RAYSEARCH CLASSROOM TRAINING RaySearch regularly arranges RayStation classroom trainings for users of the application and in physics RayStation Basic Planning 4 days OBJECTIVES The RayStation basic planning course is aimed at new RayStation users. It covers almost all functionality (protons available on request) and is intended to give new users a comprehensive introduction to RayStation. At the end of the training the participants will be able to use RayStation clinically. There is an emphasis on practical exercises to give users handson experience. PREREQUISITES Medical dosimetrists and physicists familiar with treatment planning CONTENTS Patient data management: CT to density tables, DICOM import and export, patient backup and restore, handling of fraction image data. Patient modeling: Standard options like manual contouring, Module Based Segmentation, atlas based segmentation, ROI algebra and contouring on registered image sets, as well as more advanced options for contouring such as the use of deformable registrations for patient modeling. Planning and optimization: Basic planning is applied for 3D-CRT, IMRT and VMAT techniques. Standard IMRT optimization as well as Multi-Criteria Optimization is included. Automated planning techniques including Plan Protocols, Fallback Planning and Automated Breast Planning are covered. Proton planning is available upon request. Adaptive planning: Theory and practice in deformable registrations and its use for dose deformation, dose tracking and adaptive planning process. training@raysearchlabs.com RayStation Advanced Planning 4 days OBJECTIVES The advanced RayStation planning course gives the already experienced user a deeper knowledge of all functionalities exercised in the basic training. PREREQUISITES Medical dosimetrists and physicists with basic experience from treatment planning in RayStation. CONTENTS Day 1 and 2: Contouring, planning (IMRT and VMAT), optimization (conventional and Multi-Criteria Optimization). Biological optimization and evaluation. Day 3 and 4: Deformable registrations for dose tracking and treatment adaptation is further elaborated in this advanced planning course. With a combination of more challenging use cases, plan comparisons and discussions along with opportunities to network with the functionality developers at RaySearch Laboratories, the user is trained to an advanced level. Planning for physicians 2 days OBJECTIVES The RayStation basic planning for physician course is aimed at physicians wanting to gain a deeper understanding of RayStation. After completing the training the physician shall have an advanced knowledge of patient modelling, image registration and plan evaluation. Physicians will also have the opportunity to create their own IMRT/VMAT plans using plan optimization and MCO. Adaptive planning, automated breast planning and fallback planning are also covered in this course. There is an emphasis on practical exercises to give users hands-on experience. PREREQUISITES Physician active within radiotherapy CONTENTS Patient modeling: Standard options like manual contouring, Module Based Segmentation, atlas based segmentation, ROI algebra and contouring on registered image sets are exercised. More advanced options for contouring such as the use of deformable registrations for patient modeling are demonstrated and explained. Planning and optimization: Standard IMRT/VMAT optimization as well as MultiCriteria Optimization is included. Automated planning techniques including Fallback Planning and Automated Breast Planning are covered. Proton planning is available upon request. Adaptive planning: Theory in deformable registrations and its use for dose deformation, dose tracking and adaptive planning process. training@raysearchlabs.com Scripting in RayStation 2 days OBJECTIVES The scripting course goes through the basics of Python scripting but focuses on its application in RayStation. Students will learn how scripting can be used for applications in patient modeling, planning and optimization, or for automationof entire workflows in everyday practice as well as for use in research and data mining. PREREQUISITES Basic knowledge in Python scripting or programming. CONTENTS Basics of Pythons scripting and application of scripting in RayStation, with use of a lot of hands-on exercises and examples from today’s clinical practice. Topics such as automatic planning, data export to excel and creation of a GUI will all be covered. Students are encouraged to bring their own scripting ideas. RayStation Physics 3 days OBJECTIVES The physics course is aimed at medical physicists and should give an understanding of the different beam models (photons and electrons), and how the different parameters affect the models. Other objectives are learning how to make QA-plans and how to use the Beam 3D Modeling-module and commission CT-machines. PREREQUISITES Knowledge in medical radiotherapy physics. CONTENTS Machine characterization, how and what to measure before the modeling process to have a good set of data. Dose calculation for photons and electrons. For photons: fluence generation, density and material handling, collapsed cone photon dose engine. For electrons: the phase space generation and the Monte Carlo based VMC++ electron engine. Photon model parameters: Photon energy spectrum, contamination electrons energy spectrum, off-axis softening and beam profile corrections, primary and flattening filter sources, output factor corrections, MLC and Jaw position and transmission, wedges and auto modeling tools. Electron model parameters: Electron energy spectrum, contamination photon energy spectrum, source phase space. CT-commissioning: Create CT to mass density table. QA: Using the Beam 3D Modeling tools. Generate, approving and using phantoms for QA preparation. Creating and exporting patient QA plans in RayStation. training@raysearchlabs.com
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