December 21st, 2014 4th Sunday of Advent St. Thomas More Catholic Church 10205 N FM 620, Ausn, TX 78726 MAIN: 512-258-1161 FAX: 512-258-8812 From Our Pastor Dear Brothers and Sisters, In telling Mary’s story on this last Sunday, the Church highlights her response to the overwhelming power of God’s Spirit. In her acceptance and trust of God’s promise, Mary responded as a faithful servant of the line of David. There had been no kings in the Davidic line for over five centuries since the Babylonian exile, yet God is faithful and has found a way to allow the Son of the Most High to inherit David’s throne. Mary has responded as a faithful disciple and, because of her willingness to allow God to enter into her very self; God’s salvaon will be seen upon the earth. Table of Contents Prayers & Mass Intenons 2 Advent 2014 Informaon 3 Community Ministries 4 Liturgy & Sacraments 5 Adult Faith & Family Life 6 Pastoral Care & Social Outreach .page 7 Religious Educaon 8 Weekly Calendar 9 Staff Contact Informaon 10 Source: 2015 Sourcebook for Sundays, Seasons, and Weekdays I am also pleased to announce that I have hired Judy O’Rourke as Assistant Director of Liturgy, effecve December 11th, 2014. Many of you do not need an elaborate introducon of Judy as you’ve known and worked with her longer than I have. All I am confident of is that she is a superb addion to the STM staff and that she and Lori Burdick will bring our liturgical celebraons to a standard more pleasing to God and inspiring to our community of faith. Welcome aboard Judy! Blessings upon all of you - Fr. Isidore Mass Inten.ons for the Week 5:00 p.m. 7:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. Mon. Dec 22nd 8:30 a.m. Tues. Dec 23rd 8:30 a.m. Wed. Dec 24th 4:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. Midnight Thurs. Dec 25th 9:00 a.m. 10:45 a.m. Fri. Dec 26th 8:30 a.m. Sat. Dec 27th 5:00 p.m. Sat. Dec 20th Sun. Dec 21st Paul Michaud Andrew & Hannah Steichen Georgia Duika Victor Linan Special Intenon of Katrina Sunga Mary Jo Cowan Dorina Vincente Special Intenon of Betsy Smith For the Parish For the Parish For the Parish For the Parish For the Parish For the Parish Jesus Reyes Kathryn Smith Prayer Inten.ons Gilbert Aranda Barbara Easter Robert Eyler Jennifer Gary David Hale Theresa Harper Judy Kirkconnel Ron Kostelecky Please pray for the spiritual, mental and physical needs of our parish, especially for those listed above were recently added to our bullen prayer list. To add a Mass Inten.on or someone to the Prayer List please contact the Parish Office at 512258-1161. Those on the bullen prayer list will be listed for 60 days in the bullen and in our Prayer Intenon Book in the church. STM Prayer Line: There is a group of parish volunteers who take me to pray for those who are suffering from physical, Please note that due to unexpected circumstances where a priest mental or spiritual pain. They share a is not available, a scheduled Mass may be a Communion Service prayer list through e-mail. instead. Mass .mes for other parishes (including those outside of To join this ministry, call Marisol at 512the Aus.n Diocese) can be found at: 689-0398. Advent 2014 Our parish has many events and materials to help you and your family prepare for Christmas. Upcoming Mass Readings 4th Sunday of Advent (December 21st): 2 Sam. 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Rom. 16:25-27; Lk. 1:26-38 Na.vity of the Lord—Vigil (December 24th): Isaiah 62:1-5; Acts 13:16-17, 22-25; MaChew 1:1-25 Na.vity of the Lord—Midnight (December 24th): Isaiah 9:1-6; Titus 2:11-14; Luke 2:1-14 Na.vity of the Lord—Day (December 25th): Isaiah 52:7-10; Hebrews 1:1-6; John 1:1-18 Feast of the Holy Family (December 28th): Gen. 15:1-6; 21:1-3; Heb. 11:8, 11-12, 17-19; Lk 2:22-40 For daily Mass Readings, please visit: PoinseCas For Christmas PoinseEas will once again be used to decorate our Church throughout the Christmas season. Making a $10 donaon in memory of a loved one who has died or in honor of a special person in your life is a wonderful way to remember those you love while creang a beauful atmosphere in which to worship. Donaon envelopes can be found in the back of the church during Advent. 2015 Liturgical Calendars 2015 Calendars are available in the back of the church while supplies last. These are available at NO cost. Please take one per family. New Year’s Mass Schedule The Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God is on Thursday, January 1st. This is a Holy Day of Obligaon. Masses will be on December 31st at 5:00 p.m. and on January 1st at 10:00 a.m. There will be NO 8:30 a.m. Mass on December 31st or January 1st. How Can This Be? O Most High, you who sent beauful and fearsome Gabriel to Mary, we rejoice in that moment. Troubled, she pondered. How not to fear? Yet she met his eyes with her queson. She listened: the Holy Spirit, the power of the Most High, the Son of God. All this you prepared and proposed to give us yourself. We ask for her courage, to receive you, to meet your eyes, to ask, to ponder, to be a faithful handmaid. We ask this through the same Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever . Amen. © Liturgy Training Publicaons. 1-800-933-1800. WriCen by Michael R. Prendergast. Permission to publish granted by the Archdiocese of Chicago on March 12, 2014. Prayer Sessions Advent is a me of joyful expectaon and waing for our Savior to be born. Contemplave prayer is similar in that we sit quietly and wait for God to work in us as we meditate on our Lord’s scripture. You are welcome to join us any Tuesday evening in Advent at 7:00 p.m. in the STM Library. For more informa.on, contact Jackie Forsyth at 503866-6638 or Parish Office Closures All Parish offices will be CLOSED from December 24th thru December 26th and from December 31st thru January 2nd. The Parish Staff would like to take this opportunity to wish you a most Blessed and Holy Christmas and a Happy New Year! Community Ministries Coordinator: Dawn Rouen 512-258-1161, ext. 235 Please join our community in the Family Center for a Coffee & Donuts following our morning Masses. Coffee & Donuts will take a break on December 28th for Christmas season. Please don’t let our donuts run out in January. The giK of NEW LEADERSHIP IS NEEDED for the Coffee & Donuts Ministry. If you are interested, please contact Joe Steichen at “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Parish Registra.on Event Whether you’re NEW to St. Thomas More or have been here awhile, we invite you to formally register in the parish at the next Welcome and Registra.on Event. It lasts about one hour and light refreshments are served. Contribuons for the week of Dec. 14th: .......$50,087.64 Amount needed for weekly expenses:............$52,500.00 Rered Clergy and Religious Collecon: ..........$3,137.05 Mark your calendar for January 11th or March 1st at 12:30 p.m. in the Parish Acvity Center. Year End Giving To RSVP or for more informa.on, please contact Roba DaClo in the parish office at 512-258-1161. Child care is provided. See page 6 for details. Christmas and Year End Giving is not only a Catholic tradion, but Christmas marks the beginning of the Ulmate GiM – God’s giM of His only son, Jesus Christ. Christmas of course, celebrates the birth of our savior, Jesus Christ. If you did not receive a Year End Giving brochure that was in the December 14th bullen, extra copies are available in the back of the church or in the parish office. In order to qualify for your 2014 tax return, all financial contribuons must be in the parish office before midnight, December 31st. The New Year’s Eve collecon will be kept separate from the Mass on New Year’s Day. If you mail your contribuon, it MUST be postmarked no later than December 31st, 2014. There can be NO EXCEPTIONS to this. Holiday Nut Sale This is the last weekend for our annual Knights of Columbus sale of various nuts for your holiday cooking, baking and snack needs. The Knights will be selling pecans, pralines, almonds, walnuts, cashews, pistachios, chocolate-covered cherries, and other items. All proceeds will go to support our seminarians and other charitable causes. Thank you to everyone who has supported us, especially Fr. Izzy & Fr. Ekka! New HVAC in the Church A blessed thank you to everyone who has already given to the 2014 Catholic Services Appeal. Our parish goal is 100% parcipaon. Each and every person’s giM is important. For those who have not made a pledge, please join us in supporng the vital programs and services throughout the Diocese of Ausn from which you and this parish benefit. You can contribute online at: We have installed a HVAC automaon system in the church for our heang and air condioning needs. The system will save energy and money when fully operaonal. Unfortunately, the system is not 100% funconal and we are experiencing some challenges at this me. The vendor is working to resolve all issues and we should be fully funconal very soon. We ask for your connued paence as we connue through this process. Liturgical & Sacramental Ministries Coordinator: Lori Burdick 512-258-1161, ext. 225 Christmas Eve Parking During our Christmas Eve Masses, traffic will be directed ONE WAY onto our church property; ENTERING at the primary entrance/driveway (by the white cross) and EXITING at the secondary driveway. This is an effort to enhance traffic flow and allow quick access in the event emergency vehicles should need to access the campus. For a map of the traffic flow, please visit Please be considerate of our Sheriff’s Depues and parking lot volunteer’s direcves. Note that parking close to the church will result in an extended amount of me exing the church property and your paence is requested. Consider parking further away from the church or carpooling. Once at Mass, please try to make room so our guests can find a place to sit. Eucharis.c Minister Training SAVE THE DATE: NEW Eucharisc Minister Training and CURRENT Eucharisc Minister Training for Sacristan and 2B Minister posions will be on Tuesday, January 13th from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the church. For more informaon and to RSVP, please contact Lori Burdick. Christmas Eve Four Masses at 4:00 p.m.: • Church with the St. Cecilia Choir (6 to 8 year olds). • Parish Acvity Center with the Family Choir. • Brennan Auditorium with Saturday 5:00 p.m. Group. • Life House with cantor and piano. Two Masses at 6:30 p.m.: • Church with the Sunday 12:30 p.m. Group. • Parish Acvity Center with cantor and piano. Mass at 9:00 p.m. in the Church with Life Teen Band. Mass at Midnight in the Church with the STM Choir. A Christmas concert begins at 11:00 p.m. Christmas Day Mass at 9:00 a.m. in the Church with STM Brass and Youth Choir (8 to 12 year olds). Mass at 10:45 a.m. in the Church with STM Brass and Choir. Newly Bap.zed Children Ryan Elizabeth Mertz Sydney Cash Obst Our parish has a two step process designed to help parents understand the sacrament of bapsm and to support them in their role of helping their child to fully live the giMs received in bapsm. Bapsms are celebrated each Sunday at 2:00 p.m. Step One: Parents must meet with one of our clergy. To schedule an appointment, please contact Theresa Roberge at the parish office at 512-258-1161 or Step Two: Both parents and godparents aCend a Bapsm Class. Classes are held at STM on the first Sunday of each month at 2:00 p.m. Parents can schedule a me to parcipate in the class during their meeng with a priest or deacon. If you can be a Hospitality Minister at one of our Christmas Masses that would be a great help with the large crowds we are ancipang. NO TRAINING OR EXPERIENCE IS NECESSARY! For more informaon, contact Lori Burdick or visit: hospitality-minister-volunteer-form. If you and your family would like to help decorate the Church and other spaces we are using for Christmas Masses, please contact Lori Burdick. Decorang will be done on Tuesday, December 23rd from 9:15 a.m. to Noon. Can you help direct traffic for the Christmas Eve Masses at 4:00 and 6:30 p.m.? There are two shiMs where help is needed: 3:00 to 4:15 p.m. and 5:30 to 6:45 p.m. To volunteer to help or for more informaon, please contact David Sanchez at 512-9650193 or Advent Giving Trees Through the Advent Giving Tree, St. Thomas More parishioners reach out to the working poor. THANK YOU to everyone who parcipated in our giving tree program this year. A Special Thank You goes to all the volunteers who help make this ministry a success! If you forgot to bring your giM(s) to the parish this past week, please drop them off at the parish offices as soon as you can. Marriage & Family Life Coordinator: Deacon Tom Johnson 512-249-5469 Need a BabysiPer During Mass? Interested in Becoming Catholic? Are you interested in finding out more about how Catholics live their faith? The Rite of Ini.a.on of Adults (RCIA) is a process to explore these and other faith issues for those who may be considering becoming a Catholic. You can start this process any me during the year. For more details, contact Debra at 512-258-1161, ext. 214. STM has one! The STM Nursery is available during the 9:00 and 10:45 a.m. Sunday Masses for children from 6 months old to Pre-Kindergarten age! The Sunday Mass nursery is a co-op opportunity where parents whose children ulize the nursery volunteer once a month. You are invited to visit us during these Masses; we’re located down the hallway past the GiM Shop and the Library. We also offer childcare for children 6 months old to elementary-age during many ministry events! Ask your ministry leader if childcare is available. Please, do not let childcare prevent you from parcipang! The Nursery will be closed during the holidays from December 22nd through January 4th. For informa.on about volunteering for our Nursery or for child care reserva.ons, contact Kelli Merchant at 512-258-2055 or For child care, contact Kelli at least 3 days before your event. The Nursery webpage is: nursery.shtm. Light of the World is a new retreat experience coming to STM in February. This retreat will help you foster a deep, inmate, personal encounter with Jesus Christ and connect with community to support your ongoing faith journey. If you are interested in learning more, please visit: Natural Family Planning Natural Family Planning (NFP) is just as effecve as the birth control pill, but has no risks or unwanted side effects. To sign up for a NFP class, please visit Pastoral Care & Social Outreach Coordinator: Theresa Stephens 512-258-1161, ext. 256 Blood Drive Results Thank You to everyone who Donated Blood on December 13th. The Blood Center of Central Texas collected 65 units due to an overwhelming response from STM parishioners! We apologize for those who tried to donate but were unable to due to long wait mes. Our next drive is on Saturday, February 7th and we hope you can donate at the Family Center on that day. The Center has asked that we change our walk in policy going forward to help minimize the me donaons take. All donors arriving prior to 11:00 a.m. MUST have an appointment to donate. AMer 11:00 a.m., walk-ins will be accepted when space allows. Donors can signup to give blood by going to: Catholic Social Teaching Corner 4th Sunday of Advent Our Advent me is almost over. We have watched in hope for the coming of Christ at the end of me. We have seen the presence of Christ and God’s Kingdom among us wherever jusce and peace triumph over violence and alienaon. Now we focus on Mary and the inmacy of birth. Carrying any child requires courage, faith and trust. Every mother wonders about the future of her child. God transforms all of human history by becoming human through Mary’s “Yes!” Like her, will we allow the very fullness of God’s love to fill us and our world this year? Do we have her faith, her courage and her trust? If you would like to volunteer for this or any future Blood Drive at St. Thomas More, please contact Tom Camardo at ? Struggling ? These Ministries Can HELP Contact Eileen 512-507-9563 Dealing with a difficult life transion? The Stephen Ministry pairs you with a person trained in confidenal listening to help walk with you through those significant transion mes in your life. If you or someone you know is hurng, feeling forgoCen then they can benefit from a compassionate and spiritual support of a Stephen Minister. Do you have a need for counsel? The Family Counseling and Family Life Office of the Diocese of Ausn offer coun- BriPany Holan 512-949-2494, seling for children, adolescents, and adults. briCany-holan@ Are you a caregiver for someone with demena? Our New Adventures Respite Program provides acvies for people with any Anne Rodriguez form of demena and meets weekly on Wednesday starng at 10:00 a.m. in the Par- 512-918-8580 ish Acvity Center. There is also a Support Group for the Care Givers of those suffering from demena. The group meets on a monthly basis. Out of work? Come to an upcoming Job Seekers meeng. The mission of Job Seekers is to find GOD in our job search and be a landing place offering fellowship, networking and support to each other. Our ministry meengs are on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Thursday evenings from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. in Room #104. Can’t pay your bills? Contact the St. Vincent de Paul Society (SVdP) at our parish. SVdP is a worldwide STM Office 512-258-1161 Volunteer Catholic Lay Organizaon, which visits poor and needy in their homes. Need help with preparing meals? Contact our Good Samaritan Meal Ministry. They have an amazing team of ready 480-788-6325 and willing volunteers for parishioners who are temporarily unable to cook due to stmcooks@ injury or illness. Struggling with an addicon? Contact ADAM (Alcohol and Drug Assistance Ministry). All calls are ABSOLUTELY CONFIDENTIAL. At our parish Alcoholics Anonymous meengs are held on Mondays and Fridays at 7:00 p.m. in the Chelsea House. Al-Anon meengs are held Mondays from Noon to 1:00 p.m. at the Chelsea House. The Al-Anon Informa'on Center can be called from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday. Dana Brown 512-750-2221 dbrown74@ ADAM 866-203-4087 Al-Anon Info. Center 512-441-8591 Religious Educa.on RE Director: Cynthia Jordan 512-258-1944, ext. 222 Christmas Break May the Miracle of Christmas fill your hearts with love, joy and peace! The enre Religious Educaon staff would like to wish you and your family abundant blessings at Christmas and throughout the New Year! - Cynthia, Johanna, Logan, Andrea, Mary, Danielle and Jill! An All Teacher (Sunday School thru 8th grade) will be held on Tuesday, January 6th at 7:00 p.m. in Brennan Auditorium. The meeng will begin with a message from Fr. Isidore followed by a break out session with your grade level coordinator for the planning of the spring semester lessons. We have completed our fall semester. We are looking forward to seeing you when we begin our spring semester starng the week of January 11th. • Sunday School: Classes will start on January 11th. • Elementary School on Sundays: Classes will start on January 11th. • Elementary School on Mondays and Wednesdays: Classes will start on January 12th and 14th. • Middle School: Classes will start on January 11th. • Life Teen: LIFE Teen events will resume their normal weekly schedule starng with Life Night on January 11th aMer the 5:00 p.m. Mass. Eagle’s Wings Fun Run Results Congratula.ons to Ricardo Jowers, the 1st Place Winner of the “unBEARable Fun Run” on December 6th. Ricardo is our very own High School teen and he finished the 5K run in 19:23 minutes. He is pictured above with 2012 silver medal Olympian Leo Manzano and Cynthia Jordan, STM RE Director. Many thanks to the all the volunteers who helped make our 1st annual Fun Run a success! Teacher Needed Wow — what a great response! We now only NEED ONE MORE Catechist to help prepare 9 girls and boys in grades 6th to 8th for the sacraments of Reconciliaon & Eucharist on Mondays from 6:30 to 7:45 p.m. There will be 8 class mes with a teacher training meeng beginning in February. Lesson plans are provided. Remember the Gospel parable of using the talents you were given by the Master. For more informa.on, please contact Cynthia Jordan. ** Happy 2015 to ALL ** Life Teen (grades 9-12) Coordinator: Logan Mayes 512-258-1944 ext. 226 E-mail – The Diocesan Catholic Youth Conven.on is quickly approaching and we want you to be a part of this awesome experience. This is a great weekend experience as we get to meet teens from around the diocese and get to hear dynamic speakers, awesome praise & worship, and workshops that will challenge you to grow in your faith. For forms and more details, visit: Holy Family Catholic School is now accepng applicaons for the 2015-2016 school year. Please visit to access the Online Applicaon and forms. If you would like to learn more about the school, please register to aCend a Prospec've Parent Informa'on Session on the school website. Upcoming sessions are scheduled for January 9th and January 23rd. First round admissions deadline is February 6th, 2015. For more informaon, please contact Ellen Vento at 512-244-4825 or Schedule of Parish Events for the upcoming Week Prayer & Spirituality The schedule below lists events that all parishioners are generally invited to. For a more complete schedule, including ministry team meengs and ongoing events, please contact your ministry leader, use our online space calendar at hCp:// or view the outdoor bullen boards on campus. To reserve your parish event, contact Debra Lohrstorfer at 512-258-1161, ext. 214 or Event Name ................................. Time ..................... Loca.on Sunday, Dec. 21st—4th Sunday of Advent Coffee & Donuts .......................... 8:00 am to Noon.. Family Center Holisc Touch ............................... 9:30 am to 12:30 pm .. Fisher Hs RCIA Sessions (CC) ........................ 9:30 to 11:30 am ..... Life House Bapsms ........................................ 2:00 to 3:00 pm ............Church Tuesday, Dec. 23rd Men’s Scripture Share ................. 6:30 to 7:15 am ....... STM Room Holis.c Touch Art/Worship Christmas Setup ......... 9:15 am to Noon ...........Church Contemplave Prayer .................. 7:00 to 8:30 pm ..... STM Library Rosary Prayer Group.................... 7:00 to 8:00 pm .......STM Room Wednesday, Dec. 24th Christmas Eve Mass ..................... 4:00 pm ........ Mulple Locaons Christmas Eve Mass ..................... 6:30 pm ........ Mulple Locaons Christmas Eve Mass ..................... 9:00 pm .......................Church Christmas Concert ........................ 11:00 pm .....................Church Christmas Midnight Mass ........... Midnight ......................Church Thursday, Dec. 25th Christmas Day Mass..................... 9:00 am .......................Church Christmas Day Mass..................... 10:45 am......................Church (CC) - Child care available—see page 6 for details. Holisc Touch is 20 minutes of peace-filled quiet and is one way to slow down and feel the loving presence of the Lord. It is offered monthly to parish members and those in need of healing prayers. Our next offering will be Sunday, December 21st from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Fisher House. For more informa.on, please contact Tina Jude at 512-255-7625 or Barb Brenny at 512-331-9346. Eucharis.c Adora.on Exposion and Adoraon of the Blessed Sacrament is every day of the week from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. in the Fisher House. To sign up for an Adoraon me, please visit the parish Adoraon webpage at: Gluten Free Hosts We have gluten free hosts (less than .01% gluten content) available here at St. Thomas More for those who are gluten intolerant. If you need a gluten free host, please be sure to come to the Sacristy before Mass to request a host. We only consecrate these hosts as needed, so coming before Mass is necessary. Prayer Blankets The STM GiK Shop The STM GiM Shop will be CLOSED December 23rd through January 4th. The GiM Shop volunteers would like to take this me to thank all of you for supporng us and making this a wonderful ministry. We wish each and everyone of you a very BLESSED, MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR. The proceeds raised by the GiM Shop support our STM community. Volunteers are needed to keep our wonderful GiM Shop open during our weekday hours & weekend Masses. If you would like to volunteer, please contact AntonePe Haecker at 512-250-1477 or Do you have a family member, friend or neighbor who needs prayers? Why not request a Prayer Blanket! These blankets are made by parishioners and blessed by one of our priests. These are intended for persons struggling with physical, emoonal or spiritual illness. For more informa.on, contact Frankie Wright at 512-258-5216. Cedar Brake Retreats Please take note of the upcoming retreats at the Cedar Brake Retreat Center in Belton. For details, visit: cedarbrake-catholic-retreat-center/cedarbrakeretreats. • January 17th: Love Among the Ruins: The Book of Hosea. • February 6th to 8th: Fireside Reflec'on: I Begin Now! • February 17th: Ash Wednesday Staff Contact Phone Numbers Staff Contacts Religious Educa.on Staff 512-258-1161 512-258-1944 Accountant & Benefits Dir. ........ Laurie O’Beirne .......... Ext. 212 Accountant Assistant................. Julie Hormuth ............ Ext. 232 Bridal Coordinator ..................... Terry Wilkes ............... Ext. 335 Business Administrator ............. Dave Montoya ........... Ext. 231 Communicaons Director ......... Steve Kliman .............. Ext. 211 Custodial & Events Coord.. ........ David Lohrstorfer ....... Ext. 282 Facilies Manager ..................... J. W. Green ................ Ext. 234 Liturgy Director ......................... Lori Burdick ................ Ext. 225 Music Directors ......................... Ren MacNary ............. Ext. 219 Karen Lawson ............ Ext. 237 Outreach Coordinator ............... Theresa Stephens ...... Ext. 256 Parish Receponist .................... Theresa Roberge ........ Ext. 100 Parish Secretary ........................ Debra Lohrstorfer ...... Ext. 214 STM GiM Shop ............................ AntoneCe Haecker .... Ext. 312 Stewardship & Membership ..... Roba DaElo ............... Ext. 229 Nursery Coordinator ................. Kelli Merchant . 512-258-2055 Director. .................................... Cynthia Jordan ........... Ext. 222 Assistant Director ...................... Johanna Isburgh ........ Ext. 220 Receponist .............................. Jill Goeters ................. Ext. 236 Sunday School Coordinator....... Danielle White ........... Ext. 227 Elementary School Coordinator Mary Kubala .............. Ext. 221 Middle School Coordinator. ...... Andrea Cochran ......... Ext. 228 Life Teen Coordinator ............... Logan Mayes ............. Ext. 226 Confirmaon Coordinator ......... Cynthia Jordan ........... Ext. 222 Director of Adult Faith .............. Dawn Rouen .............. Ext. 235 Thank You Sponsors! Come Back to the Church This bullen is furnished to the parish without charge. The adversements that appear completely defray all publishing costs with which the parish would otherwise be burdened. Please patronize these sponsors when you can as a thank you for their kind generosity. APen.on Local Business Owners: If you would like to adverse in this bullen, please contact Brian Schroeder at 512-680-0623. If you have been away from the Catholic Church, for whatever reason, the Landings Ministry would like to welcome you back in a loving and caring way! For more informa.on, contact Janet Smith at 512258-2361 or or please visit: Preschool Staff 512-258-1721 Director. ..................................... Cindy Acosta Assistant Director ...................... Chris Wenz
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