Parish Calendar Please take one St. Monica's C oat b r i d g e The Holy Family LITURGY OF THE WORD 27th /28th December 2014 1st reading Ecclesiasticus 3:2-1. 12-14 He who fears the Lord respects his parents. Responsorial Psalm (Psalm 137) O blessed are those who fear the Lord And walk in his ways! 2nd reading Colossians 3:12-21 Family life in the Lord. (B) Thu 1st: Sat 3rd: Feasts this week Mary, the Mother of God The Holy Name of Jesus SVdP Senior Citizens Christmas Party Mon, 29th December 2014 from 6-10pm Drivers Required Anyone willing to provide transport to take pensioners home (9:30–10pm) after the party please contact a member of the SVdP Gospel Acclamation Alleluia, alleluia! May the peace of Christ reign in your hearts; let the message of Christ find a home in you. Alleluia! Gospel Luke 2:22-40 The child grew, filled with wisdom. SUNDAY MASSES: Vigil: 5:30 pm (Sat), 10 am, Noon and 6:30pm WEEKDAY MASSES: Monday 10am, Tuesday 7pm, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday 10am CONFESSIONS: Saturday after 10am Mass & 5 - 5:20 pm New Year Masses Wednesday 11:30pm Refreshments in the hall after Mass New Year’s Day: 12 noon Sharp Avenue, Coatbridge ML5 5RP Email: Blessing of Babies The annual blessing of babies baptised during the past year will take place next Sunday, 4th January at the 12 noon Mass, the Feast of the Epiphany. Thank you Fr Vincent. Sr. Kathleen and Sean would like to thank everyone for their cards and gifts over the Christmas season. 2nd collection at the end of all Masses next weekend for Justice & Peace. Last Sunday’s collection: £1,316.54 Many thanks 500 Club Winners (21st December) 1st Prize: 31 M. A. Thomson 2nd Prize: 315 F. McAlinden 3rd Prize: 667 A. Dier Hall Bookings Phone Agnes on 431502 Telephone: 01236 421750 Website: Parish Staff: Fr. Vincent Lockhart, Sr. Kathleen Owens & Sean Wyllie PRAYER TO SEND OUT THE EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS TO THE SICK AND HOUSEBOUND Priest: Almighty and loving Father, as we have received your Son in this Holy Eucharist, we ask you to hear our prayer for our brothers and sisters: All: Give your healing, Lord, to those who are sick and housebound. May those who take the Body of Christ to them also be a loving sign of our prayers and thoughts. Keep us united with them in all their sufferings so that we will grow together as one community with the presence of Christ among us. Please Pray For SICK Margaret Agnew, John Casey, John Clarke, Patrick Connelly, Ryan Coyle, Andrew Dick, Reane & Brenda Dick, Stacey Docherty, Catherine Donaghey, Anne Doyle, Mary Dunion, Helen Evans, Eric Forster, Jean Graham, John Harkins, Frank Hilley, John Howell, Brian Kane, Maddie Kelly, Marcella Kyle, Felix McAleese, Cody McAllister, Margaret McAuley, Bobby McCafferty, Marion McCann, Nicola Marie McCrory, Mark McCulloch, Josephine McDade, Andrea McGeechan, Mary McGeough, Les McGhee, Charles McGlynn, Geraldine McGrath, Sarah McShane, Toni Molloy; Joe Oakes, Mary O’Donnell, Christine O’Hara, Eleanor O’Neil, Rosemary O’Neill, Alice Rea, Mamie Reid, Nancy Rookes, Linda Slevin, Elizabeth Sludden, Theresa Smith, Hugh Strain, Annie Sweeney, Rachel Thain, Anne Toal, Karen Thompson, Margaret Traynor, Danielle Trower, Helen Watson and Ronnie Whitelaw. RECENTLY DIED Sarah Tighe (Dyke Street) Receiving: Sunday at 6pm and Funeral: Monday 10am ANNIVERSARY Mary Gillick; John Smith; Mr & Mrs Daly, Ellen & Helen Moore; Margaret & Anne McMahon; Kay Hamill; Walter Craw; Elizabeth Kelly; Margaret Fleane; Joe & Margaret McFarlane; Danny Watson; Elizabeth & James McParland; Mary & Tom Kelly and Susan Clarke. MONTHS MIND Joseph Frank, John, Patrick, Mhairi Claire Meade; Mary Hagan; The Smith Family; Hamilton, Annie, Jim, John & Steven Pettigrew; Isabel O’Hagan; John McGregor; Mark Kelly; Mary Kelly; Sadie Purfield; W. Davidson; Daniel Donnachie; Ella Scott; Neil & Bessie Lannigan; Natasha Lannigan; Celia McStay; Daniel McStay; Michael McStay; Gerry Margiotti, Nora Margiotti, Joe Margiotti; Conchita Margiotti; Jim McLean; Eddie Fagan; Peter Moore; Jim & Betty Duffy; Francis (Fra) Moran; McMahon family; Kelly family; Mulholland family; Bill Kelly; Edward McSherry; Bernard, Lily, Liam, John & Brian Loney; Robert & Annie Cunningham; Betty Byrne; Neil, Maryann, Mary & Joseph Lannigan; Alice & Jackie Hughes; Mick Gollogly; Nellie & Edward Growley; James & Mary McMahon; Andy & Annie Innes; Jackie & Grace Hughes & Family; James & Margaret McCarron; Fr. Frank Kelly; Tommy & Annie Docherty; Nora & Jack Lockhart; Sadie & Arthur Craig; John Thompson; Mary & James McGrath and Gerry & Eamonn Gallagher.
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