"Christ-centered, Christ-like; a church that serves the needs of the community." 831 Poquoson Avenue, Poquoson, Virginia 23662 www.tabernacleumc.org www.facebook.com/Tabernacle (757) 868-6842 CCLI #2007926 We are glad you are here! Please let us know you are here by filling in the Friendship Register. If you have prayer requests, joys, or concerns such as births, deaths, hospitalizations, or illnesses, please fill out the prayer request cards located in your pew. Sunday Worship Services The Nursery is available for all services. 8:45 a.m. Early Service 11:00 a.m. Traditional Service 11:00 a.m. Side Door Service Children's Church during the 11:00 services We offer a special worship time for our children ages 4 years -2nd grade every Sunday. They begin worship with the congregation at 11:00 a.m. and are led from the services to Children's Worship in room 23 where they may be picked up at 12:00 p.m. Nursery Our nursery is just down the hall from the sanctuary. The nursery is available for infants through age 4 during all Worship Services and the Sunday School hour. Sunday School Sunday School classes for all ages are at 9:45 a.m. We invite you and every member of your family to join us for this time of fellowship and teaching. Youth Youth Fellowship activities for 6th grade through 12th grade are announced each week in the bulletin. Church Office Hours Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Lunch hour may vary, please call ahead. Tabernacle Staff Pastor Rev. Barry Throckmorton B.Throck@verizon.net In emergencies, 868-9345 Can. for Ordained Ministry Brent Staul abstaul@verizon.net Dir. of Ministries Develop. Rusty Sackett rusty.tumc@gmail.com Interim Choir Director Betsy Forrest b4rest@cox.net Side Door Worship Leaders Rich and Susie Mar4n rwmar4n100@gmail.com susiem100@gmail.com I BRING YOU GOOD TIDINGS OF Office/Finance Manager Ann Higginbotham ann.tumc@verizon.net LUKE 2:10 Welcome to York River District DS Rev. Seonyoung Kim District Office: 596-3476 info@yorkriverdistrict.org UMC Virginia Conference Bishop Young Jin Cho www.vaumc.org We would love to include you in our church family. To become a church member, you may either indicate your interest on the Friendship Register, call the church office, or talk to the pastor. To join, you may unite on profession of faith, reaffirmation of faith, or by transfer of your membership from another church. Membership is open to all. Tabernacle United Methodist Church "Christ-centered, Christ-like; a church that serves the needs of the community." December 21, 2014 Welcome to Tabernacle United Methodist Church "Christ-centered, Christ-like; a church that serves the needs of the community." December 21, 2014 Advent / Christmas Week Six 8:45 a.m. ( ♦ Please stand in praise to God for these acts of worship if you are able.) The Lord’s Prayer Hymnal No. 895 Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. Proclaiming Preparing Old Testament Lesson Entering ♦ Psalter (Unison) Silent Meditation (Please write on a prayer card any prayer concerns you wish for pastor to include in this morning’s prayer.) Prelude Lighting of the Advent/Christmas Wreath Candle The Mason family Savior Is Born Luke 2:10 The angel said, “Don’t be afraid! Look! I bring good news to you wonderful, joyous news for all people. Your savior is born today in David’s city. He is Christ the Lord.” As we light this sixth candle of the Advent/Christmas season, we rejoice in the Good News that our Lord has come to save us. We celebrate that the Kingdom of God is near and Christ our Lord is with us! In the light we wait for the coming of our Lord. Come Lord Jesus, come! ♦ Call to Worship Liturgist Because Christ has been born in the world, people who walked in darkness now live in great light! Because Christ has been born in the world, the power to oppress and kill will not stand! Tabernacle Beyond the Walls Sermon Pastor “What a Difference One Life Makes: Jesus” ♦ Hymn No. 239 “Silent Night” Promising The Presentation (Please be seated.) We Offer Our Gifts, Our Tithes, and Ourselves Pastor Offertory Music ♦ Hymn No. 246 No. 95 “Joy to the World” ♦ Benediction Pastor ♦ Depart to Serve Worship Participants Sean Hopkins Praying Pastoral Prayer Pastor Liturgist Pastor Anthem Liturgist Sending Forth ♦ Welcome Moments (Please sign the Friendship Register and then pass it to your neighbor.) Liturgist (Greet one another in the name of the Lord.) (During this time, please place your prayer requests in the basket up front.) Liturgist Gospel Lesson Luke 2:1-20 (Pew Bible NT pg. 58) This is the Word of God, for the people of God. Thanks be to God. “O Come, All Ye Faithful” “We Three Kings” ♦ Pass the Peace Psalm 96 (No. 815) ♦ Doxology Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise him, all creatures here below; Praise him above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. Praising ♦ Songs of Praise (Please stand.) No. 234 No. 254 Isaiah 9:2-7 (Pew Bible OT pg. 638) Pastor Pianist: Pat Clark Greeters: Debra Sterling, Sally Lindberg, and Nancy and Richard Brooks Ushers: Carol Derby and Mary Ann Meyer Acolytes: Cecil Byles and Drew Barden Liturgist: Steve Lang Music Leader: Ben Owen Pastor: Barry Throckmorton Ministers: The Congregation Tabernacle United Methodist Church Welcome to "Christ-centered, Christ-like; a church that serves the needs of the community." December 21, 2014 Advent / Christmas Week SIx ♦ Hymn No. 239 Gathering Prelude (A time to quietly prepare our hearts and minds for worship.) (Please write on a prayer card any prayer concerns you wish for pastor to include in this morning’s prayer.) Chiming of the Hour and Choral Introit (Please remain seated) ♦ Pass the Peace Pastor Pastoral Prayer Pastor (Greet one another in the name of the Lord.) (During this time, please place your prayer requests in the basket up front.) 11:00 a.m. ( ♦ Please stand in praise to God for these acts of worship if you are able.) Chancel Choir Welcome Moments (Please sign the Friendship Register and then pass it to your neighbor.) Liturgist Lighting of the Advent/Christmas Wreath Candle The Sperling family Savior Is Born Luke 2:10 The angel said, “Don’t be afraid! Look! I bring good news to you wonderful, joyous news for all people. Your savior is born today in David’s city. He is Christ the Lord.” As we light this sixth candle of the Advent/Christmas season, we rejoice in the Good News that our Lord has come to save us. We celebrate that the Kingdom of God is near and Christ our Lord is with us! In the light we wait for the coming of our Lord. Come Lord Jesus, come! The Lord’s Prayer with Choral Amen No. 895 Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. Tabernacle Beyond the Walls Pastor Reception of Tithes and Offerings Pastor Offertory Music ♦ Affirmation of Faith ♦ Hymn No. 234 ♦ Hymn No. 246 Unison Prayer Liturgist Glorious God, we would make room for you today: room in our minds and hearts, room also in our life together. Let your Word be born in us anew so that your splendor shines in us and through us. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. “The Wexford Carol” Apostles’ Creed ♦ Benediction Pastor ♦ Choral Response Chancel Choir ♦ Postlude Men’s Chorus We encourage all children to be active in the full worship service. Children from 4 yrs. to 2nd grade, at the parent's discretion, may go to Children's Church in room 23 after the children’s message. ♦ Psalter (Unison) Isaiah 9:2-7 (Pew Bible OT pg. 638) Psalm 96 (No. 815, Musical Response) Gospel Lesson Luke 2:1-20 (Pew Bible NT pg. 58) This is the Word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God. Liturgist Liturgist Pastor Responding in Faith Sermon “What a Difference One Life Makes: Jesus” Pastor No. 881 “Joy to the World” Children’s Moment Old Testament Lesson No. 95 Sending to Serve Proclaiming the Word Anthem Chancel Choir Soloist, Ben Owen ♦ Doxology Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise him, all creatures here below; Praise him above, ye heavenly host; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. ♦ Call to Worship (Responsive) Liturgist Because Christ has been born in the world, people who walked in darkness now live in great light! Because Christ has been born in the world, the power to oppress and kill will not stand! “O Come All Ye Faithful” “Silent Night” Worship Participants Organist: Nancy White Pianist: Carroll Edd Emerson Greeters: Carole and Roy Staton and Joyce and Hank Hardaway Ushers: Carey Freeman, Charlie French, Bill Jones, and Charlie Murray Crucifer: Acolytes: Andrew Hodges and Brett Hodges Liturgist: Debra Sterling Men’s Chorus Director: Dean Burnett Chancel Choir Director: Betsy Forrest Pastor: Barry Throckmorton Ministers: The Congregation December 21, 2014, 11:00 a.m. "Christ-centered, Christ-like; a church that serves the needs of the community." COUNTDOWN (Band Only) Glorious Unfolding OPENER Everlasting God WELCOME AND OPENING PRAYER LIGHTING OF THE ADVENT WREATH PRAISE AND WORSHIP Great Is the Lord He Reigns Away in a Manger (with children) Children (4yrs - 2nd grade) may go to Children’s Church in room 23 after the songs. ANNOUNCEMENTS PRAYER REQUESTS AND OFFERING How He Loves PRAISE AND WORSHIP We Believe SCRIPTURE Luke 2:1-20 MESSAGE “Thankful for the Difference One Can Make” CLOSING I’m Going Home BLESSING Announcements † Prayer List † Prayer Requests New additions: Bobby Wilson Elsie Lawson Dale Jamison Chip Barton Jaime Benites Jim Byrn Billy Buettel Mike Cross Kevin Dean Dave Elliot Andrew Huffman Leslie Hunt Jared Martin Jim Orr Noelle Reeves Stacy Reeves Matthew Spyker Andrew Staton Alex Todd Nicholas Wheeler Please pray for DS Seonyoung Kim, Bishop Young Jin Cho, and the leaders and staff of Tabernacle UMC. Continue praying for: Sadie Alexander E. J. Barcus Mary & Dick Burnett O. H. Burton Karen Fortier Joe Fraga Red Gillikin Patrice Guthrie Brenda Hilliard Charlie McDaniels Bill Mullins Wes Pak Tabitha Perdue Donna Pitts Doris Sandy Van Smith Patrick Stapleton (1) Patrick Stapleton (2) 2 different people! Bob Staul Karen Steele Richard Tisdale Rose & Don Tyndall Jerry Valdez James West Carolyn & Hoyt Wilson Roy Wilson Shut Ins Dominion Village Mary Ann Lynch Maxine Tillotson Sadie Ray Verser The Chesapeake Duddy & Betty Forrest Coliseum Park Marion Hohfeldt Eden Pines Burnette Ellis Five Star Living Kenny Messick Golden Living Don Phipps The Newport Mary B. Edwards Our Lady of P. H. Shirley Freeman St. Frances N. H. Margie Evans Warwick Forrest Curt Claud Pat Claud York Convalescent Bill Anderson Homebound Patsy Green Mary Moore Martha Sutton PAST R’S Tuesday, December 23 9:30 AM - 1:00 PM December 21 Ricky Firth Rob Cox Michael Prunty Colten Buettel December 24 Doug Born Christian Yoga Tuesdays at 6:00 PM in the fellowship hall Our class will continue to meet through the holidays! December 25 Cristin Begor Jay Brandon Sara Butler December 26 Matthew McDaniel December 27 Alex Buettel Linda Tyler December 28 Ann Fordham Carlton Gill III Cheryl Jasinski Don Tyndall Nancy Verser Did we miss your birthday? Call the church office! The January - February issue of The Upper Room is in the narthex and Fellowship Hall. Pray without ceasing Mary Moore 13 Wyse Court Hampton, VA 23666 Names will remain on the Prayer List for four weeks. Please call Pastor Barry, 868-6842, for pastoral needs. Thursday, December 25 Sunday, December 21 Christmas Day 8:45 AM Early Service 9:45 AM Sunday School Office Closed 11:00 AM Traditional Service 8:00 PM AA 11:00 AM Side Door Service Friday, December 26 12:05 PM Dedication of Office Closed Kaitlyn Begor’s Tree 12:25 PM Children/Youth Music Sunday, December 27 8:45 AM Early Service 6:00 PM Silent House 9:45 AM Sunday School Tuesday, December 23 11:00 AM Traditional Service 7:30 AM Kiwanis 11:00 AM Side Door Service 6:00 PM Christian Yoga Wednesday, December 24 Christmas Eve Office Closed 5:30 PM Family Service 7:00 PM Contemporary Service 11:00 PM Communion Service Give with joy knowing you are helping God’s people! Faith in Action Children’s Church Volunteers Sunday, December 21 Leader: Chris McDaniels Adult Helper: Adriane Buettel Teen Helper Needed 76% Two extra adult helpers needed for “Birthday Party for Jesus” Sunday, December 28 Leader: Adriane Buettel Adult Helper: Cristin Begor Teen Helper Needed Send a card to let these folks: Betty Moore 3 Huntshire Lane Poquoson, VA 23662 Weekly Calendar Stewardship Sunday, December 14 Attendance 69 Sunday School 8:45 Early Service 68 11:00 Traditional 136 11:00 Side Door 88 Children’s Church 12 Giving $ 11,015 General $ 330 Building $ 1,560 Designated $ 3,821 Apport'mts. Thank you! We only have $18, 644 more to go! Please help us meet our commitment to the ministries of the United Methodist Church. Thank you to all PORT volunteers for assisting with PORT December 16 - 17. Special thanks to Rob Engelmann, Rich Clifton, and Tracey Redman. Announcements Announcements Christmas is a very special time of year. The happiness, sense of warmth, and hope for the future affects everyone, even those who don’t call themselves Christians. There are many in our community who do not have a church home and they may be searching for something this Christmas season. Do the world some good by being especially helpful and friendly to your neighbors and our church visitors this season. Please share the Christmas flyer insert and invite your neighbor to church this Christmas Eve. Extra copies of the flyer are available on the welcome tables. Birthday Party for Jesus Special Children’s Church Today Children’s Church is having a birthday party for Jesus today. All children from 4 years - 2nd grade are invited during the 11:00 services. They will hear the Christmas Story, play games, have birthday cake, and celebrate Jesus. Dedication of Kaitlyn’s Tree Today a pink dogwood will be dedicated in loving memory of Kaitlyn Begor following the 11:00 Worship services. All are invited to attend. Please gather at the tree behind the fellowship hall after both services end. "The Silent House" - Today at 6:00 PM Presented by the Side Door Team, “The Silent House” is a musical drama about a Christmas tree farmer. Join us at 6:00 PM in the fellowship hall for the program - a reception will follow. This event is open to the public and everyone is invited. Share the flyers on the welcome tables with your friends this afternoon. The Church Office will be closed December 24 January 4. During this time, please call 868-6842 for pastoral emergencies and leave a message. Messages will be checked and someone will return your call as soon as possible. Join us January 7 at 5:30 PM! FINAL Youth/Children Christmas Eve Rehearsal Rehearsal today will be after the dedication of Kaitlyn’s tree. All children and youth are welcome to participate in the Family Christmas Eve Service on December 24 at 5:30 PM. UMW Giving Tree Thank you to all for helping to brighten the holidays for our community. UMM Clothing Drive Many thanks for all your donations. Memory and Honor books are in the narthex and the fellowship hall for those who would like this keepsake. Poinsettias may be picked up Christmas Eve AFTER the 7:00 PM Contemporary Service (in the fellowship hall) or the 11:00 PM Candlelight Service OR after the worship services on December 28. NO Wednesday Night Dinners or programs until January 7! Over 97 Tabernacle family members and friends attended the Christmas Pot Luck Dinner last week. A big thank you to the Poquoson Kiwanis for hosting and to Dale Jamison for cooking the hams. Thank you to everyone for the delicious side dishes and desserts you provided. Thanks also to Betsy Forrest and Pat Clark for leading and accompanying our Christmas Carol Sing-a-long after the dinner. It was a great evening of fellowship and song. Congratulations to our winners of the Christmas Door Decorating Contest We had a lot of fun with the Christmas Door Decorating Contest - the winners were announced at the Christmas Pot Luck Dinner. Thank you to all 31 groups and individuals who participated. The doors added a festive note to our Christmas decorations this year. Check facebook for all the awards! GriefShare GriefShare will be taking a break over the holidays. Meetings will resume on Wednesday, Jan. 7 at 6:30 PM in room 6. Contact facilitator, Dana Dunham, at tumcGriefShare@gmail.com or 871-6965 for information. Please share the flyers on the welcome tables with your friends and neighbors in need. All are welcome. The 2015 offering envelopes are available for pick-up on the tables in the hall outside the sanctuary and in the fellowship hall for Side Door attendees. Please be aware that envelope numbers have been reassigned. If you do not see your name but would like a set of envelopes, please call the church office. We will be happy to provide envelopes. For TAX purposes, contributions for 2014 must be in the church office by December 31. Mailed contributions must be postmarked no later than December 31. Don’t forget the Food Pantry! Facilitator and Topics Needed for January A volunteer facilitator and topic ideas are needed for our Wednesday adult classes starting on January 7. Please think of topics you’d like to study or teach. Many easy to organize classes are available on DVD in our library or readily available for Tabernacle to purchase. Contact Rusty at 868-6842 or rusty.TUMC@gmail.com to volunteer. Merry from the staff! The Church Offices will be closed December 24 through January 4 for the Christmas/New Year holiday. We invite you to join us for Family Service at 5:30 pm in the Sanctuary Contemporary Christmas Eve Service at 7:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall Candlelight Communion Service at 11:00 pm in the Sanctuary THE SILENT HOUSE Christmas Program Sunday, December 21 at 6:00 PM Tabernacle UMC Fellowship Hall An original musical drama telling the story of a Christmas tree farmer recapturing his faith. Presented by the Side Door Team Please join us for the reception afterwards Tabernacle United Methodist Church 831 Poquoson Avenue • Poquoson, VA 23662 • 757-868-6842 www.tabernacleumc.org and www.facebook.com/Tabernacle Three services to choose from every Sunday morning! 8:45 AM Early Service 11:00 AM Contemporary Service 11:00 AM Traditional Service Everyone in the community is invited! See our facebook page for links to this event. Sponsored by Tabernacle United Methodist Church 831 Poquoson Avenue, Poquoson, Virginia 868-6842 www.tabernacleumc.org and www.facebook.com/Tabernacle
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