REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Proposals for Parkscope Printing 2015, the printing and delivery of four issues of the 2015 quarterly Metro Parks’ Parkscope, will be received by the Columbus and Franklin County Metropolitan Park District, 1069 West Main Street, Westerville, Ohio, 43081, until 10 A.M. local time on Thursday, October 16, 2014 and at that time and place publicly opened and read. Copies of the specifications and request for proposal are available on the Metro Parks website by logging onto and going to Opportunities, then click on Contract Bidding from the drop down menu. Click on Parkscope Printing 2015 under current projects and you will be able to view the bid package in PDF format. Copies may also be obtained at the office of Metro Parks, 1069 West Main Street, Westerville, Ohio and may be obtained by calling 614-8910700. The Metro Parks will not be responsible for any specifications obtained from any other source. All proposals received will be considered valid for sixty (60) days after the final acceptance date, although not accepted or rejected. Metro Parks reserves the right to accept the lowest and best bid, the right to waive irregularities in any proposal, the right to accept the proposal which promotes the best interest of the Board, and the right to reject any and all bids or any part thereof. By order of the Board of Park Commissioners Kay French Purchasing Agent Parkscope Printing for 2015 1 INFORMATION FOR BIDDERS Competitive Bids Section 307.86 of the Ohio Revised Code requires that anything purchased by the Metro Parks in excess of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) with exceptions, be purchased through competitive bidding. Interpretation of Contract Documents If any person, firm, or corporation contemplating the submission of a proposal for this Contract is in doubt as to the true meaning of any part of the Specifications, or other Contract Documents, he/she may submit to the Metro Parks a written request for an interpretation thereof. The person, firm, or corporation submitting the request shall be responsible for its prompt delivery. Such interpretation will be made only by an addendum duly issued by the Metro Parks, or their designated agent, and a copy of such addendum will be mailed or delivered to each person securing a set of the Contract Documents, provided that a sufficient period of time is available for the issuance and the delivery of such addendum prior to the receipt of bids. The Metro Parks, or their designated agents, will not be responsible for any other explanation of the Specifications or Contract Documents made prior to the receipt of bids. Proposal Proposals requested by the Metro Parks shall be submitted in accordance with the REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS and all accompanying bid specifications and documents. Proposals shall be submitted on the proposal form furnished with the bid documents, and shall be submitted without change, additions or alterations, completely filled in by typewriter or hand written in ink. Each proposal shall contain the name and address of the person, firm, or corporation submitting the proposal, and shall be signed in ink by an executive officer of such organization duly authorized to do so and to bind the corporation to a contract. Bid Proper The bidder shall fill in all totals proposed as stated on the proposal sheet and make the necessary extensions and add all totals. The unit prices submitted, together with approximate quantities, shall determine the total amount of the bid. If there is an error made in extension of totals, the total shall be changed, as unit prices shall govern. Bidders are expected to quote firm or fixed prices on a unit basis. All base bids must be based upon the specifications as written. Alternate proposals may be submitted. The Metro Parks District does not guarantee the quantities listed, but reserves the right to increase or decrease the quantities at the unit prices proposed. Parkscope Printing for 2015 2 Submission of Proposal Proposals are to be enclosed in a sealed envelope identified with the proper title as listed in the Request for Proposals. All proposal forms must be returned, without changes, and signed by a person authorized to bind the bidder with a contract. All bids submitted must include the following: Proposal Sheet, Property Tax Affidavit, Experience Questionnaire, and any other information requested in the Specifications. Bidders may withdraw their proposals at any time prior to the bid opening date. After the bid opening date, bidders may only withdraw their proposals as stated in Ohio Revised Code Section 9.31. Failure to withdraw a proposal in accordance with the above may expose a bidder to legal liability for sanctions including costs for rebid or result in the award of the contract to the next lowest bidder. Taxes The Columbus and Franklin County Metropolitan Park District, being a political subdivision of the State of Ohio, is exempt from paying State Sales Tax or Use Tax. Equal Employment Opportunity The Bidder shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. The Bidder shall take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated during employment without regard to their race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Such action shall include but not be limited to the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training including apprenticeship. The Bidder agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment notices to be provided setting forth the provisions of this non-discrimination clause. The Bidder shall comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, rules, regulations and lawful orders of any public authority relating to the terms and conditions of employment in connection with the work to be performed under the Contract. The Bidder shall, in all solicitations or advertisement for employees placed by or on behalf of the Bidder, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Parkscope Printing for 2015 3 Delinquent Personal Property Tax Affidavit The successful bidder shall be required, prior to signing a contract with the Metro Parks, to submit an affidavit in the form supplied with the bid documents stating whether such contractor does or does not owe delinquent personal property taxes within Franklin County. This is a requirement of Ohio Revised Code Section 5719.042. Contract Extension At the mutual agreement of both the Contractor and Metro Parks, this contract may be extended at the end of the initial contract period on an annual basis at the original price submitted. Parkscope Printing for 2015 4 PROPOSAL The undersigned hereby agrees to provide printing and delivery of the Metro Parks’ Parkscope, all in accordance with the contract specifications and documents, for the sums as detailed below. This bid is to be returned in a sealed envelope marked “PARKSCOPE PRINTING – 2015” to Metro Parks, 1069 West Main Street, Westerville, Ohio, 43081, and must be received not later than 10 A.M. local time October 16, 2014, to be considered valid. Printing and Delivery Spring 2015 issue – 121,000 copies ___________ Summer 2015 issue – 128,000 copies ___________ Fall 2015 issue – 118,000 copies ___________ Winter 2015/16 issue – 109,000 copies ___________ Price per additional thousand ___________ * shipping to be included in the above quotes, number of copies may vary per specifications Mail out approximately 800 copies via Westerville post office cass certify and label sort Other Charges No additional charges for text changes to proof Indicate charge if photo replacement needed at proof stage __________________ Proposal submitted by (Company) ____________________________________________________________________ Signature_____________________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________________________ City/Zip______________________________________________________________ Phone________________________________________________________________ FAX ____________________________ Parkscope Printing for 2015 5 EXPERIENCE QUESTIONNAIRE All information contained in this questionnaire will be considered CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION between the applicant and the Metro Parks, and all information will be used solely for the purpose of determining the best bidder for services to be contracted. 1. Proposal submitted by: ___Individual, ___partnership, ___corporation, ___Other (Specify)______________________________________________ 2. Name of bidder_________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________ City________________________________State______________Zip_____ 3. If corporation, are you qualified by law to do business in the state of Ohio? ________________________ 4. If partnership, list all names and addresses having financial interest in this proposal ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 5. What experience do you now have, or have had in the past, to qualify you as a bidder on this contract? Attach detailed experience information and samples of like work. Parkscope Printing for 2015 6 6. List at least three references of clients for whom you have printed similar magazines in similar quantities. Give company name/contact/address/phone number. 1: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 2: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 3: ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 7. Do you own your own press and have the same available for use on your own premises? _______________________________________________________ 8. Location and address of your press ________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 9. How long have you owned and operated your press? __________________ 10. Do you have your own in-house Macintosh and PC pre-press department available at the same location as your press? __________________________________________ 11. Liens, suits, defaults, etc. a. Have you as an individual, or you as a manager of an organization, every failed in meeting your credit with suppliers?_______________________ b. Have you as an individual, or you as manager of an organization, ever failed to fulfill the requirements of a contract or lease?______________ c. Have you ever had a lien filed against you or your company?_________ d. Do you now have any judgment, suits, or claims pending against you or your company? ______________ e. Explain any affirmative answers to the above __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Parkscope Printing for 2015 7 AFFIDAVIT Section 5719.042 O.R.C. State of ________________________________County of __________________________________________ being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the _______________________________________________________ Title of__________________________________________________________________________ (Name of Vendor) and as its duly authorized representative states that effective this _________ day of ___________________, 20 ____ (date of submission of bid) the ______________________________________________________________________________ (Name of Vendor) ( ) is charged with delinquent personal property taxes on general list of personal property in Franklin County, Ohio, or any other counties containing property in the taxing districts under the jurisdiction of the Auditor of Franklin County, Ohio. ( ) is not charged with delinquent person property taxes on the general list of personal property in Franklin County, Ohio, or any other counties containing property in the taxing districts under the jurisdiction of the Auditor of Franklin County, Ohio. County COUNTY AMOUNT (include total amount and any penalties and interest thereon.) Franklin $_________________________________ _______________________________________ $_________________________________ _______________________________________ $_________________________________ __________________________________ (Affiant) Sworn to and subscribed this _______ day of _____________________, 20____ __________________________________ Notary Public My commission expires ______________________, 20____. Parkscope Printing for 2015 8 CONTRACT This Contract made this __________ day of __________________________, ______, by and between the Columbus and Franklin County Metropolitan Park District, 1069 West Main Street, Westerville, Ohio 43081, party of the first part, and ________________________, party of the second part. WITNESSETH: Article 1. Said party of the second part hereby agrees to the printing and delivery of the Metro Parks’ Parkscope as specified, and all in accordance with the specifications provided, as listed in the legal notices, according to the Advertisement and Information for Bidders, General Provisions, Specifications, and Proposal, which are on file in the office of the Metro Parks, and which are each by reference made a part of this contract as though attached hereto. Fees charged for the services contained in this contract will be those fees submitted as attached on the Proposal Page, which is attached hereto. The party of the first part, in consideration of the full and faithful performance of all and singular things herein, agrees that it will pay to said party of the second part the prices and sums submitted for printing and delivery services. This contract shall begin January 1, 2015 and shall continue through the year 2015, ending on December 31, 2015, unless extended or cancelled at the option of the Columbus and Franklin County Metropolitan Park District IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, The said parties hereunto set their hand the day and year first above written. BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS Columbus and Franklin County Metropolitan Park District ________________________________ Director CONTRACTOR ________________________________ Name/Title Contractor must indicate whether corporation, partnership, or proprietorship. The person signing shall, in his own handwriting, sign the Principal's name, his own name and his title. If Corporation, he must by affidavit, show his authority to bind the corporation. Parkscope Printing for 2015 9 PARKSCOPE PRINTING FOR 2015 Metro Parks invites bids from printing companies for the printing of four issues of the quarterly Parkscope magazine, Spring, Summer, Autumn 2015, and Winter 2015-16. Bidders must own their own press, print the Parkscopes on that press, and have their pre-Press department in the same location. SPECIFICATIONS FOR PARKSCOPE 2015: • 32 page self-cover magazine • trim size: 11 inches x 8.5 inches • CMYK color • bleeds on all pages • stock: 45# gloss text, #4 grade, 84BR (minimum) • binding: saddle stitch 4 publication issues, to be distributed in the Columbus Dispatch on the following dates: Wednesday February 25, 2015 Wednesday May 27, 2015 Wednesday August 26, 2015 Wednesday November 25, 2015 Total number of copies in each season may vary but quote as follows: Spring 121,000 Summer 128,000 Autumn 118,000 Winter 109,000 Break out the cost of the 800 mailed out via Westerville Post Office Add cost per additional 1,000 copies Distribution: Deliveries are to be made to three locations in the following quantities and packing: –77,000 to Columbus Dispatch, 5300 Crosswind Drive, Columbus, OH, tub packed on skids (not to exceed 6 feet high, steel strapped with turns of 6 or 8 inches, and with bill of lading). [Quantity may vary by quarter at request of Dispatch.] –up to 800 to Westerville Post Office, 617 McCorkle Blvd, Westerville, OH (to be mailed from mail list supplied on disk), boxed –Balance of each publication issue to Metro Parks, c/o OPRA building, 1069 W. Main St., Westerville, OH (To be boxed and labeled, 300 copies per box. Inside delivery, no dock unload, lift-gate required.) Parkscope Printing for 2015 10 Artwork will be submitted in the following formats: InDesign CS6 (Macintosh) with JPG, TIFF, AI and PSD files. Fonts will be provided. Art supplied Tuesday February 3, 2015 Tuesday May 5, 2015 Tuesday August 4, 2015 Tuesday November 3, 2015 Proofs required Iris and color laser page proofs are required. No charges for minor text changes on proofs. Indicate what charge there would be to replace an image at the proof stage. Delivery (all delivery charges are included in the cost, no extras) 1) to Columbus Dispatch at latest by noon on: Friday February 13, 2015 Friday May 15, 2015 Friday August 14, 2015 Friday November 13, 2015 2) to Westerville Post Office no later than noon on: Friday February 13, 2015 Friday May 15, 2015 Friday August 14, 2015 Friday November 13, 2015 3) to Metro Parks no later than noon on: Friday February 13, 2015 Friday May 15, 2015 Friday August 14, 2015 Friday November 13, 2015 Parkscope Printing for 2015 11
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