Our Newsletter - Erisman Mennonite Church, Manheim PA

8 South Erisman Road, Manheim, PA 17545
Phone: (717) 653-4791 Fax: (717) 653-6270
E-mail: erismanmc@embarqmail.com
Volume 13
Issue 12
Something Really Not Usual
“So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort
from (his) love, any fellowship in the Spirit, any tender
mercies and compassion, make my joy complete by being
of the same mind, having the same love, being in full
accord and of one mind. Do nothing from selfish ambition
or conceit, but in humility count others more significant
than yourselves.” -Philippians 2: 1-3 (composite)
Last week there were several opportunities to give in our County. The
Extraordinary Give® is Lancaster County, Pennsylvania’s version of the Big Give,
and 31,006 gifts were given this year, totaling $4,474,027.001. Many of us may
have participated in this impressive display of generosity and through our
combined charity, we are sure to help meet a variety of needs experienced by
our neighbors. Then we had the Ingathering Service on November 23, 2014, and
filled the corner of our sanctuary with donations for the food pantries in Mt. Joy
and in Manheim.
These corporate activities demonstrated the power of a group of people doing
good works! When 100 people give something from what they have received to
others who are in need, the gifts are multiplied, givers are blessed, the stingy
learn good lessons, and the small donations of individuals combine to reach a
larger number of people! Corporate giving is normal, routine and is always
impressive. As we faithfully share God’s gifts with one another, we will grow and
increase in our ability and fruitfulness as a body!
Even an insurance company has a television commercial that shows how doing
good works can be multiplied through imitation. Doing good deeds has a lot of
power at all times, especially during times of leanness and in times of meanness.
It is normal for us to imitate one another. When we see other people doing good
deeds, we can get inspired and we may imitate good behavior.
I’ll never forget the impact our Mother made upon me through her constant
sharing, both of her own needs and out of her pantry. Our Mother became a
single Mom who often would share a cup of sugar with our friend Lozie’s Mother
(also a single Mother). One week later, our Mom would deputize one of us to go
See www.extragive.org.
to Lozie’s Mother and ask for a cup of flour! As far as I recall, these two Moms
always said “yes” to one another! The amount requested varied and so did the
items, from eggs to spices. The cycle never stopped as long as we were growing
up and the generosity of our Mothers made sure all 9 children from two different
families were always fed. I also had my attitude challenged by the mutual
dependence of our Mothers! I was definitely influenced to share with others out of
what God had given to me; and I’ve never run out of ‘stuff’ in all my years of
following Jesus!
But what would happen if each of us treated one another the way God treats
each of us? What if God was the reason for the way we treat one another? This
is something that is unusual, but when it happens people are shocked,
unbelieving and may become very curious.
This way of giving is inspired and empowered by the God who also fills the
bellies of the hungry, gives life to the dead, forgives those who sin against him,
gives sight to the blind, restores hearing to the deaf, and comforts those who
mourn. What if we imitated God in our relationships with one another, and shared
with one another out of what we receive from God?
God gives his gifts to us with a plan that we will build one another up. As inspiring
as sharing money, flour, sugar, eggs, paper towels and the like is, God intends
that we will enter into a way of life that involves sharing what he gives to each of
us with one another in deeper, richer, fuller, and all-encompassing ways. We are
equipped by God to equip one another; we are comforted by God to comfort one
another; the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in each member
of Christ’s body, so that we can share with one another what we receive from that
It might seem to some that God gets the raw end of the deal when he gives to us!
Yet, if we look carefully, God faithfully loves us even though we are imperfect,
flawed human beings. God anticipates a great harvest through our lives because
of his steadfast love for us!
Through experiencing God’s faithfulness to us, we learn to depend upon God, to
ask God for what we need, daily to resist the temptations of selfishness, conceit
and pride, and daily to walk with one another according to the guidance and
influence of God’s Holy Spirit.
Through his generosity toward us, God invites us into unbroken communion with
him. We become citizens in God’s kingdom, not strangers or alien to him. We
become members of his household; when we go to him, God does not leave us
in the hallway, waiting for him to return from the kitchen with the oil or flower we
requested. God does not make small talk with us, lead us to the door, comment
on the beauty of the day, close the door, and go back to his separate and private
life. God brings people into unbroken communion with him through Jesus our
From parents and God, we may have learned to share out of the material things
we have received. In Christ, we learn to skillfully and joyfully share with one
another, out of the vast riches of “…encouragement in Christ, ...comfort from (his)
love, ...fellowship in the Spirit, ...tender mercies and compassion…” that each
one of us has received. The God who has extended grace through Jesus to
100% of humanity, only requiring that we believe and obey Jesus, invites
everyone who receives that grace to share it with one another joyfully.
The apostles recommend we increase our imitation of God and starve
selfishness, conceit and pride. If we imitate God in how we relate to one another,
our resources will flow from an inexhaustible supply in God, through Jesus, by
the power of the Holy Spirit at work in each one of us.
Now that is really not usual and certainly is not routine, but God’s goodness is
impressive like nothing any of us has ever seen! Let us follow the instruction of
the apostles and imitate God.
Pastor Karl
This year during Advent we will be exploring Isaiah. Though Isaiah’s message
was first meant to be God’s word to a people who “walked in darkness,” they are
for us today quite alive with meaning. We can relate to them personally. We can
hear their prophetic hope in a future redemption that was fulfilled in Jesus. We
can let these words challenge us to open our hearts and we can allow them to
help us know and trust God’s love for us today.
There are purple ribbons available in the rear Mt. Joy side cloakroom. You are
encouraged to keep your ribbon in a place where you will see it every day. Use it
as a reminder to slow down to prepare for Christmas with expectant waiting,
rather than speeding up to get through the list of things you need to do. As we
progress through this season, let us invite the Holy Spirit to deepen our
appreciation and understanding of God’s gift to us in his Son, Jesus.
Sunday, December 21, 2014
No Sunday School
Christmas Breakfast: 9:00 – 9:45 AM
Christmas Worship celebrating Jesus’ birth: 9:45 – 11 AM
Giving Tree Project – 2014
Prayer Partnering and Care Package Ministry to the
children in Belize.
Pray for Frederick and Suzanne Halliday as they
continue to share their lives and minister to the children
in Belize.
There is a decorated tree in the sanctuary filled with
bookmarks. Each bookmark will include a picture of a
child, information about that child, and prayer requests.
You will also have the opportunity to purchase some
gifts for the child that will be placed in a drawstring bag
and shipped to them after Christmas. The bookmark
will also serve as a reminder to pray for the child every day.
Cash donations will be appreciated to cover the cost of shipping and supplying
each child with flip flops and a T-shirt. Money can be placed in the wrapped gift
box under the tree.
Also, please feel free to add a note telling about your family, special Bible verses
you would like to share with them, family photo, etc. The children will be excited
to receive mail from the USA and know that they are being prayed for.
Please have your items to the church by Sunday, December 28. Mark the name
of the child on the bag of items. If you have any questions, please contact
Janelle Wenger at wenger12@yahoo.com or 717-824-6704.
Items for Boys:
deodorant/Axe Spray
socks (sports or athletic)
ball of any sort (deflated)
Items for Girls:
markers/colored pencils
rubber band bracelet refills
costume jewelry/any kind of craft
A new Prayer Circle has been organized to meet in the
Kirkview Lounge of Landis Homes, 1001 East Oregon
Road, Lititz, PA 17543.
The first prayer time was held on Wednesday,
November 25th at 10 AM and will continue every
Wednesday at the same time unless otherwise
We will be praying for anyone and all needs and
requests shared with us. You can request specific
prayer, or that we pray for you anonymously, or that we
pray for you but not publish your request in-writing. You
also can report answers to prayer requests to us, so
that we can celebrate or grieve with you!
Also, beginning on November 30 through December 31, 2014, we would like to
collect your written or audio prayer requests submitted on behalf of your families
and extended families, for Erisman Mennonite Church, for the Lancaster
Mennonite Conference and for Mennonite Church USA. We are for many
reasons in a season of major change and would like to encourage prayer and be
praying for the entire congregation and the larger fellowship of congregations that
make up MC USA.
To report your prayer requests, submit your written prayers, and share the
answers to prayer you have received, please call Pastor Karl, and email both
Pastor Neal and Pastor Karl as follows:
Phone Pastor Karl with your prayer request at: (410) 689-5796
Email Pastor Neal at Neal.Benedict@comcast.net
Email Pastor Karl at: KAMcK1961@gmail.com
Youth Group Activities
December 3 & 17
Bible Study, 7 PM at the Schoolhouse
December 13
Game Night at the Meyer’s
December 31
Lock-In, 8 PM 12/31 to 8 AM 1/1/ at the church
JGA Activities
Christmas Party at Heidi Wenger’s house
December 12, 2014 - 6 – 9 PM
RSVP by Sunday, Dec. 7th to Janelle Wenger, 653-2306
Invite a friend!
Come and make your own pizza, play games, make a Christmas craft,
and have lots of fun!
Jr. High Activities
December 14
Christmas Party @ Ed and Karen Miller’s
Transportation will be provided after church. Pick-up
at Ed and Karen’s home at 3 PM. Please bring a
wrapped gift worth under $5 or homemade.
January 9-11
Winter Retreat @ Black Rock. Meet at the church at
5:30 PM on Friday evening. Pick-up at the church on
Sunday at 2 PM.
Women’s Ministry News:
Friday, December 5 – 7:00 PM
At the home of Karen Miller
Please bring a small gift(s) to share with patients at the Water Street Health
Clinic. (Body lotion, bath gel/sponge, toothpaste/toothbrush, nail kit,
hairbrush/mirror, shampoo, socks, gloves, hats)
Sign up on the bulletin board by the entrance.
Women’s Retreat
March 6-8, 2015 at Camp Hebron
Speaker: Brenda Hollenbach
Theme: “Wholly His”
Come experience refreshment and renewal!
Sewing Circle
Youth Group Bible Study, 7 PM
Leadership Team, 7 PM
Women’s Christmas Fellowship
Pastor Karl preaching
Cabinet, 7 PM
JGA Christmas Party, 6 – 9 PM
Youth Group Game Night
Pastor Neal preaching
Jr. High Christmas Party, after church to 3 PM
Youth Group Bible Study, 7 PM
Christmas Service
Pastor Karl preaching
Youth Group Lock-In, 8 PM to 8 AM
December 2 – MCC invites you to learn more about the possibility of beginning a
MCC network thrift shop ministry in the Manheim/Lititz area. This meeting will be
held at the Lititz Mennonite Church, 165 Front Street, Lititz at 7 PM.
December 3 – Tree-lighting Ceremony at Hospice & Community Care in
Lancaster, 6:30 PM. Parking will be at the Lancaster General Health Suburban
Outpatient Pavilion, a shuttle service will take guests to the ceremony.
Handicapped parking available at the Hospice Center.
December 4 – Mennonite Children’s Choir Lancaster Concert, 7 PM,
Neffsville Mennonite Church, Lancaster.
December 4,5 & 6 – Lancaster Roots 2014 Event: Christmas Candlelight
Tours at the Herr House. Celebrate the holidays at the oldest house in
Lancaster County. This year focuses on three centuries of transportation. Thurs
& Fri from 6 – 8 PM. Saturday from 5 – 8:30 PM. Reservations required by
calling Hans Herr House & Museum, 464-4438.
December 6 – Mennonite Children’s Choir Lancaster Concert, 7 PM,
Ridgeview Mennonite Church, Gordonville
December 7 – Mennonite Children’s Choir Lancaster Concert, 4 PM at
Highland Presbyterian Church, Lancaster.
December 6 – Children’s Shopping Event at Ten Thousand Villages.
Children of all ages are invited to learn about fair trade and cultures around the
world as they select holiday gifts for their loved ones.
December 11 – Manheim Christian Day School Christmas Program, 7 PM
at Manheim Brethren In Christ Church.
December 13 – All are invited to participate in a spontaneous singing of the
Hallelujah Chorus at 11 AM in the food court at Park City Shopping Center,
Lancaster. If you would like to sing, please respond by sending your name and
voice part to mccl@lancastermennonite.org or by calling (717) 455-7025. An
optional rehearsal will be held on Tuesday, Dec. 9 at 7 PM at Neffsville
Mennonite Church. To review your voice part, please visit
Adult Books:
 Along Big Chickies Creek and Beyond - Clayton
Nissley (920) Read the life story of our own member
Clayton, and what his life was like growing up with six siblings
on a farm up to his experience of today.
 When the Roll is Called a Pyonder - Tales from a
Mennonite Childhood –
Diana Zimmerman (daughter of Lamar & Ruth Zimmerman) (920)
Diana has written a great American memoir. I was reminded of Huck Finn and Harriet
the Spy and Jo March as I chuckled and gasped and laughed out loud through this
book. You will love this little Mennonite girl, and she will lead you back to your own inner
child. - Shirley Hershey Showalter
D.L. Moody - Kevin Belmonte (920)
This compelling portrait takes Moody from the poverty and mergre education of his
childhood to his role as a passionate speaker, educator and philanthropist. Moody stood
firm on the rock of his moral and spiritual convictions - Rev. Dr. Guite
 Monday Marriage - Celebrating the ordinary - Gerald & Marlene Kaufman
(248.8) The Kauffman’s encourage spouses to discard unrealistic pop-culture
fantasies of what marriage ought to look like, and see it as a covenant between
imperfect people living in the real world.
 Freedom Fences - Gerald & Marlene Kaufman, Anne Weaver, Nina Harnish
(306.8) This book helps couples to set limits that free them to enjoy their marriage and
Adult DVD's:
God's Not Dead - An atheist Philosophy professor insists on the new students to
declare "God is dead". Unable to do this a student is challenged to defend his
faith and prove to the class that God is indeed alive.
Heaven is for Real - Based on the incredible true story of a young boy who
experienced heaven. The book is in the adult library as well as a children's
version in their library.
59th Annual MCC
April 17-18, 2015
PA Farm Show Building, Harrisburg, PA
The Craft Stand coordinators want to remind crafters to begin creating for the
59th annual PA Relief Sale which will be held the third weekend of April,
Friday and Saturday, April 17-18, 2015, at the Farm Show Building in
Harrisburg, PA. We are seeking crafters who work with fabric, wood, paper,
yarn, thread, or jewelry to make and donate quality crafts. Yes, the sale is
almost five months away, but well-made crafts take lots of time! Please see
the Craft Stand poster (on bulletin board) for additional details. Drop offs:
anytime at Ephrata MCC Material Resources Center or bring to the Craft
Stand at the sale. Feel free to call or email us with your questions or
comments. Remember: all proceeds benefit MCC.
Janet Runion Patton: 717-272-1708, cjpatton99@aol.com;
Ruth Runion Slear: 717-533-9423, singchorale@hotmail.com
Manheim/Lititz MCC Thrift Shop Possibility
Mennonite Central Committee invites you to learn more about the possibility of
beginning a MCC network thrift shop ministry in the Manheim/Lititz area and
about the relationship between MCC and the MCC Thrift Shop Network, on
Tuesday, December 2, 7 PM at the Lititz Mennonite Church, 165 Front Street,
Lititz, PA. The MCC Thrift Shop Network generates significant income, ensuring
that MCC has resources and people in place to carry out long term program
commitments in more than 60 countries around the world in the name of Christ.
Therefore, MCC strives to look at ways to increase the number of shops in the
Food Bank Donations
Specific Needs for December
for Manheim Food Pantry
Baked beans, boxed potatoes, pears,
pineapples, cream of chicken soup,
beef-a-roni, pasta sauces, strawberry jelly,
peanut butter, tuna, cereal, crackers
Jamie Wenger
John Bucher, Eileen Hoover, Ed Miller, Cara Patton
Alyson Ebersole
Norman Shenk
Richard Miller
Linda Osenburg
Albert Breneman
Marian Metzler
Carrie Meyer
Kevin Meyer
Dylan Ebersole
Jessica Ebersole
Verna Brubaker, Arlene Shenk
Ken Clugston
Karl McKinney, Irene Shenk
Cole Meyer
Neal & Jean Benedict (1990)
Donovan & Cheryl Zimmerman (1999)
Brian & Raluca Snyder (2001)