OPPORTUNITIES TO SERVE Special Music Dec.28 9:00 am Hand Bells /Gospel Singers Amanda Kinney Flute Organist Dec.28 Liturgist Dec. 28 Jan. 4 Jan. 4 9:00 am` 8:00 am 10:30 am Julie Kinney Charlie Tiede Elaine Wangeman Greeters Dec. 28 Jan. 4 Jan. 4 9:00 am 8:00 am 10:30 am Jean Dean Charlie Schwinn Bob & Elaine Wangemann Usher Dec. 28 Jan. 4 Jan. 4 9:00 am 8:00 am 10:30 am Jan Free Karen Kasten Jim Race Acolytes Dec. 28 Jan. 4 Jan. 4 9:00 am 8:00 am 10:30 am Hannah TeStroete-Reese Austin Tryba Noah Wingender Child Care Dec. 28 Jan. 4 Jan. 4 9:00 am 8:00 am 10:30 am E & R Wangeman Mary Kohl Beth Williams Audio Visual Dec. 28 Jan. 4 Jan. 4 9:00 am 8:00 am 10:30 am Ron Rindfleisch Darryl Gumm Darryl Gumm Dec. 28 Jan. 4 Jan. 4 9:00 am 8:00 am 10:30 am Tina Boykin Jean Dean Cheryl Dodds December 8:00 am 10:30 am 8:00 am 10:30 am Joanie Shircel Janice & Martha Hill Jean Dean Grace Rindfleisch Worship Deacon Welcomers January Comma Café Ebenezer United Church of Christ 3215 Saemann Avenue Alan Dodds Dec. 28 Jan. 4 Loaves & Fishes-Cookie Bash Loaves & Fishes Altar Guild Dec. 28 January Yvonne Lavey Sue Kaiser/Caroline Oehldrich Nametags Dec. Jan. Sharon Eberhardy Caroline Oehldrich Sheboygan, Wisconsin 53081 Sunday December 28, 2014 No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here. A warm welcome is extended to each one joining in worship today. May God strengthen our faith through our time together. You are invited to a time of fellowship at the “Comma Café.” Kidz Bagz, with activities for children, are available just outside the sanctuary. Parents, please return the bags to their baskets after the service. Children are always welcome in worship, but for those who prefer it, child care is available during Sunday services for infants and young children. The room is located in the Sunday School (south) hallway. Senior Pastor Associate Pastor Pastor Emeritus Student Pastor Church Secretary Church Office Hours Telephone Church Email Church Website Church Facebook Page Rev. Dr. Roger Mealiff Rev. Lorri Steward Rev. Ruben Grosshuesch Beth Petzke Cassie Hogue 8:00 am - 12:00 pm, Mon. – Fri. (920) 452-9766 ebucc@ebenezerucc.org www.ebenezerucc.org EbenezerUCCSheboygan ATTENDANCE: Sunday, Dec. 21st HYMNS NCH 135, NCH 129, NCH 148, NCH 138 NCH 154 SCRIPTURE READING Luke 2:22-40 Early: 101 Late: 125 2015 OPPORTUNITIES TO SERVE FORMS – The 2015 OTS forms will be sent out the week of 12/29. If you currently receive your monthly newsletter via email, you will also receive your OTS form electronically. All other forms will be mailed out. Please take several minute to fill out the form – only through everyone’s time and talents can Ebenezer support all of the ministries of the church and our community. Thank you!! Steve Shircel PLEASE KEEP IN YOUR THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS: Ruth Harker, Joan Grosshuesch, Vera Zenk, Kristin Kositzke, (granddaughter of Jane Reseburg) David Boykin, Jane Reseburg(Terrace Park), Mark Heffernan (Nephew of Kaisers), Mary Lavey (grandmother of Stephanie Winkelhake), Mary Voigt’s friend Timmer (heart transplant), Herman Mayer (Dorothy’s Husband), Alexander Dodds (Alan & Cheryl’s grandson,) Lallensack’s friends Kathy & Jim (cancer), Jamie Ottman (Tina Boykin’s brother), Jared Luebke (friend of Janice Schmitz), Clayton Meinolf, Sue Thiel, Robert Platz (June’s brother), Lu Zehfus, Luke Peters (Harold & Shirley Henning’s grandson), Jeanette Wangemann, Zona Ziegler, Tom Fredricks, Jerry & Betty Richards, Vern & Irene Feldt, Andrew Vreeke, Dorothy Free, Zach Samz (Fort Stewart), and persons with cancer and other health concern. CALENDAR OF EVENTS 7 Tuesday Dec. 30 Thursday Jan. 1 Sunday Jan. 8 12:30 pm Foot Clinic Happy New Year 8:00 am 9:05 am 9:20 am 9:30 am 10:30 am Worship with Communion Sunday Sunday Gospel Singers Jr/Sr Sunday School Worship with Communion 8th ANNUAL GRILLED CHICKEN DINNER Ebenezer UCC is having their Grilled Chicken Dinner on April 19th, 2015. Tickets will be available between church services on December 7th until the 28th. Adult tickets are $10.00, children tickets are $5.00. Makes a great Christmas gift. Sorry no discounts for early sales. We will resume ticket sales in February. SIMPLE SONG SINGERS will be singing at both services on Sunday, January 4th. The song is entitled Leave It There. The You Tube practice video link is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lS3xOAtuLW4&feature=youtube Sincere appreciation to everyone who sang with the Simple Song Singers in 2014. INTERGENERATIONAL CHURCH VOLLEYBALL LEAGUE A great opportunity, in the middle of winter for youth and adults to have a great time on a Sunday afternoon! Games ares scheduled between 1 and 4 pm on Sundays January 11th through February 14th at Falls, YMCA. PLEASE SIGN UP! POP TOPS Sunday School is saving pop tops for a mission of choice. Sheboygan Scrap Metal will be matching the funds of what is collected. Any questions please call Debby Tryba, 920-627-1394. CHILDREN’S PROGRAM If you are interested in purchasing a CD of the program there is an order form on the comma counter, the cost is $10.00 a copy. ADVENT UN-DECORATING DAY: SATURDAY, JANUARY 10TH, 9 – 11 AM What goes up must come down! The more hands to help the faster the project goes for everyone. A continental breakfast will be available for those who need to ‘re-fuel’ throughout the morning.
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