senior Mixed 5. Under 18’s 6. Pre-Veteran Mixed 7. Under 16 Girls 8. Under 14’s 9. Under 21 Ladies 10. Under 12 Girls 11. U21’s 12. Pre-Veteran Ladies 13. Pre-Veteran Men 14. Under 18 Ladies 15. Under 16’s 16. Under 14 Girls 17. Mixed Veterans 18. Int ermediate Ladies 19. Junior Ladies 20. Senior Ladies - Sneem 21. Int ermediate Men 22. Junior Men 23. Senior Men This is YOUR Notice Board! Deadline for the next newsletter - Monday 25th August 2014 Call the Resource Centre on 064 6645545 (please leave a message), email: or use our post box outside the Resource Centre. Or leav e a private message on our Facebook Page Sneem Community Notice Board. Community News Birthday wishes Mossie Walsh and Brendan Galvin (Blackshop) on 15th; Sheila Galvin (Driminamore) and John O’Sullivan (Derryleigh) on 17th. Special Birthdays Auke Schots on 14th Congratulations To Frank and Christina O’S ullivan, Boston, on the birth of their daughter Matilda, a sister for Tadgh and Eden and to proud Grandparents Mary and Tim, South Gerha. Deepest Sympathies Are extended to the f amily and f riends of Denis Cronin on his recent death. Welcome Home Good to see Steve Willer out and about after his recent illness. Resource Centre Would like to thank Fiona Schots for all her hard work in the Resource Centre and would like to wish her well in the f uture. Thank You Joyce and Brendan Smith would like to thank all their f riends and neighbours f or all their support on the loss of their 26 year old Granddaughter Belinda. Thank You The Moriarty f amily of Derryquin would like to thank everyone who sponsored us on the JFK 50 mile walk. It was one of our Dad, Jackie’s, f inal wishes that we did it and raised f unds f or Charity. Jerry, Niall, John P aul and their wives B reege, Arlene and Fiona, Vera and her husband Peter, Marie, Olivia, Jackie’s brother Patie and his daughters Patricia and Niamh all set off in May. In total we raised €16,902 for the Irish Cancer Society, St. Mary of the Angels and The Mercy Hospital in Cork. Thanks to the organisers of a great event and to all those who wished us well and to all the volunteers who kept us going on the day. School Jumpers Avril would like to apologise but at the moment she will be unable to do the crest on school jumpers as a piece on her machine has broken. Page 2 Community News Sneem Dramsoc Are performing their last two perf ormances of Chekhov Comedy double act, THE BEAR and THE PROPOSAL at the Community Centre on Saturday 16th August and Saturday 23rd August at 8.45pm. Sneem Bord na nÓg Annual Raffle. Lines on sale now f rom all under age players. €2 per line, 3 lines f or €5. First prize €100 voucher f rom the Kerry GAA shop. All sellers must hand their cards in to Ann Cronin in Quills by this Friday 15th A ugust for the draw later that evening in Sneem House. Kenmare and District Garden Club We have one more exciting day trip to come on the 28th August when we will be in Lismore and environs. Please respond to Geraldine by Thursday, 21st August if you wish to go. Will report back after the event. Please note that our monthly meetings will be recommencing on Thursday, 4th September at 7.30 p.m. at Gateway. Our speaker will be David McConnell whose garden we visited in April 2013 and who will be speaking about rhododendron propagation and collecting seeds. Look forward to seeing you all there. The Skylark A new book by Finbarr Murphy, illustrated by Mary Breach, is on sale in the Resource Centre f or €10. Scrap Metal Collection Sneem School are having a scrap metal collection in September. If possible can you please hold onto any scrap metal until then. Sneem Rowing Club 100 Club Draw June - €100 - Sneem Fire Brigade; €50 - Patrick Neill; €25 - Bridie Fitzgerald. July - €100 - John V. O’Sullivan; €50 - Vincent Sheehan; €25 - Alf ie and Marie Burns. August - €100 - Denis O’Sullivan; €50 - Bertie Christian; €25 - Mick Murphy, Gloragh. Job Vacancy Sneem Resource Centre Assi stant (CE Schem e) Successf ul applicant will operate computers for Internet service, operate photocopier and f ax service and prepare off ice rooms for meetings. Help with publication of bi-weekly newsletter. Cleaning of centre and other duties as required, such as meeting and greeting customers and dealing with inquiries etc. This is a developmental opportunity, no experience is necessary. Accredited training will be provided to support your career. Hours per week: 19.5. Send CV to Joe Murphy, Sneem Resource Centre, Sneem by 22nd August. Page 3 Sneem Community Crèche Summer Drop in Childcare Sneem Community Crèche Childcare service is only €5 per hour and is currently operating from 9:00am-5:30pm Monday and Thursday and f rom 9:00am-3:30pm Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Job Vacancy in Sneem Community Crèche Relief Childcare Assistants needed f rom September 2014 f or holiday cover and staff absences. Minimum Childcare FETA C Level 5 required. Applicants must supply two ref erences and be prepared to complete a Garda vetting application form. To apply send C.V. to Sneem Community Crèche, North Square, Sneem, closing date for entries is Thursday 21st August 2014. Crèche Camp Great excitement at the crèche this week, we had a massive turn-out for our August Camp and we are delighted to see the place f ull of excited f aces. On Monday children made a splash with colourf ul paints and f antastic art work followed by a puppet show and outdoor parachute games. Loom bands took over Tuesday with great help f rom the primary school children who assisted the younger children by showing them how it was done! Dashing f rom the rain we managed to get in a game of sponge polo too. Wednesday was all about f ace painting with some creative f aces almost unrecognizable at collection time, followed by an obstacle course outside. On Thursday we will be cooking up a storm, melted chocolate is the order of the day decorating biscuits and f ruit dipping. Fantastic f un races with eggs and spoons and other balance/target games will round up Thursday. On the f inal day children will come in f ancy dress costumes and we will party with music, dancing and games. Thank you all f or supporting the service. Page 4 All Ireland Semi Final Tickets Anyone looking for tickets for All Ireland Semi Final must order them by midnight on Sunday the 17th August. No orders will be taken thereaf ter. Anyone ordering a ticket through the club must be a f ully paid up club member. Tickets Arrangements for the All Ireland Senior Football Semi Finals Stand €40 (concessions see below), Terrace €25 Family Cusack/Davin Stands only Adult €40 – Juveniles €5 Student/OAP – Concession on Cusack/David Stands only – pay f ull price and get a ref und of €10 at specif ied Stiles on the day (on production of valid ID) Wheelchair & Assistant €40 (two tickets issued) Group Tickets - Juvenile Groups -€3 per juvenile with a f ree Adult with every 10 children. Other Adults pay €40. Application form attached. Club allocation will consist of the f ollowing - Stand Tickets- 6 central. Extra Stand – Location subject to availability. Terrace – on request Family tickets – Location subject to availability. Tickets will be available f or collection f rom next Wed 13th Aug during the following opening hours 2.00 – 5.30pm Mon – Fri. Limited number of Public sale tickets will also be available to purchase f rom the Kerry County Board off ice and Kerry GAA Store in Killarney f rom next Monday 11th August (outside Club Ticket Pool) Tickets f rom Club Pool not ordered by Monday 18th will also be reallocated to public sale and orders f rom then on will be subject to availability. Tribute to our friend - Denis Cronin We would deeply appreciate your including this little blurb in the next newsletter, as we were unable to attend Denis' wake and f uneral. We all love Sneem and intend to come home again in a year or so, but for now, this was the best we could do!! Thanks f or keeping the newsletter coming and helping us f eel the connection across the pond!! Blessings to you all. And condolences on losing a f ine citizen!! The Pennslyvania Ramblers, and f riends of the dearly departed Denis Cronin, f rom Cent ral PA, USA, while gathering to celebrate Clare Traynor's 60th Birthday, had a toast to himself , and sang a rousing rendition of our song written for Denis' 90th Birthday celebration, A Man You Don't Meet Every Day. Rest in Peace our dear f riend. We miss you but know that the Angels have a new addition. Foreground, Clare Traynor, L - R: Bill Smedley, Vicky Smedley, Gary Geykis, Loanne Snavely, Sue Gibson, Esther Delrosso, John Cro nin Mangan (Denis' nephew), Deb bie Fisher. Page 5 Meitheal at the GAA Grounds this Weekend The inaugural Donie Riney 7-a-side will be held in Sneem on Saturday 23rdAugust. We want to have the place in tip top condition f or this great tournament. There will be at least 20 teams participating on the day and all f unds raised will go to Conquer Cancer. We are gratef ul to Joe Casey and Joe Murphy for all the great work they are doing at the moment. However, there is a lot to be done to spruce up the stand and dressing rooms prior to the tournament and we are looking for people to give a hand. We will organise a get together f or this Friday at 7pm and proceed based on the numbers who show up – we ask anyone who has a spare couple of hours to come along and lend a hand. Looking f orward to seeing you there. Ní neart go cur le chéile. Pictured above Danny Breen, Tim O’S ullivan, Larry O’Sullivan, Leonard Burns and Patrick Kelly. Photos by Richard Walsh Above Eric Burns Lef t Larry O’Sullivan and Danny Breen As you can see f rom these pictures work is ongoing on the grounds. Page 6 Carnegie Kenmare August Art Exhibition – Two Exhibitions thi s month Tara Mc Cart hy (July 31st - August 14th) and Co by and Lu ke Kallew aard (August 16 - September 3rd). Tw o ex hibitions featuring mix ed media. Free Admis sionThursday 21st - Film – Nebraska – 2013 – 115min – (15). An aging, boozeaddled f ather makes the trip f rom Montana to Nebraska with his estranged son in order to claim a million-dollar Mega Sweepstakes Marketing prize. Starring Bruce Dern and Will Forte. Tickets €7 – 8pm Friday 22nd - 25th - Drama - Carnegie Players present ‘Last of the Red Hot Lovers’ by Neil Simon. A Comedy in Thr ee A ct s. Neil Simon’s witty play has us roaring with delicious laughter but also, because of his compassionate understanding of how weak and basically well-meaning people can be, he also has us ref lecting on the vagaries of lif e and love. Tickets €12/€10 students - 8pm Wednesday 27th - Music- Kenm are Klassi cs. Our ch erished town 's mos t ac claimed musicians promise to entertain in the third in our most successf ul Kenmare Klassics concert series. Kieran Finnegan (piano), Frederiek Biesme (piano, f lute), Harry O' Connor (violin) and guests will perform all-time Classical f avourites by Bach, Mozart, Grieg and Debussy. Tickets €10 / €7 students - 8pm Friday 29th - Of Ladies Lost and Found – a fabulous night of diva entertain ment! Karen Underwood back again at the Carnegie! Of L adies Lo st an d Found is a night in concert with the divas that left us too soon. The women who en joyed excesses and excellence! If you love music come out and enjoy a great night of music f rom divas like Janice Joplin, Amy Winehouse, Billie Holiday, Whitney Hou ston and more. They may no longer be with us but their music lingers in our hearts! Brought to you by Chicago Diva, Karen Underwood and arranged, directed and ac companied by John O’Brien, promises to be a night to remember! Tickets: €18/€15 For further information on any of our events please see Singles Walking Weekend 11th - 14th September 2014 - Over 35s A f our day event with lots to do and something to appeal to everybody. Guided themed 1 - 2 hour walks, or alternatively moderate 3 - 4 hour walks. Wine tasting with a twist. Stories of romance recalled with a touch of hilarity. This is just a snippet of what awaits the visitors who decide to join us for this action packed singles weekend in Sneem on the Ring of Kerry and the Wild Atlantic Way. Set aside this ‘me time’ f or yourself and avail of the opportunity to relax in a beautif ul rural setting away f rom the hustle and bustle of everyday commitments to meet and engage with the opposite sex. Special rates available f or accommodation in local Hotels, Apartments, SelfCatering, B&Bs. Discounts available also f or 2 and 4 day events. Contact: Geopark on 087 1602240 / 086 6074613 / 087 2079033 f or more details. Email: Page 7 Pobalscoil Inbhear Scéine Debs Pictured Cadhla O'Sullivan and Shane Larkin. Photo: Lisa O'Shea Pictured Travis O'Reilly and Nakita Rigter. Photo: Lisa O’Shea Pictured Caoimhe Barry and Mark O’Sullivan. Pictured Eric Burns and Clodagh Griff in. Photo: Lisa O'Shea. Pictured Ricky Moriarty and Rebecca Murphy Page 8 Pictured Dan Hawker and Eimear Fitzgerald Pobalscoil Inbhear Scéine Debs Pictured above students f rom Pobalscoil Inbhear Scéine, Kenmare celebrating their Debs at Sneem Hotel. Pictured left Joe Murphy, Shane Larkin and David O’Connor. Pictured right Dean Cassidy and Denise Burns. Photo: Lisa O'Shea. Congratulations To all the Leaving Cert students on their exam results. We wish you all the best f or the f uture. Page 9 Little Church Friendship Day Church of the Transfiguration Friendship Day Our Friendship Day on Monday, 4th August was great f un and very successf ul. A huge thank you to all who contributed in any way to this event. The Little Churc h, Sneem Pictured left Maggie Tindale and Liz Gaine and pictured right Rosemary Dixon and Kathy Jukes at the Friendship Day. Photos by Michael Cavanagh Interested in Living and Working in Sneem? A group of business people with Sneem connections is exploring opportunities to bring employment to Sneem that is sustainable and not seasonal in nature, which would allow f amilies to live and work in Sneem. As a f irst step, a Linked In Group called “Interested in Living and Working in Sneem” has been set up to assess interest in this project and to get a picture of what skillsets are available. If this idea interests you, please join this group or contact workinginsneem@gm Page 10 60th Wedding Anniversary Congratulations to Jim and Joan McConnell on celebrating their 60t h Wedding Anniversary on Sunday 3rd August. Joan Fitzgerald f rom Gloragh, Sneem went up to Dublin on 7th February 1951 and met Jim McConnell f rom Cavan in 1952 at a dance in Conatys Hall, Parnell Square, Dublin on St. Patrick’s Night. They met again 2 weeks later at the Shelbourne Ballroom, Merrion Row and the rest is history as they say.....60 years, 7 children, 9 grandchildren and 1 great-grandchild later. To mark the occasion, they had a wonderf ul party at the Sneem Hotel with f amily, including their bridesmaid Mary Sugrue (Joan's sister) and good f riends. Here's to many more healthy happy years together. Parknasilla Ladies Golf Parknasilla Ladies Golf Noreen Moore Team: Another great win in Killorglin against Dooks recently. They play the f inal match against Tralee, in Dooks on Thursday the 14th of August. Photo by Mary Maloney Update Sneem Family Festival Committee would like to thank those who came forward with information on our missing blue tarpaulin sheet. This information has been passed on to the Gardaí. Thank you. Page 11 What’s On Sneem House Murphy’s Bar Saturday 16th - Ardú Wednesday 20th - Open Mike Saturday 23rd - Ardú Music every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Blue Bull D. O’Shea’s Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday Music on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday Riney’s Bar Sneem Hotel Friday 15th - Robin Turner Saturday 16th - Live Music Friday 22nd - Robin Turner Saturday 23rd - Live Music Every Tuesday and Saturday Saturday 30th - Christy Moore Wrestlers Saturday 30th - D.J Pattie Blackwater Tavern Live Music and Dancing every Friday Events Diary 15th - 17th August - All-Ireland Coastal Rowing Championships in Waterville 23rd August - Donie Riney 7-a-side Tournament 11th - 14th September - Geopark Singles Walking Weekend 20th September - Parknasilla Golf Club Captain’s Prize 27th September - Carrauntoohil Climb 7th - 9th November - Sneem Storytelling Festival December - Sneem Resource Centre Annual Christmas Craf t Fair December - Sneem Rowing Club Winter Wonderland 5th December - Sneem Annual Christmas Lights Parade 5th April 2015 - Sneem Community Notice Board Cake Sale and Easter Egg Hunt 22nd - 26th July 2015 - Sneem Family Festival Parknasilla Golf Fixtures August 16th - 24th - Matt Sheridan Cup August 24th - Past Lady Captain’s Prize August 30th - September 7th Dave Fleming Memorial September 13th - 28th - Irish Lif eboat Classic September 20th - Captains Prize (Mr Mike Merrill) October 25th + 26th - Halloween Hamper October 26th - 2pm - Past Captains Prize For more inf ormation you can contact:- Hanny Schoenmakers, P arknasilla Golf Club. Tel.: (353) 64 664 5195 Page 12 Local Information Important Numbers Dr MaloneSurgery 064 6645102, Home 064 6645133 Mon/Wed/Fri 2-5pm Tues/ Thurs 10-1pm Sat by appt 12-1pm. Buses Sneem Men’s Shed Sneem -Killarney Saturdays 11.30am f rom the Post Office. Leaves Killarney 4.45pm. Lo Call 1890 528 528 Every Monday at 7pm in the Old Dance Hall Tahilla-Kenmare Wednesdays 9.20am. Leaves Kenmare 1.10pm South Doc - 1850 335999 Booking required. Lo Call 1890 528 528 Gardaí- 064 6645111 Public Health Nurse086 7872096 Pharmacy- 064 6645288 Sneem - Kenmare Fridays Leaves Sneem 8am Resource Centre Leaves Sneem 3pm Services Photocopying, Scanning, Leaves Kenmare3.45pm. Faxes sent and received. 087 2315014. Internet and Office services available. Meeting Local Taxis room. Nearly New, Li- Kerry Experience Tours / brary, Drop in Centre and Gerrit Noordkamp 086 2554098 more…. Credi t Union - every GoSneem Tours/ Thursday 12 - 1.30pm John V. O’Sullivan Bingo. Ever y Tuesday at 087 2079033 8.30pm . All Welcome. Mobile Vet Every Thursday 4-5pm in South Square. Sneem Gardeners Garden of the Senses every Sunday f rom 12 noon to 2pm Tuesday Market South Square Sneem every Tuesday morning f rom 10am to 1pm Mobile Library Tuesday 26h August and then every two weeks, 12.30 - 1pm Castlecove, 2.15 - 2.45pm Sneem School, North Square. 2.45 - 3.15pm South Square, Sneem. Tide Times Here are the high tides f or AIB Community Bank the period 14th to the 27th Mass/Church Times The Community Bank will August '14. Saturday 8pm. - Sneem be in South Square, 07.43, 20.06 Church Sneem every Wednes- 14th: 15th: 08.28, 20.50 Sunday 9.30am - Tahilla day f rom 10.30am 16th: 09.12, 21.36 11am. Church 17th: 09.59, 22.25 Sunday 11am - Sneem Bee Keepers Meeting 18th: 10.53, 23.24 Church 12.00 First Wednesday of every 19th: 20th: 13.21 month, 7.30pm in CooChurch of Ireland 21st: 14.32 manassig Day Centre Service 22nd: 15.29 Sunday 9.30am - Sneem Sneem Parent and 23rd: 16.16 24th: 16.57 Toddler Group Droichead an Daoine 17.32 Every Tuesday 10.30am 25th: Family Resource Centre 26th: 18.04 12pm at Coomanassig Counselling Available. 27th: 18.32 Day Centre. Please contact Michele on 087 2564189 Page 13 Local Adverts and Accommodation 4643345. Offered: • • • Whirlpool Cabinet Fridge 4’ 6” high, 21” wide. €50 O.N.O. Will deliver in Sneem if necessary. Contact Richard 087 7738159. • Any old Sash windows, Will collect. Contact: Nuala 087 9312068 • Laptops for Sale f rom €100 with 6 months warranty. Contact 086 3461288. Swings and slides for children. Contact: Noreen Moriarty on 087 6381834 Accommodation: Offered: Laptops and PCs repaired and maintained, extremely reasonable rates. Contact 086 3461288 for quote. • Chest of Drawers, 4 big drawers and 2 small drawers and 2 single beds (not matching). Contact: 087 6451580. • Girl’s pink cot side for bed. Adjustable to f it. €10 ono. Call Sam 086 8945473. • Cleaner/Housekeeper available. Please call Edith on 087 3413122. CV ref erences available. • Turf for sale, locally. Contact: 087 7499128 • Timber Fire Surround. Oak colour with black detail. Comes with matt black slate insert which can be cut to suit any size. Open to offers. Contact 087 9717016 • New unused Tupperware containers and items for sale, no parties. Contact: 087 9567782 Wanted: • Buttons, any size, any shape, any colour. Drop into the Resource Cent re or Contact: Kathy on 089 • A double room for rent in the centre of Sneem village with a f emale prof essional. Call 087 2120372 f or details. • 2 bed house centre of Sneem. All mod cons, oil f ired central heating also wood burning stove. Suit 1 person or couple. Available f rom 1st September Contact 087 6756131 for details. • Three bedroom house to let 1 1/2 miles f rom Sneem, with 2 bathrooms, Oil f uel central heating and open f ire. Contact 086 3622478. • Three bedroom f armhouse to rent near Kelly’s Cross. Sheds available and good views. Oil fired central heating and multi-f uel stove. Contact Dean at: Or call 0044 7753180784. • Apartment to rent in Caherdaniel village, would suit single person or a couple, please ring Joan at 087 9850226 • Self-catering accommodation available in the Staigue/Derrynane area f rom €250/week – sleeps 4. Contact 087 2503721 • 3 bedroom house to let in Tahilla. All mod cons. Contact 064 6635404 f or more inf ormation. To help cover the cost of printing we will now be asking for a minimal charge for these adverts. If you wish to have your advert here, contact the newsletter team. Adverts Vincent O’Leary B & J Rochford Architectural Engineering & Planning Consultants Some of the services we provide: • Property Pre-Purchase Assessments • Site Characterisation (Percolation) Tests • Architectural Designs Planning Applications • Tender / Site Supervision / Stage Payments • Cert. of Compliance Planning / Buildin g Reg’s 19 Henry Street, Kenmare Co. Kerry Tel 064 6640841 E-mail: James M O’Sullivan Solicitor South Square, Sneem All legal work undertaken Tel/Fax: 064 668 9664 Mob: 087 286 8855 Evening and weekend appointments available SNEEM COMMUNITY CRECHE Saf e and affordable childcare. Framing Sneem contact Tim Lea Full / Part Time /Drop-in Service 064 6645033 087 7007747 Please call 064 6645551 Sneem C.N. B. Adverti sing Rates Full Page Colour Full Page Black Half Page Colour Half Page Black Quarter Page Colour Quarter Page Black Small Box €100 per issue € 80 per issue € 50 per issue € 40 per issue € 25 per issue € 20 per issue € 12 per issue Please ask about special rates for advertising in more than one issue. SNEEM PHARMACY South Square Opening Hours Mon - Sat 9am - 6.30pm Sunday 11.45am - 1pm Bank Holidays 10.45am - 1pm Film Processing still available 064 6645288 SNEEM GAA LOTTO CURRENT JACKPOT €10,800.00 NEXT TWO DRAWS Sunday 17th August - Sneem House Sunday 24th August - Wrestlers Tickets available throughout the Village in Pubs and Shops. Please support your local GAA Club Sneem GAA Lotto Results Sunday 3rd August 2014. Numbers drawn: 2, 3, 4, 14. No Winner. €40 consolation prizes went to:- Bobby McMahon, Direenavourig; Richard Biljardt, Inchinaleega; Dan Donoghue, Gleesk; Caroline Hayes, Wolverhampton. Sunday 10th August 2014. Numbers drawn: 14, 18, 28, 30. No Winner. €40 consolation prizes went to:- Dan Kelly, North Square; Pat Casey, Seaview; Sinéad Hussey, Fermoyle and Brian Foley, Tahilla. Sneem GAA Hoodies, Adults and Children's, Adults Rain Jackets still on sale from Jim O’Sullivan.
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