fV'^ FRIDAY, FEBRUAftY 18, 1914 PAGE EIGHT m Clinch 2nd Half Jr. Cage tp Title; 3-Game Pirate Series C A N T K I' !•: I Clinched H - ftttt : tiotl .hull'" with a H •"' 2 1 4 Klk... •• Tli. ^llf > I r l T l I I ct t'fl I Hi; M lia'-ki lh;i ,| ••• ••'••.! (il)iiiincll, skiw, ir % by K. '"iii'iiih Si. Joct' ' t o pfny I In I'" it'- .Imiiurs, firnl . h»lf rlmni|ti"iiv m n three-Kami' playoff iiviiW !> 3fi r. F r 'ik. t i. f |Zimme>m»n, c I, Campbell, % Ourran, i Final .Slaniliflfl :t 3 I 0 T G 2 1 ft o'o o 0 0 0 H 2 IX Half-time: Ifl-fi Pirated. Referee*: Sementa, Pluta, i St. Jne'n Jr. Pirnii"< Tiftri 0, F iP 3 I 7 2 0 4 0 II 0 fttirM, f |rei*i, f ' JUbriuht, f t«B»m<ihr, g '-. Bollivan, g B«ar k, f K«rncy, f Wnt»kownki, c | Holowcluick, g pttrak, g .... t Keep GIrU Off Road, U Pie* of Hoboei 1 1 4 4 0 8 0 fl 0 r a o 6 13 3 20 SEATTLE. - Aneriing that thmiMndi of girl* ara rnvlnf the country, often becoming branded, the Hoboes of America convention adopted a resolution 'ir(ing that no train or but tlcketi be lold to glrli or minnn tiniest they have parent*' written H«rmliiion to-trave| They choic to next meet In Washington. (i F P :i o (I 9 l in a oo 3 I 9 2 0 4 21 2 41 Half-time: n-'.l Beam. I1*: St-menza, Pluta. Girl Braves Gas; Routs 3 Holdups Pirat«i Jr.1 O'Donni'H, f neo, f f llhelm, c tVDnnnotl, e 81-bert, K Ghwtpun, K . ! G 5 0 1 0 3 0 0 F 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 P WESTF1K1.D, N, J.- Arthur J. Moor*, fl2 yrnr» old, Clint n rabbit rn>«r his summer home nutside Hamilton, N. J.. aiul then fell desd. apparently nf n hrsirt ailment. Three other members of the hunting party found him next morning, the discharged shotgun •till clutched in hid hands, UV dead rabbit « few feet nway. ABOUT SPORTS 0 4 II 2 1 » Currency Exchange Caihier It Quick Thinker. High School varsity basketball team is down in the dumps. . . . The boys have won something like three games all peason and the prospects for the rest of the campaign are not too good. . . Jnyvces have done a better job on the basis of games won and lost. . . . Hfermie Horn has been Hit by illness, enlistments and a general lagging attitude on the part of the players and fans themselves. . . War conditions, I suppose. . . . Recreation program going in f u l l blflRt, with Danny Semenza in the driver's seat. , . . BaHketbalL leagues were cut short but interest haa not waned' in the least. . . . In fact it has picked up during the last two weekB,... Ping pong leagues are rolling along at top speed with the kids enthusiastic as they can be. . Bowling leagues in town arc keeping up their good work with plenty of conu>etition marking the rounds. . . . Academy Alleys him the'rotten luck the 'other week,of being bumped, off by Academy Bar, of all teams. . . . The Academy Alleys are a fifty-fifty shot to win the County Major League title* . . . U. S. Metals pinners are sailing high in the County Industrial. , . , > On the home front plenty of action in the U. S. M. R. pin loop, the Foster Wheeler l o o p , Warner Chemical'and Young Men's circuit.'. t. . Ukes have reorganized their basketball team this year and are doing nicely under Gene Wadiak, able leader for the past eleven-odd years. JOE MEDWICK SIGNS We were glad to see this week that Joe Medwick, who has been with the National League for twelve seasons, was the first to send in his signed contract to the New York Giants this week. Holdouts this season, and we believe there will be very few, will leave an exceedingly bad taste this year, in view of the fact that our boys who are giving up their lives for fifty bucks a month. Baseball will also have all it can do to finish out the season this year, with so many of the "pops" being called up for service, that some of the teams will have to get along wjth about fifteen or sixteen players. It was reported that Medwick signed for the same salary he received last year after he was obtained from the Brooklyn Dodgers by waiver. After hitting only .272 early in the season for the Dodgers, the veteran outfielder's average climbed to .281 with the Giants. It was the first season that he had failed to make .300 or better since he entered the National League. , Bomber 7 Days Starting Saturday, Feb., 19 ^-KANSAS CITY, KAN.-Flanked two wives, Thomas Robertson, !^?, shuffled into Wyuiidottu county >ji ' to face a churge of bigamy. John Blake asked him how had made so much matrimonial at such an early age. sing love songs to them," reRobertson. "My favorite is Through With Love.' " ing the ensuing pause, a third i, Robertson burst into the courtShe said UobritHun hud led :tO the altar in Corpus Christi, ;, last July 23, the first of his iges. Judge Blake added anbigamy count to the charge continued the trial. No. 1, the former Katlierln,e j, Is 20. The others, Mis. LuI, Emily Miller Robertson and ! $itna Frances 1'ugh Ruberuun, |P»bie. in 11 Yean rives Wife to Bigamy ' S U N * MON. Dorothy Lamour—Dick Powell —and— Richard Arlen—Jean Parker Olivia De HarilUnd and Robert dimming! in "Princew CyRourke" and Jerome Cowan and Faye Emerion in "Find the BUckraaikr" "Minesweeper" TUES, 4 WED. Jimmy Lydon—John Lite! "Henry Aldrich Haunts a House" —and— Kipling1* "Jungle Book" In Technicolor ' w^h Sabu TUES. AND WED. "Corregidor" —alia— "Mr. MUSK Step. Out Continuotu SIIDW on Waihinftoo'i Birthday From 2 P. M Another piece of the Tulip Ho Oyen Dinnerwaro STATE THEATRE WOODBRIDGE, N. J. 3AN, SCOTLAND.-C'hria||; Webster, 37 years old, told a ||trate in Edinburgh she hud Alvrt to bigamy because her been mude miserable by f io many children. She said given birth to 12 children TODAY A SAT. The Picture YOU Cannot Afford, to Mitt •tarrim- C r y GRANT—John GAR FIELD Shown Nightly at 6:30 and 9 P. M. SUN, MON — 2 DAYS ONLY Cha.. LAUGHTON—Binni. BARNES in $( too many children might cient (rounds for deletion, , for tnarryirig another m«n. PliM—Hopalooj Cflii i» ' "RIDERS OF THE TIMBERfclNE" TUSS.THRU SAT. SPECIAL •n.M'H.; n,:v;s'f 'oh-ed" "uh-ed" or owned such a topcoat. shown Fri. 1:30, 7:00, 9:25 Sat. 1:30, 4:20, 7:05, 9:35 So we're goiiiK to talk n loud about these coats. Htylo thoy'll mako hi i<> for there never ha.s been ;nl t.hinjj like them. SUN., MON., TUES., WED. All we can nay is that ii need a coat you're a pn it $!!() to, L. BRIEGS&SOM 91 Smith Street —Plui The Ritz Broi. 'NEVER A DULL MOMENT' William Boyd in "FALSE COLORS" MAJEITDC Open F'ri. and Sat. Evctn us mo ft CRESCENT GlTMJfcff PERTH AMBOY, N. J. THEATRE PERTH AMBOY Perth Amboy READE'S THEATRE 1 7 DAYS ' STARTING FRI., FEB. 14 Continuoui from 2 P. M. 4 DAYS STARTING FEB. 18th PERTH AMBOY Phone P. A. 4-3388 , SEVEN DAYS STARTING FRI., FEB. lBil. The Year's Most Eagerly Awaited Film, Continifoui (ram 2 P. M. Tho scraen's most sensational story of crime's most shocking kilter I 10SDT McDOWALL DONAIO CRISP t » ! HIT WHITTY 6WENN-BRUCE n>t LANCBESTB LASSIE 2ND BIG HIT W.M 3 PfcYS STARTING TUES. Alic ' , UYiiiOMC Wo know that if you liav Komi topcoat hanging ^ ' your wardrobe, you arc U patriotic to buy another. SMI ' 'imotf»uitimiTii«| War casualties reach 14<>,7S( 3.1&8 dead exclude atrocities. IV) You've m;ver Empire ™ " , ^ , Q'SHUHAYWARO 2ND BIG Hit "THE MAN FROM DOWN,UNDER" t Berliners Are Eating Zebra, Elephant Meat in the fascinating love story oi JACK LONDON "DESTINATION TOKYO" Ditmas Countless theories hnvi' advanced to account for Jink Ripper, but it remained f0] -Bolloc <liown<ies to supply the m| .Htigfactorily ghuilrlery story Roddy Me Down 11 and I.Miir in "I.ntiir Comri Home," R itory her novel, "The Lodger," „ t,| of of v gorRroui collie's thouiand-mil* journry to find And join htr meixlou.i be»t«MlI*r slm-e it young nutter. The picture comri tod»y to the Craicent Thefirst published,' and whirh has n| •atre. t been brought Jg thp screen by Ji Century-#V>x starring Merle Crescent Fake Hero Is Snared by A Brent ilrnmn of the great love eron, George Sanders aiul WearingTooManyRibbons if a small boy und his dog provides Crcgar. The film open* tod 1 the Ditmas Theatre. LOS ANGELES.-Pollc* said Louis Botellos, 52 years old, booked on heart throbs, amileg and suspense suspicion of illegally wearing a uni- in "Lassie Come Home," story of form, wore these insignia on hit i gorgeous collie's thousand-mile army tunic: .ourney to find and Join her young Purple Heart, Pacific combat theater, Asiatic service with three stars, muster, now playing at the Cresdefense bar with two stars, World •ent Theatre. The talc deals with Lauie, a War I ribbon with five stars, D!itinguished Service cross, Crolx de golden brown and White collie Guerre with palms. Belgian. Cuban owned by Sam Carraclough (Don and Niearuguan campaign ribbons, old Crisp.) in Yorkshire, and idol Amphibious f o r c e s , Guadalcanal iited by his young son Joe (Rodd) and Alaska action, sergeant's stripes McDowall). Poverty forces Car and 20 years' service stripes. raclough to sell the animal to a Oh, yes—the good conduct ribbon, wealthy Duke (Nigel Bruce), too! who moves her to Scotland. Las- GREER GARSON WALTER PIDGEON "Riding High" SUN. AND MON. Majestic When Pierre and Mario OUTI t.wo iihscurft phyoiciats, nnnounc] to the world their Isolation of prrcinun element radium, th^ rerojfnition wa» instant. Tho • was opened for them to clslmj place" nmonit the most fan I srientldts of all tlfflu. Rncenl Kvc Curie published a biot;rap if her famous partnte entitj 'Miulnme Curie," which beca nn international best-seller. .r« (i<i](!wyn-Mayer han .his biography to Hie screen IIL fine imd impremlvc proriuftjl sUrrinc CJreor Garson anil Wnlf n» the devoted mill The film is now Showinn at Theatre. STOCKHOLM.-Zebra and elephant meat were restaurant delicacies served to bombed Berliners, Christer Jaederlund, Berlin correspondent for the Stockholm Tidningen, reported recently when he returned from the Reich capital. The meat was obtained when soldiers shot animals which escaped Woman trawls 5 Miles from the too during the cascade of With Broken Leg; Lives bombs. Confirming the scarcity Of water CANON CITY, COLO.-"It was either crawl or freeze to death, so I in Berlin, Jaederlund said the people were going unbathed and uncrawled." Lavenla Green, 35, a ranch-woman shaved. who turned cowgirl liter h«r two cowhands went to war, was riding herd on 160 head of cattle. As she Fat Collections came to a gate, her horse suddenly Present collections of waste kitchshied and threw her. The fall broke en fats are about 85 million pounds one of her legs. annually. > She crawled five miles over cactus and rough range country to her cabin, then drove her automobile 35 miles to a hospital In Canon City. Now recovering from her ordeal of Wednesday, she recalls that "the rid* In the car was ak., except I nearly passed out twice when I had to get out to open the range fence gates. "I'm nut the fainting kind, I guess." Iselin Theatre with Bobby Readied and Fr«nk Craven h Dramatic feature Hires His Patients to Fill Hospital Vacancies. NORMAN, OKLA. - What manpower problem? asks Dr. I) W. Griffin, superintendent of Central State hoipital for the mentally ill. He simply hirM his patients. And both the Institution and Its Inmates benefit, he acknowledges with pardonable pride. Fifty-four men and women described ai marginal cases nre going about their full-time duties at the hospital, filling with credit positions vacated when normal employees wer« ittricted by higher salaries at two nearby naval bases. In addition to saving the institution, Dr. Grlffln report!, the* plan has given « tremendous lift to the morale of the employed patients, many Of whom are drawing the first pay checks they ever received The superintendent said that there had not been « single Instance of trbuble resulting from employment of the patients and that only three have been relieved of their duties. ''They are sympathetic with the patients and have a greater understanding of the problems than someone brought in green from the outside," he explained. "They, also know nil the tricks that patients sometimes try on attendants." The attendants see that patients keep clean, are fed properly and get their medicines at the proper time. They are paid Jrom $30 to $70 monthly and their sleeping rooms and meals are furnished. The only catch to the whole program, Dr. Grimji said, is that when a patient reaches the point at which he can hold down a job without medical supervision somebody offers him more money on the outside, and then there's another vacancy at the hospital. It's nice for the patient, though. i. me escaped and makes her thoiwand miles, amid varloun dajj (rprnuii adventures, and returtf nlmnst (load, to her Yorkihij home. <• ManpowerProblem j b Easily Solved 0 3 CHICAGO.-A courBgpous, quick 0 7 thinking girl cashier routed three 0 gunmen in Chicago after they 0 sprayed gas fumes into her cage in a currency exchange. The girl, Miss 0 8 21 Elaine Klifert, 22 years old, a pretty blonde, was alone in the exTigen .change when the bandits entered. G F P Two carried pistols. One had a 0 2 1 Bte/iki, f compressed gas container Inclosed 4 0 8 Reidel, f in a brown paper bag. 0 0 0 $4u«mohr, ( "You'd belter get out o( that cage 2 4 0 &*lncr r or we'll gai you out," the leader of f1"*, c 8 0 4 ttPtera ir 0 0 0 the bandits shouted. 'AnSriirht if awnpii K Miss Klafert pressed J button .. 0 0 0 ftullivan it which locked the door of the ex22 0 22 change leading to the street and dropped her keys on the floor of the 12-il Timers. Half-time: cage. : .Referees: Ktuney, Gintla. The gas man of the bandit trio stepped to the cage, inserted a hose ; Piratai G F F through a window aperture, and 0 2 2 poured the lumen Into the cage. Miss >Vflhalm, f Klafert, gasping and choking, left B 0 10 G. O'Donnell1, f the cage, slamming and locking the 3 2 K Myneo, f ... door behind her. The enraged robbers cursed the girl, then ran to the front door to Used Bare Hand* to Save get out. Finding it locked, they a hole through the flat* From Fiery Flare smashed glus window with their pistols and McUt Can Warp Nyton GtoHM Paper IV'. PACIFIC Al.UKf) escaped. I Sudden changes in temperature Nylon-bristled brushes now are '$KRS, — An aerial gunner was Two of them ran down the block, used by the paper Industry to im- will cause metal to warp, so do not f iwarded the Distinguished Service wh"ere a fourth member of the gang part the required glow to glassine pour cold water into a hot pan, or recently. The highest medal set an empty pan on a hot stove. In the power of Gen. Douglas Mac was waiting In an automobile. They and greaseproof paper. waited a moment for their missing Arthur to award wont to Staff Sergt. Teacher* In Service Donald O. Crandall, Bloomfleld, pal, then drove away. Meanwhile F»ts for Seuonlmj Some 39,000 teachers were lost to the other member ol the gang was | ? Iowa. ft Save pork, beef, and bam fats tor the armed services in 1842-43, and running from the scene, pursued by CrfndaH's heroism was displayed a truck driven by William Roberto. cooking eggs, seasoning vegetables, of course they are mostly men. £ during a bombing raiii on the Japaand for baking beans and peas. Store Roberto told police he tried to them, covered in the refrigerator. fleld of Eoram near Wewak, hit the bandit with his truck, and alPull Shades Over S01 Utt 20. The citation aukl: For a 5 per cent saving on your "Before reaching the target the most succeeded, before the man Olive Variation nation of bombing planes wai eluded him and escaped. The sizes cf American olives range fuel bill, pull the shades down way acked by approximately 30 enemy from small ones weighing 140 to the '"low the sill at night. . A successful bombing Oxygen Atoms Weighed pound to the largest size which was made, destroying ground With a microscope a scientist can equal 32 per pound. All Purpose Fruit craft and firing oil dumps . . . determine th« weight of oxygen atOlives servo as milk, butter, be attack of rnemy lighters con- oms that tarnish and rust steel and Seven insurance companies in- tjgs, tonic, and soup to the masses Crandull hud shot dawn ono other metals. vest $>G8,i,000,000 in war bonds. .[ Greek people. jfjjjf them when a luirst of fire Into the he plane ignited a flare and '/-phot out the plane's hydraulic sys•l*tn. To prevent the llames from READE'S the hydraulic fluid, he a hole in the camera door OAK TREE ROAD M I D I M, J- t. *- «-' threw the Hare out. Phone Met. 6-1279 I'.'. "Wounded in the leg and an arm' THURS., FRI. & SAT. I hostile planes renewed the atJohn Wayne—Martha Scott PERTH AMBOY 4 1 5 9 3 TODAY AND SAT. and will) his hands badly "In Old Oklahoma'^ d, he turned to his guns and Dorothy McGuire and —-and— down another of the enemy Robert Young in Don Ameche—France! Dee | . planes . . . Crandal] displayed high —in— I and courage in his prompt and "Claudia" " H a p p y Land" | heroic action of saving the lives of —alio— IVi 4 Sat. Chapter 8 i erew." "Th« Batman" "Harrig»n'» Kid" OUlh, 17, Crooni Way L * Into Marriage With 3 ON THE SILVER SCREEN Hunter Kills Rabbit And Then Falls Dead PEAKING ;-:f-.i.,;-:--Ci-- T :,',.:...i : 1 7 IN O|LP CHIpAGtJ
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