DAILY BULLETIN, DECEMBER 16, 2014 Administration Corner Good Morning! Today is Tuesday, December 16th. SCHOOL ANNOUNCEMENTS EVEN Day Schedule UPCOMING PERFORMANCES: Teacher Absences: Join us for our Winter Performance Season. All performances are open to the public. Ticket prices vary: Murphy, Sienkowski, Boulanger. Word of the Day: th Co-Op Freshman Theatre Showcase, Wednesday, December 17 at 2:30 & th 6:30pm & Thursday, December 18 at 6:30pm, Black Box Theatre. Tickets $2 students, $5 adults in advance, $10 family. rechauffe (n) a warmed over dish of food. Sentence: “The day after the holiday, it was traditional to serve rechauffes and snacks rather than cook a full meal .” (www.merriamwebster.com/word-of-the-day) Co-Op Dance Winterfest Concert, Monday, December 22nd, 6:30pm at the Shubert Theatre. Dance tickets are being sold thru the Arts office and the Shubert box office. Tickets are $8.00 in advance and $10.00 at the door. GENERAL NOTICES: National Art Honor Society Members: Due to the busy nature of the season, the chapter meeting of the NAHS for December 17th has been cancelled. Chapter meetings will resume in 2015! Juniors and Seniors: Bank of America is looking for gr. 1112 students with a passion for improving their community. BoA Student Leaders participate in an 8-week paid summer internship at a local nonprofit organization to learn first-hand about the needs of the community, the critical role nonprofits play, and valuable civic, social and business skills. Students attend the Student Leaders Summit in Washington, D.C. to learn how government, business and the nonprofit sector work together to address critical community needs. Applications are due Jan. 31. For more information and application criteria, go to bankofamerica.com/studentleaders Students: The City of New Haven Youth Services Department in conjunction with Public Works and Parks/Recreation is eager to present the annual “Citywide Winter Wonderland Holiday Event.” This event will take place Friday, December 19, 2014- Sunday, December 21, 2014. This is an event to spread some holiday cheer in the community and we are seeking volunteer assistance from other young people throughout the city. We are in need of volunteers for a wealth of services including but not limited to decorative assistance, artistic support and event staffing. We are requesting that students sign up to be a part of this great event in whatever capacity they see fit. You will find a sign in sheet to distribute to either guidance counselors or secretaries in the main offices. This serves as a great opportunity for students to gain community service hours as well as foster a partnership with the departments youth volunteer recruitment efforts. Students who wish to volunteer should be prepared for an informational meeting on Saturday, December 13, 2014 at 11:00 am at the Goffe Street Armory (290 Goffe Street, New Haven, CT 06511). Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact The City of New Haven’s Youth Services Specialist Earle Lobo at 203-946-7665, or via email (elobo@newhavenct.net). Thanks for your attention to this matter and have a great day! Movie Day Dec. 23: The Junior class is sponsoring movie day on Dec. 23. We will be showing Guardians of the Galaxy! Tickets are $2. Students must be in good academic standing – No less than a C in Powerschool. Tickets will be on sale Dec. 19, Dec 22 and the morning of Dec. 23. No tickets will be sold at the door. SENIOR CLASS: SENIOR PORTRAIT MAKEUP DAY: The absolute LAST day for Senior Portraits is Tuesday, December 16 from 1-5pm in the Lecture Hall. There will be no more opportunities after next Tuesday. Please see Ms. Holsenbeck or Ms. Wetmore with any questions. JUNIOR CLASS: Class dues are $25/year. You must have paid $75 by the end of this year. You can pay $5/month if you need to! You can pay Mrs. Sargent in the Theatre Resource Room first floor. She is available before/during homeroom or immediately after school. We would like to build a committee to begin planning the Spring Fling. If you are interested in helping out please sign up on the sheet outside the Black Box. Winter Wear Collection: The Student Council is currently collecting any and all winter coats, hats, scarves, gloves and snow suits for all ages. If you or someone you know is looking to get rid of gently used winter wear please bring it in! PARENTS/CO-OP FAMILY Families: If you missed the Dec. 2 Financial Aid Workshop here at Co-op, Cappex, a reputable college search website, is sponsoring a free "Financial Aid and FAFSA 101" session on December 17 at 7pm EST. The workshop is online, so you can "attend" from home or work with a computer or smartphone. Register atwww.cappex.com/finaid101. Contact Erin Howell at ehowell@cappex.com with questions. Senior Parents – Would you like to create a special memory for your senior? You can purchase a yearbook page. Memory pages must be received by January 2, 2015. Full page $125.00 – 8 ½” x 11” Half page - $90.00 – 8 ½” x 5 ½” ¼ page - $65.00 – 4 ¼” x 5 ½” 1/8 page - $35.00 – 4 ¼” x 2 ½” Seniors/Senior Families: As you collect responses to college applications, please enter your admissions results into Naviance. And be sure to tell your school counselors, who are eager to hear your news! GUIDANCE NOTICES: Any Junior interested in an SAT Strategies Class after school on Mondays should email “Ms. R” immediately @ julie.reinshagen@nhboe.net Your PSAT results are in, so now is the time to get ready for the February administration of the full-length SAT! If you have already replied to an email from her about this class, there is no need to respond again. Seniors: College admissions reps are coming to Coop to meet you, talk about their college, and answer questions. The next few weeks appear below; for a full list of dates, times, and short descriptions of the schools, see the school calendar at co-opartsandhumanities.org. To attend, see Ms. Roxi in Guidance for permission forms. Upcoming College Visits to Coop: Thurs. Jan. 22, 11:45-12:45 in cafeteria: Air Force ROTC (Reserve Officers' Training Corp) is a training and scholarship program for students who want to receive a 4-year college degree after high school and then enter military service as officers. The Washington Center, in partnership with HBCU Connect, is excited to announce summer 2015 paid federal internships through the Federal Diversity Internship Initiative! This is a fully-funded and paid opportunity. There is no out-of-pocket cost for participation. Internship Opportunity: You will have the opportunity to intern with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Library of Congress (LOC) and the U.S. Department of the Treasury. These internships are competitive and will go fast! While many students will be considered, there is a specific need for the following majors: Aviation/Aerospace, Business (and related), Accounting/Finance, Human Resources, Computer Science (and related), Public Health, Healthcare Management/Administration (and related), Communication (and related), Library Science, Environmental Science/Geographic Information Systems, Public Administration, Engineering (all disciplines) The absolute deadline for applications is February 18. However, due to an advanced timeline for referrals, we strongly recommend students complete their applications well before this date. To apply, you will need to fill out the online application form and provide a resume, an essay, two letters of recommendation (from a professional or academic source), and an official transcript. The transcript and letters of recommendation can arrive after submission. Apply now at www.twc.edu/federal. If you have any questions about this paid, federal internship opportunity, please do not hesitate to contact us! The Washington Center is happy to assist with the application in any way and we look forward to working with you this year. Best, Lyndsy Horn Office of Admissions & Institutional Relations The Washington Center for Internships and Academic Seminars lyndsy.horn@twc.edu www.twc.edu/federal 202-238-7917 (direct line)
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