Skipping syntactically illegal “the”-previews: The role of predictability 1 2 1 Matthew Abbott , Bernhard Angele , Y. Danbi Ahn , & Keith Rayner 1 University of California San Diego 2 Bournemouth University Word Skipping During Reading Results 3 or Pre−Target Single Fixation Duation predictable 2. Readers also skip parafoveal previews of high-frequency words more often than low-frequency 3-letter words even when they are 4,5 syntactically infelicitous (b) (c) Target Skipped Target The 230 There was a massive ant infestation in.. There was a massive the infestation in.. There was a massive all infestation in.. 0.6 0.5 210 200 0.4 High skipped words, but this cost is even greater after skipping an incorrect preview 4. If the target word is highly predictable, will parafoveal information of a different word block skipping decisions? Low High Low Constraint High Target Word Gaze Duration Gaze Duration (ms) 275 250 240 230 225 220 200 High Low Constraint High Regressions Into Target Word Target Fixated 1.00 Regressions In (proportion of trials) Cloze Sentence ( | indicates boundary) High Jane used the scissors to carefully| cut scraps.. Preview Target The Target The • • • References O’Regan, J. K. (1979). Eye guidance in reading: Evidence for the linguistic control hypothesis. Perception & Psychophysics, 25, 501-509. Drieghe, D., Pollatsek, A., Staub, A., & Rayner, K. (2008). The word grouping hypothesis and eye movements during reading. JEP: LMC, 34, 1552-1560. Balota, D. A., Pollatsek, A., & Rayner, K. (1985). The interaction of contextual constraints and parafoveal visual information in reading. Cog Psych., 17, 364-390. 4. Angele, B., Laishley, A., Rayner, K., & Liversedge, S. P. (2014). The effect of high- and low-frequency previews on and sentential fit on word skipping during reading. JEP: LMC, in press. 5. Angele, B., & Rayner, K. (2013). Processing the in the parafovea: Are articles skipped automatically? JEP: LMC, 39, 649-662. 6. Rayner, K. (1975). The perceptual span and peripheral cues in reading. Cog Psych., 7, 65-81. 1. 2. 3. 2014 Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting :: Long Beach, CA Constraint Low Go−Past Time (ms) Target Skipped 400 300 0.25 Low Jane used the machine to carefully| the scraps.. High Target Fixated Preview 0.50 Low Jane used the machine to carefully| cut scraps.. Low Post−Target Word Go−Past Time Target Skipped 0.75 High Jane used the scissors to carefully| the scraps.. • Target The 260 37 UCSD undergraduates read 40 sentences 2 constraint (high vs. low Cloze target word) x 2 parafoveal preview (correct vs. the preview) design Target word cloze probabilities: 0.77 for high constraint targets, 0.05 for low constraint targets Position of target in sentence did not differ between conditions 6 Parafoveal preview controlled using the boundary paradigm : on all trials the target word (cut) replaced the preview (e.g., cut or the) after readers’ eyes crossed the boundary Display changes completed in 4ms on average (range 0-7ms) 10.53% of the data was removed due to improper display changes Target Skipped Preview Target The 300 Present Study • Constraint Target Fixated Preview 270 Low Post−Target Word Gaze Duation 250 • Target The 0.7 220 3. There is a cost to skipping, with longer fixations following • Preview Preview Single Fixation Duation (ms) (a) Target Fixated Target Word Skipping Rate Skipping Rate 1,2 Gaze Duation (ms) 1. Readers frequently skip words that are short and frequent 1 0.00 High Low High Constraint Low 200 High Low High Constraint Low Discussion • • • • • Readers skip the word the more often than other 3-letter words Skipping of the often proceeds even when the context indicates that another word should occur in that position with high probability Constraint may boost the baseline rate of skipping short words the was skipped more often in high than in low constraint sentences Information from the sentence context and the parafovea both appear to influence skipping, but integration lags behind While readers are likely to regress to any skipped word, processing difficulty is most apparent after skipping an infelicitous word M A B B O T T@U C S D.E D U
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