Surfers Paradise Catholic Parish ONE PARISH three churches 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A 23rd / 24th August 2014 Sacred Heart 50 Fairway Drive, Clear Island Waters St Vincent’s 40 Hamilton Avenue, Surfers Paradise Stella Maris 268 Hedges Avenue, Broadbeach PASTORAL Very Reverend Fr Tim Harris Parish Priest & Dean of South Coast Deanery Fr Christopher Obi Associate Pastor Sue Thomas Pastoral Associate Sr Mary Hansen PBVM Pastoral Assistant PARISH STAFF Sonya Slater Parish Manager Marylou Ayres Parish Secretary Angela Williams Atrium Coordinator Shannon Morrison Baptism Coordinator Rita Foxlee State School R.E. Eliza Kerklaan Youth Ministry Coordinator SCHOOLS St Vincent’s School Clear Island Waters Phone: 5572 1746 P. Kerry Rowlands St Kevin’s School Benowa Phone: 5539 4522 P. Sue Curtis St Michael’s College Merrimac Phone: 5530 2722 P. Michael Laidler Dear Parishioners, Our extraordinary new Pope, Francis, continues to inspire us with his common sense and wisdom. I publish here his ten secrets to a happy life which from my point of view offer us a refreshing and live-giving vision. May God continue to give pope Francis the insight to lead the church in these difficult and challenging times. With insights like these we are in good hands: 1. “Live and let live.” Everyone should be guided by this principle, he said, which has a similar expression in Rome with the saying, “Move forward and let others do the same.” 2. “Be giving of yourself to others.” People need to be open and generous toward others, he said, because “if you withdraw into yourself, you run the risk of becoming egocentric. And stagnant water becomes putrid.” 3. “Proceed calmly” in life. The Pope, who used to teach high school literature, used an image from an Argentine novel by Ricardo Guiraldes, in which the protagonist – gaucho Don Segundo Sombra – looks back on how he lived his life. 4. A healthy sense of leisure. The Pope said ‘consumerism has brought us anxiety, and told parents to set aside time to play with their children and turn off the TV when they sit down to eat. 5. Sundays should be holidays. Workers should have Sundays off because “Sunday is for family,” he said. 6. Find innovative ways to create dignified jobs for young people. “We need to be creative with young people. If they have no opportunities they will get into drugs” and be more vulnerable to suicide, he said. 7. Respect and take care of nature. Environmental degradation “is one of the biggest challenges we have,” he said. “I think a question that we’re not asking ourselves is: “Isn’t humanity committing suicide with this indiscriminate and tyrannical use of nature?” 8. Stop being negative. “Needing to talk badly about others indicates low self-esteem. That means, “I feel so low that instead of picking myself up I have to cut others down,” the Pope said. “Letting go of negative things quickly is healthy. 9. Don’t proselytise; respect others beliefs. “We can inspire others through witness so that one grows together in communicating. But the worst thing of all is religious proselytism, which paralyses: “I am talking with you in order to persuade you,” No. Each person dialogues, starting with his and her own identity. The church grows by attraction, not proselytising,” the Pope said. 10. Work for peace. “We are living in a time of many wars,” he said, and “the call for peace must be shouted. Peace sometimes gives the impression of being quiet, but it is never quiet, peace is always proactive and dynamic.” God’s abundant blessings, Fr Tim Harris Readings: Isaiah 2:19-23; Romans 11: 33-36; Matthew 16:13-20 Feasts: Wednesday 27th St Monica; Thursday 28th St Augustine, bishop, doctor; Friday 29th The Passion of St John the Baptist, martyr. Readings next week: 22 Ordinary Time Yr A: Jeremiah 2-:7-9; Romans 12:1-2; Mt 16:21-27 Gospel reflection: “Or who has given the Lord anything that he may be repaid?” - Romans 11:35 St. Paul reminds us of a central fact of stewardship. We cannot give the Lord anything, because God already owns it all. God made everything. All that we can do is return a portion of God’s many gifts back to God. Sincere gratitude for our gifts opens our hearts to joyful generosity! THE SIGN OF PEACE PART I In 2005 members of the Synod of Bishops on the Eucharist investigated a proposal that the Sign of Peace might be better placed elsewhere in the Mass because having it just before Communion causes problems if not conducted appropriately. After nine years of study and consultation, the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments has issued a circular letter stating that the great majority of bishops conferences around the world preferred the present place and form for the Sign of Peace and so there would be no change to current practice. The exchange of peace has been part of the Roman liturgy since earliest times. Originally it occurred before the Presentation of Gifts in response to Jesus' exhortation in Matthew 5:23-24: "If you bring your gift to the altar, and there recall that your brother has anything against you, leave your gift there at the altar, go first and be reconciled with your brother, and then come and offer your gift." In the late fourth century the Sign of Peace moved to its present location immediately after the Our Father. This position links it with the last petition of the Lord’s Prayer that we be forgiven “as we forgive those who trespass against us” and with the reception of Eucharist which follows. In the Middle Ages the gesture came to be limited to the clergy alone and was eventually replaced by the priest’s kissing of the altar. The 1969 Missal of Paul VI issued after the Second Vatican Council restored the Sign of Peace to the Mass. This was in line with the renewed emphasis on the communal aspect of liturgical worship, and also embodied the reminder from the Council that Christ is present in the assembly. Elizabeth Harrington, Education Officer, Liturgy Brisbane. All liturgical ministers at Sacred Heart, St Vincent’s and Stella Maris Churches: Workshops Saturday 6th September: Coordinators and Sacristans 9am – 10am Extraordinary Communion Ministers 10am – 11am 11am – 11.30am morning tea Readers 11.30am – 12.30pm All new and continuing ministers are invited and encouraged to attend. Music Ministry: A Deanery Workshop facilitated by Liturgy Brisbane will be held Saturday 13th September 9.30am – 3.30pm, Mary Immaculate Church, Edmund Rice Drive, Ashmore. All musicians, cantors, singers and choir members are invited and encouraged to attend. As this is a paid workshop, it’s essential for you to RSVP to the Parish Office, so names and numbers with payment can be sent to Liturgy Brisbane. The Parish will pay for your attendance. Please RSVP to the Parish Office by Monday 8th September. Peace and grace in the coming week. Sue Thomas. Pastoral Associate. SECULAR FRANCISCAN MEETING - CLARE OF ASSISI Chief among the keepers and shapers of Franciscan tradition is Clare of Assisi. Born into the noble and wealthy family of Favarone Di Offreducio, the newborn was named CHIARA, signifying “light” or “to illuminate”. As a beautiful young woman, inspired by the life and preaching of Francis, Clare defying the traditions and culture of her noble class, fled from her family home to embrace the poverty and humility of Francis, in total surrender to Christ. She, too, determined to live the Gospel life She continues to inspire to this day. If you wish to know more of her fascinating story be our guest at our next Fraternity Meeting, Wednesday August 27th, 12.30 to 3.30pm, Infant Saviour Meeting Room, Park Road, Burleigh Heads. All welcome. Sr. Clara Condon Taize Brisbane 8 February 2015 - Young Adult Pilgrimage You are invited to a pilgrimage with workshops at The Cathedral of St Stephen Chapel and the Francis Rush Centre followed by evening prayer in the Cathedral. ATRIUM NEWS We welcome the new families who will commence preparation in the Atrium for the Baptism of their children. Sessions will be held for six weeks in Term 4 and will be for one hour, once a week. Please keep these children, who are experiencing our faith for the first time, in your prayers. To enrol your child for Baptism preparation in the Atrium or your three year old child for Catechesis, please phone Angela Williams at the Parish Office on 5572 5433 for more information. Stella Maris Church Update Hi everyone, Veniré, a group for High Schoolers, meets every Thursday 6.30pm-8.30pm in the Hospitality Centre. Come along and meet other young people from across the coast. Dinner is provided and it’s FREE. Ignite Conference 25th-28th September Eliza Kerklaan – Parish Youth Co-Ordinator. Mobile 0432 333 549 or Each week Michelle Coyle one of our wonderful volunteers and committed parishioners goes to the site to take photos which she then sends me. These photos tell the story. The foundations (shown in this picture) are an important part of the building. (Just as foundation is an important part of our faith). There has been incredible faith shown in this project. Each week inspirational things are happening within our parish. This building has brought many together. With the tilt panels to be poured in the coming weeks things are moving along steadily. Thank you to all for your ongoing support and prayer to the parish fundraising project. Sonya Slater. Parish Manager. Ministers of Communion to the Nursing Homes We need to ask, once again, for assistance with taking Communion to our residents in Hillview House Nursing Home at Carrara. We especially need someone to assist on the 2nd Friday of each month at 10.30am. All training and support is given. Please contact the Parish Office 55725433. SURFERS PARADISE PARISH ART SHOW The Art Show will open with a Cocktail Party in Casey Hall on Friday 17th October from 6.30pm to 8.30pm. All proceeds will go to Rosies, Caritas and the Buy-a-Brick Campaign. Please purchase tickets, $15 each, before 17th Sept (for catering purposes.) The Show continues over the weekend of Saturday 18th October from 9am to 5pm and on Sunday from 10am to 4.30pm. Entry is $5 per family. Please support this wonderful Parish initiative. Tickets are available from 9th August at all Parish Masses in both Churches. For further information please contact the Parish Office on 5572 5433. Church Door Café At Sacred Heart Church Come and try our Breakfast and New Lunch Menus. Open Monday to Friday 7.30am – 3.30pm “Where parishioners, schools, parents and locals can come together united in the love of Christ.” Worldwide Marriage Encounter: A weekend away for married couples in peaceful, picturesque surroundings – away from the distractions of everyday living. This is a unique opportunity to recharge your relationship batteries, refocus on each other and fall in love all over st nd again! Weekend date: 31 Oct – 2 Nov 2014 Venue: Santa SURFERS PARADISE PARISH – BOOKCLUB Book Club members are reminded that Book Teresa Spirituality Centre, Ormiston QLD For bookings/details Club has been transferred this month to contact: Tamara and Scott Menteith, ph (07) 4634 3559 Info website: th Tuesday 26 August. THE ROSARY: The statue of Our Lady will be at the home Bold and the Beautiful Friendship Group will of Pauline Shamoun of Clear Island Waters for week be lunching at Lola’s Restaurant on Thursday th commencing Monday 25th August. We need more homes 28 August at 12 noon. Lola’s is on the in the Parish. Can you open up your home for Our Lady roundabout of Old Burleigh Road & Armrick St for one week? Please phone Maxine & Pat Sela on 5539 Broadbeach. Phone Leona on 5538 7070. 9539 and offer your home. If you are unable to collect the statue we can deliver the statue to you. WHAT DO YOU GET FOR $5? Fantastic musical display at Sacred Heart Church by our very own Jacqui & Jacob. They will entertain you with a large repertoire of songs followed by a delicious afternoon tea. All proceeds raised go towards the Stella Maris Project. WHEN: Sunday 14th September, WHERE: Sacred Heart Church, Clear Island Waters TIME: 2.30pm - 4.30pm. Tickets sold outside church doors after each mass. Come to the Celebration of the Birthday of Our Lady at Marian Valley on the 6th of September. A Bus will be leaving Sacred Heart Church at 8.15am. For bookings please call Viviane on 0755359623. MONDAY 7am ST VINCENT’S TUESDAY 9.00am SACRED HEART WEDNESDAY 8.30am SACRED HEART THURSDAY 8.30am SACRED HEART FRIDAY 9am SACRED HEART SATURDAY RECONCILIATION 5pm SACRED HEART 5.15pm ST VINCENT’S (ANOINTING MASS st 11am 1 Tuesday No 9am Mass that day) NORMAL SUNDAY MASS TIMES SACRED HEART CHURCH ST VINCENT’S CHURCH Saturday evening 6pm AND Sunday 7am, 9am & 6pm Saturday evening 6pm AND Sunday 8am & 10am For more Parish groups, please refer to our Parish Directory which is available from the Vestry or Parish Office. Filipino: 1st Sunday 1.00pm Sacred Heart Baptisms: Please contact the Parish Office 5572 5433. Fr Marc Singson 0431 042 603 Benediction: 1st Friday 7.30am St Vincent’s Hispanic: 1st & 3rd Sundays 5-7pm St Vincent’s Children’s Liturgy of the Word: Sunday 9am Sacred Heart (school term) Fr Ignacio Gutierrez 0481 118 521 Email: Christian Meditation: Tuesday 10am (Youth Room) Shirley Daly Tuesday 6pm Sue Thomas (Contact Parish Office) Maronite Rite: Saturday 7.15pm Sacred Heart st Ph: 3394 4994 St Maroun’s Church CFC Australia: 1 Sunday. For information ph. Butch & Mini 0424 583 168/9 Exposition: Monday & Friday 6am St Vincent’s Polish: Sunday 11.30am Sacred Heart Fr Bernard Bednarz 5504 6297 Tuesday 9.30am Sacred Heart Thursday 9.45am St Vincent’s Art & Craft: Wednesday 9am Hospitality Centre Friday 7pm Sacred Heart (1st Friday all night 7pm-7am Sat) th Book Club: 4 Tues 12noon. For August only we will Marriages: Please contact Parish Office 5572 5433. 6 mths notice required. th meet on 4 Tuesday. Parish Hospitality Centre Rosary: Sunday 7.30am St Vincent’s; Bridge: Mon 12.30pm. Hospitality Centre Monday and Friday St Vincent’s 6.30am st C W L: Meeting 12.30pm. 1 Tues. Hospitality Ctr rd Tuesday and Friday 8.25am Sacred Heart (Before Mass) Friendship Day 3 Thurs 10am-2pm Wed 9.30am Sacred Heart Youth Choir: Eliza Kerklaan Youth & Young Adult Ministry Sacred Heart Prayer Group: 1st Tuesday 9.30am Youth Room Playgroup: Wednesdays 9.30am Casey Hall Scripture Discussion: Tuesday 11am (Youth Room) Shirley Daly Yoga: Tues 10.45am $10/session. Hospitality Centre Spiritual Direction: Bernadette Kavanagh-Stewart 5520 7242 Zumba Gold: Friday 9.15am Casey Hall. Beginners/ St Joseph’s Prayer Group: 1st Wednesday 9.30am Sacred Heart Intermediate level. Susana Pozzi 0421 607 397 Playgroup: Iovanah Archer 0420595404 Youth Led Mass: 4th Sunday 6pm Sacred Heart MIGRANT CHAPLAINS / COMMUNITIES: RECENTLY DECEASED: Betty McGuiness, John McCarthy, Carmen Farrugia, RSM Srs. Julia Chambers, Monica Lockhart, Patrice Nally, Paul Eveston, Rom Mizgalski, Josephine Sanders, Jack Howell, Merlyn Monzolin, Joan Degan, Angelo De Celis, Luigi Carniel. ANNIVERSARIES: George & Gloria McLeod, Ron Neilsen, Lorenzo Zaccria,Theodora Sklavos, Sebastian Augello, Albert (Alby) Dunn, Anne Porritt, Eutiquio Monzolin, Deceased relatives of Gordon & Bland Family, Christopher Rice, Narda Hallam. THOSE WHO ARE SICK: (Please let us know when your loved one can be taken off the list) Ron Perry, Mitchell Edwards, Patrick Cannard, Paul Kiely, Rose Crane, Mary Carniel, Baby Charlie Francis, Fr Ray Wells (Hobart), Leiha Carlson, Pat Lazaro, Kaylene Swan (Launceston), (Baby) George Thomas Cook, John Hunter, Lesley Cruse, Peter Verhaze, Tony Tongue, Margaret Webber, Jan Jensen, Ricardo Pereira, Warren Potter, Victoria Dawson, Mary Mullahy, Joe Farrell, Sheryl Abrahams, Rita Rogers, Susan Richmond, Ronnie Burke, Norm Mullins, Eleanor B Nascimento, Dolly Roberts, Joan Wienand, Valda Martin, Shirley Heath, Mary Coy, Mary Fraser, Natty Massina, Danny Osmund, Marlise England, Stephen Zannett, Jacqui Caughey, Baby Eva Cassidy Abad, G Nicholas, Bruno Andreetta, Julieta Alvero, Margie Savage, Joanne Burge, Shirley Day, Leo Domingo, Bernie Wall, Sr Christine Hesel, Rome Torti, Rosalia Roque, Mary McCarthy, Michael Kearney, Josephine Maybury, Monica Clifford, Tommy Harris, Clare Martin, Reg Spillane, Gerrard Theron, Mary Kerr, William Sheehan, Kate Needham, Margaret Guillesser, Barbara & Mike Farrell, Justin King, Anna Wheeler, Emma Winks, Una Parkinson, Nathan Clarke, Pat Burton, Gus Reeves. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Become a Part of the PARISH PLANNED GIVING PROGRAM to help your Parish grow. We thank most sincerely all Parishioners who contribute to the Planned Giving Program. Your ongoing commitment and contribution assists the responsible budgeting for the operating expenses of the Parish (wages, rates, electricity, building maintenance, etc) as well as pastoral planning for Parish growth (faith education, sacramental preparation, resources, etc). To obtain Planned Giving envelopes, please complete this form and place on the Collection Plate, or contact the Parish Office on 5572 5433. Planned Giving Contributions are not Tax Deductable. (Please print clearly) Surname:_________________________ Christian Names:__________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________________________________Post Code:_______ Phone No:______________________(H)______________________(W)____________________________(M)
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