DAILY BULLETIN, NOVEMBER 20, 2014 Administration Corner SCHOOL ANNOUNCEMENTS Good Morning! Today is Half-Day Movie Fundraiser: Thursday, November 20th EVEN schedule Teacher Absences: Bernor Word of the Day: Egress (noun) The act of leaving a place. Sentence: “The school’s egress procedures during a fire drill were clear.” (Word of the day, WordThink.com) th th Any students (9 -12 ) with Cs or better on their Report Cards are eligible to purchase tickets at $2 to the Half-Day Senior Movie th Fundraiser – “X-Men” -- to be held on Wednesday, November 26 . Tickets will be on sale Friday morning of this week at morning entry (7:00-7:30) and next week, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning (7:00-7:30), as well as during all four lunch waves on Monday. Tickets will NOT be sold at any other time. All-School Musical Auditions: Co-Op students of all grades and all arts are invited to audition for Co-Op's All School Spring Musical, "Curtains"-- a musical murder mystery-- directed by Mr. Esposito and choreographed by Mr. Hankey. Audition sign-ups will be posted on the CAS Board Monday Nov 25th and will take place after school on in the Main Stage on Tuesday, December 2nd and Wednesday, December 3rd from 2:30 4:30 p.m. Callbacks (if needed), will take place on Friday, December 5th. CAS: All CAS Programs are meeting this week, Tuesday-Friday. Yale tutors are available in the Library after school from 2:30 - 4:30 Tuesdays through Fridays. Tutors can help with homework in all subjects, research projects and papers, test preparation for the SAT or ACT, and the college application process. Check the schedule posted in the library for more information. UPCOMING PERFORMANCES: Join us for our Winter Performance Season. All performances are open to the public. Ticket prices vary: • Co-Op After School and Elm Shakespeare Company present Co-Op’s Annual All-School Play, Shakespeare’s th st “12 Night” on the Co-Op Main Stage, TOMORROW Friday, November 21 at 2:30 & 7 and Saturday, November nd 22 at 2:30 & 7. Advance tickets will be sold in the Cafeteria during lunch waves all week. Advance ticket prices are $5 student/ $7 adult; prices at the door are $5/ $10. The box office will open one hour before each show. • Co-Op String & Wind Ensemble Winterfest Concert, Thursday, December 4 at 6:30pm, Co-Op Main Stage Theatre. Tickets in advance the week of and at the door; $2 students/$5 adults/$7 at the door. • Co-Op Choir Winterfest Concert, Tuesday, December 9 at 6:30pm, Co-Op Main Stage Theatre. Tickets in advance and at the door. $2 students/$5 adults/$7 at the door. • Co-Op Jazz Band Winterfest Concert, Thursday, December 11 at 6pm, Co-Op Main Stage Theatre. Tickets in advance and at the door. $2 students/$5 adults/$7 at the door. th • Co-Op Freshman Theatre Showcase, Wednesday, December 17 at 2:30 & 6:30pm & Thursday, December 18 at 6:30pm, Black Box Theatre. Tickets $2 students, $5 adults in advance, $10 family. th • Co-Op Dance Winterfest Concert, Monday, December 22nd, 6:30pm at the Shubert Theatre. Check back soon for more information about tickets. ALL SCHOOL PICTURE DAY: • Students who were absent on picture days or need to do retakes will be able to do so December 3rd during the school day. GENERAL NOTICES: Students, you can now get the Daily Bulletin sent to your own email. Complete the signup form on the Co-op website at: co-opartsandhumanities.org: lower left, under "News and Info for Co-op Families", OR on the Current Students page: http://co-opartsandhumanities.org/current-students/ National Art Honor Society will meet the third Wednesday each month. In February and April, the NAHS will meet on the fourth Wednesday, due to the vacation schedule. SENIOR CLASS: Seniors: Your yearbook is included in your class dues! One yearbook will be ordered for each senior. Personalization will be available for an extra fee. Details on how to order personalization will be coming soon. You must pay your class dues in full to get the yearbook included!! JUNIOR CLASS: Class dues are $25/year. You must have paid $75 by the end of this year. You can pay $5/month if you need to! You can pay Mrs. Sargent in the Theatre Resource Room first floor. She is available before/during homeroom or immediately after school. We would like to build a committee to begin planning the Spring Fling. If you are interested in helping out please sign up on the sheet outside the Black Box. OUT OF SCHOOL AFTER-SCHOOL OPPORTUNITIES The Health Profession Recruitment and Exposure Program (HPREP) is a nationwide high school science enrichment program aimed at recruiting African-American, Native American, and Latino students into the science and health professions. Students are taught to critically read, evaluate, and discuss scientific literature, with emphasis on problems disproportionately affecting minority communities. The program is 9 Sat morning sessions, Jan. 10 -- March 7. Students showing the most promise will receive a college scholarship. Applications are in Guidance or online. Deadline is Nov. 24. KUUMBA Talent Show Showcase Opportunity! Auditions: Wednesday, November 19, 7:30pm-9:30pm, Wexlerth Grant Community School (55 Foote Street, New Haven). Showcase: Friday, December 19 , 7:00pm, Wexler-Grant School. $3 students, $5 adults. Money prizes! Email thelineagegroupct@gmail.com for more information and to register. PARENTS/CO-OP FAMILY The next Parent Forum is Tues., Dec. 2, 6:30pm: An Introduction to College Financial Aid. Holly Franquet, director of The College Place-CT, will present an overview of how to apply and pay for higher education, from scholarships to government loans; she will also take questions. Parents in all grades, 9-12, are invited. Parents and Staff: You can raise money for Co-Op just by registering your store card at places you may already shop: Stop & Shop, Shop Rite, or Target! Signup info is here on the Co-Op website. If you’ve signed up in the past, please know that Shop Rite and Stop & Shop require you to re-register or reconfirm your school choice every academic year. Senior Parents – Would you like to create a special memory for your senior? You can purchase a yearbook page. Memory pages must be received by January 2, 2015. Full page $125.00 – 8 ½” x 11” Half page - $90.00 – 8 ½” x 5 ½” ¼ page - $65.00 – 4 ¼” x 5 ½” 1/8 page - $35.00 – 4 ¼” x 2 ½” GUIDANCE NOTICES: Seniors: College admissions reps are coming to Coop to meet you, talk about their college, and answer questions. The next few weeks appear below; for a full list of dates, times, and short descriptions of the schools, see the school calendar at co-opartsandhumanities.org. To attend, see Ms. Roxi in Guidance for permission forms. Upcoming College Visits to Coop: Nov. 21, 11:45-12:45 in the cafeteria: U.S. Air Force Dec. 8, 11:45-12:45 in the cafeteria: Johnson & Wales University (RI & other campuses) Dec. 11, 10:45-11:45 in the cafeteria: Lincoln Technical Institute (multiple campuses) Juniors and Seniors -- Applications for taking college classes at Gateway, Southern, UNH and Yale in the spring semester through the Independent Studies Program have arrived in Guidance! All interested students, including those who are currently taking (or have previously taken) a College Before College course, must meet with Ms. Reinshagen first and then complete paperwork and attend Orientations in early December. Please come to see her in Guidance on a Tuesday or Wednesday this month, or email her at julie.reinshagen@nhboe.netto detail your interest and make an appointment.
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