THE UNITED BENEFICE OF ST BARTHOLOMEW AND ST LAWRENCE WITH ST SWITHUN-UPON-KINGSGATE WINCHESTER Rector: The Reverend Canon Cliff Bannister Assistant Priest: The Reverend Amanda Goulding Assistant Curate: The Reverend Sally Goodson Tel. 01962 852032 Tel. 01962 884585 Tel: 01962 867251 THE FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT 21st December 2014 A warm welcome to our worship this Sunday Large Print Versions of this notice sheet and other papers are available. A Hearing Loop system is in use. Gluten-free communion wafers are available – please ask a steward. Morning readings: OT Psalm NT Gospel 2 Samuel 7. 1-11 & 16 89. 1-8 Romans 16. 25-end Luke 1. 26-38 St Bartholomew 9.30am Parish Communion Celebrant and Preacher: The Rector Hymns: 535, Advent Wreath Song (4 vss + chorus), 194, 302, 219 (x2), 451 St Lawrence Hymns: 11.00am Parish Communion Celebrant and Preacher: The Rev’d Amanda Goulding 32, Advent Wreath Song (4 vss + chorus), 238 (omit v 3), 35, 58 St Bartholomew 6.00pm Carol Service Led by: The Rector St Lawrence 6.00pm Carol Service Led by: The Rev’d Amanda Goulding Evening readings and hymns: See special orders of service COLLECT FOR THE FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT God our redeemer, who prepared the Blessed Virgin Mary to be the mother of your Son: grant that, as she looked for his coming as our saviour, so we may be ready to greet him when he comes again as our judge; who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. ADVENT WREATH PRAYER for the 4th Sunday of Advent God our Father, the angel Gabriel told the Virgin Mary that she was to be the mother of your Son. Though Mary was afraid, she responded to your call with joy. Help us, whom you call to serve you, to share like her in your great work of bringing to our world your love and healing. We ask this through Jesus Christ, the Light who is coming into the world. ALL: Lord Jesus, Light of the world, blessed is Gabriel who brought good news; blessed is Mary your mother and ours: Bless your Church preparing for Christmas; and bless us your children who long for your coming. SERVICES FOR CHRISTMAS EVE 24th December 2014 St Lawrence 3.30pm Crib Service Led by: The Rev’d Amanda Goulding St Bartholomew 5.00pm Crib Service Led by: The Rector and The Rev’d Sally Goodson Hymns: See special orders of service Midnight Readings: OT NT Isaiah 52. 7-10 John 1. 1-14 St Bartholomew 11.30pm Midnight Communion Celebrant and Preacher: The Rector Hymns: 592 (4 verses), 559, 357, 832, 534 (vss 1,2,6 & 7) St Swithun Hymns: 11.30pm Midnight Communion Celebrant and Preacher: The Rev’d Norman de la Mouette 66, 63 (tune 1), 55, 61 (vss 1,2,6 & 7) A VERY HAPPY CHRISTMAS FROM ALL THE MINISTRY TEAM SERVICES FOR CHRISTMAS DAY 25th December 2014 Morning readings: NT Gospel Titus 2. 11-14 Luke 2. 1-14 St Bartholomew 8.00am Holy Communion Celebrant and Preacher: The Rector St Bartholomew 9.30am Family Communion Celebrant: The Rector Preacher: The Rev’d Sally Goodson Hymns: 534 (vss 1-3, 6 & 7), Taizé Gloria: Glory to God, glory to God, glory in the highest Glory to God, glory to God, alleluia, alleluia. Advent Wreath Song (all vss), 650, 827, 59, 289 St Lawrence Hymns: 10.00am Parish Communion Celebrant and Preacher: The Rev’d Amanda Goulding 61 (vss 1, 2, 6 & 7), Advent Wreath Song (all vss), 68, 76, 53 ALTERNATIVE COLLECT FOR CHRISTMAS DAY Lord Jesus Christ, your birth at Bethlehem draws us to kneel in wonder at heaven touching earth: accept our heartfelt praise as we worship you, our Saviour and our eternal God. Amen. ADVENT WREATH PRAYER for CHRISTMAS DAY God our Father, today the Saviour is born and those who live in darkness are seeing a great light. Help us, who greet the birth of Christ with joy, to live in the light of your Son, and to share the good news of your love. We ask this through Jesus Christ, the Light who has come into the world. ALL: Lord Jesus, Light of Light, you have come among us. Help us who live by your light, to shine as lights in your world. Glory to God in the highest! SERVICES FOR THE FIRST SUNDAY OF CHRISTMAS 28th December 2014 Morning readings: OT Gospel St Lawrence Isaiah 61.10 – 62.3 Luke 2. 15-21 10.00am United Benefice Communion Celebrant: The Rector Preacher: Meriel Walton 57, 73, 44, 64 Hymns: There will be no Evensong in the Benefice COLLECT FOR THE FIRST SUNDAY OF CHRISTMAS Almighty God, who wonderfully created us in your own image and yet more wonderfully restored us through your Son Jesus Christ: grant that, as he came to share in our humanity, so we may share the life of his divinity; who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL! SERVICES FOR THE FEAST OF THE EPIPHANY 4th January 2015 Morning readings: OT Gospel Isaiah 60. 1-6 Matthew 2. 1-12 St Bartholomew 8.00am Holy Communion Celebrant and Preacher: The Rev’d Sally Goodson St Bartholomew 9.30am Family Service (No Communion) Celebrant and Preacher: The Rector St Lawrence 10.00am Parish Communion Celebrant: The Rev’d Amanda Goulding Preacher: The Rev’d Sally Goodson St Swithun 6.00pm Led by: Carols and Readings for Epiphany The Rector FOR YOUR PRAYERS For the World: for the families who lost their loved ones in the recent attack on the Peshawar school, and for all who will make the News Headlines this Christmas because of what they have said or done or been victim to; for families separated this Christmas through war or sickness or economic pressure; for the safety of our armed forces; for the peace of the Holy Land. For the Anglican Communion: On 21st December: Archbishop Justin Welby; Kontagora (Nigeria); the Dioceses of Borg (Church of Norway), Southwell and Nottingham, their Bishops and people; the work of Sunday Schools. On Christmas Eve: Kubwa (Nigeria), their Bishop and people; The Children’s Society. On Christmas Day: The Archbishop and Bishops of South East Asia and their people; all those who are homeless or lonely and those who offer them shelter and care. On 28th December: Kushtia (Bangladesh); the Dioceses of Oslo (Church of Norway), Durham, Moray Ross and Caithness, their Bishops and people. For the Diocese: Bishop Tim Dakin and Suffragan Bishops Jonathan and David; all charity workers and volunteers in the Diocese. For the Deanery: On 21st December: The Diocesan Office and Clerical Registry. On Christmas Eve: The City Centre Chaplaincy and the Rev’d Howard Rowe. On Christmas Day: Clergy spouses and families; retired clergy; clergy widows and widowers, and their families. On 28th December: Social work in the Deanery: Trinity Centre, Night Shelter, Keystone Housing, Basics Bank, Street Pastors. Local needs: For all who have no place to call home; the work of the Salvation Army and for families in need, especially recipients of the Christmas Project and the Basics Bank; for all who travel this Christmas-tide. The sick and housebound, especially Sybil Edwards, Joan Foreman, Phillipa Fraser, Sheila Lindsay, Trevor Nash, Wanda Nash, Evan Sturgess. Also for Stanley and Enid in Ikona. For the Departed: We pray for all who mourn the loss of those they have loved, especially at this time of the year. Anniversary of Death: Jean Bailey, Amanda Fielding, Gillian French, Patricia Harding, Harvey Harris, Iris Stuart, Roy Waterer. NOTICES Arrangements for Christmas and New Year: Please note there will be no mid-week Services or Morning/Evening Prayer between 22nd December and the New Year. The Parish Office will also be closed and re-open on Friday 2nd January. Morning and Evening Prayer will resume on Friday 2nd January. Cliff, Amanda and Sally will be taking a postChristmas break. THE WEEKLY NOTICE SHEET: Please send any items for the notice sheet by Wednesday of each week to Caroline St Leger-Davey and Lis Wicks at the St Lawrence Parish Office, Colebrook Street; email or tel. 01962 849434. For St Bartholomew Hall bookings please contact Lorraine Curtis:, tel. 01962 863361. The CHRISTINGLE SERVICE held last Sunday at St Bartholomew raised £274.7 for The Children’s Society. Well done to everyone! BEER AND CAROLS EVENING: Cliff will lead the evening on Monday 22nd December at 7.30pm at the Hyde Tavern. The collection will be for “Embrace the Middle East” projects with children. ST BARTHOLOMEW: If you would like to help decorate our Church please come along on Tuesday 23rd December at 10.00am. ST BARTHOLOMEW: Our collection at Christmas will be for the Nightshelter. All donations should be placed in the “Nightshelter” envelopes, and if you wish to claim Gift Aid please fill in the details on the envelope. ST BARTHOLOMEW: Maurice Miles will have spare boxes of pink, weekly envelopes for 2015. These envelopes enable users to give a regular amount each week. You do not have to be a tax payer to use these envelopes. If interested please see Maurice. COFFEE MORNING in ST LAWRENCE CHURCH: On the first Friday of each month. Please come along to meet one another and members of the Ministry Team on 2nd January from 10.00am-11.30am. ST BARTHOLOMEW: We will have a retiring collection plate at the end of our Family service on 4th January to sponsor Fredrick Oduke from Uganda. £15 a month is given to support his education and projects in his village. ST LAWRENCE: ‘Going Out With Questions’ meets on the 1st Sunday of the month (4th January) to explore questions about faith and life. We meet after the morning service. Convenor: Angus Paddison. HYDE OPEN GROUP: The next meeting is on Monday 5th January at 2.00pm. Maurice Miles will give a talk on his life as a Headteacher. The group is open to all ladies; annual fee is £10. Contact: Daphne (869352). MESSY CHURCH: Please keep your Christmas wrapping paper cardboard tubes for the next Messy Church (10th January) and give them to Sally (867251) or the Parish Office! THE FORTNIGHT AHEAD 22nd – 27th December 2014 There will be no mid-week Services or Morning/Evening Prayer between 22nd December and the New Year. The Parish Office is also closed. Saturday 7.00pm Holocaust Memorial Day Cathedral 28th December 2014 - 4th January 2015 Friday Morning and Evening Prayer resume 9.00am-12.00noon Parish Office open 10.00am-11.30am Coffee morning St Lawrence
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