SAINT ELIZABETH December 21, 2014 Frankie Wise, Ford Canale, Patricia Morris, Larry Beseda Sr., Victor Jimenez, Alessandra Mazzamuto, Madeline Mazzamuto, Helen Albus, Brook Bragg, Taña Block, Ema Lucero, Glenda Snyder, Marcy Demel, Maxine Allison, Janet Thiel, Eli Gonzalez, John Shelby, Ian Worman, Cole Kitten, Bill Wallace, Pamela White, Glen Kieth, Sally Detrixhe, Susan Worely, Evelyn Sanford, Dolores Church, Tony Satroplus, Janis Geddies, Virginia Reynolds, Kasie Jenkins, Alice Kerr, Diana Mole, Evan Thiel, Olga Garcia, Kaitlyn Hopper, Fernando Escobedo, Wilma & Bill Bates, Dolores Cole, Rey Guzman, Anastacia Bocanegra, Hector Pina, Sally Mata, Ann Duran, Stan Koetting, Bobby Boynton, Shanna Goodman, Roy Harris, Stan Watts, Chris Perez, Misela Daniel, Maria Gutierrez, Carol Volmer, Virginia Alamanza, Danny Alamanza, Maurillo Orta, Jeanette Dragisic, Gayle Smothers, Logan Woodruff, Bob Boone, Marion Boone, Mario Feola, Lupe Avila Rodriguez, Ari Avila, Fausto Avila, Cecilia Avila, Rachel Bayless, Cloyd Marsh, Matt Hoelscher, Jon Randles, Cathy Thomas Oster, Marcy Garcia, Sherry Grusendorf, Mark Wossum, Eleanor Maldonado, Chris Kelley, Anastacio Reyes, Paula Childers, Leonard Albus PARISH NUMBERS: Parish Office: Parish FAX: Parish E-mail: 762-5225 x209 741-1962 CCE Coordinator - Sr. Nancy S. Palanog, MSLT 224-5088 Youth Ministry Director– Chris Peters 762-5225 x210 Liturgy - Deacon Richard (Dick) McCann 762-5225 x202 Adult Bible Study - Deacon Waldo Martinez 762-5225 Campus Ministry Director - Greg Ramzinski 762-1672 Student Center 762-1672 Parish Council President - Dennis Kelley Finance Committee Chairman - Pat Simek Women’s Organization President Virginia Alamanza H 797-7908 763-8911 H 765-7035 SAINT ELIZABETH December 21, 2014 St. Elizabeth University Parish is a Roman Catholic Christian community. We aspire to: Saturday, December 20, 2014: 5:00 p.m. — Wilma Bates, Health Int., by Greg & Maria Shehan Sunday, December 21, 2014: 8:30 a.m. — The People of the Parish 11:00 a.m. — Ann Mensen-Heitkamp, RIP, by Gary & Barb Mensen 2:00 p.m. — Msgr, James O’Connor, Special Int. 5:00 p.m. — John Saleh, RIP Monday, December 22, 2014: 5:30 p.m. — Billy & Sylvia Philips, RIP, by RCIA Tuesday, December 23, 2014: 5:30 p.m. — Shanna Goodman, Special Int. Wednesday, December 24, 2014: 5:30 p.m. — Anthony Scioli, RIP Thursday, December 25, 2014: 12:00 a.m.— Frank “Caldo” Vargas, RIP, by Knights of Columbus #12803 10:00 a.m. — Ben & Mary Jane Gorham, RIP, by Nell Whitehead Friday, December 26, 2014: 5:30pm — Ian Worman, Special Int., by Knights of Columbus #12803 Saturday, December 27, 2014: 5:00 p.m. — Hilda Alonzo, RIP, by Family Sunday, December 28, 2014: 8:30 a.m. — Mary & Jerry Kuba, RIP, by Jerry & Henrietta Decker 11:00 a.m. — The People of the Parish 2:00 p.m. — Msgr. James O’Connor, Special Int. 5:00 p.m. — Philip Cosker, Jr., RIP, by Ryan & Allison December 14, 2014 Regular Collection Building Fund Children’s Collection $ 20,655.69 $ 370.00 $ 98.84 give glory to and serve the Lord, Our God profess the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist spread the Gospel and faith through various ministries including worship, education, service to others, fellowship, and stewardship foster love, knowledge and service of God teach the history and principles of the Roman Catholic Church share the Sacraments with a diverse group of individuals, families and college students and serve our neighbors RACHEL’S VINEYARD- “The retreat process helped me to lay all my brokenness at the feet of Christ. I was able to ask Christ and my children for forgiveness.” - Testimony after a Rachel’s Vineyard™ Retreat Forgiveness, healing and hope are awaiting you on a Rachel’s Vineyard™ Retreat. Join us and receive all that God has lovingly prepared for you. Confidential contact: and 806-577-5912. This years DCA assessment is $106,397. We have received 148 pledges for $103,768, we need $2,629 more in pledges. Thank You for your support. Singles Chairperson - Steve Decker 777-6061 Knights of Columbus - Stevan Perez 252-7600 Online Giving Folk Choir Director - Marsha Tye 535-8858 Total $ 22,114.53 Human Concerns Commission - Dominick Casadonte 834-2746 Ask Budgeted Collection $ 16,714.31 An The next Baptism Class will be January 26, 2015 in the cry room of St. Elizabeth’s Church at 6:30 p.m. Parents and Sponsors must be registered members of Saint Elizabeth’s Parish to attend the class. Attendance of both parents is required. Call Deacon McCann at 762-5225 for more information. No Baptism will be scheduled until all paperwork (copy of birth certificate, proof parents and sponsors have attended baptism class) is approved by the Pastor. Over/Short $ 990.00 $ 5,400.22 All Bulletin Notices must be faxed or emailed to the Parish Office no later than 12:00 p.m. Wednesday, no exceptions. Marriage Preparation: Please contact the parish office at 762 -5225. Notification of 9 months is required. Do not finalize your wedding plans until you have met with fr. Emiliano Zapata, OP. Usher For Help CATHOLIC RADIO IS HERE! Tune in to Our Lady of Victory Radio, FM 102.9, our new Lubbock area Catholic radio station. Programming from Ave Maria, Saint Joseph Communications, EWTN, and more. Traveling outside of Lubbock? Please let us know where you can hear this low -power broadcast by emailing us at SAINT ELIZABETH December 21, 2014 - SAINT ELIZABETH December 21, 2014 - Reflecting on God’s Word In today’s first reading King David is settled in his cedar palace, no upcoming battles on the horizon, feeling quite content, glass of wine in hand, chatting with Nathan the prophet about how good life is, when he gets this inspiration: “God should have a house! Certainly more than that old tent we have been dragging around. And I will build it!” Nathan approves. But that night, God weighs in: “Tell David, ‘Thanks, but no thanks. I like the tent.’ ” We don’t know why God said no to David. But it seems that God wanted to make clear not only who was building God’s dwelling place but also who really was in charge of everything. God was the kingdom builder and God chose to work with very simple material, like a tent. But this was nothing compared to God’s decision a millennium later, on the day when the angel Gabriel was sent to a town of Galilee called Nazareth. God’s plan from the beginning was to take up residence among us closer than any building could be, whether it was as magnificent as Solomon’s temple or as humble as the simplest parish church. What God intended was to dwell with us as one of us, taking on human flesh and blood. And in the fullness of time God came asking if one of us would be willing. We don’t know how long it took for Mary to answer. We only remember the important thing: she said yes. —James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R. Copyright © 2014, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. PRAYER TO SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. SENIOR LUNCH We will get together for covered dish lunch on THURSDAY, January 15th at noon in Hanly Hall SAINT ELIZABETH December 21, 2014- SAINT ELIZABETH December 21, 2014 - ECHOING MARY’S DECISION The angel Gabriel today confronts Mary with a mystery. The mystery of salvation in Christ is not a mystery that is solved, but a reality beyond our comprehension that we must choose to enter into. In the liturgy of the Eastern Church, everyone waits to see if Mary will enter into the mystery: God waits, Adam and Eve and all the souls of the dead who long for paradise wait, angels wait for new heavenly companions. And there is much rejoicing when her decision is “yes.” We have less dramatic choices offered to us, but the mystery of our salvation in Christ is by no means “solved.” We may understand it a bit better due to Mary’s “yes.” We may be a bit closer to it through the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. But it still remains a mystery to which we all must give our own “yes.” Soon we will be singing “O come, let us adore him.” May our Advent prayer, our echo of Mary’s “yes,” continue then, so we may enter into the mystery of our salvation in Jesus Christ, God among us. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. FINDING PEACE Wednesday, December 24th Children’s Mass—5:30pm Wednesday, December 24th Midnight Mass—Midnight Christmas Carols at 11:15pm Thursday, December 25th Christmas Mass—10:00am Wednesday, December 31st 5:30pm—Church Thursday, January 1st 10:00am—Church If you want peace, work for justice. —Pope Paul VI Annulment in the Catholic Church Parishioners interested in the Annulment procedure or wishing to know more about the process of Annulment may contact Deacon Dick McCann at 762-5225 O God, in Whom we live and move, and have our being, grant us rain, in due abundance, that, being sufficiently helped with temporal, we may the more confidently seek after eternal gifts. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen SAINT ELIZABETH December 21, 2014- SAINT ELIZABETH December 21, 2014 - Patricia Dawsey Fox, an aunt of parishioner Bernadette Hinojosa, had compiled various writings of her late husband, James Madison Fox. The writings are in booklet form and have been made in to 5 minute daily reflections for Lent entitled My Lenten Journey: Born in a Manger...Destined for the Cross. The booklet received the Imprimatur from the Bishop fo the Diocese of Lake Charles in July 2000. You may come by the office to review a copy before ordering if you’d like. If you would like to order a copy of this booklet the parish will be placing an order for the booklet January 5, 2015. Please call the office to pre-pay for your booklet(s) should you desire to have one. The cost is $4.95 per booklet. First Monday of every month at 10 am all moms are welcome to come with or without kiddos to pray, play and discuss saints and how their lives relate to our Vocation as Mothers. Kids get started with a few activities moving around the room and then break for snack while moms take a chance to learn about a Saint and discuss "ponderings" from the book "A Book of Saints for Catholic Moms." After snack it's craft time, stay at the end and join us in a family style rosary! There will be an opportunity to take turns going to confession during the meeting as well. We just ask that you bring a snack to share - Group meets in the Parish Conference Center on Broadway. Call with any questions, Vicki Divine 607 -226-6398 GOD’S CAPACITY FOR FORGIVENESS Where is the foolish person who would think it in his or her power to commit more than God could forgive? —St. Francis de Sales fr. Emiliano Zapata, OP is leading a pilgrimage to the holy land, October 14-22, 2015. If you are interested in going on this trip, contact fr. Emiliano Zapata, OP or the church office at (806) 762-5225. TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION By the year 800, when anointing was defined as the proper office of priests, very complicated rituals began to take shape. Perhaps this was to reassure the laity, who had memories of an earlier practice, that the new way was not only better, but impossible for a layperson to conduct. Blessings and sprinkling of holy water, the singing of as many as seven psalms, penance, anointing of all the senses, viaticum, all capped off by the clothing of the sick person in penitential garments, were part of the rite. This proved unwieldy, and creative spirits got to work. By the 1500s people made distinctions between visiting the sick, anointing, and viaticum. The attempt of the Church to be faithful to the image of a healing Christ has some complicated history, including centuries when the celebration was rare. Most sick people had no access to the rites at all; only monastics or the well‑off had much hope of this care. Today, those unhappy days are long behind us, and the care of the sick is an essential task in every parish’s life. As Christmas approaches almost everyone comes in contact with someone who is a candidate for pastoral care. You live out the best of our tradition when you arrange for a sick person to receive Holy Communion or the sacrament of the sick and the consolation of regular contact with the faith community. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co . PRAYER The more you devote yourself in prayer the more you will do well in your work. —St. John Baptist de la Salle SAINT ELIZABETH December 21, 2014- SAINT ELIZABETH December 21, 2014 - READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday, December 22, 2014 The Joyful Mysteries First Samuel 1:24-28 First Samuel 2:1, 4-5, 6-7, 8 Luke 1:46-56 Sunday, December 21, 2014 Mass—8:30am—Church Coffee & Donuts—9:30am—Hanly Hall Mass—11:00am—Church HCC—11:00am—Conference Center Christmas Play—12:15pm—Church Mass—2:00pm—Church Mass—5:00pm—Church KofC Squires—6:00pm—Conference Cen. Monday, December 22, 2014 Daily Mass—5:30pm—Church Tuesday, December 23, 2014 Daily Mass—5:30pm—Chapel 830am Choir—7:00pm—Church Wednesday, December 24, 2014 OFFICE CLOSED Children’s Mass—5:30pm—Church Christmas Carols—11:15pm—Church Midnight Mass—Midnight—Church Thursday, December 25, 2014 OFFICE CLOSED Christmas Mass—10:00am—Church Friday, December 26, 2014 OFFICE CLOSED Daily Mass—5:30pm—Chapel Saturday, December 27, 2014 Reconciliation—3:30pm—Church Mass—5:00pm—Church Sunday, December 28, 2014 Mass—8:30am—Church Coffee & Donuts—9:30am—Hanly Hall Mass—11:00am—Church Mass—2:00pm—Church Mass—5:00pm—Church Monday, December 29, 2014 Daily Mass—5:30pm—Church Tuesday, December 30, 2014 Daily Mass—5:30pm—Chapel 830am Choir—7:00pm—Church Wednesday, December 31, 2014 OFFICE CLOSED AT NOON Daily Mass—5:30pm—Church Thursday, January 1, 2015 OFFICE CLOSED Daily Mass—10:00am—Church Friday, January 2, 2015 Daily Mass—5:30pm—Chapel Saturday, January 3, 2015 Reconciliation—3:30pm—Church Mass—5:00pm—Church Sunday, January 4, 2015 Mass—8:30am—Church Coffee & Donuts—9:30am—Hanly Hall Mass—11:00am—Church Mass—2:00pm—Church Mass—5:00pm—Church Tuesday, December 23, 2014 The Sorrowful Mysteries Malachi 3:1-4, 23-24 Psalms 25:4-5, 8-9, 10, 14 Luke 1:57-66 Wednesday, December 24, 2014 The Glorious Mysteries Readings for Vigil Mass for Christmas Isaiah 62:1-5 Psalms 89:4-5, 16-17, 27, 29 Acts 13:16-17, 22-25 Matthew 1:1-25 Readings for Midnight Mass for Christmas Isaiah 9:1-6 Psalms 96:1-2, 2-3, 11-12, 13 Titus 2:11-14 Luke 2:1-14 Thursday, December 25, 2014 The Luminous Mysteries Isaiah 52:7-10 Psalms 98:1, 2-3, 3-4, 5-6 Hebrews 1:1-6 John 1:1-18 Friday, December 26, 2014 The Sorrowful Mysteries Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59 Psalms 31:3-4, 6, 7, 8, 17, 21 Matthew 10:17-22 St. Elizabeth’s Knights of Columbus Council 12803 January 6, 2015 1st Degree 7:00pm Hanly Hall January 8, 2015 Officer’s Meeting 7:00pm Conference Center For more information Grand Knight Stevan Perez 806-252-7600 NOT WITHOUT LOVE The soul cannot live without love. —St. Francis de Sales Saturday, December 27, 2014 The Joyful Mysteries First John 1:1-4 Psalms 97:1-2, 5-6, 11-12 John 20:2-8 Sunday, December 28, 2014 The Glorious Mysteries Sirach 3:2-6, 12-14 Psalms 128:1-2, 3, 4-5 Colossians 3:12-21 Luke 2:22-40
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