November 30, 2014 1st Sunday of Advent Celebration of Worship - 11:00 a.m. Please Sign Attendance Pad First United Methodist Church Welcome and Announcements Prelude Edwina Taylor & Faith Young Invocation *Hymn “Advancing the Kingdom of Christ through our personal growth, worship and outreach to extend the love of Christ to our community and throughout the world.” Mary Stickley Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus—UMH 196 Advent Wreath Offertory Prayer Mary Stickley Offertory Edwina Taylor & Faith Young Doxology Praise God from whom all blessings flow; praise Him all creatures here below; praise Him above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen *Greeting Readings & Hanging of Chrismon Ornaments *Hymn Assembly sings as children & youth bring in the Nativity Scene Silent Night, Holy Night— UMH 239 Pastoral & Lord’s Prayer Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil, for Thine is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory forever. Amen *Hymn Scripture and Sermon *Hymn Benediction and Response of Praise *Postlude *Please Stand as you are able O Coe, O Come, Emmanuel— UMH 211 Isaiah 64:1-9 “Getting Ready” Emmanuel, Emmanuel— UMH 204 God be With you Till we meet again-- UMH 672 Edwina Taylor & Faith Young Pastor Ken Pierce Associate Pastor TJ Burdine 993 Market Street - P.O. Box 12 Dayton, Tennessee 37321 Phone: 423-775-0262 Website: November 30, 2014 Prayer List for Week of November 30, 2014 This Week’s Schedule of Events Sunday, November 30th FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT 9:00 a.m. Contemporary Service 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship Service Monday, December 1st 6:00 p.m. Night of Prayer 7:00 p.m. Ladies Bible Study led by Lindsey Bamber 7:00 p.m. Men’s Bible Study with Ryon McKinney 7:00 p.m. Boy Scouts/ Cub Scouts/ Girl Scouts Tuesday, December 2nd 10:00 a.m. Bible Study led by Ann Blackburn 5:30 p.m. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Library 5:30 p.m. TNT Wednesday, December 3rd 5:00 p.m. Praise Team 6:00 p.m. WNL– Team 2– hot dogs 6:45 p.m. Bible Study Weekly Offerings Update—November 23, 2014 Account Amount Budget 6979.25 Compassion Holston Home 62.00 20.00 Kitchen 50.00 Missions Youth 50.00 24.00 WNL 61.00 Handicap Accessibility 25.00 Memorials 300.00 Attendance for Sunday November 23, 2014 9:00 Service 151 11:00 Service 88 Total Worship 239 Sunday School 94 Jerry & Bobbie Ward - Health needs - Thursday Morning Bible Study Trevor & Cindy Wooden - Health and Financial needs - Church Family Louise Taber - Health concerns - The Prayer Team J.C. Gholdston - Health needs - Church Family Ursula Massengill - Eyesight - Jack & Ursula Brown Margaret Trotter – Health needs – The Prayer Team Nina Sue Crowell – Health needs – The Prayer Team Nancy Dixon – Health needs – The Prayer Team Bill Slatton - Health Needs - Jack & Ursula Brown Bonnie Walker– Health needs– Barry, Raymond & Sue Walker Raymond Walker - Health needs - Sue Ann Walker, Barry & Bonnie Walker Betty Bailey - Health needs & on the passing of her husband Ban - Toni Hudgins James Dill - Health & Healing - Phyllis Dill Gene Murrell - Health needs - Ginny Murrell Jay Able - Health Needs - Jack & Ursula Brown Gilbert & Betty Fortner– Health needs– Phyllis Pierce Christine Miller & Family– Spiritual and Financial Needs-New Friend Bill Kilgore– Health and Healing– Pastor Ken and TJ Charles Voigt– Health & Healing– his sisters Sandra Gass & Kay Hicks Darlene Davisson– Health and Healing– Carolyn Davisson George & Patti DuVall– Health needs– Pastor Ken Kaylee Earls & Family- Spiritual needs- Missing little sister who was called to the Lord 2 years ago.– This is Heidi Mahlum’s granddaughter . Bethany Votaw— Health and Healing– Janice Forsten Brenton & Alicia Floyd– Spiritual Guidance & Family Needs– Alicia Floyd Pam French– Major Health & Healing needs– The Prayer Team Emily Whitlock & Family– Father passed away after a long battle with cancer– Grace Graves John Bell- Health and Healing– abdominal pain relief– Mary Bell Bill Linn– Health needs– The Prayer Team Gilbert Fortner– Health needs– Phyllis Pierce’s Father Melvin Brown– Leg amputation– please pray for his family also– Mary Stickley Donald Orcutt– Recovering from Heart Attack– Linda Gentry, sister Tanner Cheek– Knee Surgery– Vicki Cheek, mom Danny Chattin– Health Needs– Howard Taylor Jane Tayloe– Prayers for Health and Healing– Church Family Diane Clark– Health needs– Little Learners Staff Marcy Froemke– Health needs– Church Family Dwight C. Newby– Cancer Treatment, Prayers of Healing– Steve & Katie Trotter Tosha Cubbage & sons– Relief from extreme grief– Mary Stickley Life Care Resident – Dayton Becky Holcomb – Health needs – Church Family Jimmy McClure – Health needs – Marty & Bunny Derlak Courtyard Residents: Betty Jo Morgan – Health needs - The Prayer Team Mayme Bedford – Health needs – Church family Martin Boyd Christian Home Winnie Thomas - Health needs - The Prayer Team Pray for all the military and especially these: Bradley Morgan – Safely back in TX after deployment to Afghanistan - Cheek Family. Teddy Wilson II - Suffered multiple injuries in Afghanistan, recovering now in Maryland. Jon Lewis – Praise! Training complete, stationed in Hawaii – Vicki Cheek & family. Sgt. Katie Thomas– serious accident– she remains in a coma– mother, Kathy Powers. Josh Hudgins– Deployed to Kuwait– Ed & Toni Hudgins Pray for these Holston Conference Missionaries: Rukang Chicomb in the Congo; Neal Hicks in Japan; Marie Humbane in Zimbabwe; Rev. Bill Lovelace in Lithuania; and Herbert Zigloo in Liberia. REMINDER Don’t Forget to place your commitment card in the offering today, next week, or bring them to the office. The UMW still has scholarship money for other young women of our church who might want to apply. Call Janice Forsten, 423-775-9434, contact TJ Burdine , or pick up an application in the workroom UMW mailbox and turn in completed for to Elissa Wilcox in the office. Eyeglasses can still be donated. UMW is collecting used eyeglasses to be recycled to missions or others in need. Turn in to workroom. The UNITED METHODIST WOMEN AND THE PAIRS AND SPARES SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS CHIRSTMAS DINNER will be Thursday, December 18, 2014 in the fellowship hall. We will gather for fellowship 6PM and dinner will be served at 6:30P. The meal will be catered with a choice of turkey and dressing or roast beef. Everyone is invited to attend. Please contact Diana (775 0862, or Janice (775 9434) to make a reservation Christmas Basket Time 20 The 3/4 Sunday School class is in need of a teacher for the month of January. Please contact Sue Brown at 423-421-4265 or by email, if you will volunteer to teach this class in January. Following are the Advent readers (and Advent candle lighters): Early Service Late Service Nov. 30 Urani family Carlton family Dec. 7 Garren/Newan family Ketchersid family Dec. 14 – combined service Blevins/Holcomb families Dec. 21 Harrison family Tayloe family Calling all of the angels in our church to pick a family to buy presents for along with a food basket. The food baskets will be $40. The gifts for each child will be about $20-25 each. Please let us know of your preference in families: 1, 2 or 3 children and or a food basket. If you can help shop, wrap, bake cookies/ cakes, please let us know. Our Christmas basket program will be Wednesday, December 17th at 5:00pm. Gods’ blessing on you all! Katie & Steve Trotter
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