November 30, 2014 ~ First Sunday of Advent Listening to the Gospel of Mark Thursday, December 4 - Holy Family Chapel 9:15 am and repeated at 7:30 pm This Advent, we hear the Gospel of Mark. Fr. Britto will introduce us to the author of the gospel and give us insight into his theology. THIS WEEKEND!! OUR 39TH ANNUAL CLOTHING DRIVE Saturday, November 29th - 9:00 am to 6:00 pm & Sunday, November 30th - 8:30 am to 1:30pm Morello Parish Life Center Page 2 November 30, 2014 Celebrating the Year of the Sacraments St. Paul of the Cross Welcomes… Baptisms at St. Paul of the Cross take place every Sunday of each month at 1:15 pm. Please call the rectory to register. Monthly presentations celebrating this beautiful signs of grace. Our Next Presentation will be Monday, December 1, 2014 Fr. Peter will present The Sacrament of Confirmation. All sessions in the Holy Family Chapel at 9:15 am, repeated at 7:30 pm. Come and learn more about this important grace-filled sacrament. Upcoming Presentations: January 5 The Eucharist - Fr. Britto February 2 Penance & Reconciliation - Fr. Britto March 2 Anointing of the Sick - Fr. Matthew April 13 Marriage - Fr. Britto & Deacon Bob May 4 Holy Orders - Fr. Matthew II Nicholas Look & Jestina Orlando ***Early Bulletin Deadlines for December*** The next Music for Weddings will be held on Wednesday, March 4, 2015 at 7:30 pm - Duffin Hall. Please call (847) 825-7605 to register. For the Bulletin of December 14: deadline is as usual. Early Deadlines for the following 3 bulletins: *Bulletin of December 21: deadline is Thursday, December 11 by noon. *Bulletin of December 28: deadline is Tuesday, December 16 by noon. *Bulletin of January 4: deadline is Friday, December 19 by noon. Questions? Just email or call., 847-692-6024. Thanks! NEW PARISHIONER REGISTRATION SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7TH PARISH LIFE CENTER - 8:30 AM UNTIL NOON Wanted: Energetic people to help decorate St Paul of the Cross for Christmas on Tuesday, December 16th at approximately 9:00 am. If you are interested, please contact Betty O'Neill at 847-698-0562, or Whatever time you can give will be greatly appreciated. “And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ.” (Ephesians 4:11-12) We are looking for volunteers to welcome new parishioners to St. Paul of the Cross. New Parishioner registration by volunteers is held each first Sunday of the month at the Parish Life Center. Please help us demonstrate the spirit of our vibrant parish. Contact Maria Mehl at 847.823.0930 for more information. 1st Sunday of Advent Page 3 Dear St. Paul Parishioners, The days are getting shorter and the darkness falls sooner. We know that winter is here. It also means that our preparation for the Feast of Christmas has begun. To help us be ready for the birth of the Savior, every year our liturgy committee suggests a theme. This year the committee has chosen the following words of Scripture as our theme: “May the God of Peace make you perfectly holy!” What an appropriate theme for this Advent Season! By one count there are forty-one wars raging in different parts of the world. More than ever we need the Prince of Peace to reign in our hearts and in our world. The name of Jesus is identical with peace. In his Letter to the Ephesians, Paul goes so far as to say, “He is our peace.” In Himself, Jesus has reconciled heaven and earth, the eternal and the temporal, the divine and the human. Through His death and resurrection He has reconciled sinful humanity with the Father. In Ephesians 2:14-18 Paul writes: For he himself is our peace, who has made the two one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by abolishing in his flesh the law with its commandments and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new man out of the two, thus making peace, and in this one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility. He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. For through him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit. When Christ was born, the angels sang: “Glory to God in the highest and peace to people of good will.” During His public life both his words and actions ushered in a reign of peace wherein the lame and the blind, the poor and the oppressed, the sinful and the sorrowful, found a haven of love. Just prior to his death, he announced: “My peace I give you, my peace I leave with you. But my peace is not the kind that the world gives…” In all His Easter appearances the greeting of the Risen Lord was the same: “Peace be with you!” We become holy by accepting into our lives the peace that Christ is. What is peace? It is the anti-thesis of turmoil, unrest, violence. Why or when do we lack peace? Peace deserts us when we are weighed down by guilt and regret, when we are afraid or when we feel rejected and unloved. In Him we know that we are accepted; in Him we know that we are loved; in Him we know that we are forgiven. The world may reject us and some people may dislike or make us feel unlovable. Jesus loves us no matter what. He says to us: “I do not call you slaves. I call you friends. I have loved you with an everlasting love. I knew you before you were born.” We are often filled with fear and worry. Hurt by life experiences, we wonder what hurdle the next turn in the road will place before us. The Master calms us down with His words: “Do not be afraid for I have conquered sin and death. I am with you till the end of time. I will not leave you orphans.” As we grow older, we are weighed down by the sins of our past. We can also be filled with regret. To us the Compassionate Shepherd gives us the assurance: “There is more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than ninety-nine righteous who have no need of repentance. I am the Good Shepherd. Go in peace. Your sins are forgiven.” May this Advent Season help us to find our peace in the Babe of Bethlehem! Having tasted His peace, we need to share that peace with others. Having felt His acceptance, we should offer acceptance to others. Having been forgiven, we need to forgive. Having been reassured, we should be a source of comfort to our brothers and sisters. If Jesus is our peace, we need to become peace for the world. I would like to suggest the Peace Prayer attributed to St. Francis of Assisi as our prayer of choice for this time of waiting: Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. O Master, grant that I may not so much seek Where there is hatred, let me sow love; to be consoled as to console; Where there is injury, pardon; to be understood as to understand; Where there is doubt, faith; to be loved as to love. Where there is despair, hope; For it is in giving that we receive; Where there is darkness, light; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and Where there is sadness, joy. it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen. May you have a peaceful and fruitful Advent Season! Yours warmly, Fr Britto, Pastor Page 4 November 30, 2014 The Season of Advent is the beginning of our new liturgical year. (Happy New Year!!!) Advent is a time of great anticipation and joy, where we are to focus on the two “comings” of Christ – first, His incarnation and birth in Jesus and next, His Second Coming, the final Advent of the Lord, at the last day. Thus the Advent Season is a season of preparation and waiting for the Coming of the Lord. We also need to remember that there is also a penitential aspect of Advent; Joy, yes, but also penitential joy, as we prepare with penance and prayers, and supplication and thanksgiving as we await the Second Advent of the Christ, when He promised He would return in glory and judgment. This is a time to reflect on the kind of life we have led and the kind of life we should lead. In the first reading Isaiah prays - “Would that you might meet us doing right, that we were mindful of you in our ways! Isaiah concludes his prayer with “. . . we are the clay and you the potter: we are all the work of your hands.” (This brings to my mind the prayer for the “Grace to see ourselves as God sees us”, and thus a bonus question - Who wrote that prayer?) This is also a time to reflect on the gifts of the Church that we have received from “the grace of God” and that these gifts are meant to aid us in our preparation for the Second Advent. In the second reading Paul writes “. . . for the grace of God bestowed on you in Christ Jesus, that in him you were enriched in every way . . .you are not lacking in any spiritual gift as you wait for the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ. . . .He will keep you firm to the end, irreproachable on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.” We must always be attuned for this Second Advent, “Be watchful! Be alert!” as Jesus instructs the apostles, “Watch, therefore; you do not know when the lord of the house is coming.” “May he not come suddenly and find you sleeping. What I say to you, I say to all: ‘Watch!’” Rosary and Benediction 7:30 pm - Upper Church On the three Fridays of Advent one of the priests will expose the Blessed Sacrament and then lead us in the rosary, helping us to reflect on the mysteries of our salvation. The time of prayer will conclude with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Friday, December 5: Fr. Britto Friday, December 12: Fr. Matthew Friday, December 19: Fr. Peter Advent Reconciliation Service Reconciliation prayer service with individual confession Monday, December 15 7:30 pm - Upper Church Additional Reconciliation Opportunities: Weekdays: 8:00 - 8:15 am Saturdays: 3:00 - 4:00 pm Saturday, Dec. 20: 2:00 - 4:00 pm Tuesday, Dec. 23: 6:00 - 8:00 pm Listening to the Gospel of Mark Thursday, December 4 Holy Family Chapel 9:15 am and repeated at 7:30 pm This Advent, we hear the Gospel of Mark. Fr. Britto will introduce us to the author of the gospel and give us insight into his theology. Meeting Christ in the Poor Pope Francis has repeatedly challenged the world culture to overcome its “globalization of indifference.” We invite you to come and view the documentary "When Did I See You Hungry." In this powerful presentation we come face to face with some of the poorest and most marginalized people in the world. It is an important reminder that Christ Himself entered the world in poverty and challenged his followers that “whatever you do to the least of my brothers and sisters, that you do to me.” Let us use this time to spiritually prepare ourselves to welcome the child born in a feed box for animals. Tuesday, December 16th - Kinane Center 9:30 am to 11:00 am, repeated 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm 1st Sunday of Advent Page 5 St. Nicholas Party & Bake Sale Sunday, December 7, 2014 10:00 am to 1:30 pm Morello Parish Life Center Please join us for the 2014 St. Nicholas Party and get into the spirit of Christmas! What makes this party unique is that children have a chance to give something to Santa at Christmas, rather than get something from him. Each child who visits with Santa brings an unwrapped gift (for ages pre-school through eighth grade) of approximately $10 in value. The gifts are then gathered and sent to local charities for needy families. Please don’t forget your camera to capture your child’s visit with Santa. At Santa’s Secret Workshop, children can purchase gifts for Mom, Dad or other family members and have them wrapped at the party, so the gift will be a surprise on Christmas morning. The majority of gifts are less than $3.00. RAFFLE PRIZES NEEDED FOR ST. NICK PARTY The St. Ann Guild will be hosting the St. Nick Party Sunday, December 6th. We are in need of raffle prizes- themed baskets, sports memorabilia, gift cards, museum passes, artwork, etc. All donations welcome. Raffle donations can be dropped off with Maureen Garrelts (1110 S. Greenwood) or Pam Olafsson (501 Engel) anytime before December 5th. Please email to arrange a drop off time or Thank you for your generosity! CALLING ALL BAKERS! Your help is needed to make our Bake Sale at the St. Nicholas Party a success on Sunday, December 7th Favorite items include cookies of all kinds, brownies, fruit pies, cakes, lemon squares, breads, candy, fudge, jams and jellies. Also, please bring a list of the ingredients – just the ingredients, not the amounts. If baked from a mix, bring the ingredient panel from the box. We hope these small inconveniences won’t deter you from baking. Please use disposable containers or plastic or paper plates & wrap in plastic wrap (use bows if desired). Put the name of the item only on the label. We will price the items so leave room for the price on the label. Baked goods can be delivered to the Morello Parish Life Center on Saturday, December 6th between the hours of 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm or on the morning of the sale (before 10:00 am). WE REALLY NEED YOUR HELP TO MAKE THIS EVENT A SUCCESS! Page 6 November 30, 2014 Second City Brass will put on a concert of Christmas and seasonal brass music on Saturday, December 13th at 7:30 pm in the upper church. The program will feature seasonal favorites, as well as a sing-a-long that is sure to kindle the Christmas spirit! The concert is FREE and open to the public. ABOUT SECOND CITY BRASS Second City Brass has performed in a number of prominent Chicagoland concert series including the Barrington Area Library First Fridays Concert Series, the Northbrook Library Concert Series, the Skokie Library Concert Series, and many performances at colleges, churches and private events. This will be the group’s third Christmas concert at St. Paul of the Cross. Saturday, December 13th at 7:30 pm ADMISSION IS FREE ~ A free-will offering is appreciated PARISH-WIDE PARTICIPATION SOUGHT FOR SAINT BENEDICT THE AFRICAN GIFT CERTIFICATE GIVING TREES St. Benedict the African is very close in our thoughts and prayers during the Church year. At Christmas time, in particular, we try to reach out to our sister parish in a significant way. Sister Joanne Delehanty from St. Benedict the African (East) has asked our parish to participate in helping parishioners through gift certificates. She explains it this way: Being church is about living the challenging values the Gospel holds up constantly before us, justice & charity certainly being among them. The reality of being Church in our world isn't easy. Perhaps a concentrated focus on gifts at Christmas misses some larger issues of what separates us, what our image of our self as an inner city parish is. Gift certificates would allow us, at our discretion, to meet more needs over a broader range of time than just the Christmas holiday. It would allow people the great gift of their own purchase. People who have no cooking facilities welcome an occasional certificate to a local fast-food Restaurant. McDonald's & Kentucky Fried Chicken are nearby. Also welcome are certificates from Kmart, Target, Walgreens, Jewel & Walmart which are a source for diapers and formula as well as toys. Ford City is two busses away, and Sears is located there. Also, gas cards, such as Marathon or Mobile would be greatly appreciated. Beginning this weekend, Giving Trees will be located at all entrances of the upper & lower church. Please take a green envelope hanging from the branches & either: 1) purchase a certificate at one or more of the businesses listed above, or 2) enclose cash for us to purchase certificates in your name. Please deposit green envelopes in the rectory mail drop or the Offertory collection basket during December. If you have any questions, please call Debbie Harris of St. Jude Guild (708) 738-0077. Thank you for your generosity! 1st Sunday of Advent Page 7 Inclusion Ministry Annual Christmas Eve Pageant Sign-Up ATTENTION ALL PARISH 2ND GRADERS, PRE-KINDERGARTNERS, & KINDERGARTNERS WHEN: Christmas Eve December 24th WHERE: Morello Parish Life Center (gym) Family Mass TIME: 5:00 pm Henri Nouwen (a founder of the Pathways Inclusion In Worship Program) DETAILS: ♦ Only 2nd graders participate in the reenactment of the Nativity. There are NO speaking parts. ♦ Pre-Kindergartners & Kindergartners participate by singing "Joy to the World" at the end of the pageant. ♦ Attendance at rehearsal is MANDATORY for children participating. This ensures that each child knows his/her role. ♦ MANDATORY REHEARSAL will be in the Morello Parish Life Center on December 21 from 10:30 - Noon If you have any questions, please email or call: 847-692-2758 Christmas Eve Pageant Sign-Up - Please return by December 12 to: Office for Catechesis, 215 Ridge Terrace, Park Ridge, IL 60068 YOU MAY SIGN-UP BY EMAIL, BUT YOU MUST INCLUDE ALL THE BELOW INFORMATION Child's Name: Address: Best Phone: Email: ___ St. Paul Student As the nights lengthen and days become shorter preparations begin for the coming winter. It is the season of "thanks-giving" - a perfect time to pause, slow the pace, count the blessings, and feel gratitude for the abundance in our lives... family, friends, listening hearts, shared stories, the lingering colors in nature, plentiful food and water, those who have gone before us making our existence possible, all we hold dear in the silence of our hearts. Let us be thankful for our diversities that bring harmony to the wholeness of our parish. That in our unique giftedness we share of ourselves in service to others and in turn receive the enrichment of Grace. As we give, so shall we receive! Be mindful of the ways we provide ease to worship for those who may appreciate them..... wheelchairs, hearing devices, gluten free communion hosts, stroller and disability parking, elevators , and ramped entrance. Please ask our wonderful and helpful ushers for assistance! What contribution may we be to you, your family and friends? Please check all that apply: ___ 2nd Grade "May the church be a place where ALL feel welcomed, loved, forgiven, and encouraged to live according to the good life of the Gospel." Pope Francis "Community is first of all a quality of the heart. It grows from the spiritual knowledge that we are alive not for ourselves but for one another." ___ PK ___ Kindergarten ___ Catechesis Student ___ Other Donna Cornille 224-220-6744, or Mark Miller Page 8 November 30, 2014 ADRIENNE TIMM, DIRECTOR (847) 692-6767 New Hope Park Ridge Our mom is really on her way! She currently has saved $4,500.00 she has really been pushing herself and trying to be as efficient as possible. She is determined to save. She enjoys watching her money grow, she feels that when she leaves the program she will continue to save. She has been working more hours and getting home late. She is sad that when she picks her daughter up from school she falls asleep about the time they get home for the evening. She is so proud that her baby is now walking! She reports that she is so busy getting into everything! She feels stable now. The worker keeps pushing and encouraging her to work on her GED. She knows that it is important but she is working on her time management skills. She admits that it can be done, it’s just very hard with no extra support. She has made a commitment to begin studying on her own. This family is very grateful to Project New Hope Parishioners. The New Hope family also joins this family in expressing our sincere gratitude to our parish contributors for supporting the family we serve. Let us continue to hear the cry of the poor while we wait for the Christ child to be born. Currently, our parish food pantry serves over 148 households for the holidays. Each of our families have filled out a Christmas wish list. If you would like to anonymously adopt a needy family or individual for Christmas, please call Adrienne Timm, at Social Service Ministry, for more details. 847-692-6767. Another good way to earn service hours! 1st Sunday of Advent Page 9 ADRIENNE TIMM, DIRECTOR (847) 692-6767 See the parish website ( for more details and to reserve your spot for these events. On the home page, click the link for Volunteer Opportunities. ♦ *SUBURBAN OUTREACH* Feed My Starving Children Meal Packing Event, December 13, 2014, 9:00am to 11:00am Due to the overwhelming response to the November event, sign up to meet at Feed My Starving Children in Schaumburg in December! We will hand-pack meals specifically formulated for malnourished children. Feed My Starving Children ships meals to nearly 70 countries around the world. Children age 5 and older are welcome, but must be accompanied with an adult. Registration is required. The Servants of St. Francis are once again collecting Jewel Osco Saver Stamps for Cuisinart Stainless Cookware to benefit those served by the SPC Food Pantry. Please place stamps in the collection boxes at the back of church and the Holy Family Chapel or in an envelope marked Servants of St. Francis stamp collection at the Rectory. Thank you in advance for your generosity. Donut Sunday, December 14, 2014 Join our Hospitality Committee for complimentary donuts and coffee following Mass! Please stop by the school gym on December 14 after the 7:30, 9:00 and 10:30 am Masses for donuts, coffee, and to socialize with fellow parishioners. No sign-up required! CALLING ALL MEN OF THE PARISH COME JOIN THE SPC MEN’S CLUB AND SHARE IN OUR SOCIALSPIRITUAL-SERVICE MISSION TO THE PARISH AND OUR COMMUNITY We invite all current Members as well as all Men of the Parish interested in joining the Men’s Club to attend our next Social Event set for Thursday, December 4 at 7pm. Come Cheer on the Bears in the new upstairs party room at The Curragh, 6705 N. Northwest Highway. Pizza and Drink Specials will be provided. Questions: contact Dan Johnston at Page 10 November 30, 2014 PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION CHAPEL ADVENT GIVES US OUR FUTURE Pope Francis challenges us to be protectors of all creation, to be stewards of all God’s gifts. We begin to exercise this responsibility when we defend human life, especially the unborn and the vulnerable. When we affirm the sacredness of all human life, we acknowledge God’s plan for each human being, and we work to defend the gift of life from every form of abuse. Similarly, when we affirm that everything God made is good and worthy of our reverence and respect, we look differently on all God’s creation. Today is the first day of Advent. After the Annunciation, it is the next step toward our salvation. Before Jesus was born, and because of original sin, mankind had darkness as its history, confinement in a depressing existence and despair of the future. Because of the birth of Jesus and His eventual Passion and Death, the grace of salvation was given to mankind. Pope Benedict XVI in his Encyclical on Hope, Spe Salvi, said, “A distinguishing mark of Christians is the fact that they have a future…..they know in general terms that their life will not end in emptiness. Only when the future is certain as a positive reality does it become possible to live the present as well.” Because of this, Advent, which is a time for prayer and sacrifice to prepare for the birth of the baby Jesus, has also the feeling of excitement & happiness for that which is to come, i.e., the salvation of our souls. This excitement and preparation of the season is enhanced when one visits Jesus in the Real Presence in our Eucharistic Adoration Chapel. The ability to personally share our gratitude with Him, face to face, intimately in our own words and thoughts, is in itself a gift that He has given us. In turn, our visits to the Chapel are our early Christmas gifts to Him. HOLY HOUR AND BENEDICTION Please join us. Featuring prayers of devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the EUCHARISTIC ADORATION CHAPEL on Saturday, December 6, 20014 from 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM (and the first Saturday of every month). During this HOLY HOUR, we will join our voices in vocal prayer before Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. In addition to the Prayers of Reparation, The Holy Rosary and the Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, will be said aloud. ALL ARE WELCOME! OPEN HOURS: Day Fri Sat Night 12 am & 1am 1 am Morning Afternoon 4 pm Evening 7 pm 8 pm ONE COMMITTED ADORER HOURS Day Sun Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Night 1 am 2 am 2 am 4 am 3 am 3 am 4 am Morning 7 am * * * 10 am 7 am 7 am Afternoon 5 pm 12 pm 5 pm 12 pm 1 pm 5 pm 1 pm Evening 9 pm 6 pm 8 pm 10 pm * 8 pm 7 pm If you choose an hour which already has one Committed Adorer, this enables the Committed Adorers for that hour to have some flexibility, if they are unable to be at the Chapel for their hour. *All hours have 2 committed Adorers Can You Share One Hour With Our Lord? Please contact Bob Maszka, or call 847-825-1869. 1st Sunday of Advent Page 11 EACH RELIGIOUS VOCATION CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE Our Lady Helped Me Accept My Vocation Without Fear Life was good. I had grown up in a comfortable home with loving parents who sent me to the best schools. I had a job with Hewlett-Packard and was engaged to a great Catholic girl. It seemed perfect. Yet, there was one little “problem” — the call. During graduate school, I had experienced a deepening in my faith. One day, at a talk on celibacy, I remember thinking to myself: This is a great topic for these other guys, but what about me? In that moment I heard a little voice in the back of my head “What about you?” Thus began a six-year struggle with God. I tried living life my way, but the call would not go away. Because of this and other tensions, my fiancée called off our engagement, and I decided to make a pilgrimage in Italy. At the Holy House of Loreto, Our Lady helped me receive the grace my vocation without fear and to fully embrace what the Lord wanted for my life. After four years as a priest, I can say more than ever before that life is good now that I am following God’s call. Father Jim McCormack Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception Washington, D.C. For questions on Maria Council, please contact James Gonzalez (847) 698-4459 Sunday, December 7th ~ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm All families are invited to participate in a spiritual hour of Adoration with their children. The hour gives families an opportunity to give thanks for the gift of time together and to be in the presence of Jesus. The Holy Hour includes vocal prayer, meditation, rosary & singing. Families or children arrive at the back entrance of the Kinane Center by 1:45 pm. Everyone is asked to bring a rosary. Please use the Prayer Garden Entrance if you arrive late. In addition to our Family Eucharistic Holy Hour, Fr. Peter will join us for Benediction. If you have any questions or if you are interested in volunteering your time for this monthly ministry for children, please call Christine Maszka 847-825-1869. Page 12 November 30, 2014 Christmas Shoebox Project Sponsored by St. Catherine of Siena Guild We are pleased to invite you to participate in the St. Paul of the Cross Annual Christmas Shoebox Project for disadvantaged men and women in the Chicago area. Your boxes will be given to Marillac, St. Vincent Family Services, Journeys-The Road Home (PADS shelters in the Northwest Suburbs), Sunday Night Suppers at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church sponsored by the Park Ridge Ministerial Association, St. Beatrice Parish, Catholic Charities (Des Plaines) and the Salvation Army Emergency Lodge. To make your shoebox: Line it with tissue paper, wrap in Christmas paper with the lid separate. DO NOT SEAL OR TAPE SHUT as each box must be opened and checked. Include 2 or more items from each group below. Add a Christmas card or note signed: From a member of St. Paul of the Cross Catholic Church. Mark on the outside “MAN” or “WOMAN.” Place a sturdy rubber band around the box. Odds ‘N Ends Playing Cards Kleenex ( small pkg) Puzzles or books Wet Ones Pens/Pencils/Stationery New Clothing Items Knit Hats Gloves or Mittens Socks Scarves Toiletrries Travel/Sample size of: Toothbrush/toothpaste Deodorant/Soap Shampoo/comb/brush Face/hand lotion NO MOUTHWASH Collection Dates: Directed Study: Sunday Catechesis: Regular & Family Catechesis St. Paul Students All Parishioners (leave at church entrances BEFORE Mass) Edibles Small packaged snacks: Cheese & crackers Granola Bars Cookies Candy, etc. Dec. 2 & 4 Dec. 7 & 14 Dec. 2, 4, 9 &11 week of Dec. 7 Dec. 8 & 14 Questions: call Marcy Calkins (847) 542-3486 Service: 6 ,7 , 8 Graders looking for a service activity, contact Mary Ann Mallahan at (847) 698-7789 or You can sign up for the following times: 4-5:30 pm on Tuesdays & Thursdays 7-8:30 pm on Tuesdays 9:30-11:00 am on Sundays th th th Volunteers meet in the kitchen off of the Holy Family Chapel (church basement). Thank you for your support…May God Bless you! The 2014 Annual Financial Report has been published and can be viewed online at Copies are also available at the entrances of the church. The 2014 Annual Report includes financial information on our parish and school for the time period July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014. Be sure to pick up a copy or review it online. Thank you for your continued stewardship of St. Paul of the Cross. If you have any questions about the report, please contact the parish business manager, Joan Macpherson at or via phone 847-825-7605. 1st Sunday of Advent Page 13 Calling all babies, toddlers and preschoolers! Please join us for the Fun, Faith & Music class in the Kinane Center! You and your little ones attend this weekly, fun music class together! New songs and tried and true songs! Songs for seasons, songs of praise, fun songs to sing! Wednesdays from 9:30 – 10:00 am Classes will meet in the Kinane Center (215 Ridge Terrace) ~ Classes will be held begin January 14 through March 18 Cost: $45 (checks payable to St. Paul of the Cross), $25 for each additional child Questions? Contact Anna Mae Parkhill at 847.692.2758 or Fun, Faith & Music PLEASE PRINT Parent Name: Adult Bringing Child: Email: Best Phone Number: Child’s Name: Age: Child’s Name: Age: Child’s Name: Age: Mail or Drop Off (leave in mailbox at top of steps – pulls down to open!) St. Paul of the Cross – 215 Ridge Terrace – Park Ridge, IL 60068 making music class 2014-2015 winter Strong Catholic Family Prayer Corner Teach your children to pray for others. Keep a list on your refrigerator or kitchen counter of the people and special intentions for which you've been asked to pray. Then every night at dinner remember to pray for them. Page 14 November 30, 2014 Calling all Parish children with Special Needs* Grade K - 8! Please join us for a new class in 2015 Special Needs, God & Fun! This class will be offered quarterly with each having a different theme and will focus on “finding each child’s spiritual voice through prayer, art, song & dance.” There will also be a social element where the participants share in community – celebrating their uniqueness & building new friendships! Classes will meet in Holy Family Chapel (the handicapped accessible basement of the church) Classes will be on January 24, April 18, September 26 & December 12 Time: 10:00 – Noon Cost: FREE Questions? Contact Anna Mae Parkhill at 847.692.2758 or Maureen Wudtke Van Mieghem at All information will be kept confidential & only used for purposes of this ministry per IL State Law (105ILCS 10/) Special Needs, God & Fun! PLEASE PRINT Child’s Name: Birthdate: Grade: Mother: Father: Address: Home Phone: Email: ALL general class information will be sent by email Mom’s Cell: Dad’s Cell: Type of Disability: Diet Restrictions: Special Interests: Mail or Drop Off: St. Paul of the Cross Rel Ed ~ 215 Ridge Terrace ~ Park Ridge, IL 60068 *At this time we are only enrolling children with physical special needs and not behavioral special needs. Your enrollment in this class grants implicitly allows St. Paul to use unidentified photos/recordings on our websites. In past years, the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday season may have been a time of great anticipation and excitement. But for those people recently divorced or separated, the prospect of facing the holidays without their spouse may cause anxiety, stress and dread. You are not alone. St. Paul of the Cross Divorce Support Group Ministry is offering a session on “Surviving the Holidays” for anyone who is divorced or separated. You need not have participated in the “Journeys” or the “Divorce and Beyond” programs to attend this onetime event. The session will be held in the Kinane Center on Monday, December 8, 2014 from 7:00 pm to 8:45 pm. There is no charge for this program. For more information, please contact Deacon Bob Bulger at 847- 825-7605 or As the Christmas lights and trees are going up, if you find your emotions going down, consider attending our “Surviving the Holidays” program on the 8th of December. 1st Sunday of Advent Page 15 NURSE’S NOTES………. Hello everyone! Well, here we are again, standing on the precipice of another busy holiday season, (or perhaps we have moved from that precipice and are well into the fray!). Though these tend to be happy times, we may experience fatigue, stress and schedules that can sometime prompt less than a joyful mindset or mood. What we eat can help with that. When we consume certain foods, the level of brain chemicals (neurotransmitters), can be altered and this can affect our mood. Serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine are the chemical messengers that transmit impulses from nerve cell to nerve cell and are produced when we consume those certain foods. Dopamine and norepinephrine help to control movement, our emotional response and help us experience pleasurable things as well as pain. They also help to initiate alertness, talkativeness and generally, can create a more excitable mood. Serotonin is the neurotransmitter that helps us to be more calm and happy. (The yin to the yang, so to speak.) Serotonin helps to relieve anxiety, sadness and perhaps depression and is affected by hormones. Serotonin is produced via the amino acid known as tryptophan. This essential amino acid (a form of protein), can’t be produced by the body, therefore, we need dietary sources. As well as serotonin, tryptophan is needed to produce melatonin, which is necessary for sleep. If we have low levels of serotonin in the body we are likely to feel tired, anxious and may have sleep problems. So, to keep our serotonin levels where they can be beneficial and efficient we can consume turkey, chicken, beef, fish, milk, eggs, cheese, brown rice, fruit (especially bananas), nuts and veggies. When we consume these tryptophan-rich foods, we will attain better absorption of the tryptophan if we eat complex carbohydrates at the same time. So, a turkey or chicken sandwich, using a whole grain bread or enjoying salmon and veggies would enhance the production of serotonin. To help our dopamine and norepinephrine levels we can eat protein rich foods like eggs, soy, nuts, lean meat, fish, poultry and legumes. Other nutrients are needed by the brain for the production of these neurotransmitters, i.e.: vitamins B & C, iron, zinc, magnesium and the amino acid, tyrosine. If we consume a balanced and varied diet consistently, these nutrients will be available for the production of our neurotransmitters. Another nutrient that helps to stabilize our mood, energy levels and blood sugar levels as well as helping our immune system to function efficiently is zinc. When our blood sugar levels are where they should be, our mood and mindset are more stable. Zinc helps in the synthesis of insulin and its function, as well as in the production of white blood cells, critical to our immune system. At this time of year a happy immune system is a good thing. Zinc is also involved with the manufacturing of new cells, the processing of carbohydrates, fat and protein and the functioning of our many enzymes. We need zinc to help our sense of smell and taste and to help stimulate our appetite. Food sources of zinc are: lean meat, chicken, fish, milk, dairy foods, egg yolk, legumes (especially lima beans, peas and lentils), whole grains, pecans, sunflower and pumpkin seeds. Veggies also contain some zinc. We may notice that many of the same foods reappear as sources of good things for the brain and body, so bon appétit! Until next week, let's remember that, “gratitude is born in hearts that take time to count up past mercies.” Fondly, Linda Burk, Your Parish Nurse Journeys is a monthly divorce recovery program that supports those who have been through a divorce so that they can cope, heal, move on and grow closer to God. Meetings include prayer, education and discussion. The group meets the second Monday of the month in the Kinane Center at St. Paul of the Cross. Journeys meetings are "open." You do not need to register or commit to attendance. Our next meeting is Monday, December 8th at 7:00 pm. Our topic will be: "Surviving the Holidays". We will discuss strategies and tips for coping with the holidays and meeting the challenges they bring for people who are separated or divorced. Page 16 November 30, 2014 MASSES FOR THE WEEK Monday, December - AdventWeekday 6:25 Rita, Anna & William Parilla 8:30 Helen Szoc, Dolores Hester Tuesday, December 2 - Advent Weekday 6:25 Flora Casey 8:30 Paul Mermel, Mary Ann Nelson Goebel Wednesday, December 3 - St. Francis Xavier 6:25 People of the Parish 8:30 Barney Rodden, William M. Gorman, Helen Szoc Thursday, December 4 – Advent Weekday 6:25 Michael Jaworski, blessings on Katherine Ann Flores 8:30 Gloria & John Ferolie, Zofia Tober, Rosemary Pattullo Saturday, December 6 - Advent Weekday 8:00 Elaine Wershing, Diane Benka, Helen Szoc 4:30 UP Edward Cichon, Carmen Giordano, Fred Schwartz, Peter Golliet 4:30 DN Dolores Scharba, Bette Zimmerman Sunday, December 7 - 2nd Sunday of Advent 7:30 UP People of the Parish 9:00 UP Rita, Anna & William Parilla, Stephen F. Matousek, Leona Grossklas, Bonomo & Schiavone families, 9:00 DN Nora Coffey 10:30 UP Dorothy & Paul King, Tom & Mary Cooney, Mary Bugalski 10:30 DN Margaret Dockery, Peter Hasiuk 12:00 UP Phyllis Reardon 5:30 Telinski & De La Mora families Friday, December 5 - Advent Weekday 6:25 poor souls in purgatory, Mary Kelly 8:30 Walter Fleischmann, George Roppel Beatrice Bryniczka, Mark Bryn Our prayers go out to all who serve our country. Liturgical Ministers’ Schedule for the weekend of December 6 & December 7 Day & Time Lector Saturday Cwik, 4:30 up Korcz Eucharistic Ministers Fitzgibbon, Garrity, Gormley, Jack, Kirkland, Kirkland, Loftus Saturday Bresnahan, 4:30 dn Welton Altar Servers Feeney, Wright, Yarwood Rausch, Sloronski Sunday 7:30 Samuelson, Scanlan Angelini, Byron, Cooney, Ginger, Dickerhofe, Dickerhofe, Hennelly Coyle, Coyle, Dimeo Sunday 9:00 up Tallman, Barton Ahern, Battersby, Borucki, Buggy, Bull, Donovan, Francis Dempsey, Dohr, Erskine Sunday 9:00 dn Dallmeyer, Davis Sunday McDonald, 10:30 up Scheller Downey, Gunkel Andrews, Boehmer, Bulger, Cichon, Giambrone, Jarzombek, Kohlndorfer Sunday O’Toole, 10:30 dn Swistock Sunday 12:00 Cornille, Dobrowski Sunday 5:30 Anichini, Farragher Dort, Dort, Reinhofer Jareczek, Kaminsky Adlaf, Adlaf, Cornille, Cornille, DePaul, Dobrowski, Gullo Orloski, Dziedzic, Dziedzic McGreevy, Hetzer Those Who Are Ill: Zia Siegel, Joyce Byron, Veronica Gabriel, Nick Milazzo, Madalyn Carrol, Lucille Jansen, Ernie Komornicki, Peg Basile, Sr. Josephine Berchmans, Julie Koenig, Jean Zurawski, Brenda Prince, Jimmy Rancich, Peter Faraci, Baby Jayce Conley, Midge Smith, Joan Ziomek, Mary Kedzie, Jim Cassidy, Madelyn Pukal, Theresa Olsen, Donna Stefanovic, Iryna Rymar, Tom Meehan, Shirley Van Ornum, Jim Smith, Baby Charlie Winchester, Ed & Christine Sloper, Ted Skowron, Robyn Costantani, Julius Sivori, Karen DuBoff, Bernadette LaPalagia, Maggy Colby, Eileen Fitzsimmons, Mary Valentine, Virginia Mast, Bernard Krejcik, Gloria Zito, Dannish Rozwan & family, Phyllis Knirko, Ben Kimlinger, Bruno Fabris, .William Hogan, Baby Ellen Fagan, Julio Torres. Those Who Have Died: Andrew Visus, Laverne Murphy. “Our Family Serving Yours Since 1936” Clement J. Ryan — Michael C. Ryan Lifelong Parishioners 847-823-1171 120 S. Northwest Highway, Park Ridge 773-792-1811 Kevin M. O’Donnell, Ltd. Attorneys at Law Estate Planning • Business • Probate Real Estate • Tax Skilled Nursing & Rehab Outpatient Rehab Memory Care 3901 Glenview Rd ~ Glenview 847-729-0000 350 S. Northwest Hwy, Ste. 102, Park Ridge, Illinois Over 25 Years Experience (847) 692-3400 1-847-259-0200 • Sewer Rodding • Water Heaters • Boilers • Sump Pumps • 24/7 Service License #055-042911 Fritzshall & Pawlowski Attorneys at Law Providing services from: Cumberland Chapels 8300 W. Lawrence Ave., Norridge Brad J. Pawlowski - Parishioner C OMMERCIAL L ITIGATION • C RIMINAL • DUI R EAL E STATE • B ANKRUPTCY • F AMILY L AW C OLLABORATIVE D ISSOLUTION M ORTGAGE F ORECLOSURE D EFENSE 708 / 456-3410 LARRY FRIEL We specialize in traditional funerals, cremation services, and funeral pre arrangements. 6584 N. Northwest Highway 773.763.4400 • JAMIE FRIEL Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA VIA GALANTE CEMENT CONTRACTORS, INC. AGATA S. POMPILIO, Parishioner • Owner SANTO & CARMELA BONAFEDE • Patios • Driveways • Steps • Stoops • Sidewalks • Flatwork Stamped Concrete • Snow Removal Ph: 773-589-9893 • Free Estimates / Sr. Citizen Discount MARK’S T UCKPOINTING & R EMODELING C O . 911 PLUMBING Big Jobs • Small Jobs, We Like Them All EMERGENCY SERVICE WITHIN AN HOUR 847-825-4516 (Parishioner) 1580 N. NORTHWEST HWY, PARK RIDGE $10 OFF SERVICE CALL W/AD LIC # BC 14690 LIC # 055-042775 • BRICK WORK, LINTELS • CHIMNEY, PARAPET WALLS • ROOFING, CONCRETE & MORE SAVE 10% FREE ESTIMATES Parishioner (773) 774-0444 Happy New Parishioner PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE • Personal Care PUSH TALK 24/7 HELP • Dementia & Couple Care • Homemaker Services ........ ........ • Companionship • Medication Reminders Long Term Care Insurance Accepted Call for FREE Consultation 847-258-7242 $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH JOHN M. SISTO, D.D.S. ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made Oral Surgery • Dental Implants 350 S. Northwest Hwy. Ste 118, Park Ridge TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 000102 St Paul of the Cross Church (C) (847) 696-4848 *First Three Months For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 1922 847-518-0266 S A L O N • & Cremation Services 3918 W. Irving Park Road, Chicago 625 Busse Highway, Park Ridge S P A ED’S PAINTING Cooney Funeral Home 519 TALCOTT • PARK RIDGE, IL 60068 Painting • Wallpapering 773-588-5850 847-685-1002 Plastering • Interior • Exterior Todd Gentile, CMFC (847) 384-9050 Woodwork • Carpentry • House Cleaning Park Ridge Parishioner (773) 497-1127 Drywall Taping • Ceramic Tile Stripping • Staining © 2009 Allstate Insurance Company DIFRANCO ◆ PERIODONTICS HANDYMAN FAUCETS ▲ TOILETS ▲ DISPOSALS SUMP PUMPS HOT WATER TANKS ▲ TILING ▲ CARPENTRY ▲ PAINTING Affordable Prices - Deck Repairs Free Estimates Call 224-636-0515 DENTAL IMPLANTS 847-318-0066 511 W. TALCOTT, PARK RIDGE Daniel Maigler LCSW Specializing in Adolescents and Young Adults 350 S. Northwest Highway, Park Ridge, 847-477-8792 FOR ALL YOUR ELECTRICAL, HEATING, COOLING & GENERATOR NEEDS Tom Heskin – Parishioner •Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning & Mold Remediation •Duct Cleaning 847-588-2533 •Water Helen Barett Fanning ATTORNEY AT LAW For all your Real Estate needs and other legal matters MSW Parishioner 205 S. Cumberland Park Ridge, IL 60068 800-862-5326 Call for monthly specials JOHN J. PEMBROKE & ASSOCIATES, LLC P (630) 514-6174 F (847) 292-7009 Attorneys & Parishioners WILLS • TRUSTS • PROBATE JAMES D. MALONEY, D.D.S. FAMILY DENTISTRY 946 N. Northwest Hwy. Suites A & B, Park Ridge 847-692-3030 Trusted By Patients and Their Families. Call for a Free In-Home Consultation For Over 45 Years Interim Health Care Has Been Enhancing the Quality of Life For Our Clients 630-359-6660 Home Care Services 708-422-2934 CORPORATE LAW • INCOME TAX • Business Insurance • Auto, Homeowners & Personal Umbrella • Life Insurance • Disability Insurance • Group Health & Disability Jack Cook, President Pizza & More! 847-692-9200 7242 W. Touhy Ave. 773.628.7700 WWW.INTERIMHEALTHCARE.COM 10% PARISHIONER DISCOUNT Banquet Rooms Available MARTEL GENERAL CONSTRUCTION Tuckpointing • Brickwork • Caulking For Any Special Event $10.00 OFF Any By Suparossa 708.867.4641 (847) 696-0060 300 S. Northwest Highway ~ Park Ridge, IL 60068 when it matters most, count on us Open for Lunch & Dinner 422 N. Northwest Hwy. Order $50.00 or Higher With this Ad 7319 W. Lawrence Avenue Harwood Heights, IL PETERSON ORTHODONTICS, LTD. Specialist In Orthodontics Chimney Repair • 10% Off with Ad Free Estimates • Insured & Bonded Glenview 847-698-2200 747 W. 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Call GEORGE 773-908-2271 SEMI-RETIRED SENIOR • 601 Devon Ave., Park Ridge, IL LICENSED MASTER ELECTRICIAN Established 1930 NO JOB TOO SMALL ** DISCOUNTS (847) 823-3117 ED THE PLUMBER ED THE CARPENTER Best Work • Best Rate Satisfaction Guaranteed As We Do All Our Own Work 35 YEARS EXPERIENCE Visit Our Showroom! 10% OFF with this Ad Bathrooms • Kitchens • Plumbing Supplies Mowimy po 6949 W. Irving Park Road • Chicago, IL 60634 Polsku 773-777-2670 • SPC DIFRANCO ORTHODONTICS Specializing in Orthodontics Lic# 055-026066 401 W. Talcott Rd., Park Ridge 847-318-7711 $$ Parishioner Discount $$ Member American Association of Orthodontists 847-492-1444 Parishioner 820 Talcott Rd. (At Cumberland) Park Ridge 847-823-5122 • Traditional Services • Cremation • Prearrangements CHRIS’ LANDSCAPE, INC. Full Service Design • Install • Maintain Follow us on for seasonal savings (847) 647-8500 Chris Zalinski MORTON GROVE DENTAL ASSOCIATES Dr. James O. Bertini & Dr. Peter J. Galdoni 9133 Waukegan Ave., M.G. 847-470-0001 Shop Well PHIL ADDANTE, M.S.W., L.C.S.W. Eat Well Live Well 1900 S. Cumberland Ave. Park Ridge COUNSELING & PSYCHOTHERAPY Individual • Couples • Family 770 Lee St. Des Plaines, Suite 102-B 847.696.2360 847-827-0860 McGARRY’S AUTO REPAIR Lifetime Parishioner 847-698-2527 300 Busse Hwy. (Across from Post Office) Park Ridge marion Friel Funeral director 847.721.0322 Parishioner BRIDGET MCGEEAN ORI BROTHERS FLOORING, INC. Design Consultant Parishioner All Floor Coverings - Parishioner U-HAUL AUTHORIZED DEALER 6010 Northwest Highway, Chicago 773-631-4193 630-833-2331 PROVIDING SERVICES FROM NELSON FUNERAL HOME AND COLONIAL-WOJCIECHOWSKI FUNERAL HOMES. 378 N. York St. - Elmhurst ✦ TRADITIONAL FUNERALS ✦ CREMATION SERVICES ✦ PRE-NEED ARRANGEMENTS ✦ ECO FRIENDLY OPTIONS NUZZO SEWER & PLUMBING INC. Power Rodding 773-625-6280 708-456-7300 All Sewer & Plumbing Repairs & Installation Specializing in Flood Control • Correcting Low Water Pressure Video Sewer & Locating Service Lic. # 14636 Lic. # 055-024301 NORTH SHORE DENTAL GROUP LUMA NAIM, D.D.S. 444 N. Northwest Highway, Suite 230 • Park Ridge WE NOW OFFER CEREC SINGLE VISIT CROWNS & BRIDGES! SPECIAL OFFER! ONLY $39.99 FOR EXAM & FULL MOUTH X-RAY (valued at $299.99) New Patients Only • Please call for your appointment (847) 292-8200 Relevant Radio 950 AM Supporter Suerth FUNERAL HOME Family Owned & Operated at the Same Location Since 1927 Dennis S. Krawzak • Donald R. Krawsak Peter T. Heneghan • Nancy K. Haran Parishioner Discounts Electrical Services FREE Estimates! No Service Charge w/this ad • Service Upgrades • Rewiring 773.717.VOLT (8658) Licensed • Bonded • Insured Family Owned & Operated since 1964 847-647-9900 SKAJA TERRACE FUNERAL HOME Family Owned Since 1926 • Pre-Need Arrangements & Cremations 7812 N. Milwaukee Ave. Niles • (847) 966-7302 7715 W. Route 14 Crystal Lake • (815) 455-2233 Saint Margaret Sunday Missal A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. An ideal companion for personal prayer. In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 FRANK R. DIFRANCO 773-631-1240 6754 W. Northwest Highway Design/Build Exteriors • Interiors • Additions Visit our Showroom in Niles ATTORNEY AT LAW 800-566-6150 • John P. Kenney, DDS, MS DiFranco & Associates, P.C. 617 Devon Avenue Park Ridge, Illinois 60068 Children’s Dentistry in Park Ridge Board Certified • 31 Years of Happy Smiles • Parishioner 101 S. Washington 847.698.2088 — 24 Hr. Ans. Svc. 000102 St Paul of the Cross Church (A) (847) 825-7744 Fax (847) 825-7746 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170 REV. BRITTO M. BERCHMANS, Pastor REV. MATTHEW KOWALSKI, Associate Pastor REV. PETER GNOINSKI, Associate Pastor REV. DANIEL A. SMILANIC, Resident ALOYSIUS J. MEMMEL, ROBERT T. BULGER, ANDREW P. CAMERON, Deacons RECTORY 320 South Washington Phone Number (847) 825-7605 Fax Number (847) 825-5186 Web Address RECTORY OFFICE HOURS: M-F 9:00 AM to 7:30 PM BUSINESS MANAGER Joan Macpherson ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANTS Parish Office: Mary Hoff Joanne Stewart Michele Yarbrough, Communications & Pastor’s Administrative Assistant ST. PAUL SCHOOL (847) 825-6366 Lorelei Bobroff, Principal Web Address CATECHESIS (847) 692-2758 Anna Mae Parkhill, Director Web Address PASTORAL ASSOCIATE (847) 825-7605 Deacon Bob Bulger MUSIC MINISTRY (847) 825-7605 Edward J. Eicker, Director Andrea Bartolomeo, Assistant Director SOCIAL SERVICE MINISTRY (847) 692-6767 Adrienne Timm, Director YOUTH MINISTRY (847) 825-7605 Caroline Hopkinson PARISH NURSE (847) 692-6727 Linda Burk, R.N.,B.S. BULLETIN (847) 692-6024 Judy Kaplan MASSES 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM (Up & Down), 10:30 AM (Up & Down), 12:00 PM, 5:30 PM Monday - Friday: 6:25 AM, 8:30 AM Saturday: 8:00 AM, 4:30 PM (UP) 4:30 PM (Down) Sunday: CONFESSIONS Monday-Friday: 8-8:15 AM (Reconciliation Room in vestibule) Thursday: 3:30 to 5 PM (Opus Dei Priest) Saturday: 3:00 to 4:00 PM BAPTISMS 1:15 PM ceremony every Sunday of each month. Please call the rectory to register for Baptism. An instruction class for parents provided. (Baptismal Preparation Class - 4th Thursday of every month at 7:00 PM in the Morello Parish Life Center). Please call the rectory to register for the preparation class. MARRIAGES Arrange with priest or deacon at least 6 months in advance. NEW PARISHIONER REGISTRATION First Sunday of every month in the Morello Parish Life Center from 8:30 AM to Noon. ANOINTING OF THE SICK First Saturday of each month: After the 8:00 AM Mass. COMMUNION FOR THE HOMEBOUND Call the rectory and leave a message for Kathy Bulger Monday - Friday: Saturday: ROSARY Prayed after the 8:30 AM Mass. Prayed after the 8:00 AM Mass. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION CHAPEL ~ 215 RIDGE TERRACE Open 24 Hours a Day *During the hours of 6 AM to 9 PM, enter through the Mother Cabrini Garden Entrance. *During the hours of 9 PM to 6 AM, enter through the Kinane Center front door. Visit us on the web: *PARISH BULLETIN DEADLINE: Monday by 10 am *PULPIT ANNOUNCEMENT DEADLINE: Thursday by Noon in the Rectory
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