Queen Elizabeth ews June, 2013 Principal’s Message May and the start of June have been a flurry of activity at Queen Elizabeth P.S. it was wonderful to see so many families out to our Fun Fair on May l6. It was an exciting night of games, food, socializing and fun. A special thank you goes out to our School Council for organizing this great event and to so many of our staff who helped out with the evening. The Fun Fair was followed up by a great day of skipping as we hosted our Jump Rope for Heart event. Two great events all in the same week! We have had the privilege of seeing so many of our children grow and learn, make new discoveries and gain new understandings each day cit Queen Elizabeth. Our Grade 3 and 6 students just completed EQAO and we hope they have taken this as an opportunity to shine! Our Junior Teachers just hosted Personal Best bay which proved to be an incredible day of physical activity, cooperation and school spirit. It was amazing to see all the smiles on the faces of our students as so many achieved their personal best in a number of events! It was also awesome to have so many of our graduates, who are now at Courtland, helping us out for the day. Many of our th students will be representing our school at the upcoming Regional Track Meet on June 20 That same day, our Primary children will be enjoying Primary Play bay here at our school. Our Kindergarten Teachers hosted our Kindergarten Information Night which was a great opportunity f or our new JK friends and families to meet our staff and learn more about Kindergarten and preparing for September. Tuesdays in May turned into CLUB Q.E. days with more than 100 students enjoying activities after school. Club Q.E. participants learned how to play new games, honed their drama skills, learned to bake, cook and make awesome crafts. Our Grade I and 2 students just returned from a trip to the African Lion Safari, Scientists in the Classroom have visited many of our classrooms and many of our classes have year-end field trips planned over the next few weeks Oh what fun elementary school iI Mr. Lehmann and I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to spend the year (or n my case four months) at such a great school, It continues to be a pleasure to spend each day with the staff, students and parents at Queen Elizabeth P.S To the students and staff who will be moving to new locations in September 2013, we wish you good luck and much happiness in your new schools and new experiences. For those who will be returning for another exciting year at Queen Elizabeth, we look forward to sharing a year full of special times. Far now.. best wishes to everyone for a safe, happy and rejuvenating summer holiday t We look forward to seeing you on September 3rd, the first day of school for the 2013-2014 school year Ms R Noonar Cooperation Character development continues to be an important focus at Queen Elizabeth! buring the month of May the students worked hard to demonstrate ‘Cooperation’ They learned that cooperation is everyone working together for the greater good of all. They had the opportunity to show cooperation by participating in our Jump Rope for Heart th we celebrated th On May 30 fundraiser on May 17 our monthly Breakfast of Champions to recognize one student from each class who made a special effort to demonstrate Cooperation. The following students were invited to attend: Tyier km 4 Lizzy km 3 Treyvon km 6 Heindrick km 5 Chantelte km 8 Kyia km 7 Bethonyc km 12 Aiden km 10 Thai km 15 Oceanna km 14 Kimmy km 19 CLASS LISTS FOR 2013-2014 Queen Elizabeth staff spend a great deal of time and give much consideration to the organizing of classes. Class lists for the 2013 2014 school year will be or9anized and posted on Friday, August th 30 at 4:00 p.m. on the door windows at the back of the school, This information will not be shared prior to this date, - Please note that no changes to class lists will be considered prior to Friday, September 6, 2013. - - - - - - - - - - - Farewell Message from Mr. Lehmann Having been able to serve the Queen Elizabeth School community over the last year has been a true pleasure. Although I feel like I am just getting to know many of you, I must say farewell at the end of this school year. As some of you already know, effective September 1, 2013, I will be the Principal of Country Hills P.S. This has been a personal and career goal of mine as I entered school administration, one which I am very thankful to have accomplished. I leave Queen Elizabeth with many fond memories...the daily interactions with our Queen E. Lions, conversations with parents and guardians, extracurricular activities, Fun Fair, School Council meetings, looking after scrapes and bruises, gifts of student art and notes, Personal Best bay, Me to We team initiatives, Breakfast of Champions, Terry Fox Run, Jump Rope for Heart, special assemblies, to name a handful. 5periding a httle bit of time here has enriched my life and given me some additional experiences which I will cherish for many years to come. You are all very fortunate to have your child(ren) educated in such an amazing school. The staff here truly care about each and every one of their students. It is my hope that you will continue to get involved and provide your support to Ms. Noonan and the Queen F team Furthermore I encourage you to partner ds v th the school so that, together we or ai’ our o ety menbe contribu’hrg f aracter; mann M Staff Changes We will be sad to say good bye to some of our staff members this year. Mr. Lehmann, as mentioned in his Farewell Message, will be leaving us to take on the position of PRINCIPAL at Country Hills P.S. We congratulate him on this well-deserved promotion! We will be welcoming Mr. Wiechers as our new Vice-Principal in September. Mr. Wiechers comes to us with a vast amount of experience and was most recently at Chalmers P.S. bue to changes in our enrolment Ms. Bird, Ms Hyde and Mrs. Lowe have accepted teaching positions at other schools in Waterloo Region. Mrs. bhindsa, Ms l(illian and Ms. McKillop will also be leaving us. We are not sure which schools they will be teaching at in September but we wish them great success at their new schools, We will be very sad to see these staff members leave us as they have made a huge difference in the lives of the children at Queen Elizabeth. Mrs. House will be returning from maternity leave in March so we will be hiring a Long Term Occasional Teacher to take her place until then. Mrs. Suckert will also be off on maternity leave starting in 5eptember and we are very pleased to have Mrs. Puzak, presently the KLIP Tea-her at Queer Elizabeth, take aver r R ii 6 fo V s Su ker Queen Elizabeth says... ‘Thank you’ to our Volunteers We would like to say a HUGE Thank You to the moms, dads, grandparents, and other special volunteers who have helped in so many ways....from reading, L making class resources, supervising on class trips, serving on School Council, leading our Strong Start Program, making our school gardens look wonderful, etc. We’re very fortunate to have individuals willing to share their time and talents with our students and staff! We hope that all of our volunteers know how much we appreciate their time. energy and willingness to help out in our classrooms, programs, and special events. The support of our volunteers contributes to the warm and caring environment of Queen Elizabeth P.S.! I We encourage each of you to consider how you might be able to volunteer at our school in the new year. It is a wonderful way for you to become more involved in your child’s education. By volunteering you get to know the staff at the school better and learn more about the great things that are happening at Queen Elizabeth! Join us in September Please consider Joining Queen Elizabeth’s School Council during the 2013-2014 school year! The first meeting will take place on th, September 25 2013. Meetings for the remainder of the year will take place on the third Wednesday of most months beginning at 7:00 p.m. in our school staff room. If you have any questions or would like to become involved, please call Ms Noonan at the school anytime. We would also like to extend a HUGE thank you to all those parents and staff who actively participated in the School Council this year, This year’s council consisted of a great group of motivated parents who showed caring and commitment to our school. They planned an amazing Fun Fair, helped to organize furdraisers, assisted wth our pizza each Thursdo, etc. We appreciate cii that they cc for our school T Ii Moving at or before the End of the Year? If you know for sure that your child(ren) will not be attending Queen ElizabethP.S.nextyeardue toan address change, please inform us as soon as possible. We attempt to keep very accurate records of our anticipated enrolment in hopes that we will not have to re-organize our school in September. If you know of new families moving into our neighbourhood, please send them to register A5AP Busing Info For 2013-2014 Be sure to go to the STSWR website (www,stca) anytime after August 23, 2013 to view transportation details for the 2013-2014 school year. To login you will have to enter: Ontario Education Number- OEN (see report card) Student’s Birth bate Street Number School Since JK students do not yet have an OEN, JK information will be mailed out during the week of August 19th. JK and 5K students will have the opportunity to take part in the First Riders Program on August 25, 2013. Locations and times will be posted on the STSWR website later in June. Term Two Report Cards Term Two Report Cards will be sent th home on Monday, June 24 We thank you for your cooperation in returning the bottom portion of the 3rd page PRIOR to the last day of tb school -June 27 Camp S’MORE Thanks to funding from a few different sources, we are able to offer a summer camp opportunity to our Grade I and 2 students this year. The camp is absolutely FREE and wilt take place over a three week period beginning on July 8’ and running until July 25 Thirty-seven children ore already registered and very excted about this awesome opportunity, if vo re nteres “egist you a crc re a ccc fey M / Grade 6 Graduation Help Us Monitor Our Playground! Grade 6 graduation will be held in the school gym on Wednesday, th 26 from 2:00 3:00. Grade ‘\ June students will be recognized in a 6 special assembly. Certificates will be handed out to all graduating students and some special awards will be given out to a few of our students. There will be a reception following the assembly for our Grade 6 students as well as their parents and guests. Thank you in advance to all who help make this day a special occasion for our Grade 6 Graduates! Congratulations and good luck Grade 6 students. If you notice anything unusual or suspicious over the summer months at our school, please contact the police immediately and/or call the WRbSB afterhours service (ESTEL) at 519-749-3838. We need your help in ensuring that our school remains a safe and welcoming place for our students. Primary Play bay Our Primary Play bay will be held th Students will on June 20 in a variety of games participate and activities designed for fun and exercise. Please remember to dress your child for fun in the sun! Thanks to our Primary Team for organizing this exciting event! Jump Rope for Heart Our Jump Hope for Heart event, in support of the Heart and Stroke Foundation, took place on Friday, May th, 17 Jump Rope for Heart is a unique and fun event that gets our students physically active and raises funds to support heart disease, stroke research and health education. Thank you for helping to make a difference in our community! Our First bay Back on September 3tC 2013 School will begin at 8:40 a.m. and conclude at 3:00 p.m. beginning September 3, 2013, Class lists will th be posted on August 30 (at 4:00 p.m.) so that students will know what class they are in prior to the first day. On our first day, parents are asked to gather with their children on the tarmac at the back of the school. Chairs will be out displaying teacher’s names and grades. Students will be asked to find their teacher’s “chair” and line up behind the chair. Once the bell rings, the students will make their way into the school with their teachers, Parents are asked to say their good-byes on the tarmac as the hallways will be very busy with everyone entering at once. Please remember that we will provide outdoor supervision 15 minutes before the start of the day (8:25 a.m,) and 15 minutes after school is over (3:15 p.m.). Please make sure that you do not send your child before 8:25 a.m. as it is unsafe to leave young children unattended. We also ask that students who return to our playground after 3:15 p.m. are supervised since there is no school supervision after 3:15 p.m. Important bates to Remember June June June Tune June June th 12 th 17 gth 1 th 20 th 20 th 24 th June 26 th 27 June June 28 tk July 8thJuly 25 September 3 September 18’ September 25 Final School Council Meeting Final Lunch Lady Lunch Talent Show Regional Track Meet for qualifying Junior Students Primary Play bay Report Cards Go Home Grade 6 Graduation (2:00 3:00 p.m.) Last day of school P.b. bay No school for students Camp 5’More First day of school Meet the Teacher Night First School Council Meeting—all are welcome t - -
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