Word 46 2014 - week 23 - 72DPI - Willetton Catholic Parish Site

(Schedule: 22 December - 28 December 2014)
Vol. 39, No 47
21 December 2014
Stewardship - When he discovered that Mary was with child, Joseph resolved to end their engagement with as little
disgrace as possible. But obedient to the voice of God, he changed those plans and became instead the protector of the
child Jesus and His mother ,Mary. God grant that I may be as open to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
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Fr. Thai and Fr. Daniel wish all parishioners
A Joyful and Holy Christmas and a Safe and Peaceful New Year
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Please note the dates and times of the masses from 27 December 2014 to 31 January 2015:
9.00 am
27 December 9.30 am
5.30 pm
6.30 pm
Vigil Mass
7.30 am
28 December 9.00 am
10.30 am
From Monday 29 December 2014 to Saturday 31 January 2015, weekday masses will be at 9.00 am
and weekend masses as per normal.
Dear Parishioners
Please be advised that the parish office will be closed from 24
December 2014 till 26 January 2015 and re-opens on 27 January 2015.
Thank you.
Parish Priest:
Assistant Priest:
Pastoral Workers:
R.E. Co-ordinator:
Fr Thai Vu (pp@willettoncatholicparish.org.au)
Fr Daniel Boyd (ap@willettoncatholicparish.org.au)
Sr Veronica (9443 1036); Rosa Pasquale (9332 3813)
Magdalene Heldt (9312 6952)
Lyna Chan
(9332 5992)
Mary de Wever (9310 2426)
John Paul Care
Co-ordinator: Betty Thompson (9457 4991)
Welcome into God’s family at Sts. John & Paul Church
Baptise on 21 December Judd Anthony Papasergio
Baptise on 28 December Westlyn Sydney Mankey
Baptise on 28 December Koralie Addison Mankey
I would like to thank Fr Thai and all the parishioners of Saints John and Paul for their prayers, encouragement
and support during my time in the Parish. I feel truly blessed to be a priest in this wonderful Parish, I have learnt
much this year as I continue to grow as a priest and will treasure the friendships I have made. Please pray for
me as I continue my priestly ministry as Parish Priest of St Vincent’s Kwinana. Rest assured of my prayers. I
wish you and your family a safe, happy and holy Christmas. Fr Daniel…
We would like to farewell Sr. Kieran Kinsella who is moving from the St Joseph of the Apparition Willetton to
another parish. We thank her for her support and contribution to Sts. John and Paul Catholic Parish Willetton.
This parish pastoral organisation offers, through its volunteers, short
term (up to 3 months) emergency care to anyone who lives within
the parish. Assistance is offered in the areas of bereavement/grief
support, visiting the sick and the elderly, mental health, support for
parents, cooking, transport, gardening and handyman. To enquire
about these services, please contact the following Coordinators:
Parish Office:
Mon/Wed/Fri from 9am - 4pm
and Tues/Thurs from 9am - 12 pm
9332 5992
Family Support/Bereavement:
9457 4991
9310 2426
Mental Health:
(Information only)
9332 3528
0423 797 040
9457 1851
Orana School Liaison:
0410 709 297
The John Paul Care brochure is available in the foyer of the Church.
It offers the opportunity to volunteer or to request assistance. Please
feel free to take one home.
St Vincent de Paul
Sincere and grateful thanks to everyone who supported the Vinnies’ Christmas Appeal this year . We were able
to deliver a record number of hampers and presents this year to various members of our community.
St John & Paul, Willetton Conference
Transport request for help for my mum Marie and my
Greetings for 2015 from Hospitality Team
sister to get to Saturday evening mass. Long term parishioners from Brentwood, have had 8 months of generous support
from John Paul Care but need ongoing help beyond their resources. Can you help please on a roster with family and receive $20 payment per round trip. For more details please
contact MaryJane at mj@mjskt.com or mobile 0403 028 605
No lifting required.
Blessing of the Cribs: This will take place on the weekend of 20 and 21 December 2014 after all masses.
Attention All Proclaimers of The Word of God
The Hospitality Team would like to wish all parishioners, your families and friends a Very Happy and Holy
Christmas and a Safe and Joyful New Year.
Please bring your cribs and nativity items for this special blessing.
Liturgy Committee
Mass & Prayer New Years Day 2015, Thursday 1 January
Parishioners are warmly invited to join in this brief time of prayer after the 9 am Mass. All the prayer groups will unite on
New Years Day to pray for each other, our families, our community, our priests, Australia and for peace in our world. We
will pray together following the footsteps of Mary our Mother, who was a model of living a prayerful life and whose feast we
celebrate on 1 January 2015. Remember Thursday 1 January 2015, Mass 9.00 am followed by Prayer and get your New
Year off to a prayerful start. [Enquiries Alicia Yoong Tel: 9259 1116 or 0403 177 177 ]
St Vincent de Paul—Piety Stall—Christmas is Coming!
Columban Calendars and Magellan Christmas Cards are available at the Piety Stall, at the same price as last
year! Please come by and purchase yours now and maybe some for your family and friends for Christmas.
We have a selection of religious gifts suitable for Christmas giving – religious pictures in frames for $10,
Crucifixes, Angels with various wordings, Rosary beads, religious medals, car magnets and car sun visor clips,
key rings, DVDs and much more. In addition we have a large selection of children’s books for all ages –
colouring, sticker, activity, write on and erase books, books on the saints, baby rattle books and easy to read
books. Just ask to have a look at these and our friendly helpers will assist you. Take a few minutes after Mass
to have a browse at the Piety Stall.
Thank you for your support of the stall throughout the year, it is very much appreciated.
With the end-of-year long school holiday break of December
2014—January 2015, please check your Roster well ahead of
If you are planning to be away on your rostered date of the
school break, please find a substitute to read on your behalf.
We would like the smooth running of the Liturgy and not to
cause any last minute rush by the Acolyte to have to find a
Thank you for your commitment.
Have a Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year!
God Bless, Lilian Kee—Liturgy Committee
Parish Library
There are still a number of DVDs and books outstanding.
Can you please make a concerted effort to look around your
home and return these as soon as possible. Thank you, Margaret.
Your Bible Question“As a mother of three, I feel a bit
uncomfortable that Jesus was born of a virgin. Is human
sexuality somehow incompatible with divinity?” For the
answer, or to submit your own Bible question, visit
We would like to give our sincerest condolences to Howard Ong and his family on the passing
away of his mother, Soo Lan Ng in Singapore.
We would also like to give our sincerest sympathy to the family of the late Alois Spurny whose
funeral was held on Monday 15 December 2014.
There will be no proclaimers’ sessions during the
long school holiday.
Wanted Urgently:
Growing Vine
The Growing Vine is a seniors’ group that meets every
Friday From 10 am to 2 pm. We require a Volunteer
Coordinator to assist with organising the seniors’ activities,
engagement and entertainment every Friday from 10 am to
2 pm. If you would like to commit to this very rewarding
work in serving the Growing Vine members, please contact
Fr. Thai on 9332 5992 or 9313 5049 for further details.
Parish Religious Education Program for 2015
Enrolment forms for children attending the After School
Religious Education program are available in the church
foyer, the parish office & parish website. It is essential that
all children have a new enrolment forms filled in. Please
read the Parent Information Sheet, Duty of Care Statement
and Complete the form in full and return it with the fee of
$40.00 per child or $75.00 for 2 or more children to the
parish office as soon as possible, places are limited.
Mildred Rego, Catechist Coordinator
“Come and See” … An Invitation to young women
and men
Theme: Evolution of Religious Life. What questions or
contribution can you make to this conversation? What has
the journey looked like … where to now? What will it look
like in the future?
WHEN: Tuesday 20th January 2015, 6pm starting with light
meal, session from 6.45pm to 9pm
WHERE: Mary MacKillop Centre, 16 York Street, South
RSVP: By 16 January to Sr Alma Cabassi: 0419 044 136,
alma.cabassi@sosj.org.au, Sr Leonie Mayne: 0437 120
337, leonie.mayne@sosj.org.au
Ministry of the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart
Pilgrimage - 20 Days/17 Nights Eastern Europe &
8 Nights Poland, Prague & Vienna and 9 nights in
Medjugorje. The pilgrimage will begin in Perth from 10 May
2015 to 30 May 2015. Some of the holy sites include the
convent of Blessed Faustina, the monastery at Jasna Gora,
the Black Madonna, Sanctuary of Divine Mercy, Wadowice
and more. Other place of interest will include Auschwitz,
the Salt Mine and more. The 9 nights in Medjugorje involve
you participating in the Holy Masses, the Rosaries,
climbing the Apparition Hill, Krizevac Hill & more. Possible
day tour to Sarajevo. All for A $ 6,499.00 - includes all
flights, full land tour, breakfast & dinner, tips, etc.
Contact Edman Anthony 04 244 37251
or Bada Payne 08 9276 5577
Pathways of St Paul
Join parishioners from Holy Innocents’ on a 20 day
Pilgrimage to Greece and Turkey, departing Monday 20th
April 2015. Walk in the footsteps of St. Paul, visit the places
where he lived, worked and was imprisoned. Also visit
island of Patmos, where St John wrote the book of
Revelation, Basilica of St John built over the tomb of "The
Divine" Apostle and the "House of Mary" where it is said
Mary spent the later years of her life. For Itinerary Brochure
and Booking Form please contact Fr. Peter Krigovsky,
admin@holyic.org.au, 02 9747-4291, or download from