Sunday 4th January - St Giles Church Northampton

Our Core Purpose
“We are a gospel-focussed town centre church rejoicing and
revelling in the grace of God. We live to equip and commission
all God’s people to bless others in word and deed in the power
of the Holy Spirit.”
New to St Giles?
Please introduce yourself at the information desk - there you
will also find some helpful leaflets. If you intend to worship
regularly with us, please complete a blue ‘New to St Giles’
card and return it so that we can get to know you!!
Holy Communion
If you are visiting us and normally receive Communion in your
own church you are welcome to join us at Communion here. If
you prefer to receive non-alcoholic wine and/or gluten-free
wafers, they are available in the side chapel – please indicate
to the person administering Communion.
An offering is taken up during evening services. Alternatively,
please place your offering in one of the receptacles by the
doors. Gift Aid declaration forms and envelopes are nearby please do use either of these if you are a UK tax-payer; this will
enable us to claim an additional 25% on top of what you give.
Please keep handbag, keys, wallet, etc with you at all times.
The Vicar’s slot
Isaiah 60:2 “Darkness as black as night
covers all the nations of the earth, but the
glory of the Lord rises and appears over you.”
Isaiah’s message of hope pointed to the One
who would come to bring light into the world. Jesus has placed the
light of His love in our hearts. We need to let it shine for others
to see! Noel Richards wrote:
May now Your church rise with power and love
This glorious gospel proclaim
In every nation salvation will come
To those who believe in Your name
Christmas is a time to let the light shine… everywhere!
Thank you on behalf of the whole staff team for your love,
encouragement and support for us in 2014. We wish everyone a
very Happy Christmas time.
~ Steve and Maggie
Prayer Points...
We have been asked to pray
especially on 21st for:
 Alf & Hilary Cooper in Chile.
 The work of Streetchurch.
 The Hope Centre.
On 28th December:
 Ruth and Izaias (currently
visiting the UK from Brazil).
 The Nene Valley Christian
Family Refuge.
 Those in the armed forces
and others working in
support of the armed forces.
On 4th January:
 Gill and Peter Vriend in
Thailand with YWAM.
 The Manna House.
 Peterborough Diocese.
those who are unwell or
bereaved, especially for:
 The wife & family of Sandra
Randall’s brother, David,
who passed away recently.
 The families and friends of the
136 school children killed in
Pakistan, that they know God’s
comfort and his healing.
 The Eley family this Dec on the
10th anniversary of the death
of their 17-year-old daughter/
sister and the recent inquest.
 Maggie Marr’s sister Patsy.
 Joan Simmons.
 Helen Mounstevens.
 Wanda Davies.
 Angela Nash.
 Peter Ford (Lois’ friend).
If you know someone who
needs our prayers, please
contact the clergy or the
parish office. We will only
include their name here for 2
weeks; please contact us
after that time if you would
like them to be included for a
further 2 weeks.
 Sunday meetings to foster
the sense of family at a time
when many guests grieve for
what and who they have lost.
 Healing of broken
relationships and hearts.
 For hope & the will to change.
Sunday 21st December
10.00am Worship Together: ‘Every voice will sing’
Reading(s): Revelation 5: 1-14
Led by Diana Rees-Jones and Jo Smith
Speaker Steve Kelly
Hymns of Praise: Carol Service
Led by Peter Scott; Speaker Maggie Kelly
Reading by the Dexter home group
Holy Communion: ‘Hope in the darkness’
Reading(s): Luke 2: 25-35
Led by Steve Kelly; Speaker Prester Coleman
Reading by Ruth Hamson
Intercessions by Steve Kelly
Christmas Eve
Children’s Carol Service
‘We have come to worship’
Led by Jo Smith
11.30pm Midnight Communion
‘The hopes and fears of all the years’
Reading(s): Luke 2: 8-20
Led by Steve Kelly; Speaker Steve Kelly
Christmas Day
10.00am Communion Together
‘The Saviour of the world’
Led by Steve Kelly; Speaker Maggie Kelly
Sunday 28th December
10.00am Worship Together
‘They opened their treasures’
Reading(s): Matthew 2: 1-12
Led by Bob Steele; Speaker Alison Steele
Evening Worship
‘The hope of heaven’
Reading(s): Revelation 20:11 - 21: 5
Led by Simon Bridgens; Speaker Peter Scott
Reading by Rocky Coles
Intercessions by Simon Bridgens
Sunday 4th January
10.00am Morning Worship with Family Communion
‘In the beginning...’
Reading(s): John 1: 1-18
Led by Diana Rees-Jones and Helen Lidbetter
Speaker Steve Kelly
Reading by Keith Davidson
Intercessions by Diana Rees-Jones
1st Sunday Joint Celebration with
Holy Communion, plus café afterwards
‘The wisdom and power of God’
Reading(s): 1 Corinthians 1: 18-31
Led by the 1st Sunday team and Steve Kelly
Speaker Chris Dommett
Staff availability during Christmas and New Year
Steve is off Tues 23rd Dec. Diana is off Tues 23rd Dec. Peter is
available Mon 22nd/Tues 23rd. Chris is off 22nd onwards.
ready for Christmas and New The staff are then generally off for the period between
Christmas and New Year.
Year in the vicarage.
The church office will close at 3pm on Friday 19th Dec and
 Mark Richards, due to get
the results of a scan & blood reopen at 1pm on Mon 5th January.
test a couple of days ago to
For a pastoral emergency during this period please call:
confirm if he has cancer.
07553 117956. (Note this is different to that published last week!)
Kings Heath Church:
 Jo and Cathy Story, getting
tel: 01604 628623 (admin) or 230360 (pastoral) web:
Growing Up… Joining In… Spreading Out… Giving Away…
Streetchurch catering: Sun 4th Jan
Can you please help to make it a good
start to the year for those at Streetchurch?
On Sunday 4th January, it is St Giles’ turn
to provide food for 60+ people. They will
need: 22 loaves of sandwiches (egg, cheese,
chicken, tuna, ham), 2 kinds of soup (1
veg), cakes plus some other items and 5
people to serve. Needed at Salvation Army
for 1pm. Please sign up at the information
desk, indicating if you’ll deliver to
Streetchurch or bring to St Giles that
morning. More details from Renèe Dixon.
Tuesday 13th January @ 7.30pm
alpha is a series of
Come and join us to pray together
You are invited to cut down on
expenditure on cards, write a greeting and
make a donation for TearFund’s work for
prevention of and recovery from child
trafficking - see information on display.
Focus is a one year course in basic Christian
discipleship aimed particularly at those who
have completed the Alpha course and want
to learn how to grow in the Christian
faith. Focus follows a similar pattern to
Alpha, with the opportunity to socialise at
the beginning of the evening, a short talk
and discussion in small groups. However
Focus adds the additional ingredients of
worship, Bible Study and prayer to the mix.
The next term starts on 21st January. To
find out more and to register, contact Peter
Scott on 01604 230360 or email
Man Walkie-Talkie
Shared lunch on Sunday 18th Jan
Mince pies!
Please leave any contributions (for this
afternoon’s carol service and children’s
carols on Christmas Eve) in the serving
area of church. Please label any of your
containers and collect them afterwards!
Shared Christmas card
Sat 10th Jan. To prove men can do two
things at once we have a man walk where
you can also talk to other walkers (if you
want to!) A modest walk of a few easy miles
finishing with a cheap lunch in a local
hostelry… suitable for all ages (!) so bring
the younger guys too. Great opportunity to
invite your work friends/friends/relatives
to a fun event. Team Leader is intrepid
explorer Mark Allenby - more details to
follow on email or speak to Mark.
On 18th Jan we look forward to welcoming
our mission partners, Ruth, Izaias and
Jonathan. Please plan to stay on after the
morning service for a bring and share lunch.
BE! Women @ St Giles: book now!
Be Transformed - the Winter Glory
women’s conference at Kettering is on Sat
31st January. Guest speaker: Jennifer Rees
Larcombe. Tickets £14 from the Manna
House or
Get your own tickets and share transport.
interactive sessions to
discuss the Christian faith in an
informal, fun and friendly
environment. No pressure, no
follow up, no charge.
Please invite friends and
neighbours along. Invitations to
the launch meal are available at
the information desk.
Launch meal is Wednesday
14th January at 7pm in church.
Please book tickets for the meal
via the church office (from 5th
January) or from Vikki Beale after
Sunday services...
Advance notice: cake sale
After the morning service on 25th Jan.
Leonie Robertshaw will be raising funds
for her World Challenge expedition to
Ecuador & the Galapagos Islands in 2015.
Women’s prayer breakfast
Saturday 17th Jan at 8.30am in the centre.
For more details contact Serena (628623).
Notice sheet deadline: All notices must be with the church office by 9am on the preceding
Thursday at the latest. Notices received after the deadline will not make it into the services!
Due to Christmas and New Year, the next notice sheet will be available on Sunday 11th January.
What’s on ...
Monday 22nd
Wednesday 24th
Thursday 25th
Saturday 3rd Jan
Monday 5th
Tuesday 6th
Wednesday 7th
Thursday 8th
Friday 9th
Saturday 10th
Sunday 11th
Town centre carol singing
Staff prayers & meeting
Staff prayers
Children’s Carol Service (see front of notice sheet)
Midnight Communion (see front of notice sheet)
All Age Christmas Celebration with Communion
On 24th Dec, gathering at 2.45pm on the
steps of All Saints Church, for a 3pm start.
Coordinated by Donovan Allen and Cyril
Curtis on behalf of town centre churches.
(see front of notice sheet)
Wedding of Marcus Gibbs and Cara Witheyman
Mon 5th January 7.30-9.30pm at Abington
Avenue URC. Refreshments from 7pm.
Come and pray together with Christians
from different churches. All welcome.
Staff prayers & meeting
Prayer meeting in the centre - all welcome
Staff prayers
Prayer meeting in the centre - all welcome
Holy Communion - in the church centre
Simple Lunch
Prisoners of Faith ministry
The Base (boys: 11-14s)
Man Walkie Talkie
Morning Worship
“Follow me”
Reading(s): John 1: 29-51
Led by Maggie Kelly and Jo Smith
Speaker Steve Kelly
Reading by Liz Kitwood
Intercessions by Maggie Kelly
Other local events
Evening Worship
‘One Lord, Jesus Christ’
Reading(s): 1 Corinthians 8: 1-13
Led by Simon Bridgens; Speaker Peter Scott
Reading by Emma Brown
Intercessions by Frances Jones
Youth Zone meeting in the centre
Prayer & Praise for Northampton
New 2 You donations
Thanks for the support from St Giles in terms
of donations for New 2 You at Kings Heath.
We continue to be encouraged by steady
trade and are sponsoring the new Christians
Against Poverty initiatives on the estate
with the launch of the CAP Money Course
in Jan. We also plan a Community Fun
Day in June, in partnership with other
local organisations. Donations continue to
be welcome and especially at this time of
year - toys!
God, are You there?
Biblical praying. A topical study day in
the Word of God. Sat 31st Jan. Newport
Pagnell, Bucks. 10-4 (registration 9.45).
North Crawley Village Institute. £10 on day.
See flyer on board or
(and follow link from calendar).