Trinity Weekly News C HURCH OFFICE H OURS Tuesday—Friday 9am— 4pm CONTACT US AT TRINITY Sunday, Nov. 23, 2014 BECAUSE OF YOUR INCREDIBLE GENEROSITY 75 families in need are receiving Thanksgiving meal baskets 253-537-0201 Lead Pastor x103 cell 253-495-9357 Pastor Jeff’s email: Jeffery Gaustad hm 253-848-2491 Visitation Pastor x104 Rick Swenson cell 253-219-6045 hm 253-863-2627 Music Dir. x114 Dr. Jonathan Wohlers Business x112 Cheryl Mays Comen Office x110 Lisa Boers Youth Ministries Director Karli Floyd Maintenance 253-592-5481 Ed Kane Parish Nurse x106 Virginia Garrison Cemetery x111 David Christian Sound Engineer x111 David Christian Sound Engineer Lowell Kiesow Webmaster Michela Hammond Healthy Parkland Rachel Haxtema Hospitality Anita Christian Caretaker Kaye Olsen Custodians Lori Titus, Yelena Zhurko Bookkeeping Beth Rich Financial Secretary Joan Oldag Financial Secretary Pat Durston Nursery Attendants Kristi & Karli Floyd TLC Childcare & Preschool 253-535-2699 Lynn Cooper Director THIS WEDNESDAY, NOV. 26 Worship at 7:00 p.m. in Trinity Sanctuary with “pie potluck” following the service (We welcome pie donations.) TODAY THE GOSPEL TEXT from Matthew 25:31-36 contains the verse “when I was in prison you visited me.” Our synodical mission, Living Stones Prison Congregation, presents a unique opportunity to fulfill the wishes expressed by God in this passage to visit those who are incarcerated. Many who visit Living Stones become more energized to do God’s work to serve a world who cries out in need of God’s love. Watch a documentary here: SEAFARERS’ CHRISTMAS BOXES boxes due next Sunday Boxes-ready-for-filling are still available at Trinity Host Desks. Donations of items or monetary gifts are welcomed! Thank you for supporting these men & women. NEXT SUNDAY Trinity’s Advent Breakfast Join us in Thompson Hall (8:30-11:00 a.m.) Hosted by Men of Trinity P RAYERS OF THE P EOPLE In need of prayer submitted by Jarmila Abdullah-Wilkinson (cancer) Kathryn Wright LaWanna Ahrendt (full recovery) Carolyn Winters Bashar Azem (deployed) family Alice Alexander (healing) Pastor Jeff Michelle Bainter (breast cancer) Tom Stenerson Julian Baker (17 yr old, leukemia) Doris Stucke Floyd Boers (hospice, peace) Lisa Boers Lou Boultinghouse (auto accident) Hot Rod B. Lillian Buchanan (breast cancer) Doris Stucke Lenora Simmons Chotzen (stress) Norma Simmons Lana Campbell (colon cancer) Shannon Lee Dorothy Dobler (health) Donna Lederman Carey Drewes-Moore (breast cancer) Evonne Wise Arnold Drugge (cancer) Diane Floyd Maggie Eastman (cancer) Lauren Stenerson Bill Ehlers (neck surgery recovery) Ehlers family Mary Ehlers (health) LaVonne Carr Richard Eng (responsibility/growth) Marsha Evans Al Erickson (health) Vi Erickson Ray Erickson (cancer treatment) Kathryn Wright Natalie Evans (addiction) Marsha Evans Martha Fabatz (lung cancer) Betty Ostrander Gina Grocott (responsibility/growth) Marsha Evans Marilyn Haugen (success in therapy) Torval Haugen Torval Haugen (successful therapy) Marilyn Haugen Dianna Hawkins (breast cancer) Gloria Duntsch Amy Hess (breast cancer) Bob & Nancy J. Steve Hilleary (successful surgery/recovery) Wanda W. Jessica Horton (positive change) Norma Simmons Nicole Juhl Chaney (cancer) Jean Knight Eben Kendrick (hospitalized premie) Donna Lederman Desiree Koonrad (responsibility/growth) Marsha Evans Fern Laedtke (cancer) Cheryl Mays C John & Leslie Leitch (cancer healing) Tom Leitch Luanne Matsumoto (cancer) Carol Storaasli Marta McDowell (cancer) Stenersons In need of prayer submitted by Rose Nutter (health) Donna L Barbara Nye (health & wisdom) Bobbie Chipman James Oliver (cancer) Nancy Judge Kaye Olsen (dialysis) Kaye Nancy Olsen (health) Pastor G. Mrs. Ogoshi (knee injury, healing) Anita Going David Ostrander (cancer treatment) Betty O. Pifer family (positive change) Norma S Rodney Randash (brain tumor) Kirk Broden Elaine Ramsay (healing, treatments) Cheryl Weigel Cody Scholl (cancer) Sally Goldyn John Scott (mental health) Megan Feil Yoko Shiga (health) Jonathan W. Mike Sorensen (stroke) Donna L. Marilee Titus (heart surgery recovery) Raoul Titus Dick & Maggie Wright (health) Marie B. Jennifer (serious head injury/biking) Betsy H. Christy C. & Family (Alzheimer's, strength) Donna L. PRAYERS FOR HEALING TODAY AFTER WORSHIP If you wish to receive prayers for yourself or another please approach the altar railing. Prayers include laying on of hands and (if desired) anointing. Praying for One Another To add someone to this prayer list: please use a pew card or call Lisa Boers 253-537-0201 x110 by Wednesday noon. We pray for each person by name during worship and throughout the week. Sunday, November 23, 2014 8:15 am 8:45 am Jubilate Choir 9:00 am 10:00 am Worship 10:00 am 10:50 am today's scripture readings study 10:00 am 1:00 pm Crossover Ministries 10:00 am 10:15 am Prayers for Healing 10:00 am 10:45 am Sunday School (grades 4-7) 10:15 am 10:45 am Cantate Choir 11:00 am 12:00 pm Worship 12:00 pm 12:15 pm Prayers for Healing 1:00 pm 4:00 pm pack holiday food baskets 1:00 pm 3:00 pm Food Pantry open Monday, November 24, 2014 9:00 am 4:00 pm holiday food baskets delivery 9:00 am 11:30 am Quilters 10:45 am 11:45 am Exercise for Life 6:00 pm 8:00 pm girl scouts Tuesday, November 25, 2014 10:00 am 12:00 pm Altar Guild 12:00 pm 2:00 pm WSU Food Demos, Tastings, 12:00 pm 4:00 pm Nurse Virginia is in 7:45 pm 10:00 pm PLU student gathering Wednesday, November 26, 2014 10:45 am 11:45 am Exercise for Life 11:15 am 11:40 am Childcare Chapel 12:00 pm 1:00 pm Trinity Café (Thanksgiving dinner) 7:00 pm 10:00 pm Crossover Ministries 7:00 pm Worship pie social Thursday, November 29: Sanctuary Sanctuary The Common Room Chapel Sanctuary Room 212, upstairs The Gallery (Balcony) Sanctuary Sanctuary Narthex TLC Food Pantry Narthex Thompson Hall East Thompson Hall middle Fireside Room Fireside Room Thompson Hall East Room 118, downstairs Hovd House Thompson Hall middle Sanctuary Thompson Hall Chapel/Fireside Room Sanctuary Narthex Happy Thanksgiving! Friday, November 28, 2014 10:30 am 12:00 pm Bible study 1:30 pm 2:30 pm J.O.Y. weight loss dialog 6:30 pm 11:30 pm Scrappy Ladies Quilters meeting Saturday, November 29, 2014 8:00 am 9:30 am FA support group 10:00 am noon decorating the Sanctuary for Advent 3:00 pm 11:00 pm private rental (Divino Nino) Fireside Room The Common Room Thompson Hall Fireside Room Thompson Hall NEXT SUNDAY Advent 1, 8:15am to 3pm see TODAY above (without Prayers for Healing) Nov 30: 9am scripture, Habakkuk 1:1-4, 2:2-4, 3:17-19, Faith as a Way of Life Nov 30: 11am scripture, Isaiah 64:1-9; Ps 80:1-7, 17-19; 1 Cor 1:3-9; Mark 13:24-37 FOOD PANTRY OPEN Sunday 1—3pm Tuesday 11—3 Friday 11—3 Senior Meals Monday Wednesday Friday 12:00 p.m. Thompson Hall Lunch at Trinity for everyone NOON This Wednesday: Thanksgiving Dinner $3 suggested donation Sunday bulletin news due: Wednesday noon Newsletter deadline: December 14 First time at Trinity? We want to get to know you! string lights We have a gift bag for you with homemade treats and news about our ministries. Please introduce yourself, and stay for fellowship after worship. Worship attendance last week, All Saints: 9am=66; 11am=110 hang garland tun a . . . p eanut butt er Sanctuary Decorating Event at Trinity This Saturday, Nov. 29 at 10:00 a.m. Come and prepare for the Advent Season! Food Pantry Hours: Tuesdays & Fridays 11 am—3 pm Sundays 1 pm—3 pm COFFEE HOUR CHALLENGE: Our teens are going to Detroit for the ELCA national youth gathering next summer. LAST WEEK YOU GAVE: $74 Thank you everyone—for your support of the teens of Trinity. Trinity is collecting socks & coats These sources of protein are given to our neighbors who visit Trinity Food Pantry. LUNCH FOR EVERYONE AT TRINITY Every Wednesday 12:00—1:00 p.m. $3 suggested donation THIS WEDNESDAY, NOV. 26 Come for a traditional Thanksgiving meal. Join Trinity staff, members and friends for lively conversation and a great meal prepared by Chefs Joan, Nilda and crew. Donate by Thursday, Dec. 11: 9 AM WORSHIP New socks & new/gently-used coats for all ages USHERS: Cash donations welcome for 500: Families Trinity is one of the many area sponsors helping these families in need. WATCH HERE: Winterfest Video (youtube) READER: PRAYERS: COMMUNION ASSISTANTS: GREETERS: Nov. 23 Nov. 30 Diane & Russ F Walt & Renee S Ely Smith Diane Floyd Erv Severtson Virginia Garrison Heather Pfluger Diane & Russ F Tam Leitch Mary Mietzke Mary Mietzke Erv & Nancy S. Russ & Diane F Vernal Kensrud, Harry Lindbo Joan Taylor, Karen Reynolds
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