Saint Mark Catholic Church 14740 Stumptown Road, Huntersville, NC 28078 We, the members of St. Mark Catholic Church, a Faith Community called as one by Christ to serve and witness in His name, seek to celebrate our Faith through service and evangelization to each other, our families and our community. St. Mark Parish Directory 14740 Stumptown Rd, Huntersville NC 28078 Parish Office | Mon-Fri, 9 am - 4:30 pm Phone: 704-948-0231; Fax: 704-948-8018 After Hours Emergencies Only: 980-253-1605 Pastor Very Rev. John T. Putnam, JV Parochial Vicar Rev. Paul D. McNulty Pastor Emeritus in Residence Rev. Msgr. Richard M. Bellow Deacons Rev. Mr. Louis Pais Rev. Mr. Robert Murphy Rev. Mr. Richard McCarron Rev. Mr. Thomas McGahey Rev. Dr. Ronald Sherwood Sacristan Daniel Pressley 704-948-0231, Ext. 211 Office Manager and Assistant to the Pastor Tricia McCaa 704-948-0231, Ext. 102 Director of Operations Barry McCaa 704-948-0231, Ext. 119 Finance Manager Florence Moore 704-948-0231, Ext. 116 Parish Accountant Karen Zaleski 704-948-0231, Ext. 121 Middle School Ministry and Sacrament of Confirmation Mary Grace Alvord, Coordinator 704-948-1306, Ext. 117 Middle School Activities Coordinator David Ziegler High School Ministry Coordinator J. Brian Kaup 704-948-1306, Ext. 105 Preschool Jane Petriella, Director 704-948-8015 Ministry Coordinator Beth Zuhosky 704-948-0231, Ext. 136 Deaf Ministry Mary Sumeracki 704-784-1838 (V/TTY) Young at Heart Ministry Jim Soder 704-948-0231, Ext. 114 Hispanic Coordinator Belisario Solorzano 704-948-4239 Receptionist Leanne Vaccaro 704-948-0231, Ext. 101 Wedding Director Kris Brodof 704-806-4071 Music Ministry Laura Maclean, Director 704-948-0231, Ext. 106 Facilities Manager Scott Bruno 704-948-0231, Ext. 118 Faith Formation Donna Smith, Director 704-948-1306, Ext. 104 Evening Attendant Hank Stiene 980-333-3040 Elementary Faith Formation and Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion Faye Nye, Coordinator 704-948-1306, Ext. 115 Page 2 Al-Anon Lisa 704-651-1065 Alcoholics Anonymous Tom 704-604-7739 Bulletin Team Mass Schedule Sunday Masses: Saturday 5 pm; Sunday 7:30 am, 9 am (signed for the hearing impaired), 11 am,1 pm (Spanish), 5 pm (High School Ministry Mass) Spanish: Misa en Español cada Domingo a la 1 pm Daily: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 7 and 9 am; Wednesday 7 am and 6:30 pm; Saturday 9 am Holy Days: Vigil 7 pm before feast day, 7 am, 9 am, 7 pm on the feast day Confessions Wednesday following the evening Mass; Saturday 3—4:45 pm, or by appointment Rosary Tuesdays - Church; 7—7:30 pm Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration In the Monsignor Bellow Adoration Chapel in the Family Center Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena Immediately following the Wednesday 6:30 pm Mass Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal Novena and Rosary Immediately following the Friday 9 am Mass Hospitalization If you or your loved one are in an area hospital, call the Parish Office to reach one of the Priests. The Priests offer Confession, bring the Holy Eucharist to you or administer the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. Baptisms & Weddings The use of the Church for Baptisms, Weddings and other Sacramental events is available to active Parishioners. Contact the Parish Office for additional information. Crisis Pregnancy Help Pregnancy Hotline:1-800-848-LOVE Catholic Social Services: 704-370-3262 Birthright: 1-800-550-4900; 1-800-712-HELP Post Abortion: 1-800-5-WE CARE 704-948-0231 From the Pastor In this reflection for the Third Sunday of Advent, Father Glick discusses the theme of “darkenings” which often impact our lives and our world. The light of Christ’s coming into the world and His daily coming into our lives can dispel the darkness and allow us to see the glory He has in store for those who believe. Blessings, Father John Introduction During Advent, as well as during Lent, one particular reading for the Second Sunday during these seasons present us with the theme of being joyful or glad. Today is such a celebration that calls to us. We pray with the patterns of our un-gladness, our un-freedoms and our darknesses. The prophet Isaiah announces a coming of One who has the mission of bringing release, healing and the proclamation of good news. We hear John as the advance man of the One to come, in today’s Gospel. He is not the “light,” but announces the presence of the “light.” We pray for a personal increase in hope and joy with the realization we are not alone, personally nor collectively. The Light is coming to dispel what is dark within and around us. Reflection In the creation narrative of the Book of Genesis, God is presented as saying, “Let there be light.” In two weeks we will hear in the First Reading for the Midnight Mass of Christmas, “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; upon those who dwelt in the land of gloom a light has shown.” It seems God’s light got turned to darkness along the way, but God seems to keep saying, “Let there be more light.” We have an expression which is used when we come to understand something, “I see.” We refer to others from whom we keep secrets as “being kept in the dark.” Those whom we consider not as smart as ourselves, we name, “lights out” or “not the brightest bulb on the tree.” A second form of darkness is a mood of spirit. We hear the phrase, “doom and gloom” referring to statements or personalities of pessimism or hopelessness. We can often invite them to “lighten up.” We will hear in the Second Reading we are to “rejoice always.” We hear also “In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God.” Being happy and grateful at all times is a constant work of God’s grace and God’s will is to bring us out of our sadnesses. We all have hard times and it is not unfaithful to weep and wonder “Why us?” God does not ask us to be inhuman in our reactions and responses. Denial is not a faith response either. God is always saying, “Let there be some light, sometime!” There are also various forms of visual darkness or blindness. We all can be blinded by what we do see. The familiar objects and persons around us can be treated as if we do not see them for what they are. We become blind to them by their closeness to us. Family members, friends, neighbors, fellow workers can all become foggy figures. It is often when they move away to a greater distance, by job relocation, death or our lack of personal attention that we come to see them more clearly. The word “expectation” means literally, “watching out” or “looking out.” What we visually see is often determined by what we are specifically looking out for. There might be other objects or persons in the field, but we get blinded to them, because of our exact focus. Expectations can limit our vision, both physically and spiritually. We are blinded by what we want to see or don’t want to see. Pre-judging anything or anyone is a form of keeping them in the dark. Color, forms, actions and gestures may not conform to our way of seeing things as acceptable. My “view” of you or them can be disturbed by the 704-948-0231 distance I keep. Keeping things at a safe distance will also keep them distorted and safe for my security of selfishness. God continues saying, “Let there be brighter light.” We are waiting for the Light to uncover us; to take off the blinders by which we walk in ignorance, sadness and distrust. Jesus as the Light illumines ourselves to ourselves and says, “Now what do you say of yourself?” The joy to which we are invited is the sense we are of and in God. The Creator still works out our fuller creation and asks us to let go of false images of God and especially ourselves. As the Light draws closer to us, Who is always desirous of moving closer to us, we will see ourselves more clearly, but as we say, “in a new light.” If we stay in the shadows, we will never see our features and our gifts. When we allow the Light to come closer, we will see things perhaps we wish not to see. Our faults, our lack of response might be too real, but the Light is embracing, not accusing. In that Light we were created, and in that Light we receive our re-creation. That is the good news, the cause of rejoicing. We cannot love that which we do not know: ourselves, each other, creation or God. The Light has come to reveal as much as we can know about all four. God does not want to keep us in the “dark” about ourselves. What blinds us could be fear or false humility. The Light calls us out into the bright idea God has of us and for us. The darkness which prevents us from accepting others the Light has shined on them in the forms of sacredness. God sees them as sacraments, outward signs, of God’s love. The Light, to which John testifies in today’s Gospel, has entered our world to focus our vision upon the Source and what the Source is all about. The Source is all about us and our final and eternal Light shining now and forever. God still says, “That there be a joyful light and lots of it.” “Say to the anxious-be strong and fear not, our God will come to save us.” Isaiah 35:4 Page 3 Remember In Your Prayers Mass Intentions Please Pray For Mass Intentions Loretta Amatuzzo Ann Antal Roberto Argente Renee Branem Kris Bordon Torie Costa Cliff Czarnogursky Kristina Dontino Jean Fox Walter Grace Theresa Gribschaw Natasha Hickman Phyllis Kiebler Roger Kilmer Robb Lamont John Linsley Dale McCaa Jacob Mooney Bill Othling Joseph Pfaff Enrique Rojas Alexandra Schaney Christine Talbert Alexis Temple Glenn Wagner Cheryl Williams ...and all our parishioners who are homebound or reside in area nursing homes and are unable to attend Mass. Recently Baptized Please welcome our newly baptized into our Faith Community. Penelope Grace Duerden Lucas Joseph Guidetti Katherine Elizabeth Jousma Sydney Grace Nestor Marissa Anne Peters Edythe Rose Pozniak Winston Joseph Pozniak William Jett Wargin Members In the Service PFC Jacob Alexander; LCPL Jon C. Atkinson, USMC; Lt. Colonel Scott Michael Breece, USAF; AM1 John Caldwell, (VFA 32); Capt. Dan Crum, USAF; Lt. Colonel Peter Dargle, U.S. Army; Veronica Dominguez; Spc. Frank Christopher Dunning; PFC Albert Hadley, Infantry/ Scout; Ensign Matthew Hartung USN; MSgt. Patrick Heffernan; LTJG Jenna Hehn, USN; Lt. Trevor Hehn, U.S. Army; Capt. Laura Hehn M.D. U.S. Army; MM3 Christopher Heim; Sgt. Christopher Holden; Lt. Colonel Matthew Holloway, Air National Guard; Michael Huddle, U.S. Army; CWO4 Christopher Joyce, Army Airborne; Corporal Edward Keller III; PFC NCARNG Derek Koontz; Lt. Patrick McFarland; SSgt. Samuel T. Myers, SPC Michael Quinn, Jr., U.S. Army; USMC; Lt. Matthew Santoli, USMC; Lt. Carter Stapleton; LT JG Ryan P. Veatch, USN; LT William Vey III; Staff Sgt. Andrew Vranek, USAF Army Airborne; CTT2 Zachary Wortham, USN; PFC Ryan Wilson, Army National Guard Page 4 Monday, December 15 7 a.m. Murph & Maureen Donahue (Ed & Lisa Modzelewski) 9 a.m. + David Mulcahy (Frank & Donna DiMaggio) Tuesday, December 16 7 a.m. + Clotilde Lopez (Hector Soriano) 9 a.m. + Jane Quist (Langbo Family) Wednesday, December 17 7 a.m. + Dr. Victor Agnello (Ed & Lisa Modzelewski) 6:30 p.m. Kathy Gardner (Melinda Drury) Thursday, December 18 7 a.m. Jane Petriella (Melinda Drury) 9 a.m. + Mark Tucker (Janet Tucker) Friday, December 19 7 a.m. + Dr. Victor Agnello (Hack Family) 9 a.m. Deacon Tom & Nancy McGahey (Dexter & Mary Louise Koehl) Saturday, December 20 9 a.m. + Louise Saar (Sylvia Reap) 5 p.m. + John & Isabell Peter (Norm & Betty Peter) Sunday, December 21 7:30 a.m. + Msgr. Joseph Kerin (Women of Joy) 9 a.m. + Francis X Walsh (Maureen & Frank Walsh) 11 a.m. + James Skelly (Maryann Skelly) 1 p.m. St. Mark Parishioners 5 p.m. + Robert Keane (Bleuzen Family) + deceased; (requested by) Daily Mass Readings Today’s Readings First Reading — As a garden makes its growth spring up, so will God make justice spring up before all the nations (Isaiah 61:1-2a, 10-11). Psalm — My soul rejoices in my God (Luke 1:46-50, 53-54). Second Reading — Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise prophetic utterances. Test everything; retain what is good (1 Thessalonians 5:16-24). Gospel — I am the voice of one crying out in the desert, make straight the way of the Lord. (John 1:6-8, 19-28). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. 704-948-0231 Parish Calendar For more information on these and additional events, check the pages of this bulletin or visit and select Calendar. Sunday, December 14 Wednesday, December 17 (continued) K of C Christmas Cards for Sale - AFTER ALL MASSES 7 pm Cub Scout Pack 97 Committee Meeting (Church Fountain) (Room 204) 9 am K of C Blood Drive (Parish Hall) 7 pm FFHSM-CAC (Parish Hall, Kitchen) 9:15 am FF- Friends of Jesus (Room 200,201,202) 7 pm FFHSM-ST.MARK'S GOT TALENT Rehearsal 3 pm MASS w/BISHOP JUGIS (Church) (Parish Hall) 4:30 pm FFHL - Mass & Reception with Bishop Jugis 7 pm RCIA - Hispanic (Room 203) (Parish Hall, Kitchen) 7:30 pm Men's Bible Study (Room 200,201) 5 pm FF-MS EDGE/FR Classes (SMS) 7:30 pm Psalm 150 Practice (Church) 6:45 pm FF- (Church) Thursday, December 18 Monday, December 15 4:30 pm Children's Choir (Church) 7:30 am Rosary Friends Breakfast (Kitchen, 6 pm Hispanic Ministry Meeting (Parish Hall, Room 202) Kitchen) 8 am SLAM (Parish Hall) 7 pm Be a Man - Men's Fellowship (Room 204) 9 am Preschool (Preschool Rooms, Room 203) 7 pm Choir Practice (Church) 9:30 am Catholic Charities Meeting (Room 200) 7 pm Finance Council (Room 202) 12:30 pm Elder Ministry - SilverSneakers Fitness Program (Parish Hall) Friday, December 19 3 pm SMS Cheer (Parish Hall) 7 am Cursillo (Room 200) 4:30 pm FF-Classes (SMS) 8 am SLAM (Parish Hall) 7 pm Boy Scout Troop 97 Meeting (Parish Hall) 12:30 pm Elder Ministry - SilverSneakers Fitness 7 pm FFHSM-GOING DEEPER (Room 215) Program (Parish Hall) 7 pm K of C 4th Degree (Room 204) 6 pm Cub Scout Pack 97 Den Meeting 7 pm Liturgy Commission (Room 203) (Room 200-204) 7 pm Pastoral Council Meeting (Room 200) 7 pm Cub Scout Pack 97 Meeting / 8 pm Regnum Christi - Men's Team Meeting Christmas Party (Parish Hall) (Room 202) 7:15 pm Hispanic Prayer Group (Church) Tuesday, December 16 9 am Preschool (Preschool Rooms, Room 203) 9 am Preschool (Room 200,201) 10 am Preschool - Nativity Dress Rehearsal (Parish Hall) 4:30 pm FF-Classes (SMS) 5 pm Room In The Inn (Parish Hall, Kitchen) 7 pm RCIA (SMS Library) 7 pm Rosary (All are Welcome) (Church) 7 pm Third Order Carmelites (Room 200,201) 7:30 pm Hispanic Choir Practice (Church) Wednesday, December 17 12 am Room In The Inn (Parish Hall, Kitchen) 7 am Cursillo (Room 200) 8 am SLAM (Parish Hall) 9 am Preschool (Preschool Rooms) 10 am Divine Mercy Cenacle (Room 204) 10 am Elder Ministry - Living Healthy (Room 200,201) 11 am Preschool - Live Nativity & Christmas Recp. (Parish Hall, Kitchen) 12:30 pm Elder Ministry - SilverSneakers Fitness Program (Parish Hall) 3 pm Children's Choir (Church) 6:30 pm FF-MS Service Sunshine House (offsite Sunshine House) 704-948-0231 Saturday, December 20 7:30 am Men's Fellowship (Room 200) 9 am FSJ (Room 200,201) 10 am Tai Chi (Parish Hall) Sunday, December 21 2:30 pm Baptisms (Church) 3:15 pm Baptisms (Church) 6 pm FF- HSM (Parish Hall, Kitchen) Readings for the Week Monday: Nm 24:2-7, 15-17a; Ps 25:4-5ab, 6, 7bc-9; Mt 21:23-27 Tuesday: Zep 3:1-2, 9-13; Ps 34:2-3, 6-7, 17-18, 19, 23; Mt 21:28-32 Wednesday:Gn 49:2, 8-10; Ps 72:1-4ab, 7-8, 17; Mt 1:1-17 Thursday: Jer 23:5-8; Ps 72:1-2, 12-13, 18-19; Mt 1:18-25 Friday: Jgs 13:2-7, 24-25a; Ps 71:3-4a, 5-6ab, 16-17; Lk 1:5-25 Saturday: Is 7:10-14; Ps 24:1-4ab, 5-6; Lk 1:26-38 Sunday: 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29; Rom 16:25-27; Lk 1:26-38 Page 5 Parish Life A New Bazaar Record! A big thank you goes out to all the volunteers, donors, sponsors and shoppers who helped make this year’s Christmas Bazaar a success. The combination of everyone’s time, talent and treasures helped raise over $17,400 for the playground renovations. Booths and events, run by parish volunteers, generated $12,000. While more than 100 volunteers deserve our thanks, special recognition goes out to our chairmen and exceptional volunteers: Kristen Ades, Caley Adkins, Dawn Bosse, Mr. & Mrs. Brooks, Mr. & Mrs. Bruce, Lori Camp, Susan Evilsizer, Mr. & Mrs. Fay, Michelle Gervasinis, the Hester Family, Brian Kaup, Janet Kiernan, Mr. & Mrs. Laube, Katie McVeety, John Moore & team, Mr. & Mrs. Mullen, Jane Petriella & St. Mark Preschool, Mr. & Mrs. Retort, the Roy Family, Alex Sabo, Diego & Matt Santos, Larry Storace and SMCS Kindergartners and 8th Graders and the Weyrens Family. A complete list of our sponsors and vendors is available on our website – Please be sure to tell our sponsors you appreciate their support the next time you visit their business. Information: Contact: Stewardship Develop your talents to the fullest so you can use them to benefit your church and community. Your abilities will grow with use; unused, they may wither away. Interested in becoming involved in one of the many ministries supported at St. Mark? Contact: Beth Zuhosky, Ministries Coordinator; 704-948-0231 ext. 136 or Page 6 Women Newcomers – Come Join Us When: Jan. 14 through March 25 (each Wed.); 10-11:30 am Where: Family Center, Room 200 New to our parish or still feel new? Mark your calendar for our next session of “After the Boxes.” It is a great way to meet fellow parishioners and make new friends. The class is based on Susan Miller’s book After the Boxes Are Unpacked, dealing with the spiritual, emotional and practical needs when making a move. Register/Contact: Cathy, 704-895-9879 or Rachel, 704-237-4574 Congratulations! Antolini Family The Antolini family won a reserved parking space and pew at the Christmas Eve 4 pm Mass. They won this special prize at this year’s Christmas Bazaar Raffle. There will be a parking space and a pew roped off for them. We realize this is a crowded Mass but please respect the signage and leave their reserved spot for them to enjoy. Jeannette Gedney & Family For the next year, Jeannette Gedney and family will have a reserved parking space at the Sunday, 5 pm Mass. She was the highest bidder for the Silent Auction at this year’s Christmas Bazaar Raffle. Please respect the signage and leave their reserved spot for them! St. Mark Playgroup Moms, Dads, infants, toddlers and preschoolers come together weekly to play, explore and socialize. New families are always welcome! Here are the upcoming events: Tuesday, Dec. 16 at 10 am: Barnes & Noble Children’s Area Tuesday, Dec. 23: No Playgroup Tuesday, Dec. 30 at 10 am: Sports Connection – Bounce Houses Tuesday, Jan. 6 at 10 am: Jill’s house – see calendar for address All event details and addresses can be found at: Flower Arrangement Donations You have the opportunity weekly to donate any of the flower arrangements on the altar (one on each side of the tabernacle or the large centerpiece in front of the altar) to memorialize a loved one, celebrate an occasion, honor an individual/organization, etc. Contact: Parish Office for more information, 704-948-0231 704-948-0231 High School Ministry Community Outreach New Year’s Lock-in Room In The Inn Ministry Sign up now for the New Year's Lock-in. Permission forms can be accessed at: When: Tuesdays Contact: Brian Kaup, 704-948-1306 ext. 105, Summer Retreat Dates are Set Mark your calendars for June 17-20, 2015. Sign-ups will start soon for the summer retreat. Only 60 slots are available so first come, first served. Contact: Brian Kaup, 704-948-1306 ext. 105, We are excited to announce the beginning of our second year of the Room In The Inn (RITI) ministry. RITI is a program coordinated by Urban Ministries to have congregations of every faith open their facilities to welcome homeless people as guests from December through March. Our goal is to offer a safe place to sleep, serve breakfast and dinner and provide a lunch to go. Bottom line, parishioners of St Mark will have the opportunity to act as the “hands of Christ” and put the tenants of our faith into practice. The night has been changed to Tuesdays. Go to the St. Mark website ( under the RITI logo to see a description of the volunteer positions and a place for volunteer sign up. We are also looking for financial donations to defer the cost of supplies needed for the ministry. Last year you were very generous with donations as well as volunteer time. We thank you all and are looking forward to another successful season. “While they were there, the time came for her to have her child, and she gave birth to her firstborn son. She wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.” Luke 2:6-7 Christmas Mass Schedule December 24 — Christmas Eve 9:00 am* — Church 4:00 pm Family Mass — Church 4:30 pm Family Mass — Bradley Middle School 7:00 pm — Church 11:00 pm Lessons & Carols — Church 12:00 Midnight Mass — Church December 25 — Christmas 7:30, 9:00 & 11:00 am (Spanish Mass @ 11:00 am) — Church December 31 — Feast of Mary, Mother of God — Vigil 9:00 am* — Church 5:00 pm — Church 7:00 pm — Church (Spanish) January 1 — Feast of Mary, The Mother of God 9:00 & 11:00 am — Church * Not a Vigil Mass 704-948-0231 Page 7 Respect Life Advent Prayer for Life God of Life, we rejoice in the promise of your coming. You have sent your Son, born in Bethlehem. He is the Prince of Peace and the one in whose name all oppression shall cease. May we welcome His coming each day and prepare for His coming at the end of time. May we build a culture that welcomes Him by welcoming every child, born and unborn. We pray through the same Christ our Lord. Amen Did You Know? Over 8,000 unborn babies died by abortion in Mecklenburg County in 2014. “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to Me.” Matthew 25:40 9th Annual Charlotte March for Life When: Jan. 9, 2015 Where: Uptown Charlotte The day will begin with a Mass for the Unborn at 9 am at St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church at 6828 Old Reid Rd. Charlotte, NC 28210. Fr. Denis G. Wilde of Priests for Life will be the guest homilist. At 11 am we will start to gather at the Catholic Diocese at 1123 S. Church St. Charlotte, NC. There may be some parking available in the church lot, but please expect to find parking on your own uptown if necessary. At 12:00 pm, we will march to Trade and Tryon where Fr. Denis G. Wilde will preach. Then, we’ll march to the court house at 401 W. Trade St. and pray a Rosary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Please join others to march and pray for an end to abortion and save babies lives. Information: March for Life D.C. - 2015 When: Jan. 21-22, 2015 Where: Washington, D.C. Join your fellow parishioners as an Ambassador for Life as we journey to our nation’s capital to speak up for the protection of the unborn child. Itinerary includes travel to Washington, D.C., in a deluxe tour bus. We will pray a daily Rosary, enjoy family friendly movies in travel, tour the Franciscan Monastery of the Holy Land in America, attend Mass at the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception and participate in the March for Life. Wednesday night dinner, sleeping accommodations (sleeping bags on the floor) and Thursday’s breakfast will be provided by the Knights of Columbus in the Arlington Diocese. Cost is $15 per person or a maximum of $50 for families of four or more. Priority seating for Saint Mark parishioners ends December 31st – registration is then open to all. Information and Registration: Gini Bond at 704-562-9573 or Bereavement Support NEW CDs are in stock featuring MANY NEW ADVENT and CHRISTMAS titles including: • • • • • • A Journey through Advent (B) by Fr. Robert Barron God Made Man by Fr. Shannon Collins Glory to the New Born King, Christmas Music by Lindsey Todd Signs of Life - Catholic Customs and their Biblical Roots by Dr. Scott Hahn True Meaning of Christmas by Arch. Fulton SheenThe The Mystery of Christmas by Fr. Larry Richards CDs are just $3 each and are now located in two holders in the Narthex (one by the door and the other in the alcove), as well as in the kiosk in the Family Center lobby and across from the Parish Office. You can also order online through the link on the St. Mark website ( Page 8 Have you recently lost someone you love? Are you having a difficult time dealing with your loss? St. Mark Church Bereavement Ministry now offers faith based support to assist you in this time of sadness. We invite you to join us in our peer support groups and let us offer our assistance at this difficult time. The group will meet eight consecutive weeks beginning January 22, 2015. To register or for additional information call Nancy McGahey at 704-608-7067. 704-948-0231 Young at Heart Ministry Lunch Bunch Prayer Shawl Ministry When: Jan. 9, at noon (2 Friday each month) When: Jan. 13 and 27; 10 am (2nd and 4th Tuesday) Where: Parish Hall Join fellow parishioners for lunch and Members pray together as they fellowship. Whether you want to crochet and knit prayer shawls for meet new friends or just relax with current friends, come and enjoy this people suffering through a time of opportunity to visit with your fellow transition, crisis or need. Contact us to join this group or receive a shawl, parishioners. Please let us know if infant cap or blanket. The Jan. 13 you’d like to attend so appropriate restaurant reservations can be made. meeting will be followed by lunch at Lillington’s restaurant, Rosedale Reservations – Contact: Jennie Commons. Donohue, 704-274-5135 or Eunice Contact: Carole Lavinio, Bajart, 704-960-8410 704-992-5659 nd Tripoley Group Ministry When: Jan. 19, 1 pm Where: Family Center, Room 200 These fine ladies play a lively game of Tripoley (a fun and easy to learn card game). Contact: Alia 704-394-6144 Dinner Club When: Jan. 6, 6:30 pm (first Tuesday of each month) Where: Alton’s Kitchen & Cocktails, 19918 N. Cove Rd., Cornelius This is a wonderful way to meet fellow parishioners while enjoying dinner out. RSVP by 5 p.m. on Mon., Jan. 5: Maryann, 704-947-0597 or Lorraine, 631-796-3429 Christmas Flowers Christmas is rapidly approaching and if you have not yet made your contribution for flowers in memory or in honor of a loved one, please use the envelope included in the packet of envelopes received at your home. There will also be envelopes available at the Church. Please print the name(s) clearly on the envelope. Thank you for your generosity! The Shufflers (Card Games) When: Dec. 23; 12:30-2:30 pm (2nd and 4th Tuesday) Where: Family Center, Room 200 Exercise your brain and have some fun. We supply the games or bring your own. in the St. Mark School cafeteria. Tai Chi (24 Movement Form) When: Tuesdays, 10 am Where: Parish Hall This class is offered to those students who attend the Saturday class and want additional practice with the 24 Movement Form. Classes are led by Mary Alice. SilverSneakers/FLEX Fitness Program When: Mon./Wed./Fri.; 12:30 pm Where: Parish Hall Fun, light exercise to music. A chair is available if needed for seated or standing support. Information: Contact: Teresa, 704-904-3086 To learn more about the Young at Contact: Lois Chlebicki, 704-948-9919 Heart Ministries, please visit our bulletin board in the hallway of the Monsignor Kerin Family Center. We Tai Chi are also looking to develop even When: Saturdays, 10-11 am more ministries of service which Where: Parish Hall include and utilize the extensive Recommended by the Arthritis knowledge and experience of the Foundation, Tai Chi exercises help to Wise Elders in our parish. You may improve high blood pressure, contact: Jim Soder, 704-948-0231 ), balance, muscle tone, circulation,, or come by flexibility and longevity. Classes are Room 214 of the Family Center. led by Ryan Revak. Please note: The Saturday class may meet occasionally Parent’s Prayer for Their Children O Heavenly Father I commend my children unto Thee. Be Thou their God and Father; And mercifully supply whatever is wanting in me Through frailty or negligence. Strengthen them to overcome the corruptions of the world, To resist all solicitations to evil, Whether from within or without; And deliver them from the secret snares of the enemy. Pour Thy grace into their hearts, 704-948-0231 And confirm and multiply in them the gifts of Thy Holy Spirit, That they may daily grow in grace And in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ; And so, faithfully serving Thee here, May come to rejoice in Thy presence hereafter. Amen Page 9 Faith Formation No Faith Formation Classes We will not have Faith Formation classes the weeks of Dec. 21 and 28. All classes and programs will resume Sunday, Jan. 4. Thank you! Faith Formation Teacher Needed We are in need of a Faith Formation co-catechist for third grade on Tuesday nights from 6:15 to 7:30 pm. All materials and curriculum are supplied. Free child care is offered for preschool-aged children. Please prayerfully consider volunteering in this very rewarding ministry. Contact: Faye Nye at 704-948-1306 or for further information. 33 Days to Morning Glory Available in Bookstore Through a special purpose (and only for a short time), we have 33 Days to Morning Glory, A Do-It-Yourself Retreat in Preparation for Marian Consecration written by Michael E. Gaitley, MIC, and its retreat companion available at the Catholic Bookstore. Pictures from The 3 1/2 Stories of Christmas Laughs were aplenty as Frank Runyeon, film and TV star, dazzled the crowd with his one man show, The 3 1/2 Stories of Christmas. Special thanks to all of our adhoc actors and tech crew, and special thanks to Laura Maclean who certainly went beyond her regular duties. 704-948-0231 Page 10 Consider Gifting a Book This Christmas Give a book, the gift that keeps on giving! For a short time, there are some great titles of books available to purchase (for a small donation of $3.00) at the education table – located directly across from the Parish Office in the Family Center. Rediscover Catholicism and The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic by Matthew Kelly Page 11 Candles in the Dark by Fr. Richard Ho Lung My Sisters… The Saints by Colleen Carroll Campbell 704-948-0231 Anuncios semanales del Ministerio Hispano Adviento Información en Español El Adviento es tiempo de espera y de preparación para la llegada de nuestro Salvador. Es importante que preparemos nuestros corazones para recibirlo. Aquí tenemos algunas ideas que nos pueden ayudar: Ayudaré en casa en aquello que más me cueste trabajo. Rezaré en familia por la paz del mundo. Ofreceré mi día por los niños que no tienen papás ni una casa donde vivir. Cumpliré con todas mi tareas/obligaciones sin quejarme. Ayudaré a mis hermanos en algo que necesiten. Ofreceré un sacrificio por los sacerdotes. Rezaré por el Papa. Daré gracias a Dios por todo lo que me ha dado. Llevaré a cabo un sacrificio. Leeré algún pasaje del Evangelio. Ofreceré una comunión espiritual a Jesús por los que no lo aman. Seré generoso y daré a alquien que esté necesitado. No comeré entre comidas. En lugar de ver la televisión ayudaré en la casa en lo que me necesiten. Imitaré a Jesús en su perdón cuando alguien me moleste. Pediré por los que tienen hambre y no comeré algo que realmente me guste. Rezaré un Ave María para demostrarle a la Virgen cuanto la amo. Hoy no pelearé ni discutiré con nadie. Saludaré con cariño a toda persona que me encuentre. Hoy pediré a la Santísima Virgen por mi país. Leeré el nacimiento de Jesús en el Evangelio de S. Lucas 2, 1-20. Las Misas de Navidad Andrea Solórzano (704-948-4239) Rosalba Rojas (704-895-8866) Horario De Misas Misa Diaria: Lunes, Martes, Jueves y Viernes: 7am y 9 am Miércoles: 7 am y 6:30 pm Sábados: 9 am Sábado: 5 pm Domingo: 7:30, 9, 11 am 1 pm Español 5 pm Misa de jóvenes Sacramentos Bautizos: Clases todos los segundos sábados de cada mes de 10 am a 12 pm Celebración del Bautismo todos los segundos domingos de cada mes a las 3 pm Por favor contacte a Caridad Masson al 704-948-2839 para registrarse en las clases. Matrimonios: Clases PreMatrimoniales, favor avisar con seis meses de anticipación. Virgen Peregrina el 25 de diciembre a las 11am y el 31 de diciembre a las 7pm Nuestra Santísima Madre María, la Virgen de Guadalupe, está visitando nuestra comunidad dejando un regalo de amor, paz, fe y esperanza. Si deseas abrir las puertas de tu hogar a nuestra Madre María, puedes inscribirte llamando a Yolanda Gutierrez al teléfono 980-255-6233. Grupo de Oración Carismático Exposición perpetua del Santísimo Sacramento Le invitamos a las Misas de Navidad en español en nuestra parroquia: Todos los viernes de 7-9 pm Iglesia San Marcos Todas las semanas tenemos oraciones especiales por nuestra salud y por el bienestar de nuestras familias. Ven a alabar y glorificar el nombre de JESUS. Para mayor información por favor llame a Edwin Luna al 704-363-7817. Page 12 Nuestro Señor Jesucristo está expuesto en la Capilla 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana. Ven a visitarlo y a pasar un momento en la presencia de Jesús Sacramentado. El Señor ha reservado gracias especiales para los que le visitan. En el altar el Señor es puro amor, y distribuye sus gracias a manos llenas a los que le visitan. Compare Foods Los supermercados Compare Food Store del área de Charlotte donarán 3% del total de sus compras a nuestra parroquia. Hay una caja identificada con el logo de Compare Food Stores en el pasillo de la iglesia cerca de la oficina durante la semana y esa misma caja estará en la entrada de la iglesia los domingos para que usted pueda colocar allí sus recibos. Por favor ayude a nuestra iglesia trayendo sus recibos de Compare Food Store. Frases del Papa Francisco “El consumismo nos impulsa a desechar. Pero la comida que se tira a la basura es el alimento que se le roba al pobre, al que pasa hambre.” 704-948-0231 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........ 24/7 HELP ........ $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months Following Jesus Every Day: GOSPEL MEDITATIONS FOR DAILY LIVING Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and a related verse from the Old Testament. Ideal for Lent and Eastertime, or for any time of year! 800-566-6150 • Send the Best Christmas Gift. 2910 Mt. Holly-Huntersville Rd. 704.392.6750 Parishioners Grow Your Business, Advertise Here. Support Your Church & Bulletin. Free professional ad design & my help! email: Call Steve Lardieri 800.432.3240 FAMILY & COSMETIC DENTISTRY smile on your way in, too… Catherine G. Reimels, DDS St. Mark Parishioners Se Habla Español 13605 Reese Blvd. West • Huntersville, NC 28078 Phone: 704-948-1111 Michael Reimels, DDS STACY S. SCHMITT, DDS 10616 METROMONT PKWY. SUITE 200 2 LOCATIONS TO BETTER SERVE THE LAKE NORMAN AREA! 11907 Sam Roper Drive, Charlotte, NC 28269 961424 St Mark Church (D) 15815 Brookway Drive Huntersville, NC 28078 311 Williamson Road Mooresville, NC 28117 704-655-1466 704-746-9889 Parishioners CHARLOTTE, NC 28269 PHONE 704.597.2570 SE HABLA ESPAÑOL ST. MARK PARISHIONER For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 Cortes Home Services Juan Cortes - Parishioner 704-937-5033 One Call Gets It All Electrical • Cleaning Gutter • Pressure Washer Landscaping • Trimming • Pine Needle • Mulch • And More! Wendy Locacius Master Stylist / Color Specialist Keratin Treatment & Express Blowout 22 Years of Experience St. Mark’s Parishioner 560 Davidson Gateway, Suite 100 Davidson, NC 28036 • 704.895.8008 SERVING THE LAKE NORMAN AREA SINCE 1984 WISDOM TEETH | IV SEDATION DENTAL IMPLANTS | JAW SURGERY Patrick J. Coleman, DMD Michael J. Coleman, DDS Parishioner CAROLINAOMS.COM 704-892-1198 • Interior & Exterior • Residential & Commercial • Fence & Deck Staining Paint Corporation Deacon Carlos Medina President • Pressure Washing • Repaints • Free Estimates • Licensed & Insured 704-400-3111 704 895-9844 Debbie Ruthenberg Robert & Eileen McCrary - Parishioners 231 Griffith St. Davidson, NC 28036 704.987.1885 VOTED “BEST BREAKFAST ON THE LAKE” 10% OFF TO ST. MARK PARISHIONERS w w w. N o r t h l a k e M e m o r i a l . c o m 11001 ALEXANDERANA ROAD • HUNTERSVILLE To better serve our community, your local family owned funeral home now owns and operates the areas only non-Church related cemetery, NorthLake Memorial Gardens. NorthLake is a 30 acre cemetery in a secluded setting that includes the only consecrated Catholic grounds in the Lake Norman area. With grave space starting at less than $1,000.00 we are also one of the areas most affordable cemeteries. The cemetery includes a columbarium and cremation gardens for families who choose cremation. As Lake Norman’s only funeral home and cemetery combination, we will be able to serve your family with the high quality service you have come to know, from the first call to caring for the grave space for years to come. Feel free to call 704.584.9004 for more information. Owner & Parishioner Lizzie McCormick, Parishioner CUTS • COLOR • HIGHLIGHTS • SKIN CARE WAXING • NAILS • SMOOTHING SYSTEM 20035 Jetton Rd. #C, Cornelius From Our Family to Yours ✂ Best Pizza in Lake Norman! OPEN 7 DAYS 704 896-2928 Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers MENTION AD FOR SPECIAL OFFER 19400 Jetton Rd., Suite 201 Cornelius Peninsula Village Shopping Center OWNED BY PARISHIONERS HORTON’S PAINTING We Color Inside the Lines RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL Licensed & Insured Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! Interior & Exterior Dry Wall Repair Pressure Washing Window Cleaning Gutter Cleaning Locally Owned & Operated FREE ESTIMATE Jason Horton Owner/Parishioner Ph. 704.777.0100 961424 St Mark Church (C) For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 WILLIAM G. DAGIT, CPA WILLIAM G. DAGIT, JR., CPA M.S. TAXATION BDAGIT_LFS@BELLSOUTH.NET Floral Arrangements - Weddings - Loose Wrap Bouquets Home Decor - In-Home Decorating 704-892-7960 “A PARISHIONER” 18127 W. CATAWBA AVENUE PHONE 20017 N. Main St. Cornelius, NC 28031 CORNELIUS, NC 28031 Parishioners Brennan Law Firm, PLLC Simple Solutions for Complex Problems • Trusts & Estates Wills, Trusts, Powers of Attorney, Martin M. Brennan, Jr., Probate, Estate Administration • Tax/Benefit Plans JD, CPA Tax Planning, IRS Representation St. Mark Parishioner Employee Benefit Plans Licensed in North Carolina & Virginia • Corporations & LLCs Business Formations Mergers & Acquisitions Business Succession Planning 704-896-6441 FAX Handmade Crafts from Bolivia Vases ✱ Jewelry ✱ Purses (704) 655-8648 Hammocks ✱ Home Décor (704) 655-8656 visit our store at CAMPBELL & KRZYNSKI, LLC Painting & Trim Work Carpentry & Restoration General Maintenance Decks & Additions Licensed & Insured — Over 25 Years Experience Dan Campbell, St. Thomas Parishioner Doug Krzynski (704) 548-1391 (704) 960-0155 *Aim High * Exceed Expectations * Mike Hege, Realtor® 13801 Reese Boulevard West, Suite 110 • Huntersville, NC 28078 MARTY.BRENNAN@MMBRENNANLAW.COM WWW.MMBRENNANLAW.COM ABR, GRI, RELO, RCC, CRS St. Mark,Parishioner Bill Fitzpatrick 704.491.9445 (c) Owner/St. Mark Parishioner & Closet Systems Plantation Shutters, Blinds & Shades Custom closet organization system A way for you to partner with service ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You providers who support your parish through Patronize One of Our Advertisers their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. Quality products and superior customer service since 2000 (704) 947-9822 Diagnostic Tires Brakes Alignment Tune-up Quick-lube Mufflers A/C Service Batteries NC Inspections Daniel Skotzko, DDS 20816 N. Main Street, Suite 202 ~ Cornelius, NC 28031 704.987.8700 f. 704.987.8777 Progressive, Family, Cosmetic, & General Dentistry Parishioner 961424 St Mark Church (B) Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! JIM NEITZKE, Parishioner 411 South Old Statesville Rd. Huntersville, NC 28078 (704) 875-1095 Saint Margaret Sunday Missal An ideal companion for personal prayer. In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 Monolithic Slabs, Driveways, Sidewalks, Patios, Colored & Stamped Concrete Cesidio Castricone 704-299-5023 Laura Castricone 800-566-6150 • 704-361-3770 Office: 704-895-8952 Fax: 704-895-8130 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240 General & Cosmetic Dentistry 9725 Caldwell Commons Circle Cornelius, North Caroline 28031 Steven M. White, DDS, PA (704) 896-9535 Parishioner Brad S. Haines, DDS, PA advanced dentistry Catholic, Private, Traditional & Adult Degrees The Only Catholic College of the Carolinas 1-888-222-0110 EL PARAISO RESTAURANT 20700 N. Main Street, Ste 124 KEN E. WOOD, MD BEN J. GARRIDO, MD PARISHIONER 170 MEDICAL PARK RD. SUITE 102, MOORESVILLE, NC 28117 TEL 704 660 4750 Cornelius, NC 28031 704.896.6064 FAX 704 660 4751 WWW.LAKENORMANORTHOPEDICSPINE.COM CATERING & PRIVATE EVENTS SE HABLA ESPAÑOL HOMEMADE SALSAS & CHIPS S&V ROOFING & CONSTRUCTION Commercial/Residential • Weather, Wind & Hail Damage Experts Free Consultation/Parishioner Discount Mike Mullis (c) 704.770.5936 (o) 704.361.6249 Insurance Approved • Licensed/Bonded & Insured The Good Samaritan Funeral Home 3362 North Highway 16 • Denver, NC 28037 Lori Camp Weekly Lawn Maintenance Fall and Spring Clean Up Weed Control Pressure Washing Pine Needle and Mulch Installation Broker/REALTOR® St. Mark Parishioner Ryan Albini 704-749-4967 704.577.9749 704 483 2124 Owned and operated by the Costigan Family (Parishioners) Cremation, Irrevocable Pre Need and Veterans Services Available Parishioner’s FIRST CUT is FREE A member of the franchise system of BHH Affiliates, LLC CAVIN-COOK FUNERAL HOME & CREMATORY — Serving you with Dignity Since 1925 — 704-664-3363 Mooresville 494 E. Plaza Dr. (Hwy. 150) “We’re The Good Guys Your Friends Told You About ” ® Mobile: 704-728-2573 Fax: 704-625-0860 Bryan Saldarini Broker/Realtor • 100% satisfaction Guaranteed • Straightforward Pricing • Technician Seal of Safety • Precise Appt Windows • Sat Appt’s Available • Drug-Free Plumbing Specialists 9815 J Sam Furr Rd., Ste 251 Huntersville, NC 28078 3014 Baucom Rd., #200 Charlotte 28269 704-596-3186 Huntersville 704-766-0049 Email: w w w. myc o m p a s s r e a l e s t a t e. c o m Dr. Brian P. McNulty Dr. Luis L. Dancausse Gentle Dentistry with a Caring Touch New Patients Welcome Alina M. Bohn - Parishioner DIAMONDS: EGL AND GIA. Certified 14kt-18kt - Platinum Quality Jewelry All Repairs Done on Site 980.292.1017 / • Accounting Solutions / Advice • Personal & Small Business Accounting • Tax Professional ¡Hablo Español! 704-892-7343 Michael Malyszko, Parishioner Master Jeweler 20035 Jetton Rd. A Cornelius, NC 28031 N 䡵 䡵 NOVANT HEALTH Northlake DERMATOLOGY Appointments available in days, not weeks! PARISHIONERS Jose Peña, M.D. • Jean Kois, M.D. • Full SPECIALIZING IN: service dermatology • Mohs surgery • Skin cancer specialists 9604 Holly Point Drive • Huntersville, NC 704-316-5070 961424 St Mark Church (A) 460 S. Main Street • Davidson, NC 28036 (704) 896-5850 • For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-432-3240
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