Hoda Bidkhori Contact Information Sloan School of Management, Rm E62-559 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 02139 Employment Lecturer in Operations Research and Statistics Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2014– Instructor for Statistical Thinking and Data Analysis, Fall 2014. bidkhori@mit.edu http://web.mit.edu/bidkhori/www/ Postdoctoral Associate in Operations Research Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2011– Supervisor: D. Bertsimas. I also worked with S. Amin, C. Osorio, C. Rudin, D. Simchi-Levi. Postdoctoral Associate North Carolina State University, 2010–2011. Education Massachusetts Institute of Technology Ph.D, Applied Mathematics (2005–2010) Sharif University of Technology B.Sc, Mathematics (2000–2004) Research Interests Applications: Logistics and supply chain management (flexibility in manufacturing, supply chain network design and inventory planning). Business analytics; revenue management. Methodology: Robust and stochastic optimization; mixed integer programming. Machine learning (data mining for predictive modeling). Selected Honors Roger Family First and Second Prizes, for mentoring in the SPUR program and Awards (undergraduate research) at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2007, 2008, 2009. Second and Third Prizes, 9th and 8th International Competition for University Students (Warsaw, Poland in 2002 and Prague, Czech Republic in 2001). Research Papers Papers in Operations Research and Operations Management: On the Performance of Affine Policies for Two-Stage Adaptive Optimization: A Geometric Perspective, with D. Bertsimas. Mathematical Programming, Series A, 2014. To appear. Analyzing Process Flexibility: A Distribution-Free Approach with Partial Expectations, with D. Simchi-Levi and Y. Wei. Submitted to Operations Research, 2014. Combining Metamodel Techniques and Bayesian Selection Procedures to Drive Computationally-efficient Simulation-based Optimization Algorithms, with C. Osorio. Winter Simulation Conference, 2012. Optimal Flexibility Designs: Adaptive Optimization Approach, with D. Bertsimas. Working paper, 2014. Pareto Efficiency in Affine Adaptive Optimization, with D. Bertsimas. Working paper, 2014. Performance of Affine and Piecewise Affine Policies for Adaptive and Adjustable Linear Robust Optimization, with D. Bertsimas. Working paper, 2013. Understanding Process Flexibility through Supply Chain Disruptions, with S. Amin. Working paper, 2014. Detecting Crime Series with a Mathematical Programming Approach to Clustering, with C. Rudin, (R. Sevieri, D. Wagner from the Cambridge Police Department). Working paper, 2013. Papers in Applied Mathematics: Eulerian-Catalan Numbers, with S. Sullivant. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 18(1), 2011. Finite Eulerian Posets Which are Binomial, Sheffer or Triangular. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 119 (3), 765-787, 2012. A Bijective Proof of a Theorem of Knuth, with S. Kishore. Combin., Probability and Computing, 20, 11-25, 2011. Strongly Cancellative and Recovering Sets on Lattices, with S. Huang. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 18(1), 2011. Commuting Graphs of Matrix Algebras, with S. Akbari and A. Mohammadian. Communications in Algebra, 36, 4020-4031, 2008. Strong Edge Colorings of Graphs, with S. Akbari and N. Nosrati. Discrete Math, 306 (23): 3005–3010, 2006. k-Homogeneous Latin Trades, with R. Bean, M. Khosravi and E. S. Mahmoodian. Bayreuth. Math. Schr., 74:7–18, 2005. Finite Eulerian Posets Which are Binomial or Sheffer. DMTCS Proceedings, 23rd International Conference on FPSAC, AO, 2011, 159–170. Advising and Teaching Experiences Instructor at MIT Sloan School of Management, Statistical Thinking and Data Analysis. Fall 2014. Guest lecturer at MIT, Reliability on Supply Chain Networks and Optimization Methods for Operations Management. Fall 2013. Instructor at MIT, Fall 2007, Spring 2008, Fall 2008. Teaching Assistant at MIT, 18.03 (Differential Equations), Combinatorial Optimization, 2006-2009. Journal refereeing Computational Management Science, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, SODA, ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications, The European Symposium of Algorithms, FOCS, Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, COCOON 2010, 16th Annual International Computing and Combinatorics Conference Citizenship US Permanent Resident, Iranian Citizen References Available upon request.
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