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2014 Calendar
Wednesday 31st December - Party Time at the Twist
Twist @ The Green Dragon - begins at 7:00pm
Twist @ The Green Dragon is hosting a special New Year's Eve Party - funnily enough, on New Year's Eve! There will
be a disco and buffet, with limited ticket numbers for £20.00 a head, payable on the night. For more details, please
contact Steve on 01844 292331
2015 Calendar
Thursday 1st January - Simply Walk
From Banks Park - begins at 11:30am
If you enjoy a leisurely walk, why not join in with the 'Simply Walk' group? On Thursday 1st January and meeting at
the later time of 11.20am for 11.30am in Banks Park car park, there will be a special New Years Day walk. As usual,
the walk will include some country footpaths and stiles, it is planned to go via Green Lane to the Seven Stars pub in
Dinton. After having a rest, or a meal if you wish, the walkers will return to Haddenham by the same route.
However, please note that you may not find details of the Christmas changes on the Simply Walk website. For more
information call: 01494 475367, or Email:
Sunday 4th January - CaféPlus+
Village Hall - begins at 9:30am
Breakfast and activities for all ages in the Village Hall, organised by St Mary's Church. CaféPlus+ offers (fairly traded)
coffee, tea, continental breakfast and the Sunday newspapers. A children's play area is provided and facilitated and
there are crafts midway through the morning. A presentation called 'Food 4 Thought' is generally held at 10:30am
in the main hall. We also operate a Quiet Space in a separate room where you can go to chill or to pray. See also:
website. Special events are arranged for most Caféplus+ mornings - bicycle workshop, art exhibition, swapshop,
apple pressing and more.
Monday 5th January - Parish Council Meeting
Walter Rose Room - begins at 7:30pm
The next monthly meeting of Haddenham Parish Council takes place in the Walter Rose Room of the village hall on
Monday 5th January, starting at 7.30pm. Members of the public are welcome to observe the meeting. The Chair
normally offers members of the public an opportunity to ask questions or offer comments during a 15 minute
forum after the formal business of the Council has concluded.
Saturday 17th January - Why is Cycling Back in Fashion?
St Mary's Church - begins at 6:30pm
Haddenham in Transition is hosting a bicycle powered cinema to show the film "Bicycle", a 90 minute documentary
which asks the question why is cycling and the bicycle back in fashion? The film will be shown at St Mary's Church.
Tickets on the door- £3 adult, £1 child. Free if you arrive by Bike! Doors open 6.30pm. Introduction & update on the
proposed Thame to Haddenham Bike path by Peter Challis of Sustrans at 7pm. Film starts at 7.30pm (pedal
powered by members of the audience!).
Saturday 17th January - Fun Quiz!
Y&CC - begins at 7:00pm
A FUN QUIZ for a winter evening will be held on Saturday 17th January, starting at 7.00pm at the Youth and
Community Centre.£10 per person including chilli supper (+ veggie option). Bring your own drinks. All money raised
will go to allotment funds.cForm a team of up to 8, or come and join one. Please let Alison Watt or 01844 292544 know numbers for food. Pay on the night.
Wednesday 21st January - Medical Centre Closed
Haddenham Medical Centre - begins at 12:30pm
Haddenham Medical Centre will be closed on Wednesday afternoon, 21st January for protected learning time.
Services to patients will be provided by Bucks Urgent Care. If urgent medical assistance is required during this time,
please telephone Bucks Urgent Care on 01296 850011.
Wednesday 21st January - Haddenham & Witchert WI
Walter Rose Room - begins at 8:00pm
The Haddenham & Witchert W.I meet at 8.00pm on the third Wednesday in the month in the Walter Rose Room of
Haddenham Village Hall. Each meeting considers a specific theme, and this week the subject is ORANG UTANS - My
two months work in Borneo, by Anthea Mearns. For more information, contact the President: Margaret Law on
01844 292471
Sunday 1st February - CaféPlus+
Village Hall - begins at 9:30am
Breakfast and activities for all ages in the Village Hall, organised by St Mary's Church. CaféPlus+ offers (fairly traded)
coffee, tea, continental breakfast and the Sunday newspapers. A children's play area is provided and facilitated and
there are crafts midway through the morning. A presentation called 'Food 4 Thought' is generally held at 10:30am
in the main hall. We also operate a Quiet Space in a separate room where you can go to chill or to pray. See also:
website. Special events are arranged for most Caféplus+ mornings - bicycle workshop, art exhibition, swapshop,
apple pressing and more.
Monday 2nd February - Parish Council Meeting
Walter Rose Room - begins at 7:30pm
The next monthly meeting of Haddenham Parish Council takes place in the Walter Rose Room of the village hall on
Monday 2nd February, starting at 7.30pm. Members of the public are welcome to observe the meeting. The Chair
normally offers members of the public an opportunity to ask questions or offer comments during a 15 minute
forum after the formal business of the Council has concluded.
Tuesday 10th February - Medical Centre Closed
Haddenham Medical Centre - begins at 12:30pm
Haddenham Medical Centre will be closed on Tuesday afternoon, 10th February for protected learning time.
Services to patients will be provided by Bucks Urgent Care. If urgent medical assistance is required during this time,
please telephone Bucks Urgent Care on 01296 850011.
Tuesday 17th February - Utugi Quiz Night
Y&CC - begins at 7:30pm
Supporters of the Utugi Street Children Kenya Project are hosting another of their ever popular Quiz Nights on
Saturday 7th February, 7.15pm for 7.30pm start, at the Youth & Community
Centre, Woodways. Tickets (including delicious supper) are £10.00, available from St. Mary's Centre, Church End,
Haddenham or by phoning 290990 or 290214.
Wednesday 18th February - Haddenham & Witchert WI
Walter Rose Room - begins at 8:00pm
The Haddenham & Witchert W.I meet at 8.00pm on the third Wednesday in the month in the Walter Rose Room of
Haddenham Village Hall. Each meeting considers a specific theme, and this week the subject is HARRODS - The
Palace of Knightsbridge, by Mr W. R. Furnivaljone. For more information, contact the President: Margaret Law on
01844 292471
Sunday 1st March - CaféPlus+
Village Hall - begins at 9:30am
Breakfast and activities for all ages in the Village Hall, organised by St Mary's Church. CaféPlus+ offers (fairly traded)
coffee, tea, continental breakfast and the Sunday newspapers. A children's play area is provided and facilitated and
there are crafts midway through the morning. A presentation called 'Food 4 Thought' is generally held at 10:30am
in the main hall. We also operate a Quiet Space in a separate room where you can go to chill or to pray. See also:
website. Special events are arranged for most Caféplus+ mornings - bicycle workshop, art exhibition, swapshop,
apple pressing and more.
Monday 2nd March - Parish Council Meeting
Walter Rose Room - begins at 7:30pm
The next monthly meeting of Haddenham Parish Council takes place in the Walter Rose Room of the village hall on
Monday 2nd March, starting at 7.30pm. Members of the public are welcome to observe the meeting. The Chair
normally offers members of the public an opportunity to ask questions or offer comments during a 15 minute
forum after the formal business of the Council has concluded.
Tuesday 3rd March - Blood Donation Session
Village Hall - begins at 1:30pm
There is a blood donation session taking place at the Village Hall, Haddenham, on Tuesday 3rd March. Session
times are from 13:30-15:30 and from 16:15-19:30 hrs, available as 'walk in' slots or appointments can be made. For
more information please phone 0300 123 23 23 or visit Please make every effort to attend
the session, your donation is vital. Why not encourage your friend to come along? New donors are always welcome.
Wednesday 18th March - Haddenham & Witchert WI
Walter Rose Room - begins at 8:00pm
The Haddenham & Witchert W.I meet at 8.00pm on the third Wednesday in the month in the Walter Rose Room of
Haddenham Village Hall. Each meeting considers a specific theme, and this week the subject is TEXTILES - It all
started in a Stately Home, by Marylin Pipe. For more information, contact the President: Margaret Law on 01844
Wednesday 25th March - Medical Centre Closed
Haddenham Medical Centre - begins at 12:30pm
Haddenham Medical Centre will be closed on Wednesday afternoon, 25th March for protected learning time.
Services to patients will be provided by Bucks Urgent Care. If urgent medical assistance is required during this time,
please telephone Bucks Urgent Care on 01296 850011.
Friday 27th March - "Dangerous Corner"
TBC - begins at 7:00pm
Haddenham Players will be presenting J B Priestley's play Dangerous Corner on Friday 27th March and Saturday
28th March. Make sure you do not miss an evening of intrigue and mystery! More details to follow later. You can
read about the play here
Saturday 28th March - "Dangerous Corner"
TBC - begins at 7:00pm
The second and final opportunity to watch Haddenham Players' production of J B Priestley's play Dangerous Corner
is on Saturday 28th March. Make sure you do not miss an evening of intrigue and mystery! More details to follow
later. You can read about the play here
Sunday 5th April - CaféPlus+
Village Hall - begins at 9:30am
Breakfast and activities for all ages in the Village Hall, organised by St Mary's Church. CaféPlus+ offers (fairly traded)
coffee, tea, continental breakfast and the Sunday newspapers. A children's play area is provided and facilitated and
there are crafts midway through the morning. A presentation called 'Food 4 Thought' is generally held at 10:30am
in the main hall. We also operate a Quiet Space in a separate room where you can go to chill or to pray. See also:
website. Special events are arranged for most Caféplus+ mornings - bicycle workshop, art exhibition, swapshop,
apple pressing and more.
Monday 6th April - Parish Council Meeting
Walter Rose Room - begins at 7:30pm
The next monthly meeting of Haddenham Parish Council takes place in the Walter Rose Room of the village hall on
Monday 6th April, starting at 7.30pm. Members of the public are welcome to observe the meeting. The Chair
normally offers members of the public an opportunity to ask questions or offer comments during a 15 minute
forum after the formal business of the Council has concluded.
Wednesday 15th April - Haddenham & Witchert WI
Walter Rose Room - begins at 8:00pm
The Haddenham & Witchert W.I meet at 8.00pm on the third Wednesday in the month in the Walter Rose Room of
Haddenham Village Hall. Each meeting considers a specific theme, and this week's focus will be on RESOLUTIONS &
FUN. For more information, contact the President: Margaret Law on 01844 292471
Sunday 3rd May - CaféPlus+
Village Hall - begins at 9:30am
Breakfast and activities for all ages in the Village Hall, organised by St Mary's Church. CaféPlus+ offers (fairly traded)
coffee, tea, continental breakfast and the Sunday newspapers. A children's play area is provided and facilitated and
there are crafts midway through the morning. A presentation called 'Food 4 Thought' is generally held at 10:30am
in the main hall. We also operate a Quiet Space in a separate room where you can go to chill or to pray. See also:
website. Special events are arranged for most Caféplus+ mornings - bicycle workshop, art exhibition, swapshop,
apple pressing and more.
Monday 4th May - Parish Council Meeting
Walter Rose Room - begins at 7:30pm
The next monthly meeting of Haddenham Parish Council takes place in the Walter Rose Room of the village hall on
Monday 4th May, starting at 7.30pm. Members of the public are welcome to observe the meeting. The Chair
normally offers members of the public an opportunity to ask questions or offer comments during a 15 minute
forum after the formal business of the Council has concluded.
Wednesday 20th May - Haddenham & Witchert WI
Walter Rose Room - begins at 8:00pm
The Haddenham & Witchert W.I meet at 8.00pm on the third Wednesday in the month in the Walter Rose Room of
Haddenham Village Hall. Each meeting considers a specific theme, and this week the subject is JUGGLING - its
history, by Nigel Roden. For more information, contact the President: Margaret Law on 01844 292471
Monday 1st June - Parish Council Meeting
Walter Rose Room - begins at 7:30pm
The next monthly meeting of Haddenham Parish Council takes place in the Walter Rose Room of the village hall on
Monday 1st June, starting at 7.30pm. Members of the public are welcome to observe the meeting. The Chair
normally offers members of the public an opportunity to ask questions or offer comments during a 15 minute
forum after the formal business of the Council has concluded.
Sunday 7th June - CaféPlus+
Village Hall - begins at 9:30am
Breakfast and activities for all ages in the Village Hall, organised by St Mary's Church. CaféPlus+ offers (fairly traded)
coffee, tea, continental breakfast and the Sunday newspapers. A children's play area is provided and facilitated and
there are crafts midway through the morning. A presentation called 'Food 4 Thought' is generally held at 10:30am
in the main hall. We also operate a Quiet Space in a separate room where you can go to chill or to pray. See also:
website. Special events are arranged for most Caféplus+ mornings - bicycle workshop, art exhibition, swapshop,
apple pressing and more.
Wednesday 17th June - Haddenham & Witchert WI
Walter Rose Room - begins at 8:00pm
The Haddenham & Witchert W.I meet at 8.00pm on the third Wednesday in the month in the Walter Rose Room of
Haddenham Village Hall. The meeting in June will be a Garden Party, for members only. For more information,
contact the President: Margaret Law on 01844 292471
Saturday 4th July - WI Flower & Art Festival
Mabel Parkinson Room - begins at 10:00am
The Haddenham & Witchert WI will be hosting a Flower and Art Festival in the Mabel Parkinson Room of
Haddenham Village Hall from 10am-4pm on Saturday 4th July. For more information, contact WI President:
Margaret Law on 01844 292471.
Sunday 5th July - CaféPlus+
Village Hall - begins at 9:30am
Breakfast and activities for all ages in the Village Hall, organised by St Mary's Church. CaféPlus+ offers (fairly traded)
coffee, tea, continental breakfast and the Sunday newspapers. A children's play area is provided and facilitated and
there are crafts midway through the morning. A presentation called 'Food 4 Thought' is generally held at 10:30am
in the main hall. We also operate a Quiet Space in a separate room where you can go to chill or to pray. See also:
website. Special events are arranged for most Caféplus+ mornings - bicycle workshop, art exhibition, swapshop,
apple pressing and more.
Wednesday 15th July - Haddenham & Witchert WI
Walter Rose Room - begins at 8:00pm
The Haddenham & Witchert W.I meet at 8.00pm on the third Wednesday in the month in the Walter Rose Room of
Haddenham Village Hall. Each meeting considers a specific theme, and this week the subject is MEDICAL
DETECTION DOGS, by Barry Hughes. For more information, contact the President: Margaret Law on 01844 292471
Sunday 2nd August - CaféPlus+
Village Hall - begins at 9:30am
Breakfast and activities for all ages in the Village Hall, organised by St Mary's Church. CaféPlus+ offers (fairly traded)
coffee, tea, continental breakfast and the Sunday newspapers. A children's play area is provided and facilitated and
there are crafts midway through the morning. A presentation called 'Food 4 Thought' is generally held at 10:30am
in the main hall. We also operate a Quiet Space in a separate room where you can go to chill or to pray. See also:
website. Special events are arranged for most Caféplus+ mornings - bicycle workshop, art exhibition, swapshop,
apple pressing and more.
Sunday 6th September - CaféPlus+
Village Hall - begins at 9:30am
Breakfast and activities for all ages in the Village Hall, organised by St Mary's Church. CaféPlus+ offers (fairly traded)
coffee, tea, continental breakfast and the Sunday newspapers. A children's play area is provided and facilitated and
there are crafts midway through the morning. A presentation called 'Food 4 Thought' is generally held at 10:30am
in the main hall. We also operate a Quiet Space in a separate room where you can go to chill or to pray. See also:
website. Special events are arranged for most Caféplus+ mornings - bicycle workshop, art exhibition, swapshop,
apple pressing and more.
Wednesday 16th September - Haddenham & Witchert WI
Walter Rose Room - begins at 8:00pm
The Haddenham & Witchert W.I meet at 8.00pm on the third Wednesday in the month in the Walter Rose Room of
Haddenham Village Hall. Each meeting considers a specific theme, and this week the subject is BLUE RIDGE
PARKWAY and The Appalachian Mountains, by Paul Heleys. For more information, contact the President: Margaret
Law on 01844 292471
Sunday 4th October - CaféPlus+
Village Hall - begins at 9:30am
Breakfast and activities for all ages in the Village Hall, organised by St Mary's Church. CaféPlus+ offers (fairly traded)
coffee, tea, continental breakfast and the Sunday newspapers. A children's play area is provided and facilitated and
there are crafts midway through the morning. A presentation called 'Food 4 Thought' is generally held at 10:30am
in the main hall. We also operate a Quiet Space in a separate room where you can go to chill or to pray. See also:
website. Special events are arranged for most Caféplus+ mornings - bicycle workshop, art exhibition, swapshop,
apple pressing and more.
Wednesday 21st October - Haddenham & Witchert WI
Walter Rose Room - begins at 8:00pm
The Haddenham & Witchert W.I meet at 8.00pm on the third Wednesday in the month in the Walter Rose Room of
Haddenham Village Hall. This month's meeting will be the ANNUAL MEETING
plus A Hint of Harvest Supper. For more information, contact the President: Margaret Law on 01844 292471
Sunday 1st November - CaféPlus+
Village Hall - begins at 9:30am
Breakfast and activities for all ages in the Village Hall, organised by St Mary's Church. CaféPlus+ offers (fairly traded)
coffee, tea, continental breakfast and the Sunday newspapers. A children's play area is provided and facilitated and
there are crafts midway through the morning. A presentation called 'Food 4 Thought' is generally held at 10:30am
in the main hall. We also operate a Quiet Space in a separate room where you can go to chill or to pray. See also:
website. Special events are arranged for most Caféplus+ mornings - bicycle workshop, art exhibition, swapshop,
apple pressing and more.
Wednesday 18th November - Haddenham & Witchert WI
Walter Rose Room - begins at 8:00pm
The Haddenham & Witchert W.I meet at 8.00pm on the third Wednesday in the month in the Walter Rose Room of
Haddenham Village Hall. Each meeting considers a specific theme, and this week the subject is CHRISTMAS FLOWER
ARRANGEMENTS by Carolyn Hollic. For more information, contact the President: Margaret Law on 01844 292471
Wednesday 16th December - Haddenham & Witchert WI
Walter Rose Room - begins at 8:00pm
The Haddenham & Witchert W.I meet at 8.00pm on the third Wednesday in the month in the Walter Rose Room of
Haddenham Village Hall. December's meeting will be to enjoy CHRISTMAS DINNER. For more information, contact
the President: Margaret Law on 01844 292471
Downloaded from on the 29th December 2014.
Visit: for the latest version of this calendar.