THE UNITED BENEFICE OF ST BARTHOLOMEW AND ST LAWRENCE WITH ST SWITHUN-UPON-KINGSGATE WINCHESTER Rector: The Reverend Canon Cliff Bannister Assistant Priest: The Reverend Amanda Goulding Assistant Curate: The Reverend Sally Goodson Tel. 01962 852032 Tel. 01962 884585 Tel. 01962 867251 See our website: THE 2nd SUNDAY BEFORE ADVENT 16th November 2014 A warm welcome to our worship this Sunday Large Print Versions of this notice sheet and other papers are available. A Hearing Loop system is in use. Gluten-free communion wafers are available – please ask a steward. Morning Readings: OT Psalm NT Gospel Zephaniah 1. 7 & 12-18 90. 1-8 & 12 1 Thessalonians 5. 1-11 Matthew 25. 14-30 St Bartholomew 9.30am Parish Communion Celebrant: The Rector Preacher: Karen Bannister(LLMiT) Hymns: 350, 549, 688, 499, 205 St Lawrence Hymns: St Swithun Hymns: Evening Readings: 11.00am Parish Communion Celebrant: The Rev’d Norman de la Mouette Preacher: Meriel Walton (LLM) 474, 383, 385, 432 6.00pm Led by: 604, 607, Psalm OT NT Evensong Jeannette Holder (Ordinand) 20 89. 19-37 1 Kings 1. 15-40 Revelation 1. 4-18 COLLECT FOR THE WEEK Heavenly Lord, you long for the world’s salvation: stir us from apathy, restrain us from excess and revive in us new hope that all creation will one day be healed in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. FOR YOUR PRAYERS For the World: We pray for peace and reconciliation in Syria, Afghanistan, South Sudan, and the strengthening of the ceasefire in Israel; for Christians who face persecution in their own countries. For the Anglican Communion: Archbishop Justin Welby; the Lusitanian Church of Portugal; the Dioceses of Luleå (Church of Sweden) and Norwich, their Bishops and people; UN International Day of Tolerance; International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (Release International); Prisons Week. For the Diocese: Bishop Tim Dakin and Suffragan Bishops Jonathan and David. For the Deanery: St Cross Hospital with St Faith and The Rev’d Reg Sweet. Local needs: The Nightshelter; Winchester Prison, chaplains, prison officers, prisoners and their families; Footprints charity helping newly released prisoners. The sick and housebound, especially for Sybil Edwards, Joan Foreman, Phillipa Fraser, Sheila Lindsay, Wanda Nash, Evan Sturgess. Also for Stanley and Enid in Ikona. For the Departed: Daphne Bailey, Anthony Gibbs, Sylvia Haywood, Bernard Mantell, and all who mourn. Anniversary of Death: Brian Cable, Heather Dillon. NOTICES THE WEEKLY NOTICE SHEET: Please send any items for the notice sheet by Wednesday of each week to Caroline St Leger-Davey and Lis Wicks at the St Lawrence Parish Office, Colebrook Street; email or tel. 01962 849434. For St Bartholomew Hall bookings please contact Lorraine Curtis:, tel. 01962 863361. PARISH MAGAZINE: The deadline for the combined December/January magazine issue is TODAY. THE CHRISTMAS MARKET begins on 20th November. Volunteers are needed to man the chalet for local churches. Training is OPTIONAL but takes place today from 5-6pm at Christ Church. Please contact Dan Greenfield (tel. 857995 or if you can help. ST SWITHUN HEARING LOOP: Please note that the hearing loop is not working due to water leakage. A new system will have to be installed and quotes are being sought. TITLE OF LLM: In October, the Bishop licensed the new cohort of those who had been training for 'Reader' Ministry. At that service they were licensed as Local Lay Ministers (LLMs), so in the light of that more appropriate title for their work in parishes, we will use that description for those in our team, both licensed (LLM) and in training (LLMiT). JULIAN GROUP: A small group will meet each Tuesday at 2.00pm to practise Christian contemplative prayer. For more details please contact Sue Tisdall (851621). CHRISTMAS SERVICES CARDS: Volunteers are needed to help distribute these in BOTH PARISHES. Please see the Churchwardens if you can help. THE BENEDICTINE SPIRITUALITY GROUP meets again on Monday 17th November at 7.00pm in the Parish Room. We will be exploring various ways of praying the offices, and will finish by saying Compline together. Please contact Jeannette Holder at or 889374. All are welcome. PILGRIM COURSE: The Pilgrim Course continues in the Parish Room on Thursday 20th November at 7.30pm. DEANERY MAP: The launch of the Deanery Mission Action Plan is on Saturday 22nd November at 12.00noon at the Cathedral. All are welcome. MICHAELMAS CONCERT: The final concert at St Bartholomew is on Saturday 22nd November at 7.30pm: Vox Humana & Gregoriana (a capella). EVENSONG on SUNDAY 23rd NOVEMBER: As The Rev’d Sally Goodson is preaching at Evensong at 3.30pm in the Cathedral there will be no Evensong in the Benefice. We hope you will all join us at the Cathedral on this occasion. BENEFICE LUNCH on ADVENT SUNDAY: Our traditional lunch of homemade soups, bread, cheese and fruit will be on Sunday 30th November at 12.30pm in St Lawrence Parish Room following the Benefice communion service at St Bartholomew. Donations please to Christian Aid. ST BARTHOLOMEW: The Christmas Post Box will be in Church on Sundays 30th November, 7th and 14th December for you to send cards to your friends at this Church. Please address the envelopes clearly with surnames. Cards will be ready for collection on Sunday 21st December. CHRISTINGLE: The Christingle service is on Sunday 14th December at 4.00pm at St Bartholomew, followed by a tea for all in the Parish Hall. Contributions of sandwiches and cakes would be much appreciated. THE WEEK AHEAD 17th – 23rd November 2014 Morning Prayer at 8.30/9am and Evening Prayer at 5pm is said in the Benefice on weekdays: Tuesday (5pm only) through to Friday. See noticeboards for location. Monday 7.00pm Benedictine Spirituality Group Parish Room Tuesday 7.30pm St Bartholomew PCC Darch Room Wednesday 9.00am-12.00noon Parish Office open 10.00am Holy Communion St Bartholomew Celebrant: The Rev’d Canon Keith Anderson 10.30am Holy Communion St Lawrence Celebrant: The Rector 11.15am Holy Communion Brendoncare NH Thursday 7.30pm-9.00pm Pilgrim Course Parish Room Friday 9.00am-12.00noon Parish Office open Saturday 12.00noon Launch of dMAP Cathedral 7.30pm Michaelmas concert St Bartholomew CHRIST THE KING Sunday next before Advent 23rd November 2014 Morning Readings: OT Psalm NT Gospel Ezekiel 34. 11-16 & 20-24 95. 1-7 Ephesians 1. 15-23 Matthew 25. 31-end St Bartholomew 9.30am Parish Communion Celebrant and Preacher: The Rev’d Amanda Goulding St Swithun 9.30am Holy Communion Celebrant and Preacher: The Rector St Lawrence 11.00am Holy Communion Celebrant: The Rev’d Sally Goodson Preacher: The Rector Cathedral 3.30pm Evensong Preacher: The Rev’d Sally Goodson NB There is no Evensong in the Benefice
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