FEAST OF THE HOLY FAMILY + WEEK OF DECEMBER 28, 2014 GENERAL INFORMATION Office E-mail: sjnccoffice@sjnknox.org Announcement Deadlines Bulletin: Mondays, 8:00 am (Flyers may be submitted for the 2nd weekend of the month.) All submissions must be via e-mail. Ambo: Fridays, 8:00 am Prayer Chain Renee Hamilton: sjnprayerchain@yahoo.com High School Youth Ministry Meets every Sunday evening after the 6 pm Mass until 9:30 pm in Seton Hall. All youth in grades 8-12 are invited to attend! Mass Intentions Saturday, December 27 4:30 pm † Mildred Morvant Sunday, December 28 8:30 am Michael & Brittany LaBoe—anniversary 10:30 am † Robert Lynch 6:00 pm People of St. John Neumann Monday, December 29 8:10 am Donald Nicholson Tuesday, December 30 7:00 am † James DiStefano Coming into the Catholic Church Are you interested in learning about the Catholic faith? Questions or concerns? Wondering how to become a Catholic? If so, please contact Sr. Elizabeth, Adult Faith Formation Coordinator. Wednesday, December 31 12:00 pm † John Mardini 6:00 pm Deacon Mike & Anita Gouge (Vigil for Solemnity of Mary) Altar Flowers If you are interested in donating flowers on the altar for the weekend Masses, please see the sign-up book in the narthex. Once you have decided on a weekend, please contact Myra Fancher to discuss arrangement and payment. Thursday, January 1, The Solemnity of Mary 8:30 am † Michael Galloway 10:30 am People of St. John Neumann Please check back next weekend for an update on our parish finances! Saturday, January 3 4:30 pm † Elizabeth Gillen Friday, January 2 8:10 am Christine Smythe Sunday, January 4 8:30 am † Mark Metzger 10:30 am † Betty Rome 6:00 pm People of St. John Neumann † Repose of the soul PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION “Let us confidently approach the throne of grace for mercy and to find help and favor in time of need.” (Hebrews 4:16) Packets explaining Eucharistic Adoration are available. Contact Anita Gouge (966-9504 or gouge1416@tds.net) or Sue Conway, Evening Division Leader (966-1736) for more information. Serve God With Loving Hearts, Joyfully Embrace Our Christian Faith, Nurture Individual and Academic Excellence Saint John Neumann Catholic School 625 St. John Court Knoxville, TN 37934 Phone: (865) 777-0077 Fax: (865) 777-0087 www.sjncs-knox.org Principal Bill Derbyshire Assistant Principal Mary Sue Kosky Our parish school enrolls students from Pre-school to the 8th grade. Before and after care is available for students. Please contact the school office for further information. TIMES TO BE FILLED Monday: Midnight - 1:00 am Monday: 1:00 - 2:00 am Wednesday: 8:00 - 9:00 pm Thursday: 2:00 - 3:00 am Friday: 2:00 - 3:00 am Friday: 3:00 - 4:00 am Saturday: 4:00 - 5:00 pm (1st & 2nd wknd of mo.) Sunday: 11:00—12:00 pm Sponsor of the Week Please Pray for the Sick in Our Parish Listed are the names of the parishioners we are praying for at Mass. Please continue to keep them in your prayers. Dylan Boswell Sue Conway Larry Edwards Sarah Holmes Vann Johnston, Sr. Michael Ryan Jennifer Saxon Magda Smith PARISH STAFF Family & Parish Life Grades K-12 Faith Formation Marilyn Derbyshire 777-4312 mderbyshire@sjnknox.org Adult Faith Formation Sr. Elizabeth Wanyoike 777-4313 srelizabeth@sjnknox.org Business Manager Ellie Sanchez-Valencia 777-4311 esanchez@sjnknox.org COUNCIL 8781 Doug Varga, Varga Grand Knight Don Schreyer, Schreyer Deputy Grand Knight Stuart Lewis, Lewis Financial Secretary KOC Breakfast Buffet Next Sunday, January 4 9:00 am - 12:30 pm Did you know the priest's alb is white because white signifies purity? KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS MEN’S BASKETBALL Mondays from 8:00 – 10:00 pm in the SJN School Gym. All men 18 and over are invited to participate. Enter the gym through the rear door. For more information contact: Peter McKenzie at (865) 680-2116. Menu: Pancakes (plain, chocolate chip, and pecan) Scrambled Eggs Sausage Patties and Links Hash Brown Rounds Biscuits - Gravy - Grits Coffee/Orange Juice Cost: Immediate Family: $25.00 OR Ages 13 & Above: $6.00/person Ages 4 - 12: $5.00/person Ages 3 & Under Free Rectory and Convent Open House Hosted by the Women’s Club of SJN Sunday, January 4 9:30 am to 1:00 pm Donation of Flowers Altar & Tabernacle Sides: From The Art & Environment Committee For Christmas Ladies—we need volunteers to bring food and help host! If interested, please contact Carol Dawson at QMSCAROL@hotmail.com (subject line: Open House). Secretary Mary Hearnsberger mhopwood@sjnknox.org Administrative Assistant Lilia Walker 777-4316 lwalker@sjnknox.org Music Coordinator Choir Director Jonathan Leichman jleichman@sjncs-knox.org Contemporary Ensemble Kay Marie Hodge 712-1707 Youth Ministry Al Forsythe aforsythe@dioknox.org Facilities Manager Harry Schukman hschukman@sjncs-knox.org “FORTY HOURS WITH JESUS CHRIST” Thursday, Jan. 1 at 7:00 pm through Saturday, Jan. 3 at 2:30 pm Please join this special adoration of the Holy Eucharist at the altar in the church sanctuary. The devotion of 40 Hours was organized in this country in the 19th century by our patron saint, John Neumann! ♦ Begins with Exposition in the church at 7:00 pm on Thursday, Jan. 1 ♦ 42 hours of continuous Exposition of the Eucharist (except 8:10 am Mass on Friday, Jan. 3). Ends at 2:30 pm on Saturday, Jan. 3. ♦ Sign up & obtain more information in the narthex or outside the Adoration Chapel Activities & Events for the Ladies of St. John Neumann All Ladies of St. John Neumann are automatic members of the Women’s Club! Please note in your Smartphone, iPad, iPod, or Datebook these upcoming SJN Women’s Club events and activities. Hope to see you at an event soon! A holy day has dawned upon us; come you nations, and adore the Lord. For today a great light has come upon the earth. - John 1:1 - 5 DEC Thank You! We hope you and your family are enjoying the Christmas season. We had munches of fun at this year’s Cookie Exchange. Everyone, thanks for coming! BreastCancerScreening Knoxville Comprehensive Breast Center is delighted once again to bring breast cancer screening to SJN. The Mobile Digital Mammography Coach will provide services on Tuesday, Jan. 13, beginning at 8:30 am. Most insurances will be filed. Please bring your insurance card for filing and driver’s license at time of service. For those who do not have insurance and would like to participate, the cost is $145; payable at time of service. For more information or an appointment, please call KCBC at 583583-1003. If you would like to donate an item to the auction please contact Mary Marlowe at mary@marlowe.us. This year we are also offering sponsorships that would give your company great exposure and an advertising opportunity. DIOCESAN NEWS Diocese of Knoxville Chancery Office • 805 S. Northshore Dr., Knoxville, TN 37919 • (865) 584-3307 • www.dioknox.org Annual Rosary for Life – January 10 Bishop Stika invites you to join Cardinal Justin Rigali for our fifth annual Rosary for Life on January 10, 2015 at 10:00 am in front of the Planned Parenthood Clinic in Knoxville on 710 N. Cherry St. just off of I-40 Exit 390. Last year, several hundred joined His Eminence in praying the Rosary in a loving witness Need a speaker for your service club or guild or know of a group who might? Catholic Charities program of the Gospel of Life. Please visit staff and executive director are happy to present information and inspirational stories that are sure to www.dioknox.org or contact Paul enlighten and motivate your group to action! Call Sherrie at 865-524-9896 Ext 1005 to schedule. Simoneau at Catholic Charities and The UT Law Clinic are hosting an informative session regarding Executive Action on psimoneau@dioknox.org or 862-5753 Immigration. The session will be Saturday, January 3, at 3 p.m., at The Knoxville Catholic High School for more information. Gym. Come and learn more about how the new executive action taken by President Obama will affect you MEN’S CLOTHING NEEDED and your family. For more information contact Alessandra at 865-971-3550 or alessandra@ccetn.org. Knoxville Area Rescue Ministries helps Catholic Charities will again be offering Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University at several Knoxville parishes. This life-changing program teaches how to achieve financial goals. The 9 week course will be held at All Saints beginning Monday, January, 12, at 7 p.m. – to register contact Alan Sieve at gasieve@gmail.com; Holy Ghost on Wednesday, January 7, at 7 p.m. – contact Carol Lougheed at carol.lougheed@gmail.com; Sacred Heart Cathedral (ENGLISH) on Thursday, January 8, at 7 p.m. – contact Tom Shannon at tshannon@utk.edu and Sacred Heart Cathedral (SPANISH) on Sunday, January 11, at 2:30 p.m. – contact Norma Huerta 865-296-0868. The cost is $100. to clothe some 100 plus homeless men on a regular basis. These men do not have money for clothing at this time as they are working towards getting back on their feet again, so any items donated are given away free of charge. SJN Parishioner, Robert Gipson is happy to pick up any The Office of Immigrant Services of Catholic Charities of East Tennessee, known as OIS, will hold an donations of men’s clothing you may information session to help those benefiting from the recently announced executive action related to have. If you would like to donate, immigration. The informative session will be on January 3 at 3pm at the Knoxville Catholic High School's gym, please contact Robert at (865) 214in Knoxville (9245 Fox Lonas Rd. Knoxville TN 37923). 4142 or jeffthechef55@gmail.com. La Oficina de Servicios al Inmigrante de Caridades Católicas del Este de Tennessee, conocida como OIS, por su siglas en Inglés, tendrá una sesión informativa para ayudar a quienes pueden beneficiarse por la orden ejecutiva sobre inmigración recientemente anunciada por el presidente de los Estados Unidos. La Sesión informativa se llevará a cabo el 3 de enero a las 3 p.m. en el gimnasio de la escuela secundaria católica Knoxville Catholic High School, en Knoxville (9245 Fox Lonas Rd. Knoxville TN 37923). EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Ladies of Charity is currently seeking a full-time Executive Director of the Thrift Shop & Warehouse Store and the Emergency Assistance Program. Work location is at 120 W. Baxter Ave 37917. For more information about the job qualifications, responsibilities and job description, go to ladiesofcharityknox.org. Resume and three work-related references with current contact information, must be submitted by January 15 to nancyscheurer@gmail.com. Family Honor at St. Stephen’s, Chattanooga– Recommended for Parents & their Confirmands Parents, have you had “the talk” with your child? Do you know what you are going to say? Do you need some assistance getting the conversation started or just need opportunities to continue with success? Don’t worry…help is here! Join us at St. Stephen’s Parish Center on Saturday, February 7th, 2015, 8:30am-3:30 pm for Real Love & Real Life. Parents, this program is designed for you and your 8th grader. (Parents & their 7th or 9th graders are also invited.) It will bring you together with other parish families to learn about love, life, chastity and God’s gift of sexuality. You and your child will have the chance to enhance your communication skills, discuss true worth, guidelines for future dating and lots more. Here, one parent shares what they liked most about the program, “It opened a door for me that wasn’t open before between my daughter and me. I definitely feel more comfortable and confident discussing chastity with her.” Real Love & Real Life is a fun, unique, interactive program presented by Family Honor, Inc. The deadline for registering is January 30th. Space is limited so register early online www.familyhonor.org. There is no charge for this program (though donations will be requested). For more information contact Blane and Mary Pat Haywood- haywood@epbfi.com or (706) 459-6391. Hope to see you soon! DIVORCE SUPPORT St. John Neumann Family & Parish Life is partnering with the Diocesan Office of Marriage Preparation & Enrichment to offer Divorce Support. Divorce & Beyond is a support group for Catholic men and women who have experienced or are experiencing divorce. You will find a safe environment to explore the myriad of feelings that divorce brings. Join us as you experience hope and healing simply by listening and sharing experiences and insights with others. Divorce support helps you to understand what you are going through and learn from others who have gone through the same things. Divorce and Beyond will help to make divorce a growth experience. We invite each one of you with a need for healing and help to move beyond separation and to participate in this 9-week Catholic-based program beginning Sunday, January 11 from 4:00-5:30 pm. Meetings will be held at St. John Neumann parish. Cost for supplies is $15.00. For more information, contact your facilitator, Mary Coffey at (865) 966-3237 or email maryshop6@charter.net. To register, contact Marilyn Derbyshire, Family & Parish Life Ministry Coordinator, at (865) 777-4312 or mderbyshire@sjnknox.org. CELEBRATION OF THE SACRAMENTS ANOINTING & PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK: Please notify the church office if someone wants to be visited in the hospital, nursing home or at home. Our pastoral staff and Eucharistic Ministers will gladly minister to those in need. For the ANOINTING OF THE SICK, the priest should be notified as soon as serious illness is diagnosed or serious injury is indicated; please do not wait until the end is near before notifying us. BAPTISM: Parents planning to have their child baptized are to attend a Parents’ Preparation class, unless they have attended a class within the past three years. Call Quent or Diane Below at (865) 675-3623 to register for the class. The class may be attended at another parish. Baptisms are scheduled by appointment with one of our priests or deacons. Please call the parish office for any other information. CONFIRMATION: Confirmation is celebrated at St. John Neumann during the junior or senior year of high school. The Confirmation process if formation and education. The initial meetings for each cycle are held in the fall, around the time that school starts. Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation is separate from regular Religious Education at SJN and Catholic High School. MARRIAGE: The Catholic Church requires a preparation period for marriage. In this diocese, the preparation period is four months and includes at least four working meetings with one of the priests or deacons, plus a marriage preparation weekend. The wedding date may be set at the second session with the priest or deacon. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA): We welcome all who feel interested in the Catholic Faith or have been going to Mass but are not Catholics to learn more through our RCIA program. Please call us, or see our website for more information. CONVALIDATION OF MARRIAGE: The church teaches that married persons must be in a valid marriage recognized by the church in order to receive the Eucharist worthily. If you want help pursuing a case with the Tribunal, we will be happy to assist you.
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