June/July 2014 Edition - Old North State Council

Old North State Council, Boy Scouts of America
June/July, 2014
The Old North State News
Welcome to the Team
Special points of
 Upcoming
Changes for
 Training
Coming Up
 New Popcorn
Sale Incentives
Inside this issue:
Popcorn News
Training News
New Eagles
Tributes &
Council Calendar 5
District News
Camp News
OA News
The Old North State Council welcomes two new executives to our professional staff. Lori Dowdy Cranford is the council’s new Development
Director. Lori is a Greensboro native and married to Woody Cranford.
They have two teenage children. A son, Landis and a daughter,
Katyanna. She earned her Bachelor’s degree from Meredith College in
Raleigh, North Carolina and brings with her a wealth of knowledge,
enthusiasm and experience.
Dara Campbell has joined our staff as the new District Executive for
the Guilford District. She is new to Scouting and comes to us with a
Bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences and Psychology from Penn State
University. Although originally from Philadelphia, PA, Dara has lived in
Greensboro for approximately three years with her husband and three
young sons: Nasir, Jordan, and Dominic. They are all eager to begin
their scouting journey. Nasir will be joining a Webelos pack this summer.
Boy Scout
Camp Out!
June 20 @ 7 PM
Grasshoppers Vs. Hagertown Suns
(Washington Nationals Affiliate)
“Fish Club is coming!”
See inside for details…
Theme: Star Wars Night
$11 Box Game Ticket includes Parade on Field; Fireworks Show;
Campout on Field; Movie on Video
Board and Breakfast Sat. Morning.
$7 Box Game Ticket includes Parade & Fireworks.
Like us on
Vol. 42 Number 4
USPS 215-580
Deadline is Friday, June 13. Limited tickets available at this special price. Campout limited to 400
participants. For registration information, go to :
Be Prepared for
the changes in
to take place
January, 2015 Council President
Bill Goebel
See page 3 for more
Development Director
Lori Cranford
Council Commissioner
Rob Kennerly
Scout Executive
Rodney Carpenter
Dir. of Field Service
Travis Rubelee
Program Director
Ann Jones
The Old North State News
Page 2
Join “Fish Club”
Poptober is fast approaching and
there is no better way to help fund
your unit’s entire calendar of activities than selling popcorn! Remember that 70% of all money raised
stays local with your unit and the
We sold over $750,000 last year as
a council and just think of how
much money your unit could make
if every boy made an effort to sell
at least $250! There are going to
be some great opportunities this
year and from the initial feedback
we’ve received it will be great!
The Popcorn Sale will start on Saturday, September 27 for everyone!
For more information about how
your unit can make money with
popcorn, please contact Travis
Rubelee at (336) 378-9166 or
travis.rubelee@scouting.org. Don’t
miss out on the opportunity to
join “Fish Club”!
Mom & Me 2014
Many thanks go out to all of those that made this year’s Mom & Me Campout a huge success. From
our Camp Ranger, making sure our facilities were in order, to the cook crew for those wonderfully
hearty meals…we cannot thank them enough. Our committee was lead by Jaime Swicegood and
after everything she went through, she’s agreed to come back next year, Huzzah! Our medic, Anthony Laskis, deserves some honorable mention…you never hear about the medic, unless you need
him and he was always available. Our range masters ensured safe shooting opportunities and should be commended as well.
We had some new-fangled cameramen wandering around camp; those photos should be up on the council website
in the near future. Check back frequently!
If you provided an email address, be on the lookout for a survey regarding this year’s event! We would appreciate
your feedback and as those of you who were here for the luggage debacle of 2013 can attest, we take them seriously! Thank you all for your attendance, we hope you had the opportunity to see what Scouting can do for your
young lords. If you have an interest in being involved in the planning and putting on of the Mom & Me 2015,
please do not hesitate to email me!
Mark your calendars! Mark your calendars….Mom & Me 2015, scheduled May 1, 2, 3, 2015, the working theme:
Things That Move, Places To Go!
Best wishes on a joyous summer and great start to your school and scout years!
Sir Christopher McKnight of Woodfield
The Old North State News
Page 3
Page 4
Volume 42 Number 4
Eagle Scout
Troop & District
William Brooks Abbott
Ryan Martin Allshouse
Carlo Ballesteros-flores
Adam Phillip Brim
Hayden Bundy
Joseph Seth Farley
Timothy Cole Fowler
Aaron Lee Frisbie
Andrew Suiter Gavin
Andrew Morgan Hall
Trebor Marquis Hamilton
Seokjin Hong
Garrett James Kelly
John Francis Krawczyk III
Kendall Charles Kruse
Jacob Nathaniel Lewis
Samuel Gregg Miller
Robert Davis Mincher
Austin Shane Phillippie
Levi Marshall Poplin
William Andrew Pressley
Caleb Samuel Shanaberger
Ian Macarthur Shepherd
Brian Stanley
Sean Tyler Starks
Steven Allen Talbert
Andrew Seth Trogdon
Alexander Ryan Wall
Daren Benjamin Zeller
Old North State Council
Scout Tribute/Memorial Fund
___ In Memory of
___Graduation ___ Birthday
___New Eagle Scout___Anniversary ___ Get Well
___ Other _________________________________
Your Name: _________________________________
Your Address: _______________________________
In Honor of: Name:___________________________
Address: ___________________________________
Today’s date: ______________ Amount: $ _________
Please mail to Old North State Council,
Scout Tribute/Memorial Fund
1405 Westover Terrace Greensboro, NC 27408
Tributes & Memorials
In Memory of Lawton Gresham
Kee & James Marshall
In Memory of Amos Kearns Jr.
William & Suzanne Farabow
George & Patty McLarty
In Memory of Ruth Newby
James Whiteley
In Memory of Vivian Parker
Gavin & Ryan Koonts, Benny Stein, Garrison Bullard
and Families
In Honor of Keith Pearson
Troop 110 Scouts- Carson Beam, Hayden Lawrence,
Eric Magyar, and their families
In Honor of Kendall Simmons
Elliot & Sandra Faucette
Council Receives Grant from the National
Rifle Association
The National Rifle Association has long been a supporter
of our council shooting sports and shooting safety education programs at both Cherokee Scout Reservation
and Woodfield Scout Preservation. The council recently
received funding to purchase a Remington 11-87 Shotgun and Marlin 22 rifle for Cherokee and BB rifles and
youth shooting classes for Woodfield. Our thanks to the
National Rifle Association for your continued support.
The James E. West Fellowship
Award is a national recognition for
individuals who contribute $1,000
or more in cash or securities to the
Old North State Council's permanent endowment trust fund. Organizations or individuals may contribute monies toward a fellowship in
honor of someone else: an Eagle
Scout, a Silver Beaver recipient,
council president or special loved
ones including non-Scouters, youth or adults. Monies
contributed to the Endowment Fund through the James
E. West Fellowship are never spent; only the interest is
used to further the programs and outreach of the Old
North State Council.
If you'd like more information,
contact Rodney Carpenter at 336 378-9166.
Page 5
The Old North State News
2014 Old North State Council Calendar
Standard First Aid, CPR/AED Adult & Child
Webelos Camp Staff Report
Webelos Camp Staff Training Week
Cherokee Staff Week
CSR Benefit Clays Shoot
Webelos Camp Session 1
Summer Camp Week 1
Woodfield Inspection
Cherokee Inspection
Greensboro Grasshoppers Boy Scout Camp Out
Webelos Camp Session 2
Summer Camp Week 2
Council Officer’s Meeting
Webelos Camp Session 3
Summer Camp Week 3
Office Closed
Webelos Camp Session 4
Summer Camp Week 4
Council Exec. Board Meeting at Camp Cherokee
Webelos Camp Session 5
Summer Camp Week 5
Webelos Camp Staff Depart
Summer Camp Week 6
National Youth Leadership Training, Cherokee
District Nominating Committee Chair Training,
Scout Office, 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Program Committee Mtg, Scout Office, 6PM
Risk Management Mtg, Scout Office, 6:30-7:30
Council Popcorn Kickoff, Scout Office,
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Woodfield Range Officer Training, Woodfield
CPR for Prof. Rescuer & First Aid, Scout Office
Advancement Committee Mtg, Scout Office,
7-8 PM
Council Facilities Committee Meeting,
Scout Office, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Council Membership Committee Meeting, Scout
Office, 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM
STEM Committee Meeting, Scout Office, 7-8 PM
Aquatics Committee Mtg., Scout Office, 7-8 PM
Council Cub Scout Camping Committee Meeting,
Scout Office, 6:30 PM
Commissioner’s Meeting, Scout Office, 7-8 PM
Council Exploring Committee Meeting, Scout
Office, 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
WoodBadge Orientation, Scout Office, 6:30– 8
Council Officer’s Mtg., Scout Office,
5:30- 6:30 PM
Venturing Roundtable, 10:00 AM– 2:00 PM, TBD
Go to our Website: www.bsaonsc.org
and Subscribe to the ONSC E-List to
receive announcements and updates!
(Serving High Point, Thomasville, Jamestown, Wallburg,
Archdale, Trinity, and all points between)
District Chairman
District Commissioner
District Director
Bob Paxton
Steve Allred
Garet Beane
Akela District Calendar
Eagle Board, 7:00 PM, Wesley Memorial UMC
16-20 Cub Day Camp
Eagle Board, 7:00 PM, Wesley Memorial UMC
Akela District Day Camp
Do not miss out on Day Camp! Cubs of Camelot
June 16 – 20, 9:00AM – 5:00PM
City Lake Park, Jamestown
Registration Fee $100 Cubbies Fee $25
(includes swimming, patch & t-shirt)
5 Day Adult Volunteer Camper Discount -$45
Fall Family Encampment
This year the Fall Family Encampment will be held the
weekend of October 24-26. MARK YOUR CALENDARS
NOW!!!!! It will have a military theme and again be at
the beautiful Woodfield Scout Preservation. Erika
Pennington (deendenis@aol.com) will be serving as the
Chairman for this event again this year! Yipee!!!!
Family FOS Presentations
Our Family FOS Campaign is off to a great start! Please
make sure that your Pack, Troop, or Venture Crew is
signed up for a Family Campaign at your units meeting.
Contact Vann Owens to get on his schedule:
HVOwens@Assuregrp.com. We take NO MORE than 5
minutes to speak to your families.
Akela District Banquet
Mark your calendars for our 2014 Banquet on January
23, 2015 at Archdale Friends Meeting (114 Trindale Rd,
Archdale, NC 27263). Thank you to Troop and Pack 25
for agreeing to host us!
Cub Leader Trainings
With any questions regarding training, please contact
Kathy Medlin at Kathy@medlin.biz
Merit Badge College
Put next year’s MBC on your calendar for March 21st and
28th of 2015 at GTCC Jamestown Campus. We have
over 800 Scouts signed up again this year. Follow us on
Facebook. We are also looking for Merit Badge
Counselors to help teach. Please sign up if you can!
Volume 42 Number 4
Page 6
PTO/PTA president to develop relationships with each
school. By hosting a booth at the Fall Festival you can
get more information to the parents, have an activity for
the youth and invite them to your sign-up night!
District Chairman: Tom Steele, Jr.
District Commissioner: Jean Chandler, 213-8244
Dist. Executive: Christopher McKnight, 267-334-4303
Meet the Teacher Night is typically the week before
classes resume and is an excellent opportunity for your
pack to gain visibility by holding the doors for incoming
parents. You can have a booth to let parents know
where you meet and when you’ll be back to recruit. This
person will make or break recruitment for your pack this
(Serving Burlington, Saxapahaw, Snow Camp, Mebane,
Graham, Elon College, Union Ridge and all points between)
Alamance Calendar
Dist. Committee/Commissioner’s Meeting,
6:15 PM, First Presbyterian Church
OA Chapter Meeting, 6:30 PM, Macedonia
Lutheran Church
Dist. Roundtable 7 PM,
Shiloh PresbyterianChurch
Eagle Board, 7 PM, First Presbyterian Church
10-14 Alamance Twilight Camp, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM,
Burlington City Park
Eagle Board, 7 PM, First Presbyterian Church
Scout Night at the Burlington Royals
Scout Night at the Burlington Royals!
Scout Night at the Burlington Royals will be July 26! $5
for the game, $9 to camp out! Register at the Royals
Office (by pack, if possible)
Alamance Summer Camp Opportunities
Training schedule for School Nights, TBD: July/August
Alamance Pinewood
On April 5th, the Alamance District celebrated its top racers
from the Pack Pinewood Derbies. We had
fantastic attendance at
want to pass on an extra Thank you to Westcott Buick, Westcott Body Shop, Wendy’s, and The Burlington Royals for their sponsorship and hosting of this
year’s event. We look forward to growing the event
again next year.
We have the opportunity in Alamance to take advantage
of Three summer camp opportunities; Twilight Camp for
our Cubs; Camp Woodfield for our Webelos; and Camp
Additionally, we celebrated the life of one of our Scouting
Cherokee for our Boy Scouts and Venturers.
If your cub or scout is not registered to take advantage Family at this year’s event. The inaugural Elliott Fauof one of these opportunities, there’s still time! Provi- cette- Spirit of Scouting Award was bestowed to one of
sional troops for Boy Scouts or the Webelos program at our young competitors. The guidelines given to the
Twilight, or the Cub program at Twilight for you Cub or judges were that the award should go to the boy who
new Tiger. Take advantage of getting your son outdoors had put forth great effort to make his car his own. This
this summer! If your Scout-aged son is not interested in year’s winner, Niko Fotiou (Pack 39, Macedonia), is a
attending residential camp, maybe he would rather vol- Tiger! Niko was presented his award and prize (a youth
season pass to the Burlington Royals) at the end of the
unteer his skills to the Twilight staff!
day’s races. Check out the photos from a great event!
We have some good numbers for this summer:
This year’s Top 6 Racers at the District were: Nick W
72 Cub Scouts are Attending Twilight Camp
(13.031 sec); Christian M (13.08 sec); Logan P (13.15
9/13 Packs are Attending Woodfield (*LDS units are not sec); Ryan E (13.20 sec); Logan R (13.21 sec); Zack W
included in our ratio)
(13.22 sec) Congratulations to all the Cubs and their
15/17 Troops are Attending Camp Cherokee, with one helpers for great cars and a great race!
heading Out-of-State
Akela Continued...
The outdoor experience is an integral piece of the Scouting puzzle. It allows for our boys to put into practice, Facebook
the skills they learn in their den/patrol meetings and to Join our District on Facebook. Search for the Akela Dissee how they compare with other boys. By experiencing trict and request our friendship. Also, share a link to
a summer at camp, you’ll see leaps and bounds in the our page with other Akela Scouts and Scout parents.
development of your cubs and scouts!
Cherokee Boy Scout Camp
Fall Recruitment
If you missed out on Boy Scout Camp at Cherokee
With the limitations placed on us by the school district,
Scout Reservation, you don’t know what you are misswe need to have a great plan going into this fall’s reing out on! We had another TREMENDOUS year at
cruitment if we want to make an impact on more lives!
camp! It’s time for you to get signed up for 2014!
Each pack needs to identify a School Night Coordinator.
TRUST ME, Troops are enjoying it so much, most of the
The School Night Coordinator has one mission; identify
troops that have attended this year have already reopportunities to get information to parents and to ensure
served a site for next year! That means, hurry up and
your pack has a presence at MEET THE TEACHER NIGHT
reserve a site!
& THE FALL FESTIVAL. They coordinate with the School
Page 7
Volume 42 Number 4
(Serving Reidsville, Eden, Ruffin, Madison, Mayodan, Stoneville,
Roxboro, Yanceyville & all points between)
District Chairman-Neal Bowes-336-599-8200
District Commissioner – Dan Foster (336) 349-3428
District Executive – Chip White 540-819-5137
Cherokee Calendar
Program Preview
Key 3 Lunch
Roundtable – CSR Dining Hall – 7:00 PM
Dist. Committee Meeting – CSR HQ – 7:00 PM
Dist. Popcorn Campaign Training – CSR HQ – 7 PM
If you ever need to, please feel free to email me at
Chip.White@scouting.org or call me at 336-378-9166, ext.
105. Many thanks to all of the Cherokee Volunteers! Without you, we could not share scouting with the world.
Program Preview
Program Preview is looking to be a big event this year!
Come out to Cherokee Scout Reservation on June 1st! This
will be a great opportunity to plan your 2015 calendars
and see all of the EXCITING opportunities that are coming
http://www.scouting.org/training/adult.aspx. If you
haven’t taken a Wood Badge course, there is one
coming up that would be a perfect fit for you! If you
have any questions regarding training, please contact
Terri Felder at tscouter@rocketmail.com.
Cherokee Boy Scout Camp
It’s not too late yet! Don’t miss out on this year’s program at Camp Cherokee. Last year was great, and
this year is going to be even better! Most Troops have
already reserved their campsite, so if you haven’t
gotten yours make sure to call soon!
New Requirements for Cooking Merit Badge:
Cub and Scout Leader Trainings
There will be information about the Fall Camporee,
Shooting Sports, Cub Day Camp, and MANY MORE!
Pinewood Derby
This year’s Pinewood Derby was a HUGE success! We had
many scouts there and representatives from all corners of
our district. CONGRATULATIONS to all of this year’s winners!
Cherokee District Cub Day Camp
Don’t miss out on Day Camp this year! Our Day Camp will
be held at Park Springs Christian Camp again this year,
and will be August 4-8th. This year’s theme is “Cubs of
Camelot” and is going to be a “CAN’T MISS” event!! If you
have any questions please contact Yvonne Reid at cubmasterpack239@yahoo.com.
Family FOS Presentations
Our Family FOS Campaign has kicked off! Please make
sure that your Pack, Troop, or Venture Crew is signed up
for a Family Campaign at your unit’s meeting. We take NO
MORE than 5 Minutes to speak to your families. Please
email Chip.White@scouting.org to set up a presentation.
Join our district on Facebook! Search for “Cherokee
Scouters” to stay up-to-date on the latest events.
In 2015 the cooking merit badge requirements
changed and it became a required merit badge for
the rank of Eagle Scout. Scouts will prepare meals
using the MyPlate food guide, understand and explain
food allergies, and learn about cooking food indoors.
The new Cooking pamphlets can be found in Scout
Shops . From now until Dec. 31, 2014, a Scout may
use the old or new requirements — his choice. All
Scouts beginning Cooking merit badge on or after
Jan. 1, 2015, must use the new requirements.
Scouts who already started Cooking MB using
old requirements: They’re fine and may finish with
the old requirements. They will not need to re-earn
the merit badge with the new requirements, but they
may switch to the new ones if they choose. There is
no time limit between starting and completing a
badge, although a counselor may determine so much
time has passed since any effort took place that the
new requirements must be used.
Scouts who already earned Cooking MB: They
may purchase or be presented with the new, silverbordered Cooking MB patch (regardless which requirements were involved). They don’t need to reearn it now that it’s Eagle-required. But they can’t
wear both the green- and the silver-bordered versions.
Scouts who begin Cooking MB in 2013 or
2014: They may use the old or new requirements —
their choice. Scouts who begin Cooking MB in
2015 or beyond: They must use the new requirements.
Think of 2014 as a transition period for the merit
badge. During this time, you’ll find both pamphlets in
Scout Shops, and a boy may choose which to use.
Find more helpful articles at the Blog For BSA Adult
Leaders: http://blog.scoutingmagazine.org/
Page 8
The Old North State News
(Serving the greater Greensboro area)
Janet Mintz
Commissioner: Scott Spillmann sjspillmann@triad.rr.com
District Director: Colin Lemon 336.653.8203
District Executive: Dara Campbell 336.378-9166 Ext. 118
Guilford Calendar
Eagle Board, Council office, 7PM
Cub Scout Day Camp
Eagle Board, Council office, 7PM
School Night Training
The fall recruitment season for Cub Scout packs is upon
us! To prepare for a successful recruiting season, we
will our annual School Night training on August 14,
2014. The location for the training is being determined
now and will be announced as it is confirmed. Please
plan on having your pack’s School Night Coordinator,
along with other leaders who want to help, at the training in August. Please remember that the only way to
get your School Night recruitment materials is to have
representation from your pack at the training! We look
forward to working with all of you to bring more young
boys into the Scouting program!
Guilford Day Camp: June 23-27 8AM-4PM
Sumner Civitan Park, Greensboro
Registration Fee: $95 Sibling Tot Fee $10
5 Day Volunteer Discount: $25
Guilford & Uwharrie District Announcing Uniform
We have added a couple of new dates to the new calendar. August 25, September 8, and September 22
are Scout Uniform Days in 2014. These are days
right in the middle of our fall recruitment season. All
Scouts and leaders are encouraged to wear their Scout
uniform to school or work on those days. Wearing the
uniform will help to remind parents and future Scouts
about upcoming recruitment nights. Wear your uniform
with pride on these days (and others if you want!) and
let’s see how many new families we can get excited
about Scouting!
Uwharrie Day Camp: June 16-20, 8:15AM-5PM
Forest Lake Campground, Hwy. 64 between Mocksville and Lexington
Registration Fee: $90- Pixie Fee: $10
Uwharrie Twilight Camp: July 10-12
Camp Woodfield
Registration Fee: $60 - Pixie Fee: $10
(Serving Asheboro, Randolph , Davidson & Davie Co.)
District Chairman: Brad Grimes-336 787-4380
District Commissioner: Jaime Swicegood—336 853-7316
District Director: Colin Lemon 336.653.8203
Uwharrie Calendar
5 Program Preview, 6:30 PM, Woodfield Camp Office
5 Randolph Eagle Project Book Submittal, 6:30 PM,
Woodfield Training Center
10 Davidson and Davie County Eagle Board, Project
Approval at 6:30 PM, Eagle Candidates at 7PM
16-20 Cub Scout Day Camp
18 Randolph County Eagle Board
19 Randolph County Eagle Project Approval Team
3 Randolph Eagle Project Book Submittal, 6:30 PM,
1st Presbyterian Church, Asheboro
8 Davidson and Davie County Eagle Board, Project
Approval at 6:30 PM, Eagle Candidates at 7 PM
10-12 District Twilight Camp
16 Randolph County Eagle Board
17 Randolph County Eagle Project Approval Team
Program Preview
Program Preview is coming up on June 5 at Woodfield
Scout Preservation! Program Preview is the opportunity to learn about all of the events, activities, trainings, and everything else going on in the district for
the 2014-2015 Scouting year. All parents, Scouts, and
leaders are invited to join us at so we can all get excited about the upcoming season! There will be a hot
dog cookout and door prizes including a free week of
camp for one lucky person! We hope to see you there!
School Night Training
The fall recruitment season for Cub Scout packs is
upon us! To prepare for a successful recruiting season,
we will have two separate School Night training sessions; one for folks in Davie and Davidson Counties
and one for those in Randolph County. This is designed
to be convenient for everyone but remember that anyone can attend either of the training sessions. The
dates and locations for the trainings are being determined and will be announced as they are confirmed.
Please plan on having your pack’s School Night Coordinator, along with other leaders who want to help, at
the training in August. Please remember that the only
way to get your School Night recruitment materials is
to have representation from your pack at the training!
We look forward to working with all of you to bring
more young boys into the Scouting program!
Page 9
Volume 42 Number 4
Effective January 1, 2015:
Change in Unit Registration Status
A unit that has not reregistered by its expiration date,
will be considered separated and immediately
dropped from BSA’s membership reporting. This is
a change from the current lapsed period where a unit’s
membership continues to be counted for 60 days in
council membership totals.
The new definition will begin with units that have an
effective date of January 1, 2015. This means that units
with a December 31, 2014 expiration date will be included.
Pre-Camp Health Form Review
A reminder to unit leaders: Health forms may be submitted through the Scout office for pre-camp review.
One of the most common reasons for “backing up” at
camp check-in is incomplete health forms. Common
issues are: incomplete health information, such as drug
allergies, food allergies, immunizations; missing signatures; talent release; who may, or may not pick up the
Scout from camp; signature of healthcare provider.
The benefits of pre-camp health form review are:
Unit leaders are ensured that your unit’s health
forms are complete prior to getting to camp. If incomplete forms are submitted, unit leaders will be
contacted and assisted in identifying what needs to
be done to get deficiencies corrected before camp,
rather than having to deal with this the day of check
-in, when parents may not be readily available to
provide information or signatures.
At health checks and review at check-in you will enjoy our “speedy check-in service” at the health
lodge. This involves a discussion about current illness or recent exposure and about medication handling for the unit. At Woodfield, Scouts will also
have a temperature check. Your time in the health
lodge will be minimal.
Volunteers will retain access to MyScouting, MyScouting
tools, Internet Rechartering and Internet Advancement
for 30 days after their unit has become expired and become separated.
A separated unit has 12 months to reregister as a separated-reregistered unit.
Once a separated unit has been reregistered in the our
system, the unit will be included on membership reports
starting in the business month the recharter was
Do you have older scouts in the troop
that like to do high adventure activities
such as whitewater rafting, rock climbing, or snowboarding? Do you have older scouts that
still want to stay involved after earning the rank of eagle? A Venture crew could be for you! We have a lot of
activities planned such as the Davy Jones Rendezvous
in the fall where your crew or ship can spend the weekend at Hagan Sea Base and Raven Point Sea Base participating in events on High Rock Lake! Sign up’s will
begin during the summer so keep an eye out for the
registration form! We also partner with Kersey Valley
Ziplines where Crews and Post can fly through the tree
tops! If you have any questions on starting a Venture
Crew to partner with your existing Troop please contact
Jonathan Clapp at 336-378-9166 or email at joclapp@bsamail.org
Are you a middle or high school student
interested in learning more about certain
careers out in the work force such as Police, Firefighting, EMS, or Aviation? We have recently started a
Sports Post with the Thomasville HiToms!! Exploring is
your way to get introduced in different career fields
and learn all about a particular career that you might
be interested in! We have different posts all over the
council to help you learn more about different career
fields that excite you! For more information please contact Jonathan Clapp at 336-378-9166 or email at joclapp@bsamail.org
It is helpful to have one person assigned as your unit
health and safety chair. This person takes the responsibility for maintaining your unit’s first aid kit and health
forms so they are ready for all of your unit activities
year round.
Woodfield Scout
The Leaders Guide and other information is posted to the council website at www.bsaonsc.org/wsp
Schedule for 2014:
Staff Week Training: June 8-12
June 15-19
Session 1
June 22-26
Session 2
June 29-July3 Session 3
July 6-10
Session 4
July 11
Camp Closed
Please Note: All Four sessions for the 2014 Webelos
Camping season will run Sunday to Thursday morning.
Packs will be given the option to check out on Wednesday after the campfire program if requested.
2014 Camp Fees:
ONS Council fee; $190.00: Out of Council; $200.00
-Full Fees are due two weeks prior to your session at
Webelos Camp
Questions contact: Jonathan Clapp, (Camp Director) at
336-378-9166 or jonathan.clapp@scouting.org
The Old North State News
Page 10
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Volume 42 Number 4
Cherokee Scout Reservation
Summer camp is here! The first week of summer camp at Cherokee Scout Reservation starts June 15th and we have a full roster of troops that will be joining us! Don’t
forget that merit badge registration is underway and many classes are filling up. Visit
www.summercampsystems.com/onsc to register your Scouts for the available
courses as soon as possible.
Please remember that all camp fees are due according to the new fee payment structure found in the 2014 Leader’s Guide. Also remember that if your unit is not up to
date on the fees that are due, your campsite could be reassigned to another unit that
is in need of a campsite.
Registrations for programs are going very well so we’d like to share a new process
with you! A form has been emailed to all units reserved to camp this summer that
allows your Scouts to pay their program fees before arrival at camp! Just complete
the form as indicated and return it to the Scout office as soon as possible. This will
help make checking in a much shorter and less stressful process.
I look forward to seeing all of you at camp this summer! Let’s have another incredible
Colin Lemon
Camp Director
Order of the Arrow
Induction Weekends
The Ordeal ceremony is the first thing new members experience in the Order of the
Arrow. We are dedicated to making sure that they have the best experience possible! We provide much needed service to our camps while having fun.
This year we are excited to offer three different Ordeal opportunities for our new candidates! September 6-8 at the Woodfield Scout Preservation in Asheboro and October
4-5 at Cherokee Scout Reservation near Yanceyville. These two Ordeals will be limited to 125 new members. The final opportunity will be during our May Brotherhood
Weekend which is the first weekend in May at Cherokee Scout Reservation. Registration forms and more information will be posted on our Lodge web site soon at
Parents are always welcome to attend the Ordeal ceremonies Saturday Evening.
They take place away from the main part camp and do require walking in the woods
at night. You may email us at lodge70@lodge70.org for more information.
Order of the Arrow Tap-out Ceremony
Join us during the summer for our Thursday Night Tapout Ceremony. Ceremonies will
be held at the conclusion of the Thursday Night Campfire Program which starts at
8:00pm. This is always an impressive ceremony in which we recognize our Scouts
and Scouters that are being selected to join the Order of the Arrow, Scouting’s National Honor Society.
Volunteers were busy getting CSR ready for Summer Camp during Beaver
Scout Executive,
Rodney Carpenter worked
(pictured above) and Ted
Williams, John Young and
benches (pictured below).
Order of the Arrow Summer Camp Program
For those Arrowman attending Cherokee Scout Reservation, be sure to check out our
Twilight Activities that start on Sunday Night, a schedule will be provided at check-in.
Also join us for our weekly OA meeting and Cracker Barrel on Monday night at
10:00pm in the Alan “Doc” Lewis OA Lodge located beside the Commissary.
Visit the Scouting Museum at Cherokee Scout Reservation
Be sure to stop by and tour the Scouting Museum located below the Alan “Doc” Lewis
OA Lodge located beside the Commissary. The Museum will be open each Sunday
during Check-In and also on Thursday nights. We have lots of Scouting exhibits from
the past and the present. We are always looking for new items, if you or someone
you know has a collection you would like to loan or donate please let us know at
lodge70@lodge70.org and we will get you in touch with our Curator David Pugh.
Convert to Brotherhood
The Lodge will be conducting Brotherhood Ceremonies each week on Tuesday Evenings during Camp. For more information on converting to Brotherhood see Lanning
Honeycutt, Lodge Chief at camp or email us at lodge70@lodge70.org. Membership
dues need to be current before going through the Ceremony and can be paid at
Camp, annual dues are $10.00.
Are your Dues Current?
Membership Dues are due
June of each year and are
only $10.00. In order to
remain active and to receive Emails and mailings,
dues must be current. Also
to remain active in the
Lodge a current BSA registration is required.
The Old North State News (USPS 215580) is Published
bi-monthly by the Old North State Council,
P O Box 29046 Greensboro, NC 27429.
Periodical Postage paid at Greensboro, N.C.
Postmaster send change of address to:
Old North State Council, Post Office Box 29046,
Greensboro NC 27429-9046
1-336-378-9166 · 1-800-367-9166 · FAX 1-336-378-9169
E-Mail: council70@bsamail.org
“The Old North State News” is mailed to those who have requested to receive a copy by mail bi-monthly. Contact the
Scout Office if you would like to subscribe to our newsletter. We encourage members to visit our Web site for an electronic copy at www.bsaonsc.org
Great Idea!
A Cub Scout Volunteer recently
shared this Pack activity with
us and we wanted to pass it
I am with Cub Pack 238 in
Welcome and had a tidbit of
info that I thought may be of
interest in your newsletter.
We recently went to GameStop
in Lexington to work on the
video game belt loop &
pin. The store was crazy excited to have the boys there
and even made up goody bags
for them.
The cubs were
hanging on every word the
staff said.
The managers
talked with them for about 30
minutes about the importance
of game ratings, store return
policies and the difference between game systems.
The store manager, Thommy
Jones, wanted our Council to
know that other stores are dying to have Scout groups visit
them as well. His district manager was thrilled that there
was an achievement like this
that GameStop could help
Scouts earn.
If you need more info., Thommy’s number is 336‐249‐
3966. If you would like to submit an
article, idea or photo for “The
Old North State News”, Email
Tina Carroll at