CHRISTMAS: NATIVITY OF THE LORD • DECEMBER 25, 2014 HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY AND JOSEPH • DECEMBER 28, 2014 As members of St. Dominic Catholic Parish, we commit ourselves “To Seek Christ, Know Christ, and Become Christ, Each One for the Sake of All.” 18255 WEST CAPITOL DRIVE • BROOKFIELD, WI 53045 A Message from Our Priests Dear Friends Who Grace our Church this Christmas, Yes, even though we do it every year, there is always something very special about coming to Mass on Christmas. Coming through the door of faith, a Church full of people, who gather in a festive spirit to recall the miraculous birth of Jesus, has its way of making all that we do in our homes during this holiday season connect with the original, spiritual meaning of Christmas. So, we joyfully say, welcome this Christmas! Welcome to St. Dominic Catholic Church, one and all. Welcome home. Whether you are long time members, first time visitors or returning after being away for a time, we say it again, “Welcome and Merry Christmas”! We hope that the prayerful, reverent and lively spirit of our Christmas Masses will help bring you the joy that comes with faith in the miracle of the Incarnation, the gift of God present among us in the person of Jesus Christ! It is always very special to share the Word of God and the gift of the Risen Jesus in Holy Communion in our beautiful Church on Christmas. Yes, the gift of the Holy Communion has been a constant in the life of believers since the Last Supper; how remarkable! Merry Christmas and best wishes for the gift of a happy and healthy New Year in 2015 from our Parish Staff and us! God bless you, Father David H. Reith Father Brad Krawczyk w w w. s t d o m i n i c . n e t 2 Holy Hour For Life A Message From Fr. Dave This coming weekend, as we continue our journey through the 2014 Christmas season, we will celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family and ask God’s blessing upon all of our families as we seek to imitate the love and unity of the Holy Family. With the beginning of a New Year this coming week, feelings of excitement and anticipation of resolutions to help us live life more fully begin to surface. Let’s hope we will all have the grace of perseverance to follow through on our best intentions. May God bless our parish family as we enter the New Year of 2015, which will unfold day by day as another year of grace and favor from our loving God! Come and join us for Mass as we begin the New Year. You will find the times for the Holy Day Masses of the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, celebrated on New Year’s Eve and in the morning of New Year’s Day, on page 9 of this bulletin. Our young people in Junior Year of high school, who are candidates for the Sacrament of Confirmation, will be making their Retreat next weekend, January 2-4th, at the INSPIRIO Retreat Center. Please join me in keeping them in our prayers that the power of the Holy Spirit may touch each of them with whatever graces they need to make an intentional adult commitment to Jesus Christ and his Catholic Church. Let’s also pray for Debbie Olla, our Director of Youth Ministry, and her team that will be leading the retreat, as well as, Father Brad, who has coordinated the presence of priests for the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Saturday evening and will offer Mass for the Confirmation retreat group on Sunday morning. The St. Dominic 2015 Wall Calendar Is Here! We are delighted to offer The Liturgical Art of St. Dominic – 2015 Catholic Wall Calendar. Learn more about the history and use of liturgical objects in our church! January 21, 2015 at 7:00 pm An Hour of Prayer with Exposition of the Holy Eucharist The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has declared January 22, the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, a day of penance for violations to the dignity of the human person committed through acts of abortion, and a day of prayer for the full restoration of the legal guarantee of the right to life. On Wednesday, January 21, the eve of the National Day of Penance and Prayer, a Holy Hour for Life with Benediction will be held from 7:008:00 pm here in church, and will be led by Deacon Larry LaFond and Deacon Greg Diciaula. Please join us for an hour in adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, praying for a consistent life ethic for all stages of life – from conception to natural death. Our Campus is Rockin’ Once Again! The Buildings and Grounds Committee has installed boulders at entrances of various drives on campus, in order to preserve the asphalt work that was completed this past fall, to keep the grass and landscaping in good shape and to prevent traffic from driving on storm drains. So, while you’re attending Mass, dropping your children off at school, or attending our many wonderful worship opportunities, please watch your corners as you’re driving around campus. December 31—open until 12:00 pm January 1—closed If you drop something in the mail slot, it will be taken care of the next day we are open. Enjoy this blessed time with your family! Thank you to the St. Dominic Marketing Committee and, especially, parishioner Dan Herda for offering his photography talent and skills for this calendar. Due to limited quantities, please take one per family. They are available today in both narthexes. For All Our Safety... Please help our campus be safe and secure for everyone. At no time should any of our doors be propped open. A good practice is to set an expectation that the doors will be monitored for incoming people 15 minutes before and during the start of a meeting. Someone should be assigned to let people in during these 15 minutes. During meetings the doors should be locked. We also ask all parishioners to participate in keeping our campus and its parishioners safe by being vigilant and speaking with others if we see this practice being violated. Thank you. w w w. s t d o m i n i c . n e t 3 St. Dominic Winter Blood Drive The St. Dominic winter blood drive will be in the Marcy Center, on Monday, January 19, 2015, from 1:30-6:30 pm. When you donate blood or a blood component, you give a second chance at life to all kinds of people, young and old. The Blood Center needs 700 units per day to supply the state’s hospital needs. If you have questions or would like to make an appointment, please call Diann Pergande at 262.781.7975. Please keep in mind that walk-ins are also welcome. Make a difference in someone’s life...please donate blood. You’re Invited To Our School Musical! All are welcome to join us for our presentation of Beauty and the Beast! Students in grades 4 through 8 have been working with music specialist, Mrs. Christine White, and many dedicated parents, to present to you this tale that is as old as time. Please join us for either of our two performances: January 22 at 6:30 in the PAAC January 24 at 2:00 in the PAAC Tickets are $5 and will be available at Pizza With A Pope! St. John XXIII: Vatican II Saturday, January 31, 2015 after 4:30 pm Mass in the Marcy Center Do you want to learn more about Pope St. John XXIII? Do you like free pizza? If you said yes to either, come for Pizza and the Pope in the Marcy Center on Saturday, January 31, after 4:30 pm Mass, to hear our Teaching Parish Seminarian Michael Thiel share information on St. John XXIII's perspective on Vatican II. Rosary For Life Join with members of our Respect Life Committee in praying the Rosary, petitioning for the sanctity of all life, Tuesday, January 6 and 20 at 7:00 pm, in the Chapel. Don’t know the Rosary well? Prayer aids will be available! For more information, please contact Bob Boehler at The PAAC Is Here For You! The St. Dominic Parish Arts and Activity Center, better known as the PAAC, is able to hold a variety of activities for not only for the St. Dominic Catholic Parish community, but the greater community as well. Events can be hosted by St. Dominic or by outside users for a fee. With a 25’ x 25’ stage, 75’ x 55’ meeting space, and a capacity of 504 people, the PAAC was designed to serve multiple purposes. The space has proper acoustic treatment, sound equipment, a retractable video screen and a concession stand which makes it a flexible space to serve any need. Do you know of a business or community organization looking for this kind of space? For more information, please send an email to or call Molly Schmidt, in the Parish Center, 262.781.3480 x241. w w w. s t d o m i n i c . n e t 4 The Twelve Days Of Christmas The Twelve Days of Christmas is probably the most misunderstood part of the church year among Christians who are not part of liturgical church traditions. Contrary to popular belief, these are not the twelve days before Christmas, but in most of the Western Church, are the twelve days from Christmas until the beginning of Epiphany. To continue your prayers during this glorious season of Jesus Christ’s birth, I encourage you to empty out your 3 Baskets For Increasing Your Prayer Life that we started the first week of Advent and fill them with new prayers all 12 days of the Christmas season. Perhaps, one basket could be a “family” basket in which you pray to the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, for your family and all families of the world. “For to you is born this day, in the city of David, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign for you: you will find a babe wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom he is pleased!" Looking For A Summer Job? Summer, Full-time janitorial/ light maintenance position. We are looking for someone from our St. Dominic family, who is over 18, and would like a summer job. We’re looking for someone with a sound work ethic . Cleanliness is next to Godliness. This lucky person will be able to spend their whole summer being near God. The primary duty is janitorial; cleaning the bathrooms and school rooms to get them ready for the new school year. Responsibilities may also include moving furniture, mowing the cemetery, cleaning lights, dusting, painting, locking doors at end of day and other odd items. Flexibility in the work schedule is available to go to daily Mass. We would like to have someone for 10 weeks, mid- June to mid-August. Please contact Amy Whittenberger at Help The Babies Of The Hebron House! At the beginning of each year, St. Dominic Catholic Parish does a drive to assist Hebron House of Hospitality in Waukesha, which houses homeless families. We are amazed, each year by the generosity of our parish families. Did you know that 1/3 to 1/2 of the residents of Hebron House are infants? They are in desperate need of diapers of larger sizes (including Pull-ups) and baby wipes. Throughout the month of January, we will be collecting these items for the homeless families trying to get back on their feet. Please consider purchasing a few when you see sales or have coupons, or adding something extra to your shopping cart. Laundry baskets for collection will be placed by the church doors until the end of January. Thank you! Oh...and thank you, Lord, for the gift of my Parish. At this time of year many parishioners are being asked to focus on the gifts they have received, and the gift of financial support they intend to give to their parish. When we think about blessings present in our lives, do we remember to say “ thank you” to God for the gift of our parish community? Do we consider the teaching, healing and comforting we receive through practicing our faith together? Do we ponder the joy of celebrating Mass as a people of God? As society has changed over the years, so has the landscape in our parish. While times, and the way we interact as Catholics may be different than in the past, the heart and work of our parish remains the same as it has always been building the kingdom of God. Through our ministries, we are there; reaching out to those in need, educating children in the faith, celebrating the sacraments, visiting the sick and homebound. Our parish gives us the gifts of being part of something greater than ourselves and of knowing that we have a place to connect with God and with each other, as a community of faithful disciples. If we take the time to really think and pray, it’s easy to see what a gift belonging to a parish really is. It is also easy to see why sharing resources with our parish falls into the category of giving and receiving. Our parish is the conduit; the channel fed by our sharing which, in turn, makes it possible for us to be in places near and far ministering to those in need and spreading the good news. “ Oh...and thank you, Lord, for the gift of my parish. It brings me closer to you, and it brings me closer to my brothers and sisters in faith. Help me to support your work, through my parish community, by sharing my time in prayer, my talent in ministry and my financial resources in proportion to my ability.” Amen. w w w. s t d o m i n i c . n e t Winterlude Concert St. Dominic Catholic School takes great pride in providing opportunities for children to learn and develop their God given abilities. Beyond our excellent academic programming, we provide students with opportunities to experience the performing arts. 5 Merry Christmas From The Faculty & Staff Of St. Dominic Catholic School! “And the word became flesh And made his dwelling among us, And we saw his glory, The glory as of the Father’s only Son, Full of grace and truth” ~John 1:14 On behalf of the faculty and staff of St. Dominic Catholic School, may the glory of the Lord’s birth descend upon you and provide you with peace and joy this Christmas season. ~Mrs. Jill A. Fischer, Principal Check Us Out! We invite you to attend our Winterlude concert highlighting the talents of our band and string orchestra students on January 7 at 6:30 pm in the PAAC. All are welcome as we extend the holiday season into the new year! Come and visit your school at our annual open house! The school will be open for guided tours for all members of the community on January 7 and January 25. Whether you are a parishioner curious about the school, an alumnus who wishes to come back and see what has changed or maybe new to the area and looking for a "right fit" for your family, we invite you to stop by! We will be giving tours on January 7, 8:00 am—3:00 pm and January 25 following the 9:00 am Mass until 1:00 pm. Please, come check us out! If you’re not able to make it, please contact Mrs. Jill Fischer, our Principal, for a tour any time at 262.783.7565 x271 or Attention 2nd Grade School & LFF Families! Sun., Dec. 28: NO LFF classes for K3-1st grade (resumes January 11) NO Nursery during 9am Mass (resumes January 11) NO Children’s Liturgy of the Word during 9:00 am Mass (resumes January 11th) Tues., Dec. 30: NO LFF classes for K5-6th grade (resume January 6) Wed., Dec. 31: Toddler/Preschool Playgroup MC 5/6, 10:00 am-noon Thurs., Jan. 1: Happy New Year and feast of Mary, the Mother of God NO LFF classes for K5-6th grade (resume January 8) Sun., Jan. 4 : NO LFF classes for K3-1st grade (resume January 11) NO Nursery during 9am Mass (resume January 11) NO Children’s Liturgy of the Word during 9:00 am Mass (resumes January 11) Playgroup New Year’s Eve Party at Noon! Join the Wed. playgroup in Marcy Center, to play and have fun during our regularly scheduled time of 10:00 am -noon on December 31. We will be having a New Year’s celebration at “midnight” (noon). Bring a bag lunch to enjoy with friends! Juice, milk and dessert will be provided. Please mark your calendar for First Eucharist preparations. If you have any questions please direct them to Mrs. Irvine in the Parish Center. Wednesday, February 4: Eucharist parent meeting #1 at 6:30 pm in Marcy Center (sign up will occur for 1st Eucharist choices on this date until February 13). Wednesday, March 4: Eucharist parent meeting #2 at 6:30 pm in Marcy Center Saturday, April 18: Eucharist parent and child day of reflection 9:00 am until 2:00 pm (only one parent need attend ) Saturday, April 25: Eucharist rehearsal between 10:00 am and 3:00 pm (specific time dependent upon Eucharist Mass time selected; plan for this to take 1 hour). Saturday, May 2 and Sunday, May 3 during Mass times: reception of 1st Eucharist w w w. s t d o m i n i c . n e t 6 Blessed Christmas Season To You & Happy Soon-To-Be 2015! What do you want your 2015 to look like? How will you strive to be the best version of yourself in this New Year? Allow Jesus in this coming year, to show you the gift of who you are, the gifts you have to offer. May your NEW YEAR be blessed with love of family, friends who are true, and a deeper relationship with Jesus. May you become passionate about your spiritual walk and unlock your faith in new ways. Junior High & High School January 23– YM Ski/Tubing Trip to Sunburst – Registration forms are on the website under Youth Ministry. Junior High (7th & 8th graders) January 14—Plug-In Night-Junior High Youth Group Game night 6:00-7:30 pm January 27, 6:00 pm, Parish Center – Summer Outreach Camp informational meeting for this summer’s SOC. February 8 – Retreat with the NET Team, open to all 7/8 graders in the parish, at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. We will take a bus from here. Watch for emailed details in January. March 22— Middle School WI Catholic Youth Rally, 9:00 am-2:00 pm More details to come in early 2015. Would you like to have a Youth Night, service project, movie night, game night or more? Then, we need you to join us as part of the junior high team. Interested? Contact Debbie Olla at 262.781.3480 x252 or High School (9th-12th graders) @Doms Youth Group - January 5 Begin in church for Surrender at 7:00-Praise & Worship music and adoration. Afterwards, we will go to the Youth Room in the Parish Center for snacks and to chat, and end at 9:15 pm. Would you want to go to a summer Steubenville youth conference? Contact Debbie if you are interested. Mission Trip meeting, January 28, in the Youth Room located in the Parish Center WORKCAMP–6:00-7:30 pm LIFETREE-7:30 -9:00 pm, for all campers (teens and adult). UPDATE ON MISSION TRIPS for 2015 We have spots open for both camps and need adult chaperones for WORKCAMP. Call the youth office for the details. LFF For Teens Sundays, 10:10-11:50 am, unless otherwise noted 7th grade: January 11, 18 (parent meeting 10:15-11, in the PAAC) 8th grade: January 11, 18 9th grade: January 11, 18 (parent meeting 11-11:50, in the PAAC) 10th grade: January 11, 18 Confirmation 2014-2015 January 2, 3, 4—Confirmation Retreat January 25 – Candidate/ Sponsor meeting 1:30 – 3:00pm Service: January 11 - Janet Otten– Open Door Cafe January 18 – Baran/Kane– Open Door Cafe With Sincere Gratitude! Thank you to all who helped with the November/ December service opportunities. Through Youth Ministry, we were able to: rake leaves and help at 6 homes and make 300 lunches for the Guest House. We helped with the Women’s Shelter gift giving and Elfland through the Hebron House. We served at the Open Door Cafe and collected items and money for the homeless shelters and Hope House. In 2015, groups will be serving at: Open Door Cafe, Hunger Task Force, Special Olympics and more. Know that all you did was greatly appreciated! Keep up the spirit of service throughout the New Year, by trying to help meet another’s needs instead of fulfilling our wants. Merry Christmas and Happy Almost New Year To All Our Young Adults! What will you be doing in 2015? Jesus knows. Allow him to guide your journey in this New Year. May it be filled with blessings! Young Adults, what would you like to have provided for you? Would you like to have a place to be able to meet others, do social activities, have spiritual discussion, take in a bible study or______ (you fill in the blank)? If you have answered yes to any of these, then won’t you help build up the Young Adult Ministry here at St. Dominic Catholic Parish, so that we can offer this? If you would be interested, please contact Debbie at 262.781.3480 x252 or If you can’t commit to helping, but would like to attend offerings for Young adults. let us know of your interest. College-aged people... It doesn’t matter if you are in town or out of town this year, post college to 29 year olds, married or single, 30-35 year olds married or single, please share your thoughts ! w w w. s t d o m i n i c . n e t 7 One Last Look At 2014 Before we turn the calendar page to January 2015, the Catholic Herald takes a final look at the year we are leaving behind. Relive the top Catholic stories of the year and meet the Herald’s 10 most inspirational people of 2014 in the Jan. 8 issue of the Catholic Herald. To subscribe to the weekly publication, call 414-769-3500, toll free 877-769-7699 or visit High School Discernment Groups Take a break from homework by joining with other high schoolers from around the Archdiocese to meet with discernment groups, These groups meet monthly at St. Mary Elm Grove and St. Monica. For more information on high school discernment groups, please go to | Events | High School Discernment Groups or call the Vocation Office at 414.747.6437. Will You Wear Your Sunday Best On A Saturday? Share your faith and see yourself on TV as part of the congregation for the nationwide Sunday TV Mass, televised across the country. Heart of the Nation’s TV Mass ministry needs people for the congregation during the TV Mass tapings on January 10, February 7, and March 21. Taping begins at 9:00 am each Saturday in the chapel of Saint Francis de Sales Seminary, 3257 S. Lake Drive, next door to the Archbishop Cousins Catholic Center. Stay for one or up to five Masses on each date. Questions? Contact or 414.475.4700. Volunteer EMHC’s Needed The Spiritual Services Department at Froedtert Hospital is seeking additional volunteer Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, who would like to be involved in the sacred and meaningful work of bringing Communion to Catholic patients. Single Again A Support Group For The Divorced & Separated Single Again is a quad-parish support group for those in the process of divorce and beyond. It is open to men and women from any parish or none, does not require registration, and is free. It offers an opportunity to learn, to find support, and to make new friends, all leading to healing. The group meets every other week from 7:00-8:30 PM at St. John Vianney Parish, in the Parish Center, room P201. The next session will be on Thursday, January 2nd, and the topic will be “Forgiveness: Must I?” All are welcome! Search for Longest Married Couple Worldwide Marriage Encounter is sponsoring the annual Longest Married Couple Project in the U.S., as well as each of the 50 states and territories. If you know a couple with a long marriage, please nominate them for this honor. More information can be found at The deadline is January 9, 2015! Nominations must include the following information: names of the couple, wedding date, current address, name and phone number or email address of the person who is nominating the couple. Nominations can be emailed to: or by mail to: Garry & Arla Thomas, 108 Wander Way, Lake in the Hills IL 60156 Thursday, January 15 1:00-8:00 pm Archbishop Cousins Catholic Center Being a regular Communion minister requires approximately one to two hours per week. We are also seeking substitute Communion ministers who would fill in for those who are away. If you would like to become a part of this fulfilling ministry, please contact Sister Helen Harry at 414.805.4663. Thank you! Technology is an integral part of the learning landscape today. Join us for a day of workshops and sharing about technology and faith. This is for all who work at passing on the faith in today’s world -- formation ministers, volunteers, teachers, priests, deacons, etc. Visit for details and registration. Marriage Retreat This day long retreat, for young adult couples in their first five years of marriage, offers an opportunity to reflect on the meaning of your vocation and how you are being invited to live out your faith. Sat., Jan. 24, 10:00 am-5:00 pm at St. Margaret Mary Parish Information and Registration can be found at: Marriage_Wisconsin_Jan2015. w w w. s t d o m i n i c . n e t 8 Are You Ready To Cut For A Cause? Monday, Feb. 16, 1:15 pm in the PAAC Ladies & Gentlemen! Please help to raise awareness by having your head shaved or donate your ponytail during our all-school assembly, so that children in need of hair may have access to a fitted wig! This year, donations will benefit Children With Hair Loss, created as a resource for all children who have medically-related hair loss. It is their mission to empower these children to become whole again by making hair replacement available to those who may be financially challenged or do not have the means of obtaining the hair they want and need. Questions? Contact Jessica Brown at Looking For Employment? St. Dominic Catholic Parish Women Grace OF Save the date for our next event on Wednesday, January 28 with Father Dom! Father Domenic J. Roscioli brings an enlightening approach to being a Catholic priest through story telling of his unique experiences in life and relating them to the challenges faced by people in their everyday lives. Along my life journey, I’ve discovered why flamingos are pink, what guns and ice cream have in common, and what God whispers to each of us in our mother’s womb. I’d like to share my stories and relate them to your story, in God’s grand design. ~ Father Dom **Please watch the bulletin in the coming weeks for further details.** 40+ of Southeastern Wisconsin is a self-help support, resource, and advocacy group for job-seekers from Southeastern Wisconsin. There are no membership, initiation, or entrance fees. This group helps people to hone their job-seeking skills and offers network opportunities among participants. It meets every Saturday morning at St. Dominic Catholic Parish in MC6 at 8:00 am. If You Or A Parishioner You Know Are Sick Or Hospitalized... Federal Privacy Regulation HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act) prohibits all hospitals from informing churches of a patient’s presence unless the patient gives permission for the hospital to do so. If you (or another parishioner you know) are admitted to a hospital and would like remembrance in prayer or a pastoral visit, please call the Parish Center at 262.781.3480. w w w. s t d o m i n i c . n e t In Loving Remembrance In your charity, please remember in your prayers the following people who recently died: † Arlene M. Krawczyk, mother of Fr. Brad Krawczyk † Lilian Selestow, mother of Blaze (Sue) Selestow, Mary Fisher, Grandmother of Blaze, Jr. (Erin), Jaclyn (Josh) Pinter, Anthony, Theresa, Elizabeth, Evon, Anna, and Suzanne Selestow, and Jimmy Fisher, Great grandmother of Trae Wyatt Pinter Remember In Your Prayers… ...parishioners or family of parishioners who are ill, or recovering from injury or surgery, especially Judy Bickler, Russell Bordeaux, Brian Brouillette, Carol Dati, Kaley Donohue, Kathleen Fischer, Bridget Griepentrog, Larry Hanson, Elaine Kleinhans, Dave Kornacki, Tom Leupold, Janet Lillie, Adam David Maresca, Joe Marincic, Marlene Pribe, Kenneth Schaefer, Jeff Steinhardt, Robert Stormowski, Peggy Tate, Jim Toby, Mary Jane Walsh, Dolores Wechter, Katie Wilkenson, Jim Wolak, Pat Wutke and Jim Zielinski Sanctuary Lamps The Church Lamp burns in December in memory of Sally Widmann. The Chapel Lamp burns in December for the health of Fr. Luke Strand. The Church Lamp will burn in January in memory of Francis Koenigs, Jim Smith and Mike Erickson. The Chapel Lamp will burn in January in honor of Bishop Donald Hying and for the successful selection of a new Auxiliary Bishop for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. 9 Mass Intentions Monday, December 29—St. Thomas Beckett 8:30 am † Cale Austin (Phil & Delores Austin) Mother of Perpetual Help Devotion Tuesday, December 30 6:30 am † Francis Koenigs (Elaine Koenigs & family) Wednesday, December 31—St. Sylvester 4:30 pm † Dr. Ben Vondrak (Jim & Mariann Ryan) Thursday, January 1—Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God (Holy Day of Obligation) 8:30 am † Anna Mueller (Mueller family) 10:30 am † Thomas L. McKeown (Jan Patterson) Friday, January 2—St. Basil the Great & St. Gregory Nazianzen 8:30 am † Dr. Eugene Skrzypek (Mike & Joan Hartnett) Anointing of the Sick Rosary in the Chapel after Mass Saturday, January 3 3:30 pm Individual Reconciliation in the Chapel 4:30 pm Cunningham & Jaeger families (Judy Schmidt) Sunday, January 4 7:30 am † Stephen P. Pontus, Sr. (David & Mary Claire Ashpole) 9:00 am † Arlene M. Krawczyk (Sue & Terry Ripple) † John Aukofer (Ron Mulvaney) Baptism of Margaret Anne DeLise 11:00 am For All Parishioners Please visit or call the Parish Center for sacramental information. Parish Center……………………………….….....262.781.3480 Pastor, Father David H. Reith………………………………..x222 Associate Pastor, Father Brad Krawczyk……………...x224 Deacon, Larry LaFond…………………………….262.373.0340 Deacon, Greg Diciaula…………………………….262.547.4216 Teaching Parish Seminarian, Michael Thiel………..x229 Administrative Services, Amy Whittenberger….... x253 Child Ministry, Stacey Irvine……………………………….x251 Liturgy & Music, Paul Burzynski..……………………......x240 Youth & Young Adult Ministry, Debbie Olla………..x252 Finance Administration, Karen Chaffee………...…....x223 Marketing-Communications, Meg Picciolo .............. x248 Parish Membership & Events, Molly Schmidt......... x241 Evangelization Minister, Brian Magliocco…………...x620 Administrative Assistants: Finance, Jeanne Verthein ................................................. x227 Liturgy/Music & Human Concerns, Barb Schenauer . x242 Lifelong Faith Formation, Debbie Caputo………….x250 Administrative Support, Judy Shilka........................ x228 Maintenance Supervisor, Steve Veres ........................ x282 Maintenance Staff, Dan Hughes ...................................... x282 Weekend Maintenance Staff, Tim Buckingham...... x282 School Office…………………………………………...783.7565 School Principal, Jill Fischer ............................................. x271 School Secretary, Mary Kay Reinbold .......................... x280 Parish Trustees Michael Ricci .................................................................. 781.1358 Jerry Buting .................................................................... 783.6555 Pastoral Council Officers E-mail ................................... Chair, Don Drees ................................................ 262.781.2516 Vice Chair, Jim Palzewicz ......................... 262.790.1209 Secretary, Meg Siehr ........................................ 262.691.2139 Additional Contacts Marcy Center ........................................................ 781.3480 x233 Marcy Center Kitchen ....................................... 781.3480 x232 Prayer Network: Kathy Monday............................. 790.0535 St. Vincent de Paul Helpline ................................................ x600 Email addresses for all staff members may be found on our website, w w w. s t d o m i n i c . n e t 10 Server Schedule Readings for the Week of Dec. 28 Saturday, January 3 4:30 pm Sam Reinbold/Alex Reinbold/ Tony Herro Sun: Mon: Tues: Wed: Thurs: Fri: Sat: Sun: Sunday, January 4 7:30 am Adult Servers 9:00 am Emily Maslowski/ Sara Maslowski/Madelyn Jessick 11:00 am Patrick Donohue/Christopher Davis/Dominic Kowalik Sir 3:2-6, 12-14/Col 3:12-21 1 Jn 2:3-11/Lk 2:22-35 1 Jn 2:12-17/Lk 2:36-40 1 Jn 2:18-21/Jn 1:1-18 Nm 6:22-27/Gal 4:4-7/Lk 2:16-21 1 Jn 2:22-28/Jn 1:19-28 1 Jn 2:29--3:6/Jn 1:29-34 Is 60:1-6/Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6/Mt 2:1-12 This Week’s Schedule Sunday, December 28 9:00 pm Adult Men's Basketball-PAF Monday, December 29 No meetings scheduled Tuesday, December 30 No meetings scheduled Wednesday, December 31 10:00 am Playgroup-MC5/6 4:30 pm Holy Day Mass of Anticipation-Church Thursday, January 1—Holy Day of Obligation 8:30 am Holy Day Mass-Church 10:30 am Holy Day Mass-Church 3:00 pm Siena House Meal-Offsite 9:00 pm Adult Men's Basketball-PAF Friday, January 2 6:00 pm AA Meeting-MC6 6:00 pm Confirmation Retreat-Offsite 9:00 pm Adult Co-ed Volleyball-PAF Saturday, January 3—Hebron House Collection 7:00 am Men's Ministry-MC1-3 8:00 am 40+-MC6 Sunday, January 4—Hebron House Collection 10:00 am Hospitality Sunday-MC7/KI 10:10 am RCIA-AFM Room 9:00 pm Adult Men's Basketball-PAF Meeting Room Key AFM-Adult & Family Ministry Room • CH-Church • C-Cafeteria • KI-Kitchen • L-Library • MC-Marcy Center PAF-Parish Athletic Facility • PAAC-Parish Arts & Activity Center • PC-Parish Center • PG-Prayer Gardens • S-Storage • SMR-School Meeting Room • TL-Teacher’s Lounge • YR-Youth Room CHRISTMAS 2014 For it is through the Holy Spirit that this child has been conceived in her. She will bear a son and you are to name him Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins. (Matthew 1:20-21) Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Many of us feel especially nostalgic during Advent and Christmas. With the spirit of giving and sharing, everywhere we look, it’s the perfect time to reflect on days gone by. Memories of celebrations of the birth of our Blessed Savior through the years, bring us smiles and sometimes, even tears. The decorations, lights, gifts, bells and Nativity scenes transport us to moments with our families. This is often the time we think of them most. Family, while always a priority, has been a special focal point for the Church this year. From our own Archdiocesan Synod here in Milwaukee, to the Vatican’s Extraordinary Synod of Bishops on the Family, both recognize the significance of life at home. As St. John Paul II frequently noted, the family is the domestic Church: “Christian marriage and family build up the Church: for in the family the human person is not only brought into being and progressively introduced by means of education into the human community, but by means of rebirth in baptism and education in the faith is also introduced to God’s family, which is the Church.” As we look at the Holy Family, we see the love of God for us. When we think of a family, this is one beautiful example. An infant—the Light of the World and his Virgin Mother, both left in the care of Joseph; a man revered by me and many others, as the world’s greatest stepfather. Jesus’ highly-anticipated and prophesized arrival, made Him the world’s most-loved and most-hated newborn at the same time. These three people, by all accounts, were fugitives. Carrying precious cargo, these loving parents remained faithful to God. Even in the midst of great danger and personal sacrifice, Mary and Joseph put Christ first. What wonderful lessons from our Holy Mother and Earthly Patron! When we put our Savior first and place our families in His care, we will be forever blessed. Take time to treasure your family during this very special season. After all, the ability to give love and to receive love, is the greatest gift we share, as followers of Christ. May the Lord’s peace and grace be with you this Christmas, and throughout 2015! Merry Christmas, Most Reverend Jerome E. Listecki Archbishop of Milwaukee The Holy See, often referred to as Vatican City or simply the Vatican, is the seat of the Roman Catholic Church and its ruler, the Supreme Pontiff or Pope. The Holy See is the world's smallest independent state. We are excited to share with you the logo for the St. Dominic Dinner Auction to be held on Saturday, February 6, 2016! As we begin preparation for this wonderful night of fun and fellowship, we hope this logo will be an image that speaks of hope for a successful evening, helps us focus on our mission, calls us to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and reminds us to hold tightly to the amazing history and traditions of our Catholic faith as we gather together for the benefit of our parish. Are YOU getting ready for A Knight in Vatican City? Contact for more information or to volunteer! Christmas Memorials 2014 We would like to gratefully acknowledge the following parishioners in providing special offerings for Christmas flowers and decorations, totaling $2,685.00 in memory of those listed below. Thank you for your part in making our worship space so beautiful. Please keep these people in your prayers. From: In Memory Of: The Achatz Family Lil Bardele Family Art & Mary Bartkowiak Berggren Family Biel Family Kaye Blankenheim Ron & Barbara Christian James & Debbie Cunningham Fran Cvetan Deacon Greg & Linda Diciaula Jim & Cathy Dix Norm & Gerrie Domach Barb Donohue Ron & Diane Ebly Dona Eckhardt Mary Evanich Randy, Donna, Madison & Connor Felber Tom & Betty Franken Florence B. Glomski William & Linda Goglia Robert & Mary Graeff Frank & Sheila Grandelis Mary Griesbach Arnold & Elaine Gross Larry & Dorothy Hanson Joan Heckel Mary Holan Chris & Cathy Illman The Jarosz family Marilyn Johnston William Chaffee, The Paczesny Family, The Krueger/Knopf Family Glenn and Mark Bardele Jakub & Maria Bartkowiak and Ralph & Rita Schulz Jennifer Berggren & Genevieve Balthazor Ken Biel Doug Blankenheim; Ken & Janice Duveneck Deceased members of the Sauve & Christian families Douglas Jaeger Joe Cvetan Deceased Members of the Diciaula & Koehler families Jim & Dorothy Dix Elmer & Christine Schreiner and Steven & Emily Domach Jerry Donohue Ebly & Jablonski Family Bill Eckhardt Ann Jaeger & John Evanich Don & Evelyn Meier Deceased members of the Franken & Krumplitsch families Norbert J. Glomski Beloved Goglia, Petrella, Restaino & Donatiello families Graeff & Neher families Grandelis & Heinen families Marc Griesbach & son, Marc G. Bernice Boxrucker Members of the Hanson & Viegut families Jack Heckel Edward Holan Stan Illman Jessica Jarosz Rennie, Tom & Barb Johnston, Deceased members of Schlenzig families Mr. & Mrs. Edward Knapp Francis Koenigs Paul W. Kostuch Gerard & Austin Koth Kingston James Kryzanek Anne, Ben & Robert Kuhlow Jerry & Christopher Kush Deceased members of the LaFond, Smith & Kienast families John Kapps Maro & Laske families Patricia M. Leedy Deceased members of Haubner, Dunn, Bower, Kloth & Loose families LeRoy & Frances Malson and Patricia Schiller Charles G. Knapp Elaine Koenigs, wife Ernest & Mary Kostuch Mr. Theodore & Dr. Kathleen Koth Jim & Eva Kryzanek Marianne Kuhlow The Kush family Deacon Larry & Cathy LaFond Jim & Kara Larcheid David & Jackie Laske Glenn Leedy Wayne & Pat Loose David & Jackie Malson See Other Side Christmas Memorials 2014 From: In Memory Of: Josephine Manchester Michele, Margherita, Denise & Anthony Brondino, Donald, Harold & Belle Manchester & Maureen Kucera & Katherine Devan Deceased relatives and friends Marka & Burt families Deceased members of McGinn & Clark families John Myatt, Jr. Husband and Sons Bob Nielsen O’Connor and Hausner Families Nora Pagenkopf Palm & Masterson families Russell Paulin Becker family Patricia Schiller Ken Ploeckelman Lawrence Polansky Adolph & Bertha Reith, Edwin & Esther Bauman, Henry A. Reith and Marty Pierson Barbara Warren Ceferino & Nimfa Santiago Barbara Baron & Dan Sawasky Helene Ostrowski Brent E. Wahlen Deceased members of the Peterson & Sladky families Sottile, Pisano, and Esolen Families George and Marguerite Sternig David Stich Don & Marcella Stornowski and Albert & Evelyn Totsky Roemer & Tauscher Families Jack Tomansky Charles Treder Timothy Paul Trokan, Jr. Norbert Tulachka Alison Verhaalen Ardis Vlasak Larry Wanserski and Karch & Wanserski families Stephen & Helen Hauser Melvin Patenaude Ben & Ethel Wingenter Msgr. Thomas Berry, Frank & Dorothy Berry, Sr. MaryClare Gebauer Mark Zoellick Lois Marincic Ron Kittleson & Sharon Marka Pat McGinn Deb Myatt Sarah Nastoff Jackie Nielsen Ed & Carol O’Connor The Coletta Pagenkopf Family Bernie and Norma Palm Kathy Paulin Diann Pergande Karin Malson & Christopher Peterson Helen Ploeckelman Betty Polansky Father David Reith & Family Fritz & Audrey Sajdak (parents) Leo & Mina Vitangcol The Sawasky Family Edell Schaefer Mary Skladanek Warren & Marilyn Sladky Rosemary Sottile Lorraine Sternig Danita Stich Robert & Marilyn Stormowski Hans & Cecelia Tauscher Shirley Tomansky, wife Elizabeth & Margaret Treder Trokan Family Mary Tulachka Weber & Claas Families Arthur Vlasak Kathy Wanserski Diane Washbush Sandra Wellner Diane Wingenter William & Pat Wutke Peter & Jackie Zoellick We also want to thank the following parishioners for their generous donations for Christmas flowers and decorations. God Bless You! Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Hoeffler James & Kathleen Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Paul Schulenburg Mr. & Mrs. Brian Shecterle Patricia Smith See Other Side DPNQMJNFOUTPG HARDER 5VFT'SJ 781-5154 4BU Lia’s Tailors & Cleaners FUNERAL SERVICE %FBO,)BSEFSr&SJD$)BSEFS Providing the exceptional service and facilities families have come to expect. 18700 W. Capitol Dr. 781-8350 Family Dentistry Final Alterations for Ladies & Men Leather Cleaning & Repair Rosalia Orlando 1BSJTI.FNCFS 8)BNQUPO"WF /8.BJO4U .FOPNPOFF'BMMT Parish Members 785-0225 parish member 251-2222 GENE A. WAGNER PLUMBING Garage Doors & Openers (262) 784-4250 Menomonee Falls, Wauwatosa, Sussex Vito Marchese - Parish Member PM 18780 W. Burleigh Rd. 781-3140 3&45"63"/5#",&3:t$0$,5"*--06/(&t#"/26&5300.4 ,FWJO0$POOFMMt KOCONNELL13@GMAIL.COM Insured parish member Charles Hewett DDS MS Joshua Barta DDS MS Daniel Holzhauer DDS MS, Parishioner All Occasions Chicago & O’Hare 10225 W. Capitol Dr., Wauwatosa 414-463-5700 520 Hartbrook Dr., Hartland 262-367-7076 Bryant Chaffee, Parish Member (414)541-0121 622 North 79th Street, Wauwatosa, WI 53213 414-645-5477 Timothy T. Brennan BROOKFIELD 4VOEBZ5IVSTEBZBNQN 'SJEBZ4BUVSEBZBNQN 8$BQJUPM%S t'BY OCONOMOWOC DEPOT .POEBZ4VOEBZBNQN &$PMMJOT4U t'BY Kurt Wahlen Jr., Parish Member LIMOUSINES & SEDANS 262-439-8419 -BOETDBQFEFTJHOr*OTUBMMBUJPOr.BOBHFNFOU #SJDL4UPOF1BUJP8BMLXBZTrPlantings /JHIU-JHIUJOHr*SSJHBUJPOr:BSE.BJOUFOBODFr'FODJOH 262-641-7455 Complete Homeowners Services Painting - Carpentry - Odd Jobs - Mowing Aeration - Upkeep - Snow Blowing and More... Chaffee Limousine Waukesha (262) 650-1900 Pewaukee (262) 691-2740 Germantown (262) 255-1900 West Allis (414) 327-7100 Locally Owned & Operated KO13 CONSULTING LLC Commercial Residential C o m p l e t e Au t o m o t i v e R e p a i r s - 6 “Providing Affordable Services at Your Church, Chapel or Any One of Our Locations.” Professional Pressure Washing & Parking Lot Striping Au tomotive Inc. AM Guardalabene & Amato Funeral & Cremation Service (414) 541-9217 24 hr. GRISWOLD Hours 7 Schmidt & Bartelt A Company You Can Trust. 'MFYJCMF4DIFEVMFT 4UBUF$FSUJmFE Teens & Adults RONALD J. SCHMIDT, D.D.S. MIKE CRIVELLO CAMERAS Prints from Digital Media $BOWBT.FUBM-BSHF'PSNBU 18110 W. Bluemound Rd. 1BSJTI.FNCFS Complete Plumbing Solutions AUTO BODY INC. David Strigenz Collision & Auto Body Repairs Master Plumber #224873 Parish Member 9921 W. Carmen Ave. (414) 466-0210 Milwaukee, WI 53225 Fax (414) 466-8337 Owner 262-782-5940 A TREE SERVICE 414-325-8678 Tony Pruski 1SVOJOHt3FNPWBMt4UPSN%BNBHF 2VBMJUZXPSLBUBSFBTPOBCMFQSJDF + FRANTL Industries Inc. ROMAN ELECTRIC “Spray On Insulation” Applications Include, But Not Limited To: Attics, Box Sills & Crawl Spaces - Parish Member 262-246-3866tXXXUIFTQSBZHVZTDPN Residential Work Brian Frantl (414) 771-5400 EYE EXAMS –.–.–.– GLASSES –.–.–.– CONTACTS –.–.–.– 23 Convenient Locations 1-800-705-7011 The Orthopedic Institute of Wisconsin This space available. FUNERAL HOMES & CREMATION SERVICES 414-464-4640 Christopher J. Evanich, M.D. Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon with speciality interest in joint replacement, sports medicine, hip resurfacing and minimally invasive surgery. 17000 West North Ave., Ste. 201E 2323 N. Mayfair Rd., Ste. 310 (414) 643-8800 For a price quote call Jeff Tkachuk at 262-207-2513 Email: 21300 W. Capitol Dr. A great place to eat XJUIGSJFOETGBNJMZ Call Jeff Tkachuk at 1-800-950-9952 x2513 or e-mail FOR AD INFO CALL JEFF TKACHUK 1-800-950-9952 WWW.4LPi.COM ST. DOMINIC, BROOKFIELD B 2C 01-0232 07-21-2014 09:41:12 $8.99 WITH COUPON Service Dept. Open in Brookfield Lorenzo Reina - Parishioner 262-786-8440 (not valid with any other offers) 8$BQJUPM%S#SPPLàFME8* 262-781-3336 8#63-&*()30"%r#300,'*&-%8* Marie Grandelis Sales Associate (414) 813-0036 Office Relocation/Storage Archives Center/Document Scanning tDIDPBLMFZDPN Italian Sports Car Center Darryl D. Stich, D.D.S., Parish Member 8$BQJUPM%SMPDBUJPOPOMZr$BQJUPM%SJWF!$BMIPVO3E (262) 373-1100 PARISH MEMBER REINA INTERNATIONAL AUTO, INC. '".*-: %&/5*453: WITH CARE & CONCERN Landry’s Brookfield BP Adam’s Garage Doors LLC 3BJTJOHZPVSFYQFDUBUJPOTOPUZPVSDPTUT Free Estimates Adam Schultz - Owner adam Ocon Oconomowoc, WI (877) 627-4113 2005 N. Calhoun Rd. Brookfield, WI 53005 262.782.4300 Bp Gasoline with Invigorate Exceptional service since 2003 Full & Self Service Gasoline * Premier Diesel Fuel Touchless CarWash -Auto Repairs & Diagnostics Family owned & operated* RENOVATIONS MAINTENANCE PLANTINGS (414) 628-8861 Sherry Wittemann Associate Vice President, ABR, CRS, CSRS, GRI Serving Brookfield and the 4U%PNJOJD$PNNVOJUZ Since 1993 CONGRATULATIONS & BEST WISHES TO ST. DOMINICS, FROM THESE FINE CONTRACTORS /P1SFTTVSF“PAINLESS” 3FBM&TUBUF4FSWJDFT Parish Member Since 1983 Direct: 414-807-5356 Web:TIFSSZTIPSFXFTUDPN Email:TXJUUFNBOO!TIPSFXFTUDPN Jim Swiderski 8PSL r$FMM Capital Insurance Agency of Wisconsin, Inc. Personal and Business Jeff Sladky - Parish Member % 781-8080 KTXJEFSTLJ!NDQFUFMBXDPN r#VTJOFTT-BXr3FBM&TUBUF r&NQMPZNFOU-BXr&TUBUF1MBOOJOH Serving Parishioners, Their Businesses and Their Families KORNACKI & ASSOCIATES Painting/Wallcoverings, Furnishings Parish Member Daniel G. Gundrum, CFP® Financial Advisor - Parish Member -PDBUFEJO #SPPLmFME8* ) Commercial Interior Design, Construction/Remodeling, (262) 784-3323 Residential & Commercial 262-373-3800 414.545.8500 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS NEED A NEW ROOF? -JDFOTFEt*OTVSFE John Norfolk - Parish Family PRIVATE WEALTH MANAGEMENT 800-792-2473 tEHVOESVN!SXCBJSEDPN ROBERT W. BAIRD & CO &BTU8JTDPOTJO"WFOVF.JMXBVLFF8* 1-800-748-3766 t'BY A Division of Kappl Construction, Inc. Charles W. Steinbach, D.D.S. 1-800-386-1204 Thomas A. Steinbach, D.D.S. 1-866-603-1600 “In a competitive marketplace it pays to have the advantage” PATRICK & ELIZABETH KANE, PARISH MEMBERS Enviromental, Safety and Recycling Services Tobin J. Strupp DDS Family Dentistry Since 1985 PARISH MEMBERS Accepting New Patients 14335 W. Capitol Dr. Brookfield Office: (262) 783-3311 (262) 790-2500 414-403-6279 (MARY) “If it’s a home you’re seekin’, call Mary Deeken!” Triangle Tool Corporation ROY LUTHER PRESIDENT 8609 W. Port Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53224 5&- t'"9 David Marcello 262-893-8705 5IF3JHIU1FPQMF5IF3JHIU*EFBT5IF3JHIU5PPMT Frank Fantazzi, PT, ,DPT, OCS Parish Member Mark Snyder, PT, DPT -BOETDBQJOHr%FTJHO 3FOPWBUJPOr(SPVOET$BSF 8BMLXBZTBOE1BUJPT 5SFF4DJFODF4FSWJDFT 262-252-4260 (262) 796-2850 Family Founded and Operated for 40 years 700 Pilgrim Parkway, Elm Grove Shea Hughes - Owner / Parish Member Serving real estate needs E-Mail: for more information Business Tax and Accounting Individual Tax Preparation r"DDVSBUF r3FTQPOTJWF r0OFUP0OF4FSWJDF"DDPVOUJOH Joseph M. King Vice President - Investments Peter R. Bray, CPA Susan M. Schmidt, CPA 8FTU/PSUI"WFOVFr8BVXBUPTB8* XXXCSBZDPDPNr FOR AD INFO CALL JEFF TKACHUK 1-800-950-9952 Member FINRA/SIPC Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC 20800 Swenson Drive, Suite 200 Waukesha, WI 53186 Tel: 262-798-3732 Fax: 262-798-3595 Toll Free: 800-823-1410 WWW.4LPi.COM DAVID S. BOMHACK, Agent ST. DOMINIC, BROOKFIELD 21150 W. Capitol Dr. Brookfield, WI Phone 781-2700 A 4C 01-0232 07-21-2014 09:41:12
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