Tbureday, February 16,1999 One Hundred Sixty-Three Earn Honors at Terrill The names of 163 students who earned Honor Roll standing during the second marking period at the Terrill Middle Schoolin Scotch Plains were announced this week. In the sixth grade, six children or 4.11 percent of the 146-member class were named to the Distinguished Honor Roll, which requires an "A"in alt subjects. Fifty-four children, or 36.99 per cent of the class, were named to the Honor Roll, which requires at least IT GOES THIS WAYl.-School Ooe Itrst grader Uura Percoco gtwa some tips (wo "A's," no grade lower than "B"in to Jumbo the Clown as she, Philip Assad, MarUa Bianco aod other classmates major subjects and at least "C" in study assembly line manufacturing, part of a presentation by DECA, the Scotch other subjects. Plalns-Fanwood high School's marketing association. In the seventh grade, 20 childrenor 13.25 per cent of the 151-member class, were named to the Distinguished Honor Roll and 43 children or 28.48 per cent of the class were named to the Honor Roll. In the eighth grade, nine children The deadline for the submission of or 6.38 per cent of the 141 •member Soroplimist International of the Greater Westfield Area is making applications is Wednesday, March I. class were named to the Distinguished available a Youth Citizenship Award The winner or winners will be pre- Honor Roll and 31 children or 21.99 sented the award at Awards Dinner to per cent of the class were named to to a graduating high school senior. This award is a merit scholarship be held on Wednesday, June 14, at the Honor Roll. SIXTH GMDE Restaurant in given in recognition of the outstand- L' Affaire HSTMQUHHED HONOR ROLL ing contributions made to the im- Mountainside. Kattfennmak DouotaaGINt Soroplimist International is a non- Roteftlugi AnwndaHfffltr provement of the quality of life of CattwriMManfat their fellow citizens in their home, profit organization of executive, busi- UndMyDwfe ness and professional women who school and community. SIXTH OIUDE HONOR ROLL Applications and information re- are dedicated to providing service to ChrWkMAIUuU HtatrwrlMa garding the Youth Citizenship Award their communities. AndrmlaWci •rtanMaroMy For information on becoming a Rahul S m u t can be obtained by calling Dr. AnOMHirMKca Naneymarie Bride at Gateway Coun- member of Soroptimist, please call JwmHH Bwutfft JtmltarMtMo WdiadBMkwman MtgtnMMw Mrs. Nancy Jackson at 499-6135. seling Associates at 232-3638. Deadline Is March 1 For Youth Scholarship BlNCI -tOBB Your Home Care Headquarters - Vacuums • Central Vacuum Systems • Sewing Machines • Outdoor Power Equipment • Janitorial Supplies BrmdmBtraM DtnaBtffcDwltz Mhhtll* Bonr Enn lushing* BffttButhlnaw Nictwln Butws Kita Chang MoinCMAb Patrick DkiMiwn Michatiaion ArrirtwEIko JtUfct fWRMQ ridF Antfton/Qteai SALES • SERVICE • PARTS Rag. t2BB Our* 1179 w/R«bat«' REB TMTIAL OR COMMERCIAL MnniPttmr HtfcoPflwm AHctaPinU T Ruth Rohm E*UMHM1 CMMopMlan J . M k i KmtonNM Chitdpotw SnWi ErtcKonnfcnan lanWaMaia; AtawndwZajw SEVENTH MADE MTMQUSHfD HONOR BOU One Hundred and Nineteen tSSSr Park Students Earn Honors ssrr CaraBrlaM SMhanhMi UOchCNn Rtbaoca d a n * RobMtQk Aaiana*Rk» JutdftftOM CMraKjIyiMraMn OttnHwoh AI«W« OtMUOtm SEVENTH OIIADE WNCMROU AnkurDaM Emily Down* OnoriotoEfcwolli AnnEtakmta KjUryn ntaar RacMFMtar EvmFMh O K«*MOrtnbaf« MuUdn NathanMJonat NotoniNWdmn faWyPirtf 9VRH0 rMW) Antentaun llayiiKMdlltuk* MartntoHm KMnMW) S4WMM JUDt SchndMir AndrtwSdWMtt JamSMh Aflty SvHwon SanhVMn EIGHTH O H M * USTMOUBHED HONOR ROU Laurwi BWock Paul Vataoano JtimttHBlMth JanWitaf Erin Brandt ComatkisWiM OanUKavlnaH AkahayVadm RuYun {Lucy) Zhao IKJHTHWIUX HWWRROLL ___ Da«MMIan JoanaMouo Mlckatl BMfh JeflrtyMoch BridgttCartar Jonathan Chaplin MKTWW Cuvonw) BritnDtnfedo HuttataOtmr Evan Ownbuah Erik&Xatr ThomMOMlNi JannQnvaa Daniel Hanlaon KrManWmaimr Jonadm Hnini cnHHeimrmiiMcM DavMLaaua EuaJtaLa* OndwaUw M#pluftH MKnTOnc JawnHathan LaumiMaml Kartnt (Miano LaunnSdivafk HWUMdtf M — n f Tiwnfcwm Hmtttt Tautonfco MKthnrZuHo E.C-12SH4 GET UP TO $25 BACK ON SELEa SHARP VACUUM CLEANERS I WITH MAIL IN REBATE* GUARANTEED RESULTS OtdFashtone&QuaHfy and Service SmaFI Groups 224 ELMER ST. • WESTFIELD • Seated Plains* SimmH • Cranlord • Edlaow Metuchen EDUCATIONAL SERVICES CENTER CIOB-KJ Wed. and S u n . 1-800-762-8378 WE'RE LISTENING... At Statewide, we believe community banking begins with checking account options the fit your needs. Choose from: • REGULAR CHECKING - A LOW COST WAY TO MANAGE YOUR MONEY AND PAY YOUR BILLS. NEED A CHECKING ACCOUNT THAT WORKS FOR YOU INSTEAD Of AGAINST YOU? • SUPERIOR CHECKING^-- AN INTERESTEARNING ACCOUNT OFFERING HIGHER RATES FOR HIGHER BALANCES, PLUS ALL REGULAR CHECKING FEATURES. A Statewide MAC card provides 24hour access to thousands of ATMs worldwide, and overdraft protection is available through our "No-Bounce" checking feature. For more information, please call 201-795-7700. CURRENT ANNUAL PERCENTAGE YIELDS ON SUPERIOR CHECKING /in Wees n•f|i<irr i! in etmt stated APY $1 $2,500 $7,500 S25.O0O S50.00Q+ to to to to $2,4W $7,499 $24,999 $49,999 APY us of Ang. 13. J99.1 2.84% 2.89% 2.99% 3.10% 3.20% t'liis is a llcfi'tf, v, jh\e Mir iiccount. Vnuf bjluncc lit'H, intcrc^t rrcntiijic yk-ld* tn.yy chuitKC at any lime- The required (n tiptn [his acrmtni it 11OO. TTsc mintmitrn J r p in dvimi a iminll-ily urvicr churjtc h SWO minimum tl.itlybjl may apply and «i\i\<l rcduic cjrniiiRi on <Micr fee* and Statewide also offers special business checking with a wide variety of attractive features. *3BE0 The names o f the 119 students w h o earned Honor Roll standing during the second marking period o f the 1994-199J school year at the Park Middle School in Scotch Plains were announced last week. In the sixth grade, 11 children, or 8.03 perctntof the 137-rnemberclass, were named to the Distinguished Honor Roll, which requires a grade of "A" in all subjects. Fifty-three children, or 38.69 per cent o f the class, were named to the Honor Roll, which requi res two"AY* and the remainder "B's" in major subjects and at least a "C" or "S" in other subjects. In the seventh grade 11 children,or 9.40percentofthe 117-rnemberclass, were named t o the Distinguished Honor Roll and 2 2 children, or 18.80 per cent, of the class were named (o the Honor Roll. In the eighth grade, three children, or 2.33 per cent, o f the 129-mernber class were named to theDistinguished Honor Roll and IS children, or II.63 percent of the class, were named to the Honor Roll. StKTHOItADE DtBTWaUSWD HONOR ROLL SiraliAntHton AmaHrcoeo DUMM JtnnNirMo gta E l l a M h Twnc*o Shannon MeEnatly Kalhryii Wareh»l AMoon V t.orfi ff.fiuidfSh Fanvood Garvood WWtam O n u n m F M B ~ Qrt SmJteM HOlMtt tUWfcrt Ntedo^Koeh K fI KoCMV K VmmluKodctl EllnWMMI KVEHTHORAK DOTMQUISHED MOHOB jL TkMthvM JKtyntWn g JtMlctUMt CWftCipplo SEVENTH H U M HOttOflMU. JyfcLpwn Amy M M * VtnnlMlMwio Mfn Sumtcxyk Jiu«n tradtrsm HtekC hjmNCkdnMr KrMMFMtaa Diana Flto aWnr Ertn BOOTH QRAM nSTMOUISHED H0NM H U C«kttiCot»m»n UMYIOI CrWWiKun JUMtrwAMt Pwitamt IMUILMNM AirlhanvWal Andy CMn SriwComor An*wUn Jraki Lobnc* HdthMlkNily EOHTHMAOE HONOR ROLL ChrtrtntBroe* DavWBudd )<akMMI TanChm EHwDmttodn JtcqiMjyn Dmpwy JwaftUWn L i m n Hanatom Marching Band Parents Set Fund-Raiser for March 4 TheWestfield High School Marching Band Parents Association is sponsoring its annual fund-raiser, a 195O's Rock and Roll Dance, on Saturday, March 4. The event is being held to raise funds to provide scholarships for graduating high school seniors who have made a significant contribution to the band. The scholarship can be applied to the college of the rccipient'schoice. Over the years the Band Parents Association has awarded over 100 scholarships. Miss Linda King has been the band's music director for seven years and has taught in New Jersey for 11 years. The band has grown from 13 members to its current size of 60 and has won various awards including the slate championship in 1989. Since Miss King has joined the Westfield staff, she has expanded the program to include a Woodwind Ensemble and a Jazz Band. In addition to her directing credits, she has been offering comprehensive courses in concert band and music writing and arranging where the students compose their own pieces and record their work, in a studio. The affair will be held at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Hall in Clark. Tickets are now on sale at Westfield High School for S15 and wiil be $ 18 at the door. A live band, Satin and Cold, will be playing the rock and roll music of the 1950's. Sandwiches,. made by J & M Market, and beer and wine will be served. For further information, please call Miss King at Westfield High School at 789-4549 or Mrs. Pamela Treut at 654-6114. RICHARD J. KAPLOW, ESQ. 18 YEARS EXPERIENCE AS A CIVIL & CRIMINAL TRIAL LWVYF.R • Personal Injury • All Types vJ'Aca'tk'Ms • Municijml Comi77JH7 • Divorce I Child Support • Business Disputes • Criminal Defense • FOKMER ASSISTANT UNION COUNTY PROSECUTOR 232-8787 24 HOURS ' 53 ELM STREET, WESTFIELD ^ ! ! ! ^ SWING CHILDREN'S MUSICALS SERIES SATURDAYS SUNDAY PERFORMANCES AT 11 A M MARCH 11 «t 12 MAY 13 i 14 HANSBRINKER THE LITTLE PRINCE Mspcwet • Ages 5-9 Theatmmsrt<5 USA • Ages S3 MARCH 18 & 13 MAY 20 S 21 SNOW WHITE RUMPELSTILT5KIN G i d Pl • Ages 5-9 APRIL 22 4 23 COPPELIA MJ BALLET-Ages 6-10 APRI129S30 MAYS* / Brands in: Sirsrj Citj Srtatuts Ctiffiidr Peri flacM Eainuod WchMtFrnzan* LMnOoKkU SOOHORAM HONOR ROU Pushcart Players • Ages ff-9 instate wide Savings Bank ItaWww IMsptf JMMS hmtUmm Kmmwm Ariamftnwra AMERICAN SAMPLER We pay attention as well as interest. FD1C Mayor Garland C. "Bud" Booths, Jr. signed a proclamation designating February as Am erican History Month, ati me set apart to promote the study of American history. Present at the January 31 signing was Mrs. Kenneth P. Hoover, Historian for the Westfield Chapterof the Daughters of the American Revolution. "This is a time to reflect upon the great heritage of our nation's achieving the status of a great world power through the dedication of individuals who represent an influx, or people form nations throughout the world," a spokeswoman said. "American history is filled with significant events and stories of brave explorers and settlers who struggled to found a nation based on concepts of liberty and opportunity. American citizens should remember the importance of freedom, equality, justice and humanity in our daily lives," she added. U H W W W ShtHiKarikar ErinMvfciUa K M Kim Trivia Kipjrtna JacqutlliM Kioek AymKmMr DaoMUxxnia !•€»•**. ^»fc ^ * f c I ChrtatoplarO'Laanr Brian OrNri JUixttOtW JeciiciPafk TncySanguNano Kathryn Schurto AmtWioor DnMSigmn Jam* Km EARDLfTfETERSEN KaDwnM O'Connor February Named Month To Study Nation's History Yam Musical Theatre • Ages 5-9 JUNE 17 & t8 BEAUTY AND THE BEAST Gingetbread Players > Ages 5-9 JUNE24&25 MOZART, MONSTERS STORY SALAD 8 A N D MATISSE MuinffiHi Productions • Ages 5-9 Marshes Uoninmlimofo • Agos S9 TICKETS ON SALE NOW: Orch. $7, Mezz. $6 CALL 201-376-4343 VISA ft MasteiCard • BROOKS1DE DRIVE, MlLLBURNt N J 07041
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