SS. Peter & Paul Parish 322 7TH ST • BOONVILLE, MO 65233 December 21, 2014 Rev. Robert W. Duesdieker Deacon Dave Miller Kris Stodgel, Director of Religious Education Nancy Windsor, Pastoral Council Chairperson Email: Website: Facebook: ssppboonville Church Office: (660) 882-6468 Rectory (660) 882-8528 SS. Peter and Paul Catholic Church WEEKEND MASSES—Saturday, 5:30PM; Sunday 7:30AM and 11:00AM Sacrament of Penance—Saturday, 4:30 to 5:15PM or by appointment. Church Office: (660) 882-6468 Rectory: (660) 882-8528 Email: Website: Facebook: Director of RCIA—Deacon Dave Miller Phone: 882-2131 E-mail: Director of Religious Education—Kris Stodgel Phone: 882-6468 E-mail: SS. Peter and Paul Catholic School 502 7th Street 882-2589 Website: hƩps:// Principal—Mr. Alan Lammers For information on our School, to inquire about registering your student in our School, or for other school-related requests, please call the School. Advent Penance Services — Tuesday, December 23, 5:30PM — St. Mary, Glasgow No Confessions scheduled at SSPP or Fayette on Christmas Eve. SS. Peter & Paul CHRISTMAS MASSES (Holyday of Obligation) Christmas Eve, December 24 5:00PM and 11:00PM Christmas Day, December 25 8:00AM St. Joseph, Fayette Christmas Eve, December 24 8:00PM Christmas Day, December 25 9:30AM New Year’s Day (Holyday of Obligation) Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God SS. Peter & Paul December 31, 5:30PM January 1, 9:00AM St. Joseph, Fayette January 1, 10:30AM Father Edward Doyle will replace Father Duesdieker December 27-28, December 31-January 1, and January 3-4. (Father Duesdieker will return the evening of January 4). CHRISTMAS LITURGICAL ASSIGNMENTS WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24 5:00PM: Sacristan—VOLUNTEER NEEDED; Coordinator—VOLUNTEER NEEDED; Lector — Lori Imhoff; Offertory Gifts — VOLUNTEER NEEDED; Servers — VOLUNTEERS NEEDED; Greeters/Ushers—Ken Schuster, Ed Larm, ONE MORE NEEDED; Music—Jesse Rohrbach, Nancy Windsor; Eucharistic Ministers— 2 HOST MINISTERS, AND 3 CUP MINISTERS ARE NEEDED WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24 11:00PM: Sacristan—Bill Mitchell; Coordinator—Sue Miller; Lector — Ruth Wells; Offertory Gifts — VOLUNTEERS NEEDED ; Servers — Kayla Maier, 2 MORE VOLUNTEERS NEEDED; Greeters/Ushers— NEED VOLUNTEERS; Music— Guitar Group; Eucharistic Ministers—3 CUP MINISTERS ARE NEEDED THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25 8:00AM: Sacristan—Diane & Gary Brimer; Coordinator— Jill Bronakowski; Lector—Diane Brimer; Offertory Gifts—VOLUNTEERS NEEDED; Servers—Charlie Bronakowski, 2 MORE VOLUNTEERS NEEDED; Greeters/Ushers:— VOLUNTEERS NEEDED; Music—Kristina Hahn, Beth Rumbaoa, Lynn Vest; Eucharistic Ministers— 2 HOST MINISTERS and 5 CUP MINISTERS ARE NEEDED December 21 FORTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT 5:30PM Eulalia Barlow 7:30AM Emogene “Jeanne” Wessing 9:15AM Mass at St. Joseph, Fayette 11:00AM Roy Browning, Sr. Monday, December 22 8:15AM Dana Marcum Tuesday, December 23 Saint John of Kanty, Priest 8:15AM Bernard “Bud” Kempf Wednesday, December 24 10:00AM Hubert & Helen Young (Mass at Ashley Manor) December 25, The Nativity of the Lord Wednesday, December 24 5:00PM Julia Oswald 8:00PM Mass at St. Joseph, Fayette 11:00PM People of the Parish Thursday, December 25 8:00AM Charles Wesolak 9:30AM Mass at St. Joseph, Fayette Friday, December 26, Saint Stephen, The First Martyr 8:15AM Frank & Michael Kempf December 28 THE HOLY FAMILY OF Jesus, Mary & Joseph 5:30PM Myrina-Hubert Wolken 7:30AM People of the Parish 9:15AM Mass at St. Joseph, Fayette December 27-28 Sunday: 2Samuel 7: 1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Ps 89:2-5, 27,29; Romans 16: 25-27; Luke 1: 26-38 Monday: 1Samuel 1: 24-28; (Ps) 1Samuel 2: 4-7, 8a-d; Luke 1: 46-56 Tuesday: Malachi3: 1-4, 223-24; Ps. 25: 45b, 8-10, 14; Luke 1: 57-66 Wednesday: Isaiah 62: 1-5; Ps 89: 4-5, 1617, 27,29; Acts 13: 16-17, 22-25; Matthew 1: 1-25 Thursday: (Midnight) Isaiah 9: 1-6; Ps. 96: 13, 11-13; Titus 2: 11-14; Luke 2: 1-14 (Dawn) Isaiah 62: 11-12; Ps. 97: 1, 6, 1112; Titus 3: 4-7; Luke 2: 15-20 (Day) Isaiah 52: 7-10; Ps. 98: 1-6; Hebrews 1: 1-6; John 1:1-18 Friday: Acts 6: 8-10, 7: 54-59; Ps. 31: 3cd-4 6-8b, 16bc, 17; Matthew 10: 17-22 Sunday: Sirach 3: 2-6, 12-14; Ps 128:1-5; Colossians 3: 12-21; Luke 2: 22-40 December 21 — Jill Lang & Denise Solomon December 28 — NO Children’s Liturgy (Holiday Break) December 21— Team # 6 Bill & Clare Lang, Gene & Emilie Herigon December 28— Team # 7 John & Donna Kin, Rich Moranville, Steve Kraus SATURDAY, 5:30PM: Sacristan—Bill Mitchell; Coordinator—Linda Schuster; Lector — Dick Blanck; Offertory Gifts — Don Doza Family; Servers — Volunteers; Greeters/Ushers—*Mike & Kathy Lang, Laura Luchessi Music— Brian & Trish Lutz SUNDAY, 7:30AM: Sacristan—Jim & Judy Lammers; Coordinator—Jill Bronakowski; Lector — Darryl Kempf; Offertory Gifts — George Monk Family; Servers — Volunteers; Greeters/Ushers:—*Nancy Kempf, Judy Moser, Linda Wassmann; Music— Larry Grissum & Ned Beach SUNDAY, 11:00AM: Sacristan—Shirley Peterson; Coordinator— Marcheta Friedrich; Lector—Ruth Wells; Offertory Gifts— Joe Herzog Family; Servers—Volunteers; Greeters/Ushers: *Steve & Jane Brengarth, Rich Moranville; Music—Jesse Rohrbach, Lillian Rohrbach In charge of Altar Linens for December: Nancy Windsor November Funeral Dinners/Transportation to Church: Parishioners whose last names begin with Danny & Valerie Taft and ends with Pat & Amy Ziegelbein. SAINTS PETER AND PAUL CATHOLIC SCHOOL Merry Christmas! Everyone at Ss. Peter & Paul School wishes you a very Merry Christmas and thanks you for your support all year long. Without the support of everyone, this very important parish ministry would not be possible! Christmas Program: This week’s performance was great due to the hard work of the students and the teachers, particularly Mrs. Burnett who always puts a lot of time into the planning and selection. Thanks to all for attending and for staying for the entire event to support all of the students Christmas Break: School will be closed until classes resume on Monday, January 5. If something is needed, please contact the parish office. Geography Bee: Activities will begin right away when school resumes with the school-wide Geography Bee on Monday, January 5 at 8:30 a.m. in the gym. Report Cards: Just a reminder that 2nd quarter report cards will be issued on January 10. This is to allow teachers the time necessary to finish assessing any end-of-the-quarter tests or projects. SCRIP News Merry Christmas!! Thank you everyone for your support this year, as it does not go unnoticed! Again, we WILL NOT a Scrip order the week of December 21st, to allow all of our volunteers to enjoy the holiday with their families. There will also not be Scrip sold after the Masses that week. Any orders placed after 2pm on Sunday December 21st will be available for pick up Friday, January 2nd. We appreciate your understanding! The cards that we have on-hand will be available at the Parish office when school is not in session over the holiday break. On-hand inventory: Applebee’s $25, Arby’s $10, Bath & Body Works $10 & $25, Best Buy $25, Breadeaux $10, Buckle $25, C&R $50 & $100, Casey’s $50 & $25, Claire’s $10, Cracker Barrel $10, Crazy 8 $25, Dairy Queen $10, Dick’s $25, Gap/Old Navy $25, Goodrich Theaters $10, Gymboree $25, Gordon Jewelers $50, Hardee’s $10, Hy-Vee $100 & $50, Infinity Massage, KFC $5, Lowes $25 & $100, Maggie’s $25, McDonald’s $5, Panera $25, Olive Garden $25, The Phoenix Eatery $25, Pirate’s Cove, Ruby Tuesday $25, Subway $10 & $50, Texas Roadhouse $25, TGI Friday’s $25, Walmart $25, $100, Wendy’s $10, and WJ’s $25. Ways to order/purchase: With Teresa Grissum at the school office, putting your order in the collection basket, online at, or by contacting Elizabeth at 660-8531478 or Weekly deadline is 2pm on Sunday to receive cards in the same week! Sunday Collection December 14, 2014 Envelopes: $12,979.00; Plate: 132.83; School: 570.00 Immaculate Conception: 306.00 Christmas Offering: 80.00 Seminary/Retirement: 305.00 Christmas Flowers: 460.00 TOTAL $ 14,832.83 See the next for more options on giving! MONTHLY STEWARDSHIP REPORT December monthly budget goal is $48, 775.00 (for Envelopes, Plate & Children’s envelopes) December 7 $ 21,221.00 December 14 $ 13, 111.83 Please pray for the repose of the soul of Delores Brosig who passed away on December 12 in Boonville. May Delores rest in peace and her family and friends receive comfort from the Lord. COME ONE, COME ALL! It’s time to decorate the church for Christmas! Your help is needed! We will be decorating the church on December 21 beginning after the 11:00AM Mass. All are welcome to help! It will be a great time, don’t miss it! INFORMATION ON GOLD CHALICES—Through the generosity of the 4th Degree Knights of Columbus, our parish has 8 chalices for use at Mass to offer the Precious Blood of Christ to the people. Unfortunately, despite a relatively recent re-plating of gold on the chalices, this gold layer has worn off the inside of the chalices again and must be renewed. The cost will probably be $250-$350 per chalice and will be done after January 1. If anyone would like to contribute to this necessary project, please bring your donation to the Parish Office at your convenience, or drop an envelope in the collection basket marked “Chalices”. SSPP SCHOOL ROOF UPDATE— Financially, SSPP has donations of $32,310 in cash for the roof replacement. We are still gratefully accepting any donations you wish to provide for this needed repair. Thank you to all those who have contributed to date. Your generosity is very much appreciated. Thank You! To all who have contributed through your Christmas Flowers envelope. We will use the money to purchase poinsettias, trees, and other decorations for the church. A list of donors and memorials will be published in the December 28 bulletin. Are you constantly forgetting your Offering Envelopes at home? Do you go to write a check and find you don’t have a check available? Never seem to have cash on you? We have the solution! How about making your contributions via automatic withdraw from your bank account? If you want more information, please contact the parish office. REMINDER: It’s not too late to return your Time, Talent and Treasure forms! Forms may be dropped into the collection baskets at Mass, sent with your student to school, left at the Parish Office, or mailed back. Thank you. Extra forms are available at each entrance of church. SUN.— 9:00AM, NO PSR Classes —-12:00PM, Church decorating for Christmas! (after 11:00AM Mass) —7:00PM, JUVIES 4 JESUS, Intensive Hair Basement MON.— 9:00AM, NO Legion of Mary —6:00PM, Grief Support Group, parish office basement —-7:00PM, NO RCIA —7:00PM, Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary Meeting TUE. — 6:30PM, Knights of Columbus/Ladies Auxiliary Christmas Party, K of C Hall Merry Christmas! THU. — SUN. — NO PSR Classes, Children’s Liturgy of the Word, or Juvies 4 Jesus Y O U T H N E W S Juvies 4 Jesus Youth Group will not be meeting on December 28th due to the Christmas Break. PSR will not be held on Sunday, December 20th, or Sunday, December 28th for the Christmas Break. Classes will resume on Sunday, January 4th. Children’s Liturgy of the Word will not be held on Sunday, December 28th or Sunday, January 4th for the Christmas Break. NCYC Group will have an informational meeting Wednesday, January 7, 2015 at the church hall at 6:00PM. All current eligible members, and any youth currently in grade 8 through Junior in high school and might be interested in attending NCYC 2015 are invited. — Bring your family, too! We will be having pizza! Please RSVP to Kris at the parish office 882-6468 or Rich Kuster 660-441-1892 so we can be sure to have enough pizza for all attendees. NCYC 2015 “Here I Am Lord” will be held November 19-21, 2015. Our first fundraiser will be our Annual Valentine’s Day Dinner on Saturday, February 14, 2015. If you are thinking of attending, NCYC, you need to come to this meeting. Hope to see you there! Save the Date: First Reconciliation Services for the PSR Sacrament Class and SSPP 2nd Grade Students will be held on January 6 and January 8 at 6:30PM. Your child needs only attend one of the sessions. Family is encouraged to attend. MARK YOUR CALENDAR! Our next Baptism Preparation Class will be held on Sunday, January 25, 2015 from 8:30AM to 10:30AM at the parish office basement. All expecting parents or new parents who wish to have their child baptized need to attend this class. Our next session will be held in April. Please contact the parish office to register by calling 882-6468. MIDWEST MARCH FOR LIFE SATURDAY JANUARY 31 Mark your calendars for the 5th Annual Midwest March for Life Saturday, January 31 at the Capitol. Abby Johnson, exdirector of Planned Parenthood and Melissa Ohden, survivor of a failed saline abortion, are guest speakers. Many surprises coming with more details to follow. Prolife Luncheon at Selinger Center, St Peter's Church, after the March. For further information or to RSVP (required for luncheon) call 573-340 -8444. Thank you and pray for sunny warm weather! 40 DFL PRAYER VIGIL CHANGE Prayer vigil continues outside Planned Parenthood, 711 Providence, Columbia on Mondays (note change) 2 to 5pm, Tuesdays 10am to 11am, Wednesdays, 10am to 11am & LIFE Runners 4:00pm to 5:00pm, Thursdays 9:30am to 2pm, Fridays 9am to noon. Sidewalk advocates offer help and hope to women who come to the clinic for pregnancy tests and chastity information to those coming for birth control. Come pray and see how God can use you to convert hearts! More information: Kathy and Mike 573 821 5130. All are welcome! Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Adoration during the winter months will be shortened during January, February and March. Evening adoration will cut off after the 5:30-6:30PM session. This is to prevent anyone from not being noticed because of darkness if they should fall on the snow or icy parking lot.—Adopted by Liturgy Committee, November 2013 BELATED Congratulations and God’s Blessings to Kyle Martin and Abby Stock who were married in our parish on November 29. May God bless them as they begin their lives together. Living God’s Word: Each year in this brief season we do come close to a bit of innocence as we find ourselves seeking ways to make this world a better place. Little wonder then that even the dourest among us is seen to have a twinkle of joy in the eye. In some small way we find our expectations, once hung by the chimney with care, bulging with life. Deadline for 2014 church contributions is Wednesday, December 31. Please get your donations to the parish office before 2:00PM. Thank you! STEWARDSHIP UPDATE: As of 12/12/14 we are 87% to goal! 131 or 21.94% of our 597 parish families have donated $24,122 toward our parish's Catholic Stewardship Appeal goal of $27,790. Ashley Manor The Best Care Center “Where caring for your loved one is our only concern.” (660) 888-3705 (660) 882-7705 MEDICAID CERTIFIED (660) 882-6584 • 1630 Radio Hill Road, Boonville Come see our Inspirational and Faith-Based Gifts! PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... 905 Main Street • 882-8688 $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH 882-5208 Prescriptions Deliveries Available to Boonville, Pilot Grove, New Franklin Larry Smith, R.PH., Tim Smith, R.PH., Terry Smith, R.PH., Peggy Armentrout, R.PH., Kristy Morris, R.PH. *First Three Months Talk with Gene Yung. He will take care of you. Come in and Shop our Pick 5 Meat program. Pick 5 packages of meat for only $25.00. It is like getting one free. 307 Main St. • 882-5341 800 Main TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 1004 Main Your health. Your care. Home Health • Hospice • Private Duty Logan Comegys & Shannon Griffy, Parishioners MEDICAL ARTS PHARMACY ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made 660-882-6302 (660) 248-2100 Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. Thacher-Wood Funeral Homes Jim Wilson, Funeral Director Thacher Funeral Home (660) 882-2311 629 East Morgan Street, Boonville William Wood Funeral Home (660) 882-2495 517 Fourth Street, Boonville CAR TROUBLE? WE FIX EVERYTHING 1300 West Ashley Rd. 882-5575 Kathy Sears (660)621-4500 Matt Kueny BROWNING HARDWARE Financial Advisor Stocks • Bonds • IRAs • CDs Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA 882-3256 • 1941 Boone Villa Dr., Suite C Knights of Columbus #1061 Charity, Unity, Fraternity, Patriotism 660-882-9910 1515 Radio Hill Rd. missouri river monument co. #2373 418 Main St. • 882-5589 1436 W. Ashley Rd., Boonville, MO Parishioners Mike & Carol Browning 660-882-7773 or Email: PLEASE REMEMBER YOUR PARISH SS. PETER & PAUL, BOONVILLE, MO IN YOUR WILL. Jeff D. Birdsong, O.D. H. T. May and Son Funeral Home Comprehensive eye care 405 Sycamore • (660) 882-5404 • for the entire family The Finest Granite and Bronze Memorials in Central Missouri Maryann Schuster Insurance Home • Farm • Auto • Life • Health Long-Term Care • Crop Insurance Parishioners Maryann & Cindy Imhoff 660-846-2521 or 1-800-850-4106 202 Main Street, Blackwater 660-882-2444 Citizens Community Bank Danny Taft President “You can bank on us!” Established 1911 Keith & Trevor Hodges Serving You For Over 100 Years Boonville Pilot Grove Blackwater 882-3317 834-4725 846-2100 786800 Ss Peter & Paul Church Taft Heating & Air Conditioning (660) 882-5182 Shop (660) 888-0019 Cell 211 E. Spring Boonville, MO 65233 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629
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