January 2015 Trinity Lutheran Church Pastor Mike's Message: “Resolve” Resolve…”to decide firmly on a course of action.” The time of “resolutions” is upon us. Unfortunately? For most of us? There is not a lot of “resolve” backing up what we decide to change about our lives. Upcoming Events: Sr. High Winterfest Jan 2nd New Schedule for Children’s Choir Jan 7th Clothing Give-Away Donations Begin Jan 7th Epiphany Scavenger Hunt Jan7th Spark Teams Meeting Jan 11th Mission Trip Meeting Jan 11th Chili Cook-Off Jan 24th BOLD Talent Show at Juniper Village Jan 25th Did you know it takes 66 days to make a resolution “stick”? That means it takes over two months to make a resolution a “life practice” or a “habit.” At Trinity, we need something. We need folks to give consistently—not wait until the year’s end to “catch up.” The beauty of “resolving” to do this? Most of us get paid twice a month—therefore, if we “set aside” our gifts to God’s work, we will form a life habit with far less effort than required to make that “daily” trip to the gym! Looking at our giving units (families or individuals who “give” to our ministry), if our budget was being split evenly, we would need about $25 per unit, per week, to achieve our plan. (And yes, some can’t afford this, so some of us need to give more.) Setting offering money aside in your check, along with an amount for savings, is a simple practice that will also help you to be mindful of your financial strategy. Otherwise, you give out of what is “left-over,” and that seldom will work well—for you or for the church! Clothing Give Away Sorting Jan 28th, 29th, 30th Consider, this year, about what you would like to give, and then “set it aside” when that paycheck comes in. Two months from now, it will be a habit and we will all benefit from having a healthy congregation! Clothing Give Away- What should you give? Jan 31st Inside this issue: Pastor Mike’s Message 1 BOLD Talent Show 2 Jr. High Retreat 2 BOLD Clothing Sorting Night 3 Sr. High Winterfest 4 Clothing Give Away 3 Spark Teams 5 Souperbowl Sunday 5 Epiphany Scavenger Hunt 5 Mission trip 6 Chili Cook –Off 6 Calendar 7 Unless you are living on the financial edge—and we never want anyone to put themselves in “danger” with giving—trying to pay your “fair share,” or as close to that amount as you can is important. (Most of us spend this much on coffee or other “non essentials” every week—though I find coffee pretty “essential!”) Some find that they are secure enough to “tithe”, some can’t. Some can go beyond this. For those of us who can’t, tithe, I think a good measure of “what to give” continues to be our “cell phone” plan. Many of us in family situations pay around $3,600 per year for this service. That’s about $70 per week. (If all giving units at Trinity gave in that fashion, we’d be bringing in twice our budget and more!) The point is, start to think about it, and RESOLVE to give consistently. We are a strong ministry. With God’s grace, and a bit of determination, we will only get stronger! Pastor Mike Trinity’s Annual Clothing Give-Away Is Coming! Collections begin January 7th! Look for the POD to arrive! (See inside article for more information) Growing and Giving! We only grow stronger! Page 2 Trinity Lutheran Church January Talent Show at Juniper Village It’s time for Trinity talent to shine! Youth of all ages are invited to share their gifts with our friends at Juniper Village at our annual Talent Show. The event will take place on Sunday, January 25 at 2:00 pm. Sign up at the youth bulletin board and begin working on your acts! Show us your talents! A Heartfelt Thank You for Your Support of the Food Bank One of the beautiful hand made gifts from A Bead and A Prayer "A Bead and a Prayer" small group wishes to thank everyone who purchased their beaded creations during this Advent season. Through your support, the group raised almost $700.00 for the Mount Joy Food Bank! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Anyone interested in visiting or joining this small group is welcome anytime! We meet the second and fourth Mondays of the month at 6:30 p.m. Priscilla Shirer Bible Study Coming in January The Thursday morning women’s bible study group is excited to announce their latest bible study! New Bible Study beginning in January! Historically this group studied various Beth Moore series. Beginning on January 8th, they will be studying Priscilla Shirer’s “He Speaks to Me: Preparing to Hear from God”. This 7-week session focuses on the story of Samuel and is designed to encourage participants to develop a richer prayer life and a more intimate relationship with God. This bible study meets Thursday mornings, January 8th through February 19th, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon. If you are interested in participating in this bible study, please sign up in the back of the sanctuary. For more information, contact Linda Spiridigliozzi at 653-5590 or Beth Schairer at (248) 953-5778. Jr. High Retreat at Camp Mount Luther – March 6, 7, 8 Retreat theme is “challenges.” Discover ways to navigate them! It’s a weekend of fun in God’s beautiful world! All sixth, seventh, and eighth grade youth are invited to join us for this retreat at Camp Mount Luther. We’ll depart Friday, March 6th at 4:30 pm from Trinity - bring along a packed dinner to eat on the way. Our planned return time is Sunday, March 8th around 12:30 pm. Our theme this year is “challenges.” Life sure is full of them, isn’t it! We’ll discover ways to navigate these tough times in our lives by using the example of Jesus and how he faced the tough times in his life. Registration forms and the $60 fee is due to Michelle by Sunday, February 22. Each youth should also bring along a snack to share and $15 for breakfast on the way home. Page 3 January 2015 Clothing Sorting Night at BOLD – January 28th Join us at BOLD on Wednesday, January 28th (normal meeting times) as we work together to sort clothing for our annual give-away. All age groups will have the chance to be hands-on as we open the bags of donated clothes, sort into piles, and carry to folding stations. It’s always a fun night! Adults are needed to help as well – join us, and bring a friend with you! Wednesday Night Schedule : This is always a fun night! 5:45pm - 7:15pm • Sr. High Supper Club Trinity Place Free Clothing Give-Away and Community Meal The excitement is building as we get closer to our annual event of serving the community. Last year’s event was the largest attended to date and after hearing all of the grateful comments and seeing “standing room only” mouths being fed, we certainly could not say “no” to opening the doors at Trinity. Donations of “new” and “gently used clothing” will be accepted beginning Wednesday, January 7th through Wednesday, January 28th. It will be extremely helpful with set-up if all donation bags are marked with gender and size. The storage POD will be open Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings. If dropping off during the week, check in the church office for the key. REMEMBER: DO NOT place items in the Salvation Army Collection Bin if intended for Trinity’s event. We do not have access to the contents of this container. The most important dates will be Wednesday, January 28th as we begin our three-day “sorting party” and then the day of the event, Saturday, January 31st! A sign-up list is located on the Outreach Bulletin Board to volunteer. Even if you can only share a minimum of your time, everyone’s help is important and greatly appreciated! collecting: Toilet Paper (4packs), Deodorant, Toothbrush/ Toothpaste, Liquid Body Soap, Shampoo and Body Lotion. A list of these items, or shopping tag can be found at the Outreach Board. These donations should be received by Wednesday, January 21st. Please plan on a day of fellowship with your Trinity family and a day of reaching out to the community and making important connections. This cannot be a success without your help! Our customary adult gift bags will be given away again this year. They will contain personal care items in which donations are needed. We are Children’s Choir and Preschool BOLD Will Begin at 6:15 in January Beginning on January 7th and continuing through the remainder of the year, preschool BOLD and Children’s Choir will begin at 6:15 pm each Wednesday. We’re hoping an extra 15 minutes will help with dinner preparations and give families more time to get everyone to where they need to be. Our new schedule will be: 5:45: Sr. High Supper Club 6:15: Children's Choir and Preschool BOLD 6:45: K-1, 2/3 Tweens and Jr. High BOLD 7:45: End of night Mark your calendars with the new Preschool BOLD and children’s choir 6:15 pm - 6:45 pm • Children’s Choir Grades K-5,Choir Rm 6:15 pm - 7:45pm • Preschool BOLD 1st Floor Education Wing 6:45 pm - 7:45 pm • Preschool BOLD continues • K-Jr High Group begin: • K-1 –Rm 102 • Grades 2-3-Comfy Couch room • Tweens (Grades 4-5) Old Fellowship Hall • Jr. High (Grades 6-8) Fellowship Hall Page 4 Trinity Lutheran Church Winterfest for Sr. High Youth - January 2-4, 2015 Be a part of this annual senior high & young adult event. Winterfest for Sr. High Youth is just days away! This favorite event is scheduled for January 2-4, 2015 and will be held at the Lancaster Host Resort. We will meet at the church parking lot at 4:30 pm and carpool to Lancaster. We’ll stop for dinner on the way, and again for lunch on the way home. Our estimated return time on Sunday is 2:30 pm. From the synod’s website: Winterfest is our annual synod senior-high and young adult event, for youth in grades 9-12, and young adults up to age 24. Typically held the first weekend of the new year, the event includes large group gatherings with live music, speakers and video, all focused on a central theme. Participants also gather with youth their own age for caring conversation and activities in small groups with leaders trained to help them discuss the event theme and its impact on their daily lives of faith formation. The weekend includes lots of time for fun and socializing, hanging with old friends and meeting new ones, as well as time for worship and prayer. Each year youth can look forward to traditional small group conversations with peers, but also the interactive learning modules recently added to the afternoon line-up at Winterfest. Youth can also look forward to many of the fun and fellowship activities that make Winterfest memorable, like inflatable games, Ultimate Frisbee, volleyball and basketball in the Host’s spacious Expo Center, a Saturday evening dance, live music and karaoke, snacks and more. Outreach Committee Collecting Personal Care Items The Outreach Committee has begun collecting personal care items to be given away as part of our Clothing Giveaway. Look for the collection bins! Suggested donations include: Toilet Paper (4packs), Deodorant, Toothbrush/ Toothpaste, Liquid Body Soap, Shampoo and Body Lotion. Please help provide community members with these daily necessities. A list of these items, or shopping tag can be found at the Outreach Board. These donations should be received by Wednesday, January 21st. Power Packs Project - Donegal Affiliate Update: Volunteers and a coordinator are needed to help here at Trinity. The Donegal Foundation has informed us we are very close to our goal of $4000 needed to start our program! Thank you to Trinity for the huge kickstarts with last year’s VBS offering. There have been additional monetary donations from community residents, the South Lancaster Chapter of Thrivent, the Donegal Primary PTO, and Florin COB donated their proceeds from selling whoopie pies at Winterfest. Our pilot program will begin in Donegal Primary School with registration forms going home with all students. We are hoping to begin distribution the end of February/beginning of March. Trinity will be a distribution site where families are able to pick-up their food bag on Thursdays after school or early evening. We are looking for a coordinator and a rotation of volunteers to help with this at Trinity. Additional sites are Marietta Community Chapel, St John’s Lutheran in Maytown and TNT Youth Center in Marietta. Volunteer applications can be found at our Outreach Board. If you would like to help with any part of this program, the community contact is Elayne Olson (c)669-3897 or elayne@trinitymountjoy.org. For any general information “like” the Donegal Affiliate on Facebook. Page 5 January 2015 Special Youth “Spark Teams” Forming This Month Looking for youth age 12 and up who are ready to take action and bring God’s love to the world! ings are scheduled as follow: January 11, February 8, March 22, and April 12. Discover your passion, define a purpose, and understand that you have permission to act. We have put together four classes to help guide you through this process. Each class will meet in room 209 after the last service. Lunch will be provided. Meet- Sign up at the youth bulletin board! Are you ready to take action? Youth Sunday and the Souperbowl – February 1st Join us at all three services on February 1st as our youth take part in worship and collect nonperishable food items and offerings for the Mount Joy Food Bank. Wear your team’s football jersey and be sure to cast a vote by placing your donations in the soup pots at the back of the sanctuary. Michelle will visit ROC classrooms on Sunday, January 18th so students can sign up for their part in worship. If you miss that Sunday, the signup sheets will be displayed on the youth bulletin board. so we’ll be sure to have your stations covered if you are volunteering for this event. A youth Sunday run-through will be held on Saturday, January 31st at 10:00 am in the sanctuary. This is also the clothing give-away day, Wear your favorite team jersey! Epiphany Scavenger Hunt for All Ages! On Epiphany, we celebrate the wise men visiting and gifting Jesus. In honor of this occasion, Trinity youth “pay it forward” and present gifts to random people all around Mount Joy! On Wednesday, January 7th, Jr. High Youth should all bring along a wrapped gift for someone of any age and stage of life. Youth in grades K-5 will have gift cards provided to them by a generous donation from the CVS in Mount Joy and a Thrivent Financial grant. Our younger groups will design gift cards and mail their presents to randomly-chosen people from our community. Our Jr. High will design special “Pay It Forward” gift tags, and then divide up and travel by car to restaurants, stores, and other locations around Mount Joy. Our goal will be to make someone’s day and give them a gift so that they will feel God’s love for them, and then pass it on! Drivers will be needed for our older groups; please see Michelle Shirk if you’d like to help. Permission forms are available online and at the youth bulletin board. Pay it forward! Page 6 Trinity Lutheran Church Mission Trip Scheduled for 2015 Mission Trip meeting January 11th. Interested in a Habitat for Humanity Mission Trip? Then mark you calendar for October 4th - 10th in 2015! Trinity will embark on a Mission Trip to Sea Island, SC serving in the area from James Island to Edisto Island. An informational/planning meeting is scheduled for Sunday, January 11th in the Fellowship Hall at 9:45AM and again at 11:00AM. Note: No construction skills of any kind are needed. You must be at least 16 years of age to attend. In addition, Pastor Glenn Beard, Director of Church Relations and Pastoral Care at Luthercare, is organizing a disaster response trip to New Jersey for on-going relief and recovery work from Superstorm Sandy on April 19 - 25, 2015. A planning meeting will be held at 2:00PM on Sunday, January 25, 2015, at Trinity Lutheran Church, 221 E. Main Street, New Holland, for those interested in taking part in this trip. The deadline to sign up for the trip is Sunday, March 1, 2015. The cost will be $220.00/per person. Fundraisers are ongoing to help defray the cost of the trip. If you are unable to attend the meeting on the 25th, but would like to take part in this trip, contact Trinity’s coordinator, Elayne Olson. You may also contact Pastor Beard directly at (717) 626-1171 or email: GBeard@luthercare.org. Mom's Group Packed 100 Boxes for Operation Christmas Child! Another successful Operation Christmas Child ! The Mom’s group would like to thank everyone who donated items and/or made monetary donations to our small group project, Operation Christmas Child. Because of the help from our congregation, we were able to pack one hundred boxes again this year. somewhere in the world will have something to open at Christmas. Thank you to everyone who came to the pizza packing party to help pack boxes. Thank you to the third and fourth grade ROC class who put their offering money towards this year’s project. Thank you for the school supplies, toys, socks, soap and washcloths, shipping money, etc. The Trinity children who help pack the shoeboxes every year look forward to this project knowing that a little girl or boy And finally, thank you to Lori Miller for all of her hard work and dedication to this awesome project. While this may be the mom’s group project, it is successful because of the help from everyone at Trinity! The Mom’s group will continue to meet the first and third Friday morning of every month. Childcare is available. We are always looking for new mom’s to join our group, even if you cannot make it to every meeting. For more information, please contact Jessica Good at singlejess1@comcast.net or 341-2571. If you are a working mother and cannot join us, but would like us to pray for you and your family, please send your prayer requests to Jessica. Trinity’s Annual Chili Cook-Off Is Coming January 24th ! Get those great chili recipes' out ! Time to break out the stock pots, ladles and seasonings! Trinity’s Fellowship Committee is hosting its Annual Chili Cook Off on Saturday, January 24th at 5:00PM. young and old, professionals and amateurs, to showcase their favorite chili and dessert recipes. Prizes are awarded for favorite chili, best dessert by an adult and best dessert by a child. This time of fellowship and friendly competition allows Hotdogs, baked potatoes, toppings, and beverages are being provided by the Fellowship committee. Mark your calendar and join us for this fun evening! Page 7 January 2015 January 2015 Worship: Traditional 9:45 am Contemporary Worship: 8:30/11:00 am Sun Mon Tue Wed BOLD Schedule Thu 1 5:45—7:15pm-Sr. High Supper Club 6:15-6:45pm-Children’s Choir & Preschool BOLD Fri Sat 2 3 Sr. High Winterfest Kirchenwald Winter Retreat Sr. High Winterfest Kirchenwald Winter Retreat 10 6:45-7:45PM -K-1,2,3-Tweens, Jr. High 4 5 6 7 8 9 Sr. High Winterfest Kirchenwald Winter Retreat 9:45am-STS class 9:45am-Coffee Talk 9:45am-ROC 12:00pm-Youth Choir 8am-Yoga 6pm-Weight Watchers 6pm-Comfort Stitchers 11:15am-Seasoned Men’s Group 10am-Pastor Foltz Bible Study 5:45pm-BOLD 6:15pm-Childrens Choir & Pre-school BOLD` 9am-Quilting 10am-Wm Bible Stdy 12pm-Hungry Wm 7:30pm-Chancel Choir 6:30pm-Scouts 6&7:15pm-Yoga 9am-Trinity Mom’s Group 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 9am-Quilting 10am-Wm Bible Stdy 12pm-Hungry Wm 7:30pm-Chancel Choir 6:30pm-Scouts 6&7:15pm-Yoga 9:45am-Mission trip meeting 9:45am-STS class 9:45am-Coffee Talk 9:45am-ROC 11:00am-Mission trip meeting 12pm-Sparks meetingRm 209 8am-Yoga 6pm-Weight Watchers 6:30pm-A Bead & A Prayer 6:30pm-Fellowship 11:15am-Seasoned Men’s Group 6:30pm-Outreach meeting 10am-Pastor Foltz Bible Study 5:45pm-BOLD 6:15pm-Childrens Choir & Pre-school BOLD` 6:45pm-Finance meeting 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 9:45am-STS class 9:45am-Coffee Talk 9:45am-ROC 12:00pm-Youth Choir 1:00pm-Scouts 8am-Yoga 6pm-Weight Watchers 11:15am-Seasoned Men’s Group 7pm-Congregation Council 10am-Pastor Foltz Bible Study 5:45pm-BOLD 6:15pm-Childrens Choir & Pre-school BOLD` 9am-Quilting 10am-Wm Bible Stdy 12pm-Hungry Wm 7:30pm-Chancel Choir 6:30pm-Scouts 6&7:15pm-Yoga 9am-Trinity Mom’s Group 6pm-Scouts 5:00pm-Chili Cook Off 26 27 28 30 31 Clothing Give Away Sorting Clothing Give Away 9-1pm 10:00am-Youth Sunday practice 25 2:00pm-BOLD talent show at Juniper village 8am-Yoga 6pm-Weight Watchers 6:30pm-A Bead & A Prayer 11:15am-Seasoned Men’s Group Clothing Give Away Sorting 10am-Pastor Foltz Bible Study 5:45pm-BOLD 6:15pm-Childrens Choir & Pre-school BOLD` 29 Clothing Give Away Sorting 10am-Wm Bible Stdy 12pm-Hungry Wm 7:30pm-Chancel Choir 6:30pm-Scouts 6&7:15pm-Yoga Trinity Staff Senior Pastor Pastor Pastor Parish Nurse Outreach Coordinator Inside Sextons Director Youth/Family Dir. of Children’s & Youth Choirs Adult Choir Director Organist Office Manager Business Manager Michael J. Martine Richard Niewoehner Jan Mills Judi Cosgriff, RN Elayne Olson Beth and Tom Parker Michelle Shirk Jess Kling Tara Beitzel Joy Ide Kate Thome Kim Zern pastormike@trinitymountjoy.org pastordick@trinitymountjoy.org pastorjan@trinitymountjoy.org judi@trinitymountjoy.org elayne@trinitymountjoy.org beth@trinitymountjoy.org michelle@trinitymountjoy.org jess@trinitymountjoy.org tara@trinitymountjoy.org joy@trinitymountjoy.org kate@trinitymountjoy.org kim@trinitymountjoy.org Congregation Council Members Tom Schulz, Wayne Chappel, Treasurer Tara Gensemer, Tony Johndro John Frey Bruce Rockel Debbie Williams Jessica Johnston Scott Noon Geoff Ottens 368-2791 725-2646 816-8156 689-3332 669-3897 517-8145 426-3783 515-7177 464-4684 653-8589 653-8004 Committee Leaders tom.schulz@trinitymountjoy.org wayne.chappel@trinitymountjoy.org tara.gensemer@trinitymountjoy.org tony.johndro@trinitymountjoy.org john.frey@trinitymountjoy.org bruce.rockel@trinitymountjoy.org debbie.williams@trinitymountjoy.org jessica@trinitymountjoy.org scott@trinitymountjoy.org geoff@trinitymountjoy.org 426-1930 393-2322 367-9798 361-9870 426-4255 492-4858 426-2959 Christian Education Evangelism/Comm. Fellowship Finance Stewardship Outreach Property Staff Relations Worship and Music Youth Gayle Watson Scott Noon Ann Divet/Gail Fridy Wayne Chappel Kate Thome Carol Rago Tracy Olson (open) Becky Noon Scott Everhart Volunteer Coordinators Altar Duty Communion Assistants, 9:45 Communion Assistants, 8:30 Communion Bread Greeters, 9:45 Cathy Hoffmaster Helene Wallauer Open Cathy Hoffmaster Kate Thome Trinity Lutheran Church Return Service Requested 47 West Main Street Mount Joy, PA 17552 (717) 653-4168 & Greeters, 8:30 & 11:00 Lectors, 8:30 Lectors, 9:45 Rhonda Friese Madolin Heisey Donald Miller
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