ACCIDENT INSURANCE RESERVATIONS This is not included in the fees, and Units should come prepared with Scout Medical Forms (available at Camping Office) for Emergency Medical Treatment and their policy information. Mountain’s Community Hospital is near FLSR, and of course basic first aid will be available in camp. The fee is $65.00 per person and includes meals, warm cabins with bunk beds & mattresses, restrooms and showers. Programs and activities for LIMITED SPACE CUB SCOUT & FAMILY Don’t get left out in the cold. Space is limited to cabin accommodations and dining hall capacity. Additional reservations can be accepted from a Unit only if space is still available. We anticipate being SOLD out on most weekends. Early reservations are imperative to avoid disappointment. RESERVATION FORM IS ENCLOSED OR IT IS AVAILABLE AT THE COUNCIL SERVICE CENTER, CAMPING DEPARTMENT. LOS ANGELES AREA COUNCIL, BSA 2333 SCOUT WAY LOS ANGELES, CA 90026 (213) 413-4400 EXT. 344 2015 WINTER CAMP @ FLSR– CAMP POLLOCK the youth All reservations are on a first come-first served basis. FEES ARE TRANSFERABLE, BUT NOT REFUNDABLE. January 3-4, 10-11, & 24-25 Jan 31-Feb 1 & (Feb 14-15-FULL) March 7 –8 & 14-15 VENTURER SCOUTS February 28 to March 1 BOY SCOUTS (January 17-18-FULL) February 7-8 & 21-22 SNOW SPORTS Merit Badge January 18-19, 2015 or February 15-16, 2015 WWW.BOYSCOUTSLA.ORG LOS ANGELES AREA COUNCIL BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA WINTER PROGRAM Winter time theme activities will be provided by our camp staff as well as winter time crafts appropriate for Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts or Venture Scouts depending on the weekend you choose. WHATS INCLUDED? Meals: Four Meals are served in the New Dining Hall beginning with a hot lunch on Saturday and ending with a sack lunch upon Sunday noon departure.. ARRIVAL & DEPARTURE CAMP STAFF Units should NOT arrive at Forest Lawn Scout Reservation prior to 11:00 A.M. on Saturday. The Camp Ranger will meet you at the entrance to the Forest Lawn Scout Reservation. A parking area is available at the entrance for putting on your tire chains. Units should plan to leave camp Sunday at noon. A Camp Staff is provided to assist with the necessary support, facilities and food services. They are not responsible for providing Troop Leadership or Supervision. WHAT TO BRING You must bring your own bedding: Sleeping accommodations: heated cabins with bunks and mattresses. Sleeping Bags, blankets, pillows, etc. [The camp reserves the right to assign quarters so all units can be accommodated.] Towels, soap, shampoo, toothbrush & paste Program: Activities for Cub Scout, Boy Scout and Venture age youth. Snow Equipment: We cannot guarantee snow, but we do provide some snow sliders that seem to work best on our terrain and snow conditions. Toiletries: Winter clothes: Gloves, hats, coats, snow-boots (extra socks) CAMP PATCH Each participant will receive an attractive Winter Camp patch. HEALTH & SAFETY We do not permit the use of rail-toboggans or plastic sheets at Winter Camp. The best sledding equipment for the terrain are inner tubes, plastic sleds or saucers Personal items: Flashlights, alarm clocks, etc. ADULT LEADERSHIP TRADING POST PARENTS MUST SUPERVISE THEIR OWN CHILDREN. A small trading post provides snack items and craft material. Camp staff is not responsible for supervision of your children. Please note that many Winter Camp Activities may be too demanding for children below scouting age. All vehicles coming to Winter Camp must have Tire Chains available. Snow and ice conditions exist almost every weekend on the three miles of camp road, and if they don’t, they may very well exist by departure time. Of course, we will plow the road, but “BE PREPARED”. Regular tour permit requirements prevail. V E H I C L E S M U S T H AV E CHAINS AVAILABLE TO ENTER THE CAMP ROAD. One vehicle can block our camp road! State Law requires vehicles traveling in mountain areas to carry chains.
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