Deanery page December 21, 2014

Wednesday, December 24 ~ Christmas Eve,
4:00 p.m. Sacred Heart
4:00 p.m. St. Francis de Sales
4:00 p.m. St. Mary
4:00 p.m. St. Michael the Archangel
4:00 p.m St. Thomas the Apostle
5:00 p.m. Prince of Peace
7:00 p.m. Our Lady of Grace
7:00 p.m. St. Mary (espanol)
8:00 p.m. Prince of Peace
9:00 p.m. St. Francis de Sales
Fourth Sunday of Advent
A Family Perspective by Bud Ozar
Question: What do you call a family which began with
an unmarried pregnant teen and had a twelve year old
son who ran away from home and was eventually
executed as a criminal?
Answer: HOLY! Two lessons in today’s Gospel:
(1) No matter what is happening in your family, “The
Lord is with you.” (2) “Do not be afraid” for nothing is
impossible with God.
Thursday, December 25 ~ Christmas Day
12:00 a.m. St. Mary
8:30 a.m. St. Mary’s of the Woods
9:00 a.m. St. Michael the Archangel
9:00 a.m. St. Thomas the Apostle
10:00 a.m. Our Lady of Grace
10:00 a.m. St. Mary
10:30 a.m. Prince of Peace
11:00 a.m. Sacred Heart
11:00 a.m. St. Francis de Sales
5:00 p.m. St. Michael the Archangel
Happy 50th Anniversary of Ordination
Fr. Julian Reginato
December 19, 1964
Cards may be sent to:
St. Francis Church c/o Fr. Julian Reginato
2929 McCracken St., 49441 or to his home:
17570 Park Place, Spring Lake, MI 49456
•2nd Anniversary Thanksgiving Mass for the closing of the
Abortion Clinic in Muskegon on December 26. Mass will be •CCWM Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry and Meijer
held at Sacred Heart (150 E. Summit Ave) with Mass and
Partner to Provide Hunger Relief in Muskegon County
Rosary beginning at 8:30 AM. Please come and invite your
Through Holiday Simply Give Food Pantry Donation
friends! Let us thank God for answering our prayers here in
Holiday Campaign continues thru January 3..
Muskegon and continue to pray for the closing of abortion mills Here is how it works…..purchase $10 Meijer Simply Give
donation cards, which are then converted into Meijer Gift
all around the world.
Cards and given to us here at Loaves & Fishes Food Pantry.
•Need a last minute Christmas gift or stocking stuffer?
Donation cards are available at the Norton Shores store if
Green & Gold Club Athletic Club are collecting for the 50/50
you do not have one with you . Only the Norton Shores
Monthly Raffle for 2015. Proceeds are used to support MCC
gives to our food pantry, so you must use the card or
School Athletics. You can purchase any number of tickets or
the card at the Norton Shores Store! Then Mejier
$12 for a year’s worth of monthly drawings. Call 755-2201 to
donation. If you give $10, Meijer gives us
learn more.
$20 in gift cards. If you helped in the last promotion, we
•Getting Married? St. Francis Pre Cana registration has
received $50,890.00 in gift cards to purchase food from
begun. Class will be held the weekend of February 6/7. Cost is
Meijer. It has really helped and made a difference ~
$75 per couple. Deadline for registration is January 30. Contact THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
Mary Wernet 755-1953 x223 / •The holidays can be a stressful time for many people. If you
•Check out Kelly Catholic Center for all your Advent and
are struggling with grief and loss, family or relationship
Christmas needs! 2100 Henry St. open M-F 10:00 a.m—6:00
issues, depression, anxiety, loneliness or any emotionally
p.m. or call 755-0221.
painful situation, please call Catholic Charities West
•Did you know ….. St. Thomas offers an American Sign
Michigan's Behavioral Health Department at 1-877-359Language interpreter for the hearing impaired at 9:00 AM Mass. 6523 to schedule an appointment to talk to one of our highly
•Help Bishop Walkowiak Get Catholic TV in West
qualified counselors. We are here for you.
Michigan! Bishop Walkowiak is asking that Catholics in the
•Our community is in great need of people who are able to
Diocese of Grand Rapids go to
open their hearts and homes to foster children. Please call
to send your cable or satellite provider an email asking that they Catholic Charities West Michigan's Foster Care
program 1-866-857-1593 and ask for a foster care licensing
add The Catholic TV Network in our area.
worker for more information.
•Christmas Nativity Walk Saturday, December 20 any time
between 6-9 PM or Sunday December 21 any time between 2 & 4
PM at Trinity Church (3225 Roosevelt Rd). Come prepare your
heart for the true meaning of Christmas with 8 scene, live, FREE
Christmas Nativity Walk.
•Pork & Sauerkraut Dinner at Tatra Hall (corner of 6th and
Sherman) every 3rd Sunday of the month from 11:30 a.m—3:00 pm
Cost $8. Questions? Call 733-7525.
•All You Can Eat Breakfast Buffet at Tatra Hall (corner of 6th
and Sherman) every 4th Sunday of the month from 8:30—Noon.
Cost $8. Questions? Call 733-7525.
•Do you have time to save a life? The American Red Cross need
volunteers for transporting seniors to medical appointments and
office support personnel. Volunteers use Red Cross vehicles and
are needed to drive one morning or one afternoon each week. To
learn more about how you can volunteer at Red Cross, contact Rose
Sanchez (231) 720-4227.
•ITALY PILGRIMAGE: Days: December 2 - 9, 2015 $3204
per person from Grand Rapids, Spend 9 days experiencing Italy as
we visit Florence, Assisi and Rome. Our journey includes daily
Mass celebrated in various historic Churches and is completed with
an Audience with our Holy Father, Pope Francis. For more
information or a brochure please contact: Mark Robillard
(231) 343-1185 / or Fr. Phil Witkowski
(906) 586-6049 /
•Saint John Paul II Poland Pilgrimage May 7-15, 2015. We
hope you will be able to join us on this exciting and faith filled
pilgrimage to experience the rich and beautiful Polish culture by
participating in their traditions, all while exploring the places
where St. John Paul II lived and walked. Contact Erika Piotrowski
(231) 720-8378 or
•St. Mary’s Cemetery has options available for your burial
needs. Call (231) 722-3956 to learn more or stop by the office
1915 Park St. (corner of Park & Laketon).