December 21, 2014 • Fourth Sunday of Advent HOLY APOSTLES C A T H O L I C C H U R C H 6300 N Meridian Road 83646 • P.O. Box 708 Meridian, Idaho 83680 P: 208-888-1182 F: 208-884-1800 Mass Schedule Saturday Evening: 5:00 pm Sunday Morning: 9:00 am & 11:00 am Sunday Evening: 6:00 pm Father MacMillan, Pastor Weekday Masses: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday: 8:30 am Communion Service: Thursday at 8:30 am Father Legerski, Parochial Vicar Deacons Robert Barros-Bailey Ralph Flager Gerald Pera Bernie Rekiere Malherbe Desert Brian Flowers Charles Rasmussen David Shackley Sacraments Reconciliation: Saturday 3:30pm Baptism & Marriage: Please call Parish Office Anointing of the Sick: Offered during Saturday Reconciliation hours (3:30-4:30pm); otherwise, contact the Parish Office to schedule an appointment All are invited to pray the Rosary in the Day Chapel 30 minutes before all weekend Masses. Welcome No matter what your present or past status in the Catholic Church. No matter what your current family or marital situation. No matter what your personal history, age, background, race or color. You are invited, welcomed, accepted and loved at Holy Apostles Catholic Church. This Week Bulletin Deadline Reconciliation Services - 7pm Parish Bulletin ( All bulletin articles must be submitted by 12 Noon on Friday of the previous week (9 days before). Monday December 22 St. Marks Thursday Weekly E-Newsletter Go to to sign up for the Holy Apostles weekly newsletter. Mass Schedule for December Weekly Readings Week of December 21 , 2014 Sunday: 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16/Rom 16:25-27/ Lk 1:26-38 Monday: 1 Sm 1:24-28/Lk 1:46-56 Tuesday: Mal 3:1-4, 23-24/Lk 1:57-66 Wednesday: Morning: 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16/Lk 1:67-79 Thursday: Vigil: Is 62:1-5/Acts 13:16-17, 22-25/Mt 1:1-25 or 1:18-25 Midnight: Is 9:1-6/Ti 2:11-14/Lk 2:1-14 Dawn: Is 62:11-12/Ti 3:4-7/Lk 2:15-20 Day: Is 52:7-10/Heb 1:1-6/Jn 1:1-18 or 1:1-5, 9-14 Friday: Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59/Mt 10:17-22 Saturday: 1 Jn 1:1-4/Jn 20:1a, 2-8 Next Sunday: Gn 15:1-6; 21:1-3 or Sir 3:2-6, 12-14/ Heb 11:8, 11-12, 17-19 or Col 3:12-21 or 3:12-17/ Lk 2:22-40 or 2:22, 39-40 Pianists Needed A Pianist is needed at the Saturday, 5pm and Sunday, 11am Masses. We are all given gifts and talents from God; please consider sharing yours. Call Jon McKay at 888-1182 or email him at Volunteer Opportunity Holy Apostles is in need of a few people who are willing to set up tables and/or take down tables for funeral dinners. Requires lifting chairs, moving tables, etc. If interested, all Midge Lee at 888-1182, x-3011 or email her at Did You Know? December 22 & 23: Mass at 8:30am Christmas Eve Masses at 7pm, 9pm and Midnight Christmas Day: Mass at 10am December 26: December 27 & 28: December 31: January 1: January 2: Mass at 8:30am Regular Weekend Masses Mass at 8:30am and 5pm Mass at 10am 8:30am Communion Service Parish Office will be closed on December 24, 25, 26 December 31 & January 1 Book Club Meeting The Apostles Book Club’s next book to read is “Father Brown Series, “The Flying Stars” by G.K. Chesterton. This is a short Christmas story perfect for the coming busy season. The next meeting will be Thursday, December 18, from 7:00-8:30 in rooms 100-101. Please bring a wrapped book (It can be a used or one that you have finished, etc.) for a book exchange. For more information please contact, Normie Melendez (, Teresa Miller (, or JoAnn Shaul ( Friday Morning Playgroup Parents and caregivers of children 5 and under are invited to Holy Apostles Playgroup. Drop in and see! Group meets at 9:30am in Rm 102. Upcoming Playgroups Dates Dec 19 - Countdown to Christmas, Jesus, Letter J Priest Homilies are available on the Home Page of the Parish website ( 2| Welcome to Holy Apostles Follow us on Facebook at Holy Apostles Church Thoughts for Advent Fourth Sunday of Advent In today’s Gospel reading we hear proclaimed the story of the Annunciation, when the angel of the Lord announced to Mary that she would give birth to Christ through the intercession of the Holy Spirit. Mary allowed God’s messenger to speak to her. She was attentive, not afraid to enter into a dialogue, then unconditionally obedient. Mary’s acceptance of this mystery is a stewardship model for us. Good stewards remain open to the incursions of divine life into the normal course of their daily lives. How open are we to the promptings of the Holy Spirit in our own lives? What might we do this last week of Advent to be more attentive to the Lord? The Holy Family: Learn it, Live it! A new whole family-catechesis ministry is in the planning stages. The first event will be held on January 10, 2015 at 6pm in the dining room. Please plan to attend. Also, please contact Robert Rust at or 208-949-7370 if you can share your time and talent to guide us as we start this exciting new ministry! Teaching the poor to provide for themselves A group of Holy Apostles parishioners recently returned from a vision trip to Benque Viejo, Belize. The group met with catholic leaders in the community and discussed supporting projects such as: a raised vegetable bed, rabbitry, restoration of a convent, and building a classroom at Our Lady of Mount Carmel high school. The projects are not a one-time donation, as they will help teach the poor to provide for themselves. Look for information on the “Serving the Poor through Mission Trips” in future bulletins. Becoming Catholic Pope John Paul II often said: "Open wide your heart to Jesus Christ." If something is missing in your life, if there is an emptiness you cannot explain, know that Jesus Christ can fill the void. Think about finding him in the Catholic Church, the Church Jesus Himself founded 2,000 years ago. If you would like to talk about joining the Catholic Church, call Mary @ 888-1182. Advent: Exercising Good Stewardship of Our Spiritual Lives from International Catholic Stewardship Council Newsletter When you say the word “Advent,” what immediately pops into mind? A feast of color, a traditional manger scene bathed in soft candlelight, glistening snowflakes falling on festive trees, a yearning for the One who is to come. But sometimes, the season brings other images: crowded stores, treats that tempt us to too many calories, limitless to-do and to-buy lists. Yet in the back of our minds, we hear the call to conversion. Christ is calling us to be good stewards of all that we have and all that we are. How can we keep Advent in such a way that it is a time to focus on the fundamentals of stewardship; of spiritual growth and preparation for the coming of Jesus Christ? Here are a few suggestions, not meant to be another to-do list, but rather a way to remind ourselves daily of our call to prepare a way for the Lord in our lives. • Begin the season with a list to prioritize what you really want spiritually, and in relation to friends and family, from Advent. Discard all the “extras” and the fantasy of the perfect Hallmark Christmas. List clear goals that bring growth and peace and quality time. • Take time to read the daily readings each day of Advent. The beautiful words of Isaiah are guaranteed to inspire, and the commitment will guarantee you a bit of quiet and reflective time. • Do you send Christmas cards? Even if they are the standard signature only or newsletter variety, try to personalize one a day, writing a nice note to an elderly relative or a friend you haven’t seen in a long time. • Go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation. This will encourage you to reflect on your life, your gifts and where you fail to utilize them for the good of others. It’s a beautiful preparation for the coming of Jesus and the beginning of a new year. • Pray for patience. As you drive over icy streets or navigate through a crowded store, take time to pray for those around you and for those who struggle with much less. Become aware of people around you and lift them in prayer rather than see them as obstacles to your goals. • In the midst of a season of abundance, do not forget the poor in your community. Meridian, Idaho |3 Faith Formation Holy Apostles News Upcoming Tuesday Adult Ed 9:30am & 6:30pm (Dining Room) Rebuilt: The Story of a Catholic Parish (Book available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Reilly’s, etc.) Part 1: Naming the Problem (Fr. Len) Jan. 6 Part 2: Finding a Way Forward (Fr. Len) Jan. 13 Part 3.1: Developing a Strategy 1 (Fr. Len) Jan. 20 Part 3.2: Developing a Strategy 2 (Deacon Bob) Jan. 27 Part 3.3: Developing a Strategy 3 (Deacon Bob) February 3 Catholic Questions: Catholic Answers Questions and Answers w/Deacon Bob February 10 Questions and Answers w/Fr. Len February 17 Lenten Series: Priest, Prophet, King February 24, March 3, 10, 17, 24 & 31 Marriage Prep Holy Apostles will be holding a Marriage Preparation Class during the weekend of January 23-24. Marriage Prep is required for all couples planning to receive the Sacrament of Marriage. The deadline to register is Friday, January 16, 2015. For more details please contact Midge Lee at 208-888-1182 or email her at Religious Education Calendar For December Dec. 21 – Pre-School-Kindergarten RE Classes Dec. 22/23 – No Classes – Christmas Break Dec. 28 – KidsWord During the 11:00 Mass Dec. 29/30 – No Classes – Christmas Break CBC – Bringing Catholic Neighbors Together 4| Welcome to Holy Apostles Family Eucharistic Adoration Every Monday 5:00-6:00 pm In the Adoration Chapel For more information on Family Eucharistic Adoration, please call Theresa or Blanca in the RE office at 888-1182 ext. 3022 or 3021. Random Catholic of the Week This is Candy. She has been a member of Holy Apostles for about 8 years. Candy normally attends the 5pm Saturday Mass. Her favorite season is Autumn. Mark your calendar... Please join us at Holy Apostles for a new Business Networking Group First Meeting: Thursday, January 8th 4:30pm – 5:30pm What a great way for business owners to meet and connect with other business owners in the parish. Please come and get to know who is represented and how we might be able to help each other. We look forward to seeing you! Questions, call or email: Rob Gerichs 853-6272 or Kellie Allen 941-4914 Spiritual gifts and family life Parents are called to stand in the place of God in their families. What many parents don’t realize is that they have been specially equipped to do so, in part by the sacramental graces of marriage and in part by gifts of the Holy Spirit given to all Christians at Baptism. How can you discern the gifts that God has given you for the sake of your family? How can you help to discern the gifts God has given to your children? On January 23 & 24, Sacred Heart Church (Boise) will host a twoday program, the Called & Gifted Workshop that will teach about the gifts of the Holy Spirit that all Christians have been given and that are already at work in our lives. Cost is $50. Registration forms are available at SAVE THE DATE Friday - February 6, 2015 BIRTHRIGHT ANNUAL FUNDRAISER - Riverside Hotel New this year: entertainment by Holy Apostles’ “Swingin’ with Ellie”! If you’re unable to attend but would like to make a donation (monetary or other for our silent auction or raffle) either before year-end or in Jan/Feb 2015, please contact: Kathy Coops, Fundraiser Chairperson - 208-562-1468 Lucas House The Aldridge family is a vibrant family and has been a member of Holy Apostles for many years. They would like to share their story with fellow parishioners. Their vision is to provide holistic respite and palliative care for children affected by lifelimiting diagnoses, in a center that would provide Family-centered support and services in addition to Children’s play based activities in a Home-like setting. Please take the time to view their video on and updates on . You can make a difference for these children and their families. Contact Alissa Aldrich at for information. Once a month, the children’s collection at Holy Apostles will be designated for Lucas House. Call Carol at Sacred Heart (208-344-8311) for more information. Little Flowers Girls Club Holy Apostles Little Flowers Girls Club (ages 5-10) meets on the 3rd Saturday of the month. It is run as a co-op with both mothers and daughters present. Each month focuses on a different virtue, saint and scripture verse. Contact Colleen Ware by calling/texting 4849050 or email her at Next meeting: January 17 at 10am in Room 102. Meridian, Idaho |5 Health ~Parish Nursing~For Wellness of Body, Mind and Spirit~ Help for Struggling Marriages (or maybe “Retrouvaille for Struggling Marriages”): Here’s hope! “Retrouvaille” is a successful Catholic program that consists of one weekend followed by six sessions. All struggling couples are welcome, even if you’re separated or divorced. To find a weekend to attend, go to The next Boise weekend will be March 13, 2015. Anointing of the Sick: Do you have a planned hospital stay, and need the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick? Anointing of the Sick can be offered during reconciliation hours, Saturday 3:30-5:00pm, otherwise, contact the Parish Office to schedule an appointment, 888-1182. Surviving Loss By Suicide - Support for Family and Friends An 8 week rotating curriculum for new and returning members. Meet on the 4th Monday of each month, 7 to 8:30 PM in Room 101. The next meeting will be December 22nd. Call Cynthia Mauzerall, 407-3205 for information. The Flu Season is Here Hand washing is an important step in preventing the spread of germs among parishioners. Please lather hands for a full 20 seconds before rinsing, each time you use the restrooms. If you are not feeling well, running a temperature, or have a child who is not feeling well, please consider staying home. Cover your cough with the inside of your elbow, and use hand sanitizer when washing your hands is not possible. Please know that your awareness and consideration of others is appreciated by all. Let’s stop the spread of the Flu and illnesses that interrupt our lives. From the Business Office Well done, my good and faithful servant! Year End Contributions: The parish office will be closed December 31 & January 1. If you are planning to make a year-End Contribution that you wish to appear on your 2014 Contribution statement, it needs to be in the parish office by 12/30/14. If you are mailing in your contributions, it must be postmarked on or before 12/30/14. Thank You! After serving Holy Apostles for seventeen years as Parish Bookkeeper, Deb Miller is retiring. Online Giving: If you are interested in donating sacrificially to the parish, you may use online giving by going to the Diocesan website Look for giving on the top right corner and follow the prompts. Be sure to click Holy Apostles General Fund for sacrificial giving or Holy Apostles building fund. For those of you using online giving or monthly bank drafts, if you are receiving tithing envelopes and care not to, please call ext. 3003 and leave a message. The 2014 Idaho Catholic Appeal: We are shy $23,607 of our goal $211,939, or 88.86%. You may pledge online at Envelopes are also available in the gathering space along with a brochure. Thank you for your consideration. 6| Welcome to Holy Apostles Holy Apostles is the largest Parish in the state, and keeping the finances in order was no easy task. Deb was very dedicated and diligent and filling her shoes will not be easy! Deb handled all aspects of Holy Apostles’ finances from purchase orders, contracts, payroll, accounts receivable and payable, to yearly budgets, financial forecasting, and other various functions. The hardest job, of course, was keeping the staff and Pastor in line! Please keep Deb in your prayers as she embarks on a new chapter of her life. She will be missed by parishioners and staff alike. God, we offer thanks for the time, energy, and commitment Deb gave as Holy Apostles’ bookkeeper. We celebrate all that she gave in service. We pray for your abundant grace in the anticipated and unexpected blessings of the days to come, and for opening horizons of new ways to serve you and others. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, who served others as carpenter, rabbi, healer, and friend. Amen. Best Wishes from Father Len, Father John, Deacons, Staff & Parishioners Parish Information Columbarium Niches Are available for Holy Apostles parishioners. Please contact the parish office at 888-1182, x-3003. Advertiser Spotlight Council of Catholic Women Meets on the 2nd Monday of each month Sept-May. Mass at 6:30pm and business meeting at 7pm. Joan Worden, President 890-0846 Idaho Catholic Register Thank you for your support by paying for the ICR being delivered to your mail box.. Your $17.00 check to the parish may be dropped in the collection basket. In Honor of Our Mothers In the church by the St. Joseph’s Grotto we have a tree to honor our mothers. Leaves are available for purchase. Contact Deb at ext. 3003 for information. Knights of Columbus Meets on the 1st Wednesday of each month. Grand Knight-Gary Babbitt Legion of Mary Our Lady of the Smiles. Monday evenings at 7pm, Room 108: Contact Evie Thibault 602-3421 Our Lady of Tears. Thursday mornings at 9:15am, Room 108: Contact Mary Hill 794-7557 Our Lady of Victory. Friday mornings at 9:30am, Room 108: Contact Sandra Whittaker 938-1310 Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Thursday afternoons, 2 pm at the home of Linda Scherer. Contact 871-4796 Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration For more information, contact: Cookie at 939-8430, Carol C at 323-7634 or Carol M at 939-0703 Prayer Chain Holy Apostles has a prayer chain that prays for the needs of all and would like to pray for you. If you need prayer for any reason, call Ann Grindstaff, 3784656. Rosary Makers Rosary Makers meet Thursday mornings at 9:30am in Room 109. Call Cora Fischer at 376-0397. St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry Hours Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 1pm-4pm Thursday: 5:30pm-7pm Annual December 26 Downtown Boise Christmas Church Walk A Treasure Valley Event Sponsored by the Les Bois Chapter of the American Guild of Organists This unique Treasure Valley event will take place on Friday, December 26, 3:00-5:30 p.m. The self-guided walking tour is for the community to be able to look at the Christmas decorations, hear special music and view the various architectural styles of the churches. What makes this event special is that all the churches are within walking distance of each other. The Church Walk will conclude with a Christmas Music Sing from 5:30-6:p.m. at St. John’s Roman Catholic Cathedral featuring the Cathedral Organist, Dr. Raphael Morvant, with Ann Reed as Director. The churches are: Central City Christian Church at 615 N. 9th St., First Church of Christ Scientist at 880 W. State St., First Presbyterian Church at 950 W. State St., First United Methodist Church at 717 N. 11th St., Immanuel Lutheran Church at 707 W. Fort St., St. John’s Roman Catholic Cathedral at 775 N. 8th St., St. Michael’s Episcopal Cathedral at 518 N. 8th St. and St. Paul Baptist Church at 1320 W. Bannock St. The event is free and open to the public. You are invited to bring your friends and house guests, and the Walk can begin at any of the churches. Specific church information will be available at each church Dec. 26. Follow us on Facebook at Holy Apostles Church Meridian, Idaho |7 Directory Parish Office Hours Monday–Friday 9-5pm, Closed 12-1pm Holy Apostles Parish Staff To email Parish Office Staff and Directors, use person’s first initial & last Deb Miller, Bookkeeper......................................... ext-3003 Paul Miller, Facilities Manager ..............................ext-3023 Jon McKay, Music Director ...................................ext-3020 Monique Kilroy, Parish Nursing .............................ext-3008 Midge Lee, Pastoral Associate of Liturgy (Weddings, Funerals) ............................................ext-3011 Patty Blazek, Pastoral Associate of Ministries.....ext-3009 Joie LaCasse, Receptionist ....................................ext-3001 Faith Formation Directors Preschool - Grade 5 Blanca Hutson..........................................................ext-3021 Theresa Malouf.......................................................ext-3022 Office Hours (Room 107) Mon-Wed 10 am-12 pm / 1 pm-5 pm (or by appt.) Energizers (6-8 grade) Rusty Bang .............................................................. ext-3025 Office Hours Monday-Friday 11am-5pm Energizers meet on Wednesday 7 pm–8:30 pm High School Ministry/Confirmation Deacon Robert Barros-Bailey ............................. ext-3026 Call for appointment ...........................................371-8289 or email ..................................... Becoming Catholic Mary Wax.............................................................. ext-3007 Returning Catholics Donna Dennard .....................................................895-8469 Holy Apostles 20/30’s Group Parish based community of young adults who seek to draw closer to Christ. Deacon Robert Barros-Bailey 371-8289 or To register please come to the Parish Office or e-mail the Parish Office to request a Registration Form. You will also find the forms on our website. Passion & Purpose for Marriage led by renown speaker and author Dr. Allen Hunt Friday February 20, 2015 6:30-10:00 PM Discover key ingredients to a healthy and happy marriage, and take your relationship to a whole new level! Come for a great evening of listening, learning, scripture, and prayer. Don't worry, no one will be asked to share their feelings with the group. This is an opportunity to learn and grow as a person of faith who strives to love in all their relationships. For Tickets ($25/person): Masses During January on sale after Masses or at the parish office; To pay now by credit card, Go online: Save the Date For this Conference Saturday, April 11, 2015 Hosting Parish ~ Holy Apostles Catholic Church More information/registration in January 2015 10th Annual Crab Feast & Benefit Auction Capstone Missions will be having their 10th Annual Crab Feast and Benefit Auction at St. Jerome's Catholic Church in Jerome, ID on February 7, 2015. The evening will be filled with great food, live, silent and dessert auction, all to support a great cause. To purchase tickets, make a donation, or donate an auction item, contact Colleen Crozier at 208-324-4257 or Debby at 208-308-3296. Invite your friends and make an evening out of it! For more infor- 8| Welcome to Holy Apostles Meridian, Idaho |9
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