A Publication of the DeForest Area Community and Senior Center The Scoop Volume 42 Issue 12 December 2014 The Cornerstone of the Community serving DeForest, Windsor, and Vienna Our Mission Statement We are a cooperative inter-municipal Community and Senior Center providing area residents a welcoming place to meet, participate and volunteer while promoting independence, self-reliance and well-being for older adults and their families. Please contact Linda Green, Executive Director, about donations, sponsorships and estate gifts. The Center greatly appreciates your support. lgreen@thecommunitycornerstone.org 608-846-9469 Inside this Issue Services.................................2 Van Schedule........................3 Nutrition................................4 Menu.....................................5 Case Management ….….….. 6 Programs...............................7 Calendar.............................8-9 Recognitions.......................10 Volunteering & Peer Special Events coming to the Center in December! Holiday Concert by Dr. Jeffrey Hollander Saturday, December 6th Please join us on Saturday, December 6th at 2:00 p.m. when the Center welcomes internationally acclaimed and recognized virtuoso pianist Dr. Jeffrey Hollander to perform a special Christmas concert, “Magical Christmas”, for community members. Dr. Hollander will perform on the historic Steinway grand piano that he and his wife Elaine Erickson-Hollander acquired from Dr. Hollander’s mentor, legendary concert pianist Gyorgy Sandor, and later donated to the Center. Dr. Hollander’s performance will include classical music and holiday requests that will highlight this beautiful instrument. A dessert and coffee reception, sponsored by 1st National Bank, will be held following the performance. Please join us for this inspirational musical performance. Holiday Celebration at the Center Friday, December 19 You are invited to join us on Friday, December 19 for lunch at 11:30 a.m. for the Center’s Holiday Party. At 12:00 p.m. there will be entertainment by Greg Matysik, who will perform traditional, folk, popular Irish standards, as well as original music on his acoustic guitar, mandolin, and harmonica. Greg loves taking requests and enjoys involving the audience in his performance which will leave you singing and reminiscing! Donations to offset program costs are appreciated. Please reserve your meal a week in advance (see page 5 for our menu and contribution guidelines). Transportation to and from the Center is available. Call Jen at 846-9469 for more information. We look forward to sharing this day with you! Support…………………...………11 Activities..........................12-13 DeForest Middle School Choir Performance Travel....................................14 Tuesday, December 16 The DeForest Middle School 6th Grade Choir will perform on December 16 at 11:00 a.m. at the Center. They will perform a short program of seasonal music for your listening pleasure. Evenings/Weekends...........15 Contact Information............16 Services Page 2 Case Management Information, education, assistance, and referral services are provided by social work staff for area residents ages 60+ living in DeForest, Windsor, or Vienna. Home visits are scheduled as needed. All services are provided confidentially. To make an appointment: last name A-K call Natalie; last name L-Z call Roxane. Social workers provide information on a range of topics including: long-term care; financial benefits; housing options; Medicare and Senior Care benefits; Peer Support; home chores; personal care services; care giving tools; and information regarding health and mental health issues. Transportation - Congregate Lunch Lunch is served Monday Friday at 11:30 a.m. (holidays are excluded). Reserve or cancel your meal before 1:00 pm the weekday before or a week ahead for special days. See menu on page 5. The total cost to provide a meal for you is $7.50. Those ages 60 and over are encouraged to contribute a minimum of $4.00 toward the full cost of the meal, based on all they can afford. Those under 60 years old are always welcome to join us for lunch at the full cost. Home Delivered Meals Home delivered meals are available for homebound residents who meet guidelines set by the Dane County Nutrition Program. See menu on page 5. Call the Center to talk about meal options. Van transport is available to the Center, aquatic exercise, in-town shopping, and other selected locations; see van guidelines and Sharing Closet schedule on page 3. Call Jen, at The Sharing Closet is the center to reserve a seat. located to the left of the RSVP provides rides for persons fireplace in the Fireplace Room. over 60 years of age, for medical Please feel free to share by and medically-related giving what you do not use or appointments in Dane County on receiving what you can use. a donation basis. Call the center Please bring donated items to 5 days in advance to leave a the front desk. message for ride coordination. Adaptive Equipment (extension 233) Medical equipment including wheelchairs, Health Screening walkers, toilet risers, and 1st and 3rd Wednesdays in reachers is available for loan December. Walk-ins welcome. to area residents. $1 cost share for a blood sugar Please call Natalie or test; no cost for blood pressure Roxane, to schedule a checks. time to come in. December 2014 Fingernail & Foot Care Appointments are scheduled the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Wednesday and 2nd Friday of each month by Home Health United Nursing Services. Foot care $20. Fingernail care $10. Diabetic Foot Care is 2 times every month. Next clinic dates are Thursday, December 11th and 18th, $28 fee. Library Loan Library - a variety of books, videos, and DVDs are offered. Books are both owned by the Center and provided by the Dane County Library Service. Large print books are available. Homebound Delivery - monthly delivery of books, music, and movies are offered by the DeForest Area Public Library and the DeForest Rotary Club. Senior Computer Station Available to area seniors for internet, e-mail, and basic computing during Center business hours. Computer lessons available, see calendar on pages 8-9. Food Distribution With the help of the Community Action Coalition, perfectly good food is recovered from area grocers and restaurants and is then distributed to local groups by dedicated volunteers. Food is distributed at the Center every Tuesday morning at 10:30 a.m. For more information, contact Jennie @ 846-9469. United Way 2-1-1 Plus Site The Center serves as a 2-1-1 Plus Site for United Way of Dane County. By calling 2-1-1, you can get help for yourself, your family, and your loved ones and gain access to hundreds of community resources. A private room is available at the Center on Monday and Wednesday mornings from 9:00 a.m. through 12:00 p.m. for you to use. The Scoop December Van Schedule Page 3 Pick ups start at 9:30 a.m. Monday & Friday: Aquatic Exercise Madison Swim Academy at Kindred Hearts Retirement Facility in Sun Prairie. (no classes on December 22nd, 26th, 28th and January 2nd) Tuesdays: Food Distribution and Local Clinics December 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, and 30th (and Bingo on the 30th) Wednesdays: In-Town shopping and Local Clinics December 3rd, 10th, 17th (No trips on December 24th or 31st) Thursdays: Out of Town Shopping December 4th—Walmart, Sun Prairie December 11th—Hobby Lobby and Target, Madison December 18th—East Town, Madison (No trips on December 25th) Signature Monuments In Home consultations for Deforest Families Upright Cemetery Headstones Flush Markers/Grass Markers Bevel Headstones Slant Headstones All sizes & shapes of granite and bronze memorials Signature Monuments 484 Dahl Drive, Deforest WI 608-333-1238 signaturemonument@yahoo.com www.southernwisconsinmonuments.com Eligible riders are persons over the age of 60, or persons with disabilities, who live in their own homes or apartments. Service is provided Monday-Friday, generally between 9:30 a.m.-1:00p.m. Trips are provided to the Center for morning activities and/or lunch, local shopping, out of town shopping, and selected social activities. In-Town Shopping can include: Pick N Save, Family Dollar, Walgreens, Ace Hardware, Local Bank/Clinic/ Hair Appointments, or the Library. Suggested Donation: $1 for lunch roundtrip; $2 for in-town roundtrip No one is denied service to nutrition sites or in-town shopping due to inability to pay. Out of Town Trips (must have a minimum of 4 people riding the van for out of town trips) Cost: $3 roundtrip Van ride arrangements can be made by calling Jen at the Center at 846-9469. Your contact information may be shared with Transit Solutions, our partner in this door-to-door service. Page 4 Nutrition Education Happy holidays from Dane County UW Extension! This month, we will continue our fiber journey by talking about beans. Please join nutrition educator Martin Salas from Dane County UW Extension Tuesday, 12/16 at 11:30 a.m. as we talk about “the big bean”. Need a holiday gift idea? Invite a senior for lunch “On You!” We would like to encourage you to invite a friend or relative to lunch at the center! Gift certificates are available at the suggested contribution amount of $4.00 for those 60 or over. Meals are available at the full cost of $7.50 for those under 60. Gift certificates may be used for any weekday meal, including parties and special events at the center. They may also be used at other Dane County senior dining sites. See Jen for details! Nutrition December 2014 Winter Safety Tips Be Aware of the Increased Risk for Falls While snow-covered trees and rooftops can be beautiful sights, with ice coating stairs, sidewalks, and driveways, winter also brings with it more fall risks. And it’s not just the ice. Frost can be slippery when it settles on grass or concrete, and wet boots can make floors slippery. Because it gets dark earlier, seniors with limited vision may have a harder time seeing steps and obstacles in the early evening. In addition to being aware of your surroundings and taking extra care, you should also wear shoes with nonskid soles and use hand rails when possible. Know Your Abilities, and Limit Outdoor Activity As Necessary It’s a great idea to put down road salt, sand, or other products to melt ice and offer traction on sidewalks and steps. In some climates, though, that’s simply not enough. If you live in an area where snow shoveling is a necessary chore, you may want to consider investing in a snow blower or hiring someone to do the task for you. Not only is there a risk of falling while shoveling, it can also increase the risk of heart attacks. Cold weather constricts blood vessels, while the strenuous work increases heart rate. The same is true when working or exercising outdoors during winter. Take Action to Stay Warm If you have to go out, dress in warm layers and wear a hat, gloves, thick socks, and boots. Cover your mouth with a scarf. When you are at home, check the temperature regularly to ensure your heating system is working properly. Seniors are naturally at an increased risk for hypothermia, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. As you age, your metabolism slows, and you make less body heat than you did when you were younger. In addition, some medications and medical conditions, including arthritis, strokes, and Parkinson’s disease, can also increase your vulnerability to the cold. Be Prepared for Power Outages More power outages occur during the winter than during any other season. Ice, wind, and snow knock down trees, which in turn can knock down power lines. Being prepared for an outage is the best defense. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offer a winter weather checklist to make sure you have everything you need during a winter weather emergency. If the power does go out and you don’t have a backup heat source, put on several layers of clothing and contact a friend or family member who can help you relocate somewhere warmer. December Menu The Scoop Monday Wednesday Tuesday 1 2 3 Hawaiian Meatballs Hamburger Casserole Brown Rice Pilaf Green Bean Almandine Wheat Bread Mixed Vegetables Biscuit Page 5 Thursday Friday 4 5 Norwegian White Fish Lasagna Beef Stew Baked Potato Sour Cream Italian Beans French Bread Spinach Salad BP Biscuit Beets Fruit Medley Fruit Cocktail Rye Bread Birthday Cake Bread Pudding Pudding MO: Veg Lasagna MO: Mac & Cheese Birthday Lunch Ambrosia Tropical Fruit MO: Soy Meatballs MO: Soy crumbles 8 9 MO: Veg. Chili 10 11 12 Stuffed Chicken w/Broccoli Swedish Meatballs Cabbage Rolls Veg. Beef Soup Beef Stroganoff Wild Rice Mix Baby carrots Mashed Potatoes Green Beans Rice Stewed Tomatoes Cheese Sandwich Toss Salad Noodles Peas & Onions Wheat Bread Wheat Bread Wheat Bread Mandarin Oranges Wheat Roll Cherry Crisp Blushing Pears Tropical Fruit Apple Pie Pineapple Cookie Jell-O MO: Veg. Patty 15 MO: Soy Meatballs 16 MO: Veg Lasagna 17 MO: No meat soup 18 MO: Soy Crumbles Meatloaf Smoked Sausage Swiss Steak Pork Loin/Gravy Stuffed Chicken Au gratin Potatoes Green Beans Sweet/sour Cabbage New Potatoes Mashed Potato Peas & Carrots Cubed Potatoes Beets Baked Potato Dinner Roll Rye Bread Wheat Bread Wheat Bread Dinner Roll Jell-O/Cottage Cheese Applesauce Mandarin Oranges Baked Apple Cherry Cheesecake MO: Veg. Lasagna MO: Veg Sausage MO: Soy Burger MO: Veg Lasagna 22 23 24 25 MO: Veg. Patty 26 Chicken Parmesan Stuffed Green Pepper Pasta Squash Brown Rice Pilaf Corn Bread Wheat Bread Corn Muffin Strawberries Pie w/topping Applesauce CHRISTMAS EVE CHRISTMAS DAY CLOSED CLOSED 19 HOLIDAY Green Bean Almandine Chili Toss Salad Cottage Cheese Cheesecake MO: Meatless Spaghetti 29 MO: Red Beans & Rice Chicken Dumplings Pot Roast Carrots Strawberry Applesauce Mashed Potatoes Ice Cream or Sherbet Wheat Roll MO: Mac & Cheese Cookie MO: Soy Burger 30 Prize Lunch MO: Bean Chili 31 NEW YEARS EVE CLOSED Notes: *M.O. (Meatless Option) Squash Lunch is offered Monday-Friday here at the center @ 11:30 a.m., or by home delivery (call Center for eligibility). Reservations and cancellations for dining are to be made by 1:00 p.m. the day prior, (One week ahead for special event lunches) by calling Jen (Nutrition Coordinator) @ 846-9469. The suggested minimum donation for those of whom are age 60 years and older is $4.00 per meal, please only pay what you can afford. Anyone under 60 is required to pay the full cost of the meal, $7.50 for meals at the center, and $7.75 for home delivered meals. Menu Guidelines: Menus for the Dane County Senior Dining Centers are averaged over one month to meet one third of the Daily Reference Intake for Adults. A menu analysis is available at most meal sites for you upon request. Ask for it from your site manager. All menus are reviewed by Mary Browning Page 6 Case Management December 2014 Medicare Part D 2015 Social Security Award Letters If you receive Social Security benefits, you will soon receive a mailing explaining the amount of money you will receive each month for the year 2015. It is important to save this mailing as it will be used for various things such as tax time/ homestead tax credit, energy assistance, Foodshare, etc. This document is the only way to prove your income. Talk with Natalie or Roxane if you have questions about what this may look like. Attention to those who have Medicare Part D! Are you happy with your current prescription coverage? The annual open enrollment period for anyone who would like to change their Part D plan runs through December 7th. Case Managers Roxane and Natalie can help enter your current prescriptions to find a plan that fits your needs. Remember that to avoid penalties, everyone in Medicare needs to be enrolled in some type of prescription plan, whether it is SeniorCare, through an employer, or a Part D plan. Feel free to call us with questions about Part D or any Medicare questions. Please take note: there may be some changes to last year’s plans. Watch your mail from your Part D company and bring in anything you want Roxane or Natalie to look at. Energy Assistance A representative from Energy Services will be at the Center on Wednesdays, December 10th, as well as February 11th and April 8th, 2015. between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. for Energy Assistance applications. You may qualify for help with your gas and/or your electric bills if your gross income is at or below $2,096/ month for one person and $2,741/month for two people. If you received assistance last year and completed the application, then no appointment is necessary. Case Managers Roxane and Natalie can help you with the application if you would like. Call Energy Services for an appointment at 608-333-0333, and mention you’d like to apply at our Center. Appointments fill up quickly so sign up soon. Make Sure You Get The Scoop in 2015 Receive “The Scoop” directly via the mail or email. Simply fill out this request and return it to the Center. The suggested donation for mailing the newsletter to you is $9.00 for the year. There is no cost for emailing the “Scoop” to you. Name: ____________________________________________ ___________ Address: ________________________________________ ___ __________ City: ____________________________ State: _______ Zip: ______________ I would like to have “The Scoop” mailed to me. (suggested donation of $9.00) I would like to have “The Scoop” emailed to me. Email Address_______________________________ Please Make Check Payable to DeForest Area Community & Senior Center Programs The Scoop Page 7 Your Library@Your Senior Center Friday, December 12 at 10:00 a.m. - Diamond Dragons Book Chat A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens Written by one of England's greatest novelists, A Christmas Carol is a story that continues to delight readers and rekindle thoughts of charity and goodwill. With its characters exhibiting many qualities often ascribed to Charles Dickens himself, the tale relates Ebenezer Scrooge’s encounters with a series of spectral visitors. Journeying with them through past, present, and future, Scrooge is transformed from an insensitive miser to a generous, warm-hearted, and caring human being. Join library facilitator, Jane Henze, for this classic story. Fourth Tuesday Forum: The Gift of Dance with ULDC Performance Team Tuesday, December 23 at 10:00 a.m. Put on your dancing shoes and enjoy a morning with ULDC dancers and staff. You will be entertained by some of their youngest dancers and the ULDC Performance Team. You will also have a chance to show off your own dance moves at this library outreach program. Holiday Food Drive Holiday Gifts, Cards, and Senior Dining Site Gift Certificates The holidays will be here before you know it! You can save time and money by visiting the Center for handcrafted gifts and homemade cards and your donations for these items benefit the Center. You can also get gift certificates for our noon meal which is a great gift for that senior who has everything! Call the Center for more information. Non-perishable food items may be brought to the front desk of the Center until December 16 to be donated to our local Food Pantry. In addition to canned or boxed food items, there is always a need for diapers sizes 3, 4, & 5. Save the Date—LINK-ages Breakfast Saturday, January 17 at 9:00 a.m. for breakfast. There is no charge for this event Reservations are recommended, please sign up at the Center or call 846-9469 to sign up. Movie Time Enjoy movies at 12:00 PM on our big screen and surround sound in the Community Room. December 5th, Maleficent A vengeful fairy is driven to curse an infant princess, only to discover that the child may be the one person who can restore peace to their troubled land. 1:36 December 12th Miracle on 34th Street The story takes place between Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day in New York City, and focuses on the impact of a department store Santa Claus who claims to be the real Santa. The film has become a perennial Christmas favorite. 1:36 December 26th, Dolphin Tale 2 The caretakers of a wounded dolphin must help her before they lose her to another facility. 1:47 Spot Light on You Page 10 “Gratitude is the music of the heart” The Center is deeply grateful for the generous support given by volunteers, donors and businesses and organizations throughout the year. Your gifts of time and money helps to provide essential services to members in our community. December 2014 Thank you for these Monthly Sponsorships Memory Café – Lighthouse of Sun Prairie December Birthday Presents – Parkside Assisted Living Thank You For Your Generosity Happy December Birthday! 12/01 Edna Nicholls 12/14 Ruth Auringer 12/01 Richard Olsen 12/14 June Chadwick 12/02 Ruby Schmidt 12/14 Ted Rortvedt After School Club, DAMS Joleene Hewitt Ted Arend Diane Mayr Ruth Auringer Joyce Mihlbauer Yvone Ashen Sally Moeller Linda Chappell Alice Noltemeyer Dolores Coyle Deana Peterson Jim Ederer Joanne & Don Quam Susan Landes 12/05 Lawrence Spahn 12/17 Joseph Beck 12/05 Marion Trieloff 12/17 Mildred Herring Judy French Wanda Sokolowski 12/05 Jane Rouleau 12/18 Annis Casetta Liz Graves Hirum Shaw 12/07 Al Jones 12/18 Christopher Hauge 12/07 Beatrice Roberts 12/21 Charles Whitehouse 12/08 Jerry Olson 12/26 Patricia Abel 12/09 Mark Snell 12/27 Ann McCredie Activity Basket Audrey Larsen Candy Count (99) Marie Vent (99) 12/10 Cheryl Robinson 12/27 Hirum Shaw 12/10 Mary Ann Whitehouse Prize Lunch Winners 12/31 Randy Hanson Birthday Celebrations Join us for lunch to celebrate birthdays each month. Contribution guidelines and the month’s menu are on page 5. Lunch is served at 11:30, followed by Bingo at 12:00. Please call ahead for reservations and let us know if you’d like your birthday acknowledged! Door Prize Audrey Larsen Wish List Cube boxes of Kleenex Medium sized bags for popcorn White inexpensive napkins Bingo prizes The Scoop Volunteering Holiday Welcome to our Newest Volunteers Jim Black – Jim is a newly retired high school teacher and chemist. He is also experienced in computer programming and instruction. He has shared his expertise in volunteering with RSVP and is now eager to share computer skills with us here at the Center. Thanks, Jim, for helping to make many of us computer savvy. Welcome! Keiko Bucher – Keiko is a lovely woman who wants to get involved in the community. She has a wealth of experience in customer service and enjoys being around people. She has many areas of interest to serve at the Center and plans to begin delivering meals to the homebound as a starter. Welcome, Keiko, to our volunteer team! Julie Geib – Julie is an energetic young woman who is Resident Care Director for Sylvan Crossings in Waunakee. What a better way to get to know people in the community than to deliver meals. She is a busy gal working full time but is to be commended for spending her lunch hour to deliver meals! Thank you, Julie, for being an inspiration. Welcome! …where you actually GAIN the Freedom to Enjoy your Independent Life style more! Spacious 1-2 Bedroom Units Available! Free yourself from home maintenance & yard work. We welcome new friends to our fun & active Community. 6800 Parkside Cr, Windsor (608)846-4640 Tours Mon-Fri. 10am-4pm www.theparksidevillage.com Page 11 Clarification for RSVP Escort Requests Rides are available for medical and medically related appointments through the RSVP program. A minimum of 3 business days advance notice is required. When you call in, please tell the receptionist that you would like to schedule an RSVP ride. You will be transferred to an extension where you will hear a recording instructing you to leave your name, phone number, destination and most importantly the date you will need your ride. A staff person will call in the late afternoon after 3:30 p.m. to confirm your request and to gather more information. (Friday requests will be called on Monday) Scheduling all requests happens weekly. Your driver will call the evening before your ride to discuss logistics of your ride and any other information that needs to be shared. Congratulations to Marie Vent Marie Vent was recognized at the October 24th RSVP of Dane County Annual Volunteer Appreciation Event by becoming a member of RSVP President’s Lifetime Achievement Award Winners 4,000 Hours Club. Marie has donated 4,108 hours to date. Marie is our meticulous greeting card designer. With over 4,000 hours of card-making, that’s a lot of cards! Thank you, Marie, for sharing your wonderful talents! Looking for a fulfilling volunteer opportunity? Consider becoming a Peer Support Volunteer. Peer Support Volunteers are needed to provide friendly home visits to older adults in the DeForest area. No experience necessary and training is provided. This is a flexible volunteer opportunity. By providing social support to a homebound or isolated, older adult, Peer Support Volunteers give back to the community in a meaningful way. To learn more about the Peer Support program, please contact Lisa Karr at (608-846-9469) or lkarr@thecommunitycornerstone.org. Activities & Programs Page 12 ZUMBA Gold! December 2014 Start 2015 right by joining the upcoming ZUMBA Gold classes, Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m. January 7th through February 25. Enjoy working out in a party like atmosphere with zesty Latin music like salsa, meringue, cumbia, and reggae. This dance and fitness class is friendly, fun and geared for the active older adult. Michele Skare, a certified ZUMBA Gold instructor, will be leading the class. You do not have to know how to dance, simply keep moving, feel the music, and have fun! Please pre-register with Sue, $40.00 for the 8 week session. Mah jongg Scratch Art Group Scratch Art classes meet again on Wednesdays from 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. to work on their individual projects. The group will meet weekly until December 17th and participants are helping and giving each other artistic support. If you are not able to make it every week, that is fine. If you would like to join this group and socialize as you create your pictures, you just need to show up at the class. We are calling for all interested Mah jongg players! There is an interest to start playing Mah jongg at The Center, which will meet on Tuesday, December 16th at 12:30 p.m. Mah jongg( Mah-Jawng) is a game of strategy that has been played in China for centuries. It is played with 3 to 4 players. It is played with tiles and you must have 13 tiles at one time during the match. You win when all 13 tiles match a hand on the card. Please contact Sue at the Center if this time will not work, but are interested in joining the group. Deck the Halls Monday, December 1st Help get the Center into the holiday spirit! Trim the trees and decorate the Center on Monday, December 1st at 9:30 a.m. and the community room at 12:00 p.m. If you would like to help, please contact Sue. Everyone is welcome to join the fun. Care of Exercise Equipment To help better serve you, please bring non-street shoes to use on exercise equipment. Thank you! Discover the Difference ~ 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments ~ Heat, water & storage included ~ Beautiful Community Room ~ Planned social activities ~ Elevator Service ~ Garages available ~ Small Pets Welcome Call or Visit Today 608-846-7265 Affor dab le Hous in g for Se niors 55 + Join the Knit Wits! This group is for individuals who crochet, latch hook, weave, etc. and allows a time to share ideas and knowledge or to just socialize. Bring your own yarn and needles to connect with the Knit Wits on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month. The group meets in front of the Fireplace in the Fireplace Room at 12:30 p.m. If you have questions about this activity, please contact Sue. Roundabouts: How to Deal with Them; They are Here to Stay More roundabouts by DeForest have opened. Learn how roundabouts are designed and become more comfortable when your route takes you to a roundabout. This is a great opportunity to learn how to drive through the roundabouts in the Windsor and DeForest area. This presentation will take place on Tuesday, December 9th at 12:00 p.m. at the Center. Robert Lex from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation will be presenting. Activities & Programs The Scoop Inclement Weather Policy It’s that time of year again!.... If the DeForest Area schools close due to extreme weather conditions, home delivered meals, as well as the noontime meal at the Center will be cancelled. No transportation will be available, and all programming will be cancelled as well. School closings are announced on all the major networks and most radio stations. The Center may also be closed for all or part of the day at the discretion of the Executive Director. If the Center does close for the day, the telephone message will be updated. When in doubt, always call the Center to confirm before attempting to head out. If you have any questions regarding this policy, please call the Center at 846-9469. Page 13 Technology Time with J.T. Join high school intern J.T. Mueller and learn more about IPads and other technology. J.T. will be teaching and answering questions on Friday December 12th at 1:30 p.m. and Monday December 29th at 10:00 a.m. The center has a nook tablet available to checkout for up to two weeks and also 2 iPads available for use at the center. If you have your own device, you can bring it in and J.T. may be able to help you. Please join him to get more knowledge on any technology you might have questions about. Red Hatter Chatter The DeForest Red Hatters next meeting is Wednesday, December 3 at the DeForest Area Community and Senior Center. Following the meeting we will go to the Rodeside Grill for our holiday party. New members are always welcome and enjoy the fun! - Queen Mother - Karen Laufenberg Computer Assistance Carolyn Becker will be available on Thursday, December 11 at 10:00 a.m. and Jim Black will help on Monday, December 15 at 1:00 p.m. to answer questions about computers. Come in and learn more about what computers can do for you! Gift Wrapping A volunteer will be at the Center on Thursday, December 18 between 9:15 and 11:45 a.m. to wrap your holiday gifts at no cost. We will supply the paper, bows, and tags so all you have to do is bring in your packages. Make your holiday easier and take advantage of this great service. Yoga 8-Ball Pool Tournament On Wednesday, December 3rd the Center is holding an 8Ball Pool Tournament beginning at 9:00 a.m. The entry fee to compete is $5 per person with 100% payback to the top three finishers. The tournament is double elimination – exact format determined by the number of entries. Bulls eye rules will apply. If you have any questions, please call Sue at the Center. Join Katy Blum, certified yoga teacher, for an energizing yoga flow class. You will focus on the basics of yoga postures while linking breath work with movement. Increase your healthy flexibility in both body and mind while participating in a guided yoga practice that is both playful and peaceful; helping to deepen your self-awareness, self-acceptance, strength and compassion. You will need to bring to class a yoga mat (limited number of mats at the Center), water bottle, a towel and your own block or strap if you have one. January 15 through March 5th. Please preregister with Sue, the class is $40.00 for 8 weeks. Trips Page 14 December 2014 2015 Badger Tour & Travel Bus Trips “A Talent for Murder” Sunday, February 8th, Beloit, $87 Saturday, March 21st Laverne & Shirley, $103 Enjoy a suspenseful drama featuring an internationally successful mystery novelist whose relatives wouldn’t mind killing her to get their hands on her extensive art collection. Come along for the ride and enjoy the plot twists as found in every great murdermystery. A buffet lunch featuring two pasta entrees, vegetable, salad, cookies and non-alcoholic beverage is included prior to the performance at Domenico’s Italian Ristorante. Thursday, April 9th Going Greek in Chicago, $107 Wednesday, May 6th Polish Milwaukee, $107 Thursday, June 4th Maggie Mae & Barn Dance, $97 Tuesday, July 14th Fantastic Fond du Lac, $87 Thursday, August 13th Title Town During Training, $97 Thursday, September 17th Stars of Walworth County, $87 Wednesday, October 7th Dig Chicago, $113 Friday, October 16th The Glass Pumpkin ,$97 Friday, November 20th Holiday Stocking Stuffer, $87 RSVP by December 19th! Please contact Sue for additional information. Extended Travel Find informative brochures at the Center or talk with Sue for more information Plantation Paradise February 28th-March 2015 Enjoy an extended bus trip to Louisiana to spend four nights in the cabins at the Nottoway Plantation. A highlight will surely be the Swamp Stomp at the plantation with a downhome Cajun feast. Day trips include scenic drives across rivers and swamps to Lafayette, New Orleans, and Baton Rouge to enjoy “Jungle Gardens,” the French Quarter, the State Capital and much more. The trip includes pick up at your home and 13 meals. Single Occupancy, $1399, double $1139. Deadwood August 23-28th Join friends for a trip to the Black Hills of South Dakota including visits to Mount Rushmore, the Badlands, Wall Drug as well as Custer National Park. Enjoy an Evening Lighting Ceremony at Mount Rushmore. Three nights will be spent at the Silverado-Franklin Historic Hotel & Gaming Complex with S15 free play and $15 match play. Two nights at Royal River include an added bonus of free evening buffet and $25 free slot play on your club card on both day one and five. Single occupancy $719, double $599. Mayflower Travels Collette Travels Branson Nostalgia! May 11-15th 2015 Australia: A Taste of the South Pacific March 15-27, 2015 The Legendary Blue Danube River Cruise, April 29, 2015, 11 days Hungary, Slovakia, Austria, Germany and the Czech Republic US Pacific Northwest & California October 4-11, 2015 The Scoop Evenings & Weekends Page 15 Evening & Weekend Groups Networking Navigators meet for a business meeting every Tuesday at 7:45 a.m. Visitors are always welcome. For information contact Peg Shannon at 834-3206. For information about using the Center for your evening or weekend event, please contact Nancy or Cindy at 846-9469, extension 233. Please leave your name, phone number, and a brief message and staff will return your call. WinterFest Celebration at the Center The community wide WinterFest celebration will be held on Saturday, December 6th 8:30 - 10:00 a.m. Cinnamon rolls with Santa Sponsored by Settlers Bank 10 - 11:30 a.m. Bingo, by the National Honor Society 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. Jeffery Hollander, Piano Concert and reception—Sponsored by 1st National Bank American Legion Post #348 meets on Tuesday, Dec. 16, 2014 at 7:00p.m. For information contact Bill Ridgely 846-2823 American Legion Auxiliary meets on Tuesday, Dec. 16, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. For information contact Darlene Scafe at 8468826. Weight Watchers meet every Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. Please call Weight Watchers toll-free at 1-800-651-6000 to get information. Diamond Squares Dance on Sunday, Dec. 21, 2014 from 2:00—4:30 p.m. For information contact June Myklebust at 8469104. Parks & Recreation classes meet in December as listed below. For additional information on these classes, contact Village Recreation Coordinator Nicole Moll at 846-6751. Yoga – Wednesday- 5:45 p.m. Insanity-Thursday- 6:00 p.m. Commission & Board Commission Meeting The DeForest Area Joint Community Center Commission will meet on Tuesday, December 11th at 4:00 p.m. at the Center. The agenda will be posted at the Center. DeForest Area Joint Community Center Commission Jason Kramar, President; Bruce Stravinski, Vice President; Lonnie Breggeman, Secretary; Connie Tenjum, Treasurer. Commissioners: Marian Drake; Jane Henze; Jim Johnston; Myra Josephson; and Robert Pulvermacher. DeForest Half Century Club, Inc. Bruce Stravinski, President; Jason Kramar, Vice President; Lonnie Breggeman, Secretary; Connie Tenjum, Treasurer. Directors: Marian Drake; Jane Henze; Jim Johnston; and Robert Pulvermacher. DeForest Area Community and Senior Center 505 North Main Street DeForest, WI 53532 Please consider remembering the Center in your will. Accredited by the Wisconsin Association of Senior Centers DEFOREST AREA COMMUNITY & SENIOR CENTER 505 North Main Street, DeForest, Wisconsin 53532 Phone: 608-846-9469 Fax: 608-846-2621 Open 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Monday - Friday Visit us on the web at www.thecommunitycornerstone.org Executive Director: Associate Director: Case Manager: Case Manager: Program Coordinator: Volunteer Coordinator: Nutrition Coordinator: Peer Support Coordinator: Assistant Coordinator: Assistant Coordinator: Community Events Coordinator: Community Events Coordinator: Linda Green Barb Cooper Roxane Carley Natalie Raemisch Sue Miller Mary Jorgensen Jennifer Mills Lisa Karr Mary Herschleb Cheryl Ksobiech Nancy Schoenmann Cindy Edge e-mail: e-mail e-mail: e-mail: e-mail: e-mail: e-mail: e-mail: e-mail: e-mail: e-mail: e-mail: lgreen@thecommunitycornerstone.org bcooper@thecommunitycornerstone.org rcarley@thecommunitycornerstone.org nraemisch@thecommunitycornerstone.org smiller@thecommunitycornerstone.org mjorgensen@thecommunitycornerstone.org jmills@thecommunitycornerstone.org lkarr@thecommunitycornerstone.org ac@thecommunitycornerstone.org ac@thecommunitycornerstone.org cec@thecommunitycornerstone.org cec@thecommunitycornerstone.org
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