This Week's Announcements - Christ Evangelical Lutheran

Sunday Worship
1st Sunday of Christmas
9:00 AM & 10:45 AM
Announcements 10 minutes before worship
Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church
Please join us in the Celebration of Life for
Jeanne Foster's husband, Bob on Saturday,
December 27 at 2:00 PM.
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December 28, 2014
This Week's Events
Sunday, Dec. 28
Worship Services
9 AM & 10:45 AM
2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16
Luke 1:46b-55
Psalm 89:1-4, 19-26
Romans 16:25-27
Luke 1:26-38
Monday, Dec. 29
Quilting for Others
Fellowship Hall 9 AM
Still spots available to be a Worship
Assistant for 2015!
Tuesday, Dec. 30
You can pick from Greeters, Ushers, Altar Guild,
Communion Assistants, Bread Baker, Lay Reader,
Acolyte and/or Assisting Ministers.
Church Envelopes
Are you receiving church
envelopes -- do you use them?
Would you like to continue? We
want to make sure that you have
what you need; but don't want to
give you something that you
don't use. Please see Sharoll
Blodgett at the table in the back of the church and
Banquet Hall 8 AM
Wed., Dec. 31
Men's Breakfast
Fellowship Hall 7 AM
Next Sun., Jan. 4
9 AM & 10:45 AM
Confirmation Class
let her know if you want those envelopes or
information about using our Simply Giving
program. Click here: Simply Giving Form
Rally in the Valley
Transition time from rush and worry to Grace and
Mercy at this Lutheran Assembly for those men and
women in the 3rd Chapter of their lives. (Held Feb.
16-17 at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, 3641 N.
56 St., Phoenix - cost is $65 or $50 in groups of 10
or more.) Registration is limited to 500.
Applications are on the Info cart at church.
Worship Assistants for December 28
Music Director/Planner: Harriet Stubbs
Altar Guild: Carol Sears;
Margie Neumann/Carole Helland
Communion Bread Bakers: John Wagner
Assisting Minister 1st: Sandy Wagner
Lector: Rich Carlson
Ushers 1st: Rich & Elaine Carlson
Dick & Joy Schroeder
Communion Assistant: Cris Capelli
Greeters 1st: Tom & Rosemary Reynolds
Greeters 2nd: Ron & Beata Nawrocki
Fellowship: Tuesday Bible Study
Accompanists: Harriet Stubbs, Bill Michaelis
Joe Burmeister, Elizabeth Banta, Darrel Bjornson,
Judy Ridgway, Judy Wandler, Stevie Henderson
Pastor: Jeff Gallen
We lift up in Prayer
10:30 AM
Jeremiah 31:7-14
Psalm 147:12-20
Ephesians 1:3-14
John 1:1-18
Click for CELC calendar
Benedictine Evenings
Prayers (Grey Robes)
meets the 1st and 3rd Monday in
Pastor's Office 6 PM
Blood Pressure Readings
2nd Sunday after 1st service
Book Club meets in classroom
"C" in Bldg. B the 4th Thursday
monthly at 2 PM
Quilting for Others
Every Other Monday
Aluminum Can Collection
Outreach Food Collection
Bring to Banquet Hall
any time!
Looking Ahead
New this week in bold
Members: Floyd Behm, Daniel Butler, Mike
Denny, Jeanne Foster, Mabe Foster, Vickie
Hughes, Val Huber, Michael Jack, Paula Johnson,
Chuck Mast, Mary McDonald, Francia Mercado,
Flo Riese, Roy Rood, Paula Royal, Mike Santel, Jay
Stocker, Lura Stubbs, Mike Valabek, Bea Warmoth
Home Bound Members: Jack Benston, Betty
Kramer, Lou Rice
Family & Friends: Scott (Voll), Manny, Dyke
family, Marlene J., Vickie, Carson (Yost), Marion (N
January 18
Annual Meeting
January 25
Time, Talents &
Opportunity Sunday
Lenten Journey Series
Feb. 1, 8; March 1, 8
5:30-7:00 PM
Neumann), Karen, Ellie (Schroeder), Emily
Madison, Wayne, Debi, Sergei, Phyl (Armstrong),
Shannon, Stephen (D/J Miller), Peggy
(Bruce/Sears), David (Crane), Nancy, Christine
(Fildes), Steve, Marge (Wandler), Zury, Gardin
Family, Wilkins Family (Cole), Tyler (Helland),
Joseph (Semmler), Lavern (Johnson), Odie, Larry,
Lou (Carlson), Erik (Capelli), Pastor Steve
Bergeson; Rod, Marcinkowski family (Wagner),
Nissy (Mercado), Nick (McGee), Alec Valdez
(Haroldson), Sandy (DuRand), Tim (Jenson), Sonny
Gatherings At CELC
AA Meetings
Fellowship Hall,
Monday-Saturday, 6 PM
Alzheimer Support Group
Bldg. B, Classroom C,
1st & 3rd Mondays, 3 PM
Eve's Place
Bldg. B., Classroom C,
Tuesdays 9 AM-Noon
Parents preparing for birth:
February: Ariana/Tristan van Hoorebeke
March: Zach/Andrea Gjestvang, Jacque/Sandy
Goodyear Food Bank
Banquet Hall, MondayFriday, 9 AM - 1 PM
All Cactus Conference Pastors & Churches
Bishops: Steve Talmage, Elizabeth Eaton
Seminary Student: Bill Miller
Church: Spirit of Grace, Surprise
Grandparents Raising
Fellowship Hall,
2nd & 4th Saturdays, 9 AM
Our Sevice men/women: John Buss, Kyle
Stanford (Yost), Aaron, Devon, Mike, Andy, Ryan,
Steffan Shoffner (D. Miller), Aaron Kramer, Adriana
Van Wyk
+serving overseas
Hope Mental Illness
Bldg. B, Classroom C,
Mondays 5:30-7:30 PM
Our Christian sympathies embrace Pastor
Jeff and Renae family on the death of
Renae's uncle, Tom.
Weight Watchers
Fellowship Hall,
Thursday, 9:30 AM
We rejoice in the baptisms December 21 of
Edward Brian Lowe and Greyson Michael
River in the Desert
Worship: Bldg. B,
Sundays 1:00 PM
Simeon's Prayer, Anna's Witness
Many of us have sung some version of the song
Simeon prays when he is holding the month-old
Jesus in his arms. "Now, Lord, you let your servant
go in peace" is a song we have sometimes sung after
communion. In that context, "let your servant go in
peace" seems to refer to leaving church as the
service ends. We have seen your salvation, we sing.
We have seen Christ, the longed-for Messiah, in the
word, in the gathered community of his body, in the
Living Covenant
Worship: Bldg. A,
Sundays 10:30 AM
Staff Listing
Pastor Jeff Gallen
Cell: 623-341-3712
bread and wine. Indeed, like Simeon, we have had
the amazing experience of cradling the body of
Christ in our own hands, in the form of bread. Now
let us go in peace.
There are other levels to that request. It's also about
dying, as we learn from Simeon's story. He has been
told by the Spirit that he will not die before seeing
the Messiah, who will enlighten the whole world.
Now that he has seen Jesus, now that he has held
him in his arms, Simeon says he is ready to die.
In Simeon's context, the words "let your servant go
in peace" conveyed yet another meaning, because
they contained echoes of the formula for freeing a
slave. So dying, here, is not ending and loss of hope,
it is fulfillment of hope and liberation. Dying is
being freed to a new life-a baptismal dying.
Harriet Stubbs
Worship & Music;
Sandy Wagner
Administrator; 623-932-2394
Charles Travis
Facilities, 602-689-2951
Lori Lermon
Sharoll Blodgett
Treasurer; 623-932-2394
Olga Blanchard
What are we freed for? We are freed like Simeon to
sing in the temple, to speak the Spirit's truth with
those assembled here today, to share Christ among
ourselves. Then, going out from this gathering, we
are freed like the prophet Anna to speak about this
Christ "to all who [are] looking for the redemption
of Jerusalem" (Luke 2:38)-to all who long for God to
come and heal the world's ills. Simeon's praise only
shines for all nations if it learns from an old woman
how to meet the longing in every heart.
Christ Ev. Lutheran Church
We are a Christian fellowship reaching out to all
people so they might know God's LOVE for them!
Worship 9:00 AM & 10:45 AM
Parish Nurse
Jan Yost
Information Manager,
Ways to help CELC Shopping
CELC can benefit when
you and your friends hop
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going through our link on
the church website! CELC
website (Look for the
amazon icon on home
Good Search/Good Dining
funds can be raised for
CELC by visiting and your
simple daily actions - like
searching the web,
shopping online, taking
surveys, dining out,
CELC Website
Office phone: 623-932-2394
Pastor's Cell: 623-341-3712
playing games, and much
more! Good
Search/Good Shop
Link Good Dining
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also important way to
direct funds to CELC.
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Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church | 918 S. Litchfield Road | Goodyear | AZ | 85338