Bulletin & Liturgy Schedule - St. Mary's Catholic Church

St. Mary
November 30, 2014
Roman Catholic Church
3100 W. Madison • Fairfield, Iowa 52556-4213
Website :............................... www.stmarysfairfield.org
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8 AM–4 PM
Phone: 641-472-3179
Fr. Nicholas J. Adam, Pastor
Karen Crossland, RCIA Coordinator
Jean Dorothy, Faith Formation Coordinator
Diane Tone, Youth Ministry Coordinator.....319-217-0148
Roberta Danielson, Parish Secretary
Jo Ann Adam, Parish Bookkeeper
Fr. Nick’s Email: adamn@diodav.org
Faith Formation Email: fairfieldstmarydre@diodav.org
Youth Ministry Email: fairfieldstmaryym@diodav.org
Parish Office Email: fairfieldstmary@diodav.org
Parish Finance Email: fairfieldstmaryfin@diodav.org
PARISH COUNCIL: Susan Hervey, President
FINANCE COUNCIL: Mike Nunn, President
Dean Adam, Grand Knight ....641-777-3079
Aaron Sheetz, Deputy Grand Knight ......641-919-6105
MASSES Saturday 5:30 PM - Sunday 8 AM & 10 AM
Memorial Weekend through Labor Day Weekend
Saturday 5:30 PM - Sunday 9 AM
Saturday 4:30 - 5 PM or by appt. (641-472-4375)
Daily Masses: See enclosed calendar
Blessed Trinity, we thank you for
helping us become a welcoming
family of faith. Smile on us as we greet
each other and all visitors to our Church.
Hear us sing your praises at Mass and
in our daily lives. Embrace us as we
support growth in love for You. Guide
us as we study Your Word, celebrate
the Sacraments, and work in Your
Service. We ask for your forgiveness and
grant our own to others. Inspire us to
respond to the needs of our world today.
WELCOME TO OUR PARISH. We extend a warm welcome to all who attend our Church. We hope that
you will find our parish community a place where your life of faith will be nourished and that you will share
your special gifts with us. Your prayers, your presence and your talents are most welcome. Parish
registration forms are at the church main entrance. Fill one out and give it to Father or drop it off at the
church office. We take this opportunity to welcome all of you, our parishioners and visitors, to church today. We thank you for making us a part of your day.
Gospel Readings for the Week
Mass Schedule & Intentions
Monday, Dec. 1
No Mass
Tuesday, Dec. 2
5:15 PM Mass — Nancy Baird†
Wednesday, Dec. 3
5:15 PM Mass — Marlys Adam†
Thursday, Dec. 4
8:30 AM Mass — Maxine (Horras) Walker†
Friday, Dec. 5
8:30 AM Mass — Alexandra Higdon†
Saturday, Dec. 6
5:30 PM Vigil Mass — Donald Kitch†
Sunday, Dec. 7
8:00 AM Mass — MaryAnn Harvey Intention
10:00 AM Mass — Priscilla Coffman†
30 SUN
First Sunday of
No Mass
10 AM Mass
Second Sunday
of Advent
8 AM Mass
10 AM Mass
Feast of the 5:15 PM Mass
6:30 PM
8:30 AM Mass
5:30 PM Mass
KC Meeting
7:00 PM
5:15 PM Mass 5:15 PM Mass
6:30 PM
8 AM Mass
Dec. 1 Mt8:5-11
Dec. 2 Lk10;:21-24
Dec. 3 Mt15:29-37
Dec. 4 Mt7:21,24-27
Dec. 5 Mt9:27-31
Grades 6-10
Meet at
Parkview Care
Center from
6:30 PM to
7:30 PM
10 WED
5:15 AM
Faith Formation
Grades 6-10.
Meal at 6:00 PM
Class at 6:30 PM
8:30 AM Mass
Adoration of
the Blessed
Sacrament for
9AM to 9 PM
Schola at
6:30 PM
Parish Council
Meeting 7 PM
11 THU
8:30 AM
Rosary after
Cookie Walk
from 9 AM to
4:30 - 5:00 PM
5:30 PM Mass
Parish Christmas
Open House after
5:30 PM Mass
12 FRI
8:30 AM Mass
Schola at
6:30 PM
8:30 AM
Rosary after
Liturgical Ministers for December 6 & 7, 2014
Lectors: (1) Michele Greiner (2) Jean Hart (3) Chris Kaska
Eucharist: (1) Dwayne Samuelson, Mary Overturf, JoAnn Adam (2) Jeff & Laurie Courtright, Esther Urban
(3) Nohema Graber, Kathy Davidson, Diane Tone
Servers: (1) Angel Samuelson (2) Gannon & Brecken Courtright(3) Erik Kaska, Ronan Malloy
Greeters/Gift Bearers: (1) Clay & Rita Harris (2) Bob Mosinski Family (3) Dave & Judy Dickey
Keyboard/Cantor: (1) Evelyn Pacha / Clarisa McMahon (2) Meg Earsley, Therese Cummiskey
(3) Mary Andersen / Clarisa McMahon, Joseph Perna
13 SAT
4:30 - 5:00 PM
5:30 PM Mass
Notes from Father Nick...
If you have not yet contributed or made a pledge to the Annual Diocesan Appeal, you are asked to do so as soon
as possible. We would like to complete our parish’s contribution to this Appeal before the end of this year. The
latest report from the Chancery indicated that $34, 218 has been given from only 110 families. Our goal is $49, 119.
To make this goal without resorting to our parish’s general budget, we need everyone’s support. Please make your
checks payable to “The Diocese of Davenport.” And lastly, thank you so much to those who have already
Note that next Monday, December 8th, is a Holyday of Obligation for all Catholics. On that day we will honor
Mary as the patroness of our country on the feast of her Immaculate Conception. Our Masses will be at 8:30 AM
and at 5:30 PM. (There is a Knights of Columbus meeting at 7:00 PM that evening).
As we enter the season of Advent and prepare ourselves to remember the birth of Jesus, our Lord, and Savior, there
are many events and activities that will fill our calendars. On the one hand, they speak of our shared joy in knowing
the unconditional love our Father has for us in sending his Son to live among us. Likewise, in an indirect way, the gifts
we offer one another symbolize that love. However, in the midst of our busyness, let’s not lose sight of the true meaning of this Advent time - - that of preparing our hearts, our minds and our souls for the Lord’s entry into our lives. I
hope that all of you will find quiet time each day of Advent for prayer, spiritual reflection, and a personal commitment
to be the disciples of Jesus we are called to be.
Come Lord Jesus, come!
Parish Announcements
Advent Reflections with
Fr. Robert Barron
Receive free daily reflections throughout
Advent. All you need to do is go to
Each day, from November 30 until
Christmas Eve, you will receive a short
reflection on an Advent theme.
Please join Kent Ferris, Director of Social Action and Catholic
Charities on Tuesday, December 2nd at 5:30pm for a screening
of The Francis Effect, a Salt+Light Television Documentary at
St. Patrick’s Parish in Ottumwa, in the parish school
building. Documentary is 72 minutes. Discussion to follow,
along with sharing of news and information re: Social Action.
Chips and sandwiches will be provided, so RVSP
ferris@davenportdiocese.org if you want to attend
and want a sandwich.
Our Parish Open House will be
December 6, 2014 after
5:30 PM Mass, (6:30 PM to 8:30 PM)
in the Parish Hall. Enjoy appetizers,
hot cider and mulled wine.
Everything will be provided.
Come and join in for some
Christmas cheer.
The Lord’s Cupboard is in need of :
tuna-5oz, diced tomatoes-14.5oz,
chicken noodle and tomato soups-10.5oz,
beef stew-24oz, peaches, pears, mixed fruit-15oz, spaghetti
sauce (canned)-15oz.
Christmas Box Volunteering Schedule:
Nazarene Center on North 5th Street
December 15, 2014 from 9:30AM to 10:30AM
to prep and stack banana boxes
December 16, 2014 from 7:30AM to 8:30 AM
to stack dry goods
December 16, 2014 from 5:30PM to 7PM
to pack boxes
December 17, 2014 8AM to 10AM and
10AM to 12 PM to help carry boxes to cars
Attention St. Mary Bakers:
Mark your Calendar
The annual cookie walk is scheduled for
Dec. 6, 2014. Cookies, candy, fudge, etc are needed.
Advertiser of the Week from the back of our bulletin:
For more information call Esther Urban
at 641-919-4896 if you can help or donate.
All American Pest Control
Thank you for your support!
Please support those who support our parish bulletin.
Parish Ministries
The next Blood Pressure Screening
will be held during The Cookie Walk
on Saturday, December 6 from 9:00 12 noon. Anyone having their blood
pressure taken will receive a free
CUTIE. Hope to see you there.
The next "Senior Lunch & Learn "program will
be held on December 12th at Indian Hills
Community College. The program is "All That
Jazz" with David Sharp, Professor of Instrumental
Music and Jazz at IHCC. Cost is $6.00 for a delicious lunch at the college. Please call Sandy Berto
at 641-683-5183 to make reservation or contact
Roseann Karbacka at 641-472-2954. It's a fun way to
learn and socialize with other Seniors from the area!
Confidentiality legislation prohibits the release
of hospital admissions to churches. If you or
a family member are admitted to a hospital, a
direct contact from the patient or family must be
made with the parish office to ensure that you
receive visitation and pastoral care from the
parish staff.
Youth Ministry News
Grades 6-12 YOUTH NIGHT
Sun, Dec 14 @ 6:30—8:30 pm
This is our annual Christmas Party! We will
have games, food, and a Christmas Gift
Exchange. Bring a generic gift to exchange
(under $10 with NO nuts please), and a
snack to share. Plan to have fun!
Nov. 30 : Melissa Adrian,Rider Robertson
Dec. 1 : Makayla Kessel, Bob Nelson,
Blessing Takor Otang
Dec. 2 :
Dec. 3 : Claire Christensen, Alex Sisomphane
Dec. 4 : Patty Allen, Lillian Hamm, David Kreuter,
Karla Steward, Chloe Thornton
Dec. 5 : Chris Kessel, Richard Kurka, Shirley Miller,
Kim Olson, Jan Peck
Dec. 6 : Julia Bruckman, Steve Countryman,
Doug Danielson, Chris Kaska, Tim McMahon
As you celebrate your birthday of human existence this year, in your
charity, would you help other celebrate their life also? Please consider
joining many of us here at St. Mary by sending a check for $12.00
(yet the gift you give is your gift) to Choices Medical Clinic, PO Box
2537, Iowa City, IA 52244 so that others may have a life and a birthday to celebrate. Consider that a yearly donation of even $12 averages
out to about 25 cents a week. And you have helped contribute to a
Culture of Life by helping others help those in need. Thank you!
Please remember in your prayers:
R. Adam, M. T. Adam, S. Ayala, J. Bradley,
J. & K. Buch, L. Forbes,
M. French, R Goldstein, J. Graber, S. Hardin,
G. Hellweg, M. Kauffman, A. Kessel, L . Koerselman,
L. Kurtz, R. (Lamansky) Larson, M. Laux, L. Merschman,
S. & J. Murphy, B. Nelson, A. Pech, R. Sieren
If you wish to be placed on the prayer chain and if you want
your names removed, we respectfully ask that you make
that request to the Parish Office, Marilyn Glass (472-3165)
or Dot Hellkamp (472-5282).
November 3 thru 9, 2014
93 Families Contributed
Total week’s income
Total week’s expenses
Building loan payment
Total week’s expenses
Mass Attendance:
November 22 & 23, 2014
5:30 PM: 160 8 AM: 91 & 10 AM: 193
Knights of Columbus #4092
We had a great time at DCYC! Attending were
Amber Samuelson, Finnegan Malloy,
Phil & Diane Tone.
KC Meeting December 8, 2014
Meal: 6:00 PM
Meeting: 7:00 PM
Yearly dues of $30.00 are now due.
After February 2015 they will be $40.00.
Membership Meal is on January 17, 2015