4th Sunday of Advent December 21, 2014 IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY PARISH MISSION STATEMENT The parish of Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church, located in South Saint Louis City, comprised of small neighborhoods filled with multi-generational families, strives to answer God’s call to……… + COMMIT to live the Gospel; +CELEBRATE Eucharist as a community; +SERVE the needs of others; + PARTICIPATE in parish life and ministries; +STRIVE to be a sign of God’s love! Parish Staff Rectory - 4092 Blow Street, St. Louis, MO 63116-2796 Website: www.ihm-stl.org Pastor Deacon Administrative Associate Parish Secretary Pastoral Minister for Seniors South Grand Senior Ministry Transportation South City Deanery PSR email: stl.scdpsr@gmail.com Rev. Bradley E. Modde Rev. Mr. Jim Murphey Mrs. Ann Donohue Ms. Judy Vonder Haar Mrs. Debbie Gartner Leigh Manalang Deborah Halter 314-481-7543 Fax 314-481-6316 (Tues. & Wed.) 314-481-9385 314-481-1133 314-773-3070 Sacramental Schedule Celebration of Eucharist 1st Saturday of the Month 8:30 a.m. (School Chapel) Followed by the Anointing of the Sick Saturday 4:30 p.m. Sunday 7:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Weekdays Monday-Thursday 8am Mass (School Chapel) Friday 7am Mass (School Chapel) Tuesday Following 8 a.m. Mass: Perpetual Help Devotions Holydays As announced inside bulletin Sacrament of Penance & Reconciliation Saturdays 3:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. Sacrament of Baptism Sundays following the 10:00 a.m. Mass. Please call the Rectory for information. Becoming a Catholic Rites of Christian Initiation of Adults/Youth or Catechumen Meetings are weekly from September thru May to discuss your questions and the Catholic Faith. Call a priest if you or someone you know is interested. Sacrament of Confirmation Celebration by 7th and 8th Grade Students or whenever one is ready to make a commitment to being a fully practicing Catholic. One full year of religious education prior to the year of preparation is necessary. Sacrament of Matrimony Set up preparation meeting with the priest or deacon for the wedding as soon as you have decided to marry, at least 6 months prior. Holy Orders and Consecrated (Religious) Life If interested, please call the parish Rectory or the Archdiocesan Office of Vocations at 314-792-6460. Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick Call the Rectory anytime if someone is sick at home or going to have surgery. Care for those who are homebound, hospitalized, or in nursing home. Please call the Rectory to arrange for Communion to be brought to any parishioner who is unable to come to Church. Please inform the Rectory as soon as any parishioner is admitted to any hospital or nursing home. (Hospitals do not always call.) South City Deanery PSR Catholic Religious Education for children attending public or private non-religious schools. Call Debbie Halter at 314-773-3070. New Parishioners Please register as soon as possible by calling the Rectory. Calendar and Bulletin Items Additions or changes for the Parish Calendar should be in writing and sent to the Rectory. We follow a time-line for submission to JS Paluch for the printing of our weekly bulletin: Deadline for bulletin announcements is due by 10 a.m. Monday for the following week’s bulletin. (Holidays – deadlines could change without notice). 4th Sunday of Advent “Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you!” – Luke 1:28 Faith is a gift from God. During this Christmas season take time in silence and pray to God. Thank Him for all the gifts He has given you. Try to set aside any anger or resentment you have and really open your heart to receive the gift of God’s grace. Mon. Tues. 12/22 12/23 8:00 am 8:00 am Wed. 12/24 4:30 pm 10:00 pm Thurs. 12/25 9:00 am Fri. Sat. Sun. 12/26 12/27 12/28 7:00 am 4:30 pm 7:30 am 10:00 am Ruth Ryan Ralph McGill Christmas Eve Jim & Rose Murphey Our Parish Family Christmas Day Pete & Barb Modde Marion Hug Linus Rellerget Our Parish Family Ryan Knapp LORD HEAR OUR PRAYER Pray for those who are sick and their Caregivers. Pray for: Stephanie Hagan (wife of Barry), Peggy Morse, Bernice Williams, Alma Scheble, John Bock, Erin Corrier (granddaughter of Jim & Marilyn Murphy), John Caruso (husband of Susan), LaRita Hovis and Marilyn Harris (sisters of Judy Bruegger), and those parishioners who are homebound, living in Assisted Living or Nursing Homes, and all in our Prayer Book. May our Lord Jesus bring them comfort and healing. December 21, 2014 THIS WEEK IN OUR PARISH St. Mark’s Cookie Tray Sat/Sun. after Masses in the Vestibule of Church Girl Scout Pretzel Sale Sat./Sun Ch Rectory Closed Wed/Thurs./Fri. FKC Closed Wed. – Sun. WEEKLY ACTIVITIES Recitation of the Rosary: Mondays-Thursdays following 8am Mass and Fridays following the 7am Mass (School Chapel) Boy Scouts Mon. 7:00pm Cafeteria Quilters Tues. 8:30am RMR Judy Hudson's Exercise Tues. 8:30am –11amCafe Prayer Group Wed. 7:00pm LOM Choir Practice Wed. Church Balance Class Thurs. 9am RMR Judy Hudson’s Exercise Fri. 9-10am Café Yoga Fri 8:30-11am Café THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK! Let’s approach Christmas with an expectant hush, rather than a last-minute rush! Anonymous Please pray for our clients and the Immaculate Heart of Mary Vincentians who serve them. When making a Memorial contribution to a charity of your choice, remember Immaculate Heart of Mary’s St. Vincent DePaul Society. 4th Sunday of Advent December 21, 2014 PARISH NEWS CHRISTMAS FLOWER OFFERING During the Christmas Season you will have the opportunity of providing a poinsettia plant that will be placed in the Sanctuary of our Church as a memorial for your loved ones. A suggested offering of $8 may be placed in the flower envelope at the entrances of Church and placed in the Collection Basket or dropped at the Rectory by today, Sunday, December 21st. The names of your loved ones will be placed at the image of the Baby Jesus. PRETZEL SALE Immaculate Heart of Mary Girl Scout Troop #2791 will be selling pretzels after Mass this weekend, December 21/22nd, to help raise money for their Mom 'n Me trip to Chicago in May. Thank you in advance for your support! COOKIE TRAY SALE - THIS WEEKEND The 8th graders from our parish, listed below, are going on the Generation Life Trip to Washington, D.C. in January. For a fundraiser to help defray the cost they will be selling homemade Holiday cookie trays after our Masses, this weekend. Each Cookie Tray will cost $10.00 and will contain a variety of homemade delicious holiday cookies tied up with a lovely ribbon! Great for last minute gifts or to enjoy yourself during the holidays. PRO-LIFE MARCH! Maggie Anderson. Jessica Fitzgerald, Ben Kurkowski, Maggie Moody, Elle Ortinau, Kaitlyn Popham, Tim Reynolds, Kennedy Showers, Theresa Solari. Abby Sutter & Jeff Young Christmas Eve - Wednesday, December 24th 4:30pm and 10pm Christmas Day - Thursday, December 25th One Mass - 9:00am There will be NO 8am Mass on Wednesday, December 24th ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of God Wednesday, December 31st 4:30pm Thursday, January 1st One Mass - 9am There will be NO 8am Mass on Wednesday, December 31st IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY MEMORIAL ROSARY GARDEN ORDER FORM Bricks are available for the Rosary Path. $100 (engraving of 3 lines with 13 characters per line-spaces are counted as character.) The Bricks may be engraved in memory of a loved one, or for your family, or go together as a group and get a brick for your class; such as Class of 1955. Name(s) on Brick _______________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Donor Name & Phone _________________________________________ _________________________________________ Drop off at the Rectory or in the Collection Basket. You may also mail the payment and form to: IHM Attention: Ann 4092 Blow St, Saint Louis, MO 63116 4th Sunday of Advent December 21, 2014 SENIOR MOMENTS Wishing a very Merry Christmas to our Parish family, your family, friends and visitors. May you experience the love and simplicity that the birth or our Lord offers each of us. Our Mission Statement declares that we strive to answer God’s call; Commit to living the Gospel; Celebrate Eucharist as a community; Serve the needs of others; Participate in parish life and ministries and Strive to be a sign of God’s love. Our prayer is to succeed as disciples in these endeavors of Christian commitment and love. You are important to our parish. We are here to love and serve you. Please contact us if we may be of assistance. Debbie: 481-9385 Parish Office: 481-7543. FAITH AND TRUST Did you ever wonder what Mary and Joseph experienced on the first Christmas, the birth of Jesus? They were alone, away from their family and friends, in a manger with straw and livestock, bet that was aromatic! Did they have food? Mary was a young girl, her first birth and no midwife. Joseph, God love him, accepted the message from the angel, yet this was not exactly the way he had planned his life would be. How about those shepherds? Pitch dark, out in the middle of nowhere and an angel appears lighting up the sky, telling them to take a road trip, to an unknown destination! It sounds frightening! I wonder what their thoughts were. They weren’t sure where their life was headed and it wasn’t what they had planned. Does that sound familiar? Are we like them? Are things happening in our lives that are frightening? Are we alone? Are things happening where there isn’t much control? Do we ask where are we going, what or why is this happening? Maybe Joseph, Mary, and the shepherds had the same questions. As far as my question, “Are we like them?” I hope so! Our Blessed Mother, St. Joseph, and the Shepherds put all of their faith and trust in the hands of God. They gave Him their lives and followed. I thank them for their example. “Dear heavenly Father thank you for the confidence in knowing, during times of fear, doubt, uncertainty and frustration we too can rely on our faith and trust in You. You will carry us through. You will send angels into our lives and give us what we need. Amen.” Thank you to everyone who gave Dollar Tree Gift Cards and donations to purchase gift cards for the gentlemen of Saints Peter and Paul Shelter! Due to the generosity of members of the Ladies’ Sodality and parishioners, we surpassed our goal! We received enough donations to give one to each and every person! There were even enough left over to purchase items needed, such as toothpaste, deodorant and razors. At the Ladies’ Sodality Christmas party, women continued to come to me with their gift cards. I was overwhelmed by the thoughtful people who make up our parish family. I was also touched by four women who no longer live in our parish, but still call IHM home, and receive our newsletter and keep in touch; each one of them brought gift cards as well! Dolores Taylor, the president of our Ladies’ Sodality, who has been tremendously supportive of our effort to serve the homeless men of Sts. Peter and Paul shelter, handed me an envelope. Inside was a check from one of our sodalists, who has moved to be with her son near Kansas City! She too, receives the newsletter. Dorothy read about our collection and wanted to reach out to help! It brought tears to my eyes. There are so many people who are willing to give to others. Each week we receive clothing, gloves, coats and more that are donated. I also receive financial donations, which allows me to buy work boots and other items for the men. I am graced by the opportunity to see the look in their eyes when I handed them items they need. Several men have been able to find work in construction and in warehouses due to the steel toe boots I have been able to purchase, thanks to the generosity of our parishioners! I have been told, “Miss Debbie, the boots you gave me led me to a job. My life is turning around. Without the boots I wouldn’t have been hired.” I told him, I am the messenger; it is the good people of Immaculate Heart that make this possible! I feel blessed to be a part of the process. The gleam in their eyes, the smiles on their faces, and the hugs! All are gifts to me. Thank you for allowing me to serve. My heart is full of gratitude and pride. Immaculate Heart of Mary is a thoughtful, generous and giving parish! God bless you all! Debbie - 314-481-7543 4th Sunday of Advent Joy to the world, the Lord is come! We hear those words of the ancient hymn as we gather to celebrate the Birth of the Lord, the Son of God who existed before time, now born among us! We gather to hear again the ancient stories of how “God became human so that humans might become God,” according to St. Augustine. We come to share in Christ because Christ shares in us! I want to personally welcome each and every one of you, whether you are a first-time visitor to Immaculate Heart of Mary church or a long-time parishioner. Welcome and thank you for joining us! As we gather this Christmas, we remember the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem, we rejoice that we are born in Christ, and we remind ourselves that Christ must be born in each one of us. Let us take the time to celebrate and reflect within the Octave of Christmas – eight days of being overwhelmed by the awesome goodness of God who emptied himself to become one of us, and who remains among us that we might all be divinized! One reminder for us – the collections at each of the Christmas Masses goes for the support of our local seminary here in Archdiocese of St. Louis, KenrickGlennon Seminary. The young men studying there are the “in spem ecclesiae” = “the hope of the flock.” Let us assist them with our prayers and support! On behalf of the entire staff here at Immaculate Heart of Mary parish, I wish you and your families a very merry and blessed Christmas! Immaculate Heart of Mary pray for us! Sincerely, Father Brad December 21, 2014 Earn up to 3% every day for our Parish! Shop with your registered Schnucks eScrip Community Card and 3% of your purchase will be sent to Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish!! If you are interested in receiving a Schnucks E-Scrip card to use when shopping, please fill in the information below and return in the Collection Basket, “Attention Ann” or drop off at the Rectory. After I register your card online, I will send your card(s) to you and you may begin to use it immediately! It’s surprising the way the profit each month adds up by you just swiping your card at check-out. Thank you!! Please print clearly: First Name____________________________ Last Name____________________________ Address ____________________________________ City, State, & Zip Code ______________________________________ Phone #___________________________ How Many Cards: ______ Note: Husbands & Wives may each have a card, but just register under one of your names. GREAT Response!! Thank you!!!! Thought of the Week 4th Sunday of Advent December 21, 2014 Christmas Letter From the Archbishop Christmas 2014 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Rejoice! The weeks of Advent waiting are over, and Christ is born! We rejoice in our Savior’s birth—remembering the great gift of faith He has given us through the mystery of His incarnation and the saving power of His death and resurrection. Each year, the people of our archdiocese have been asked to make a special gift on Christmas Day to support our seminarians at KenrickGlennon Seminary. The men of our seminary, who have responded to Christ's call to follow Him, are truly a gift to the Church and to the Archdiocese of St. Louis. It is these men who will bring the faith given to us by Christ 2000 years ago to future generations here in the Archdiocese of St. Louis. I ask you, once again, to pray for vocations and for all our priests and seminarians. I also ask you to be generous in your donation to the Christmas Day collection, which helps pay the day-to-day expenses and maintenance of our seminary. Please be assured of my prayers for you during the season of Christmas. May the Lord of life come into your hearts and homes in a special way during this holy time of year. Sincerely yours in Christ, Most Reverend Robert J. Carlson Archbishop of St. Louis Attention all Highschoolers! There will be NO Saint Louis LifeTeen this Wednesday, December 24th. Enjoy the time with your families, and we will look forward to seeing you on Wednesday, January 7th for a Youth Mass & Social!! Check out saintlouislifeteen.org for more details. Questions? Contact lauren@saintlouislifeteen.org or 314.288.8873. +++++++++++++ Attention all 8th graders! Save the date for Luke 18 .... February 13-15th, 2015 at Bishop DuBourg High School. As a parish, we will be participating in this retreat along with other area parishes and Saint Louis LifeTeen - it is open to all current 8th graders. The weekend promises to be full of building community, growing in faith, and growing in relationship with the Church and God all led by area highschoolers. For more information, check out saintlouislifeteen.org/luke18. Questions? Please contact Lauren at 314.288.8873 or lauren@saintlouislifeteen.org CENTERING PRAYER - Next Saturday At this busy time of year you might find yourself looking for a little piece of quiet in your busy life The Centering Prayer group invites you to join us Saturday morning, December 27th. We meet at 9a.m. in the prayer room in the vestibule of Church. No preparation necessary. We will show you the basics. So give yourself a gift of inner peace this Christmas. Come and see for yourself how spending twenty minutes in silent prayer can positively affect the whole rest of your day. PRAYER REQUESTS When you submit prayer requests for relatives, we will include the names of those to be prayed for within our petitions at Mass for three consecutive weekends. Remember to add their names to our Prayer Book over on the St. Joseph Statue side, as they are remembered at each Mass. Thank you for your understanding. 4th Sunday of Advent December 21, 2014 COLDER WEATHER IS RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER DONATIONS NEEDED FOR STS. PETER AND PAUL (Men’s Shelter) Winter Shoes all sizes: (requested sizes: 9, 10, 11-12 and 13-14) Hats, Gloves, Coats, Pocket Warmers, Men’s underwear and boxers Lg, XL, 2XL, 3XL, Men’s T-shirts white, colored or those with prints: Lg, XL, 2XL, 3XL, 4XL, Socks, socks, socks & belts, all sizes Insoles for shoes (some have bad feet and all walk miles each day) STS. PETER & PAUL MEN’S SHELTER Looking for Volunteers for January Is there anyone interested in volunteering with us at the shelter in January? IHM is scheduled every month for two evenings to help give out food and other necessities the gentlemen need. IHM’s nights are always the 2nd Thursday, and the 3rd Friday of every month. We are doing what we are called to do: helping the poor and homeless and having fun doing it. If you would like to make a cash donation, I will be glad to purchase items for you. Thank you again for your generosity, kindness and Christian actions to help the poor of St, Louis! Debbie Gartner Phone #:__________________________ If interested, please check the date(s) below and return to the Rectory or drop in the Collection Basket marked: Men’s Shelter Volunteer. Name:____________________________ Email:_____________________________ I’m available: ST. LOUIS TAX ASSISTANCE PROGRAM The St. Louis Tax Assistance Program offers FREE ELECTRONIC INCOME TAX RETURN PREPARATION ______Thursday, January 8th ______Friday, January 16th If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call: Juanita Bishop at 314-605-5110 or email: mr.bishop@sbcglobal.net and tax information for families with income under $58,000. The program is targeted at those working families who are eligible for the earned income credit and child care credit. Location will be in future bulletins. KEEP OUR MEN AND WOMEN WHO SERVE OUR COUNTRY TO KEEP US SAFE IN YOUR PRAYERS! Spec. Lou Bollasina, U.S. Army Sgt. Austin Albert, U. S. Army Sgt. Donald T. Shaver, U.S. Marines 1SG Paul Drago, U.S. Army Specialist Nick Marty, National Guard SRA Jeffrey Clark, U.S. Air Force Todd Bruemer, U.S. Navy M.K. 2 Brett Winkelmann, Coast Guard Cpl. Matthew T. Straub, U.S. Marines Sgt. Victor A. Will, U.S. Army Sgt. James A. Will, U.S. Army Staff Sgt. James Dobrynski, U.S. Air Force Specialist 1st Class David V. Rice, U.S. Army FREE MEDICAL EQUIPMENT Thanks to the generosity of many people, I have free medical equipment to loan to anyone in need. If you have a need or know someone who could use equipment, please call the Rectory, 481-7543 or Debbie at 314-481-9385. I have: 3 Canes, 3 bedside commodes (need buckets) 3 wheel chairs (a couple older models, but work), 15 walkers (a variety of types), 2 grab bars that attach to the side of the tub, 4 shower chairs (variety of sizes), and 2 shower chairs, one on wheels. 4th Sunday of Advent RECOMMENDED HOLIDAY VIEWING Take a moment to sit back, put up your feet, and enjoy The Forsaken on Tuesday, December 30th on EWTN at 5:30 pm. This thirty minute documentary, featuring the Archdiocese of St. Louis mission program Pan y Amor, will open your eyes to the lives of children who have been rescued from living on the streets of Cochabamba and La Paz, Bolivia. Prior to being rescued, these children barely survived and often went to sleep hungry and on the streets. Emmy award winner Chuck Neff does an extraordinary job of capturing the struggles of these innocent children and their quest for a brighter future. This is a show you don’t want to miss!! 2015 CALENDARS Are available at all entrances of Church. Help yourselves! We have plenty to go around! Thanks again to Kutis Funeral Home for Donating the calendars! A ROSE FOR EXPECTANT MOMS!!! If you are expecting a child, we as a Parish would like to pray for you throughout your pregnancy. There are red roses on the table in front of the Blessed Mother’s statue in the back of Church. Please write your name and due date on the card attached to one of the roses to be published monthly in the bulletin asking for prayers until you deliver. After your baby(ies) arrive, please call Kathy at 314832-6553. We will then share your baby’s name and birth date in our bulletin. Please keep the following parents in your prayers: Kellie and Jason (twins) due in February, 2015 Allison and Michael due in May Stephanie and Derek due in June Amanda and Gillis due March Jennifer due June God Bless you all. IHM Pro-Life Committee December 21, 2014 Please join us for the 8th annual Catholic Men for Christ Conference, which will be held Saturday, February 7, 2015 at the Peabody Opera House. Nearly 2,000 men joined us for last year’s Conference. Thank you to all who attended, and we look forward to see you again in 2015! Newly Designed Website Registration and Information at catholicmenforchrist.org This year’s lineup includes: George Weigel, Tim Staples, Terry Barber, and Msgr. Ramicciotti, as well as emcee Zip Rzeppa Guided by the Four Pillars of Conversion, Reconciliation, Discipleship, and Evangelization, the Catholic Men for Christ Conference is dedicated to building the Kingdom of God in the Archdiocese of St. Louis and beyond. “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.” Luke 10:2 4th Sunday of Advent December 21, 2014 NEWS AROUND TOWN MINISTRY SCHEDULE CHRISTMAS CONCERT The 37th annual Christmas Concert of the Young Catholic Musicians will be performed at Seven Holy Founders in Affton on Sunday, December 28th at 4pm and Monday, December 29th at 7:30pm. Contact Mary Smith at 314-962-9260 or smithycm@sbcglobal.net for information and cost of tickets. December 27/28th Jo Gaal Maureen Lampert Glenn Mertens HOPEMARK PRESCHOOL Located across from Francis Park, proudly serves the southwest St. Louis community since 1971. We offer two and three day morning programs 3, 4, and 5 year olds, and four-day afternoon Jr. and Sr. Pre K programs for 5 year old children. We are currently accepting registration for January 2015! Call 314-832-8115 or visit us on the web at www.hopemark.org. INVITATION TO DIVORCED & SEPARATED CATHOLICS New!! The Office of Laity and Family Life is pleased to announce the beginning of a new ministry to Catholics who have suffered from divorce. The 12-week program features DVD presentations covering denial, anger, grief, kids, spirituality, annulment and more. This will be held at the Immaculate Conception Parish in Dardenne beginning in January. Call 314-276-3859 for details. PEN PALS Are you interested in being a pen-pal for a prisoner? The Archdiocesan CJM (Criminal Justice Ministry) needs volunteers to write to a prisoner monthly. Purpose: to exchange friendly letter, give news of the outside world, give emotional support and encouragement. The inmate must agree to the purpose before acceptance into the program. Your address and last name are always protected. If you enjoy writing letters and want more information call Sr. Rose Rita, 881-6019 or Linda V., 631-4488, CJM volunteer. Note: this corporal work of mercy, visiting the prisoner, qualifies as well as almsgiving. It is for all to consider but especially to those parishioners who are not always able to get out of their homes or who cannot drive. NEED TO TALK? Some babies die by chance. No baby should die by choice. Whether you are the mom, dad, grandparent or sibling, abortion can leave a hole in a family. Find healing for your heartache at Project Rachel, 792-7565. For a confidential meeting, or visit STLProjectRachel.org. YOU CAN HELP YOUR MARRIAGE Twenty-five percent (25%) of surveyed couples say they are “Happily Married”. For everyone else there is Retrouvaille. Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Does talking only make it worse? For information on the Retrouvaille Program, visit the website at www.HelpOurMarriage.com or call 1-800-470-2230. LECTORS 4:30 p.m. 7:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS THERE ARE NO EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS SCHEDULED FOR CHRISTMAS. PLEASE COME UP IF NEEDED. THANK YOU! 4:30 p.m. For the Weekend of December 27/28th Paula Bonn, Jo Gaal, Mark Loeffler, William Noll, Joe Poett, Sandy Schmidt, Rita Springer, Sue Weber, Cindy Wright 7:30 a.m. Lillian Fernandez, Tom Gaughran, Marge Kage, Peggy Kuehner, Michael Kuhlman, Dolores Taylor, Mary J. Zimmerman 10:00 a.m. Scott & Betty Bollasina, Jan Cattaneo, Rob & Jenelle Leighton, Kevin O’Sullivan, Mary Pfeiffer, Jo Ann Ratermann, Annette Sandheinrich 4:30 p.m. 7:30 a.m. 10:00 a.m. For the Weekend of January 3/4th, 2015 Paula Bonn, Barry Hagan, Joyce Huelsmann, Helen Koester, Mark Loeffler, William Noll, Rita Springer, Sue Weber, Cindy Wright Tom Gaughran, Marge Kage, Peggy Kuehner, Michael Kuhlman, Dolores Taylor, Mary J. Zimmerman Tom Ceriotti, Rob & Jenelle Leighton, Marilyn Murphy, Mary Pfeiffer, Jo Ann Ratermann, Eileen Schindler, Ann Sutter, Roxanne Wolfslau FOR THE WEEKEND OF: December 27/28th SATURDAY 4:30PM Jessica Fitzgerald, Julia Hulsey SUNDAY 7:30AM Tim Brennan, Troy Smith SUNDAY 10:00AM Kaitlyn Popham, Sophia Hoyt • 30 Years Experience in Complete Auto Repair • Front End Alignments • Quality Tires 314-776-3966 Sales, Installation & Service 351-5580 Victor Vitt, Jr.-President 7415 Eugene Ave., St. Louis, MO 63116 (located near HWY 55 and Germania) LansdowneVillage - FLESCH BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION CO. Remodeling Since 1968 Kitchens • Baths • Windows Decks • Vinyl Siding John P. Flesch Joe Flesch 314-638-8927 Alzheimers Care Leaf Removal • Gutter Cleaning Hospice Care Bush Trimming/Removal “Home Again” Rehab Grass Cutting Long-Term Care John 229-4690 Pierre Smith Parishioner 351-6888 Administrator IVAN JURESIC SALES & SERVICE CONSTRUCTION, INC. 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Homeowners-Auto-Commercial M-F 9:00-7:00 Sat 9:00-3:00 Closed Sundays Since 1922 6233 Gravois 314-832-4433 – FIELDER – ELECTRICAL SERVICES, INC. LICENSED • BONDED • INSURED RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL Service Upgrades • New Homes • Remodeling • Room Additions • Basements • Kitchens Bathrooms • Code Violations • Knob & Tube Upgrades • Back Up Generator Systems $20OFF Any Electrical Work of $100 or more 314-966-3388 ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” NOW OPEN and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers ST. LOUIS Altenheim FUNERAL HOME 2906 GRAVOIS 772-3000 10151 GRAVOIS 842-4458 5255 LEMAY FERRY 894-4500 New Nursing Care Center 5408 South Broadway www.altenheim-stlouis.com Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! 20 minutes or less from anywhere in St. Louis! Expires 9-30-14 314-353-7225 R.I.S.C. CONSULTANTS, LLC Advertising here helps your parish www.jspaluch.com & your business. 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