ST. JOHN FISHER CHURCH BOOTHWYN, PA REV. ROBERT MCDERMOTT, PASTOR December 21, 2014 PRAYER BEFORE A MANGER Lord Jesus, as I kneel before your manger in adoration, let my first Christmas words be “thank you.” Thank you, Gift of the Father, for coming to save me from my sins. Without you I do not know even how to be human. The characteristics of your human body express the divine person of God’s Son. And in that wondrous expression, Lord, you reveal me to myself. Thank you for that saving revelation in your sacred humanity. As the Christmas liturgy proclaims, “in Christ man restores to man the gift of everlasting life.” Thank you for coming as one like myself to save me from myself. SUNDAY SCRIPTURE: Our Gospel reading is Luke 1: 26-28, 19-28. Key Passage: Then Mary said, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.” Then the angel departed from her. Adult: How do you open your heart to what God wants for you? Child: Is there something hard you need to do this week? What might make it easier? THANK YOU! The generosity of the parishioners of Saint John Fisher Parish has been most evident and edifying in the past month. The less fortunate know your compassion in the charity exhibited in the food donations at Thanksgiving, coat donations and the many contributions for the Advent Giving Tree recipients. Thank you to those angels who helped to distribute these gifts including the Holy Saviour and Saint John Fisher Knights of Columbus Councils as well as PREP staff and volunteers. Recipients include the clients of Catholic Social Services in Chester, the Bernardine Center, St. Katherine Drexel Food Cupboard and Clothing Center, Andrea’s Attic in Marcus Hook, and residents of Lutheran Knolls and Parkview Senior Living. You helped many people have a wonderful Christmas! CRECHE IN CHURCH The manger scene of the Nativity this year in the church is from Holy Saviour Church in Linwood. The beauty of the figures inspires us to look with wonder on the mystery of the Incarnation. God the Father gives us the gift of His Son who shares our human nature so to announce the full mystery of God’s love for humanity and save us from sin and death. The Nativity scene in the parish center is from Immaculate Conception Church in Marcus Hook. You come as a baby because babies are irresistible and adorable. You come as a baby because you want our first impression of God incarnate to be that of one who does not judge. How I long to be united with you in every way. May I never be attracted to the allurements and charms of the world. May I love you always, at every moment, with all my heart, soul, mind and strength. May the tenderness, the dependency, and the mercy that you reveal in your infancy become the hallmarks of my life. CHRISTMAS GIVING AND TAX SEASON During this season of giving, please don’t forget your parish community. A gift to Saint John Fisher by December 31st could also give you a gift – a Federal Income Tax deduction. Your thoughtfulness and generosity will help meet the needs of the parish and thus be of benefit to all. For more information, call the parish office at 610-485-0441. 2015 CALENDARS Parish Calendars for 2015 will be available after all Masses on December 27 and 28. Thank you to the Joseph A. Ward Funeral Home for donating these calendars for our parishioners. Please take one after Mass. PREP CLASSES RESUME JANUARY 6th There are no PREP classes for the remainder of 2014. PREP classes will resume on January 6th and 7th. Sunday School resumes on Sunday, January 11. is the top source of local Catholic news, updated every day. Stay informed of events, read Archbishop Chaput’s column and learn about your faith. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SACRAMENT NEWS RECONCILIATION The First Reconciliation Retreat will be held on Monday, January 5, 2015, at 7:00pm in the church. All First Penance candidates and their parents must attend. Rehearsal for First Reconciliation will be on Sunday, January 18, 2015, at 12:30pm on the church. All must attend. First Penance candidates will make the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time on Monday, January 26, 2015, at 7:00pm in the church. All candidates and their families are asked to be in the church by 6:45pm. CONFIRMATION The Blessing of our Confirmation Candidates will be Sunday, January 25, 2015, at the 9:30am Mass. Confirmation candidates should sit in the front of the church. We ask that all parents and sponsors be present. Meeting for Confirmation Candidates, their parents, and sponsors will be Monday, February 2, at 7:00pm in the church. All are expected to attend. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PARISH FREE THROW CONTEST The combined councils, #13710 and #14159, will sponsor the annual Knights of Columbus Free Throw Contest. This event will be held in January 2015. Exact dates will be announced in a future bulletin. This is a great opportunity for all of our children to show their athleticism. All children of the parish are eligible to participate. Stay tuned for dates! DISCOUNTED GIFT CARDS FOR SALE! Attention shoppers! Check out our supply of discounted gift cards! We have American Eagle, The Disney Store, Build-a-Bear, Gymboree, and more. We are selling $25 gift cards for $20, $20 cards for $15, and $100 cards for $90. Stop by the table after Mass and pick one up! IRELAND TRIP: Join Father Steve Curry in Southern Ireland from July 21 to August 1, 2015. For more information, contact Father Curry at 610-519-8693 or Due to the printer’s Christmas production schedule, this bulletin was produced earlier than usual. Consequently, the Sunday collection totals and Football Mania winners will be listed in an upcoming bulletin. As always, thank you for your generosity and consistent financial support of our parish community. 2014 CHRISTMAS SCHEDULE CHRISTMAS MASSES Christmas Eve Wednesday, December 24 3:30 PM – Concert by Youth Choir and Bell Choir 4:00 PM – Mass 6:00 PM – Concert by Adult Choir 6:30 PM – Mass 8:00 PM – Concert by Holy Saviour Knights of Columbus Choir 8:30 PM – Mass Christmas Day Thursday, December 25 8:00, 9:30, and 11:30 AM – Masses SOLEMNITY OF MARY, MOTHER OF GOD New Year’s Eve Wednesday, December 31 4:00 PM – Mass New Year’s Day Thursday, January 1, 2015 10:00 AM – Mass PARISH OFFICE HOLIDAY HOURS Please note that the Parish Office will be closed for the Christmas holiday on Wednesday, December 24; Thursday, December 25; and Friday, December 26. The office will be open on December 27 from 10:00am to noon and on December 28 from 9:00am to 1:00pm. The Saint John Fisher Parish Staff wishes everyone a very merry Christmas and a happy new year! SHAWL MINISTRY: Do you have a relative or friend who is sick? Blessed shawls are available at the Parish Center. You can also add people to our prayer list by calling 610-485-0441, ext. 2. FOOD FOR NEEDY FAMILIES Hunger doesn’t take a holiday! Please continue to help us fill our Aid for Friends freezer, which provides meals for our shut-ins and needy families. It’s easy to freeze your holiday leftovers! Containers are available in the cabinet next to the freezer in the Church Hall. If you have any questions, call the Parish Office at 610-485-0441, ext. 2. DAY OF PRAYER WITH ST. THERESE OF LISIEUX Come spend a day at the Malvern Retreat house on Thursday, January 15, from 9:00am to 3:00pm in a day of prayer with St. Therese, The Little Flower. Retreat director Brother Joseph Schmidt, FSC, a native of Philadelphia and former teacher at West Catholic, has been a Christian Brother ministering for over 60 years as teacher, retreat presenter, lecturer, spiritual director, and counselor. He has been a devotee of St. Therese almost all his life and has written three books about her. He has just returned after five years of teaching young laity, religious and seminarians in Kenya. To register for this retreat, please call the Malvern Retreat House office at 610-644-0400 or register online at ST. FRANCIS DESALES CELEBRATES 125 YEARS! St. Francis de Sales Parish in West Philadelphia is celebrating its 125th anniversary in 2015. On Sunday, January 11, the parish will kick off its year-long celebration with a Mass at 10:15am, followed by a reception in the school auditorium. All former de Sales parishioners are invited to return and share in this parish celebration! Check for more anniversary events online at and ATTENTION YOUNG SINGLES! Mother Boniface Spirituality Center, located at 3501 Solly Avenue in NE Philadelphia, is offering a young adult event entitled “I’m Single and I Know It – What Now?” on January 14, from 7:00-9:00pm. Join fellow young adults and dig into the meaning of living the single vocation in relation to God’s divine plan. For more information or to register, call 267-350-1830 or 267-350-1831. UPCOMING MUSICIAN SCHEDULE Christmas Eve, Wednesday, 12/24 3:30pm Youth Choir Concert 6:00pm Adult Choir Concert 8:00pm HS Knights of Columbus Choir Christmas Day, Thursday, 12/25 8:00am Cantor 9:30am Adult Choir 11:30am Cantor Saturday, 12/27 Sunday, 12/28 YOUTH CHOIR PRACTICE: Sundays at 12:30 PM in Chapel (Sept. May) BELL CHOIR: Sundays at 12:30 PM in Church. (Sept. – May) CONTEMPORARY CHOIR: Rehearsals are every other Tuesday evening at 6:40 PM. BEREAVEMENT CHOIR: Sing for funeral Masses. No rehearsals. MEN’S GATHERING: Thursdays at 7:00 PM in the Parish Center. ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: Mondays after the 7:30 AM Mass until noon in the Chapel. Benediction follows at noon. THE ROSARY AND DIVINE MERCY: Daily after the 7:30 AM Mass OUR LADY OF 7 SORROWS PRAYER MEETING: In the Chapel on the first and third Fridays of every month at 10:00 AM R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults): Wednesdays at 7:00 PM in the Parish Center BULLETIN DEADLINE: 5 days before publication. Contact Margie at 610-485-0441, ext. 2, or email items to MONTHLY ACTIVITIES PARISH COUNCIL: Meets on the first Thursday of the month. Meetings are not held in July and August. DANIEL SCULLEY “Come, good and faithful servant! Share the joy of your Lord.” – Matthew 25:21 Please Pray for Our Sick Frank Monks, Pat Donnelly, Mary Burand, Paul Nappi, Helen Noonan, Esther O’leary, Diane Porter, Rochelle Colucci, Louise Borregine, Baby Owen Garwood, Ann Shippy, Helen Rosinski, Daniel Johnson, Veronica and Joe Egan, Gina Johnson, Joe Collins, Charlotte Smith, Sandy Santon, Anna Gaspari, Carolyn Baglione, Joe Hughes, Diane Singley, Tracey Kunca, Alice DiBianca, Betty Bicht, Frank Taylor, Iris DiBattista, Eileen O’Connell, Phil Eiseman, Donna Jones, Phyllis Herman, Joy Henderson, Carol D’Angelo, Mary D’Angelo, Michelle D’Angelo, Sam Ritz, Chic Hofmann, Joanne McGilloway, Katie Doyle, Carol Gaska, Dennis Kryszan, Mary Ann Dymond, Francis Breen, Denise Carson, Henry Henrick, Jackie Hughes, Mary Brown, Helen Brogley, Vincent Pisani, Don and Regina Hilbert, Ann and Albert Huffnell, May Graves, August Mancini, Baby Cooper, Judy Giovan, Kevin Neary Masses for the Week FINANCE COUNCIL: Meets on the second Tuesday of the month. ADULT BIBLE STUDY: Fall and spring sessions. Please call the Parish Office (610-485-0441, ext. 2) for information. Sat., Dec. 20 Sun., Dec. 21 PARISH FUNDRAISING COMMITTEE: Meetings as needed ST. JOHN’S ON THE HILL SENIORS: Second and fourth Thursdays at 12:30 PM in the Church Hall KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS LADY OF LOURDES COUNCIL 14159: rd Board Meeting at 7:00 PM followed by the regular meeting on the 3 Monday of the month KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS HOLY SAVIOUR COUNCIL 13710: Officers’ st Meeting, 1 Monday of the month at 7:00 PM; General membership rd meeting, 3 Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM. Meetings held in Holy Saviour Rectory Meeting Room. Contact George Spannbauer, GK, at 610-348-5587 for information. Cantor Cantor Cantor Cantor “May He Rest in Peace” WEEKLY ACTIVITIES ADULT CHOIR PRACTICE: Wednesdays at 7:00 PM in the Church 5:00pm 8:00am 9:30am 11:30am Mon., Dec. 22 Tues., Dec. 23 Wed., Dec. 24 Thurs., Dec.25 Fri., Dec. 26 Sat., Dec. 27 Sun., Dec. 28 5:00 PM Margaret Jackson 8:00 AM Elsie and Marty Sweeney 9:30 AM People of the Parish & Visitors 11:30 AM Joseph Hornig 7:30 AM Mary V. Liberato 7:30 AM Mark Pastorius CHRISTMAS EVE CHRISTMAS DAY 7:30 AM Tim Hodgson 5:00 PM Anna and Bernard Kravitz 8:00 AM The Dougherty and Sweeney Families 9:30 AM Janet Kadyszewski 11:30 AM People of the Parish & Visitors 074 St. John Fisher Marcus Hook Florists & Gifts, Inc. Since 1952 938 Market St., Marcus Hook, PA 19061 D’Angelo & McNally, LLC Tax Accounting Services Pat Devlin Enrolled Agent Full Service Florist 485-3281 MARK ZUPPO P: 610.459.9477 F: 610.459.9672 485-3000 2060 Chichester Ave. Boothwyn, PA 19061 Ph: 610-485-8100 Fax: 610-485-9582 E-mail: Serving PA, NJ & DE 610-696-0100 1110 NAAMANS CREEK RD. GARNET VALLEY, PA 19060 SERVING DELAWARE COUNTY FOR 27 YEARS Pagano Funeral Home, Inc. 3711 Foulk Rd. Garnet Valley, PA 19060 (Bethel Twp.) Across from Booth's Corner Farmers Market Peter B. Pagano Jr. - Owner/Supervisor SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 Follow us on: DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED Check out our reviews on: 610-459-9492 Unlimited call for snow removal prices www. 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(Next to Wal-Mart) Boothwyn, PA 19061 610-494-6002 THOMAS S. KENDUS, F.D., SUPERVISOR MELISSA D. SLEZAK, F.D. 610-485-1878 VILLAGE COBBLER 302-765-3320 Closed Sunday & Monday 721 Philadelphia Pk. • Wilmington Bruno Bruni DE Licensed Funeral Director on Staff Joe & Linda Hoke Parishioners Since 1985 AND $50.00 donated to St. John Fisher Parish for every Heating or Cooling System installed 3 Industrial Highway, Essington, PA 610-532-8744 • Real Estate 2233 Chichester Ave., Boothwyn, PA 19061 Office: 610-485-2143 Home: 610-485-7260 Your Local Realtor Expert Collision Repair • Accept All Insurance Claims 610.485.4411 143 Conchester Hwy., Rt. 322 • Aston, PA 19014 Joseph A. Ward Funeral Home, Inc. 1459 Market St. - Linwood, PA (610) 485-2425 EDWARD J. 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