St. Robert Bellarmine Church St. Charles, MO 63303 December 21, 2014 Fourth Sunday of Advent ST. ROBERT BELLARMINE CHURCH “A Parish With A Family Perspective” REV. PATRICK D. RYAN, Pastor, REV. MSGR. RAYMOND HAMPE, Priest in Residence DEACONS: LONNIE WEISHAAR; PHILIP KING; JOSEPH MEIERGERD (Part-time) MRS. CAROL A. BRECKLE, Director of Religious Education, MRS. JAN M. MCARTHUR, Pastoral Associate RECTORY 1424 First Capitol Drive, South St. Charles, MO 63303 Phone: 636-946-6799 FAX: 636-946-0380 E-mail: MASS SCHEDULES SUNDAY MASSES Saturday, 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM Sunday, 7:30, 9:30, and 11:30 AM DAILY MASS Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM DEVOTIONS Our Lady of Perpetual Help on Tuesdays after 8:00 AM Mass EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Thursdays, 8:30 AM. - 7:30 PM SCHOOL 1 Seton Court St. Charles, MO 63303 Phone: 636-946-6716 FAX: 636-946-2670 E-mail: PSR (PARISH SCHOOL OF RELIGION) 1424 First Capitol Drive, South St. Charles, MO 63303 Phone: 636-946-6461 FAX: 636-946-0380 E-mail: SACRAMENTS BAPTISM: Parents should contact the rectory to arrange the date for the baptism of their child. Baptisms are normally at 12:30 PM on Sundays. A baptismal preparation training session is required for parents who are having their first child or who have never attended a preparation session. Contact the rectory to sign up for the baptismal preparation class. RECONCILIATION: Saturdays from 4:30 to 4:55 PM and Sundays from 9:00 to 9:25 AM. Or call the rectory for an appointment. MATRIMONY: Please contact the rectory six months in advance so that plans and instructions can be made. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: For anointing of the sick, hospital visitation, or communion calls for anyone elderly, homebound, ill, or in danger of death, family members are asked to call the rectory. Please remember that hospitals no longer notify us of an individual being in the hospital. PARISH WEBSITE PARISH COUNCIL OFFICERS President: Mrs. Sharon Brader/636-441-2203 Vice-President: Mrs. Judy Meiser/636-928-4118 Secretary: Mrs. Vicki Grant/636-949-7924 BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS DEADLINE: Tuesdays, 9:00 AM, prior to the weekend the article is to appear. Please provide contact name and phone number. FULL PAGE INSERTS: Must be approved before inclusion in the bulletin. Please call the rectory to reserve a week. MINISTRY SCHEDULE Monday, December 22 8:00 AM Harold Schulz Tuesday, December 23 8:00 AM Edna Oakes 2:00 PM Purgatorial Society Wednesday, December 24 8:00 AM Kathy Weber 4:00 PM Sister Suzie Hornung 10:00 PM Fr. Ryan’s Intention Thursday, December 25 8:00 AM Lori Ule 10:00 AM Vi Kavanaugh Friday, December 26 8:00 AM Kathy Weber Saturday, December 27 8:00 AM Glennon Schroer 5:00 PM Deceased Members of Gicala Family Sunday, December 28 7:30 AM Pat Schone 9:30 AM People of the Parish 11:30 AM Leslie Johnson December 27/December 28 The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph Eucharistic Ministers 5:00 PM Deacon Joe Meiergerd/C, Jeanne Puscian/C, Mary Schlueter/C, Phyllis Vance/C, Maureen Brown/B 7:30 AM Deacon Phil King/C, Margaret Eikermann/C, Carolyn Stuhlsatz/C, Karen Schaffner/B 9:30 AM Deacon Lonnie Weishaar/C, Diane Bocklage/C, Vicki Grant/C, Carrie Rudberg/C, Rachel Anderson/B 11:30 AM Deacon Lonnie Weishaar/C, Beverly Menner/C, Eunice Cluny/C, Diane Dalpiaz/C, Hank Powell/B Lectors 5:00 PM Donna Noonan 7:30 AM Mary Ann Neighbor 9:30 AM Paul Rudberg 11:30 AM Colette Weishaar Servers 5:00 PM Nadia Norman, Glen Shelley 7:30 AM John Olwig, Phil Olwig 9:30 AM Gabe Olwig, Rafe Olwig 11:30 AM Noli Rivera, Merle Rivera LAST WEEK’S COLLECTIONS Sunday Offering $ N/A Our sincere thanks to those who so very generously support St. Robert Bellarmine Parish. ALTAR SOCIETY CALENDAR 21 21 24 25 26 Church Decorating for Christmas -- after 11:30 Mass Giving Tree Items distributed -- 1:00 PM Christmas Eve Christmas Day No Bingo Jan McArthur is in charge of the Altar and Sanctuary this week, December 26 and 27. CARE CENTER FOOD PANTRY When you do your shopping this week, don’t forget the poor! The menu for December is: Spam, Canned Sweet Potatoes Jiffy Muffin Mix, Applesauce Powdered Milk (optional) Items always welcome by Sts. Joachim and Ann Care Service: Cereal, peanut butter, jelly, spaghetti sauce, spaghetti, toilet paper, diapers, rice or rice meals, or cakes of soap. Please place items in crate. Thanks for your continued support of the Care Center. FRIDAY NIGHT BINGO -- DECEMBER 26 Bingo will not be held on December 26, 2014. Our next regularly scheduled Bingo session will be held January 9, 2015. Bingo starts at 6:30 PM. Doors open at 4:00 PM. Floor: Team N/A Captain: N/A Kitchen Set-up Team: N/A Kitchen Serving Team: N/A Bingo Cleaning Team: N/A Bingo of Dec. 12 = $ N/A Kitchen = $ N/A Thanks for all you do to make our Bingo successful! BINGO DESSERTS Bingo will not be held on December 26, 2014. Therefore, no desserts will be needed for that evening. Thanks for your support of our Friday Night Bingos! RECOMMENDED HOLIDAY VIEWING Take a moment to sit back, put up your feet, and enjoy The Forsaken on Tuesday, December 30 on EWTN at 5:30 PM. This thirty minute documentary, featuring the Archdiocese of St. Louis mission program Pan y Amor, will open your eyes to the lives of children who have been rescued from living on the streets of Cochabamba and LaPaz, Bolivia. Prior to being rescued, these children barely survived and often went to sleep hungry and on the streets. Emmy award winner Chuck Neff does an extraordinary job of capturing the struggles of these innocent children. This is a show you don’t want to miss!!! MARY QUEEN OF ANGELS Mary Queen of Angels needs Newborn and size one diapers. These small diapers run out quickly since Mary Queen of Angels help many new mothers in need. For more information or to get the hours, please phone ahead. The phone number is 636-379-5070. The address is: 827 W. Terra Ln, O’Fallon, MO 63366. Paul Braun and Kathryn Jones (2) SEMINARY COLLECTION ON CHRISTMAS DAY Please be as generous as possible for the Christmas Day collection for Kenrick-Glennon seminary. Your contributions are greatly appreciated. FATHER RYAN, MONSIGNOR HAMPE AND THE STAFF OF ST. ROBERT BELLARMINE WISH TO EXTEND A BLESSED AND MERRY CHRISTMAS, AND A JOYOUS NEW YEAR TO ALL! CHURCH DECORATING FOR CHRISTMAS Volunteers are needed to help put up trees, wreaths, garland, and the crib for Christmas. This will take place immediately after the 11:30 AM Mass this Sunday, December 21. Would you please help us? THE GIVING TREE God’s blessings and grace to all of the generous people who gave gifts to the Giving Tree this year. Many families and nursing home residents will have a brighter Christmas season because of your love and generosity! PLEASE PRAY FOR THE REPOSE OF THE SOUL OF: Mary Rechtien, Wife of Leo Rechtien, Parishioner May she find everlasting peace and joy in Heaven. 2015 CALENDARS The 2015 Church Calendars provided by Catholic Church Extension Society will soon be on the way from the printer. Calendars should be available by December 28, 2014. We once again thank your advertiser, Premier Heating and Cooling, (Glen and Diane Christeson) for their support! One per family, please. DUE TO REQUIRED EARLY SUBMISSION OF THIS BULLETIN, SOME INFORMATION WAS NOT AVAILABLE AT THE TIME OF PRINTING. BIRTHDAY BAGS FOR JESUS Most of us take small luxuries like birthday cakes for granted, but the fact is that some families struggle to provide daily necessities. Each year at this time our PSR collects small gift bags, cake mix, frosting, birthday candles, and sprinkles to be donated to Sts. Joachim and Ann Care Service so that no child’s birthday goes unnoticed. If you would like to help with this project, you may leave any of these items outside the Religious Education Office from now until December 21. May you always know the joy of Christ in your own life! COLLECTION FOR CENTERPOINT Many of you are aware that Centerpoint has a large area of the hospital dedicated to caring for children removed from their homes by the Department of Family Services. These children arrive with only the clothes on their backs and a new pair of underwear or a warm pair of socks brings such joy to them that their caregivers are often brought to tears. The Parish School of Religion is collecting socks, hats, scarves, mittens, gloves, pajamas and new underwear for the children at Centerpoint. All sizes are welcome from newborn through teens and young adults. If you would like to help, there is a box outside the Religious Education Office. Although underwear should be new, any other gently used items are welcome. We will continue to collect items through January 4th. PARISH SCHOOL OF RELIGION • • • NO CLASSES ON DECEMBER 23/24 OR DECEMBER 30/31. THE OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED FROM DECEMBER 22 UNTIL JANUARY 5. CLASSES WILL RESUME ON JANUARY 6/7. THE GIVING TREE As of Saturday, November 29, the annual Giving Tree has been available in the back of Church. The members of the St. Vincent DePaul Society want to thank you in advance for your generous gifts that will help to make Christmas more special for a lot of needy families in our area. These families are the same ones that you have helped this year by paying their utility bills and their rent. The SVDP teams call the clients they have helped and find out if they want/need gifts for their children. We ask them for suggestions for two toys and three clothing items, under $25, for each child. We then make a paper ornament to hang on the tree for each gift requested. An ornament asking for one item for each adult and needed household items are also included. We ask for gift certificates to Wal-Mart for $25 for each family so that they can purchase additional items. Please put the gift cards in the poor box and place the unwrapped gifts (with the ornament tag) under the tree by Sunday, December 21. The families will pick up their gifts after 1:00 PM on that Sunday. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 21 FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT (Lec. 11) 1) 2 Samuel 7: 1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16 2) Romans 16: 25-27 3) Luke 1: 26-38 FOCUS: We need to give thanks to God for the role we play in his plan for the world. God has a plan for the salvation of the world, which works out in various generations over the centuries. Throughout today’s readings, we see Nathan, Paul, Elizabeth and Mary responding to God’s call to them. We, too, are called to participate in his plan. Let us be open to God in our lives and give him thanksgiving and praise. LITURGY OF THE WORD Today’s reading from the Second Book of Samuel tells of God’s promise to David that his kingdom will endure forever. Saint Paul ends his Letter to the Romans with a doxology praising God through Jesus Christ. Saint Luke’s Gospel describes the announcement of the birth of Jesus and recounts how Mary says yes to God’s plan for her and the world. LETTER FROM THE ARCHBISHOP Christmas 2014 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Rejoice! The weeks of Advent waiting are over, and Christ is born! We rejoice in our Savior’s birth—remembering the great gift of faith He has given us through the mystery of His incarnation and the saving power of His death and resurrection. Each year, the people of our archdiocese have been asked to make a special gift on Christmas Day to support our seminarians at Kenrick-Glennon Seminary. The men of our seminary, who have responded to Christ’s call to follow Him, are truly a gift to the Church and to the Archdiocese of St. Louis. It is these men who will bring the faith given to us by Christ 2000 years ago to future generations here in the Archdiocese of St. Louis. I ask you, once again, to pray for vocations and for all our priests and seminarians. I also ask you to be generous in your donation to the Christmas Day collection, which helps pay the day-to-day expenses and maintenance of our seminary. Please be assured of my prayers for you during the season of Christmas. May the Lord of life come into your hearts and homes in a special way during this holy time of year. Sincerely yours in Christ, Most Reverend Robert J. Carlson Archbishop of St. Louis ADVENT BEGINS Today is the Fourth Sunday of Advent. This is a time to continue to spiritually prepare ourselves for the feast of Christmas. As we continue our Advent journey, let us take time to reflect about God’s saving grace, and how it is made available to all of us. We are not just to celebrate this good news ourselves, but to share it with others. The following are a list of Advent opportunities: 1. An Advent Prayer Booklet entitled “Five Minutes with the Word” was inserted in your bulletin a few weeks ago. Keep the booklet on your kitchen table and use it throughout the season. 2. CareNotes are available from the Bereavement Committee. Pamphlets are available to those who have lost a loved one and need extra prayers and support during the Holiday season. 3. The Advent Giving Tree is a tradition at St. Robert’s. This program is coordinated through our St. Vincent DePaul Society. Please return the items by the Sunday before Christmas so we can distribute them to the families. 4. Confessions will be available on Monday, December 22, at 3:30 PM and at 7:00 PM; on all Saturdays from 4:30 - 4:55 PM; and all Sundays from 9:00 - 9:25 AM. 5. Christmas Mass Schedule will be 4:00 PM and 10:00 PM on Christmas Eve with the Choir program beginning at 9:30 PM. Masses on Christmas Day will be at 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM. School Break -- Christmas Holidays BINGO DESSERT LIST We are in the process of preparing the Bingo Dessert list for 2015. If you would like to join the group by donating a dessert approximately every six weeks, please contact the Rectory/636-946-6799, ext. 12, as soon as possible. Thank you, in advance, for your help. QUILT RAFFLE Raffle chances will be sold after all the Masses this weekend, December 20/21 for a Queen-Size Quilt donated by the St. Robert Quilting Group to the Men’s Club for their New Year’s Eve Bingo. These raffle chances will also be sold at our Friday night bingo on December 19. The winner of the quilt raffle will be announced at the New Year’s Eve Bingo. NEW YEAR’S EVE BINGO The St. Robert Bellarmine Parish Men’s Club is sponsoring their annual New Year’s Eve Bingo on Wednesday, December 31, starting at 6:45 PM in the Hall. The doors will open at 4:00 PM. For more information or to make a reservation, call Rich/636-441-2395. EARLY BULLETIN DEADLINE PRAYER CHAIN As we get our hearts ready for Christmas, let us thank our Blessed Mother for hearing our prayers and praying with us. Our Gentle Mother loves us more than we can possibly imagine. If you have a special prayer request and would like us to join you in prayer, call or text Shirley at 636-734-2798 or email If you would like to pray with us for these special intentions, you may send your email address to Shirley or just pick up a list in the prayer chapel. WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT ST. ROBERT BELLARMINE PARISH? Visit our website: ST. PATRICK CENTER Once again winter is at our door. We will be collecting new or used (in good condition) winter clothing of all varieties. Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Hakenewerth whom have volunteered to make trips to St. Patrick’s which allows us to collect all items of outerwear. This includes coats, sweaters, hats and gloves for men, women and children in all sizes. Thank you Shirley and Jim. Please place your donation in the box provided in the church vestibule. The last date to bring coats for delivery to St. Patrick Center is December 28, 2014. If you have any questions, please contact Mary Waller/636-441-5476. Thanks in advance for your donations. Due to an early submission requirement for the bulletin of the weekend of January 3/4, all bulletin items must be submitted to the Rectory by 9:00 AM on Monday, December 22nd. Sorry for the inconvenience. 2014 CONTRIBUTIONS As the end of the year approaches, we would like to remind you that in order to mail your 2014 Contribution Statements in a timely manner, all contributions credited to 2014 must be received by January 6, 2015. Checks must be dated 2014 and placed in a 2014 contribution envelope or in a regular envelope marked “2014 Contribution”. Thank you, in advance, for your cooperation! HELP FOR THE KOFRON FAMILY As many of you are probably aware, Anthony Kofron was hit by a pick-up truck on October 31st and suffered head and leg injuries. He has been in the hospital since that time, and has undergone many procedures on his right leg. Anthony and his family have been in our prayers, and we continue to pray for his improvement on a daily basis. We expect that there will be long-term procedures for him over the course of the next several months. Having stated that information, many of you have been inquiring what you could do to help the family. The family has set up a savings account to help defray current and future expenses. The account has been set up through Bank of America. If you would like to make a donation, please contact the rectory/636-946-6799 so that we can give you further details. CARE NOTES MILITARY PERSONNEL Those who have experienced the loss of a loved one may find that their pain and sense of loss is more real during the holidays. As much as others may want to, they sometimes cannot make things better, and may even be impatient with the prolonged grief that many experience. Whether the loss is fresh, or the anniversary of a loved one’s death, getting through the holidays can be a challenge. The bereaved can learn from others who have gone before them in this experience. Several CareNotes are now available in the church vestibule to offer options for making choices that may offer some comfort, peace and moments of healing during the holidays. Please take a moment to review the CareNotes and select those that will help you in the healing process. Please pray for the military personnel serving our country in various areas around the world: Jake Nuernberger, Michael Conley, Priscilla Adams, Geoffrey Merrick, Timothy Adams, Dave Denhard, Sean Peters, Kevin Doyle, Christopher and Sambriddhi Winkler, Michael Adams, Tom Collins, Brian Brewer, Brandon Politte, Melissa Thornhill, Darrell Givens, Dusty Young, Christina (Humberd) Schofield, Greg Finke, Brad Virden, Eric Muich, Robert John Mackey, Stephen Copp, Joshua Tullock, Carl Beck, Randall Trautz, Steve Swartstrom, Chris Suttmoller, Charles Drucker, Samantha Hill, Luke Morath, Stephen Araniecke, Matt Araniecke, Tyler Gerler, William R. Burnside, Daniel Bardgett , Toni Givens, Matthew Vanness, Patrick Ahrens, Cory Ershen and Michael Lada. Call the Rectory/636-946-6799 to have a name included. If any of the military personnel listed above have returned home, let us know. UPDATE MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION Does our Church database have YOUR family membership correct? Here is your chance to update YOUR records for our annual Guide Book & Directory (if you haven’t already done so). It is time for us to update our database with any changes, additions, or deletions that may have occurred in YOUR family over the past year. Have you changed your phone number? Have you moved? Are you preparing to move soon? Are all of your children still at home and are they all included in your membership record? Do you want your record published? If you have not already informed the Church Office about changes to your record, please let us know now so that the information in the Guide Book & Directory is correct. The Church Office number is 636-946-6799. GUIDE BOOK AND DIRECTORY ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITY We are in the process of updating our annual Guide Book & Directory for the Church. This book will be the Who, What, Where, When, Why and How of our Congregation. The book is being provided at no cost to our Church, including the mailing to each family, and again is being subsidized by local businesses that advertise in it. If you own or manage a business and would like to find out about advertising with us, call the 636-946-6799. Recent survey results by Guide Book Publishing show that 92.1% of families would rather patronize a Guide Book & Directory advertiser over a non-advertiser. It will pay to advertise in our new Guide Book & Directory. WE PRAY FOR THE SICK . . . Ed and Joan Theby, Marion Bergfeld, Evelyn DuBois, Sr. Rose, Julie Stutz-Weindel, Tariq Eddington, Mary Ann Mills, Lucy Goolsby, Carla C., Avery Budde, Sue Beckham, Marge Hutchins, Mary Beth, Mary Ann Dunnermann, John Finocchiaro, Clinton Jeffreys, Susan Volansky, Vito Castelli, Madison, Phil Hampel, Jan Dalton, Andrew Steffenson, Marcus, Herta, Carl’s wife, Jimmy Klos, Jay, young man, young woman, Shirley Klos, Brady, Theresa Keen, William Peters, Jalene Walsh, a relative, Josh Rolf, Robert S., Matt W., Karrie Bizelli, Eileen Gandt, Patricia Castelli, Patrick Murphy, a special person and family, Rick Meese, Jennifer Poettker, Kathy W., Ron Theby, Ruth, Barbara, Debra Shwedus, Jan Probst, Michelle Barnes, Dawn, Elise Pepple, Mike McElfresh, Mark Stein, Paula Weinreis, Kay Bonney, Audrey Meyer, Rosemary DiFerdinando, Kiera, Kathy George, Susan Burns, Walter Burns, Wanda Rush, David, Ray Gilliam, Jake, Amy, Kyle Earnest, Kathy Dougherty, Bernadette Cheatham, Jean Vaughn, Brandy Dunn, Kathy McNamee, Lynsey, Audry Aholt, Joe Gianino, Lorraine Davis, Peggy Stockman, Bill and Shirley Schaefer, Victoria Miller, Stewart and Paula Stearns, Mrs. Dennis Chitwood, and Mary Lane. “Although the Lord is calling us, he is not using a cellular device.” Please remember to silence your cell phones before entering church. THE CATHOLIC’S DIVORCE SURVIVAL GUIDE The holidays can be difficult for divorced and separated families. Decide to start the new year with hope and healing by attending The Catholic’s Divorce Survival Guide program. The 12-week DVD program features Catholic experts, and lay men and women who have been where you are. Topics include denial, anger, grief, guilt, forgiveness, money, the kids, the ex-spouse, spirituality, annulment and much more. Immaculate Conception Parish - Dardenne is hosting the program beginning January 8, 2015. There is a $25 fee which will cover all materials needed. (Scholarships are available for anyone who cannot afford the fee). Contact Debi at or 314-276-3859 for more information. Sarah A. Smith, D.D.S., P.C. Pediatric Dentist • Skilled Nursing • Rehabilitation Center • Independent Living 322 Jungerman Rd. 636-477-1200 Contact Social Services at 636-946-4140 ext. 107 Open 24 Hours Breakfast Lunch Dinner Merry Christmas! Stephanie Grimm St. Charles: 636-724-0283 • WE DELIVER • ACCEPTING ALL INS. PLANS INCLUDING MEDICARE • GREAT KNOW-YOUR-NAME SERVICE • SAME CO-PAYS • HALLMARK GREETING CARDS • MELISSA & DOUG TOYS • ALL YOUR OVER-THE-COUNTER HEALTH NEEDS 305 Hawthorn Avenue • St. Charles, MO 63301 phone: 636.946.7350 FILLING THE NEEDS OF OUR NEIGHBORHOOD! Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. Homestyle Restaurant Financial Advisor 1989 Zumbehl Road 946-0266 636-949-2568 Member SIPC 1881 Sherman Dr. Senior Discounts Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Dannegger Brothers Waterproofing 2385 Verna Maryland Heights, Missouri 63043 314-993-1833 314-429-1656 For further information, please call the Parish Office. Personal Counseling and Psychiatry Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 Family Owned & Operated Mudjacking, Piering, Stress Bracing an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Individual, Child, Family, and Marriage Counseling 311 South Main, Ste. 100, O’Fallon, MO 63366 636-281-1990 / 2539 W. Clay St. 636.723.2600 WHY IS IT PICKLEMAN’S Dierberg’s Bogey Plaza Sandwiches, Soups, Salads & Pizza Steve Maureen and CJ Weseman Ph. (636) 946-9000 Medicare & Retirement Planning Handyman & Home Repair All Maintenance, LLC Call Mark Koenig 636.487.3538 St. Peter Parishioner 2061 Zumbehl (Bogey Hills Plaza) 636-949-9005 Joe & Tom Alagna (Z) under an ADVERTISED blanket Discover and Live the Healthy Lifestyle You’ve Dreamed About! Parishioner Dan Schlef 314.324.6911 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH Don’t Miss Medicare Open Enrollment! October 15th — December 7th Call Misty Scaggs (314) 420-3089 A man wakes up after sleeping TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... on an ADVERTISED mattress and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas bathes in an ADVERTISED shower shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. *First Three Months WHY IS IT? $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made John Zerr Books Noble Deeds, Sundown Town Duty Station and The Ensign Locker Available at Main St. Books in St. Charles Amazon & Barnes & Noble in all 3 Formats including e-book Free Inspection Termite & Pest Control Visit Author’s website: Mike & Todd Pickering 947-1452 Rick Wilkins 281-4020 Any Brand, Any Size! • Many Installation Packages Available Warranty & Road Hazard Available With Select Packages 636-757-3353 • ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers 5773 Westwood Dr. • Weldon Springs Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! 008033 St Robert Bellarmine Church 636.926.9989 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629
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