REPORTER Newsletter of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Akron Volume 75, Issue 1 January 2015 Rev. Tim Temerson As you may have heard by now, in January of 2016, I will be taking a sabbatical for six months. Although my sabbatical does not begin for a year, I’m beginning to think about my goals and plans and I’d like to share some of those preliminary thoughts with you. I imagine the first question that comes to mind for many of you is “Why does Tim receive or even need a sabbatical and why for six months?” The most basic answer is simply that in most Unitarian Universalist ministerial contracts (including my contract with the UU Church of Akron), ministers are granted a sabbatical every 5-7 years of service. The length of the sabbatical is determined by the length of service. My contract calls for me to receive one month of sabbatical leave for every year of service. Since I will have served our congregation for 6 years by January of 2016, my sabbatical will last for 6 months. I will return to full time service as your minister in August of 2016. While contracts and terms of service are important, they don’t get to the heart of why I’m taking a sabbatical. In many ways, my sabbatical is really about the three r’s – rest, renewal, and reflection. Freed from the many day-today demands of ministry, a sabbatical will provide me with an opportunity to power-down and really rest for an extended period of time. Such extended rest will make it possible for me to return to UUCA feeling renewed physically, emotionally, and spiritually and ready to make a new beginning with all of you in our shared ministry. Finally, a sabbatical will enable me to reflect on my own strengths and growing edges as a minister and how I can best serve our congregation in the future. Another very important question that congregations frequently ask about sabbaticals is: What happens to us? Well, I’m happy to report that planning for the sabbatical is well underway and that all of the key ministerial tasks that I undertake on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis will be covered. Working closely with me and the Board of Trustees, the Sabbatical Planning Team (Bill Jordan, Elizabeth Reilly, Becca Barnum, and Jen Welsh) is making preparations so that worship, pastoral care, administration, and all of our ministries can continue to grow and thrive while I’m away. In fact, we view the sabbatical not as a problem to be solved but rather as an opportunity for the congregation to grow and to lead. Over the next year, I will be sharing more thoughts and plans with you about my upcoming sabbatical. You will also be receiving regular updates from the Sabbatical planning Team as well as opportunities to ask questions and share thoughts. As I said before, I am very excited about this opportunity and convinced that it will enable me to better serve you. Thank you again for making it possible for me to take a sabbatical. I know this will be growth opportunity for all of us. Many Blessings, Rev. Tim TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 2 3 4 Minister’s Musings RE News; Teen Pride Network News 2015 Spanish ClassesUUWA News Sunday Services; Caring Corner 5 6 7 8 Worship & Spiritual Enrichment Opportunities; Food for Thought Class HAPPENINGS Calendar; Attendance Info Staff Hours and Info; Board of Trustees; UUCA Mission 1 RELIGIOUS ED NEWS Even More Reasons to Love Your Church in 2015 For the last two years my January column has been a list of “Why to love your church in…” With the January Reporter deadline looming, it left me thinking, “Could there be more, or is that it?” Well…. Upon picking up Christmas Caring Tree gifts which didn’t all fit in the vehicle - the driver from Children’s Services of Summit County exclaimed, “In ten years of picking up gifts, I’ve never seen anything even close to this! A lot of kids are going to be VERY happy this Christmas.” That’s faith in action. More and more, our members are recommending the church to others and bringing their friends to experience what we do here. That’s the best indicator I know of to reflect the growing sense of meaning, value and religious identity they feel. Even though we are geographically far from our guests, the monthly community meal continues to grow; addressing their hunger, AND their inherent worth and dignity. DRE Rich Roberts, RE Assistant Carolyn Stevens I can’t keep up with all our new families’ names. My bad… but for a good reason. They are everywhere! With current events pointing out the gross inequalities and injustices in our society, the many ministries of our church state unequivocally, “We stand on the side of LOVE”. And we put our hands to the task. With mental illness being one the primary causes of chronic unhappiness for people everywhere, our new Mental Health Ministry is a brave new step toward forging a path to wholeness. Parents continually report that their kids LOVE coming to church. We are very, very lucky to have each other within this church community. From what I see over and over in my work here, deep down it’s something we know as precious, and sacred, and real. I can feel it. Can you feel it? I’m sure you have your own Reasons to Love this Church in 2015. Take a moment and send them to me at I’d really love to hear from you! All blessings in the New Year, The Caring Cupboard; ditto above. JANUARY RE Calendar Regular RE classes all Sundays in January Rich 4th - COYA Mtg at noon 11th - COYA Souper Sunday Fundraiser 18th - COYA Officers Mtg at noon TEEN PRIDE NETWORK NEWS The Teen Pride Network is a collaborative project between UUCA, Akron PFLAG, CANAPI, and GLSEN N.E. Ohio. We are a prosocial organization dedicated to offering LGBTQ teens in N.E. Ohio safe and healthy spaces to be themselves and to network and socialize with other LGBTQ teens, allies, and caring adults. The Akron Community Foundation has granted Teen Pride a generous grant through their Gay Community Endowment Fund. We have many events alr eady planned for 2015 and have mor e in the works funded by the grant and by the generosity of this congregation. Thanks you, UUCA, and all of the volunteers who have given their time, talents, and donations, for giving the Teen Pride Network healthy roots and a great beginning. As we are poised to take flight, we will need volunteers more than ever. If you would like to join us, contact TPN at, or see Kim Mosyjowski. In this season of celebration and light, we have so very much to give thanks for. Thank you one and all. 2 SPANISH CONVERSATION CLASSES Classes resume where we left off in November! All are welcome even if you were not enrolled in the previous class. Eight sessions. $40 registration fee; scholarship assistance available, contact Rev. Tim. LEVEL I: Thur sday evenings, 7-8:30 p.m. with Barbara Kemper. Classes begin January 29. Text: Easy Spanish Step by Step, by Barbara Bregstein, available at Bar nes and Noble, and online at LEVEL II: Tuesday mor nings, 10-11:30 a.m. with Vicki Sue Algea. Classes begin January 27. Sign up at coffee hour or call the church office at 330-836-2206. UU WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION NEWS The Equal Exchange Store Sunday, January 4 During coffee hour you can pick up your Fair Trade coffee, tea, hot cocoa and treats and UU gifts! Check or cash. UUWA Business Meeting and Program Friday, January 16 10:30am: 11:15am: 12:00pm: Business meeting Program: Artists Way with Dawn Corley, Opening your Creative Door for the New Year, activity Lunch, $8, reservations required, 330-666-5921 With the coming of the New Year many of us make out our annual list of resolutions: to lose weight, to exercise more, to pay down our debts. How many of us, however, resolve to explore and develop our creative talents, perhaps redefining our priorities in the process? In her talk and short Power Point presentation, Dawn Corley will present an overview of Julia Cameron's The Artist's Way, the impact it had on her creative development, and how Cameron's methods can assist you in attaining those goals. Dawn is a graphic designer, writer, calligrapher, journaler and has facilitated The Artist’s Way group at UUCA for 2 and ½ years. Women’s Sacred Singing Circle Tuesday, January 13 & 27, 7 pm Look into your sister’s eyes and share voice and spirit through song. All women are invited to join. No experience necessary. Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesdays. For more info contact Linda Hale. Shoebox Recycling continues Did you get new shoes for Christmas? Bring your gently used shoes for the UUWA Shoebox Recycling effort. Help small businesses and keep shoes out of landfills. It’s a win-win! 3 LABYRINTH WALK Set your intentions for the new year. Thursday, January 8, 2015, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm Live music and refreshments, donation at the door Entering a New Year brings us opportunity to clear away what is no longer useful to us and embrace the new. Join us for a Labyrinth walk and set your intentions for the New Year. Labyrinth walking in an ancient practice used by many different faiths for spiritual centering, contemplation and prayer. Entering the serpentine path of a labyrinth, the walker walks slowly while quieting their mind and focusing on a spiritual question or prayer. As the path is traveled the mind is quiet and often answers become clear. During the walk Rebekah Benner and Mark Phillips, Labyrinth musicians for First Congregational Church, will provide "Esoterically Eclectic Musical Meanderings", using an array of musical instruments; flutes, drums, rattles, crystal bowls, chimes, and the amazingly soothing metal Hang. You are welcome to join in the music before or after your walking meditation. Extra instruments are provided, or bring your own. There will be gently guided suggestions to keep the music soothing and provide a walking beat. Please wear socks. No shoes are worn on the Labyrinth. WORSHIP & SPIRITUAL ENRICHMENT OPPORTUNITIES 10:30 A.M. SUNDAY SERVICES Sunday, January 4, 2015 at 10:30 a.m. A River or a Rock: The Meaning(s) of Religious Truth Rev. Tim Temerson Unitarian Universalism affirms the “free and responsible search for truth and meaning.” But exactly do we mean by religious or spiritual truth? Where do we search for it and how do we know if we’ve found it? Sunday, January 11, 2015 at 10: 30 a.m. The Spirituality of Desire Rev. Tim Temerson In many spiritual traditions, desire is often seen as a problem, as a source of sin or suffering, and as something that needs to be controlled or overcome. Today we will explore the nature and meanings of desire and the relationship among desire, fulfillment, and wholeness. Sunday, January 18, 2015 at 10:30 a.m. The Selma Awakening Rev. Tim Temerson This year marks the 50th anniversary of the civil rights protests in Selma, Alabama. Numerous Unitarian Universalists participated in Selma and two lost their lives during the struggle. Today we will honor and remember Selma and the impact it has had on our nation and on Unitarian Universalism. Those wanting to learn more about this topic are encouraged to read Rev. Mark Morrison-Read’s wonderful new book on Selma. Today’s service will also feature the musical talents of the UU Band. Sunday, January 25, 2015 at 10:30 a.m. The Journey to Inclusivity Rev. Tim Temerson & the UUCA Inclusivity Team Last year a group of UUCA leaders attended an important workshop on inclusivity and the need to examine the assumptions and biases that can prevent us from being truly inclusive and welcoming to all. Join us as these leaders reflect on their experience and begin a conversation about how our congregation can make this journey. COMING SOON...2015 CONNECTION CIRCLES Signups for groups will take place on January 11, 18 and 25 during coffee hour. See Jann Miller for details. CARING CORNER PASTORAL CARE: CARING COMMITTEE: Meals: Pastoral Associates: Kelly Urbano Kelly Urbano at kur Mary Ann Ballinger, Coordinator 330-836-0058 Ride Share: Mary Caesar Mary Caesar 330-929-2765 Susan Davis Susan Davis Susan Davis at or 330-329-5132 Susan Davis 330-329-5132 Linda Marx Linda Marx 330-873-1823 Pam Garn Nunn Susan Shah Chair: Susan Shah at or 330-336-8436 Pam Garn Nunn 330-869-8358 Mary Petrich Mary Petrich 330-688-5410 Linda Ryder Linda Rush Ryder 330-472-9821 Jan Jan Schrader 330-650-0036 Erv Wentland Erv Wentland 330-603-8610 4 Chair: UUCA HEALTH MINISTRY: Come to the Blood Pressure screening on the second Sunday of every month. Contact Janet Wertz at 330-688-5984 for morefor information. more information. WORSHIP & SPIRITUAL ENRICHMENT OPPORTUNITIES FIRST FRIDAY DRUM CIRCLE! Music Message FRIDAY, JANUARY 2 AT 7:00 P.M. Discussion The First Friday Intergenerational Drum Circle is energizing, relaxing, fun and great for all ages. Please bring a drum or something to drum on— it can be as simple as a pot and wooden spoon! Drum, dance, chant or just sit and groove out to the beat!! No experience needed. Discover your inner drummer! The Ethical Humanist Society of NEO The next meeting of the Ethical Humanist Society will be on Sunday, January 25 at 12:15 p.m. Watch upcoming Memoranduums and emails for meeting topic. UU CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Wednesday, January 14 at 7:00 P.M. Do you find truth and wisdom in the life and teachings of Jesus? If so, you are invited to join the UU Church of Akron Christian Fellowship. We are now reading and discussing The Hidden Gospel: Decoding the Spiritual Message of the Aramaic Jesus by Neil Douglas-Klotz (available on If you have questions, please contact Ruth Huber. Questions: contact Susan Davis. FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Cooking and Food Justice Family and Intergenerational Workshop Series We will be learning about food justice and about cooking with engaging, kid and adult friendly, hands-on activities, and food that we prepare together. Each workshop builds on the next as we dig deeper and discover all the ways food impacts our lives and the lives of everyone in our community. This program will focus on empowering kids as leaders and as agents of change through knowledge and community service. By the end of this program we will be experts on food and know more about food than most adults, including the kid’s teachers! Who: For any youth 9 years old and up accompanied by an adult companion. High school students and adults who are unaccompanied by a youth are welcome to attend as well. When: Saturdays, 10am – 12:30pm February 7, 14, March 21, April 4, 11, May 2, 23 Possible Field Trip to Farmer’s Market June 6 Fee to Cover the Food Cost: $35 per person 5 Topics include: What is Food Justice and Advocacy? Healthy Images Healthy Food Meet Meat Community Health and Diabetes Advertising and Label Reading Food Systems January MEETINGS & EVENTS ►TAI CHI CLASS ►NONFICTION BOOK GROUP Taught by our own Diana Pawloski! We will have the first meeting of 2015 on Monday, January 19, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. at the church. January’s selection is Devil in the Grove by Gilbert King. This is a Pulitzer Prize winning account of the defense by Thurgood Marshall and the NAACP of four young African American men accused of assaulting a white girl in Florida in 1949. This is a much acclaimed book and one of the best non-fiction pieces of 2012. We always have lively discussions and interesting, witty repartee. No preregistration is required. Just show up. Or contact Jim Wagner for more information. EVERY MONDAY AT 6:00 P.M. Yang Style Tai Chi is used to gently stimulate the internal organs, exercise the body, calm the nervous system and loosen the joints. It may be done standing or sitting. Tai Chi is for people of any age, requires no special equipment and can be performed in ordinary street clothes. An art for peace of mind. For more information, contact Diana Pawloski. MONDAY, JANUARY 19 AT 7:00 P.M. ►WOMEN’S BOOK GROUP WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7 AT 7:00 P.M. January 7, 2015 is the next meeting of the Women’s Book Discussion Group. The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell will be discussed. Meetings are the first Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. in the McKeeman room of the church and all women are welcome. Members should bring suggestions for future readings. For more information, contact Mary Petrich. ►UU MEN’S LUNCH TUESDAY, JANUARY 13 AT 12 NOON The UUCA Men's Group usually meets for lunch at Papa Joe's in the Valley on the second Tuesday of every month. For more info or to let the group know you plan to attend, please contact Leon Marker. ►NEWCOMERS CIRCLE SUNDAY, JANUARY 4 12:00 - 12:30 P.M. The Membership committee invites you to join us for a monthly Newcomers Circle! Rev. Tim Temerson and several lay leaders will be available to discuss Unitarian Universalism and our church community, and to answer your questions. No sign-up is required, just drop in for 30 minutes of fellowship and conversation. UUCA CHURCH DIRECTORY IS COMING SOON! The 2015 UUCA Directory will be available in 3 formats: 1. Bound version 2. Web-based version 3. Smartphone App version Stay tuned for more details! FREE MONTHLY COMMUNITY MEAL ►GAME NIGHT WITH TEEN PRIDE NETWORK SATURDAY, JANUARY 24 12:00 P.M. AT UUCA FRIDAY, JANUARY 16 FROM 7:00-9:00 P.M. Join us Friday, January 16 for Game Night at UUCA. Bring your favorite board game and your appetite. Delicious noms will be served, marshmallows will be toasted in the fireplace, and fun will be had! Free resources for GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network) National’s “No Name Calling Week” will be available for you and your H.S. GSA. This free event is open to all middle and high school LGBTQ teens and their allies. Volunteers needed! Contact Dawn Scott 6 Sunday Service starts at 10:30 a.m. Fellowship Hour takes place from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Please note that the calendar is subject to change. If you need confirmation of an event or activity, please contact the individual in charge or the church office. 4 5 12:00pm—COYA 12:00pm— Newcomers Circle 12:30pm—Young AdUUlts 4:00pm—Art of Living 6:00pm—Tai Chi 6:30pm—Grief Group 7:00pm— Enlightenment Experience 11 12 11:00am—SOUPER SUNDAY 12:00pm—Social Action Coalition 4:00pm—Art of Living 6:00pm—COA 6:00pm—Tai Chi 7:00pm— Enlightenment Experience 18 12:00pm—COYA Leadership 12:30pm—Young AdUUlts 4:00pm—Art of Living 6 THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 7:00pm—SAA 6:00pm—Yoga 10:00am—Daisy 7:00pm—Drum Circle Troup HAPPY NEW YEAR! 3 7 8 9 10 1:30pm—Staff Mtg. 6:30pm—FAA 6:00pm—Women's Book Group 7:45pm—DA 8:00pm—AA 12:00pm—Brown Bag Lunch with Rev. Tim 7:00pm—SAA 7:00pm—LABYRINTH WALK 6:00pm—Yoga 7:00pm—Noetics 10:00am—SI Group 13 14 15 16 17 12:00pm—UU Men’s Lunch at Papa Joe’s 7:00pm—Sacred Singing 11:00am—Staff Mtg. 6:30pm—FAA 7:45pm—DA 8:00pm—AA 12:00pm—Brown Bag Lunch with Rev. Tim 7:00pm—SAA 10:30am—UUWA 6:00pm—Yoga 7:00pm—Teen Pride Game Night 9:00am—OMD Trustees Meeting 19 20 21 22 23 24 6:00pm—Tai Chi 7:00pm— Enlightenment Experience 7:30pm—Sierra Club 11:00am—Staff Mtg. 6:30pm—FAA 7:45pm—DA 8:00pm—AA 12:00pm—Brown Bag Lunch with Rev. Tim 7:00pm—SAA 6:00pm—Yoga 9:00am—COA Retreat 6:00pm—Community 12:00pm—FREE Meal Food Prep COMMUNITY MEAL 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 12:15pm—Humanists 4:00pm—Art of Living 6:00pm—Tai Chi 7:00pm— Enlightenment Experience 7:00pm—Sacred Singing 11:00am—Staff Mtg. 6:30pm—FAA 7:00pm—Board Mtg. 7:45pm—DA 8:00pm—AA 12:00pm—Brown Bag Lunch with Rev. Tim 7:00pm—SAA 6:00pm—Yoga 9:00am—COSE SERVICE ATTENDANCE November 2 November 9 November 16 November 23 (Intergenerational) November 30 HAPPY NEW YEAR! 140 + 66 RE 147 + 55 RE 175 + 60 RE 238 + 15 RE 117 + 62 RE THE CHURCH OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED FOR THE HOLIDAY AND WILL RE-OPEN ON TUESDAY, JANURY 6, 2015. 7 PRESIDENT REPORTER Published monthly Don Malarcik Deadline: the 15th of every month PRESIDENT-ELECT Sandy Auburn Articles for submission may be sent to the church, faxed to 330-836-3106 or emailed to Minister Director of Religious Education Church Administrator & RE Assistant Sexton Director of Music Keyboard Artist Bookkeeper Reporter Editor Reporter Layout & Design TREASURER Deb Johnson BOARD MEMBERS Rev. Tim Temerson Rich Roberts Carolyn Stevens Brittney Gustavel Bob Carlyon Brian Laakso Sue Michael Margaret Olds Carolyn Stevens OFFICE HOURS: TUES. — FRI. 9:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M. REV. TIM: SECRETARY Yamini Adkins Brown Bag Lunch at noon every Thursday Drop-in hours on Thursday 10:00 a.m.—1:00 p.m. Tim is also available by appointment Tuesday through Thursday; some evening hours are available. DRE RICH: Call for appointment. Andy Agrawal, Administration Bev Hurd, Mission Rick Dawson, Priorities Diane Rasey, Program Jack Ryder, Finance The UUCA is a “Welcoming Congregation” that warmly and openly encourages the full participation of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people in the life of the congregation. UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH 3300 MOREWOOD RD. AKRON, OH 44333 Phone: (330) 836-2206 Fax: (330) 836-3106 Email: Website: RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED MISSION OF THE UU CHURCH OF AKRON We are a welcoming and loving community for all, dedicated to meaningful and inspirational worship and lifelong spiritual growth. We find strength in diversity and commit to be a prominent force for social justice and stewardship of the earth. We aspire to take very good care of ourselves, each other and the world. Developed by the Congregation at Searching for the Future Mission–Vision Workshops February 26th – 28th, 2010 Approved by the Congregation April 25, 2010 IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO RECEIVE THIS NEWSLETTER, CHECK HERE ____ DETACH, APPLY CORRECT POSTAGE, AND RETURN. 8
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