Our Lady Queen of Martyrs 53 Prospect Road, Centerport, NY 11721 631.757.8184 www.olqmparish.org December 21, 2014 PASTORAL STAFF Pastor Father John D. Gilmartin jgilmartin@olqmparish.org Pastor Emeritus Rev. Msgr. T. Peter Ryan Christmas Mass Schedule listed on page 4 Please note that the 4pm Christmas Eve Masses in both the Church and the Community Room have historically been attended by over 700 parishioners. The 8pm Mass on Christmas Eve and the 8am and 10am Masses on Christmas Day are usually less crowded. Deacon John Rieger jrieger@olqmparish.org Pastoral Associate Sister Eileen Corcoran secorcoran@olqmparish.org 631.757.6250 Children’s Faith Formation Ninette Euler, Director ninetteeuler@olqmparish.org 631.757.0720 Parish Social Ministry Kevin Blum, Director kblum@olqmparish.org 631.754.9045 Please remember the parish offices will be closed on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Holy Ground Administrator: Mary Martin mmartin@olqmparish.org Assistant: Judy Smith jsmith@olqmparish.org Youth Minister: Bill Leone bleone@olqmparish.org Parish Facilities Director Alexei Korenevski Music Coordinator Deirdre Kupka Weekend Assistant Fr. Dowling, Fordham University We pray that God will bless you and your loved ones in this Christmas season and throughout the New Year. CELEBRATE THE SACRAMENTS Baptism Marriage Second Saturday of each month at 1pm Contact rectory to make preparations. Preparation class required. Anointing of the Sick 1st Saturday of every month at 9am. Please call the rectory if you are hospitalized or homebound. Reconciliation Saturdays 9:30 -10am and 4 - 4:45pm Anytime upon request. Additional information on our website. Our Lady Queen of Martyrs welcomes persons with disabilities. Special seating and wheelchair area reserved at all Masses. Hearing devices available. ~Our Lady Queen of Martyrs ~ ~ 2014 ~ AROUND THE PARISH IN PHOTOS Dear Parishioners, On behalf of the entire staff of Our Lady Queen of Martyrs, I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and a New Year filled with peace and joy. A Message of Welcome from the Parish One of the many defining qualities of this parish I have consistently experienced since arriving is that OLQM is a place of welcome and community. The message of “All Are Welcome” is not only on our signs but written on our hearts. I truly hope that is a message you experience when you come to us. To welcome is essential, to engage and invite each other to become involved builds and sustains this faith community. We are so grateful for the many who over the years have made this parish such an important part of their lives and invite all who come to help build this community for the future. A Special Message of Welcome from Pope Francis For me, and I know for many, Pope Francis has given a very clear and ‘welcoming” message to those who have not always felt welcomed. I quote from the Tablet (the Brooklyn Diocese Newspaper) “Pope Francis said that the Catholic Church must consider various ways to integrate the divorced and civilly remarried in the life of the Church – not merely allowing them to receive Communion, but letting them serve as Eucharistic Ministers and godparents – and to make it easier for Catholic families to accept their homosexual members”. It is so evident the message he wants to give is welcome, “let us open the doors a bit more” recognizing we are all God’s people. An Invitation to Deepen your Faith Our varied and excellent adult education programs in the parish deepen the faith of those who take a step in faith to become involved. It is wonderful share the Eucharist with all who gather for mass each day and the many who gather at the Eucharist on the weekends. We invite you to think about becoming more involved in one of the Parish’s programs offered this year in addition to our liturgies as an opportunity to come to know each other in prayer and service more deeply. A Message from your Pastor It has been about three and a half years since I arrived at Our Lady Queen of Martyrs. I have begun a process of meeting with individual parishioners and have met with over 60 members of families in the past few weeks. I want to continue the process and welcome anyone who might want to come and talk to do so. I value your perspective and want to listen. You are the parish and I am here to serve, if there are areas we are not addressing it is good to hear about, if you have felt a distance from the church for any reason, perhaps its time to reconnect. Of course, if you are pleased with what we are doing it is always good to hear that as well. I welcome the opportunity to know you and serve you. A Thank You The generosity of this community is inspiring. Your support of the many ministries allows us to serve you. We are called to reach out, to care for those who have the greatness needs and your support allows us to do that. Thank you for the Adult Education programs, the vast extent of our Children’s Adult Faith Formation, our Parish Social Ministry, and our Administration here at the rectory. A Request Our needs and programs are expanding and like your own homes the costs continue to increase. If your means allow you to make small increase in your donations this year it would make a great difference. Thank you for all you do and know of the appreciation of all you help by your generosity and support.Merry Christmas and God’s blessings in the New Year! Father John and the Staff of Our Lady Queen of Martyrs ~ All Are Welcome ~ CHRISTMAS SCHEDULE 2014 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24TH CHRISTMAS EVE MASSES 3:30 PM Concert of Christmas Music with the Children’s Choir 4:00 PM Family Mass of Christmas in the Church 4:00 PM Mass of Christmas in the Community Room 6:00 PM Mass of Christmas 7:30 PM Concert of Christmas Music with the Contemporary Choir 8:00 PM Mass of Christmas 10:00 PM Concert of Christmas Music with the Adult Choir 10:30 PM Solemn Mass of Christmas THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25TH CHRISTMAS DAY MASSES 8:00 AM and 10:00 AM in the Church 12:00 PM in the Church and the Community Room Please note that the 4pm Christmas Eve Masses in both the Church and Community Room have historically been attended by over 700 parishioners. The 8pm Mass on Christmas Eve and the 8am and 10am Masses on Christmas Day are usually less crowded. When parking your car, please be respectful of our neighbors on Prospect Road. Our Lady Queen of Martyrs welcomes persons with disabilities. Wishing you and your family a blessed Christmas. Our upper parking lot has a number of spots designated for handicapped parking. We have automatic doors to assist those with walkers and wheelchairs and we reserve seating in the front rows for the comfort and security of the disabled and elderly. Earpieces are available for the hearing impaired. Please speak with an usher before Mass. ~ Stories ofSocial Faith, Hope & Love ~ ~ Parish Ministry ~ Christmas Thoughts ~Anonymous ~ “It’s sharing your gifts, not purchasing gifts; It’s not wrapping presents, its being present and wrapping your arms around the ones you love; It’s not getting Christmas cards out on time, It’s sending any card, anytime, at the right time; It’s not having the biggest and best Christmas light display, It’s displaying the Christ light that comes from your heart; It’s not Santa coming down the chimney, It’s Jesus coming down from heaven, and giving us the gift of eternal life.” The events and daily tasks of the holiday season can disguise the true meaning of Advent, the coming of Jesus. Take some time for yourself during the Advent season to slow down; Let there be silence, let there be peace. Calm your mind and let your inner voice re-emerge from the silence, and you may hear the voice of God reaching out to you. Re-Foccus~ Marriage Enrichment This special program concentrates on communications and how to focus on your relationship. A special candle lit dinner was hosted on Saturday December 13th. Chef Jeff Cohen pampered all the guest’s palates with a tasty array of food. Maryann and Andrew Mank did a wonderful job ensuring all the details were covered. During the dinner, couples reflected upon how powerful the impact of the Re-foccus program has been. The couples appreciated the insight they gathered, strengthening the foundations of their marriages. ~the giving season~ Touching Lives..... The Giving Season continues, as Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Parish Social Ministry and Faith Formation classes “Wreath Brigade” delivered over thirty beautiful wreaths, wreath holders, cookies and cards decorated by the children, to patients at Carillon Nursing Home the weekend of December 12th. The recipients were deeply touched, as were the “elves”, the Faith Formation students and Parish Social Ministry volunteers. The gifts brought some residents to tears, as they expressed their gratitude and shared how deeply this touched their lives. One woman decided she wanted to wear her wreath around her neck like a scarf! While the visit was expected to last fifteen minutes, time flew by, and two hours quickly passed! Our Christmas “elves” also made special deliveries to homebound parishioners. We received a letter from one of the recipients saying that the visit made her day, and she felt cared for. It reminded her of how self sacrificing others can be. She shared how blessed she feels to be a member of our parish and welcomed as a valued part of this great faith community. She hopes to see the kids and families again soon. Parish Social Ministry continues to provide hope and caring through its numerous ministries and greatly appreciates the support of all who volunteer to share the joy of the Christmas Season and throughout the year. TWITTER @PONTIFEX “Faith is to believe what we do not see, and the reward of this faith is to see what we believe” ~Contact Kevin Blum or Maria Ryan at 754-9045~ kblum@olqmparish.org ~ mryan@olqmparish.org ~the giving season~ The “Giving Season” continues with support of Faith Formation, Parish Social Ministry, Youth Ministry and our parishioners. We plan on expanding the “Giving Season” throughout the year. Contact Maria Ryan for more information and additional events. Adopt a Family Families in need are still reaching out to Parish Social Ministry for help this holiday season.It is heartwarming to see the number of parishioners who want to help by “Adopting a Family”. Over 25 families have been assisted by this program and we are most grateful for your continued supported. The Giving Tree We are blessed to have such generous parishioners. Parishioners have donated over 275 gifts placed under our “Giving Tree”. This will help us provide a beautiful Christmas those who have asked for our help. The Joy You Give John Greenleaf Whittie A Special Thank You to all the volunteers and families that supported the The St. Vincent de Paul Food Drive this past weekend. Whether you donated your time as a volunteer, or filled a bag with items for the needy, please know that your participation was much appreciated “Somehow, not only for Christmas But all the long year through, The joy that you give to others Is the joy that comes back to you. And the more you spend in blessing The poor and lonely and sad, The more of your heart’s possessing Returns to you glad.” ~Youth Ministry~ This year our Youth Ministry program has continued to grow and develop. Not only are more high school students attending events, but we are also having more opportunities for teens to get involved. In addition to our regular meetings that meet every other week, Youth Ministry has also been getting involved with the HIHI program. On Saturday January 31st, we will be working with the group to help make emergency preparedness kits to distribute to the homeless. We look forward to working with HIHI and assisting them in their dedicated mission to reach out and support those who are struggling in our community. On December 5th and 6th, we held our first parish retreat of the year on the theme of discernment, inspiring teens to think about how God is calling them in their lives. We are looking to have our next retreat in the spring at Camp Alvernia. This Sunday December 21st, at the 10:00 Mass we are having the first of our teen Masses. We hope these Liturgies provide our teens with more opportunities to be involved in the Mass and to take on ministerial roles within the parish as Eucharistic ministers, lectors and altar servers. It certainly has been a great start to the year for Youth Ministry. It’s been a real joy to work with so many of our faith-filled kids who are very dedicated to doing God’s work. With the help of so many, I know our program will continue to grow and live out the mission of our Church. Bill Leone Suggestions...Questions....Comments.... Feel free to contact me at bleone@olqmparish.org Mark your calendars. The next few youth group dates: Tuesday January 6, 7-8:30 Meeting Thursday January 22, 7-8:30 Meeting Saturday January 31st, Service Project - working with HIHI to make and distribute emergency preparedness kits. Our Faith Formation classes have been busy Preparing the Way for Jesus’ Coming! + + + + + + + Operation Christmas Child Our students and their families filled and decorated over 100 shoeboxes to be distributed to deserving children in our own country and around the world. + + + + + + + + + Class Service Projects Each grade level worked with our Parish Social Ministry Office to help fellow parishioners celebrate the holidays by making centerpieces, wreaths, trees, cards, and cookies. + + + + + + + + + Toy Drive Thanks to the generosity of our parish family, we collected 45 bags of new, unwrapped toys to be distributed to Pronto of Long Island, Suffolk County Child Protective Services, Dominican Sisters Ministries & and our own Parish Social Ministry Office. + + + + + + + + + Grade 2 Caring Celebration Our 2nd graders, preparing to receive Holy Communion in the spring, celebrated the caring people in their lives and learned how they can care for others. + + + + + + + + + Grade 1 Advent Celebration Our 1st graders learned about the signs of Christmas and told the Nativity Story with pictures and poems. The Children’s Faith Formation Office Staff wish all of our parish families a Blessed and Merry Christmas! A CHRISTMAS GIFT BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP Pope Francis Room 10:00-11:30 th Date: January 20 Book: Sabbath – Rest, Renewal A WOMEN’S RETREAT “STOP! I WANT TO BREATHE GOD’S CREATION” A weekend to enjoy the beauty of God’s creation all around – no cell phones, no iPads – to enjoy God and you. A weekend to JUST STOP!! May 15-17, 2015 Cormaria Retreat House Sag Harbor Fee: $180 ($50 deposit) Limited number of participants To register, please contact: Cormaria Retreat House P. O. Box 1993 Sag Harbor, NY 11963 Tel: 631-725-4206 Information, please contact S. Eileen 757-6250 or secorcoran@olqmparish.org By: Date: Book: By: Call: & Delight in Our Busy Lives Wayne Muller February 17th Annie Freeman’s Fabulous Traveling funeral Kris Radish Mary Ellen Mack 757-3492 ADVENT By day and by night, and through the circle of the seasons, you keep watch over us, God Most High. We praise you for this Advent wreath. It is the evergreen crown of your royal people. Soon it will grow bright and scatter the darkness. Around this shining wreath we shall keep watch for your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, who comes to comfort our fears and to make new this waiting world. All glory be yours, both now and forever. Amen. ~ Bill Ayres: Reflections on the Readings ~ December 21, 2014 Fourth Sunday of Advent A reading from the second book of samuel God made a series of promises to his people throughout the Old Testament that are called covenants. This one is the Davidic covenant because it is with King David and the whole people. God says it will endure forever. The Responsorial Psalm This psalm refers to the previous reading about the promise to David. The response that we sing is “Forever I will sing the goodness of the Lord.” Saint Benedict said that when we sing our prayers it is like praying twice. That is something to be aware of when we sing hymns or psalms. A reading from Saint Paul to the romans Paul talks about “the revelation of the mystery kept secret for long ages.” This is a MYSTERY in the deepest sense of the word, not like a mystery story where there is an answer even though it may take a while for the detective to find out “who done it.” This MYSTERY is the continual unfolding of God’s love for us in Jesus and it is this MYSTERY that you and I live every day. REFLECTIONS ON the holy gospel according to luke This reading is preceded by Luke’s account of the birth of John the Baptist. John is seen as the end of a whole series of Old Testament prophets through whom God visits his people. Jesus is someone entirely different. “The child to be born will be called Holy, the Son of God.” He is descended from the line of David from his father Joseph but by the power of the Holy Spirit, he is born of his mother Mary, a poor teenage girl. That is all we know. A remarkable person is born in a remarkable way through the power of God. It is just the beginning of a remarkable life that has an even more remarkable conclusion. CNN or the New York Times were not there to record it. For us, it is part of our Journey into the Mystery of God’s AGAPE, unconditional love. May you have a joyous Christmas and know that the Spirit of God is always within you. ~ Stewardship ~ A way of life ~ In this season of Advent, we are continuously preparing ourselves for the celebration of Christ’s birth into this world. Why not help our own parish prepare for the coming new year by signing up with Faith Direct? By supporting Our Lady Queen of Martyrs through Faith Direct, both you and our parish can more easily project your future contributions. You can sign up online at www.faithdirect.net using our church code: NY229, or by mailing a paper enrollment form available in the parish office. Already using Faith Direct? Don’t forget to add your Christmas or End-of-Year contributions to your account this fall. Thank you in advance for your support and for using Faith Direct! STEWARDSHIP SHARING Current Previous Fiscal Year Fiscal Year December 14, 2014 December 15, 2013 Collection $14,894 $14,912 Collection Budget $17,450 $17,020 Envelopes 320 230 Faith Direct Collection amount does not include Faith Direct this week Cumulative To Date Sunday Collections $ 269,033 $290,797 Budget $ 261,750 $272,320 Thank you for your continued support. Poor Box last week $287 CATHOLIC MINISTRIES APPEAL 2014 December 21—Fourth Sunday of Advent: Imagine how Mary felt at the birth of Jesus: excited, awed, frightened. Deep faith was her light in the darkness, for Jesus was born during the night of the year when darkness is the longest. In faith is found the real, lasting, and deep joy of Christmas. This month, through your gifts, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul was able to bring Christmas to the hearts of the poor, by assisting families, and providing food and gifts. Thanks! PARISH GOAL: $106,200 PLEDGES TO DATE: $138,378 PAID TO DATE: $130,805 NUMBER OF PLEDGES: 297 Thank you for your support of the 2014 Catholic Ministries Appeal LIVING GOD’S WORD We ask God to continue to save us in our own day from all that would lead us away from God. We ask God to continue to help us to know Jesus as Emmanuel, God with us, so that our faith may be rooted in the wisdom and power of God. ~Praying for and Supporting One Another~ Mass intentions DATE TIME OFFERED FOR 12/20 5:00 PM 12/21 8:00 AM Josephine Felice Giovannotto PRAYER REQUESTS L et us especially remember those who have asked for our prayers. Parishioners of Our Lady Queen of Martyrs 10:00 AM Joseph Geiss Thomas Launi Joseph M. Schorn Sr. Colleen Mary Elizabeth and Kevin Matthew 12:00 PM Robert Kinney 12/22 12:00 PM Elizabeth Nolan John Cadden 12/23 12:00 PM Harry McCormick Stephanie McCormick Thomas Noonan 12/24 4:00PM 6:00PM 8:00PM 10:30PM Mary Forestiero , Maureen Roberts Donald LaMere & Nancy Fielding Patrick McCourt Eleanor & Joseph Dieringer Joan Lawless - 1st Anniversay 12/25 8:00AM 10:00AM 12:00PM Sal Terillo Christine Bandl Natalie & Daniel Carriero Majdallah Shorize Michael El - Khazen Hortense Schwafel Luigi Giacomo Jenny & Rocco Suriano 12/27 9:00 AM 5:00 PM Peter Mitchell Patricia Rupprecht Susan Martinson Zucher Paul Zohorsky James Duggan Brian Clermont Frank Viccaro Louise Ammirati Robert Caputi Anthony Grimaldi Laura Oliveri Glenn Crisafi Evelyn Darby Jim Hartnett Donald Kuntz Tom Corbett Colette Rielly Lina Gallo Fr. Edward Dowling Alice Shatzle Patrick Enright Mark Borstelman Jacqueline Rousseau Tom Smith Concetta Daurio Rita Deluise Alicia Bunyan Jane Schiano-Wigutow Karen Larson Thomas Mulhern William Clarke Dolores Reichle Armand Qualliotine Brenda McCusker Deacon Rodger Miller Neil King Allison Kerr Franklin LaBarbara Betty Brennen Nancy Naughton Maria King Joseph Finneran Jamie Wrede Brian Dowling Alice Gabrielle Patricia Zvokel Matthew Ingrassia for the peaceful rest of all our beloved and friends especially Prayparishioners Rita Liotta. ay all those who have gone before us share the joys of Meternal life . Patricia Siniscalchi BANNS OF MARRIAGE First Announcement: Kaitlyn Fazio St. Gerard’s Damon Pombano Coram, NY Christmas 2014 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: This past year I found myself twice in the Holy Land, first in my role as a member of the Board of Catholic Near East Welfare and second as part of a Pilgrimage of Prayer for Peace by eighteen United States bishops. Both visits brought home to me in a vivid way what all of us see and hear in the media: the land made holy by the birth, life, death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior is anything but a land of peace, joy and fraternal love. If we were to stop there it would be very difficult to be hopeful. Yet we know that the Feast we celebrate on December 25th is the very reason why the worrisome facts of today’s world are not the end of the story. They are the context into which the Lord enters in order to reverse the spiral of violence and death and to found a new order, “the new heaven and the new earth” that are the fruit of the Son of God Who came into the world to reveal God’s plan of salvation. He is the true history of humanity because He alone is the Word through whom the world and human life are created. And that Word, the eternal Son of the Father, becomes flesh so that we might be saved from all the darknesses that lie hidden in human hearts. He is the true light that dispels the darkness. He is the one sure hope of the world. And He comes to become part of the human condition so that He and He alone can reverse the destiny of humankind by giving us a new destiny, life in Him, life in the Spirit which is the gift of God’s love. This Christmas I greet you all in the light of that love that came into the world that first Christmas in a Bethlehem stable. This Christmas I invite you all to join with me in a pilgrimage of the heart to that very place where Mary brought forth Jesus into a world that so needs the gift of divine life that He is and so yearns for the peace that only He can give. My prayer for each of you and all of you is that we might let Him transform any of the darknesses that control our lives and endow us with the newness of life that His birth has made possible. May the light of His life shine on us all, without exception. May the example of Mary and Joseph be the model for all our families. And may we be found with the shepherds adoring the Prince of Peace while angels sing and all the world rejoice for Unto us a Son is given, unto us a child is born and He is Savior, Mighty God, Prince of Peace. Faithfully yours in Christ, Bishop of Rockville Centre
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