To Respond in Faith DREW UNITED METHODIST CHURCH December 28th, 2014 ~ 1st Sunday After Christmas PRAYER OF CONFESSION (unison) We confess, O God, that we are not ready to come down from the Christmas “high.” So much time was spent in gathering, wrapping, and delivering gifts; in preparing for family gatherings and times with friends; in decorating our homes. But somehow, right after Christmas Day, we feel a letdown. We don’t want that “high” to be over. We want to feel the “peace on earth” feeling, but we let it go. We push it aside when we begin our journey of complaining and blaming others for everything that is going wrong. We ignore the blessing of the gift when we refuse to help those in need. Shake us up, Lord! Get us ready to be people of compassion and hope. Wake us up, Lord! Help us see the beauty and possibilities of peace around us. Fill us up, Lord! Fill us to overflowing with joy. Let our words, our thoughts, and our actions speak of your love for us. In Jesus’ Name, we pray. AMEN. The People of God Gather for Worship Parish notices, prayer request cards & signing pew registers To Praise God PRELUDE Lord of All Hopefulness *CALL TO WORSHIP L: Praise be to God who has given God’s light to us. P: Honor and praise to God for God’s most precious gift. L: The darkness that enveloped the people, P: Has been pierced by the Light. L: Let us rejoice in God’s blessed goodness! P: Let us continually praise God with great joy and thanksgiving. AMEN. *HYMN “Good Christian Friends, Rejoice” HYMNAL 224 *OPENING PRAYER (unison) Lord of mercy and joy, You have given to us the blessing of your Son Jesus who will make known your presence, forgiveness, and love to each one of us. Be with us this day and keep our hearts and minds open to receive your love and peace. Enable each of us to be people of joy and hope as we encounter others. We ask this in Jesus’ Name. AMEN. To Encounter God’s Word PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION “Spirit of the Living God” HYMNAL 393 MESSAGE FOR ALL CHILDREN The way we welcome children in our worship service directly affects their response to church, God and Christ. Be sure to let them know they are welcome in this service of worship. MESSAGE FOR THE PEOPLE *HYMN HYMNAL 895 Elouise Hill-Challenger "Joy To The World" HYMNAL 246 BLESSING OF FOOD DONATIONS FOR PUTNAM CAP PRESENTING OUR OFFERINGS, TITHES, AND ATTENDANCE OFFERTORY SCRIPTURE LESSON Isaiah 61:10-62:3 Pew Bibles OT p. 692 *GOSPEL LESSON Luke 2:22-40 Pew Bibles NT p. 59 Let us ponder the meaning of these words....Thanks be to God! THE LORD’S PRAYER SILENT PRAYER WORDS OF ASSURANCE PRAYERS OF INTERCESSION AND THANKSGIVING *DOXOLOGY Fresh Winds of the Spirit “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” HYMNAL 94 * PRAYER OF DEDICATION OF GIFTS AND SELF (unison) There are no limits to the gifts you have given us, gracious Lord. We especially thank you for the gift of Jesus. Now we return thanks to you for these gifts and we bring these tokens to you, asking for your blessing on givers and gifts, and those who desired to give but were unable. Help these gifts, givers and those desiring to give to be your witnesses throughout the world. We pray with grateful hearts. AMEN. *HYMN BENEDICTION POSTLUDE To Go Out To Serve "Go Tell It on the Mountain" Lord, I Lift Your Name on High HYMNAL 251 *Please stand if able Large print hymnals, Bibles &listening assistance devices are available from ushers. WELCOME GUESTS! We are delighted to have you worship with us today. Visitors enhance the life of this church, so we welcome you in the name of Jesus Christ. Please sign the attendance registers in the pews & the Guest Book in the Narthex. Mission Statement: “We come together to worship, grow in loving support of one another and others, and give thanks for God’s grace in our lives. We seek the everdeepening presence of the Holy Spirit for a fuller, more joyful Christian life, for ourselves, our congregation, our community, our country, and the world at large.” UNITED METHODIST CHURCHES Drew, Lake Mahopac, Mount Hope, Purdys A COOPERATIVE PARISH Rev. Jenn Tiernan-Bindler Rev. Willett Porter Elouise Hill-Challenger, Student Intern Diane Farina, Admin Coordinator Pastor Ed Dayton Parker Prout, Lay Minister John Moran, Music Director Joseph Caputo, Sexton Drew United Methodist Church Serving God and Community Over 179 years Cooperative: 845-225-2019 Office Hours: Tues, Wed, Thursday 9-1pm Cooperative Email: Cooperative Website: Drew Thrift Shop 845-225-2655 Open Tues & Thurs 10-4, Sat 10-2pm (seasonally)
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