If you would like further information, or wish to opt out of the Mail Update service at any time, please contact us: Post: South West Neuromuscular ODN, Gate 10, Level 6 Brunel Building, Southmead Hospital, BRISTOL Tel: 0117 414 1185 / 0117 414 1184 Email: nbn-tr.neuromuscular-odn@nhs.net Web: www.swneuromuscularodn.nhs.uk What is the South West South West Neuromuscular Operational Delivery Network Operational Delivery CLIENT REGISTRATION DETAILS TITLE: SURNAME: Neuromuscular FIRST NAME(S): Network (ODN)? If child, please provide parent/guardian details: DOB: GENDER: NHS NO (if known): ADDRESS: POSTCODE: TELEPHONE: MOBILE: NAME OF CONDITION: EMAIL: DATE OF DIAGNOSIS: GP DETAILS (Name, Practice): PLEASE TICK THE RELEVANT BOX TO HIGHLIGHT YOUR PREFERENCES: I do NOT wish to receive network updates and mailings I do NOT wish to be informed of future research projects I prefer to receive information: By email ODN No: PPI001-JK-7-2014 | Review date: Sept 2016 By post A Guide for People Living with a Neuromuscular Condition What is the South West Neuromuscular Operational Delivery Network (ODN)? The Network offers a complete specialist clinical care and support service for children and adults living with neuromuscular disease or a muscular dystrophy throughout the South West. What Geographical Area does the Network cover? The SW Neuromuscular ODN staff can only see individuals who live in the following areas: We aim to provide Health and Social Care professionals with a world-class level of knowledge, support and training in neuromuscular conditions. This will ensure that patients receive the best possible care from NHS Services across the South West, and are able to access the appropriate support closer to home to better manage their condition. To achieve this, the Network has developed a team of neuromuscular specialists consisting of: Gloucestershire Bristol Wiltshire Somerset Devon Paediatric and Adult Consultant Neurologists with a specialist interest in neuromuscular conditions Specialist Physiotherapists who can train local physiotherapy teams in relation to neuromuscular conditions Neuromuscular Advisors who provide non-clinical support and advice for affected children and adults, and their families Psychologists with specialist knowledge of the impact of neuromuscular conditions. What Conditions does the Network Cover? The Network covers all types of: Muscular Dystrophy Spinal Muscular Atrophy Neuropathy and myopathy Myasthenia Myotonic Dystrophy Inclusion Body Myositis A full list of conditions covered can be found on our website: www.swneuromuscularodn.nhs.uk What Conditions does the Network Not Cover? The Network does NOT cover: Multiple Sclerosis Motor Neurone Disease Parkinson’s Disease Cerebral Palsy 1 Cornwall People who attend specialist neuromuscular clinics out of these areas can still access our services. Please note that people living in Dorset are now covered by NHS England (Wessex) and have access to their Neuromuscular Advisor and Physiotherapist based in Poole and Southampton. IoS What Clinical Services does the ODN provide? We run weekly Specialist Neuromuscular clinics in: Plymouth Derriford Hospital, Plymouth NHS Trust Bristol Bristol Royal Children’s Hospital, University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust Southmead Hospital, North Bristol NHS Trust We also schedule additional Specialist Neuromuscular clinics in: Taunton Gloucester Exeter Truro Torbay Further details of these can be found on our website or by calling our Network office on 0117 414 1185/ 1184 2 Who’s Who in the Network? Paediatric Neurologists Adult Neurologists Dr Arni Majumdar Bristol Royal Children’s Hospital Dr Andria Merrison Southmead Hospital Bristol Dr Kayal Vijayakumar Bristol Royal Children’s Hospital Dr Liz Househam Derriford Hospital Plymouth Paediatric Physiotherapists Adult Physiotherapists Bev Toms Bristol Royal Children’s Hospital Nicola Doran Southmead Hospital Bristol Claire Eddy Royal Cornwall Hospital Janet McCay Peninsula Community Health Claire Frimpong-Ansah Plymouth Child Development Centre Geraldine Lavellee Exeter Community Hospital Neuromuscular Advisors Ages and Areas covered Elaine Burrows Southmead Hospital Bristol Adults & children: Glos, BANES, Swindon & Wilts. Adults: S Glos Ann Morgan Southmead Hospital Bristol Adults & children: Bristol, N Somerset & Somerset. Children: S Glos Vacant Post 1 Derriford Hospital Plymouth Adults & children: Devon Vacant Post 2 Derriford Hospital Plymouth Adults & children: Cornwall Neuromuscular Specialist Clinical Psychologists - Adults Vacant Post Southmead Hospital Bristol Dr Craig Newman Derriford Hospital Plymouth SW Neuromuscular ODN Co-ordinators Sharon Standen Southmead Hospital Bristol Jane Kinney Southmead Hospital Bristol The Specialist Consultants are supported in clinics by a Specialist Physiotherapist, Clinical Psychologist, and Neuromuscular Advisor. 3 The Network team also aim to attend clinics jointly with other clinical specialists, such as Cardiologists, Respiratory Physicians, Geneticists and Orthopaedic Surgeons to support the provision of a seamless transfer of care between services. How can the Network help me? In addition to the clinical support provided by specialist doctors, Psychologists and Physiotherapists who have a greater understanding of rare neuromuscular conditions, the Network Neuromuscular Advisors are a key resource for patients and their families. Each Neuromuscular Advisor has their own region of the South West, supporting children and adults, and will work with you from the point you are diagnosed, or become known to the Network. They can help support you and your family to optimise your quality of life by ensuring you can access the help and support services you need, when and where you need them. They will attend the Specialist Neuromuscular clinics and will also be available to discuss issues over the phone or to visit you in your home if necessary. Neuromuscular Advisors deal with a wide range of non-clinical issues, for example: Supporting you in accessing other health and social care services Working with schools, colleges and employers Working with other professionals to ensure appropriate equipment, adaptations and care packages are arranged eg wheelchair services Assisting with benefit claims Being a point of contact in between hospital visits Providing appropriate support as required to manage your, or your child’s, condition Helping you to find social and leisure activities Providing emotional support and, where necessary, supporting access to psychology services Liaising with hospital staff and local health professionals The Network and its team is designed as a resource for accessing information about neuromuscular conditions, and we are continually developing guidelines to ensure the care you get is consistent with other areas of the country. 4 We can also provide literature to support you in the self-management and understanding of your, or a family member’s, condition and aim to bring together people with rare neuromuscular conditions via our Patient and Public events. How can I access the Network Services? Referrals to the Specialist Consultants and clinics must be made by your General Practitioner or hospital doctor. You will gain access to the Specialist Physiotherapist or Psychologist during clinic visits and they will work with your local teams to ensure appropriate support is provided in a more convenient location closer to home. PLEASE LET US KNOW IF YOU WOULD PREFER THIS LEAFLET IN A DIFFERENT FORMAT If you have a confirmed diagnosis of a neuromuscular condition covered by our Network and you live in the South West, you can contact the Network office directly to gain access to the Neuromuscular Advisor in your area for additional support . Other professionals or family members, with your knowledge and permission, can also do this on your behalf. How can I find out more about the Network? If you have a confirmed diagnosis of a neuromuscular condition covered by the ODN and have been seen by a member of the Network team, your details will be automatically registered with us. Details are held on a secure Network Database, only accessible to Network staff, and will be used for audit and statistical purposes to help us improve services in the South West for people with neuromuscular conditions. As part of this registration, we provide a Mail Update service which provides a regular newsletter and access to Patient and Public events. You can also visit our website to find out the latest service developments across the region and obtain the contact details for the Neuromuscular Advisors for your area. If you would like to update or change your details, please complete the Registration Form on the back page of this leaflet and return to us at the Network Office. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. 5 6
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