Wynmoor Theatre Event Sheet JUNE/JULY JUNE/JULY JUNE/JULY 2015 JUNE/JULY Director: Mary DeCecco JUNE/JULY JUNE/JULY $OOVKRZVVFKHGXOHGDUHVXEMHFWWRFKDQJHPRGLÀFDWLRQRUVXEVWLWXWLRQ1R5HIXQGVRU([FKDQJHV DATE JUNE PERFORMERS -(1(1( &$5$0,(/2This sublime singer has been traveling across the world captivating audiences with her eclectic background of musical genres including musical theatre, pop, jazz, and country. Ms. Caramielo recently performed for Donald Trump at his home in West Palm Beach. She is an exciting entertainer. 2SHQLQJDFW&RPLF9HQWULORTXLVW*DU\:LOOQHU $1'< '$9,6He is a phenomenal vocalist who has wowed audiences in America and throughout the world. His portrayals of wellknown Broadway characters such as Tevye in “Fiddler On The Roof” and the Phantom in “Phantom Of The Opera” are awe-inspiring. Opening act: Comic Bob DiVerde 0$5/< -2+1621Ms. Johnson is a vibrant, vivacious singer whose love for the stage translates into an absolutely riveting performance. This versatile entertainer has entranced audiences worldwide. A passionate performer who will captivate you...Marly Johnson. Opening act: Violinist Randie Fishenfeld 0$77+(: 6$%$7(//$7KLV ÀQH VLQJHU SUHVHQWV D XQLTXH musical experience depicting the history of our country. Enjoy ‘The Ballad of America,’ a tribute to American composers and entertainers. Not only is Mr. Sabatella a great vocalist, he also is a great musician, playing the guitar and the banjo. Opening act: Pianist Sheila Shteyrenberg SATURDAY 6/06/15 8:00 PM SATURDAY 6/13/15 8:00 PM EVENT # OF # TICKETS 250 $ 251 $ 252 $ 253 $ SATURDAY 6/20/15 8:00 PM SATURDAY 6/27/15 8:00 PM JULY PERFORMERS There is no Show in the Theatre and no Saturday Night Dance in the West Wing on Saturday, July 4, 2015 - Independence Day. 6$00<:(%(5An incredibly talented musician, Mr. Weber is a YLROLQYLUWXRVR+LVXQLTXHUHSHUWRLUHLQFOXGHVMD]]SRSFRXQWU\/DWLQ ethnic music, and all types of rock music. Mr. Weber’s passion is to play all types of music, and to share his love of music with his audience. Opening act: Singer Stacey Steele -$0,( '$1*(5This world-class singer has a great sense of humor too! Born in Brooklyn, New York, Ms. Danger is truly ‘at home’ on stage. She is a captivating entertainer; don’t miss this gal! Opening act: Singer/instrumentalist Marty Kaye 5,&+$5',$11,In Concert, presents ‘Love and Laughter Italian Style.’ This amazing performer has a golden voice and wonderful FRPLFÁDLU)URP%URDGZD\WR&DHVDUV3DODFHKLVVKRZKDVGHOLJKWHG all. Charming and supremely talented, Richard Ianni will entrance you tonight. SATURDAY 7/11/15 8:00 PM 254 $ 255 $ 256 $ SATURDAY 7/18/15 8:00 PM SATURDAY 7/25/15 8:00 PM TOTAL $ 5HPHPEHU No Shorts on Show Night nor at Dances 28 Wynmoor Theatre Event Sheet HOW TO ORDER TICKETS Director: Mary DeCecco JUNE/JULY 2015 $OOVKRZVVFKHGXOHGDUHVXEMHFWWRFKDQJHPRGLÀFDWLRQRUVXEVWLWXWLRQ1R5HIXQGVRU([FKDQJHV 1. Fill out the Event Sheet in full (Wynmoor Address only). Enclose both Event Sheet and check (payable to WCC) in envelope. Be sure check contains your Wynmoor address. 2. 'XULQJWKHPRQWKVRI-XQHWKURXJK6HSWHPEHUXQOLPLWHGWLFNHWVIRUHDFKVKRZPD\EHSXUFKDVHGRQRQH(YHQW6KHHWSHUDSDUWPHQW*XHVWVPXVW KDYHD*XHVW3DVV2QO\RQH(YHQW6KHHWSHUHQYHORSHSOHDVH127($UHVLGHQWZKRLVRQWKH/HJDOO\%OLQGOLVWPD\RUGHUDQXQOLPLWHGQXPEHURI WLFNHWVIRUHDFKVKRZKRZHYHURQO\WZRRIWKRVHWLFNHWVIRUHDFKVKRZZLOOEHLQWKH/HJDOO\%OLQGVHFWLRQVRIWKH7KHDWUH6($76,17+(/(*$//< BLIND SECTIONS ARE FOR WYNMOOR RESIDENTS ONLY. 3. On April 6, 2015 at 8:05 AM. PLEASE DROP YOUR ENVELOPE INTO THE SLOT NEXT TO BOX OFFICE (one envelope per resident). 4. No orders will be accepted before April 6, 2015. Deadline for JUNE/JULY orders is April 27, 2015 at 4 PM. ALL TICKETS ARE MAILED TO YOUR WYNMOOR ADDRESS ONLY VIA FIRST CLASS MAIL. TICKETS ARE ISSUED ON FIRST-COME, ),5676(59('%$6,6,QFDVHRIHUURUSOHDVHEULQJ\RXU(YHQW6KHHWDQG7LFNHWVWRWKH%R[2IÀFH-81(-8/<(9(176+((76ZLOO be available outside the Theatre on March 30, 2015. TO PURCHASE TICKETS IN PERSON AT THE BOX OFFICE TO ORDER TICKETS BY MAIL 1. -XQH-XO\WLFNHWVPD\EHSXUFKDVHGDWWKH%R[2IÀFHVWDUWLQJ Monday, May 4, 2015. 2 Bring your own Wynmoor ID card and check or cash in the EXACT AMOUNT ONLY. 3. You may not purchase another resident’s tickets with his/her ID card. 4. Legally blind tickets may be purchased by all residents ONE WEEK BEFORE SHOW, if available. No more than two Legally %OLQGWLFNHWVSHUPLWWHGSHUUHVLGHQW6($76,17+(/(*$//< BLIND SECTIONS ARE FOR WYNMOOR RESIDENTS ONLY. Enclose Event Sheet and check in an envelope and mail to: WYNMOOR THEATRE BOX OFFICE 1300 Avenue of the Stars Coconut Creek, Florida 33066 NOTE: All mailed-in orders received on or before the date listed IRU6/2723(1,1*ZLOOEHQXPEHUHGDQGSURFHVVHG$)7(5WKRVH submitted in person (on above date). We are not responsible for lost or misplaced tickets. 7+($75(%2;2)),&(+2856 ETIQUETTE & POLICIES 3URSHUDWWLUHUHTXLUHGDIWHU30IRUVKRZVDQGGDQFHV NO SHORTS (OK for movies). Please be on time. CHILDREN younger than 15 are not allowed in Theatre. According to COUNCIL POLICY, everyone MUST HAVE his/ KHU:\QPRRU,'RU*XHVW3DVVWRHQWHUWKH7KHDWUHIRU shows and movies. 1R6PRNLQJLQWKH7KHDWUH,1&/8',1*(&LJDUHWWHV No Food or Drinks permitted in the Theatre (Bottled Water-OK) Monday, Wednesday & Friday, 9:00 am - 12 noon Tuesday & Thursday, 9 am - 12 noon & 1 pm - 4 pm 1RWH%R[2IÀFHRSHQVKRXUEHIRUHHYHU\VKRZDQG PRYLHH[FHSW62/'287SHUIRUPDQFHV2QO\WKDW QLJKW·V6KRZWLFNHWVDUHDYDLODEOH 3/($6(78512))$//&(//3+21(6%/$&.%(55<6,3+21(6 ,32'63$*(56. 7+($75( 32/,&< As instructed by Coconut Creek’s Fire Marshall, walkers must be placed in the rear of the theatre during all shows and movies. The hostesses will assist residents by putting their walkers in the rear of the theatre after the residents are seated. Further, they will bring the resident’s walker to them when the show or movie is over. PLEASE HAVE YOUR WALKERS PROPERLY IDENTIFIED WITH YOUR NAME. THANK YOU. 6255<7+(5($5(125()81'625(;&+$1*(6 Please check this box if your name is on the legally blind list. FILL OUT YOUR COMPLETE WYNMOOR ADDRESS NO TICKET OFFICE USE ONLY Received: Check Cash Invoice Resident’s Name Wynmoor Address Apt. YES Coconut Creek, Florida 33066 Phone Number 29 $ $ # #
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